The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 03, 1898, Image 1

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USX *»»»*•*. -*i mwn l% .SSST 9A VIRUS* MARK P**«*g» A****** aaanwaa# toreMM’Mift §#»####• n. fin. « CAP,LISTS IN ARIAS AT SORDO Ft mm I td Tks T*«*j flit Mwtitc H u »« fried tm • ***"* H##%#toto# |j, t jm S - k ififial # fVMFHWI mum *** « tftto#to toMff MMPUm t »*#* ifto ***#•*• IMfA Alls. I %•*» to# vtot AfIMNNSMi ftttoNMft ••A ftfttot •* OTff> l# m toto'fttft T%# l*M s icsss •#■#*«• fttototaf •** tr I ij>i last rM fm* tM< toffttfttoft ##* Hi IA f v |g #C##£lt I tor J*f ft* «; * tmmrnt4 to* hfviH Hr* Mifci#-# ftorir im.ruiuii srs* «rlth rritH tc ifie nHto4 of fMittitoft i*mii! tto# ito*to<' ; f ft#* toll# tosv# l*m «rt# of Smltltotio*. It to jWllllHtol IVr«*> ttrJ to l»«L Out. dri/Tnsinalto* <« ncrtd* to »fc* Am-r- I.M (Imsfid* «« pr-!*t«! to leak out, evidently with the InteatUoa of terilas the itmprr ct the pn pie. The Dfoolut*. ct( ipithttlf. ###nis btm€U\f «l*i tto»t ill# strain to over «Hbf to Sill to to? ftisru**#ft #r# tb# 9to#thods of evicts*tins Cub*. Porto Rfro acd oth*r Spanish poutMlntu la tb# Wcwt Indtot nd lb# #*t#nt of tto Aw#rldts ScmindK reftsrdtng tb# Phi! !ppii)»«*. Rot It to felt fe#re tbit tto lndlDC drmindi of PrciidfQl Mi Kin t#T I ni of vr. *. o ■ uu, voci*t y irrupt .j j*tt 'hp ml ituinbUsc blreki tvs tb# way of peace hare bf#ti rcraovad. A* to Don Curios. Strong pressure Is being brought to heur on Don Curios which probably will force him to act Immediately. Three Cartiat chiefs from Spain are to arris.*' at Lucerne tomorrow. It la known that jhry will declare It to be Impossible (o held bark Don Carlos’ followers In Spain any longer. They hare been awaiting the eigaal to rise and ran not nntWstand Don Carloi’ de lay. His riiiefs all urge artion. Much Interest Aroused. Washington. I> C.. Aug. 3. —Reports from Madrid by way of London stating that Spain bad determined upon an an swer to the demands of the United States and that an answer had been sent or was i nronte to \t ashlnglon had the effect of arousing the moat lively Interest In all the official quarters to day. While the reports are uroeptfl as showing the undoubted tendency of the Spanish government for peace and will likely lie borne In the near future by the formal response of Madrid, yet It ran be stated positively that so far the Cnlted State* government ha* re ceived no answer from Strain nor hn* the French embassy received the an swer which will be communicated to the authorities here. , Mistake Somewhere. It I* apparent from this answer that the answer could not have been sent ■from Madrid Monday, a* stated In some of the foreign reports. A misapprehen sion doubtless arises from the fact that th» Madrid cabinet. aft>r receiving the American terms desired more informa tion upon some points involved. This led to a cable communication to M. t’ambon. It was not Intended as a re sponse to the American terms and was In no sense conclusive upon the subject matter of negotiations. There was no need even of a call by Cambnn at the white house or at the state depart ment. How Things Stand. This continues to be the situation up to the present time, via.: A communi cation has been received relative to the American terms, but not one of such fi nal character as to constitute the an swer for submission to the United States government. At the same time the final answer Is expected dally and almost hourly, and although no official information has been given. It is pos sible the decision has been already reached at Madrid. Figuring on Peace. On the assumption that peace is near at hand, some attention Is being given to the steps which thus may be brought about formally and the measures nec essary to be adopted Immediately after wards. It is said to be not at all im probable that the preliminaries leading up to the signatures cf the treaty of peace may consume fully tbrte months, so it may 1)4 well along toward the le gal date of the assembly of congress before the President is prepared to submit a peace treaty to the Senate. The Expected Pledge. The Spanish pledge to accept the broad conditions laid down by the Uni ted States will take the form Of a wrtt t.n agreement, something in Ihe nature of a protocol under the terms of the President’s note. I%p.hcy be accepted by IF YOU WANT THE BEST AND FRESHEST NEWS THE NEWS OF THE WORLD AND LOCAL NLWS Rt AD THE HERALD* VC# itMA a »m %m i mB it ROUGH RIDERS ORDERED HOME VltriHi fillip nithM fikW | (At A 11* latri Tm—f—t* MgM *»*> An tIW 1 Nil 4 tttMh (09—1*1 I* Tk« M*M 1 I teg# YfWtl I )*-'-•*»wfc (V4at I ##*»*. ikhimih L .ATUkt tolfiria AM#to#MrJ •• till* ARftaMM i fTtitotot-h# y*» . A toft, ft - ~Tto #*- ' finlf» fetotoi at *to toft tkf** ftay* <"**• *siltttit itoftaf !• o«# tot tto# to#N I#T* irfflt atactHctot *<«#** tto! #v#r fWM • • to# Hit T}:■ * in f4if #& • h«*» fls ** *to «Ik?, b!»t«r% rs tit# tcirtll toMcatSto# Nm* I Ito #•# S»w*r a oft ilfffftwfiti tfttTtt riliWl Ttotf# toraa •• toatoWtoto #totot*to* } (,{vqi tomn of tlftittivi toft toißf lit* I fMittos toast Iwtll4itoft» to •toftfijf rvrrjf m## to Mirh • i)on(h 9Sat tfe* Si 'A ton* [of St.* ct-y. canted hr llgb.alog T|in »l»rm» have b-en trot la. THE FRENCH TREAT!’. . .step* Looking to Enlarging the Ar. rnngrment. Pari*. Aag. I—Tho1 —Tho Temp* thl* af ‘ t*rncoo aar* the l'nlt—l Wet** ha* n> l Hoe 4 th* French niHilater of foreign I gffaira that *bc dcalrta to enlarge the I ptfiprpflty tr.aty by lociuditoft new prodi c**. Franc#, tb# p*p#r add#, ha® - ecc#pt#d th# auftaciticD and ncftutia | lions on th# subject, will be op#o#d. NINTH II LINOIS. The Comminl Ha* Been Ordered to Join Oen Lee I gprlngfleln. «ug. B.—The Ninth 1111- noi* Infantry (cclonedl ha* received order* from Geo. Corbin today to go to Jacksonville, where .the regiment ic to Join Oen. Lee - * corps. The men i received the news with much enihua iasm. REPORT I Ron SHAFTER. The Total Sick at santiago Number 4,1.10 Cast* Washington. Aug. 3. —Gen. Shatter ha* sent the following sanitary report ‘for August lei: Total lick. 4,239; total | fever cases, 3,179; nov eases fever, fiS9; cases fever.' returned to duty, 679; idi'ath* on August Ist, IS. Much Fetter Mr. William Nixon, It Is l.arnrd, Is Imcch better today. This will be grat ■ Ifylng news to his many friends. 1 —— iSpain the Spanish government will be bound to evacuate Cuba and Porto RI -Iro Immediately. This action "111 not .wait upon the work of the peace com missioners. but Is to precede it and fol low immediately upon the signature of the memorandum accepting the Pres ident’s conditions. *<lmmedistely”. The word "immediately” in this case I perhaps la a little- deceptive. Th" ex i perlence of the v ur department In the 'endeavor to remove to Spain the Span ish troops surrendered at Santiago has not Justified the expectation that the .large force of Spanish regulars can be gathered up and shipped home to Spain In less than sixty days at best. There fore, what Is meant by the word "Im mediately” is that the Spanish gov ernment shall at least begin arrange ments at once for the evacuation of the Islands. Fortunate Circumstance On the whole, it is a rather fortun ate circumstance that this evacuation cannot take place en masse and imme diately, for it has been determined that the Spanish troops withdrawn must be I replaced by United States troops. This is deemed to be absolutely nec essary to guard against anarchy and to secure establishment of a sthble form of government in Cuba under proper Constitutional guarantees, but, in all probability, not many of them will have to go there before the pres ent rainy season has neared Its end. Ready to Act. I Paris, France, Aue. 3.—A dispatch from Madrid says i.” a definite reply ’of the United States to the peace prop osition art Ives today the Spa nish cab inet will meet this evening and officially accept the terms. THE AUGUSTA HERALD. SPANIARDS ACCEPT U S. | PROPOSALS Tli Tirtilfii stAtffl it to ] OTtofk TttoJ. ft** I leal twl N aaaMww 111.,** Owt N : Hw HA M* Hum. r.NUINE HAD FIN. khap rr of AttMrMi IWl*t«* lb* Asylum m 4 rtMMgwvM*. ~ , ._ , .1,, mi ..a, ~, mm i.,, ,*m nr,l j wbea just m th* other side of th* The < -mpling cf th* roach brag Ito *.dw ts the treat)* the m*eh broke , ~ mi*’., and *!artn) back . fovard* the atybttu and stopped Just .The mglneor teeing this, started bark fir the roarh again, th rngitie going iat such a rate of (peed be was unable ‘to (top It. and reversed the lever and • truek the roach with such form that ! it was knocked about fifty yard* up the track. The engine then bounded bark and rsmr on to the city a* fast aa it rruid go. without engineer or fireman. II paused through the elty ami did not stop until stopped by a ho* ear at the If* ftptorv near the , Georgia depot, having run about a mile. I! was almost a miracle thgt no one va* hurt, aa no warning of ita ap* | preach waa given. IN THE FIFTH. The Opening of the Congressional Campaign at Chester. Chester, 8. C. Aug. 3. —The congre*- I sionnl campaign for the Fifth district j opened here on Monday. All of the six candidates were ou hand and spoke to about 2 ( io voters, with a scattering lof the fair sex. The audience main |talned perfect order and gave an at- Itentive hearing to each speaker. Mr. | Pollock made a very favorable tmpres • elon, but of course Chester county's ) candidate made the speech of the day. Attorney General Barber Is onp of the brainiest young men In the state, and is one of the best orators. If speaking Is any criterion, he ebould be elected on the first ballot. Chrsfi'r county has two candidates snd Chesterfield, Lancaster and York one each. Chester county doesn’t ask for a , Chester county man to be sent to con gress, hut the district demands that [ ehe brainiest and best fitted man for ! she place be elected. As the campaign progresses the vo’ers can very earily j r-serrtain who this man is. Watch the ] result rs the Fifth district election. The race will bo a pretty and Inter esting one, but tb? right man will be elected. FUSION NOMINEE. A Nomination Effected After an Al Night Session. Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 3.—The Fusion j state convention, after a continuous session during the night, reached an agreement on the heed of tho ticket by nominating W. A. Poynter for govern cr. NEW VICEROY. George N. C arson Now Goes to India. London, Aug. 3.—lt is reported that George N. Curzon, parliamentary sec retary for the foreign office, has ac cepted the office of viceroy of India In succession to the Bar! of Elgin. Cur zon marired Miss Mary Leltor, daugh !,.r of L. Z. i.piter, of Chicago. New York Futures New York, Aug. 3. —Futures opened August 5.84, September 5.88, October t.,94, November 5.95, December 6.00, January 6.04, February 6.06, March 6.09, April 6.12, May 6.17. At Ml AI A. Ot WRECKED BY A CYCLONE n# Vfliii* ar M#4im, la Sfaia. MtN HW. Atot toftoi IWtotoS## FtoftwiNNl { ftatoaft IH#* [ aft IftvftktolNl to#* Ototoft oftofftsft tot to I OMfiNVIUA liftffil Cssrl Frrarotol Mtsllss isfasi a Hrsrtl <!#rw»«i. ti •• toHfrtvft #» fnrtnisn est (to* Monftn? totos tain da; and III# cm* cofninNtr# I# oniatift# ttor rtmmtj fin* f*to*ftto Rtotto • FiHHil '"'o**^ i ftng kin# to tilts cool resort to lint# j ( Aft#r sprfxftaft • (toy or so to Orreii f fl> t^r gtirsts of Dr snft Mrs A* I g. Thooitos. Dr toftH Mrs W H IdOW ' (Dan. of Oitotiftrtmrft #*tii np to th# I Ilf s 4 itwliir to itty som# dm#. Among thoto# st tto# lira I nr#: Dr ] p g Otorftnrr siul faitillv. Prof. IS. von | - Aotif# Addlsoti. Miss lAiilff H#iulr-r- | son. Miss Loin TYro#r. Miss## Kltll# «nd Atmik VrN. 111. Mrs K Q ftol#s snd 1 too chtlftrtß. Miss Otvtroftto Hoyt _ n j nth#r» Prof, von Flngerlln will eendnet at j CaeaaFa Head a sumjner arhool of | modern language* »nd give folk* a | fin* opr-ortunlly to study Spanish away from tb* heated seem?* where that lan guage Is be’ag learned Just now. THE CORN CROP. The Yield In Nebraska Will be a Large One • Omaha. July 31.—A1l Saturday night : filn ha* been falling throughout Ny 'brisks, making the corn rron Mouldy , yafe This time the rain ha* extend- I cd to th" extreme portion# of the north- . Western part of the state, where tbdj rain* of lari week did not touch. One inch of rain fell lari night at va rious point* In the state. Today the moisture has been deposited In the most derlrshle manner for the erops, a alow even rain. Many field* of corn pronounced a few weak* *(s> as absolutely beyond hope of being saved will yield at least half a crop. Oraln men are satisfied that (he Ne braska yield cf corn will reach at leant one hundred and fifty million hurhel*. The Indications three weeks ago based nn a rareful estimate from the acre age Indicated that two hundred million bushels would be the yield of Nebraska corn. i The drought has cut the crop short by one-fourth. Chicago, St. Louis and New Yoik grain and commission men have sent agents from the East hur trledly Into Nebraska to ascertain the exact situation as to corn. MILLEDUEVILLE. What I* Going on at the Old State Capital. Mllledgevllle, (in.. Aug. I.—Miss Min nie Caiuker returned home yesterday from a visit to Sandersvllie. | Mbs Eve Perry Is visiting friends In Tonnillo. Mbs Klma Crawford returned to her home In Dothan, Ala., Saturday after a pleasant visit to Miss Henrietta • Brantly. i Mbs Ida Cara leer Is at home after a month's stay al Ellijay, C,a. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Hall returned home Saturday from a visit to Mrs. Hall's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bybee, Winchester. Ky. Mrs. E. S. Bayne of Macon Is visit ing her son. Mr .John M. Bayne. Miss Katie Cone has returned from a visit to Sandersvllle. She was accom panied home by Miss Belle Brown of Sandersvllle. Mr. E. R. Hines, one of Mllledge- Viile's brightest young men, lias be come a member of the law firm of Roberts & Pottle, making the firm of mini- Huberts, Pottle & Hines. Mr. Hines graduated at the Virginia law college this summer and was admitted to the bar at the July term of court. He is an acquisition to this well rec ognized law firmu Miss I.ia/.i ■ Bivins Is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. O. *. Cone. Death) of an Infant. The friends of'Mr. and Mrs. Clarence S. Atkinson wtllfl deep!” sympathize with them in ehe loss of their ten months’ old infant. The funeral oc curs tomorrow from the residence, No. 1420 May a vena*. SKIRMISH ' FIRING IN PORTO RICO Cat Tlrtr «ill fie N* KlckUac Tint lull Asa;. g—kaw* arv a aittwg 4w* Thai* Ate* lift fstofttototots. iffvrktosi toil!## from Unco V# Ansby Char* After Cheer. Almost ito# rstlrt fmfHilatlov Mir Iftot# llk**tos rhrrf iflrr ft§i##f. |»#rfl#m* Ttoto-r to as Mrtof. I Th#r<> «ag •«*«!# Brin# |msl nlfthi Im*- itorfn, CftftC. Aostto*s phtkri to snft tto# ile. .i iar>t* lit ikr lirilhh (flit DO dAIYIS## ’ • __ *|»h.a mprii'hfi invitw ft## |to9k SCO*. lilt* " •«»** i* *« r CrtlM#, «tn# to tl»# ftols# toltorms of tto of tto# Sntnuh sod lti#r m# I for An #nrooo!#r with lit# so- | l|i, v Tli# gfifril to#l!sf Is (tost ttorre Lin hf no forw»rft »ov.*m#iii of Ito# main body of troop# until tofttr oth#r The (Mile's Mot* Ths troop# shoard th# 8t UnHo ore reportfd U> he In ftond health Bh# ; brought tarHv# rrpnr f)t»tiv.-# of th# iPrrto Rlmn Junt» of N#w York, whrs# IlMistornn in to lnflu#nr# th# p#opl# of th# island not to ft'sist th# Amrrlcton advtoo##. Thtlr ftis ft ofllr**# tore not | pcreaaary. The Dixie a shot at Morro j (’antic Saturday ranaad the utmost coo- : sternatlon at San Juan, where It waa hr- j Hevrd to have aign<fl'' , l that th* plae* will be bombartltd within twenty-four | hour*. A TALK WITH HOBSON. Mr*. Albert Sherman (let the Hero at Asheville To Mr*. Albert Sherman belong* the distinction of bring the only Augusta j woman, and one of the few Georgia women, who has had the pleasure of |meeting Lieut. Richard Pearson Hob son. the hero of the Merrimac. Li‘tit. Hobson was Introduced to Mrs. Sbe.- man. who is visiting friends In Ashe ville, b: hi* uncle, Congressman Pear son, with whom he was making a brief stay. The following excerpt from a loiter from Mrs. Sbertnan to an Augusta friend will he read with much interest by Mre. Sherman's friends, and the many admirers of Lieut. Hobson: "When Mr. Pearson, his uncle, and also his namesake, by the way. said, 'Mrs. Sherman, this is Lieut. Hobson,’ I experienced the most peculiar sensa tion imaginable, a blended feeling cf Joy and sorrow, which was Intensifico by the cordial handshake with which he greeted me. He is much younger than any of the pictures of him indi cate; in fact he looks a mere boy, with a handsome, strong face, a mouth firm, yet tender, and the polished, perfect manners of a Chesterfield. His story for of course I talked shop was one j of most Intense Interest. He told mO| cf otir brave General Wheeler, and a« he talks you are conscious that he nev-j er uses the usual big T,’ it is always; ‘we;’ and while not apparently anxious l to rehearse his experiences, still he’ does not avoid the subset. His voice, which is a pure, rich southern one, and as refined as a woman's. Is tenderly lowered when he speaks of his moth er. and one can tell by this atone of the reverence in which he holds her. When I said to him that I hut ex pressed the sentiments of all Augus tans when I considered him the hero of (he war, and told him we were proud he belonged to the Sunny South, his eyes began to sparkle and something like the fire which actuated him while under the Spanish fire could be seen when he said. 'I am even more proud cf it than are you.’ ” ST. LOUIS AND ST. PAUL. Auxiliary Cruisers Returned to Amer ican Lines. Washington, Aug. 3.—General Wade’s fifteenth regiment was designated this afternoon. No Georgia recruits are in it. Wade will garrison Porto Rico. The navy department has returned the St. iPaul and the St. Louis to the American lines. At Brighton Beach. Dr. William H. Harrison is at Brigh ton Beach. I Oil AS# A TV AS h||tM Atfl J. *M CULVER'S MEN OROERED ON tV Mittitot* Ftftfc I nit (to Gm\ H |*fiftt in sH TMLV |JON"T I.IRE IS. the F rraikhmr# am fto !##•#! Mtoftal I toils totofto. ; flilf nnd iMk# toll kinds of itorents of s A prtrm toko Is aboard toss ft#r!*reft S # ito re# to rigNiiM Frmrn that this roontrp has toiad# a f#s*.fnt tnlstakr in ! htddtoft inn. and H will jr#c rn#t th# SAWED THE BLINDS. A Burglar Attempt* to Futer Resi dence of Mr. Ruhrnsletn. There was a bit of eirltment on low- ' « Kill* ateet I*m night. A burglar tried to rose the bouse of Mr. Emile Kubenatrln al 346 Kill* street. At least ! • burglar was supposed to have been around. A noise was heard at the bark part of the bouae and It was thought j beat an cOr. r be tent for. A young ’ lady who was present volunteered to ’go for a pollrrmun nnd soon found one. When the officer arrived the burglar bed II iv ver. cvttkaces of na at tempted entrance to the house was feund Is n window blind that was I found to have been tampered with. 1 sever*, slata In th.- widow blind hav- I ing been severed. The burglar wa* ev | Idcaly frightened away before the po- ■ lireman arrU cd. THE DAILY GRIND. 1 .. „ .. The Recorder Not Detained Long at Court Today. The recorder’s matinee was hardly more ihan a curtain raiser performance today. West Moseley was sentenced to ten j j day* in jail. : Joe Mnrry paid a fine of $3.50. Julie 1 hcmpktns naltl 12.50. Chris Coleman paid $1.50. Rose Wane got ten day* In Jail. All the above charges were of the j i elghernth. Will Smith, a negro boy. jumped on ' and off a moving train, for which he ■ wax assessed $5 The case of Will Mltcboll, colored, j 'charged with wife beating, wss con-] j Untied over, as the offended party, the wife, did not appear at court. JOKE ON THE SENTINEL. He Wanted the Commissary Instead of the Countersign. The soldiers of the tenth regiment are "Joliylng” one of the members of the regiment today on the way he chal lenged a soldier passing the guard lines last night. I The member referred to was on guard when a soldier approached and the guard, ns the requirements demand, de bited to challenge him. | He m “ant to say "Advance and give I the countersign,” but Instead hi' holler ed out "Advance and give the commis sary.” nnd now be is finding himself the butt of the Jokers of the camp. Annual Mountain Excursion This opportunity to visit the various resorts In North and South Carolina is an excursion in name only. ’lickots are good on regular trains leaving Au gusta on the 10th and good lo return on any train until August 31st. Many of the best people of the city will avail themselves of the low rates, and several select parties have been made up. Every attention will be shown to Jodies traveling without, es corts and every one is guaranteed a comfortable trip, as ample accommo dations have been provltLad. Mr. North has has this trip In charge and will look after the comfort of Ihe patrons of his line. Interment at Washington. The remains of Miss Porter, who died yesterday afternoon at her home on the Savannah road, wifi be taken to Wash ington, 111., for interment. Henry North 111 The friends of Mr. Henry North re gret to learn that he Is quite sick at his home on Telfair street. *• t mas -a.**** IUXIIIS iriTJIHto ItlN 4M) Isa* I *'*# i amng* i at* asm tabs. '♦*»**•# .«*.( « . a <• *• n««*t*» -•*» HAVANA IN WRETCHED CONDITION Thf Nimilir* felt## oti k; lit PiurtftMt «l ssoi BmL *tas. ait— % htkm* Rklri I# hy the eta** !.»**> tiny. Illy JDvWri l*rmmj K< • Twrh Aug A - A.<- ast* at ths* 'WW-UIMI al aitsSlW la 11 ..saw Mutt ».». swd t’jniswsi arwrv g.etm rwutdiy Iby p»**#*ar» » •• the •<>*«—> l dtjuf Ns*»« i. w> Aagwa the tr .ah* 30 i f#f#n### tto# ##*## t f # t" # «toi tret# jffMMh* !i# ##»*9# t*9ftn to# »*tnn4 in «mt**ipft* turn «$ n* ag rantiwlM hf Übr lamirgcws*. Many at them era - ith fuwd* having turned all •va DM* p«9>rty tato • **h. Tb** pw.4 Dtplu*ahle CcmdHlo*. (la* * mss *ho had narhr.i fiagtMh by roll Iran lit ana aa*d the mairnoe rs afisiru la the rap'tal was deploralsto snd dsil? grrwtsg worve. "Thwr* in pirnty of moa*y.” the said, “hut wha* ue* I* H «L*y ft will hardly p»ir. baa# anything? It t* impoaalMa to get head at any prW-*. Kvra boraefteuh rout* % dollar a pound, Brand roala tmeaty , yHr cen t a pound, and D wry bad ag that The supply of rondraaed milk Its t-rantrally exhausted and the lit Ila left is sold at 12 for a can such as wa I boy brrr for ten cents. Dying of Marx allow "On the average to to twelve per* ■on* are found dead of starvation la th* >u—;* every day, *od tbl* takes no accrual of th* arore* who dally die of hunger la the houses. No word* raa describe the honor* of the place where the wretched r-• onrentrado* are herd id tog< (her. I wa* told that three wss no less than f. ur thousand of them miserable people in the place when ( mm* away. They arc dying by thu hiiudmU. for of course nothing ta be ing done for their relief, when the nov el nmeni has not enough food for Ita own soldier*. W :r*e than this, tba officDl* beat and abua* them *humc : fully. Toc Stores Closed ”.*lWio«t *ll the si or hs la Wcyler aod 'O'Reilly sirettt* are rioted, aa are all the ptiagipnl hptri*. The stock of I real ta ulnumi completely exhausted, and for a few day* the local trains that rug tu Vevedo past Sams Clara beticry were slopped for the want of Xuet." DON’I FORGET The Grand Combination Fxcuralon to Charlotte, N. C. Over (he C. & W. C. R. R.. Monday. Aug. 8, 1898, by the Morning Blur* of Hi-nc-olfnee and the Brothers and Sis ters of Love societies. Fare, Round trip, $2.00. Special coaches for our white friends at $2.25. Tickets on sale al Thomas & Barton's, at Arling ton Htr.el news-stand. Train leave® Union deprt a! 8 o’clock Monday morning. Aug. 8. Returning, leaves Charlotte Vug. 9ih. at 11 p. m. Com n-ltiee, L. E. Mosel*/, president; H. B. Sweet, serretaiy; far Morning Stars of Benevolence. H. B. Sweet, president; S. W. McTyre, secretary; Brothers and Sisters of Ijove. splendid idea. Y, A 1 C A. to Conduct a Business College in VYext End The Augusta Y. M. C. A. will, In a mouth or so, establish a night school In West End that will be open to all who sire to attend, free of charge, except the cost of text books. At. the school will he taught the prac tical business professions, such as slenogruphy, bookkeeping, penmanshtp end other like studies. Already an r,blo corps of Instructors have been en gaged and It is thought that the school will open In October. Besides tha branches named above. It is contempla ted giving ten seohlars a course in me chanical drawing. The work Is a noble undertaking by the Y. M. C. A. and many, who can not afford to attend a business college whore a tuition Is required, will no doubt take advantage of die Y. M. C. A.’s offer. The Y. M. C. A. management are not ready to announce the corps of in structors, but the 'acuity of the school will be composed of most capable teachers, DISCHARGED FROH HOSPITAL. Air. Peter Keenan, Jr., Has Recovered From Injuries. Mr. Peter Keenan, Jr., who was !Li ken to the city hospital Sun lay' before last to be treated for injuries received from failing from a window while walking in his sleep, was today dis charged from the hospital, having re covered from his injuries. His many friends will be glad to bear that be ia all right again. „