The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 01, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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MONDAY 2 ——to-* f-—; Close Om me Balance of Girdles on Barn! —.SIU * $3 00. #4. $5. $0 and $7.00 Ones Your Pick for $1 and $2. LEWIS J. SCHAUL, /HwHuiii. Svgfen- W PiANa The K«rtll Plano * i n u U-4*. Is Guaranteed For Unlimited Time Come in and talk with us about it. Trmt Mu»*r»u Ttm* Eur First Class Tuning and Repair Work. Ttiomes & Barfoi, W U BARHKTT. Imp—. W Bm*d»a». ■*®*. Uva ’ axMulliV >Hnw g»«* ■ »• **»« *»- fpfnvlt) n Mtn grant w#At land t»»th Awry*.-- Tbe irnu»»r» w.»»il. wUi. i It probably Ibr OM to wiucfc Jrun refer, it an indoor laatvt ud on ouroont ui htilti last the us* of tla wiuia d»*» Lot nalin u*r. la to «h» unit fl*W* Tho srotar- female puurtuvws Dio gvs.u itt snout «a«i insert* as « - gs. from wliwbu tufchsd a while, ffe*u>. lan lea*. larva, viurb (»•«!» and develop* th* hall TW ad all evewvll# al'" |M* miu Use grata aad devour Ik* aeelv interior aad probebiv do aa mu. h dan*’3* a* Ik* larva. Th# Aagooatoi* grata mr»tu la an drebtedly oa* a t th* Bloat injnrion* In re* t* that wr bar* la this stole infect lag th* graiot. It do** not confine U a*lf to the grata stored la oribaand bun, bat alto ■ atandtng grata la tha Sold*. The first wbito, but aoou r*d eggs. aro deposited bet wean tbs row* of grain of tba ears of oura either kingly or la eluatura of about two down, both In tba field and In tba granary. From then* egg* are hatched, in four or five LADIES’ TIES SOMETHING NEW J. HILLEB VALKEG THE HATTER. Kzisr ozx: hats day*, niiuute caterpillars which burrow into the kernel* and devour the starch' mterior. In about three week* thi raterpillar reache* maturity, enters tin chrysalis stage, and iu a sow day.-* < merges a* a winged moth, tho fomaloa of which proceed to eggs for au other brood.' There are five or six broods during one season, und they hibernate In the grain aa caterpillar*. A cheap and effective remedy for in roots injurious to stored gvain ia fumi gating with bisulphide of carbon. The bins should be made as nearly airtight as possible by tbe use of boards aud heavy blankets; then tbe liquid should be poured into several small dishes dig tributed over the grain, using from 1 to 1)4 pounds for every 100 bushels of grain. Tbe liquid cvaporstos very rup idly, and the gas being heavier than the air deice mis and permeates the whole mess of corn, killing all insect life with v'hieU it comes in contact. Tho bin should be kopt closed for six hours or more, and then tho covering removed aud the doors and ventilators opened. Bisulphide of carbon is poisonous aud highly inflammable aud fire in any shape should not be brought near it. It, how ever. does not injure the edible or germi nating principles of the grain unless used in great excess. Hoping that this is th* information desired, X remain, W. M. Scorr, Entouiplog^t. SUNOU IT CIMP OYER Uff» X mkm lf«i Tim lr—r4a» ••Am mat •** iAH»>» at • Tma*? Ha-mm. ('•*» ftp* «m# iv 9mm at mm* jamaraat ttm m-‘**a*. p*R aw* *t*M*d at) 4*r MR ra—talir w* R *iw MA • «•» . «—• M tv df.R—R. M*a» R» *h*4R MN MAM IM— MMM Ml Ml M <«MM ft faMM MMm Ml* 4—d MU *IMm R—w MR aad aM Ml—l >M Mi*,! • <MM # *A»UMWR TV ml «*4 MM »»4 —OR Rl tV' MR* Wad Ml »V*» MM TV MR >«**«d lb* .«MM| *•»—« *• lit tfctk IV —♦—» •* H»RRM ‘ «wd a*d#*. «M tv mrmmi <*a w*» I— , !MHi4M| •!<• IM|MI MR* ■»*»• .«m ffea H*»*u —• » MAftaS ma— a | *,|* -nm mk r nil. 4 ik* lit li »m m •4 M «*A. If »kl> Vfcwd k>«M *M Ik* i4*r at <k* rNM Tfc* aaafta w*m mm» tmmmtm tv •» »k* —*. who Ha pa>* RkA —h *• V I. wrm Rail MR tfc— IMS M «U Mlikarr A* mm— < Ma-k mi pt RAM* • MM at <«4Na R la*** «—* at *’*»*k* I mat amt a•— attm at Mml m a— idiai •fcertraftr —day HMI*» aa M> • aft** rapfar aaotVr boal* mil »« otn *M ik# flaa —• I—* m«4 This •** a *—• • tapl* **m ai’Utr a* M aaa A—day aad an drma parad* nr* p«* ihr.mak wtk Or IV Kakkalfc. PoL—l WHbr.w my —ndaai ml IV ramp Idiot— Th« IHr raid. IV — a am allow rd lo r— * t tan lalrr aad l*r#r drlffci am had Hm •rl— tV •nomißA tfc* mtnp rhaalaln «Mn> by tfc* way M Hr* Hi* hard V. Carmll of CVmaW*. rrndwrir *#r*lom. Vr*t~rtt«y Hr* White of AORO.ta aa •laird lit* thaalaU la the aMrraooo tfc* rrowt» rata* oat. TV rtMHn aI ramp lift on war>; da»« la a* frl'mr ft • a -tint nail; ft Ift- Assembly; ft-4ft- Mess rail; ft.3b -Mirk rail; ft lb—Drill; T:4b Recall; 9:43—Guard mors* aad a- momrnta *i<>« d offt-vr* school; ft JO rviltw rail; lfftbßrall: II :ob—4kr(east's rail; II 00 m ft!***. II:SO p «*.—Field officer*' court; I 00 Fatigue. 4*o0 —Recall; «; IB—Drill; I:ft0 —Recall; 1:30- ftl> as; . •:Ift—Drill; • '• • :4ft Recall; 7:00 Drees parade; llrftb--Tattoo. 10:00-Taps. From tbe above it nan hr seen that there 1* not much time for loafing la; ramp. Rathe Every Day." A very Impunam thing in the healtb fulneea of the camp and which Is not down on the written prog* am, Is tbe marrblug of the men by companies to a pond near by and the bath (hat fol lows The men enjoy this Immensely and feel thai It Is no hardship to do so. There are now 945 men In ramp and out of i dai large number only four are sick, and they only slightly. The or der at the post is also good, only four or five soldiers at present being in the guard housa An inspwiion of the ramp ia made by Surgeon Dysail of tho hospital corps every day. although he Is not re quired to do so but three lime* a week. From a sanitary standpoint the doctor Is exceedingly well pleased with tho ramp site. Dr. A. M. Fuqim, eon of Dr. Fuqua, the camp aurgeon. has arrived. He ih one of the hospital rlerks. A number of the officers’ wives wera at camp headquarters yesterday. Lieut. Cartledge, our well known police officer, was a visitor at Colonel Withrow's tent yesterday afternoon. The hospital department has been much enlarged. Five tents now grace the site. One of tho soldiers was undergoing a tooth pulling operation at the ramp on yesterday. Tho Washington company has a tame crow as a mascot. Col. Withrow created a bit of fun for the visitors at camp yesterday. He attempted to take awuy a gun from a private Just to see ts the fellow could retain hts weapon, and fell on the ground with the private on top. The crowd roared. An enterprising personage has erec ted n tent and will soon conduct a restaurant for the officers at rump. Dr. Fuqua, the grnla! chief surgeon of th* camp, always gives one a warm welcome at the hospital headquarters. Tbe hospital Is In the extreme south east corner of the camp. Nobody but soldiers arc allowed to patronize the canteen. The men are beginning io talk about pay day at catqp now, ; , , RiCHIiAHDS 1 CAMPAIGN. * I* f It •* npn t f IhlbmAm »t »*•»* t»m MM* •«—d a* t-RMNMt «**|| t* a#» a» k* Tk* H* **4 1 <mmrn » C, «• I - * *"•»I Ml rn •a— • a— k**A4 , «*. IM w Ms *—«• PV • •«•<*>» A* ©*••*— Tk* mwA at ik* —f —«a ia«R« , *‘*- * M ika ai«*w • «•» a——*• 19 A*a»«* f **4 AM* ka** ***** tw k* *k* M. Tk* » BaarMS »iv IM m| mm* «k» <*w*»4 ka»* IV '4«M r» §«*" AM* IV * 'M ** l m ik* O4 J <* »*«*kali ••1 •» I r t-a ry v— at «*? ->ir*i —»♦ r rat.** Im • lujMM* r ‘ »' vv». J tt H—IMMI • *#• • M » »*n* It Min ianhk A i^aaaMt.*tf,4 r Ri— l>*Ml MfHlkM'kVnl RH>*M v» pm «»4 u r r» *—** Int* i 4 r*u* tk r»*«k «>—k 'MI A*|»'i«M W «*r 4 JSr. W, W r **** w W *<*<« A*a. • liWmV. rm w S' Kafetar. *|>tf Titfi f latt • 'kias4 ayi *ap*«* »• M** * pfl •*.*»»4 ta •a* >r ik* *i* *»4 la u*Aar •«• !»><<** H a *<*•«—i mrmril* k**N a«*R <• • *• •<** » Tna la *»* ■ **>.-**»l Cb* ai**t n—a Tfc* **■ ft ir i* W flai*k«4 a* Ana— it la IV a..— kill* iki* •«» «• 9 oa l V m—mm* **U V ♦ nui» RiN tk* •»*,* M#H*a'i*f> u 4 i r4*f* «w tk* s **•#*» kav« R»fM4» br.-a Maul hr Jn4a* Oa** lto**4 at C*atr<4. TV Pat* Vaf * at Coal mil arlll aw*! •cßßprro* at tv *iai* 4;*a’k*iry CViram Ha*’-l4*o m Rli*a4r ir u>wr ll* will RMkr • report ai tk * o—ura aad alll also h»v* mtm *u4***iii>a« i« ott't ik* board lit ], (ait| dg* kM add rat his fur ] alt tit* busters* to th* do id* I 't Ftirni-, |*»r* r- tapaav of Kpe tauburg. K: ■ Iftfg* aad hand*»a»* tla* of gaols Will SCM b* la stor!. Mr. G. W Mead-1 !<ws will h* Ih* rffi vat manage*. Sift Cracksmen Friday night failed Stales Deputy Sheriff K Bn oh* ffligh brought :brr p.ittd safe crock*** t j town *n rout ' for Orecmvllie, whet* they w.ll b* Ifted tbla we k in thv fnlted Stales nurt | Th* prisoners sew Jo* Josta atlas C. ] Br«x ha. sr.. Cha*. Jones, alias C j tire ok*. Jr., and llenry Johnson, alias St Clair Sever*! mn h* sine* they j lobbed th* p Mioffleo at Will Mon j Harnwtll county. They stayed la that county, resting easy until raptured wb*n they wrr* lodg**l In tbe Harnwallj jalL Tbny were slick enough to make tkrtr escape, but were again captured [near Chattanooga and thla time put in th* Charleston Jail, where they remain-• ed until Ftlday. They are a *llck set r and K l* very probable that It will g<> bard with them. Sunday at Camp Lee The usual Sunday ufu'lntxm service* were held lu the pavilion yesterday al ter noon, a large congregation being present aud enjoying the sermon very, much. Tbe chaplain, Rie. Mr. Mtn-i I i ay, preached on* of hi* usual guodi lermun* Among those present wa* Co. Q., belter known a* the prisoners’ squad. The health at the camp 1* better now than ever before, there being no boy* seriously sick and only a few sick st all. The guard bouse, however, ha* quite a sufficiency of oreupanta. There are four or five boys who are so un fortunate a* to lie In solitary confine ment. each having a lent to himself about fifty feet from any others. These fellows look pretty lonely. Lt. Rotseßffur, who has been recruit ing men for the First battalion, has about got enough lo bring It up to the maximum number, uud will very prob ably soon be called In. Saturday night Adjutant Gonzales re-’ celved a telegram from Col. Thompsqn, now in Washington, asking for the names of instruments to the number of twenty-four needed in the band Fv ery one will be pleased to know that REFUGEES FROM SANTIAGO, Tk*4e starewg rnffogeeh from Santiago Vfcre fJcetched by » New York Herald artist. TBB .A. 170 TIBI .a. HEBAILXS Pw— p«- ti ttmmmUt *v *•* A* >*■*—v > *w« *>m * #«-***• jyjerfijwr.ratß ' M MM* RRM UA ** **♦*> —** (PA *A« ~ «wt* a ta • V p»*hri W Mw* *— at | •Am a— v * at **• «§•*»■ **4 k* MSp Ikfct—P amt *Vk *■—**»4 » ! tv* •<» tfcMWai a* !• a Vat Apt* -*—* *«> WM k* - * It •** —'l V k*i a*a*» p it— rw » a* • iV —a —M «V p* I*W MM a i V tkMPa m*rmt trm tv— RM«Mt MV** V V 4 MM V MMM («w AVk IP tVkppr r A— Ik mmm >«#*«— AP* P—4 iV *A»aM— *' am V«— i# IVloAiMa TV | m || (|t4| | (My f|** —« P* Ik r li* m Oil TVippm • <«••• a p*r— Ok 0. a A **• T V* Mm* r—.- Aaaik*** at T— —w Ha— *>.ji •*«•— IV i*«m •4 tR4Mt pat—l’s *l A. A. om* k«* ha 4 fct* sm* ■* Cm akoat IAMB inn amt a*>« prkw* v-MW UMk M* a ..I «M«* UM> aMR i*aittUfca MV iVMM vyta ip «taPfMj . ttm X I WafcMMMM* *a4 But* ♦-*% X.iaar4 at* p*p«,R« a b* 4af* Ikll W fIPMIW V t A i I— tpar., mm at Iftpa 4%'—at vkatat r—a —• u *<*■ t>a« Mt lo—RI at" a W* am • faar* a»«4 In am tt’Omt tarn Map Aaw>ra** K liaaaata*. I* A A m taiww kaa fc**a a«*.«*'4 »* a*rn*« at Aaa< a*« M* will k* oa Otaarai* » rat Mr I i NtTitßt *pat r—*r4ar a* AalaAa, N C MAOiiwcuff sew ttorei. I hat ta Pfcat tfc* «»•* oa lb* I tl.Ral ■ rtek Lot v IM V Wa*hl«Atu«. Oa Au*u*i I. Oa Wtdatadar IV coairari tar bolldlaa ike am* ir— oa Um riuptrtek lot. a .fdtadiA all* or tk* am aid* at Ik# pafcll*- *Aoar*. waa tat li> Mr t. A. KiarPr. of Atlaaia. Tk* aawtaai U •itkla a t*>» dollar* of •Itr.a irn<m* m*t. f«hi*l> are quite tM**. and they rail, fcr ffrel-claaa material, aad tbe very Ikewt work la crept detail. | Tbe front will he highly ornamental. [ twill of ferfek. with in* odtosEMP I drill b« ortef Md tmy «Ib4o«i estrrid hog Alt tk# w*y up tl>r thrm uteri** I Tt**re will b* beautiful (k on. Tfc • intrrlor of o®c* and vta rva trill ! be aa attroethr a* any modem hotel ia thtat part of th# country The dining room will be as beeatlfnl aa the aria of j laser day building can amk* it Tbe I celling will be seventeen feet bight end . imari** of highly ornamental figured Heel. Large end requisite mantel* will | be placed In each rod of the room. There will b* an elevator running up to the third floor; stab* throughout | tit* building, and A ctrlc light* aud |apeak ng tubes. In abort, all of th* ' I appoint menu of this hotel will he up Ito date and aa rlegant ns will be found |ift >he beet hotels of this country I This hr■!.'! will b» highly spprerlated by the people of Washington and (he 1 traveling public. 1 WOHAN WEIGHED 6*5 POUNDS Martha Bean, Aged 80, Dies of Heart Disease as St. Louis. St. Is>ui«, Mo , Aug I.—Martha Benn, colored, aged 80, *nd weighing 85 pounds, dropped dead this morning at her home on North Tenth street, while preparing earn for the noonday meal. She wa» seated on a chair In the kitch en at the time when suddenly she dropped the pan -holding the corn, pitched forward on the floor, and wns rieud. The coroner was notified, nud decided that heart disease, aggravated by the Intense hent, was the cause of fteath. A special coffin has been order ed for the Interment. Uncle Sam’s Navy, Port folio No. 9, just received at Herald Office. EUUERBE | IS BACK. WtAtto! lit aHi hf»ak It ÜBM tv IMP— a** top.*** WM Ap-ai V TV' Hmd .. i—* A r tm % - «v—; a mm —p—l «tv *•« At***B»» .*W t>«M tV*R .V AMR **• *mm M—PR **a k*ti P* arm V I hi* ••** —a Util Mkpf —9 a*l kk I— A* •*— V* M ****k j•< «t*M»a Apikai t* tV ppM* at Apw* ■ ankoij —« Tk— *>"4 pep* am *mh aik— at «V #*—. •V MMHPMMI ‘Ph V V VA tv ■rfcaam V IV tdaa** MR B» IV p—N M m ■ *tM *4 kla *>*kk#4akl» *Vf , «#*9 fctvi* RPR* km *» apt ßk Ml ib— Vib- lb— IV PW>« [ *!A ka»* aa park tl— V V * *—» Mkftd p aat* !• aar <Vt V •>» ad 4 a —MV- *f tn*«N W fcP at»«fc49 I»RP - ~1. ... b aamdaim ffpiaaf. * v amMMhiaa v—a laMlaptaai ’ ia«r am all <WiiaW M V at* Ik r— in— —a VR4 —*ll IW Vt AM* TV ta*R au*' v •» k' * V IB a Ba«k*4** k aataV* 4V# 4V»* p—w• ikr—k twuupbft Aa»at da* sad Pm4a? aa iVt* —9 V— :TV a*ti »| *| • II v fcaM at Mat*- i*fT9 Ml Mokdat IV Mk aad IV 1 taut urn M Catwabta oa IV SMk ik ■ ML H* ttm » Rmaß Btm. «tN*i. p« M MW* RRM* R Ifckßß «4 ' Ik* aa*< » «Sr:»R—k. tV tat* raara ; sag d—4 amoral tart Mam. Bat jaidar 9*t*r mr—k« had a V •Hb V W ft r*rtama tV *•*.*•! . p mlaa »V ka* Vaa Ik rfcarp at - B—rdai* tatlnuary '* H* !«>k*d aa [tat aa m*r aad awaal ram* ihaa praard Iktl k* *t» hark tau> rl*lUaa ilna apia Hr bad a lovl? tl— vt ii vt tb#a Urn **prs*km V aaianl nuplf rn»w kita f»*r tV ha*dafc>p V •aiamd la all tkrm koVmd til rtmarf-t** .a— tort imated at (b> mVaarf.j and oa* at tfc>' Wr*r B imb*r I Vr* N*r» ioalr Mto d*atA V»!d#a ik— tk*** ' -mm a boat ft*# kundrad raara la ika .It?, ik d*alh rat# of tfc— Vi*A a boat aa Ira aa ikear nf IV loftmaarr. |>v •na tfc* ptilw* <4 tfc a diamar V atatc Vwnltal for tV latait* quar j aana*d acamr H. b* W ralaed tfc# quaraailaa. Foot Ball learn. ! A movemeni I* on foot «o organ it* a I good football team from among th* {young men of Columbia If tbla la so le, mphthwf. aad there la no reason why ’it should cot be we shall bav* tba pleasure of eeeiag wun* eery fin* (asm** neat winter A tew nigbts alar* | several of our oust popular young men J—beaded by Meatrs F H Haskell and 1 John M Cantey met and organised the Palmetto Athletic rlub. This elnbj 'expects to have the finest loam that j , ever kicked the "pig skin " ft will be j nude up entirely of Columbia boys. | Mr. Haskell, who is a veteran foot hail j • player, having don* admirable work aa ’right guard on the Soulh Carolina col- j jlege team last year, will have charge of ithe Palmetto boys, and It da aafr to i say ho will put them in fin* trim. 1 (This team will play all tb* colleges tn ’South Carolina and for that matter any , (others who can take ■ defeat good na turedly. SECOND REOIMENT. Further Modification of Rules to be Asked -dor* Offers. i Columbia, ft. C.. August I.—Colonel June*. Lieutenant Colonsl ThomD#on. (captain Fuller. Senator M< Laurln and .the Governor’* private secretary will go !to Washington Interview the war de jpartment In regard to the raising of Ithe secend regiment. Governor Ellerbe and Colonel Jones recognise that a standstill In getting up th- command has been reached and an effort will be made to obtain a let-up in the rules. Governor HRerb* received two offers from other states to supply a regiment. Harry S. Schiller, at Goshen, lud,, said he would be glad tu furnish a company, battalion or the entire regiment. Byron N Hubbard, of Sarramento, Cal., would furnish a regiment or part there of wanted. [CUT THIS OUT , **"l" »■ WfM# your Ativßrtihßmerit on lh» Wans. bpc«o«o amount nctawdry to pty so t *• many wibot l»on« •• you w»n«. *nd mHhttr mti» or _4* vnu n to TMI MIFALD. ••l A DVIiRT ISKMIiNT COtPOV TO TUB AI'MSTA NI4IALO PifNAM tnsAHi Itiß aiivart MmAnl wrlltßn Oailow for which you will find tmefosod • corns -■— —■■■——. SIGN HERB Irn I ~ g>t| - • -rlt* Hat** "jtirr •<"- ms t&nt isrsua l «ar V* tkaa l» —ta. ; ONE-GENT i WORD bITUATION VV ANT LD WAATRO-A 'pMint»B At A • tin. ■* m*fc K»f******* tamtaVd Ap4y —r Wa;k#» aad Omt*r. Aval WAttnctr -a roaitiom am cook o*i norm (land r*f**mr*a. Appy ka** M l—, m Walk— A*C d W A WTKt►— A P4UTIOK AA MtmJOk at pur IWrwRMt faraNtwd Ap Pf |MR Wall at—K. W*4Ra«, Cfca*. H VIA Aa« I WUNTBO-A fkinoN AR HOI'RK fcrrpr oy aa* Ip for a prteat* tarall*. V rar* Tv Herald Au« 1 FOR SALE CACAM —CI!HAM AT H dACKROM AT. VBRT r>HF.Af>- riRTOIJI OCNR muatral limtiumema tratrbm almnat a!*«n away at Cart* Ua't. * rnu «A! K Clini' A TAltt nr younf hnraa* Will work doubt* or aln*l* C H Howard. Jr., ft Howard * W»l*t Dru* Co. Juno » ts POIt SALE—A LOT Or (HBCOND hand dour*. *a*b. bilnda and wooodro i mluiona Alao a larg* lot <4 roofln* alat*. In food condition Apply to ia mb Ph inlay. Vp 1 TO RENT POB KENT —THAT LA RGB AND DK- I SUIABLE store No. <44 Broad street. Coder Maeunlc hall. Apply to W. C. \ Jonee. 748 Broad street. Sept 1 'FOR RENT THE LARGE HAND-, BOMB dwelling No M: Broad #tr**t, j with yard running tlwotigh to Bill* street Apply to Juie* Godin. Sept 1 FOR RENT—FROM OCT. I. IM*. THE dwelling No. ill Bill* »tr**t. Apply to Jacob Phlnisy. Sept 1 FOR RENT—7-ROOII PWELLING HOVHK 1287 Greene, with modern Improvement*. Rent reasonable. Apply 1254 Elite. SepH TO RENT FROM OCT. 1-A DESIRA BLE brick reeldenc* of nin* rooms. Stables and garden. Also other houeee to rent. Apply 344 Greene *treet ; Augl TO RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS- Flrst and second flooor St 947 Greene street. Neatly furnished. AU conven iences. Aug 1 TO RENT—THAT NEW DESIRABLE residence. No. 318 Broad street, from October 1. Leonard PWnlzy. Aug S Mon wed eat 2wk* FOR RENT-7-ROOM HOUSE ON Center street for sl3 per month Pos session Immediately. P. O. Box J 35. Aug 1 TO RENT— DWELLING OF 7 ROOMS with ail water conveniences. Posses sion at once. Kent low. Apply 427 Fifth street. D. Graham. Sept 1 MISCELLANEOUS BUMMER COURSE OSBORNE'B BU SINESS COLLEGE—FuII commercial course reduced from SSO to $35. Short hand end typewriting $45. Boys and girls from 15 years and up taken. June 17 ts WANTED-TWO OFFICE DESKS. Address P. O. Box 604. Aug 1 Her Cl $500,000 7 Per Ct FOREIGN CAPITALISTS WILL LOAN HALF A MILLION DOLLARS on realty in. Augusta, Ga. Terms 7 per cent. For further information see their attorney at law, P. J. Sullivan, Es., or Mr. P. G. Burum. Uncle Sam’s Navy, Port folio No. 9, just received at Herald Office. AUGUST I WMUIy lixertlwr. [ A A p*M—. MNP'oand Y aAMaat M«—kaatetart. VS * A adaptwl for [B rl ladl*f a.-d rbVnro tnrt \ fC\ at ib. mmb. ib. <an aa K. JV \ I ■ ni.b’y up by Um /nUSV MrvMnt alb—i. | i" 1 ]M\ r»MR II 1 T t j tv. auto, ti m. I I nk ir BfrTrl.K* - iXItV?. I ’ll 1 UM". *#> or Vlb- / 11 AM up; urns. I 11— trum I J An. pa ua tali and :b*m l.*ar> on* guar* 111 JJJ Richards & Shaver ANNUAL MOUNTAIN EXCURSION FROM AUGUSTA, OA , ' VEONDEStY. AUGUST lOTH. IS9S —VIA— Charleston & Western Carolina Railway Company Round trip llekets will be sold to ] points nam*d at tbe following low (rates; Anderson. 8 C. It M Asheville, N. C ,18 00 Glenn fiprlngs, H. C. .. ..84 30 Greenville, 8 C, •• •• ..$4.04 Flat Hock. N. C SS.4O Hendersonville, N. C $3.30 Hot Springs. N. C s7.2ft Leßolr. N. C. $4 7S Saluda. N. C $8 30 Shelby, N. C $8 30 Spartanburg. H. C. •• ....$4.00 Tryon, N. C *ft.4ft Waterloo (for Harris Spring* Waynesvllle, N. C. .. .. ~s7 2$ ftValhalla. 8. C W 50 Tickets good for return passage on sny train until August Slst, 189*. Fast schedules, affording a delightful ride through the beautiful mountain scenery of Western North Carolina Train leaves union depot at 9:15 a. m. For any other Information write or call upon T M EMERSON. T. M. K M. NORTH. Sol Pas Agt. W, J. CRAIG, G. P- A-. *ll Broadway, Augusta, Ga. Telephones, Bell 1254; Strowger 449. — ■ ' - The Paper JhatJs Best For the Reader is Certainly Best For the Advertiser. \ ,jr - - the s BEST BUYERS- N Are the Wage-Earners - the Working People of a Com munity s : : ; s s s i 'THAT’S ONE REASON WHY THE WAGE-EARNERS BUY THE HERALD. • IT’S THE BEST.” ' 2 . ...