The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 01, 1898, Image 3

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MONDAY Georgia Railroad Bank AUGUSTA. OSOUCMA C0»M«*€»0 SUMMIiS MKSnMK I*. " MMCIWS - Ef?sr sir eSsf ( %•#«•> # TiMwipi t m P**«» fillim MM! n* »•« in»» <*aumma «#•!> DySf It Altaic Ma Mm Hut IM»w4* »• Sweats-a nn4 lli«Mko«> lit «»)• ilf j j R*t*n*r. hxttar aaawa as 1 WbO«h' Kail#? «•» •* »B# W*o» Btonwn •Ml MM rtttortP* «f P«wA‘» Ml ill • pn%* ’H mm* #. j p 41H taDl At Die Mm. wwm» CtowruaAS noneo* and t*lM DIM AIIMH. M 4 ll» itlWßil i»« (kr***** Mtinim grs»» M ii f It* nwwtivy. This m .«» •Mi b* * M M • *»•!•« vßsxbiw* MAW •M wr*l] rWAWIs-d llw» Mi 111 M •44* Ho to *•*!**(»* IWHaM HtoM mm* H to tonr»4 ikM hto MU to wl| • gaistlriß M MM". Mr Rnitoy to* t.wn wIMto How • canaa toiM ai «Hwv law Halt, whirl. Ant* tmllH I* Ito #«tgi rcitapa# M bto ph; sba! snd wwntnt Ifftrn Hto ptorti fcmrtSM *»•» ass csmmsml I ttf on if ■# t’Tti ashU awit y m.i WMiaiw Mr Itottrr m town in Fnjwtt* ww lIP. Atotaun* tßf rtoH ag»> »M *!■• go. I* • nn*t •*•* l# Albania «*M Mr«n4 • pMHftMi aa W»’lto •A*** for th* T t Lcwto m*k#f tnrtnry Hr tru’nrl «rill| this Atw a lowg •!•' j Ha wrnt la MnrM I* la ito , a rat of OTtoKf A BaU*y ito Rul. O'Oaaor * Ball*#. About tra »*nra ago b* rnaaard hlnuwtf la bu*ln*« mltto K M a®** * Op.. wkotoaaV?; liquor #*nt*f*. Attoata. but artrrad hi* nnnrctlun aim tb* Arm about fix* yrar« sgn ad at .it Into lb* wbiaky hnstn<M frr blaiMrlf. •stabliahipg tbr Arm of Bailey A Carroll, on Psnrhtr.wj aiim Hr at* awrrlnJ warty la life i lo Mlm Count K Rib*. a »«•>## of oaa ot tbr aioat ptomlntot families la A tabs ms Mr Ballry la unlraraaHy known and llkad throughout thr state f>>r bit many sterling qualm**. Mr. Batlry hat warm (YtoixU la AoguMo BITCKI.KS-S AH VIC A SALT*. Tba bait Aalra la Iba world for Cm,. Brut***, Soraa. Ulcer*. Salt Kbourn. Knar Soraa. Tattar. Chapped Hand*. Cbilblalaa. Corn*, and at! Skin Kraatloaa. and porltlraljr Mima Pi to* or ao pay r*qr'-~l It to guarsnised to g.ra gwrlart aatl«#ac«loa or taoooy ro funded Prlca M eaou pnr box Por aato by tba Howard A Willett Drug Cb. AnPLTATED. Palalul Avcidenl That tlarpencd to an Excuraioniat. A ynurt* man aboaa name could not l» toarned and who cam* up her* on the Oamra! railroad ex urslon yester day happened to a nvoat painful acci dent while enruute from Savannah. He had tha mlnformin' to have the wtndo v us the roar h In w hich he wan; fall on hla hand, masllfnK two of hla ! nnaer* ao badly that the doctor who j attended him at Mlllen found amputa tion nee*RH»ry. The young man stood the pain with great fortitude and came on to Augusta. He spent the day here and left for home laat night. OASTOniA. Issi tin Kind You Haro »:«<$ floujtit Klnetoscope. Klnetoscope views will he shown at | Laikeview park tonight. The usual \ quick schedules will be operated on the laikeview line. The views always at tract the crowds and there Is no more pleasant way of spending an evening than at l.a|tevlew enjoying the breezes. So better summer medicine made than Durban's Sarsaparilla. It is sold st Alexander drug store. SHOULD YOU WANT any article in our line come see what we are doing. Prices will be made to suit you. SHOW CASES AND COUNTERS FOR SALE. Wm. Schweigert&Co. JEWELERS. sip oi not ins. h RtrftN *Mrl Um Aurota ll* MIAN* Agvtti llllk«*4. Cbkwa*« 11*4 »toa aMM Ummm -rm Hfouab i* L gtl ’TMaHMto at n»"» I* AAtofteM m twi * If in ruaiaiMH aa aaaUMtoa Ls tba KaUaMl Nhl «4 PYf* t'BAef . arttata. ia aktob cwAtliMira aarb a i | .piiadid ilstiaa to *ad» fa laat tba ya«t of ri—MH""! If ibW Hua to«t's itotparirttoai. p«'•**<• MMM eal>ag Aaare* II Tba large at auttjk 'Stosa to* Area gtvaa •aa ia nnr«bn la that my ymyettf • !*nb iMM.gyA mm «• Art Tba *• [ui um ib*e*«A baa «**»» HM*»- al*a fra evtat eg tba Araa ware cnaAaw* to iba i»ui*«toa*» ia abieb tbty or* st hA B’lcbna. Kaa* baa bad bat ItiTAI ft prubWly la*«dve4 ia Aiwa. Tba M- 1 aataarr loaa tbaaaca was atrmag- ia j •ay m m Tba loaa par <app* aw 1 ,R Key 'Vast Ha,, bad bat laartwa rifrata dor t.g lb# year Tba pvt rap!- IA loNP V M **l C 'biaa«<* bad IJKI ■ ala rata N- w Yorb bad 1 1*1 IHg Imaaraatr lueaas. I Cblrago's taauraaca kaa to sot givaa The argvst gitea tt.#uraa»e loaa to. ! v*v Yorb BLaid.lM (!.*• per rapliai., S' i,wilt haditastraßc' loaa of K. 35%- j TM fl U par cap! *>. I'.ilUdidybla bad C.UT.bM (per catdta of I.U I Tba stoalbM par aaplia loaa la 11.’ ! si auburn V. Y -tba bast rtterd Tb« largert par raftlta loaa la IP lb at Kaox • j villa. Tana. As airaady stated. Augwe 'ia * par capita loss to J 7, Taaoiy-lwo I <dttca of aheat 1«* to porting bare a brttar record Augvata baa a batter rrcord than about UO clttoa. Augus ts rant's about IS la lib, Kcmarkahlr Show lag. Tbte la remarkable. eoaspl ring cqulpmcat and Add. Augusta bad lit alums. Atlanta toil AJclumbus t». Ms > eoa !(M. Hnri nnah IPS. Charleston 7* . Chariaaiou made a splendid record. ! Property worth 11.27t.M7 waa on fire' f*be total loss thereon waa A21.2«7 The insuraarr tb. reoa waa*; ibe to tal Insurance loaa was Ilk." 14. Tb* I ”<t capita loss was 11. Chicago bns Ibt largest Are area. | IK7.U square miles. Chelsea. Mass . j has the smallest. 2‘v squsrc miles; At- : lunta to 12. Augusta 5.03. Columbus S. Macon 4, and Savannah *. Charleston Is 5.3«. Chicago had 5 326 Urea. New York 1 tu,d 4.046. Charleston had but one dels? alarm A rtt' Jy of the figure* la very Inter- j eating and to a Just Angnstan very p' rataf. If on» can t. ejre pleasure In rreing a home institution ranking highly. Annual Mountain Excursion. The annual mountain excursion of the Charleston and Western Carolina rail way will he run this year »« August ! 10th, and tickets will lx- good until Au- , gust 31st. This excursion Is locl.ed forward to with grant pleasure by a large number of travelers, as It gives them an oppor tunity to take a vacation at a very small cost. The limit on tickets for this trio has been extended until Au- ; gust 31st., thereby giving a three-weeks stay at a very small cost. See their special ad. In The Herald. NEW DYNASTY PROCLAIMED. Chinese Leader's Reasons for Rebell ing—1,000 Insurgents Slain. | London. August I.—' The Hong Kong ooirespondent of The Times says; | "Ll-Lap-Yan. tho loader of the rehet ! ilnn In tho province of Kwanesl. has proclaimed a now dynasty, styled Mast Progress. His proclamation states that because a great and cure dynasty ts weak, because the Mandarins arc op pressive and because foreigners are taking Chinese territory, he has rebell ed, and that heaven has signified Its approval hy causing several cities to fall Into his hands.” According to a telegram from Wti i hon. the city of Wun-gun has been [captured and a thousand rebels have been slain. The rebellion is Kwang-esl province is almost quelled.” The Hong Kong correspondent of the Dally Mall says the viceroy of Canton has announced to the Tsung-li-Tamen the complete suppression of the rebel lion In three districts. He has also an nounced that four other cities have been re-occupied by the Imperial troops , and that an influential rebel chief has been arrested. fIARIE TEHPEST MARRIES. Actress Privately Wedded to Wealthy English Backer of Plays. London, August I.—Miss Marie Tem pest, the actress and light opera singer, was privately married yesterday to Mr. Cosmo Stuart. Mr. Stuart is wealthy and has figur ed as an actor and financial backer of plays, hts latest venture being "Lord and Lady Algy” at the Comedy thea tre, which Is also being hacked by Miss Fannie Ward, an American. :MIR (II H ll Hi. T. f tt*«r)Y fos**« •• «N V« !«ti Jnhal M» las An* B*»*#4Mrt» t* aim *•• V-41 ftoaaa «>waffla»« ae* ArtMAA wb **p «A IN w*a*4*»i»t l»ia , *« | rt mi fca* YefAs Mr Ifb ms* T H*»'i at A—as •»• I ,g} adnar la# Halim Am «ba M I aw*a toamaal • ’*4* A Pay** «d aaa t* f ysiiiawa Ha atojsgra aah asgsetpiiaA tor I tb* yaraatoMw <a*w » *• a»*r-*p ntts aad Ms anitn •*» »••»»» tot da* 1 TlfH N# 18 *<■>#! Mti »> • (Nil* «rt hi tNiNitMYNf fMfvt Ita tifii. A Ham f **• tatHaa mt* Iba iba 1 Pan fast Mali#* 14*. ward toa« mads a j pAuamaraai aaewamu a«*4 to Ui Itoi* tttm, Aaa Iwssa baa daaa a*U sad is s ataf atom H* tows bad tba Hasty* •*•*• Ataamay to** ito# tmumtt aad to* Ipx< !» Hsasa B>** to** ttoat pay-* j Buabap o Aaats warn aP lha bawl ! >aaipp» 4 aswapap** m*w tbai *♦*» j | aval <MM of Aitsats to* arts bto aay ta M*w Task psarwal'sm baa w«*w tba jv-witie* *4 tmt lattoapaadsart far lb* Ttawa Mr T K Hm<a baa tonml * sb**4 rwp'dly «a 4b* Tin -a aad la •r-w la Wwdn wains aawtailwg K U ltoaa*it. aba baa nytiwaM tba pa {•* a* lb* capital tow umay yaata Nemsea Crawford raaa* bsrw abwwt ’ito#* l •• a*b* apt aad weal to* work fw* iba Tiibsb , Hr to rtnaa In Iba Ms grayb *dM«* aad tout a good pnsilloa at . drab a orb I Tba tataal edditusa In N«« Yorb | jiMaraaHsia from Aflaaia to J«*s Hitt wba baa bswa atorblag tot* iba Times ibr*w warba aad ta Aoiag a*lL Aaotbrr Oeorgtaa aha baa mad* bia j way be*# to Tom Haary. of Augusta I | H.s to city vd lnr for llartom m iba J wrraal aad enjoys coasiderable repa- < halloa. The ISwnrglaa who baa parksps been a success her* loager than aay other Is Vletor SmlCt. of lb" Prcsa I have not r.vjr Him. bet a** bis free lanes column. H# earn* bar* about sixteen ! year* ago aad for years waa oae of tb* alar men on lbs Trlboa* H* or upisa a unique pnaitlon oa tb* Prewa and doubt l*aa r*e*lvea a An* salary. He to CB* of tb* few men la N*w York who are allowed lo write what they please and draw pay for It. Robert Adamson and Alfred Novell are on the Brooklyn Eagle A position on tba Eagir to the softest snap In Sea York Journalism. The mm work from asm to 4. p. m . and arc well paid. J Th* Eagle oflea la palatial, probably ■b* finer* afternorn newspaper office In America. It Is a clean, wholesome paper, edltod by Bt. Clair MrKelwsy, | a high-toned gentleman, and thrre ta | mere courtesy In this place than in all tb* other newspaper olfirea put togeth ir. Adamson and Kewß have waxeik i fat with such environment* and look rontanted and bappf. Mlllrdge Iviekhart. of Augusta, la in New York to follow the newspaper ■ buslnrsa.' COMPETENT OBSERVER TALKS He Advises the Powers to I et Halted States Alone In Dealing with Spain. Ikindnn. August t.- The Vienna cor respondent of The Times gives the 1 views of a ‘‘Com octant observer," chiefly emphaslng the "Advisability of Europe preserving the strictest peu- j trallty and allowing Ametlcs to settle | her differences with Spain unhindered, tiy foreign Intervention ” The "Competent Observer" says: "In : ! thls case the traditional peace loving elements of the t'nlted States will pie | vail, and the present war, with Its de sire for territorial eyanslon. will re main » mere episode, not affecting the future policy of the United States. "Any European meddling or ill-ad vised attempt to deprive them of the ( fruits of victory would be likely to ( arouse the spirit of defiance and to , throw the high spirit-d American peo- j pie into the arms of the jingoes. Tn that event, the United States, possess ing all material resources, tyiuld be- | come a great military and naval power, able ai any moment to offer an alllnnc- | !to th - highest hldder. disturbing the balance of power In Europe, , the peace of the world. In short, on I l this question hangs the decision wheth er America Is to acquire colonies or only coaling stations.” Mohrman’s corner for rent or lease. Store 30x 100. Apply to J. H. Mohr man. CENTRAL HAULS PEACHES. More Than 1,500 Carloads are Handled Already. Amcrlcus, Ha.. August I.—Wednes day the Central tailroad han dled its fifteenth hundred carload of Georgia peaches. The fruit Is still going forward at the rate of forty to fifty ears a day, and there ts reason to look for the total crop running over 2,000 cars. This greatly exceeds the most sanguine expectations of the rail road officials, who, afte ra careful study of the situation with the growers, orig inally reached the conclusion that they would be called on to handle about 1,500 ears. The excess Is merely an other Indication of the phenomenal yield of this season. OASTOniA. Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought T£i» AUaUIiTA li*KALD. ! ooMinm a woiuKi Ha*m : w«- •* At a mala BtoymaWM to a likiwf total *w wagwMawA awa parts *4 w 4 aw leaf aa stoa 4a#w. #w4 to waif 4«t»aa as to to* tow# a# warn «*a. p«*ffwto m aama .imaAtai Mi itoaaa ftm|w*w*Mr tmato • wswwaa toawaa ; * AAywtoaaa • atom »bu <a* a** aw j gsegsw* a amMwal * ■rX »**•.;awawm w *a j ** ** *» ■»**!.»- j '■ W&BKp. ai*k»i a*4 aba •—*wa Wiw* Hum* toaiSs* la aawiMiag Man Tkab- : bam ma toaAtoMM **#4 W A»H. ib* : ggneg m bsM torn woman aw 4 to wtaMty j iwutAtowlkat Maw l%aklmm * arttowwa j to t«yaa. Mwa . to* «#**»akto wxwß*a h** ml*tow attlsnl ■»•*>* H«* Mtoaat* ba«*w W4g* wf mams an Ifimbli a BBihi~ b** toil** nf a4«tow a xswltoywlag <”» l«rt» aw 4 k*» w «A* * ***** aasw »a 4 toll! plsl tba way to* health. 1 •• | M.Atof*4 w*lh ssrartaa i*wwh4a tot {»»*• yawtw. a**4ww4«riwy kw*w what waa lh* maim* wuh m* I had afwtto , which wwald law* f«* las 4ay* «* mas* \ I fbawgM t wtwskl try Lydia t hale betas Wgvtahs l.aspouad I bar* taken aevs-a toalltoa wf It, aad am aw -1 tltwiy awfwd*- Mwa J«a» r«a*a»aa. »• i J*. M«*dhs«rry A**.. Balt woww M 4 Tha aha** totiwrfraw* Mtw rwaam to swly <m* wf tbsusards PtMI.IPPINE V6OCTABLE OHMS Raws boo Opals and Cncowam Pearls Ar* to Hr I owwd 1 her* I Arn»A| <»flm Nity ill til# I’hi‘i-i in* * try vcsHaN# M|f TKt X*m t»fl Him TNm utr n*»l nuny it I In* i*i tfc I*. Tln» itnmtwMt \m r»ni»ii (Mirmalif On* ntiihi mt • junftl * nf Hi* gtaoi him in 4 ftn4 It ÜBrIItHNI NiiltAWßfuiw flue iinr# In • 1 timn a »rrl4mt t«rtir«* to light til ihf hootho BtfifVl • fi'tH no- I *iir« ho* Rn»ldf«l a « tittl# nf th#* flint> mattortal * hlrh makra th* < ut**r *!•*»« no hard Th oodlittii uioaliir t DNMnta (hr i» |M*in»iM»* g»f an «*!*•’. Mtd PtvAral v* * tm n« arr ta thr anu lArymai which hcpratlvrf thr rharai(«r* | loth Hnrff of that grm Thm lunlul a ar#» known mm totaiim, It t» iitrrr*t* Inn to not* that thr firm • hrtnlral ami | mlnrataloftfcal eiamtiiathm of them win ma(tr Hy th** Jam** B»nltha«*H |wh«MN> myniflivnr* f*Htal»ll«hi *1 thr flrwt <*f thr wrlrnttflr b«t«*au« of tb»’ Amrf* Iran jfovrfnniMitt. In the rcAfidtttuo ID nhlih thr fruit ta known In th#* t’nit#*#! Htutr* ih milk In »h#* (tMTianol U iTiiiAliJcrHl ttw only ro#* li-nlv. Thr* rmlly rl|n* nut, howrvrr. ta ! tlilrd with at whltr p|M>mry maim, ri« h la [thr ftnrwt oil whi# t h thr nut producr*. |Thta H|u>na • ta miihumnil to ih b< ( nun [for two t»r Hurt d»yw in « woudrn tr*>u*h until ttHN’rushiy pultMd. Tf.r (l«At of thr oil ta thrn rxtiartrd hy f th** *oft N|M»hg»‘ in thr himlit. Knrrty thta rarrfu! hiindithi hna *lrvrl oprd thr f*rrfM*ncr of wniftff wphrrrw which havr murh of thr luwtrr of th** prart Kinht or trn of ihm** ••*« nnut I .‘irii, nil dtarovrrrd in thr Philip* piitr*. «rr tnniaurrd In K»ir*»pr»n mu- Aeum*. Thry iwDkc fn*m thr nil** of a | pin head to that of a aniail pra. Jf-IM PEACHES IN SI’AI.DINO. Selections Made for Exhibition in th* Georgia Display at Omaha. OHffln, Oa.. Aug I.—While Hpaldtng 'does mil ship ss many iieache* as seme 'few counties of this state, she neverthe less ha» the reputatten of gro - ing ** fine rrutt »* can tie found anywhere, i This 1* proven by the fact -.hat ex ! Governor Northen lias s.-lected our ■county In which to secure fruit to -x --{ in the Georgia tiulldlllg at the -omaha exposition. The fin- display | which this state made at Nushvllle's < big show has lieen sent to Omaha, but llhe exhibit was not as complete as the (committee wished and Mr. Northen will have the deficiency supplied from Hpal dlng county. He wrote to Prof Eugene England some time since, asking him to get up 'several varieties of peaches and plums ! and forvard them to the committee In ■ Atlanta, when they would be sent to ' the exposition. I Mr. Ragland has secured about fif ttecn varieties of peaches arid twelve va rletie* of plums which he will send to i Atlanta tomcrrowi Thi-v are ns fine 1 specimens of perfect fruit ns ran lie I produced anywhere, and will be an ad lvertlaament for our county and a val uable addition to the already fine dis play which G.-orgia has at the Omaha exposition. The shipping of fruit ts about over new, as only a few more ears will go from this point. There have been shln ped up to date one hundred cars of pea ches, which have brought very satisfac tory returns til fruit men. The rains of the past two months have been a blessing to our farmers, and the prospects for large crops weir never more flattering. And the best part of It is that they have diversified their crops and will raise corn, peas and potatoes In sufficient quantities to supply their every want. The wheat crop Ihls year was the lar gest ever harvested in the county,and the yield of several fields would have done credit to the wheat producing lands of the northwest. Lieut. Will Neary. Greenesboro, Ola., August I.—Many of the people of Greene county remember genial Lieutenant Will Neary, a Han cock county t oy, and grandson of the late Curtis Parrott, of Greene county. He was in the fight at Santiago .and was severely wounded, his lower jaw being shattered. It is now reported that he died from the effect of the wound. Lieutenant* Neary graduated with dis tinction at west f'oint, and was fast earning an enviable reputation as a gallant soldier. All who knew him received the new? of his death with feelings of sorrow and regret. mm ix H6i H 66. In fww t»iiA<ao inhhi or iftr iN chh V«l Mast ia*•*aw*lag f*m» WAtw* ll HaAM 4 tmpD nf lha (tat# m# 4Mrrin ft gvwt * I «MN m*m ihr •#» a*#a th# pittrirfilia (HNMIf ■••**#*«• *aid I tm•* Hto lb* Mbs iswr task at taw [ asm ab**<k«aati tossww aa H to that |*i Vtrr A Hsrtmto towto# tnm»*f ■ inswst tat Musa* tA* a*a* to laamk 1* bspA»’» tit Itowmt Aasoam *h< olAw* ad* *s« as wants aaa Uafhswa 4 Mntbatta. ITS H*wa4. gtwawyw , and rvwamtmisa aw*»h*w«s Hw*»ws#i tb j | (to B-hsslswato and tWWI htd*w n*4 gsw<* N>wtoh’»*a tit wad l#A Bswa#. t.ha Awtth# A <to alwtws aw* rra* -w l tai B»w< Haw M runt A Ito. wwa j muastow a*w< howls L B Ikas ka t*» ! .ms* and suwwiwAsa i t* V Mfsibs* j A (to. #7l Htwwd aw*4kaa aad •»*»*#! :. wmashwtoa; 1, K<dw A (to. IN Hr«» 4 ’ ary awah*. wtama. Mqww** rtnrtm. (wofrhea gtwrswtow I I* A Mwrydlv A (to. ll* Bsna* Ary pxnAs. I* C. Bat*s«y * Ana. rartMaum hsxrtssw Va H Ta»« whrtt'Wal* draa» AM Broad Hn»* I ty | (tohnra* epHriaa. 3M Bsaad: lasers T Osntoa t sssiiAuaaa an# rowwksrtna awbluai V R mttrtf torlaiosh said Rayasdds John Y. Tar art maalsaina a iftoti. 14 M f lar*e«h mtaa*. ClarA# A ftorry, gyarrya. TTT Broad K P t<nWellll gm>rrrlra. lit Itowad Jarrt* II llarto A A<w. land , agaat* larbaoa strsw* amt Ih- fllah* bo**l WI. Parr. ksrSsa «41 ttay* [etr. Broad saarrt aswr tower autrksa IMtrs Adsrrttord ! It aaa agauaai lha "Mliltß*' B*t Aar iwv to ad*«rase thirty-Are years ago 1 . This ttkan ia Ih* tHiwtvty IhWB A. |* Huai. M n Huaaifaikk Phyai jriaa aad Jltmaadat. No tkt Key wolds, m 4 other advarttarmrals at.* O. H. j Meyer. (Tgara. 144 Broad. K H Rog ers gun* tor . 343 Brood. J. C. A f. K«i*ad attorn*-*• at tan. orrr |mat )•*«. Mrs D OYVanar Broad street, wtltiarry; Atcblaacm A fih-r tt. sue Itoarrra, 141 Broad; Isaac T Heard A 1 08.. as rehouse aad eomwtoalaa w*r chants, rorarr Rryaolda aad Mclntosh: Jssse Osmond, near Angtuua factory. | builder; Itoy. Russell A Benjamin. M& Broad. auClcmecrs and coww aslra mrn bants, tiro. T. Jarkaoa A Co.. 344 - Broad, gcivral, rommlaaioa. Joseph E j Marshal. 240 Brood, insurance; Jones A Sorrell, general rommlalann wer i bants. ll# Broad. John J. Uoben. stock broker and commission mer chant. 43 Hioad: Kb'r.nan Jraop A Co., j inatbcr g>«>da, 22S Broad; O. N. Wy man A Co , carriages. Bmn«f» str -t; , Davidson A Co., tie Broad, geaernl j more. Augusta I’lrtcry, William E Jackson, president; O H. Moses, va rl»4y store. 36# Broad; Fred Vim Kemp druggb*t and cbemlat: J Sibley A Suns, rommlnaion. etc.. No *.War jrea block; J. B Ouien A Hon Mrlatoh str* >t. rommlsaiOD. N C M<• 1 .*«n at torney; W C. Jones. 23* Broad, dry goods; Geo Walton waa then keeping the Augusta hotel barber shop m he la now. R. II May w»* mayor Member* »f i council, John Fo«t*r. William V. K-r, C. F. l-'Wla, George Blythe. I). H. Den mi >«. John Pblnlay. Jr.. M. J. Jrne*. W. A. Ram*r.y. J. U. Platt, J*rry Reeb. M. E. Swt-ney., John l). Smith. L. T. Biome •»»* clerk of e->imc;ll J< hn A. (’hrUliaii. chief of police; William Keener wa* clerk of Ihe up p, r market. John Monition «aa *uper- Inter,dent of struct* and drain*. John 'W. Walker wa* auperlntendknl cf wa iter work*. T, C. Bridge* wm Jailer. Hon. W. T. Gould waa Judge of the I city court. Hona. Jam*** H. Bishop, j| a me* T. Bothwell, A! * Dca*. B B. i itiifuicll and Janie* T. Hardener were Jrdgea of Ihe Inferior court. Hon. J. S. Hood wa* Judge of the itiperlor court. William Hoyle was sheriff. Da vid L. Both wa* ordinary. Jacob B. I*’.ait, chief cngln.xr of the fire depart ment. Foreman —Hook and ladder— Wililam Byrnes; Washington N. 1, Captain J. M. Keraeb; Klrat I .leu tenant Frank Hneliel; Clinch No. 2, captain. F. M. McCabe; lletilenant, D. H. Den ning; Vigilant No. 3, foreman. J. W. Harton; Ooiflte. No. 4. captivn, H. C. Foster; first lieutenant, J. T. May; Au gusta No. 5, captain, John K-'nneally; lieutenant, John McArdlc; Richmond No. 7, captain. Patrick Sbeatian; first lieutenant, Daniel Honion; Cltlaen No. 5, captain William L, Pbjiios; Georgia, captain. A. F. Keen; flisl nontenant. C. A. Doab; second lieutenant, Geo. Adam; Mechanic, captain, Joseph P. Moore; first lieutenant. Wm. .1. Ruth erford; second lieutenant. William D. Tant. The Postoffice Foster Blodgett, Jr., was postmaster. James Henry was president of St. Vin cent do Paul Society. Patrick Walsh was its recording secretary. John M. Shcron was president of the Eiysian Literary Association. The churches were; The Christian, Rev. .1. S. iyatnar. pastor; St. Pauls, Rev. Mr. Clarke; Atonement, IJov. W. H. Harrison; First Baptist, Rev. Mr. Outbbert: St. Patricks. Rev. Gregory Duggan and J. F. Kirby; St. Johns, Rev. Geo. Kramer; AHbury. Rev. M. Cox; Presbyterian, Rev. Dr. Wilson. Of Masonic orders there were Webb lodge, Augusta R. A.. Adoruran Coun cil, Georgia Commandery, Social lodge. The fire wardens were J. B. Stough ton, Aaron Ccok, J. B. Platt, John D. Smith. Joseph D. Kavanaugh was sec retary of the fire department and An ton Iverson treasurer. Interesting Excerpts. Mrs. R. C. Zimmerman, confection- TAN BOW SLIPPERS Rt;t*hl:t» Mmn $2.00 TO $1.24 Wa hAvA 100 many M##l And Nurirttf M##il Trh Bow SKppwr* for La dims, And will cloar lh* lot for • 1 .24. Tlwy Arc All fin* Clncln nAtl Slipdurt and rtgular prlc« Ia 92.00. Sm our window. Mulherin’s, 846 Broad St. •ry at 134 Arm* Wm R Yowng was bookkeeper fa* R M !*»**• • <to The St honey* Wee# Joseph 4 ttoTT. Jaartto Uanabl. J C A C Aaswd. N (I. »■ lama. Frank H Miller. Henry W HM row. L. I*. Irtlto*rt*4» Haraea A i‘u» mlag Kwrgeoa dealtoia wees RO HMiaad. W R Apeara. C. M Mf«Aht j O Fattetaam. A T. Wgaow and t*r tebe. The B< wapapef* new the Con stHuimaalM lh* Chroalrto and »h* Traaarrtpt i. W Frrbma aad G J. ttotd* ***** the phetographeen The pkrslriaas and aurgeoaa wrea: A. F lluat Wlßllam H tnmghiy. William petiigrrw. H U Byrd. WlHtam Orb hart M A Clsehtoy. J**aeph A E*r Sterling K K** * » Himmons U*»ia |l F< rd. rv Kaussurr Ford. Edward 4 K»* Mayor Walsh was n-ws editor of iba CooatltwtUmallat Judge John | Vaughan was a clerk ai the G<c,rgia road W H Turner was manager of Iba iwlegrapb offle Th* aynagagua waa at lh* comer of Gr**n and Jackson Not Too Late to Buy a SUMHER’S SUITj Half the season is yet to come, and besides you will find many warm days in the Fall when a Summer's Suit would not be uncomfortable. There is one great advantage in buying a suit now ; you can get a very fine Suit for lit tle money compared to what its value would bring at the beginning of the season. Reason teaches economy. You save money by buying your clothing from us. I. C. Levy’s Son & Co.. TAILOR-FIT CLOTHIERS. AUGUSTA. * GEORGU. MUD Why Drink Such Stuff When You Can Get HARRIS LITHIA WATER SO CHEAP 5 GALLONS ONLY SI.OO Try Harris Lithia Ale and Carbonated Water. * Harris Lithia Water will, if taken regular for any reason able time, cure any case of Dyspepsia. 816 Broad St., Shewmakes R. X* FOX, Agent for Augusta, gpecial Price* to ail Dealers. READ HERALD’S Wll AUGUST I streets The dlrwiary -. ntaiawA t art name* H**a rhaiia* Rataa araa gs tha Arm of Rales A nark*, groeaea. 27A ileusd iloa M. Y. Caltia peeparaA lb* dmr ory •<JI 5T I.IKE HfKISEVBLT.** Ills VwKr hwtiow lo lha Wound*# Mowgh Ridwra. New Yorb. August I - Ito ueande# ll .mil Mlders a«« 1 e-tag cared hr la twr*a<ks and hospital «a rtovsmar 8 Island have been «tatted by Major Hr— dt«, «-f their feglmewt. H* M** aarß I hem a new nu dollar bank t*o««, by instractloa «*f Uol. R(MW*dL to ray » -t minor espeaaea and such lltlla t usuries ss the men m.y wish to '-»h Ms] Brodle also ms rmed the b.rnea that Col. Itooaevelf Would give mo ra 11, ney to them If It were ne -ded Th. wounded cavalryme.n warn pleaa ed On* -Ah hem said: "Thai’s lust l-hn j col it.% -It. he's continually doing {things for hia men."