The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 02, 1898, Image 6

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TUESDAY mo umiiowv **• **• flute *4 * ton**4a# ***^^ - *** pgSiit *> mm* t # fM*a*» to * Jr* «■#—pml *»•*** ft** l *•* tii Mil t*** *•»*>"»■< ** • »*'**’** AwfM MM IMM r*****te !»•«** Art-in -»» * »•* m# ten M* feM «**» # * »*• *»*‘ l -‘* ** fEFjjf jt ■ r , i WSftBBKtfT. .rl p’V ; ,** #n B S•• * * - J 1 *c' ' J%r m#- 'f*M : w yjb •; _/ < ■ '^’' J# Itt -«**, O ■ ‘ r * r ‘ •-,# 4|L : " *mf r _* 1 yXTM/ * i iMr iw* if F<Nr , , »a^ # ««S P «IPa -t£~Mk V .jtfli nip 1 ’S r "S/^o^Sn 4,. f* p 1 ' *"* * j|‘J! * iwi —■ 1 ijteatoatt- _ ~ major general shafter in ti;b fieid. Kale I man! WUHat. It Wtof'P •‘"•N" 1 f, at )ra,i lb- td-itt* rtt* 4* tka I *l»»d iatomrm . « **' and ta a* tns-4 k— aibltUfd ko4y, Tb ' **4 lb ?“•» '«■ . k-f rto Ibo bkl at Btttl— 4c«nrtt? ton, r _ -a m,d| „ a la Macc«! a-jd «**#-l •*< I • r-V^idlott Pkn M tot* I A I'-i I «*ad at 1 toaijrii* Hm * r * r V ' , ' WI 1" " M*. f Ike r 'l-lnc itt rp ; ytoUM tliMMWiar »ran • f •'• »• H bt tmfcr n,; i ii*tt laraklj- P«* «rr. In lb bit. f-m br -B*i «i»- . .Cm wkllc N Itt* tom I « -Mbit lAdlapwwd IL- la'Ptt P P» ! » l^ **[**“ , • *“ * Mc«.rlr P- <n«ml Hr «««>'’ Tib .» Ln rb-tt >•» •» P l*>t I P ’ ,r *l, f tb iiantd hark, ha I- .n«ir»t.'il a* a r.ta*-lr !• »* *• bin il>l«ti. a* I l alr *lr ttat .an Wlwtbr b - * aMtoina more rr »«* In lb pin! M . „ar iTiaartattef b rr<-lltrd M«thj»HA> ,h * mall Intodnirtla—x ——tma«<teHte wK^rim b natotl tb) ara* trT tba nod* capita' tt IP* #l-«pltol tt am. 11 Sctarc tt li- icTil . !.«ftcTM*»crinK hla bi« < uarf*r l» Irjta apPototfi ipb takr At Aantiafn ft* Ito* Nntr York Jonroai _ _a_ —. .. t|M ;Mn> U Relies**’ ho*. aay* 1 the N<w York Herald. ii * ori firw nnd had . bean * nmrabcr at lb*” F* - we*ly-f' r *4 ngimrui *or three years. Horn In Ho tirjn * twenty thrre yaars age. he "** brought to this country ** an Infant •ad grew «'P lo b* nu Iptf.iaely pat . rioiie Aaaeriraa. Whit* Ignat* *1 bonsr the - which be earned a* iletFifctne In 8 bit plane warehouse supported lb* Hide family comfortably. fill broth • Charm*. 1« >.ar* oid. **» learning the trade asd HearjL the youngest. 14 yaars old, *M * dlttrid ®M»tn*<r |jg When tbo TMldwl'i call s‘s troop* rave Irtiau brenme a United Stuto* aoWltr He bad hardly gone to the (runt, however, when littl* Henry lost hi* employment, and a fr«v d*y* later <'h*rVt also wav dUchargrd. Mr*. lit- 1 uick atrophied clettg, but the nilgbbor* aay that often the little family lnd nothido to eat. Relative* helped a lit tle, but they, too. were poor, utnl n few tnrofca ago the landlord began to threat en thnt If the rent w.ti not paid he would have to Bud other tenants for the apartment*. Then rarne the news that the Beveßty : nr»t leglmnnt had beau order'd to depart with the ad vanre guartl of the Amei can army and Mra. 7,liulrk’a relative* began to notion that ahf ncted strangely, The multi tude of worrlea wo* too much for her reason and she would alt for hours muttering to heraelf ami atari tip wild ly at auy audden noire, saying that-the Spaniard* were coming. The Anal new^STjournal EFFECT OF A SPANISH SHELL ON THE TEXAS When this shell struck the American battleship, Captain Philip was st-nnd in-on£ bridge? He immediately sent the officers with him to places of arLtor safety, but himself remained at his exposed post. This of tbi nVx*iß wh*< taken loolunar toward tbo bow and shows how th) might have been shot away, however, without putting her out of action. The picture vw taken July 4. unit tttttt m to******- |«t» m* to— *» «•* •*•** M k»M* te **— M 4 tto>* <*• #• a* It' tote *** «"**•* *■***» t»« H*Mi •* ****.•**‘‘*l .****** »«*«*. Mm mm **4 tto mmm Mb lt «* r **# —mi **4 IMMiM* Omm* |m to MBMI *» -ir» ii irr ~"~1f —■ ** *-•*****»*• o‘* » h^HCW+^«- .> - GRIMES' BATTERY IN ACTION, K New York Herald sketched Grime*’ battery while it wa* itt ao tiou at Hunt!,,-, and owing’ to tho old style powdeWnaed wa. able*« ' «• more than smote olid tbo men of the lottery ruuiiwt! about This aame at .k* reveal, tl tbo batterr to tho Spanish (runner* mul many an Amerioan was k Lid who would ho alive today had Ihe United State* been supplied vrith amukeiao powder when the war began. 'TB.BJ AtTOUBTA £CBnFtAJU3 •♦MM ***** «4t TMi OlirtM* I ffp- hkhm 1m !•<• pmmc ten M** •*« <•*<» * tv tea >«*»*»« **4 %3KfiJWitZ2tt& ttMMM * •** »<*tt**»* A*a# M*# «Ml • #<M«* *< I • »Mi M -**»« M«M» O'#*-* M|# MMM# *M ON # **• 'IMMMW ••• • NM» * *• MH4 "•* ««§ MM If M ii t*iMl •» *MM cm* * *t*> or TOfc NTTW lUJNOIt kMMM*, Mai |M 4•»»•*'• MM*** tUWfMM* *»|M»M M »**■• Ml It* MW A IWMIi *• •**« **M* •HIM M 4 l»»MM f •»>«*. •*• M* mm mi mumki Mm wmi mm*M* MM ImMmM Hll in *» *•»* iMMnMfc-M <M CM**«MMMMM ft* ***** M •»♦> Ml MM M* ••MM! ttt M**« «*M O*** l ■ *** •M Ml Mm r**M MM TMM* * »••'** •M r*M* Mm* *^J IttenM. mm *• *• MMrt **» **»**• *»M*. **4 «M* <♦* M*M Mr M HI ptmmM M K«*M«' Mmm Mm .**»*«>*»*** •** •**•* MM* ••• 'M MMMI mm*9 Um •»'• •* IHMtMfw *'«)•>.» TM Ml •) IM Nil* Wilt *» M >*•« •» OhlimmO #♦' *0 ■MTfMMI Ii «MI<M »***•«* **• '*o (M ««4 M fIM Mil ••* ** 'A* HtM MM* M lIMT WMW'tMMiIM » # inMMs mwiiw ***** t*4 '***# I row WM»iM«* ifcM «Mrt •***> «* • mM «k* »♦- «"r H**4r~» *«M *»•» IMI Wm* *»• •• trb* ***** r*MM II I* toto «*•« Mm 9mm* '•**■**•» ♦•hM*'* rtr«M*4 *k* •***»» «f «M* l( 4 mm» l a amiiKHM natru IkMM Mbtrk imhiH*4 la • MM- M * or HUM* Nwiil** raaai* Irav* Tt* «*a II a»M**r*. M**to« • t*f toMtk* M*4> Of I MM* *•*••** •* ran *i*«m4 ItoMr naiMHaiuMaa «•*«** CV4 ral*#r. rkaratoa tl» •«»> w a»oHo*«**lat to to** Itoia m** Tto inM* of 'to M«*r »• •*»> to* irr.**)* all mm* Unm ito MtoMn- of tho Mrrrrtarr rs *Va* to *!-*'-• **«*!• hr-t* Juai •*m» ito ito it' tola*** «»«l** o*a (iraM »*• o-*Mr*4 I< r*«r4 It«-or4 lt*t • *TWH rla»o* «*• rala*4 to Ito laMiaea I'-'pl* Watwa *•-«• of ito arrrral »*H **|ol*to*l ***'• mrata Imto lt«! »«»'* **• toll**! »«t«* antra a*rrl** Tto l*<l aaa maaoto*- mrn aaM toaaiora *»H«I al tto war 4rpait<o*i>t and trl*«rai*to4 to *r>t.*t md «*«marr tl«r* laMni'-i-d Auto- Uni Orarral Corbto to an an Indiana r*alM*nt lain ito Porto B’a* raprMl lion to aoat* war. Ocnrral Orant'P hrirraJ*' offered the only opportunity. It Included the tUth Illinois, hut It was recalled thnt Illi nois already had two regiments at t've front, the third and sixth. As sending n third would be giving her more than her shore, It was determined to send one of the Indiana regiments In place of the ttfth, und General Brook- was Instructed to make the selection. He dealgnat -d the one hundred and sixti eth Indiana and It was so ordered. Colonel Culver had nothing to do with this and knew nothing of It until It had been done. It Is regarded here as un fortunale that the change should not have l een made before the Illinois had actually started to the front and that a frank explanation was not made so ns to avoid the undeserved reflection on the colonel of the regiment as welt as ihe shock to the morale of the men. Judging from the pressure being brought to bear to get regiments chosen for the Porto Ttlro service. It would seem as if the expedition was looked upon as a pleasant Jaunt instead of a military campaign. Every day dozens of dispatches are received at the war department, urging the claims of cer tain commands, complaining that cer tain states are not twins recognized, and begging the privilege of a place at the front for some particular regiment. Hut a few days ago. In response to the urgent representations of the Sou thern states that they were neglected In the choice of troops for tlve front, the tlrst Florida, second Georgia and tilth Maryland regiments wore ordered to Porto Rico. The first Florida had already moved over to Femandlna from Tampa. Now it will pack up and move hack to board the transports there. OASTORIA. Boar* th* 011 AIWai,S Btes r 'GOOD IUCK BAKING POWDER ISTHI BEST. H «hot* Of AH In iMVtn* in# PcviMtr. UNCLE SAM’S NAVY Portfolio No. 6 can be se i cured at The Herald office ! for IO cents and a Naval Coupon cut out of The Herald. NUMBER NINE CONTAINS A MONO OTHER i.OOD THISUS, PICTURES OF Ensign IWglcy. Protected Crwlaer New Oriean*. Monitor Puritan, pnrpelo BoM Dupont Secretary «* State. M , p of Naval Dlatancea. showing program of the Army amd Navy of the United State*. Picture* of Camp Life. Navy Yard*. I.arge Map of Cuba and many other good thing*. 9 ‘ 9 This coupon, when ac companied with 10 cents, i entitles the holder to one copy ot Unde Sam’s Navy Porttfolio, at IHE HERALD oflice, Augusta, Ga. Mail orders must include 2-cent | stamp for postage. 9 9 Back numbers of this Handsome se ries can still be obtained The Her ald office. FOE. SALE The J. 1. Scott place, three q uarters of a mile from the city new water Basins on the Wrightsboro road. This place contains 87 acres of land, severa good springs and fine well of water. Dwelling out of repair. Healthful. Price. $2,000. Apply to CLARENCE E. CLARK, Real Estate, 882 Broad Street PALE OK SUBURBAN LAND BY THE ACRE The Augusta and Summerville I-and Company w ill sell, at public sale, <0 acre* of lend'on the Harrisonville Road, m blocks of two to seven ocres. on luesday, August Slid, at 5 o'clock p. iu. W. C. JONES, Secretary. DISTASTEFUL. (Columbus (O.) Dispatch.) Hanna is aware that his dictatorship in Ohio has become distasteful to about ono bait the in Oblo. i j m amrt KMtrtt ST. AlllfflOTEL M Killman. 6a.. Mmm *f»* *• *#«•«»• *-1 * *••# [ smsm •*4 J »* •<«**>*• •*» ♦**»*♦ I tan a «a*M *•»»• ♦*«***♦ •*♦ twwnw tM**a *»««*% f i Ma»***a %m>m toaa |iani ***«• -» #m*m i«Eci:a Kim u THE HEED HOUSE As MAMJUC V IU«4; Ftr Uw *«mwi*<iu»i «f fa a. ■■ m t ( mi* CNi mSP 9 WB Mk »•» 11. A. Mnu aaa **»»* <w* *4 •to MMa a* Maftoa and ito to«lk Maoaaaa an# iniato* MaM—too* W *» »« a -- - » Am *i l M M KMtMtetol iAOMMik 'ONmN PM-M*tow to■ a »-■■■—■ ■■ ■ *•# to»H»* •*4 ftaaaa •!*-< • 4 KM. M. A KKKIa, Martnai. Oto Hitei Sit C!l)% »•**•»•***** •• »*? *■' >.* ••'**».** ♦r- Hair* •i.»*twtj.»n Mi. M. M UR. Itorton. FOR RENT. tIRMIURU amuCMK *T U»Tt. Pram rm«to* I. I aaa I «i»r f*r i**i Ito ♦•MTHW Itorwaatsr nMtowm a*4 ailrartm itoHawi UJ i|n»a* MtM • *«■•■ W) lima* nml » •tt On*«> MUM • '*►•"** lui Oaaitta aiaaaa • ”*»*— IIM Own* «lr*»t ........... • i"• Ttom tonar* rmiHiln all mwHmn and am tottrakto In rVarr «'•**'' to** at ItoM tol«r* »«• t» nnnjr far tto *uairr.rf JOHN W. DICKEY. I and I Library ftoiMtn*. r st^ I Some few wnnwaa dtaeredlt thl* as sertion, but thoae who have tried a (la* Range rould w* b~ Induced to adopt the Mld-faahionrd ruattod again. You aeo It ta so ea# v to regwla'e uw «aa Range. If you uant one vegutAU’ to cook more slowly than another, you have but to turn the thumb acrew and you can reduce the heat to eny de gree you desire The earn,* with your roast. If It Is doing too quickly, you don't need to throw open the oven door and run the risk of (-tailing It. You ran regulate your range to autt your meat. Tie Gas link! Ce. of lamia, g 22 BROAD ST, TO RENT! From Oct. Ist, handsome House of eight rooms, all modern conveniences- No. 1251 Ellis Street. APPLY E. J. HICKEY 2 I 2 Bth Street. Buy Your Wile a Greene Street Home. No. 412 Greene Street Is located l*i one of the most desirable sections of the city. House built of brick in a handsome and durable fashion. Con tains eight rooms, bath, etc., all In good order. Let 48 by 176 feet. If you contemplate purchasing a home it Will he to your Interest to con sider this property. John W. Dickey, 1 and 2 Library Building. DON’T RUN THE RISK of Using Bad Language, But Go To Simmons' Bicycle Shop ' 711 broad street, And Get Your Work Done Well. For the next 60 days Bicycles Enameled for $2.00— High Grade Work- Lowest prices in town on Repairing. Second bund Bicycles bought and sold on easy payments. all work guaranteed MAtt Mu At* •*’#»** ft «• _ | Chailmoni WCaioHna •»»W»la«ntmui***i Amo » om*% o ■*•»* Mho '%m __ f.lteaM '**tt Uoo A»am— j# at . ■ . i* t«to«'Ai , .»»—*( *dtn» * waatw—a. »*•« »»»|KApM *—* * ommm mmm> -...»m.. Am i ■*»*.-« ♦Owtolifc. » •*aa«.;4W—» * VttMßtta . . ..... 1 »*♦*• *A§2 * MatoaH. JM*»t * •••••am.M.*..«♦*- Ml*»—?»»v a* AanM»a...».-..i»m *-.*119 la ImmO.. ...~ .. l.MgPH***' ***’ A* HIM m.. ** PnhNmRU . ••*« mi—ll ? * PNMMHS aaa .*««•••« 1 *««#0»«0 *' .pjjfaßpmy.-jt* * **_***±±*ij j—ai »»»«•! u—.., — .|-«HNta A* lAaMi. «»h »..«'•«• «• • hmpm * rnwt0a.......... a*. “"•JP* ~t i* ii. aato* ♦♦*• :fefcn.n"... KS t PpMNMKmi»*t«**«ni* i i***» - t ilMlßil#NfaiHU !***«*••*? tPHi! inwaa'!....l.T-cr. * ton **>»■«*..T... ...... * Itn Ikrtt... * ..... 11** *• •** ‘Am— ..I [g* u»* tmmmm. t.«aa* M— * p#TKm»- a#*•*••*•**•!»•****» * Nmymi * AlNNmNMSrhaa* *♦**•*» j *•••a - ■.*• AUISCfS jar g:;- itfa .aJJM l a* * >•»» ma (mm* n*a.*«*» a Hlttota l«a k« •« |MM an * A. !• _____ . . i v.* MHn** a* H»»to— t to an f | M | < 41 H, ■Mpmps •to ton***aiM** *«• to***-** Eh m*f M»I »*«*>aHa* Mtotr* ia toMna mat •»*•#*»♦* ***.. ato*M* *.rmi«,to l*a lit A- M MOKTH. tott.«MH* £tt T. H KMktoi*y Itato ■•«!* __ a**—** *•• BLUE RIDGE RAILROAD. M e. UIITTUk Ammr ttoittobto WrntlM«: A r*«M told Nt** ••*'‘A Om Onna K Cttoa »'l*«a Mils Ml«« tor Ito. s Atoitott tor tor. n n H» « | w * “_- N *- AM PM lAmr* Lana*. PM ‘AM I. ♦la. a itoma -a; * Jail - RK>* 3-- ton*« ... r l «l II.» t« *j; ;yw .. Autnn .... f 1:1*11?** • Mil* I* NMMHI „A IA M:U • rt * ** I* lV*f» I’tm l f. I tt II M • a !:•* 1* *♦■*’• Otol fl I Pl* *’ » » I Z.*«! . rtCMACA ..a 1 »IJ » I • *'s ioi tss ; . W«AI Union a! I ttf a 11... walto (In ...»| iir All r« * PM. |tn II N* I On II Ma i * R««tti*r nuiim P km« nt.tioa An rwtuttr train* from AiHwhi to \v«tn»H* tor* nabi i" ,r * rk nyiet train* tt lh* rlaaa n*ovtn« In »p- Pmll* Aim tto*. nnlrtt •!**:*»• apm IM by train orArra. Will amo atop m followMa aiaitotw ta tafer on or lei ttf Pnm nry's. da in.a ant Sandy nprinaa No 11 connect* with *ot»thcn» rnll «*, Mo. IS at Andcraon. Moa. S and • con*•« w«b ihatMn rail way K«* 11 and *1 at r«m<a J. R, ANDKBSO?!. Auptrintendclß. ATLANTIC COAST LINE. tAtOBTUr AND Vl'H IBT ROUTS. 10 I Ilk EAST AM* NORTH. SHORTEST AND QUICKEST ROUT* TO THU LAST AND NORTH. 2 Sbpm! Lv.. Augusta. <3*..Ar I T:M*» I. Lv Atken Ar | 7:l9*m 4;t7pm Lv Drnmark.... Ar j «; t:Rpm Lv.. ..Orangb’g ... Ar ! S team C Mpml Lv..Sumter. S. C... Ar ' Cjaam *:7Spni Lv Florence ...Ar | S 25*m 10:33pt«i| Lv...Fayetteville...Ar I 1 l*pm ]:2lam Ar. Petersburg, V*. Lv B:l3fm> 4:OC«m Ar.. ..Richmond. ...Lv f B:l7pm 7 41am Ar.. Washington..Lv | I ttpa 9 i»Jani| Ar.t. Rahlmore. ...Lv j 2:25pm H:2&»m| Ar .Philadelphia Lv 112:09pm J. Ar New Tork....Lv 1 9:3Cam Pullman palace buffet sleeping car* from Mo on and Augusta to New York without change. R A. BRAND Gen. Agt., 729 Broad St.. Augusta. G*. T. M. EMERSON. Traffic Manager, H. M EMERSON. Gen. Pass. Agt. CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY. Schedule In Effect. March 8, I*9B. Eastern Time Standard. ! Leave Augusta. Southern Ry.. 9:30 p.m. Arrive Otsester, Southern Ry.. 7:18 u.m. Leave Chester. C. & N. W. Ry 7:45 a m. Arrive Lenoir. C. & N. W. Ry 1:16 P.m. Leave Lenoir, Stage 2 P m - Arrive C.reen Park. Stage .. .. 7:00 p.m. Arrive Blowing Rock, Stage .. 7'30 p.m. G. W. HARPER, C. F. HARPER, President. *' F A «<lf You Want to Make Money, 1 Move in the Company of Those Who Are flaking Money.” SOUND ADVICE FROM A SUC* CESSFUL FATHER TO MIS SON STARTING CUT IN LIFE. advertisers who use the her ald GET RESULTS. i WHY NOT GET IN THEIR COMPANY.! COAL and WOOD FROM THE North Augusta Coal & Supply Co Quantity and Quality Guaranteed. F. W. SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Bell ’Phone 2164 Strowger 365 AOOUtrt 2 JlAiW»CMt*l K—WWUWt S. C. t G. RAILWAT CO «a* aManaatoiatt »*•» Km art* AH mm »aVatoi Tto* »L«. ''MWO :■ M’- liMW———Wi AtoilttttA. Mttttotta (• liyab *■*•]• A» I 111 I til* pi I I tnMttla AttHM Utoto a* * man** ,u Atttf aria Prat* At— AMtoh rtona*TßSß A* «.HHHM**«*:•* • ttMßttofipWi A* itaQM Man*. *» anatott »■' to* " kaa.n’ Mtot I atofj wi»f «*<*—■ . L* “Lw»*-* I* flfitoT* ’Sfc'Cr* .aafct a* • ■*'«*• ii tarn- a* Bttatttoiatoa* ». k ••»*«» a»**rtt la fanaarty.totott ar •» •*♦ ♦•*«, »» aikjg A>ktk *m>kiol‘*tiPk ttoto u<*a *«n tap i t. urn aaa*X«iwn.<. ;wm* a* A-***... iJto* a* a.y*tt* attto. Iwiii I>M atrt Itt VU MiuM Tktowaa »#•»•* •» aad **aa >*• ▼**• f. im— *. to*.. *f. WTSOKS At lttk..,.Ai«lM L* »«*«*•* tott mt i*» 'toto*. ni to* Ir Imwnt * Ito* At *»ktn'd Mttlt AwMt'4 I Matt At ••'*» tMwto At Alton .! Itttt At pan loti aptoiAt A oa'tta .Jdtott HjktktiiA tdtuuna I** » I *«*• •*■ niar to* -at (to>* ftofir'X*ia» tt» “ * • Katt Uft»o*f rllwn I thtar tt* • t to* l.*»tti t Jam Arrto* TmniU*. ■ id»ttn arTfaa i aartt At-Irr !•«** • •a» ♦ Atttr* Ito* '• .1 Mtttt ........ Mat IttM tto****. Inarr Man * *...«•••. * 1 *toto ItAt* toarr lanntto... *tott» ! aMk |.t»MadmHHt....... A-tott ‘ JjJtt Atrr» A*att*a ...... kwntt I*m 1 BaamniirT r* « totbttto w-ta »»• i tat* -itorator. an* **tfc —atotor to ! I*.ktototito a*, a* ttttoa4tttt. *•—a nit*, •♦« t■*.tola t*«A ntand irm nMtttoM 1 11 rtklto LA. JMRtoOK tto»»na Mannpat. Ttnto Mara««a f • *ta»M* Ant Iwo**. SOUTHERN RAILWAY.* ”Sl^ mini Ito tomtCHwlnnl *«»• I. kmtor* tto. *»«»—■ ®to Ia to tor ami Otbrn Pwtoto. Jtor *. »■* __________ —— -« .» In <**. an tolttot* Ml* Dally. I*s; t*Sp At IttoSSS --■ - ««*>! *»• U tWi-aA('*'‘l* fj* i? 5 At l> lamlto a** i {, to? "»**. n« m „: , * A' A-acrtU* * ttP T *l Lr~AnaMto.•* *r- . ... *J*p fi.ggfe-.y-..: ifg }|: :bT ~HE m E rr»ri«to “ip **>• :::::: ■*» l» (trcm.baro | *f SjP *n*»rm. ■ 1 ■» lAt to-'katnnd ••• **** *P * gassy !S:|.jSS i : SEk* 82? »i - )»*. »» —atf natfv. l.r KV* Vork Ta kk. 1 4 89p «**«>» “ Philadelptna *SSp **>» * 11 1 ® *#l * Wmik'um. Ho Ry ; 10 4S»» n lb* L* UeIUMRd ; ISlQfcf »01m Ly UmnrUl« SW» « I*y Xt>rf<4k •••#{ Ar OmMkboro * 4* a -• lY . • •* Charlotte »»ai 10 *»P - Rock m\l .... 1® »• 11 U«P 1 M tVkier JlOft&n 11 3C P 1 - WlMskkpfa lltlu 12 m a Ar Otkl Ma Wnad’i* «t . 1-* 4tea 187 a Lt. lV>!m»UaUß.u«p't. ! 1 16p JW» “ Johaatona 2 ft®p( Tnrufon JJ » ** lira alt •vile S»|» Ar Augm«t* L -__ j 4 181» _k a A*h«Tilic k 30*1 l*v. mfiartanfmrg 11 4Wa' <1 lftp I U Con.i’a, B.r *OpY*7 3 00pi 7W a Ar. CbirlMtoa | P 40pj 11 Oua Lv. Com* F.C.AP Ry 11 l|£a •* Savannah 4 47p 30K» i JackMiuYillc . ' 9 3R pt ®lk a H KKI'ING CAR MKRVI ■ Excellent daily peam«er aervice between Florida and New York. N<n». 8? nut l A»~Wftfthingt<Xl and South weetern Limited- Solid VeetlbuJed train with dining ear* and flr*t cla»* coaehna north of Owrlotte. Pullman drawing room aleepinir between Tampa Jacksonville* bavnnnah. t* nahington and >ow York. „ . . Pullman rirnpiag Cara l**w<w*n Charlotte and Richmond Pullman drawing-room vlmpmf ***■**•" tween Gretmaburoand Norfolk. C waatwihnec tion ot Norfolk for OLD POINT OOMFORI, arriving then- in time for breakfast. * H«»lid* train, with Parlor car*, between Charleston and Asheville. Non. 85 and »-l r . M. Fast Mail. Through Pullman dr wine room buffet peeping <*ar* *»• tween Ja. keonviUe and New York and Ptilb ! man aleeplnf cars between Aupuata and Char lotto. Pullman sleeping ears between Ja«*k* sou vi lie and Columbia, en route daily between Jacks**.*.ville aud Cincinnati. via Asheville. VRCSKS GANNON. J. I.P, ThW V P A- Gen. Mgr T M.. Washington. W A TI KK *B. H. HARDWICK, li. I>. A . Washington. G- P- A.. Atlanta. GEORGIA ■ - RAILROAD. (90th Meridian Time.) Schedule Effective April 24. 1898. ;i Pullman Sleepere between Macon ant New York. Through Pullman Sleupere between An. gusta and St. D>ui*. Lv Augusta ..| 7:05aml 3:2opm|lo:3op!<* Ar Atlanta ...[l2:3spm! B:2opm| 6:00an» AT Macun ....|ll:lsam| I «:45an» Ar Athena ....|l2:lspm| 7:2opm Ar Galnegviilel*3:4spro| I - Ar White PI a,*l:o«pm| I- ■;■ •••» Ar Mill'gele .;10:10am| 4:^am Ar Wash’ton ..|lo;l9am| 7:lopm| Picayune train leaves Augusta dally except Sunday at 5:15 p. m.. and ar rives at Milledgevtlle at S:10 p. m. Traino arrive at Augusta 8:11 a. m -7-45 a. ns.. 1:20 ». m.. and 8:25 p ns. A. O. JACKSON, G. P. A. JOE W. WHITE, T. P. A, „ J