The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 02, 1898, Image 7

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SIN JUAN TU SUBRENDER WITHOUT A FIGHT Such Action will Be Taken Today or Tomorrow- The Consular Force In Conference with Governor General Maciae. mCIAL TO THU HMUIA •a* I«•*< fmm Aw*. A**, t ~VM »im4 will fw*e»ty wmi** UMurnr tto-- lert-m Ctoeaei IIMM. r***ti Ow—l « *<—•»*♦ e*4 lie mMtoto tefffe- ll*»M. IN* t*Hß*r ****•! Me *e *""• •* **»*•* —4*4 •*** few *L Ttwe*. Wet* k* has Ma W «*# •*». «» o*eet*a. H* W • reefer**** *»»to On Mil** »*4 «to# Him wr* er* nun Tin a* <w* to#** M# •*- fire* •**«■? **4 the <***•»** c ««* Tlm eel tie rerf* #*A*4 »» *• 4—m> •«* lUrtotoe. etoto* • «*•»< H TW ffref reefer**#* e##**r*4 *e Hut-oar M*< to— ie Mll#«*4 l* a* »IM lap to eefTroiW tto* tolewl I* »**• of tk* eltWAoo 1 *•*• eottiir* of ll* enei «ff##*4 iff Her— Mt they **r* rmolai* Mr'Drf Hjf On- MUra hA - Hr opletoa fe#«r» *A* **rrro**r Tie •UttoAe of fto* lewnroe* K*e Aoe* THE SPANISH CABINET IS NOW DILLY-DALLYIN6. Wants to know What “Immediate Evacua tion" Means, and Wants to Know of the Philippines. Special to The HeraW. Maartd Aug. 2. The cabinet liaa re ceived a cablegram direct from Cam ton. and held two loo* eeaaiona di»- cuMin* peace. The member* refuaed to Ulh further than to aajr that the United Slate" had Imposed another condition entirely new. besides those already known. No hint is given aa to wtiat this condition la. Almodovar, minister of foreign affair#, conferred at length with the French and Austrian and German ambassadors, and then rrnauHed Sagasta. The universal Im pression is that the cabinet will final ly accept the principal conditions im posed and agree to evacuate Cuba and surrender Porto Rico, thus securing an armistice, and discuss leas hurriedly the other minor conditions and detail* of the evacuation. There is complete official silence regard the Philippines. The belief that the war is fndtd has caused stocks to rise sharply. In fact, I nm able to state with authority that the cabinet ministers believe the whole peace negotiations will bo completed in leas iban a month. if i. ; T .Madrid, Aug. 2. The cabinet, af ter discussing America’s terms, has de cided to send a note to the United States government asking for a more definite expression of tte meaning of the words "immediate evacuation,” and Wrl ft* lew »»*• A*** *» ••*«•'* >•« *wk *e emt *f *W» **« Me • tM| AM of leerwee **#etoM» eto* ooteW It* h*rtN» Mpa IMef »*•** me » mm «—*••• <•»"•« *• t Me* V*m to *—t twee Me ll# tie* • to—» •* eefr**- 4*r es •!* m»m*4 pa? •* •*•« «*• Mite* te * <U ** ••* »•*!*#• I*tof *t, Tk.«o A*4 l- om (MMli or* errr* erftoe f*«*» feeto#."* 'to* Jen re*4 Tto* **— toto W*** er* AM toe *—T. Wl— totoWM—r rapti-4 lie pn»iT«~ o»*»i*4 tto# Uooe* «tok • !**«• etorle# T*-**-**" Tto# •M eroe *l«ero4 eiMAy Ceettarf I*—- o -oo m«MT. *f «l* —»to*» ClerMeeU. aa<t Prtrete ftetoo# of tie BUlto ttU ooto I*** M*e ro«rmanlet*4 for parolet Co*f*4r»ot* Mite a tie rntlro iroom We err e il«*eoe4 **• dree. *l* Teeipe iran.port# hat* er nr*4 with repoler* Tie Hi Lottie Me alee eirt**4 «rltl Ike riirhamnge alto more definit" referenca U> th« dia pociticn of the Philippines. Washington, Aug. 2. The president will call an eatia session of the houses of congress as toon aa Spain accepts the terms of peace offered. .The senate must pas* the peace treaty and con gress aa a whole must frame the meas ures for the retention of the volunteer army which on the present law psasea out of existence as soon aa the war clo ses: also laws for the government of the Philippines, Porto Rico. Cuba, Ac. GEN. MERRITT ASKS FOR MORE SOLDIERS [Special to The Herald.] Washington, Aug. 2.—On authority of a congressman who saw Secretary Alger It Is stated that Gen. Merritt, In his dispatch to the war department, says he fears trouble with the insur gents at Manila, and will need more men. He asks tbat. his force be in creased to fifty thousand men. What Barrett Say*. [Copyright by John Barrett.]. Hong Kong, Aug. 2.—1 have made a special visit to Aguinaldo's headquar ters to ascertain the real Feling of the Insurgents towards the American mili tary operations. 1 stayed two days and fanned with all the principal lead ers and find a distinct evidence of jeal ousy. but no actual anti-American feel ing. While favoring the Americans 'J'HE WTJOXTSTyV. HEEALD rrMerf CffNtoHe eoe w*>**i tot to htoi totortoot. Mi ee* <4l teeto eo iotooge t Tie eMtoltnr ttoirne* *rrl**4 *t Hoe Joee yoeifetiajr e*4 lie Mtoer «w*t* as reeiprrrr See* **v <*e**i«l tto*" .atejr Ttoo Ne* Ort*o*e, fVoirt# Ditto **4 <ltoe»ootrr ore fc*4»«* tto* pon A M**lt Hpeete* etenloei Me loo* el***tt*4 ttoet l«po4**tlp oat •Me ttoo leriwr Iryte* to eetlr* not < ariaew* *e4rr tto* At* of ll* me*A*4 • / leitertee. A peri of Uee Mllee* ertay fa arrl*- too 4a Aoetaee Bey. am IM eonl ***'- era roaet of Haytl. atltrl to tie ap- ree4*«*oee. Tltn plaor *n* apolm of early In tl* ear e» a too tie* aiofloe for IM I'*ltr4 HI at**. Tie Annapolis Is ealllnc off tl* «**tem ,n 4 es Borto Biro to coarey thrrn to Ponrr, over the Spaniards they fear the ef fect* of a large military force and the loss of their own prnstige. Agulnaldo I# reogectfuk to Dewey. Merritt and Consul Wlldman and he holds sacred Consul General Wlldman'e good opin ion, but la willing to glre only nega tive assistance until he knows the Am erican policy which telegraphic report says ts the abandonment of the Philip ptnea. There la Indication of n claah between Merritt and Aglnaldo. but I do not anticipate any difficulty. JEJF He WIN Surrender. Washington. Aug. 2.—The nary de partment la In po*»« Mlon of Informa tion that Captain General August! has entered Into an agreement to surrender Manila to Admiral Dewey and General Merritt on demand. This information ts contained In dispatches from Dewey and Merritt which were received yes terday. Secretaries Alger and Long said the substance of the dispatches would not he given out for the present. Aginaldo's declination of an Ameri can protectorate has changed the plana of the administration, and has made the situation In the Philippines one of the greatest gravity. Dewey and Mer ritt have been notified tbat Aguinaldo should not he antagonized, though the policy of forcing the city to surrender to the Americans is to to carried out. Aguinaldo's future status is not to be affected by this fact and it will be clearly defined in his favor in the peace negotiations. il : § . , r isiEiGEj i CASTORIA \ 15SS21S2SSS5 1 'fivmc* • 1 hdr*'.H*. I Mrftol l|i §SHrI*A»T»»TM\ H Iymrr I A— 4r*lAtWH* fotroltolffM 19 •ton Steam* (VutoMA ■ NN.ow. iontrulvoxit \l nm of M rtr fat I lotto Atfoolor* es I* 1 \ Ktw Yt>HH y wcrtaeror wnAitoffß, J Not Too Late to Buy a SUMHER’S SUIT! Half tha season is yet to come, and besides you will find many warm days in the Fall when a Summer’s Suit would not be uncomfortable. There is one great advantage In buying a suit now; you can get a very fine Suit for lit tle money compared to what its value would bring at the beginning of the season. Reason teaches economy. You save money by buying your clothing from us. I. C. Levy’s son & Co.. TAILOR-FIT CLOTHIERS. AUGUSTA. • GRORGIA keep cool by using one of our odorless Refriger ators -t to Dewey Just annihilates hot weather. Klondike, Ourtiey and Eclipse are "II good; everyone guaranteed; wa ter coolers, cedar chests; ice cream fieezers. See our line of bedroom suits, 126. Baby Carriages for 16. We will make terms and prices to suit you. Fleming& Bowles 904 Broml Street. FOR SALE - --- gxf- 1 have for sale very desirable build ing Jot located in the centre of one of the handsomest blocks in the city. Will eell tame very cheap. Just the place for a handsome residence for jour family. Good titles. CALL ON MRS. JERRY O’HARA, NO. 1327 OREENE STREET. NEXT TIME YOU HAVE A.HEADACHE BSE Land’s Headache Capsules Made Only By HOWARD & WILLETT DRUG CO. CASTDRIA Wm Itofiof *»>4 Chtliftß. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the i » Signaturo AJajf of w U JS* The rip? Kind \j You Have Always Bought. CASTORIA Old Filar let Worts Mactioer; FOR SALE Pumps, Tails, Pipes, it, Cheap Lombard Iron foils UP-TO-DATE METHODS '< ' \ UNTIRING ENERGY, BRAINS AND PUSH, HUSTLE, JUDICIOUS SPENDING OF LARGE SUMS OF MONEY / h : & SOriE OF THE METHODS THAT , MAKE THE HERALD FArtOUS. PORTNER’S HOFBRAU and VIENNA CABINET BRANDS OF Export Beers are the best akk foe them. Uncle Sam’s Navy, Port folio No. 9. just received at Herald Office. READ £££?! AUGUSTA HERALD Because it Prints Exclusive and Copyrighted Spe cials Under an Arrangement With the New York Journal and Published Simulta neously in The Herald and the New York Journal. “The News While it is News” “The War Ncwa Ahead of Ollier Papers In Georgia and South Carolina.*' Best Brightest, Ctieapest Paper PißlisleA Ten Cents a W eek * Forty-Five Cenfjs a Month $1.25 For Three Months v $2.50 For Six Morrttis * $5 00 a Year. . It is impossible for Herald/soilcitors to sea personally every one that Wishes to take the paper. Fill out the subscription coupon below tor the time you want the p aper to run, and remit to the Herald. The Herald will ba sent you immediately. — To The Augusta Herald : Augusta, Ga., 1898 Find enclosed s—for$ —for which please send The Herald to the following ad dress for the time paid for. . > Name < Street and Number Postoffice State ID CENTS A WEEK-10 CENTS A WEEK CALI. FOR AUGUSTA BREWING COMPANY’S EXWIRT beer The Best (in The Market. W. H. Lynch & Co., Yellow Pine Lumber r 1 AND ] | - - —- Builders’ Hardware. Doors Sash, Blinds. L flouldingp, Laths, | Shingles, Wood & Coal. : 16th STREET. NEAR ELECTRIC RAILWAY POWER HOUSE «r h.omv#* i*. r « adocbt*. es. CALL FOR AUGUSTA BREWING COMPANY’S DRAUGHT BEER The Fiest on The Market,