The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 02, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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rur«DAV 4 THE AUGUSTA HERALD •I 9* mm 54 »m • »*••»•■ * I ** *** <z.f?Zr ■OK 1 HCBAI n rwowft*. •HHM* «M * •»*■•*•* W hm- CRSm»- #• •**-*** »•• «*•* . —. laMl BfeWto rm P int M«am» ft| jtrTß*- A* •*■•* **•••* ** 4 *» IMh-* «N#o» --a M feM » • **»»* MW* I* »*.«* *» **» • •**•* ** 4 < y ySSTL..*- At Mm CtoetofeW* l> rr*r>.i«Mr“ *l* MM «*fe*4 ~ t *% itor- *• m*» **•'•* ■* p»« **4 r>rm *«mm im* ft*** fe«4 T%* • JTm*M *» WMIMI Mm * m ‘ •kcciai wnci: am —»m>*"** •* ******* pS|*fe<* •» •»**•*• y»aM A ««»*»■ _ f tw few fetoeafeMfefefe* 17 ItoW*** «* ****«*»*«• WMrfe Ife# MM* *• *•** MM «< »*** HHE' _____ Herald Prize Letters From American Summer Resorts. . Th* MmM tbta r#*f •'« •**» • »»n-g *1 (»**•• ,h * **’« )«lt«(a hvM •* A**#fk *•■ ffewnwr H«**rl Tfe*** t*« (*r* MM b* M*M«M a <M* 4* ►••«•» » b 4 ,M * r '*• r<sM#*t la. rtn**d tfe* ***** •*' rM* wW fe* submitl-d to • «*"»- Mini and laipartt* r.rtnoitl- NO 11** t- t •«•* *w*rdlag " f arMM Tfe* r**l ** m * of "** •KM a* ••*« •• *fe* *“* *• ■Mm*. MM) U‘ ii»(*»* «**" lanar **nt la lur publieaiio*. fur th# purpose of i4#t»llfl->a- IMI. CMMMnII mu»t roudae their |*«l*r* in a m*n»W* leugth I'Mlwltnlt **a »rll* •« imh* k«(lrr» •* (fe** wish * ur ,h * but OO* pniilfi«U*l «** win *aly *•* of <*• *»*■*•. ... Tfe* Herald w«*t» ll**. sferlgkt iji, goa.ipy mi« m l ' l ,h * prises will fe* awarded fur IH* M meat l»l«»IIM »"il readable l*«l*r» of feummer B*- aori Nawa. Contest Closes Oct. I. rot? thk b»t letter *» « Ton THE ID BUST LETTER ... I»-M JTOR THE II) BEST LETTER-... • Martin Tfeorn la ■« loa**r m the Stab. Jim Tillman'* rrglmn't apprart to lie the p*i of thr brtgailr. R.»r. J. A. Bll*h, on* of lh* Carolina VampalfeUferti .1* • Hgblloß paraon. Tb*re w«r* ntarly fifty ranflldalra for th# Popnliat nomination* In B«rev *n couuty. sj I. • , ’ It U hoped that all the Cuban bonJe feve not as poorly aerured as thoe» of friendship. Hobson I* probably In Atlanta today. What a pity we couldn't have hltn com* Jiere. Gladatooe. Bismarck find Spanish pride, all In the dust. Tbl* baa been ua epocbal year. gpala would probably Ilk? to have Motion float a bond issue for her when U'» all over. It Is hoped that the new law ns to admitting men to the bar will stop the ■ spawn of pettifoggers. David B. Hill looks for a Democratic victory in New York state.. Would he J pot like to bo the victor? The Chicago papers are very conoid- | mate. They wait until the war is over and then run up the price. The Rome Tribune says that lllauco is like a dream In wet weather—ho must be taken by contraries. The prohibition Isle In Anderson county, S. C., intend to make things lively wben the election comes around. The New Orleans Tlmee-Democrat discourses on “the feminine right to be ugly.” They more probably regard it as n wrong. , __ IMfSIMi , *4| iN#h# M 44 lit # &&W*m | t+te** b# 9i 4b"* *i * |§ Mi i*#* Irk*# tfliNf IP 4## tntit Hh# it Pimm PhmmP MM# Mp |mi 9#mM M Mr ### i M|f% rs#** fMI Mi (M# ••'Mil | f|# Mft«MNMR M *#i «•*«# (M MrM# «M«t M N • *## lits IMW 4M'f# |,irw fit i « t#MMt iMbiißM 1 * *’’* ' )Tr .. otm 4 t§ mum nmp «t Hw § » - m iiii ei ft | f i f+m+i | fMM PMM *• Flliil »■>—M : jar •• p r-Ttn- (fe* ilmbmllm as Wit ! it»m •** prwMiMfes. In* m m»u 1 hi* wfeefe mapaiM tfe baa **fe**feN>fe< , JU „r p* «uwa *»*<»< • ***** | p Tr Tf| . (Hr wfen «mM fe**p MM rwfea fe tfe tM T* **aiaa pfer!laM*fe* fefed |-fen- •* tfe* feTM* ifeMMM* t** 4 felfel fef RtfeMfer- fe fefed f *M ffefel dfef I fetn *M tfe ft** fe** fef tfe* P*tfe*T **A tfe* p®fe*» at fefelltuf rmfe* IHa feurl «hm fei tfe** tfe* Ife—alaa h*fe f%*M tfeM dsfepfet** Maw* aalt'Mi trnr* m *rn lk*fe IMpafei fefe Ptaw a fefed AfeMttfe. fefefeld fefelf fe* •*»• , n*4 Ur Mfefed a»4 trfefe * TM pfeea** few* etfefed tfe hM* fefetit today M» MH tM rtfeaaiT fefetßfeM*fet M Id •Ut towreafe’*"* *b* •'*** **d «• <b» *»**- >*• f rit fef Sfedoatfe f*rr*4 Afeairtfe feu , .*l4 Afeftrta w»* *a*l«ut*4 fr*»fe» 'b* f»4*r*»U»fe *fed ProMife baraaa* »** ! pr*M». BiMMurb trafe *aa*fetlM»y • dipiaMa ! nat.' Win b* Misbt ba*e uwfeilith' ft wlthfefet tfefe MMPMt.O4 ••'**4 of Vofe Halil* ton»t WMfelfe • fed"* °f M j aiaiion Wbat b* a«*»Mph*bfd felib H, lit b I part of bUMorp H* «« tbfe (MtM 4l*l»Mfet *tfet* eieb* < i:*«. *" ft mm Id IWT that R'amareb aaw the | a*Pofe*ltf «f eofeeillailfef Napotaofe 111 1 of rraar* If b* feMt'd *••*»• hlMfe*if to rrtnh Afetrli H* fto«»>*«d lb* Ptearb riaprror ralttable «>bc*mlob* I on lb* Bb no • fetch werr aeeepled tfe «ood faith. •I«b a pledg* of amttral iy Aeeordtfeg to III* pro* r a mm* Btamarrk defeated Austria and then turned to ward* r.aare. Wbea lb* third Napo l«Mt ashed War (bone valuabt* eoncaa ; a’oaa ua the Rhine. Bismarck laid him. n inhaianee, lo ronw and tabu them Hr had per pm ad for th* e**nt by na kina ih* RruMlan king commander of the allied armloa of Bararla. Wurtem j burp and Baden. The power of Ihe I'ruatlan army waa aupreme. Tb* North Herman Confederation, of 2* ' states, followed, with Blamatt k aa for ntpa mtniattr of the preat alllanc*. The Kraneo-Oermaa war followwi Napo leon want for the promlaed territory on the Rhine, but found only defeat The | Krt nrh kin* wa* l*hen prlaoner ai Se dan. with idfety thooaanil of hi* troops: Paela fell and Bismarck had the aatla (petion of erring King William crowned I emperor of Gcjtnany In th* royal thtone room at Varsnilles. where were ! gathered nil the aaaoclallon* linked ' with French royally. Trance waa com pelled lo pay «n enormoua war indem nity and to code Alamo and Lorraine to Germuny The Franco-Prussian war laid all Europe al the feet of Bismarck. He was now Ita central flgute and dic tator. and the Fatherland cherished him next lo the old empetor. Sine* then, until his forced retirement, which the English press called “flinging tb* pilot overboard." ho kept erniany to the front. Impartial history wilt place upon Bis marck the stigma of treachery, though exercised under the guise of diploma cy. But the power of the old chancel lor will remain undisputed. lie will be remembered as the. genius who gave united Germany to the world and made possible the assuroaey of the War Lord who now plays fantastic tricks before high heaven and Manila. Gladstone has gone. The great English states man. who went to bis gftive but a few weeks ago. carried no such blemish upon his name. But both Gladstone and Bismarck were chief actors in the history of the century which is now closing. Two of the mighty minds of modern times have gone out forever. When shall we look upon their like again? STATE HOKIICOLTUBAL SOCIETY. The annual convention of the State Horticultural Society will open in Americas tomorrow and continue for i three days. This premises to be one of the moot I important and interesting sessions in MM Mfehstr fef *M feMMfetfe **4 fe W»#» ii- —ft — tfe «lg**sfet tfe* »*■#*•* Hi |*w— p $ M MW «flk4R |rk M# IMsiMMMI W#M %,m f#RMII Mm Ml Mi- *•*# *•s«## Mr •**! pMi' -M »tM %m wm<(m|. MrtMNRMI# MM# ##W •# M# H # #*t#ffH§«toii m * f%R #•#•#'# Mfl#Ml : l«N mi*+m lf |i>*hßrl •M# MM##* tn Wiif mm P## MMMMit ft* PwiM# |HJ grit gy| mm ftRMI fMRHR fdKßi# 41 l*M |RR| 4# ##ilH#M#lMßi iHiNIHI IfM# t&mim ml 9 idR I# #NRR#HI l|Rß#l tIM 4mR Ri|l >«*+4t r 4 |Rl#H#l#Mi *# | t |. # #1 W«iM- i tfefefeafe Mr W A. Tfefetfep. I•*•<*» *f A Haafeuy. « H IMfb fefed R•- •*#«• < i—prr*i —‘r «fe* >—A« fef '•* **fe**t tfe*fet (MUMS* Ml Bfertfe tfeffettfefe. fw I td* and Alfebem*. asffl twa* fe* -• td* i M*us>* I- A. fefed ft l‘ Betrfemafe* mtm • MRisn fef tfe* fertttf. tfeld fee pm—i fefed Asgfeatfe fe-M •* Mkts f ,p,*mu4 bp Mfefae W T Oturp trfefe •nil fwapfefed U* tfefe fefehrsaa of *•!- ' Cfefek* Tfe* fesfelkf fee dfefefet still fe* highly ' lfe.*e—fefed pewtofefeh «a the efeKS* •f iMttrsltatt fefed tfe tfefe frtalt tfe4—try •f tfefe feifeife ALOWfelta ABB BABbAUaM Tfefe Atlfefetfe 1(2*1 OfetMtHfettafe has feot tt* flgfettfeg ckalAffe fefe fetid !• pn. ifefeUfeg fedfetfeat Algerism •« tfe* dM*r- M>fefeirfei fef tfe* war aammary tfe r* (■fee* all troop* foam tfe* a—tfe a fed to a—4 Ifee Cwfefefe army to feerthrrti pot at* to afefeifetrr. Tfefe GnfefeUtfethife a#** tfe t hi* • fepe* afed aafewfedad re- ' •eettotl Omrtlt fefed North Cferottfefe ■oeatfef rfetorta fetid lfee feswltlt of ifet* tertlofe generally. The Cofe*U»»lU»fe vote— tfe* a— liferst nf the *a«th<«fe pr*«* I* Ha defefeschitlofe of (IkMfe art to* and should have (fee support of tfefe •■- tlr* aout h in Ita demand* that tfe* war •oetotary ra—pnlar and do J turtle* to tfeta ofeetloa of the eottfetry. But Tfe# Orttatilullofe I* itfefortufeate Ife print ng alongside with Hfe Aifeerissa editorial an escerpt from • iotlar of JattMw R. Raifdall published In • northern news paper wh h from some rces.m or oth er la dated Augusta, which read* a* fallows: “Along with the heal came a peal of mosfeultofefe. day and mght. mi l this plague of annoying iafeeeta t 3 • serious drawback lo tb* south '* It la irtte that The Constitution crit iciie* this ytatrtsent aa being "too brood.'' though tt la willing lo admit that "the evil spoken of presumably ex ists at that place, though The Consti tution will not nndertake to say *o." Th* Constitution and Colonel Randall now that the Issue baa been directly raised, tnay wrestle over “the south'* health." over the question of "mala ria" on one hand and "maiagua" on the other. Hut Augusta must have her dues. We have no "maiagua." no "malaria," no "annoying insects," and the health of the city, thanks to our board of health, was never better. Now that the subject la under discussion the rel ative heahltfulnesa of the bog* of Mlvhtgau and the swamps of Jersey tnay fittingly be compared with that of the Okeefinokee basin, but Augusta Is a health resort in summer as well as in winter, and her fame abroad tor the one and her appreciation at home foe the other ia entirely too deep seated and too well founded to be disturbed by The Constitution's editorials or Col. Randall's letters. SIKUCK THK KEY NOTE. The Hon. Martiu V. Calvin in a com munication to The Herald published yesterday strikes the keynote In regard to the duty of this country and espe cially of the democratic party In se curing foe America the best results from the present war. Mr. Calvin says “The policy of terri torial expansion is democratic;” and he goes on to cite Jefferson's purchase of' Louisiana, the conquest of West Flor ida in 1810, the annexation of Texas, acquisitions from Mexico and also the views of eminent statesmen who long ago thought that the United States should possess Cuba and Porto Rico. There are some who even go further (han Mr. Calvin In his views and who maintain that the United States should hold and control every piece of terri tory won in the present war. It is pointed out that the Philippine islands while not so valuable in themselves, nor so easily governed as Cuba or Por j 10 Rico, nevertheless constitute an en ; trepot of still vaster and richer markets j in the cast. TUB A TJG'TTST.A FFF A T*X> Tfefens fesoffeafe* • aim fe* fefe smsatort to# fe* • uwfeßfeg rtfettisfe sort fe* • n*fe •fed MMPfefe* feßt-Tturfefe fe—fe4 IWNR& l mm rv:-*tvpNM» **• #**# t# «%* t#* *«# M#m m t wnl *# m mm-rn s** *i# wiMHi* #• ## mm mrr - «#>«# * *#►• i# i# •#Mj j 'nri#«#v mm mm# #fc« jmmrn-mm mm* m \ Wbm mmmmm mmfo, mmmmm **# 4# hm«* | Dmftrr*t #k«J \ jßmmi#- <R# iWMR"# tKR e «nHi mms w MM <r''rm 4# mm mmmmm «nml I (Mrr## Mi Hrr rhp#l.# rnrnm R#HI %%» Imm Ml |RR#H I 4pm Mm mm#bmm (hm mfmmm bmhm# I Ml IWMRtf Ml •# MM» i|§i Mm Hmrlmi fm mpMI h tPfMMM# Ks # I iiM# M $ Mftl%'PMM4 IMMMMI MM 1 jwßfeiiiß ii i#•»*■(>ft* ctt»g i m mmmm *# Ihmiimi | It #Mt» #lMf i.«m *mm MMMtfpit #M- | f tIRHI. #n fMMIMMii# 4MNI tlßßtf 9mmms ; i #4## rrmMM*' i# Mmm #R#M##i mm • i ; rMMM ry Ml tM IMNMVi TIM VM-* ' §mmhs immimnmmi rwmPMMmm, mm mrr - #RR4 fIMHftPRRP MrR4 MM mR» »RM|k»'Ml Mi • |Mi e MfIB mt MR* | i: NR# MR4 rM IflM #i*t*R»F «f flMl MM * i i tff will MM Ml RlßMi Ml ; rMI fMM tM iMfiM*# ••# Ml# Id I j tIM Ml <Mil I# pMIjMTtiMI t» |M##IM4MR | I RR tfcßf MR t* %m MM MM lilllfi. AM M M# (Ml? *IM iMM Mfo ■•(lot ft»l| M 4 RiiSlii M #MJ ifcfif V#M «• tl* iMfIMM WA##. Mil dr# tM' | 4MMM M tl# M 4 till MRpwMf Ml It# rMMtft# Itiffc mm! MH# RM% M 4« i 4Mf«MI # MM Ml ftRV RM# **l4 ii I »m ti M #C r#«t fiormptM# I mi UM Imllm iM bribery rmm He# tt M Mi te#e fltoM ot Mm far Wef»b m»4 Mi fries#* list IMjr M ** pwr* j f'bet# th# sreoßesry rut*# to etert, be* >i«m It If mists ibsl SI tbey be# Mot •mm ms else Most# here 4rm «a Hoi Uli • reirctios m tilt rooMSSSIIF tbsi chm Isipofiest itH o*«*r* nasat lit illt# vldotti spptellns Is tb# ft* j ptdlty fet)4 gfeMlotM of trar colored rst ifesfe*. who Ife fell eofete«f*d elertlofefe hold the batonr* of power. Cbfelrmfefe Ihxttihtv of Ik* rsNttHy ! Defetocratie eurntlvfe ejmmittre. •feotiM rail thto rfefeifeili:** togfeffeer 1 and tore tfeta issue. It la la Ih* power of tbfe Demorratlr rimsltv* to arraage | for sad to hold a whit* Democratic ! primary. Niae-tratb of Ike rounttoa la (be stale of Georgia *r* mnuaclna ! tbrlr clartloß* to this way. Th* Mat* DefeMM-tottc executive romtttiut* baa . already ordered two tbi* year, oae for i judge* on Iks supreme bench and lb* ; other tor governor and alato house of- Oe«r* and now H remain* to bn arm whether Richmond routity propoem to do likewise or to rontlfeue the old sys tem Even the exras* that the Tenth dis trict will nerd the big majorities of Richmond county will not hold good ibis year. The chance* are that Con gressman Fleming will h* returned by lb# entire dlatrlet without opposition— | a compliment well bestowed on tb* 1 faithful *nd rffleirut way In which he ha* represented the people. At nny rat* Congressman Firming was voted ' for and nominated in a Democratic , primary ami there Is no reason why the [ executive committee should not order one for every office In the county with in the gift of the people. Isn't It about time. Chairman Doughty, that you were calling your committee together and deciding officially the question I whether you are going to gtve Rich | mond county a primary for all offices In the gift of the people? CHAS B. BEAVIS. The death of Mr. Charles B. Rcavis, which occurred this morning, has cast a gloom over the whole city. He came to Augusta about seven years ago and since the first day that he made this city hts home he has been held in the ! warmest esteem by all our people. He ; was foremost In all public apliitcd movements and carried into them an energy and ability which insured suc cess. He way loyal in every relation of life. His circle of friends was large and he was the idol of that circle. Ge nial and pleasant he carried sunshine wherever ho went. Though the final summons came to him far from Ifie scenes of his youth and earlier man hood, he was surrounded by loving friends who ministered to his every want and comforted his dying hour with everything that human resources could alToid. The Birmingham Age-Herald cele brates Us first anniversary with a spe j eial edUion. Its thirty-two pages are heautifnily illustrated and the entire i issue is a great credit to Birmingham j and Editor Banett. . HERAkD PRIZE LETTERS • rvm twu - SDHIEH RESORTS. NIFiIR INI, m Ffet Hfe 1H »•< M Fat OR M Beasfeefe. N C I MFAnmr »AR# #M bnHMNtb I## (.s-f tAr 4k#441 •« im # i<f | ! ■ H »>># n « pmmrnm* m #m#i» ■*»♦#>»#« ; [•«# #M#M##MP4#Mbi Mil 4#H#f • MMt | Mm m#n* %9m Mm## mrm# mm fmw** j «4#» mmAnk bMi M4MM Mm Mr m M#«# | t» MR* »nrm- •## 9m mmm MM# M j it*-# iipfet pMRR mm mmS mmmm iMr •#■■ | Iq| effid* t> MM4MRV4I M|MM# RRnRRR !** •f f*F j \mm •« Mrr m4# I TM* mm«i *4 Vb« ibf# m mm* 9mm •• ' |«|RR runi mm m «MMI *9 \ m I nKmt MMMf «•##<•# ■! | f»R#b «Mk 9rnm* r«R «Mr<^i tmmfm *m •<#* M#b mmmmm ** • mmrnm #m# a I brurt fMR>| iln m# 9#m# lb### M mtm mrnm ##•••. ' ,-afei # ||#i ta,f* tb# #!«### «**(§*•! *•* bib# j t# bMb#MF. tb# 4rmhr#M« tb# j tmmrnt *b# • n#fT ###• #•#•• ****** I Tb## tb# f#M#*4M#b b## «b#i* b#R mm | •fe‘#M*M*d# bb*l99 Ml Rl#. r#F #tvuv-tfe# j Tlw «» rr» 9mm HNrrHM# IHMibf IbMb I Mr*M iM #b# j «M*« b###t IMt* MRR # MVHRbRt j *4 piliititt #b#v# a#M f*b b## MRM# tißatb Mi !«*# # #b# rMrm mnbMmrrmi mm - I MNmmk p#r#4# bf# f#biMNl MA nrrFF #MF j ~B' rid - * |Ly ji %|feirt# I fHHbNM tb# f## KK«b ** n# <> * r _ iab I#IM fbFMMIb lb# Mb #^ Ji ; !(# tb# If### bb# lb* M%4Kt r*#(Nrb fefalf to* fw*lF* 4 *b(l #fK# r #f— #R ** * at*—t. I* r—tty the ptoc* t* *toh*y the rfeaesn st Tt'*—f I —A* —*tf T— w ill take • 4#lv*. «fe ttw hack* aew efewy tofe*f<w(*W*. *•4 If yaw bae* a »l s *(* *' wvaw last '-fe* cawaafetal frtefe* * * * »nj..y it with yaa, tb*e» ks n« —* '• fe# deistr*4 T— pa— l—ay #——•* otA-to—o-d torsa fe—w ****** *f. I#y* wilk Wile martourtfed lironfee tfe reading tbfwufeh tb* rtob B*ld». t— wav tag rstk r—tltof l» la# a too. wan# up • feHMtfee. *«* •«*» "f** •rd* *tr, trfeiag daw*, th» *tot— tfe *—*» : (fee vetvet svadt**. where big eyed 'Jersey* ruler tfertr bead* to ton* •• f** with swell gentle enquiring gfe— «• 'tfe* twig In. a«f« «r*a*. uadrr the *«>" Itresfe. tfe# whit# marry fe»i**#e *•« »■« whisper lo each other. gw*fe*d bfe each paint hreese OH. the Bower* to 0(1. gtortrue r—fetry! At —• rts”. JNto pam through the gat#»*y “*'**'' arch o." wisteria. wMh Ih# beautiful riu*t#rs of lllar M<"— 1 .warns grace fully agalnat the datfe fultag*. «•■• inaid# lb# garden' -great bra itch sa of t«— hydra feg la Mtsw. b**' J '* I deeper < toor of »to< y rfeffefettofe*. tall 'gr..utfe Of graceful tiger IHlea. to»fed h#- Iside the dahlia* a* 4 rhlna-oaters that n.ui their whit# or rrtmson he*<l* fetter the fence in swh a friendly f»»ht'*n. th# ambitlou* —sturlium* *t their feet, clam boring upward toward Uta ?#»• *• tb# lowly v#rhel»a». with their purple bl«sun. th# great bright hollyh«-k*. the sweet white phlo*. *way#d tor the weight of the great la*y bumWe-becs i that come to drinh the honey fi-wn «» , pure < halters, the rosea and th# dear [little pansies, raising ttolr brlght r..-#. with » smile of cheer—and *ll this in • n# warden' In June the mountain* are a dr*am of lorvllnees The rhmtndcndrvme and mountain laorel* dvck **«*ry hlllaldi*. and beeld* th* |rfrtuPM«u« old «'• jtncM, the wild Pink r«ee* bloom In profusion Intermingled with the iwhite bloeaom* of the blackberry. In 'thla eartv dawn of aummer. It lb«t nt that the whole lanlaeape ahtmld |be colored with the rosy hue of theaa flriwer* which belong so distinctly to the mountains The tree*, too, are ao ya- Irled and ao l>eautlfut. among them he | ing the dark, blue-green apruce P*n* 'ond the graceful walnut, the beech and ’ the poplar, the maple and the oatt. The waterfalls are among the chirr beauties at thia country, hut want of |apace forbids a description of each. iTTv’lr names alone are suggestive !enough to bring up entrancing pictures. 'There are Bridal Veil, Maiden Hair, Olen Cannon, Counter and many oth ers. some eery pretty ones not being considered of enough importance to I have n«mea. The clear waters of the I mountain atreama pouring over a solid wall of granite, then leaping and dane ing and laughing down terrace after ;terrace of cool dark rock, makes a pic ture never to be forgotten. • Looking Class Rock la certainly one ! place that should not be omitted in your tour through this country, though [the Journey will consume a whole day of your time. Its beauty defies descrip tion. but some Idea of Us grandeur may be obtained from the statement of the bare fact that it is 8.800 feet above the sea level, that It consists vs one solid granite rock, four miles in ciTTUmf»rgnre. whose average height s feet. This great wall of granite, 'especially when wet by a recent show ier. reflects the sunlight like a huge mirror—hence the name. i Davidson river and the French Broad. With the numberless little mountain i streams and creeks, spanned in some places by quaint old bridges, make beautiful pictures as they wind in and out in the soft green valleys, their clear, cool waters overhung by the richest of foliage, which Mother Nature so delights to bestow, with lavish hand, on this favored child of hers, this Land of the Sky. And better than the beau ty. to the fisherman, is the fact that there are fish In some of these waters, the delicate, delicious mountain trout, a string of w hich is a thing to gladden the heart of any true sportsman. The air is so pure and fresh, and all nature wears such a peaceful smile, in viting to rest and calm the dear old 'mountains, like a fortress wall, seem [to shut out all care and the din of the •world beyond, that with such a sweet A ! NEW LINE OF Straw Hats SHipptfed by mlßtJkk# •ml mutt bt feokJ at OOCffi. YOU MS AT— s Half Price DORR’S “Good Tantc ApparcL*' 718 BROADWAY. ■ i Help For Hard Worker* It's bald a ask la wark ife toe •ORltiß. g, ##y I- to# (sets a 4Mfe< itfefe im la worb—a *,a4 fef *—• (•« r, s Vsiura (set. a lilt I# helps little nsentlM. Therrts fefe k— Hating wed**# than It urban aarae|wrula Kverybadjr aught Nr take tl, wbathef ihay r«d that the# osad « to eto. Bed** ki-uo- rbres tor M.W. Baby Foodt. Tbs best of tb»m ean to bad Ws bass Itom frash led Crefem and Ice Cream Soda IWens of delightful drink* *1 our Founiala Twk*to 12 tor to cent*—3s tor tUA Eifa B?£as, anl Turn p Seeds. Cat baga. Bean* •"** J* 1 bstd* for a wtng »"»• H*od for catfe lego*. Fee*. ilfiasierDmiSceJCi. ms BROAD BT. ADUDsTA. GKOBUIA. Eagle Baking Powder IS AUGUSTA MADE EAGLE BAKING POWDER la high grade. Very different materials from the cheaper Al um Amm.mla Powder, that Ig norant and poorer people u«,— ror which there Is s»o earthly excuse. ««••••• EAGLE BAKING POWDER Use Eagle in place of the Mr. lb. Powder you now use. You'll get the same results In good wholesome bread. The Me. Pow ders were priced 40 years ago. end, like a Patent Medicine, It don’t change In price. eagle BAKING POWDER Should be used by Augusta peo ple. City pride should impel them, if nothing else does. EAGLE BAKING POWDER Simply asks of you a trial, EAGLE BAKING POWDER Sells at 25c. lb. ; vSv THE HOWARD & WILLET DROG CO. -MAKE EAGLE.— sense of security the weary heart can find a rest. a,nd the happy find in all the music of nature around such an echo of- joy and a sympathy which seems to keep them in tune with it all. A. L. F. AUGUST 2 BLAND'S IRON PILL 3 THC GREAT TONIC S«(M*CMIIty r»« ommffifwJM for ns*Mold complktion ami DM# PffiOpt*. W# trnprovw Ih* «ptsw(H* ffirui imofert •ffftrifth 11 tul too* to th* •Otic* feytkiwm th*y arm uMKi by *ll phyfe.c idOfe ffife fk fffifurmi tome, Whtfl t*k*n into tho •tofehuch th*** t*»tt pro- OUC* fr frmitl f BID. Mfeto * form of iron which l* mo*t •ffifeify dfefeimiidfwe! by th* •yfet*m *nd ■» th* b*ftt lomc for *nomlc or p*t* pwopt* or tho** who *uf f*r from norofuloufe *f fecOoni or any ii.—*<»•* of th* Rood •• ft buppir** to it that *i*m*nt which th* (Jl»wffife*d condition* Indi- C*t* tfe wffinttrt. 100 Pi IN 100 doMl for 60 c*nl». L I. Gardelle. Druggist. For Sale! Tike Mkuwtfeg ggsgerty will he aatd t*|to * roMNbWbi# l##M# I HrF b lAMNMMi 9tm 4ft4 ### Iftß »ti 4 |fef«##f . I"*II(If ilbtbfl ttN» *f fbttofe ### #RN#|w 1 am* * f ffi Ml fw#| S# I#C tbfeMk, ! nMMRMMI btif wmt th* *«#?» 9m Mitt# I Ur n (&#•## 94# TJM RSHr #4R##b aaM bß4 114 ftM# t t#rb#n r&mmimm b##b t# <**#### nu iw# #n# wxmmt*4 #f S. Ttmmm T*#«i 41 CV (tlitNf t«R# Ibfß* #4'*W## •## I#* 4#fllfe «#MI mm* Mb#- l#4 » t** f • mm. rub no.# un I 2*l Sm 4. LM n»fTM*Htt«*<y tn 9##r at mbrnm Sa. it* H* ) It*kf>lfe Kirf*t. 4t (rrt I If# bR# fr«>n(ip‘ fMftltf bbHi loßtrbl Uh#4 itr*# h 5 9#( 2 H#t#f am# (rNfal An# I ><r aMwif IM fn#t frn#f m 4 MM f##t ft### I# tb# Vll’feft Ls fNiWWkrrvUM. fbwMtlbb «M Jakm* MM • b#rf i<m <4 tta» Moot# urttptrtf | D ltr |ki>m*nt« will bo fflvoai ## bit i tb# bbAT# #nu rtUe# prop#fljr A| |Mr t# Georgia Railroad Bank. IANX. PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 209 71k St.. AorbsU. G». FREE EYE TESTS Fw est rfe*«t» m tight grind. Ik. prone. «Um« wad Walt. ».lirPv them- Lessee col into your <rtn*r while jam week FREE OF CKARtiE. SPAIN IS DEFEATED. Again have the boya who wear the blue whipped the Spaniard* and plant ed the Stare and Stripe* on •all. end again he* F. O Merttne de feated high price*. Look at this: 26c. Necktie* ....‘ 76c. and $1 Shirt* 60c. 50c. Suspender* 26°• tx 00 Trou»er* tt-M A full line of celluloid collar* and cuff* Just received. F. O. Mertin*, »24 Broadway. Paine, Murphy & Co. ( Oil MINBION MERCHANTS. Be3FeylolflsSt=Telepllfleei^a•.^ , lmsl# Leafed Wire* JBlfCtto New York Chicago and New Orlsau*. Order* executed over oar wire* for Cotton. Stock*, Bond*. Grain and Pro. visions for cash or on margin*. Local setUTitle* bought and sold. Reference* —National Exchange Bank of Augusta, er Mercantile Agencies. HONEY TO IIM In any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on 10 years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. Aleiander&Jelmson Agent* Scottish Ameritan Mortgage Company, 705 Broad St