The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 03, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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|*»4»* **%*•*•» •MY* 4 THE IUUUSU HERALD £&- 2 J »*#»**• •*» >M * |i ******** ** *** |»«l •#>■***. **• ****' *** HIHAI;» no i r - mm . #*•*•#•• ■M«w *•• _____ dv MM» *•*» MM! *»“ t4N> f*M* ... «jHM» IMM*r-H#**»«siW YOU WttX IINO IHB HtJtAU* In MMM A#*®** **4 41 "* ****** •„4 •< *#»-«;• **#•* Mto**# . M, MUM 41 Ik* »«Mi •*"*• •*■» "IT •••-*< «* «•*•*•*• ■rtiitiT- »• *«*• **••« jg c*Hf‘ A 1 H<H i * R** Ms« ###4 flftti Atm* It#***. FftHM *M Tte »*•**•* •nr** aMMto ••# rail*** A* •* • teas* k# MMM *M ** rt u * atoMs. M>f CI4l voTKI All MMtHH** 1 — M*»*M «'* Hr** 4 * •• **T**C* *TT. m **?*—.,- tk* fk®*r ** * >n *™ |l' l ini' •i tk* wimM •# *•»•* Watch Ik* #al* M Ik* MM# es I™ Herald Prize Letters From American Summer Resorts. . . Tk* ■•wall thu rear *«• «•** • mtM *1 prteea *'’r »te h*»l Kttef* witst-B fr>'W» •« 4own ■ ran K#»*,rt The#* W tor* t»»*i k* **NlrtH m*<Ut a mom dr plum*. and. after ibo «■»"•## 'k* «*•«** •*- cap pill ko mtenHled to * com petent and Impartial rommli- Wlttoo lor «k* awarding <•« prtaro Tk* root n»m« of tha wtttor. a* wall •• the "* ,m de piooir. tn«*» »rr<>mp*ny #*• h totter aanl In for publication. tar tk* purpose of Identifica tion. ... Cteiteatant* mini confine tti'ir lotlar* to • rNMMIk length t Contestant# ran writ* *a rtian>■ tottois a* they with for the prlaa. but one c»nta*tant '•an win only one of th» prl*e*. . . . The Herald want* Itva, *prl«ht |y, gossipy lettera. end the price win ha awarded for the b*at. moat interesting and meal j ra*d*lda lettara of Suronter Re sort Now* Contest Closes Oct. I. TOR THE BEST LETTER- W .#• FOR THE ID BEST LETTER.... M 00 FOR THE ID BEST LETTER.... *.OO Iniurgent Aftilnaido had better learn when to InrarCi. The thrifty Hiertmmie er get* op «r --ly in the morning. “Thank*, my child," were the last words of Bismarck. Business Is on a boom in Porto Rico •taco Milo* arrived. Bismarck was born two months be fore the battle of Waterloo. David B. Hill has once more had himself viewed and Interviewed There are a number of h ading lights at the Mt. Airy barbecue today. There ought to be but little doubt of Joe Wheeler'# return to congress. The kaiser is inclined to be rather de cent towards the memory of Bismarck. Miles has planted alt the flags he had. The harvest will be abundant. The ''feetlve mosquito Is a very great eates," but his native heath Is .fer ity. Incidentally it may be mentioned that commerce continues to follow the flag. Alabama hasn't had too much John son yet, so she re-elects him gover nor. There are enough * Georgians at Chautauqua, N. Y., just uow to start a township. The opulent Klondiker has begun to see the light again —' in the news papers. The little King of Spain is recovering from the attack of measles, but it will take him some time io recuperate from the other attacks. _ . u tmm MUHtt * **»»#*«• (Nm** IfoH tmfmm mw* • ***** wmtim \mmi imi %- s i* mi m niiiMw I t tliif *C« m 1«. Ik'.rnii# |rf f |m» M«b. , fi, a n T |n- w«< a Wkaw -TOT r .*• IWMNT- M • rntm •» nMwr* I 'a'tfk'* kkt<* ®*rMk*k ** prkMKai* |!U »*—b—d *f kscwlkg Ik* [ w*a * t aay **ign *4k*f, bsarti t I MR «»4MM(N|!f ItilAffi 1 \m 41 >i«ikai • wwrw ofkrrt «wwH Ik. Ik • *MUM M drWMd **rk 4 »*• rwtkM **■•** skowld Ml kaw ksaa m ! feat qua es tk* kt*t gratify tag fttr'll In nisi' »boat by tk* war II bad di k* nl poata aad wtptag oat tk* Mitko*- I, , . .w. . . ~ Kelt*, wttk I Hl** *1 I* r" l ' I* waa aai»*a 1 plt'kawr* tk Ike goaitk. where brat* and i #ii lot * men wrr* skiloti* la alter their loyalty lo nor common country. But even tk* rigor of army ditelp | Ihm ran arret overcome Ik# color flit. I ffotttkrm whit* mtm are not gotag to •aaoeio** wttk tk* colored men on term* of *oeial equality, much lea* be mad* thrir uaih-rktrapper* Nor m there oeraaton foe putting j the matter to th« teat. Aa eas.'y a* i not tha iecldeol at Chkhamauga might j have lien avoided, and someone Is se verely to blame for allowing It to oc cur. Young Srhompert wa* right and the whole Booth will sustain him, tul'ltarv rtre'p'.'ne to the contrary uo*w*tfc Wt n Dr. Jokncoa was t..!d ; that Brrrkley'a plauaibe theory that there wa* no matter could u u he refuted, he *ian>ped hi* foot an grily ou the ground aud replied: * I refute it tfeus." When the Anglo-Saxon I* told that military regulation* and the Fif'oenth amendment compel them to prostitute their manhood, he defle* code* and court martial# and with conclusive fl-mnea*. answer#, "I rtfulo It tbtM." It la the duty of thosa In authority ' to im that no aurh issue* arise, tor ! there can be but one result. THI CHAMPION ORATOR The victory of Mr. John Roach Stra ta# In the oratorical conteet for the championship of the South, held at Monteogle, Tenn., a ahort time ago, la peculiarly gratifying to such Georgians as take a pride In Southern oraitory end point to the long Hat of giants whom Georgia has given to the forum. It was a victory which Mr. Straton, who Is but tw«Jity-two years old, may always recall with pleasure, tor he competed with the ablest representa tives from six Southern colleges. It is a victory which reflect# tbo highest credit on Mercer university, where he Is a student, and puts other Georgia colleges on notice that they must etlr themselves or see their laurels perma nently wrested from them. It le a vic tory which puts other Southern states on notice that Georgia wilt maintain •he supremacy which she has long en joyed in the world of eloquence—a rep utation to which such men as Toombs, Hill. Yancey, Grady and Gordon have contributed. We congratulate the victor In this decisive contest and predict for him the success he bo eminently deserves. AN ■•AIRQUAKE." War has claimed such a large share of public attention that a recent phe nomenon In Italy has not received the attention It deserved. We are all familiar with earthquakes —at least those of us who were living in the year 18SC. when Greene street became a tented field where terrorized cithSk made their home for weeks. In the language of Washington Irving, it “shook tall sinnerato their knees.” i Oka att paw*** t**v* ***** M kw* •wad to* oN p rm*mt parp**** ami M I* kopa* «»» kttHMkk* (MU PM fcto i «a*Wk Ik* VOflM. rvs iimn fiwrwTt Nartke** *wM*lkp<nr»»« at* k*> ,wmm WW* a*4 MW* «*wr*M*Ml «* j Ik* progtaa* m 4 pm»W*v *p Wrtrk , MWk <k* *Mtk NAMMWAtwIa** mm tfca* •• to* MtoNMf Mrt» *k* twkip* W*4M of i tow* btr*i‘mt* M altrt W* a mm tow* muiM m kw< «**• Tk* Mail aad Rxpraaa. wfcak «**4 •• • ***4. ai|**ah lgr« ib*l Ik* Akp mt awt : iW tk* p**f f*w wotob* kMW, mtmr4- ta ikvlr rword of *44M no* aad <w provrw'll*. Ik Ik* rkt*f ceairaa of i | tfcw ikdtwtry wflodl**d aad f«tw •** rapt tty too* kg rakti** of waanf**- lur og krlfvtlp. d*»pi(» frtvc 'la i *l*r*>b««*. aad dl*ld*ad* hav* tow i* order atttb *HI **t*Ml*k>*d wilW. Moraoaar. Ik* ixmditsaa of Ik* opr* Uvea |* beta* ratted to a kigker Inal - t ff *rto<ol aad library darrlopwrnt, aad ' in tkl* tk*r* mt* oar of tk* wat 1 prowlaikg lekraa of tk* tutor* ta . ib*** cuoiW'Wwaalih*. But thla Ik • rcM'ag artiatty I* by an wean* totol ; fiord to lb* iwMw factory." Our coniemoorary then print* Mt aoose of Ik* new aoMrprta**. I "Within tha post fortnight Alnhawa | has Incorporated a aubatantlal aaw j»in. and mill* for the maktiig of tat ton teed oil flrur and anal, and cok»; ! ArkanM* report* an ambit project for water pewrer devdoptrent; Florida a large sugar mill and building com pany; Georgia an !« factory, having a 1 capably ,en ,f ' n ■ * 1 a new sugar refinery and drydoefcs. to j gether representing |4tW,OOO capital; , MlaatMlppl. mill* for a»x»P •«<( «»«*« seed oli; North Carolina, coke and , 1 coal mining plant#, in addition to Im-1 portent cotton mill additions —with I South Carolina duplicating tbe latter; I Tennessee, a new Iron foundry; Texas, companies for copper mining, oottem compressing end ginning and oil bor ing. besides a sawtniU; Virginia a |l.- 000.000 drydock." Continuing, The Moil and ExpreM aaya: "While. In many cases the capital In vested la not equal to what we are ac customed to In the north, and while all the new enterprises may not become either profitable or permanent, wa be lieve the contrary will be (rue of (be majority, for the prospects of manu facture in the south are generally es timated with comparative accuracy in advance of launching new enterprises. Those enumerated have been Inaugu rated with war in progress*, and it is peace, therefore, not war, which must affect them. "The awakening of the south to the fact that the world moves and that old fashioned methods and prejudices caunot bar Its progress is the most significant economic fact of the centu ry's closing decade In this country. As the southern states answered "ready" at the call to arms,so they will answer "ready" at the call of com merce, and each will take ita legitimate place among the commonwealths of the union in the new era now dawning.” It Is impossible far the Democratic executive committee and Its chairman, who is in charge of all local party ques tions, to escape the responsibility of deciding whether this countw is to have white primaries. The only ques tion Is whether they are going to de cide for a white primary or against a white primary. Is there anything slighting in the Macon Telegraph headline which says, j “He lived in Athens aud took a dose lof laudanum?” , , ucu. ■ the rrattpta hst />td A «MiAA !*#*>> WMt rn tr a- ***w * -* *w dfrN*"** www*** m *** **!*# -- p Hkd two a* ta>* p*>*i swtawgtowtod tto*dMw** M ML* a*w . flMi* •%-« MM*k *d tod ** Ml* a tt | aay iMB* 4kmt ilk** to rad— gig fftnfy wa*k*d ky k**w of frttwda i bat Fnlto* baa atraady totd b*r wkli* primary and ho* aowHwted %m >*m ly oftorf* *kd tobtort of Ik* L*«<*l*- \ tar*, white Ri< htanad ha* Mt Asd Ik* ’ walk qaralWk aoar I* »fc*tk*r o*r i ntpirfttit executive rowwllle* Bill J Mder a priiMry or caßiißM Ik* old ; r - * | * Tk# Rcuad Table pal# • * hot* tot (if wisdom lato oae paragraph "AH ' advert I*lag pay* flirre lhaa Ita mat. . ttoar aay tha "Moll time*" or ika "dull j f»c#*rn" forbid tbdir potting out money I <m advartiaiag. Never ooa there a j greater miatahe. Advert!** all (ha time, r*pmally daring the dulirat aco mi This la the advice of men who have beat tuttcsW by tha u*a of priotar'* Ink. Tha moat aacreaaful men «•' have in Augusts are the most j l literal advertiaers.’* The Chronicle la on record aa being \ in favor of a whit* Democratic pri : roary for municipal elect ,<•■)*. It the | Chronic!* now in favor of a whit* I Democratic primary for county odlcrra | and for member* of the legislature? I If so, will the Chronicle Join The Hyr [ aid In trying to Impress upon Chair man Doughty of Ike county executive committee, tbe Importance of calling hi* committee together and arranging the detail* of a proper party primary. Although not generally known, the I’nlted States has begun free mall de livery In quite a number of agricul tural dlatrlcts. and expects to extend It all over the country. Owing to the extra expftnse Involved, a higher rate of postage will be charged for such de- ! livery. The Klondike stories now being told by gold hunters ore doubtless In the main true, as they we accompanied by the statement that no good mining claims can now be had except hy pur chase. It Is estimated that the output of the season wilt reach twenty million dollars. Capt. Ambrose E. Gonzales. U. S. A., volunteers, has been assigned to ser vice at Santiago, with orders to pro ceed immediately to that point and re port in person to Maj. Gen. Shatter. The VValkinsville j-oung man who want? a divorce because his wife won't ;ct him go to church on Sunday needn't worry about a better life. He will sure ly enjoy it by and bye. Orangeburg is preparing to give the State Firemen’s Association a royal welcome next week, and Orangeburg knows all the laws of hospitality. A thousand watermelons were sent up to Chickamauga the otho-r day. And yet there are those who say a soldier's life Is not a happy one. How much the working people in the Fourth and Fifth wards would enjoy a park these sultry evenings. Good for Senator Baron! He will not see the sanitary conditions of the south slandered with impudfty. LEGAL NOTICE a aOtoMatoMto* »•' adorn to I &*****&■* ** •-w «iMh pt m fpup, a 9’ si ■■ **% i #'% ,*»ded Ika* >to» toe to* toM- »*«n t* *s**«• * * I PN 1 . I, liT l" MW Wf IPto i Ll «irvull mt*m+ i+rm U »qf f«f mnr.hrm mi lt»» «l«*» Its! Ammmbtf, mt iht 9****+' __| • T v, rvliif til# f«#«rti rill fl I „l * a**, rtoveroor uault ito lot day **f I 'net! after the eaulraiino of lotrty day* ■ :fr ra the lime aoch »*< »*< r «cro»*. *t j («M< k Her ften B *One**nr tor Ib* unet tetred term atwil to elected, provided, I ttw aoccewwic# »«r *ll ,pciimiee,, j<* twoe terme expire «n of tof re the j Prat day <4 January. IWi. aboil to elec-1 led ky Ik* General A**ev»fcly at it* **e- I Met for ISM, for tk* foil term of four jy ear*.’* Per t Be It further enacted ky au thority aforeaald. That whecieyer ih# above prcpo»#d nmeodmenta to Ih# >Ct nalltliilon ePwa'l he agreed to by two i third* es the member* elecled to each pf the two houoe* of the (general A»- j *en,hly. Ih# tloyemor *hall. *nd he I* ! hereby *uth >ri*ed end ln*trocted to I 'resae **td am-'miev nl* to he p«b!i*hed | !in at tenat two new apape'* l “ **ch con- , ! greaaion*l dlatrict in tht# Btafe for the! \ period of two moo:ha next preceding l||»e time for bolding the n*jt general j 'election. | Pec. 8. Be It further enacted hy the : authority.aforeaaid.Thnt the above pro- j iPused amendmetit* ahall be auhetHuted I for rallflcntlon or r-jccthm of the elee > tor* of tht* Hint* at the next general I election to lie held oft r publication, a* 'provided for In the fouith nectloo of jthl* Act. in the several dlatftcts of the State. «t which election every peraro ahall be qualified to vote who t* e«u tled to vote for member* of tto Gene ral Aaaembty. All peraona voting at said election In favor of adopting the proposed amendment*, or either of them, to the Constitution of this State, shall have written or printed on their ballots the word*: "For ratification of | the amendment of paragraph 2 of aec tlon S. article 4 of the Conatitutlon" (for election of Judge* of Superior Court* by the people!, "For ratification j of anvr.dment of paragraph S of section j 3 of article S of the Conatitutlon" (for election of Judges of Superior Court* by the peoplel, "For ratification of amendment of paragraph t of section 11 of article 6 of the ConstHutlon" (for election of Solicitor* General hy the people). And all persons opposed to adoption of aald amendment*, or either of them, shall have written or printed on their ballots the words: "Against (he ratification of paragraph 2 of sec tion 3 of article S of the Constitution' (against election of Judges of Superior Courts by the people). "Against ratlll cdtion of the amendment of paragraph 3 of section 3 of article 6 of the Consti tution" (against election of Judges of Superior Courts by the people) "As ainst ratification of amendment of par agraph 1 of section 11 of article « of the Constitution" (against the election of Solicitors General by the people). Sec. «. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid. That the Governor he. and he is. hereby author ized and directed to provide for the submission of the foregoing proposed amendments to the Constitulkn of this State to a vote of the people as requir ed by the Constitution of tills State in paragraph 1 of section 1 of article IS, and by this Act: and if either h' rat ified the Governor shall, when h' os certains such ratifleat'on from the Sec retary of State, to whom the returns shall he referred in the same manner as in case of elections for members of the General Assembly, to count and ascertain the result. Issue his proclama tion. for one insertion, in one of the daily papers of this State, announcing such result and declaring the amed ment or amendments ratified. Sec. 7 Be it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with the Act he. and the same are, hereby repealed. Approved December 21, 1397./ Now, therefore. I, William Y. Atkin son. Governor of said State, do issue ithis my proclamation declaring that the foregoing proposed amendment to the A I NEW LINE OF Straw Hats ShipfMKl by miMAkt j •nd mutt bb *ol<J at one#, YOURS AT— ** Half price DORR’S “Good TaMe Apparel."' 71# BROADWAY. [Mm !/“ Hdlp For Hard Worker* !•*■ Into work ta *«rt Im Ih* lunriiff. KtrryiiNlr f#*lt • 4NihHrr* Uni W Wt»rfc-~* mi fomt ttmttnm Jtmuirm f#el« m itttt# Im ♦ rvn«viflon Tbrrt'R no Mlrr %>nngr itßirt t#» tb*i» PurbtotJ *tor*. i'%fi 2# L *t y otifrfet t« itokto M, vltcOM'f t!»»? J# » lit tot tbw MW it **r Frit. B«»ttJ# tljGCL—ttir## tor #1 SO. Baby Food*. Tk# teat of Item can te bad (turn u*. Wa bait tbssu fratb lew m*k*ta. Ice Cream and lee Cream Soda- I>oirn« of d#*!#* tfoi drtnll It our Koublajb- Tkkiti 12 iot £0 crnU —for 91.0(L m Baiat, m J asd To d Seed!. rat-bag#. B#»na and ah B**d» for aowtng a«w. tend for caio logtw. Fr*a. AltianderDniE&Seed Co. m BROAD ST. AOGDCT A, GEORGIA. j_Jait received, in •tore, 1 cm-» tona- ATI ANTIC WHITE LEAD. Tbi* i» the etamlard White Lvad 01 the United State*. 3—We have three other White Lead brands —to «uit any wants. X-W# have In at ore £0 ton* Mineral Paint* (dry) ior outhou*##, i«nc*s, roots, Ac. 4 gT have several brands Linseed Oil. THE HOWARD J WILLET DRUG CO. WHOLESALE. EVERYTHING ON WHEELS FIELD l KELLY'S Just received, the finest line of Baby Carriages in the city. Agents for Ramb ler, Sterling and Crawford Bicycles. Constitution is hereby submitted for ratification or rejection to the legal vo ters of the State at the general elec tion to he held Wednesday, October 6, IS9B* W. Y. ATKINSON. Governor. ' By the Governor: F. E. Callaway, Private Secretary. „ ... u._-_ AUGUST 3 BLAND S IRON FILLS TMt CAE AT TONIC { 3{ Cl 3 I IO! (:tVH'C! llcl If Of *4 llQt* t ottiftig *t‘ tn to fill i » 4 gtow>| a, WMM ifttfafCHf# tk# lpti#(il# ton# ifftfMiT 'at f'c ('0 1 fi to o(| t onto lo Ihto enl f o «*■ atgtm t liny toft# * I uaatf by toss (>D) * < ton* •• A MMni tonic. Whafl I»h«jn ntO Ikf atomtoch Wmm fyiim pro- I <tvjc« (»ffOui rgttx4iita A 1 fOf m of Iron whs h in tttoal IwtotoHy tototo(mittot4Kt by tho . •ykttom untt hi iha b##t 1 tonic foe antmic of ntoh> nanftly of Ihoaa who »us» f*r from trrofuioui «f --ftction* or tony di—totm of Ih# blood Mt <1 kUppi*M* lo it thtot tottomont which tho rftamtowtorf COTMlltiOnto inOi ca(Ui it wtonting. 100 PtU® 100 do*## • for 00 ccntt. 1.1. Cardfile. Otuggisl. Tbe Augusta Herald jrpit. Brliiw iif rtf Jut Jitiifipj Fithrtd ll Till SuliiL 4CICKXST TKI.H.I: Vl'il NEW.] THE XKWN OF THE WORLD WHILE IT 13 XKWS. IS TO IN HOURS AHEAD O# OTHER GEORGIA ASL SOUTH CAROLINA J PAPERS. I W «rl TSItL WILL CONVINCE TOO* awauai*. 4«om*a. PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 209 7lb Si., Auuosti. fit. Q! V EB rRCt nrt TESTS for an defect* m light, frtnda His projMW (Inter# MRd WdK* H LNTM iham Lease* tut into your frrr** whik yoo war*. FREE OF CKARuE, JSX2V2I SPAIN IS DEFEATED. Again hav# the boy* who wear th# blue whipped the Spaniard* and plant ed the Star* and Stripe* on foreign soil, and again ha* F. G. Merttn# de feated high price#. Look at thla: 28c. Neckties 10c -75c. and *1 Shirt* Wc. 50c. Bu*pender» 25c. 18.00 Trouser* 15.00 A full line of celluloid collar* and cuff* Just received. F. G. Mertins, 924 Broadway. Paine, Murphy & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. BP3 Reynolds St=T«leDHooelSM’ liivale L#***o Wire* Ptiect to New York Chicago sad New Orleans. Order* executed over our wires for Colton, Stock*, Bond*. Grain and Pro. vision* for cash or on margins Local securities bought *nd sold. .Reference* —National Exchange Bank of Auguato, or Mercantile Agencies. HONEY TO LOAN. in any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on IO years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. AloianHnr&Jotosoi Agents Scottish Ameritan ’ Mortgage Company. 705 Broad St