The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 01, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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MONDAY 4 DIE IWUSTt HEfULO «*9 ##*• •* *rxi** #•» ES* s ” * to** • *** •#**#••'••* _|| n - *» fti# 4 #•*»*« ’fctii**** *** j <=3§&* It! It MO ft***®*- Bgawnai *»#»**■ **• ■** » ******* m »■ *•* •*• _ OH Wm» I* -1 **** »** W» - M •MMdt toO*"* •*'**•** yH WMJL MW » Mli W*^ l ** *• **'*•* A***"* ** mi 44441 ♦ ***** tm*** l^ ,< **• *’*•**■*** *T%r - “ «•» . im, »-.* ntr »* *** ****** *• |M .*4 ftM *••*•■• •**"' **?.. •*•»* ►*—*» *** f *!**!?f*|, MM» t Hhi at IM ™" WATCH V« * I ABCIA- am* "** •MM MMW r*M* tmMNM •••* * »—T fMM «*«** Hate** I* «***f w » ~>2 ft p,, »i he l*K—«l«w*4 « '•*' IMM. «4 -*•• Herald Prize Letters From American Summer Resorts. . Tt** »•*»>*« 'A** **•* •** ■*•* • nrw of t*tit*# fwr »ha »■*•« touevt wtMt«*a tw# •* * —frt nt «•»»*>- * Kraorl TDm# let ter. am.t •» NM'M •**?' • «J.m 4* plum*. *"d •?’*' ,b * r<a*i*#' M. rtoM th* »h«d» •*- rMw wilt N autunltGd «# • *••** Meat #n4 Imnartlal *»>»**«*»*«- mitt** tec «b* awarding " , p,, «*« The r*#l nan** «f th* wrlift. •• iii •• rhf * wfn niusne, n*#l itcn«i|* | 'y «*t b ** totter Mtii h* tec **ldteal tea. fe* it. nurpo*.. Wt»tlA»’ tt.**. . . . CMHMttnli mu*l rnn«»* tlietr Itlltrt l» * re**o*aM# UMih Contestant* raa writ* •* many letters ** the) wish fwr th# prta*. but <■*# eonteatanl ' win only one of lb* |*rl*** » * . Tt** Herald want* ll**. «*fl#t'l |>. co#«tf>y t*lt*f*. •*> <l prlir* will b* *»i*rit*4 for lh* b**t. nwwt » n<l r*#4#bl* lettar* of 4umm*r R*- •ort N**» Contest Closes Oct. I. yon THK BBRT I.KTTKR »»■•• roR THE SP BKBT I.ETTER ... 15 E >X>R THE U> UEBT LETTER .. Mt THK J^tBRALD IS DELIVERED IN SPARTA. GA„ Every Afternoon at io Cents a Week. Drop a Postal to Frank Neal, Agent, Sparta, Oa. Tbr Spanish bird of peace has a purer odor for a dove. " The Savannah brand of Jamaica gin ger seems to be loaded. ”*A majoilty of the cablnei is In favor tof holding the Philippines. Sam Jones defines a populist as a Ormocrat with a devil in him. The harvest moon is preparing to do Come of its tnosi beautiful work. "ll is" appalling to think of nearly 1.000 Amerioan troops sick In Cuba. Watterson Is in favor of "the wider • lew” when It conips to expansion. The veterans are still telling the Lome folks about the joys of the re union. “Klondike” is the name of the up-to date drama on the boards in Edin burgh. The Macon Knitting company has furnished 90,000 pairs of stockings for the army. General Shatter was formerly boss of a section gang on an Illinois railroad, in 1556. He still bosses a considerable “gang” and a section comprising the tb'hole earn end of Cuba. f fM MMM# #f <MM—»* »a»4M# —» • «M* »#>'■» WMM (Ml 4b*4 •> Hmka m imimmi i# •bdfcw. ; M* #•#■*#§ M Kb* (M»4**>..»*« • »**4> ■4 «*»*»•* MM iMtl# •«»* M***4 #•## T«4MM |M* M# **MM*I Ha AM f&m n%jf MNI iMMIiM ; *4m<* In Ms mm w*m# | fc«nwn#ti« inn t%a> Bmit' i9s ms mmmm fIWMINi •* ' num m§ iwi mm im 1 mm tmm m m «mt mm •gi* mtmt mm* imni • r (AHMUNin j mm 9 iftniirrj m »wn»tff * ' | iiml Ip iPi (pnMxHI tlPniipn Imp ' ml MMV ImVWiP Pt P'lM #B)4 » » **** *•-' 1 ’ ilp Imp* p* impPp #kn9 WMAi I imn tp mp 4 «k# tpi nil fcmip ' •** hph m wpp» •• mms 1 tMk4 §mn9 pp ipipn# u- Sm 4 *4 |mnP4 if* mmm - Imp ¥%*• tiimitT p pp piMt m *p <nwp^iMp♦' mnisp **■* *p t fffNPffl J** vpNNP *w® w. * mm* f MWUtIM I f Mr Ml pflwWM *•*» w '* y— —- Imp imMPpNrt t PPP Hi wp * I tIMM •%» iMlt# PP !• fPPI P 4 • tiM upp ••• ftipn *■* j DMAs#’ M MWMMIM ”«•» 4o fn* hire j w m« Mh*f# 4* M «MR** m»4 N*#. TM* if** 1 *** PBgMfcl*# lb* fMr* «4 IM* «M.nfc Mrrs< nW #*M «* gM.t*** *m# kh< .* iwiinlf M*# lgnb*(#4l fIBM ■ tyf Mflifwwrtrt»4 I • tow of A#mi* m 4 UAarty mAAA mpppmi in n p«M An 4 ®n*n tP i m*** n«p’»»ipri >4# inlMMn fnpn t.».. . «b*ip# n i«m pi Acn< nf lupP. In ! • Afrevgb I**4. lA*> |4M l#» *fc* Imtmm* i tyf •4, in qf tlPir k)(>f iKMiiiia^i far lA* «***■> <(mmm 4«*wm wAIrA *»• tA* try torrrMM *m4 fA* *»U#ya vhMrr ■ M atwep m 4 vmIII* fM* —*tt #» t#«t tb*y «HA*r i**t mm 4. nalM* r* I »lo*ed im i Air low* 4**ll* da Murk t* tA* *•**» of pMtrtoUWf **4 fr**4o*i ob «A* TA* 4**«A of Frlv*** AtAIM M «A* iwiiH of Ao***-*l* k**M. pro* , » *A»* AtoMrlea* to*»Aoo«l I* **4» * if * *A* .#••• M«f. TA# •#•«<***•* of **trtot •m which lesplrc* bln to #»m.p 4ow* npo# lb* f*mt of hi* oowtry la**lrr* bln 4tM. «he« tA* *bo«l and akork of Haul* l# over, wllib t »*» of Aon*— ‘ the found*!ion of *tt high cttl»*M#hlp- - j »-ht. h. la th* l*ol*tlo* of * forelg* I eouatrjr. ##p* hi# rtreagth **d *t tart ■ prove# fatal. Th# whol* neditMl profr#*k>* la die crwlßg th* dlentr* of which Privet* Akin* died Noatalfl*! Hew strange j -and yet bow natural! "Clvla Rcnan ! unit*." Mid tbr subject * of C*ra*r. "An American eltlaeti," Mya ihr aol ' dler of Shafter. He died with the vary | casnice of patriotic s*ntlm#*t In bla heart. I Where'er I roam, whatever clHne* I aee. My htait. untraxel#4. hdldly r»lutHß to the.” THE VEEtCITT OF Flf BEKHAN Whi n David said in liU baste that all mm are llara, be must havo had In mind the followers of thnt gentle pa»* time of which the ever venerable Isaak Walton waa the great hierophant. At any rate, such is th# opinion of Itrv. Dr. Myron W. Reel, of Denver. He rtwonlly marie this statement: "There has only been one man who could tell a true fish story. He was the disciple Petr*, and Peter said: ”We tolled all night and caught nothing.” It is learned upon investigation that the reverend doctor, who once shared Hoosler cltltenshlp with James Whit comb Riley, was a faithful follower of the rod anil line. The odium he caata upon the myriad of fishermen all over this mundane sphere (which, signifi cantly enough, consists chiefly of wa ter), Is all the more galling and In comprehensible. The doctor Is fortunate In choosing Pater as his criterion of veracity, pis catorial or otherwise. In the first place, Peter was fishing for money amt not for the fun there was In it. He sold his fish—lnstead of buying them, after the manner of many a thorough bred sportsman. In tho next place, Peter hasn't a very good record for veracity, in spite of his confession that he “toiled all night and caught, nothing.'' He had hardly given up his vocation in order to fol low the Master, when he fell to fibbing so fast that the crowing cocks turned Palestine into a barnyard. He didn't have faith enough to walk the waters and he didn't have moral courage enough to tell the truth.when the great crisis of his life arrived. He refomed, it Is true, but that was after his fishing days, so the fact that he “toiled all night" and, according to his own confession, "caught nothing, th® JkTTCkvrenA. s&mn^-n 1 puna Im im# *f «M* m** **•*» Am IgMMI 4f ttititiMMVf li mi 4 titiftpw* tiMß**»* tun 4 mm* 41 :Hi HffMf 4 •*f*4i4*** *** <4NpN4 ,ft#« tit uttitiriti mm§ hmk4 wtmM #%■## m mm* tit m mmm mm •**o *****m* rnmmm tiMtiNl ftiti 4wm4l ** mmrn trnmm mm mmmmmm «ti 'in tpti * m**• mm* mm i f tiiiiriir mm* m* tiwtitiNl itititPMp ’ smm mm* m titiM rnrnmm mm* * • iMomnp «t 4 mrnmmm fM mwrnm mm* *»#!#%• 4# iMAdiA *»**& 4t • *•%■» *mrnm*m mim* tti HtH—k m rnmmm **m ttiMMRMNI mmmmmm rnrnm m* ***** mm mm»m m***m um*m* I mm m mm** mm wt l» * mmmmm * *•#«»*? *** 9m tag!* •» •••» • m mmmm fmmmm ******** ******** ***** ■ Trm |n im mn Hf tint »fftf • m%m mm* ********* ***** m** ' #4. Htifni iitiUHyw **** *****s** ** titiftit*4 tmm* m*t o**i*wW MiNitti wi m****mmmm m rnmmmt *m*m*. ** ****€% mm ** mm mm**** Ititi mitil»Hit*4 • ♦«•***• A +mti mm I* tin Tmtumm mi •l Afttititti- u.h *k*f fir. tititi tti ti%4 tt4.ltiti i% itititi^f hm tom* mtmrn*, *tM. *'- k sgtitiftitiltit m* til'ttiti j%O titptir* fir*tit II t*fti titit **•' : »tiprrt<ifti #>tit*. ti'titi **mm •A tttii »iut«w TA* tMadiattm* wIH m d*#h« pru*w a S r**t Al*mi*« to Urn dowth. which w rapidly b*-«»l»* pr***mlMM« la <A* Murk as mVm mMM#l**«*»‘»« The New Koglawd atatM, Ay ctaat** 4owa m**y of tk*tr mill*. Aav# «***« pracii* r*l evMaae* lA*lr I**AIU<F U» ««»* p#ta fartAer witA Ihr »ew aad pruiV* I *- ■ivr Mouth. #>A*r» th* mil a #r.* *pri*«- IM up la tA* ewttoa ••M# *► bor ha* loaf be#* tA* l***r*«# Ay wAtrh New England m*l*lai*»4 Art tt rot g poaltlna I* tAe ißdoatrial wortd ! and now that e*llgAt#n#d public »P'»- ‘ to* tn th* HoulA la eoßirlbutiag Re wattle textile educatlo*. lA* *•»“ «*• New England I# a#al*4. We wish the »*w 4epartm**it of tbe Terbaoioglral achool the abundant auc c«M It deserve* Auguata. #a the lea - Hig cotton centre Im the Routh AtlMa -1 tic etMte*. should take a special Inker cat I* tAla new work. Bbe should eend a large number of young men lo the echoed nnd then rtiulp them for the higher brnnebea of that Induslrial work in which **rtt preeminence la already acknowledged. There I* somethlng wrong some where. Tbouaauda hf buahela of fine p> ache*, which If markced would aell for thotiannd* of dollar*, will rot In Georgia field* this year hecauae rraiea In which to ship them cannot l»e ob tained. And yet our foreats arc full of virgin timber oud our banks over flowing with unemployed capital. The Johnston Monitor denounces the story that Geo. D. Tillman will with draw from tbe race aa untrue "If the story was started for political purpose* It would be a great pity to allow it to a (feet-the vote of the Rdgefleld man." says The Yorkville Enquirer. The World haa fired Sylveater Bco vel. Thi* Is as outrageous as Scowel's twn offense. He was directly a pro duct of The World iyid that paper should have stood by him. The souvenir edition of The St. Paul Dispatch, celebrating the dedication of the new eapitol (built of Georgia mar ble) ia one of the handsomest special numbers ever sent out. Stanhope Sams, the Augusta man who went to Cuba as the eorresp ndont of The New York Times, says that the Cubans emphatically are not capable of self-government. The Gainesville Georgia Cracker will come oill as a daily for one week. There is lots of enterprise in The Cracker office. 4 tJ.*l *.i*i The press of the whole country is united in the opinion that Sampson presents a very sorry spectacle. It has been decided that you can be born, get married or die without hav ing a revenue stamp on the certificate. Sampson's report places him in a very unenviable light. Generosity al ways pays. IM a# Aubm f- %*• ttw**#* #* j • M | Hugo «*ae awe a*m *4t 4 *•** ,■ -* map*M«M *» tAa awtmm #*w* » **«* t **y. tititii ’ **m mm* m******* ; tit 4hti wpr.i'titii tit mm»m*m *mm ***** mm Iti'ttiKNM AtiitiHtil iti ”*• til ttitiMlj • 9**m*mm tit *9* *** **** mi mm**** Ms ftm * m-t- m*m> ti#4* t Imm# #iti* i |k -■-* & « %at % - 4«* ti mm * *“■'* j m ji- mm m*m §- *- *•- &»“ *'«#*«***'••* j I m*m * In* HtiPtiptititi •ip'W'ipt ..pee to* »4*i «•» '»* im»d A** *| f *■ - - ■ - -to - MMM toto'stfl4 m%*f% i *«Mp Iww "■ l H# tiMtifi A in if - * tiv •m*m*^* t “ ft# Wtitti «Mt Otitii iti4 sm*m' tititi tiMtinM % #ti# * %m*m ewh tiltitiif'X'ti# ftiti'tii titi titiMr ititii4ti»ti> j ■ tiffl pm *Mm til (M wirrtiMti^lti prM*' «t ftiti tiMUtiHtil MM—n—iiigri i -—~~~~—j** Tti rti*4i4»ltiM #i j »• tititltitiMl tititi*M»f iptiiti **.. j m * *m MJNtii !• ***** w *ti HtiiMti; j «ti 4 Vtifftl 9* ttf ttivtii titii mm* i *4F*f %4 •tiwti4 x | •ti 4 MUktm stir ttiti ******* W*.p* (tiltil 8 lltttiti#ll **W*W j i ml' *• »tiir ti*4» tis *ti| Mh# (f MMMlhtttg auAeSMM* tto to follow i Thr rtuhon rttigew thWka that T* »j Igeyteoa ia a slid art tat aad ought u he apt#"Ml*4 oil inape* tor ia Marow. The (Auaawleh Call haa had It* nfik ■ torthdav aad hi a* bright aad eparh J flag ** ever. The qaeattoa of afeipbalkltag la * A t «<uith la mow aitrartlM the sneatiaa It j ’ tiftf FW ygorLE TALKED dPOBt j There to a report that Kteg Leopold Inf Retgium toteada to suit' Newport hta h*Mdu#ar*er«. after a short stay ia thieroa. arotuhty daring August. ftsmuel Edgar PraMct# * waiter ta • a lloatoo hotel, ks* by M* >*n un aided effort*, maatared ula* langusgc* 'and that without ever having bnn Mis* Orar* W Hoof, a dsngtsler of ; th* i-otnpoeer. ended her life by the use of chloroform last week on Bailey's Island. In the eaatern end of CMro Hay, Maine. Caroline Croft, formerly Caroline Abl-i ■pH Brewer, of |loat<«. b*s left 1100.- <k» to two prominent phyaltlan* or] tluxt city for Investlgmlona to find j ' sum* way of curing cancer, rtmsump j tton and other dtaeases eiow regarded j as Incur# tile a Mt«s Eva l-eon. who has ree*ntly tieeji honoreil by the French govern ment with the title of “tHH< r d'Aca demle,” make* her home tn New York, but la well known through her teaching tn one of the prominent Phi ladelphia schools. FOINTKD FAHAOEArHS A man love* to eat and a woman eat* to love. Many a man starve* today while feeding on tomorrow * hopes. It'# a poor aetieas whoa* picture# never grace a cigarette package. Al<out half our time ta spent In doing things we should have done before. Civility cost* nothing, but it often gets things that gold cannot buy. It Is easy enough to say bright things: the difficult part la to think us them. . . . Warm weather Wxs a tendency to In- I crease the flouting' population of » aea -1 wide resort. It's a poor consolation to the girl who ! has been stung by a bee to know that 1 bees are partial b> aweet things. The amateur who practices dally on !« cornet tn a thickly populated nelgh i liorhoood l**s ample nerve for any un | dertaking. I Three hundred years ago a man ats 'sent from church on Sinulay was toed a shilling. What a war tv venue that would produce today!-Chicago News. WHY. Why is n good and sensible girl nearly always homely? Why doesn't everybody get married if misery loves company? Why isn't an insurance policy used sometimes to kindle u fire? Why is an unmarried woman but 30 on her 40th birthday? Why is it so difficult for some people to say what they mean? Why isn't alimony the capital prize in the matrimonial lottery? Why Is it so much easier to get into matrimony than It Is to get out of it? Why Isn’t the wit£ the better half when she's always getting the best of the other half? Why does a man usqally have to shuf lleoff this mortal coU before he cuts much of a figure tn history?—Chicago News. PEOPLE'S FORUM I ****** ********** f**m*m * Ati JNtir . I tip. til *ms** *m*4m- **** *** **o* \ U* *m ■ijwMmru ti til tititiMtiti mm* ' 19th* higgmgWM a» ftodfjg •mmkssw | ***■ ll 4m% mm*m *** f m ******* | I -T-%ir|T T m tti* ******** ***** \ jfStif-ttffi' titiitilt *ti» *m* til Iti*ti*#titi *to gi § fEt nn HI jipti till ! I ||*m(toto nr. Itr f |ME mu #*SAm ti# '* j ItiAfMti ti ti# *MP fm*% ttiftti' ***m ****'* I T*»* putit'fl—W titi# tih§4* fti#i iti# if 4hri>#i * tn? *m mm it# ti*m# f *ti I U to pmMtxs* tNUMMWMh ttf tdw# [tititiM. titi4 Hi MWf l&Mti rtiwfiti# pm** j | Til# awtitirf if tilfMaHil •iftiMlti I It# *!#’*¥« i fit! ft #§f Rkßti AS mmmm t#| | I f9m r«Rtßgiit mi 1144. m*mm tti# j UftsOt# >tf TVtas mmm ittitit • nwil 1»n ■ ] Z* isms* j U mM 'Osr iitit*«ft I# ti J |###t*f>«i 4 lidf*##4>B» Mtit## mm mm Ifwllrir I# H#ti## vtll Nifl mt ti## m 4 «H tti# #r«»ft4 T»» ittirvi It# lititit# I# il«# ASttiti 111# ti p—n Afti »<l!nntin t#rrttuft## titi4 ltirf##f # i | tisilllnti# *** I |a tto same addeeee be a*ld “fa tbe j IftftNr Vlt|fi t* to#f Mlldßil ftWrHti j ilk* mtatu* nr*tali*d ultb (Me that' l.,ur system ttf i *fsd*rated etatsa rapid j not operate aumeetoulty treer aa *a |t*adrd territory, and aermu* objection* jltav* bf.-a made at dtorrent time* to |thr enlargement of our o.undarte* ;Three objection* were eurareily urged iwbea are aruulfed hstuitai ** I In bm third annual lareaage. Freu [lM fhdk gave utteraace lo tht* d*- 'The doctrkae of an territory H* tbr drs tupr of no Indemnity, and If InnrllAard would be a public ac knowledgment that our country «aa I wrong aad that thr war dswlarrd by c<.ngrr#* (against Mexliol with eatra- | ordinary unanimity waa unjust and | should hr abandoned-aa admlealoa unfounded In fact and degrading lo thr Lpstlonal rharactse.” I Wti-n John yulaey Adam* was arere ' tary of atatr. under Mr. Monror, he | h>-id that Cuba and Bets Rico should [hr madr part and parcrl of the t’altrd j Sis tea. j It waa a lending drelrr of Mr Polk ft , pun-h**.’ Cutia. During Mr. Plerer’a admlnlatrallon. democratic thought waa lu acquire Cuba by purchase or aria ure. Far in advance of Mr. Secretary Sew ard. Polk and Buchanan each cherished the ilea of obtaining possession of Alaska by purchase. The policy of . territorial expansion would have been promptly carried out j tn a Dumber of the Instarfcea glx-em. but j lor the apprehension on the part of our j northern brethren that In every case j It would mean the extension ol slavery. Spain Is today in exactly the condi tion Mexico was at the cloae of the j Mexican war. The only Indemnity In the power of Mexico to make at that | time waa a ccaaion to the I'nlted j States of a portion of her territory. That la what Spain mult do. We should posses* ourselves of Por to Rico by way of indemnity and fur ther require cession of territory in the Philippines and the Ladrones for coal ing stations. It would be wiser outright to possess 00 isalves of Cuba, but aa we are com mitted to the recognition of the Inde pendence of the Island, we must s.-t tn gootf faith. In any event, the Tutted States should exercise a protectorate over the island, and. later, If the Cuban j government should prove a failure, an- | nex ft. As soon as the war ends and the : magic touch of American hands is felt I throughout Porto Rico and Cuba, there | will be opened In those Islands, won- , drous opportunities to the enterprising ' young men of the T’nlted States for j the accumulation of riches. Respectfully. MARTIN V. CALVIN. Augusta, Ga.. July 30, IS9S. Wants Justice. To the Editor or The Herald- Sir: We respectfully request space in your valuable paper for the purpose of Informing our friends of the fact that ' tbe sixth Georgia regiment band does ; not receive its just dues from The Au- ! gusta Chronicle. This fact we can prove j as follows: 6n July 4th we played for the Jefferson Club and The Chronicle gave credit to the. Sutherland band, and on the 24th of June we played for the Odd Fellows and the Sutherland band received the credit and also on several other occasions the Sutherland A NBVV UNE or Straw Hats tihi##dMl by fnMrt*M«i End muil b# ioW #l j one# VOtttS AT—^ Half price DORR’S “Good T#»te Apparel" 718 BROADWAY. ' ">/’v - m Help For Bird Worker* Ift Lard week ta work ta tbe Ri #R mRf J. ,*ryhndy Ikato a dlai*. >**- Ike to » fk- a kind to g*w» JetoMNb Naium toato a kuj* toy a law ttoewtia* 7 here'• a* MW Npetng atok*w tkaa I-nrhaa aarwapanilw •eeeykady augkl to take M. etoUef iMey :**. that tfcer Beak M nr e<W HaMla *U»> ikrea tar 51. to Baby Food*. th* toto to them ran be had ton us. Me ton ikm (Iwfc from RititiE Ie« CrfEm and led Cream Sod* l>oa*»* W dailftMlul drinks at oar Kouulara Tteka** l* ter Ml oratt—2s tor fl «k Etta Bata, e . ail Taraip SkU. cabkage. Baaa* *ad ah «•«*• far aoalng aow. hand ter cat* logue. Fre*. AleiasderDni&Seed Cl. * we broad nr. AOI.OpTA. GEORGIA. FOB S-AJLiE. The J. I. Scott plßce, three quarters of a mile from the city new water Basins on the Wrightsboro road. This place contains 87 acres of land, several good springs and fine well of water. Dwelling out of repair. Healthful. Price, $2,000. Apply to CLARENCE E. CLARK, Real Estate, 882 Broad Streat band was puffed at our expense. After repeated requests to The Chronicle to rorrect these mistakes we have only to say our requests have been entlie ly Ignored. Friends, i.o show the the utter In sists nee of The Chronicle —and for why jwe don't know—on the occasion of the 'funeral of Mr. Jesse Carpenter, h mem ber of our band, and a prominent cit izen of the factory district of Augusta —no mention was made of the funeral, and It xvas one of the most impressive I that occurred in Augusta for some •time. Why was this? Was It because ,be was a member of our band or maylte I lrecause he was a member of the Amer ican Protective Association. We want but our rights and intend to maintain them—let the cost be what It may. Wake up .old lady (Chronicle), and shake off this lethargy, or progressive Augusta will leave you in the soup, or in other words. The Chronicle will wake up and ask “Where we are at?” We ha -e olways been kind to The 'chronicle, but this is too much for us to bear. All we want is Justice. This we will have and we want The Chroni cle to understand it. R. J. RUSSELL. President Sixth Regiment Band. Police court statistics show that Cornwall is the best behaved county in England. _ _■ _ AVOWAT I 'BLANDS IRON PILLS THt om AT TONIC l»#ttdßy rmc**mm#to«f#Nl fto m.iow tomplgiiafi fin# ! i»flA» ptofd* Wit imofOv« ; ih# *iH>#liig an# dtipdfl I ilfhAfUt ton# ton# to tbo Itontir# *yal«m lhay tofto csWtoft f>y toft |.i y a t ana tow to ##vt#r#t tonic. Wi en ukan ntO IN ' tlpmach tPtoam ntltc p*o» *!-.*« fatfoin rto>tx.n«tto to ! form of Iron wh» h i* mo# todhtotty totoßtmiitolo# by tbo •ywtmm ton# M tbo t#«t tonic for unomtc or polo p#uftle or thowm Who wuf ifor from tcrofubMi *f* faction* or tony diMMW of thto btoo# •• tt •uOfMtgm to it thtot tokpmtont which tho mkmmim* conomon* in#i» cat# tto wtonttn#. tOO PUN 100 ck»#M tor OOctohtt. L. I. Gardell*. Druggist. Tbe Aagnsta Herald jfldl, Briittfji jtt fl* Bill Rtnpiir Piklnkd it .4. TkßSeciitL SENT TEMCOS U*Jt NKWnI THE NSW A OP THE WORLD WHILE IT IS NEWS. It TO l« lit H RS AHEAD OP OTHER GEORGIA AND Nil lit CAROLINA . paper*. % ________ of o-l TOIL HILL CONVINCE TOtf PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 209 7th St.. Asfcosts. Oa. 6:"ES TIKE EYE TESTS Aw all defect* a Ugh- grind, th* pro I>. r «1...«« ual W AH- 1 UNT* «!».«* Imh. cm into yowr frrr»» while yarn wait J FREE OF CHARGE. ] SPAIN IS DEFEATED. Again have the boys who wear the blur whipped the Spaniard* ami plant* ed the Star* and Stripe* on f<-.*l.<n noil, and again ha* K. tl. Merttna de feated high ptirea. Look at thl*' lie. Necktie* 10c. 75c. and $1 Shirt 50r. Suspender* 25f. 00 Trouser* 55 00 A full line of twllulold collars and cuffs lust received. s'. tl. Mertlna, 024 i Hroadway. Paine, IVJurphy & Co. (OMMIfBION MERCHANTS. 803 lolds St^Teleptionei^.ir 2 mate Lessen tMrea Caret to Few York Chicago and New OrUans. Orders executed over our wine* for Cotton. Stocks, Bonds. Grain and Pro. vision* for ro*h of on margin*. Local securities bought and sold. Reference* — National Exchange Bank of AuguftA or Mercantile Agenclaa. MONEY TO LOU In any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight ! 3 and 5 years time, or on 1 10 years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower ! except usual attorney | and record fees. No delay | in getting the money. Aleiander&JobDSon A genls Scottish Mortgage Company, 705 Broad St