The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 03, 1898, Image 3

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WtONtftOAV kiu i nun ! 110 RICO #tirt W«# LitH • 0 **N ftafl* f|B fit TMI 111 Hw It lint TW% Ita IUHMM 9*mm. Ami 1 tin •» fNwnsn • —IN wmwa of **» * »»»«■•«* m* am Nan a «■**> "t • i h*w*'a gANt®#®!®**# life®* #UI» *W*dU AlP* Tp* w»* IMMMI 4® INut# ***• at •ty® ®* #®“ i^p «4 m* •** «***. ®*i% Itas«® ***HL *** **•*• |®*MM 4 mMfmtt Aipmr®® py®#*®-» us dOMMfc tMWW® * i# * | IH®® #•#s loi®®® *mm •BP®. ®#*®#® j flft# «• MU* **<P®|*Mfr*lft *** ***** * ■ I #H®#t i* lP“ p*p -'4'** W® w ym* f am ®# ill* ®f**®4. I® §j*jrrt«M to®®* II !•»!• I*#t Uuijf* •tto h*# • toriv fAfftiwi Phl I p Onr I 111 ft vu rtfwftiNl |Hr Antrtftlt tHat th««f aoi4)»r« iftttftfN V* nn»k»» a AffHt j •ml till* mmminc o*fi#ral Wh«**h amt two toirpal'M Oa ttoe **f tHv Amrkani mot fottrttra wH« *Ol4 that tt>o eittson* hid ordfffd tß* Sjon»r4* out of tow® and Had Hot*to4 tH* Am* wlcan flat. Tsf acddter* thought tHI* *** a trick and obiafvpd groat caution In ap* proaeliinf. but getting nearer they «w tbc Amcflcan flag waving IB the 41*- tanro, and marched Into the town with out bcaitatlon. Bin Reception. tier* they found a Maaar reception then ever. The American dee wee wav ing over the public buildings. and not many In the town had opposed Ita be ing raised. The braaa hand* were play ing "Yankee D00d1.,” "Ta fta Boom de Aye.” and the men and women fell up on their knes and womhlpped our aot dlera. Speech By the Mayor. The mayor made a speech In which he raid that the day of deliverance for |*< rto Rican* had come. Crowde fol lowed the soldier* everywhere and the Americans could baldly get away from them. They Insisted on taking our men into their hr us?* and giving them feeatr aucb a* no Invading army ever saw. The beet they had waa none too good for the humblest private. The mayor made another speech of welcome at the public square w here the people shouted "Down with Spain 1” and “Viva live Americanos!” etc. The American* hardly know what Spanish soldiers look Hire. The mayors of four other towns have visited Ponce and told General Wilson that the people of their town* ar* glnl to be Americans. Their towns had *ur remierr ’ and they were ready to turn over everything to the American* and have American officials appointed. Spaniards Tied Word wa* received from other towns that had not been visited by the sol diers and consequently had not formal ly surrendered, but th- people and of ficials heard of the landing of the Am ericans and bad hoisted the American flag at cnee and kept it hoisted ever since, driving out the Spaniards from towns where the soldiers were station ed. Th™ people in these towns report that the Spanish soldiers lied irf fright ss they did from Ponce. The Spaniards took the military road going toward San Juan. Spanish Citizens. When the American soldiers arrived here the Spanish citizens were natural ly alarmed, and many of them fled with the Spanish soldiers and went to the mountains. They began returning on Sunday and ore all nearly back today. The first thing they did when they got back was to begin shouting "viva los Americanos!" They are aparen.'ly good Americans, but the Porto Ricans do not trust them. They say they will watch for the first sign of disloyalty on their part and shoot them or turn them over to the American soldiers. Don’t Talk. Returning Spaniards profess not to know the whereabouts of the troops that fled with them. They say the sol diers ran so fast that they were unable to keep up with them. Kven these Spaniards are genuinely glad at the change in the local government which has hern made by General Wilson, par ticularly in the courts. ..! ehi. I m portcint Shoe Event! syssj :r OUUAX MIP-M. M.*ILK UNLOADING MLCr Wo Hav# juit com pi Mod our Annual «nd many cholc# lot so* Sprme *nd Summer SHOES. OXFORDS. SLIPPERS. ETC., havt como to our notict, which wo propose to rid ourtolvot of quickly to at to tta»t w» a c II **##p in tho fall ctmpaign. „ . , . . „ _ SUCH AN AVALANCHE OF GENUINE BARGAINS In datlrablo and rallabta Footgaar at this tala mlloril* it making ou • ort * varltabla 800 Hlva (or th# knowart ol valuat. avan during thla atcattlvaly hot taaton. NOTE A FEW OF THEM AND JUDGE THE MANY BY THE FEW: . CENTS $4.00 Mw «m» m>i -rr port «* w# #• 'M»* thu-sf-ng A ftrV* M#4 nr«M « * ®Mt ••* (%m> ; .%*. MM *~ M ««#* UN. M~* MMW MP MP*«» "+** »*** •***•' •** •*•*• •*•**"• ** **' m $ I .86 . , k AM iM. MW <4Nt A**M» m* #»• Nr «5fn“::: - *fl fM ***** ' « k« .» ■« .-Mi Nt • Mm* Nr || # •* gnwA »» •* nltl Nil fM N IN Aw Ni* An «lr ol unusual Inducements will our .tore, during thi. great Clearing Sale. - - n- - o n-n.n... PUn Pn TWO 834 Broad Street. Name Across Sidewalk TWO #®l* y.ktOi all W—■«W—■« 1 Ill^ IN ASOCIAL WAY; 'H v/ j j X£W iW king’* I»• lighter*. The i lan* spoken **f In last Mlur day • Herald In regard to ►•me •? range me ot being made for th* sell support of th* ye* of j Augusta. ar* gradually crystal- \ 'Using, and a strong effort will soon b* made by th* King a Daughter* la car- j ry out these plans. Important Praßct. * PI rat and foremost, a school for In struction In dommrttr dudes J* under I consideration. Th* wrvattl problem j grows more eomptteated every day. The colored people are Objecting more and more «o "going '*ut In nervlee." as | 'they rl| r*sa It. and first clssa cook* land housemaids can hirdlv hr found These place* must he find hy someone, and white help, when It la eompelent. ha* grown to I* very popular. To mak tht* h«lp competent will I* the m>r i undertaken by the devoted women who are so ready to give all their *n rrfif* and talant* to doing ***** u | |ev*r and *b«*n*vrr tb«*y **»• "*\ Ih<pe to Hava tHa **d °f Board | Oharltt**, and by tht* m»*anii to or ganlx** a frw acHaot v tiara u >men an* | girt* ran b* taught all of th* u**ful df>mr»tlr art*. Hkr nawlng. “ " n • miming and houa‘work. A ***** such a school could not fall to ""d here in her nallv city plenty of proc- Itabl* and pleasant employment a* * ery housekeeper In the city would gla D ,|y avail herself of the opportunity OT having that ..ret of all rare tfea.urM. a Gained servant The school would also furnish employment, a* Instruc ts, for women of refinement and edu ‘ration v.ho hav<* t*»® a*cu*tom*d to managing large households of their °|rn but who have met with flnaniial r verse- and art- compelled to do *ome hl„g by way of a support. In course , f time the sc’, ml might, with prof r management, take In. « hr ° t^ h '"' OU * channels, enough mon-y to make self-sustaining. The Idea Is » eeilt one. and the Kings ■should have the hearty co-ope.dtlon <f , all of Augusta s citizens In carrying It I “Another plan under that will prove no less elßrtent I. tha ■of allowing those In need of money «n i employment to cultivate the varan In the City. This has been tried with r ally magical resuits I" <he larger c . where hundreds of hushe.s of tatces are raised on these farms. In this climate no family a^ ; lowed a space of ground I n 'grow ma.ket gard-ns need he hungry nr want thr nereaaitlr* of Hfe. 1 a mrr«> throry that thi* arr fc"**™ n for 9 wise one. It has been P ■ l' nt 7j:r It Is the nurnoso of the, Kiri"'- Daughters to carry out Ibls lat- Ter project for .he benefit of (the great army of the unemploj.d V ■lark of woik or because of too 'age nr Hi health to do anything veiy h, avy In a mechanical line. War at Home. “Are the.e any greater hardships than those endured by our brave boys at the front?" asked the "P c ’ ak^'- -Well. I don’t know." replied thf de mure little woman in the back of t re hab, says the Chicago Rost. We.e >< u ever in a house where boys between 10 and 16 caught the martial spirit, moun j ted guard eight times a day and ma de it a point to C harge on the eooh at has twice? Did you ever net- th • enthusi asm with which four hoys can enter into the spirit of military operations and patrol the front of the house in sisting upon the countersign when oali eis arrive?” "Madam.” broke in tire speaket, I is suer you I —” "Did you ever come home from a shopping tour," she persist' d. ‘ and find the baby in the guardhouse, yell ing itself hoarse while four hoys held a council of war to decide whether It should be shot or hung?” I «», t ••• lU ul I* M|, .M mi m | m *' . s * MarSm**, I | IH4 im »»« M»» fMT fWW« I" '■ A . . ifj.i <ia U»rN «f • I f*A *<th r*« n|> W. **«»•* ! - *. |, (i . . .j, mwmm h. n (rF* 1 1 wiy Id throw tip |f.rtlftr»ll<-«« w.rrtw Ih. flnmrm Ht'nr.l to hr* IHd 7»« 1 wwr Mr- a wh»P M» rlolhrwlln- rnl l lup mm artmrt ptrrf. tMt ( «’'il<l tr tiwa |to w tiMf Ma 4 prtr *orr. of war * 111 , yiru rvrr hav« ><*ur lorn!-i! Ifi jn-rault raw of y»tl T horw*. an frlaht- , , n .,| that It wan four day. M.i* H war aafr In drivr him and yo«r rnat-h- I man tti P |»d ur and thrown .town a I ttiaht <>f atalra hwaiiw hr frarttahly at- | jtrmptrd to rtm-k thr tavadtrff fort.* | I - Madam." I.rokr In thr »|r-akrr at I Mat "I nrvrr did. If I had I arvrr L uM bavr apnNn aa I did. I now 'lulrllr'ly conrrdr that thr aulforlnaa In thr Arid r-allv am-unt In B'dhlna mm {tnrrd With what Ihla war haa hruncM . rpon ivmr of ihnar who hiv. mnalnad at bomr.’* Unit Hohaon In Society. | Idrut- IlnlraoA'a rrrrni vlalt to Gror lla waa a hrllllant aorta! trlumth for ithat famoua ynunx hrro. In Atlanta h* »aa aroidj-d a brilliant racaftN* »• th ' > - . aacctlva manalnn of Mra. Athlnann. aa | iraid* nl of thr Army and Navy Lnxu-. ■ lunrhren at thr Capital City* >lul> l*y Mr. Clath Hnwrlt, and rrvrml . Hiuallrr tartlm. At Harrla M'hla a, l«i*<* rrrrpllon waa Alvrn In IN hrrrf# honor. I j A rorraapondrnt. wrttln* of Ihw. j "Urotonant Huto-n war of rourar th" | hrro of th- rvrnlnK. Hr an'.i-arrd In : evmlnß drrra and look-1 quite hand- | a. mr. Hr- divld d hla tlmr with muoh , tact and won the mlmtrattnn of all. "liutlng th<» rvotllnK th- llrutrnant I waa thr rrclplent of a handaomo dia mond pin, preamted with a bouion- | loir by Mra. O. R. Klnlay Mra. Fin- ; lay la a very rharmlnit widow of Rrral v-ralth who la atoppln* at th<- holrl at l.lthla Shr haa la»rn very much plcar rd with Mra. Hohaon. to whom ahe haa much attention. “Ijtat evening ahe aak *<! Mrs. Hobaon and her aon Into her parlor, and during an Informul tele-a-lrtr offer'd the lieu tenant a houtonlere. The officer aceep tliK. ahe finned on hla coat with a beautiful acarf "in act with n ruby and four diamonds, which aha aald went with the flower. IJeutenant Hohaon declarea he haa I never rnet a" many eharmlns women In .me day aa came In hia path yesterday, jHe certainly appeared not lacking !n ! Hppprcelatlnn of them. | yir*. J. Jefferson Thomas was visit ini; friends at the sprints at the time and had a lons conversation with Mrs. Hobson, whom she describes ns a wo man of yreat force of character and of whom she declares that no picture do s juatli to the refined patrician face of ! this tcentle lady. , Lieutenant H hsnn helped to greatly Increase the funds of the Atlanta Relief Association by his lecture on what he saw- in Cuba, at the Woman’s club rooms. Festival in North Außiista. The ladles of our suburban village across the river have decided to have another lee cream festival, on the beau tiful lawn. In front of Ihe school house building, Friday evening. The one which they had last month was so successful that the ladles are very much encouraged. The proceeds | will be us-d to help pay the indebted ness on the building. Miss Lula Rice Is visiting friends In Atlanta. Mr. Will Hayne has returned from l Savannah. . , * ! Mrs. L S. Jordan Is visiting friends in North G orgia. | Miss Lucy Flynn has returned ,rom a visit to Mrs. Patrick Armstrong will leave tomorrow for New York. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Latimer have returned from Hot Springs. There will be a concert at the Lake side club tomorrow evening. Miss Clarice Barksdale is the guest of THJB .A'UOTJSTJL M &KJLU3 Mfn. J- Bmn® Ml fltifltit Mr iVrr* •*•?%#* >iM—i Rw i •M 4*««k(*r H Mm*. I Ml*# KiHr m PIMM "» ? V**« Hfttgti h***’* ft® WMiMMgM. i Mr M«r Ml i«*h I'Aif im I K.y • I® $«•• I j t , Mr iNifriiß ft- ♦ ®b#fxy *•* A®* t l>«| ®t Mr® Tntlu M ® I®# | I Mi## M*«*lr Outt»r W* N R®rg®n®M j i *Tv#f *<#r A. iMilkHr* **f i*»i®f#4rr ®rf. ®l*l I**44 a mrruni ®t ifc# lllirmnr I > Mt® gft#r®<#Mft. * Mt# K®*# CMMM®® Wi(M|rt nM Ml®* j lltrinß tt<w4 iff vMIMI J**4gr R®#®4 j [ Mi«i> Mfthrl WMttol Imi r*»l®m#4 | Un m m «Mtgb»ful vMI I® rrUtlvr# •»»*! in i yiM i' mm |r Hah , U s f ,f ni4rtr*tnll. j #hn ha# turn iMllkf Mr# Ofofgi mn4 Mm. CVin*rl»u* (MnHI »n 4 J h«vi> rrtarnfd from « vwli lo llarrl# Ulhia #O4 Att«:*l®. ** Mr tod Mr# ink* Tbomp#o® h«v* mo%#4 to H#v#nn*Jt. Mi. Thorny j Mt## i *'< V*f»f»or, «h*> h*»» horlft vMtini , Mr#. V i. OT«t»n«»r, Nv« lomi»rro® i •fr., Svw Yorß nn«l lrH®o4. UNAUALIA Alter a Dank -Vkool and Arteaian Well*. I’MitilU. fla . Aug. S. —We are hav ing rxceaaiv* rains now. • Crop* are I very good. Grass la growing rapidly. Our town la reaching up Inwards the front with rapid stride*. Two years ago our people with one accord decided j to pull together for a bank, an aric- I *ian well and a first-class school bulld ! Ing. The hank Is In successful opera tion. Our artesian well give* an abund ant sup|X> of pure, cold water, which Is furnished at our ate res anr resi dences free, wlhout money and wlth , out price. Our school building Is In : courr* of erection and will doubtless ( be completed In time for the fall term of rehool. The principal of our school, j Prof 0. W Smith, has been an Inde -1 fatigahle worker for this building, and I lie has l-cen largely instrumental in the sited's* of Ihe enterprise. Mrs. Pauline aumerford Is quite low , from Internal cancer and her death I geems to he a question of only a short [time. Mrs. D. M. Romm and children, of I American, who have been visiting rela tives here, have returned horn-'. NEOKO SHOT. Novel Way in Wiiich a Man Was Wounded. Elko, Gn„ Aug. 3.—A n.*gro, well ac quainted in penitentiary and ehaingang circles, having spent thirteen years in them, was shot Friday .tight in a mold novel wny. Tho negro, known as Toney Jones, was standing with both hands resting on the muzzle of a dou bi. -bcrrellwl gun, when his companion, a negro women. Alice , barefoot ed, stretched her bare toes until she found the hammers and then the trig (, rs, discharging both loads through Toney’s hand and, wrist. The woman has tied. The ft-acus occurred in tho public road at midnight near Mr. Z. B. Means. Dr. J. O. Mann >vas celled to attend the negro. He amputated the right are. at the elbow end thinks he can save the other band. JBIG BARBECUE. # One On a Huge Scale Up at Mount Airy: Gainesville, Ga., Aug. 3. Quite a number of our must patriotic citizens will attend the military batbeeue to be held al Mt. Airy in Habersham county, today. , , Excursion (rains from this and oilier points wiil. be run and the prospects are good for a large gathering of peo ple. Hon. N. E. Harris, chairman of the Stale Technological board, of Macon; Lt. Col. R. I;.’Berner, of the Third Georgia volunteer regiment of infant ry, and Hon. limory Speer, will deliv er patriotic addresses concerning the present struggle between the two great countries. Altogether (he occasion will prove a great one and, there will be many to enjoy it. ...... LADIES' $1.76 AH sfwt H4M" •*» If N*M »m INI m* <*W*v4«w ## OsNfN. M» M«| W*w. * * •*« «N **■ mrn sty* !•••, *Ht HU* •**»• N«f»» tl» 9> 'tpNMtM*HHnn mmm*U» m •mi Nin«w MIN atm* Nww* tN» •—*« •» m« NkikN *# *•*» «* •*-•*-» **» **** ***** Misses’ 9B Cents i i 9 km* mh ♦# ®# ®*r *#tl 6 MESPtMMI #p#mj| |®si •*?•s> MUppMT Rt OilMNl Im Ml !*• ®f mmh T %*m M®Ws» Af® twMIM 4#M* •• i®6 9m 99mm .....I_ nr^Lf^ i iris sir i If »1L Thr Sfirrrvi (ViatrUiliM *f M»j«f Oirral Shififf. seal Sirk oa a Din;. la w air ml Frsl Vr«rL thorough Inrr.tigattofl to kt Made of IN Ahamrful Work. I N.-W York. Aug J- The t'unrh i "hor- ' I ror ship" Is (hr grrutrst srsmtal. The | I Journal is roasting Shafter, It np- . errs from the testimony of ('apt. Risk, f of the fulled Hum transport Conrkn, - and frrm lhe alatcmenui of army offi c r» who made ihe voyage north on the j pent ship, llwt the responslbilty of •rndlng her forth with ’ rotlrn” watrr | and supplies almost as bail lira at the l door of Major-General Hhnfter, “The water I have Is not fit for a do* to drink." said ('apt. Risk. In protest , against the Inhuman ordrr of his su- | perlor. "let mo at least go to Jamal- ■ m for frrsb water If I am to carry these sick soldiers." “Your are lo go North, and go at once." Is reported lo have bwa the ulti matum of Gen. Bhafter. ('apt. Risk obeyed orders. Gen. Shnf- i ter dlsobeyrd the orders of hi* supe- j rlors he sent the ship forth wlth jout proper rqulrment and without ar my surgeons to attend the alck. There are thirty-two men left on the Concho and four of them will surely , die. The work of disinfecting the ship by the fart that these m-ri cannot | i,e removed. There la undoubtedly ] yellow fever contagion on this ship to |day and the only reason that those on 'board did not lake It la that they were i immune. Lieut. R. It- Btoysdall, of the Fourth infantry, visited the army building yesterday. He Is recovering from the cffecls of yellow fever and is still very weak. When asked about his trip, he said " The condition of the Concho wn« awful, but the sick were pt aboard cf , her because to leave th/rn In Cuba j m- ant th-'lr certain d-ath. And yet fe- i ver experts at Santiago said that In their then weak condition the men '■ were subject to typhoid, malarial and i other fevers, and that their death was | In any event almoal a foregone ronrlu- j aion. This being the ear.: the forlorn j horo of shipping them at once >vas un dertaken. Had It not been for I)r. Les ser and Ihe Red Cross nurses there would probably have b.-en over fifty deaths on board. Of course it was known Santiago that we were short of medical supplies, but they were short themselves and gave us what they could." Col. Charles C. Byrn-e, chief medical officer of the Department of the East, and stationed at Governor's island, said yesterday that he had not received any instructions to investigate? the Concho and Alamo affairs, nnd that whatever Investigation there might be would be made from Washington. "I went through the Concho,” said Col. Byrne, “and found that she was not fitted as o hospital ship. The food on board was not of the kind that In valids could eat. I asked Dr. Lessor why he did not get enough supplies, and b«? replied that he could not get them, lie said there were plenty down there, but he could not get them. The responsibility for not fitting these ships out properly would rest upon the hospital department.” None of the suffering enlisted in-n who came from Cuba on the “horror ship" Concho have yet been released from quarantine. One hundred and twenty-five of the men have been re moved to Hoffman’s Island, where they will bo thoroughly disinfected. After that there is no certainty that they will he allowed -to land. During their voyage from Cuba, up to and in cluding the day they reached N-'-w York, every man who made the trip has undoubtedly been exposed to the entagion of yellow fever. ■US HR 111 1 »i Saftritil Kaatrr «f RrruHu OfirriN No*. Sh«rt latm>« HUh CeR J«ae» bi ihe llrrali W hat I* Doing nn al IN Carolina Capital. Spenal to The Herald Colombia, it C« Aug. 3. The spe-1 rial commute*, runsisilng of Cokmel ] Jones. Limit. Col. Th’-mponn. and J Ataaior MrLauria, to Washington; to roofer with th' mm department re garding the Second regiment, returned j to the city yesterday morning. When i your correspondent uu Col. Junes and , asked him cf bis sucreon. he ss!d Well, the war dipartmen: hn* derided to give me a sufficient number of re-J milling officers to raise the Serond j : regiment. These men will be put to werh as soon as Capt. Fuller receive* i written Instructions from Washing j ion." / • I Col. Jones went on to tsy that the i government had no notion of calling> I I IT the regiment, that the pieaident was anxious, when the wsr Is over, i for all the states to be able to aay | they had furnished their full quota. It may he of some consolation to South Carolinian* to know that our dear old j state is not alone In hiring behind in the second call for troops. Our sister, state across tb* Savannah is in the 'same beat with us. Georgia, however.l has almost filled her ranks. Alabama, j Mississippi and Kentucky all lack number of men. The matter of recruiting men for Ihe Second regiment will be pushed with vigor, and It will not be long before It will have been completed. The government has empowered Lieut. Col. Thompson to appoint at his discretion an examining physician at any point he may wish, besides there are to be two other surgeons to travel over the slate and one lo stay at the camp. Cot. Jonfs said the men at Camp 1-ee iveie to ba congratulated in having such a fine camp as compared with (’amp Alger. There the water supply Is extrem ly poor and bathing facil ities nothing to speak of at all. I At the meeting of Company C., ! Richland Volunteers, last night, it was 'decided after a lengthy discussion to postpone the examination not later than Saturday, leaving lt at th" discre tion of Capt. Moorman as to whether the examination be held sooner. They have about one hundred men on the roll, but as probably not more than fifty would come up for examination, and as it Is necessary to have a body of seventy-five men examined at one time, before lit" Second lieutenant may be sworn In, the postponement was de cided upon. This c mpasy expects to hold its eighty-fifth annua! imrbeeuo on the 11th inst., Thursday. Accidentally Killed. News has just been received that a negro by the name of Joe Johnson was hilled, it is thought accidentally, last Monday. It happened on the Conga lee river on Mr. Hayward Green’s plantation. About ten o’clock Mon day morning Mr. ohnson was seen to leave his house with a gun, saying he was going to kill a rabbit for dinner. He went into the river swamp and shortly afterwards hi« family heard the report of the gun, hut thought nothing of it. Johnson, not coining back for dinner, a search was Instituted. He was found dead on the river bank with a large wound in his right breast. The idiot ranged upward, tearing the right lung to pieces. The gun was sticking in the mud near by. Coroner Green was summoned and an inquest was held, the verdict of which was that. Johnson came ip his death by a gun shot wound inll,cted by party or par ties unknown to“he jury. At mayor’s court yesterday morn ing, Char;. Watts, colored, was up on AUGUST 9 ~Lm mm* us# #» it* * ****** MB* «» '•••> 2 BARGAINS house and Lot. Cornmr lot 90x200 with new 7-rcom dwelling »t«- blee, burn, Ac. Good well water; everything In flret dess shape. This is a beau* tiful home in North Au gusta. Easy Terms. TRUCK FARn 5 miles from Broad street, splendid road, 28 acr#s of good land, good water, 3- room cottage. Cheap for 1 cash. If you haven’t all to pay, can loan you balance. Leonard F. Verdery Rent Estate Agent. I Library Row. FOR RENT. Tti# Rt**r# ffottft*. SIS J#ck#nfi xirert, mi# ixrupM by We K4*'*rt| !*Utt. embalmer BBd und*rt»k --,-r. will In* for rent from October l»t« Dfi hr Intomf# rftnovlni to the north rail comer of Jarkiuin and Telfair tits. A nice dwelling <>f four rooms and all , i-onvrntenc** over xtorc. Apply on picmiaea. business for sale I Owing to Mr Henry W. Italk’a ded ■loß to enter Ihe floral luiaineaa. we of fer for sale In built all the stock of contained in the atom now occupied by ua togetNr with counters, shelving and nho»eases. Un til the aioek In sold In bulk we offer ! great Indueemeni# to the general buy ing puldle to come and get bargain*. Spot cash buya cheap. BALK’S L)i<Y GOOD*S "Lower Balk’s." «W Broad Bt. the charge of cruelty to animals, having beaten a horse to death. Thn horse belonged to Mr. A. C. Monckton, who hail employed Watts os driver. While at the union depot Monday. Mr. Monckton noticed that the horse seem ed to be in a very bad condition aud on closer cxamtnat’on he found several large writs on the horse’s sides. Ho immediately had the animal driven home, where It died In a few hours of colic, brought on by heatings. Mr. Monckton hud the negro arrested and brought on before the mayor. Af,er hearing the testimony. Mayor Lips comb imposed half the maximum penalty for such offenses, $6, or ten days In jail. The negro noli the Jail. This is the first case of the kind May or Lipscomb has had during his admin istration. It is rumored that there is a family at Blythcwood, about twelve miles from here, who have hydrophobia caused by drinking milk from a cow having this disease. A gentleman who passed thvottgh there yesterday says he was told this at the depot. He did not have time to find out the names of the people, nor the particulars. Perronal. Mr. J. M. Cantey has been appointed clerk to Capt. A. E. Gonzales, assist ant. quartet master, U. S. A. Besides being an excellent position. It will give Mr. Cantey an opportunity of go ing speedily lo the front, as Capt. Gon zales has been ordered to report at once. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hatch returned today from Caesar's Head, where they have been spending several weeks. Mr. M. R. Cooper of Colleton, candi dal" for secretary of state, and mem luv of the board of control, Is In town today. Mr. Eugene McNulty went to Green ville yesterday to spend a few weeks. Miss Annie Bateman went, to New berry yesterday to visit friends. Mr. Herbert Palrnc-r of Ridgeway w-? in town yesterday. Col. Cu ICaugbmar. of Lexington ms in town yesterday. Geo. \V. Pratt of Walballa was in the city Tuesday. Mr. Walter L. Wilson, editor of Tho Lee County Ledger, 1b in town. J. B. Douthtl of Anderson was la town yesterday. „ . , ,_i »