The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 03, 1898, Image 5

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WtDNtftOAV kcM ram** Fm ■mu in *,**•%*# « «*»«•%•*» m ftgjkft iu« * fMC#**#. % kwh*#••*•*. Georgia Railroad Bank At*CUOTA, OKOHOIA <nH(h#hhfci* oi i*. warn nfi N . (*.»*• w .»,—i Pm** ft M«fhNM» I iff***.. 4 tin nn jmms R AiMiSbh EStod 1*353. HS2TJL* - JaSariW# «*> t kiw ] WHPI N#?!L. f .l mm* A Hps*». Hmm VMM OWiniP'Wi- w " '"*" 1 WARNING GIVEN TO THf TROOPS. - ti«iM n» t»m t*• fm«n h»p«vj. rwk (Wjiwi KM •*** »*4 M VIM» Ini*. 1 %***•> *• Tk* M-**#! Tiirfir f%m II (Mf •%* IMMMP MMt«HI*Hr MNflfftJlMl IMpMMMI . fIMuPPNI «f #Mnwf < wl mm # igM friMtfi in# t>pfy Ranked >M stga *4 *k* ptl 4 I* »k* pgfcy <4 tk# iMIM* dMM* lsa#W»k# YV «Ml***f (|#yk kad *.'rh*d *ll tto ‘ *pi.r%.-» •> g*yit#g Ik* »»(»• nady to* Ik* pgkTliti~» a*d 4 wa* • b»*d toH p*<»* *4 o'l a* kt*» Into k*** Ml to Hf «M >H M &IM m*< k* *»* *1 j |*Ml Thl* S**yU>kg <>«**«* I «k* ***•*%!» la*p*. k»i> •*>* •*•*** •#• to*d ■* ik* pgra-t- i»w*ad» M Dwa* as Ik* *# ray*' w*ii At Uto* mwaikly mum*# !• ■ tutamri *«4 *Mif »«*’* to Ik* >*M r*t' of ***** rmmpmut. kki #*<TF «■*# •**» k* ******i *kd arrw**t#i kw R**t> «m Hsuttotod a#*t*»t •*!**- | Nm #*■•*•• t>fw***i* uadar •«* Atotegt wtttowt **i’*il—ln*. n 4 MiW ik** *>fp»d*r* n*M k* lto*Hk wltfc l*» a# *»'*>!> Mwk on*(>•••*' k *l4 kad i town k»N from poprtr owaer* |« ik* WlaKy *4 lk#fu *1 frwtsa rhtrkcn* ul attor ifci*** ***il|f car ried o# by ik* a#a. Ho *•*'' Mul* #r *o rowplaiat tod »>**• asad* ag*:**t mi regiment I*4 be 414 *4 *•*• **• . bear of any *1 *» After ikl* rawtbm rank <vsa»*nv n«i dl#*l***d. M tto mil rail wa* AuUtod, *f»*r manrhiag to tk* ra*i»«r street. Tk* •'i* thM> fr*# k>r tk* 4ar *«* m> **ia*a»iui I* Ik* Hlltobofmx* rt**r *kmrt • *l> •Dd i katf from k*r*. or la to*i. or tr> •lay In ramp anti writ*. *l**p m 4 l*lk ot hi in ■ V*rjr pn.hahljt Ik* war f* t*a* talkr-l of 1* lb. v*«|W ikaa at km** Four as* tor** l*al» **** r***lr*4 and *it*h*d la Co. C rc*tfn»*jr. aarh lout to b* ornsp'nd ky fcor to*n Tfc*a* lent* ar* murk tor«*r and moro *om- j fprtatd* tkaa thi "da*” or «h*ll.rr train On* will ta plretl *1 *a.*k *nd , of ill* l*o roa# ts imu for *h* **r •oast*, tk* flrat »?r**#ot beta* lo lb< rigkt al Ik* k**d of tk* nrt«, aad occupy ir* a t*at to k!mr,*lf. It brin* a*r*Marr for tk-' arc am mods lion of tht de*k and book* urhlck he mint uae Serft. Sidney Anhalt to aa brown *» a barry now. and a* bandioma a* earer He is *o brown. In fact, that whro In town be pan* a Cuban and greet* him with “Butaoa tardea" he to taken at one? for a native of the Que*fi of (he Antilie*, and the dark Cuban* turn around and ga** to wondar at their countryman wbo prefer* th* l otted States eervice lo the army of "Cuba llbre." Private Sumter Gll*«on »a* on dou bk> duty yesterday for "back talk" to a corporal, and on account of extenu ating circumstance* was given only one day on the police force. The dress parade ycstetvtoy «vas as fine as we have ever had. MaJ. Almand act.zd colonel. Capt. Frye <va* major of the Second battalion and Lieut. Bryan took the place of the regiment adju tant.. Capt. Tom Screven was acting ma ar of the Fir*t battalion. Lieut. Bryan took command of Co. C. CHARLES GREENWOOD BENSON. CABTOniA. Bmts tbs Ih * Kind You Ha* Always Bong,'it ‘»~,r Don't expose your ignorance by talk ing about, things you do not under stand. A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF SIDE COMBS IN TORTOISE SHELL. ALSO VARIED LINE OF GRECIAN BANDS, THE VERY L* 'EST FASh’ONABLE NOVELTY. CALL EARLY AS THEY ARE GOING RAPIDLY. Wm. Schweigert&Co. WOMAN IN THE MEDICAL FIELD. r«u»«iiN tt ti* iWwniM *4 Pi. 1 C. P«Uk Ww*M* tow* 0* tM« k>*rw has*- tow* tk** tktok. m* tM *-*»i* ttotrsa * | • |» Imp# tiwiwo ipiiMPp ttpflMi mi? mi liMiW I >ti<jrrilA%HMi #» tMMt mmmmn *» *•»* | nm* r 4 *“* sihi<4 •*•»** *M ik* gMg*baarv *k** tarn to*** e* ak aw»t«l itoto *i*aaa *•«► a*ki*** *•* ******** n*»wia— tk*** *•»***• **4 ( »*<•*■•* mm* law* ikaw*. !*•**«* tk* «S»*. *» pwrt •* Ik* p*v w*< ***t»»t a* *•* ak*«P •«*»•#»#' *4k" •*•* »km* w***«*t 'tot a* w** *W* at** e*^** gawktoswkP ***** •*•*•■ *••**». kwl j «iw* *hw **■*♦* *« *i •* H«a *w ik* »«|-yrr..w* l» #f fp? *%■*“ n d> I ffptDMr-r #•»* ffP* "Hi s .*#** tlk KtttVt* «# ■ IkWi 1-lMll Nl.f 4 m <v inap4» fpf ill# mwto4*rpii ■, krti t #*M* MPVHMNI I* tip* 'flu# mt*mor #f 4t* •# HmUMIA | |#lf M «*» fHP f#f AIM# 9h* Hifllk*? • ***■t l_ irr lIMNI UtoflMHl fto t #4^PPk? A ‘ Is •v.-wAiSw l|P*#4k f AMP mm mm H -• • N (I# aHwhlp «4 *• | tmm 4 cmmmn** *•** mu a 1«**» * > i rtt 4 r r • #1 tN «l|p#f «n 4 llN" »4 <*r havltt <4w*a«*4 • «&*m . ! tpi rtfUPi fcart, ««•»# *m* mi il# tnrlAl J I fplrtcM «T it# 4*f (• IK? MtrHHi K Nvf t ■ f Hi ■*! 4*ll V* qpf ltfi fk#f*»?P* 'if HA tr* M<t*rk4 |#rf AIM At tli»'Rf4 ffwrr j ?;«»*' • I? «lkr Ls to to* iw*»h«*ll *• Ik*. »kr "I* 4 * • ' W-M *i*MMirtato. *»* O'* "f ik*- ***** *>f lb* f»* ut«V *»t*4 j .prt>*«4*4 the M*iul** «f Ik* uwn*raw» ipwwwwl** •*» otwtM-1*- Tk* pF*alk*al •ad board d**»4*d tb*T d»d *«♦• **4 j 1 gwt toto* Huf* waa »*’** allow*d ta| tab* ikl* forward *i»t» *tob wawld i kat* b*Wk of MN k •II tssits —* wky Y Tkr** (**gva** a*- i r tt*4 for » tmi*W m and thr xadMil* [taw* to rebellion 4-. lartog • again»t tk* amalaattcn c# ***** akd ra*«»" \nd th* fa< ully. fearing* thal th*** ua . dural. .1. kS't**4*4 b«»ya would with draw tn a body is Tat*, bowrd tMr b*ad« tn •übmtwto* Mad* rlgbl *ub : **tvt»nt to might; and HIM Huat «»» t>llg*d I** carry on h*r prsrtk* in Ig- . * noranc*. or abandon II altogether The iftrat woman In Amerlcn lo gnin n di ploma from a m* tic si roller* w*a Ktix«b*th Bto/-kw*tl. wko graduated ! from Hobart collrg*. Geneva. New I Tark in law. She wa* a woman of lg .• mUahle courage. Knocking at the dee,. „f roller* after cotlege. and when •ne alter another Mtd. "N«. the gr«d thlnga her* are learrved *«i-lu»lvely for mm.” ah* went bravely *>n InaUl* »**• Un*. until the twelfth colH-g* <i»ea*4 •nd *he entered It* sacred ports'* ' "Obliged to eui-oort heraelf and help i rupport tier widowed mother ami a I large family of younger brother* and slater* t>y uchool teaching. *hc yet gave five years to m**dlcal study, two of | which w*re spent to Europe to practical fee. pital wort." Ob* would naturally auppoa* aft** this that the bonier* were broken down and women allowed equal ahoaina In 1 practicing medicine, hut wh *n Miaa Kmlly Blackwell applied to Hobart cd le*e a reaction had taken place, and mi refuaed. She then applied at Huah college. Chicago. and wa» admit ted for odo term. Th * rr liege being cenaured by the atata medical aoclety, ahe «aa refuaed the second term. In 1*52 ahe aurceeded In graduating at a medical achool in Cleveland, Ohio. "Du ring her vacation ahe aurceeded. by the aid of powerful influence brought to bear upon the authorities, In obtaining permission to vlalt the Bellevue bosplt ala.” _ Dr. Kmlly Blackwell also went to Eu rope and became the private pupil of the noted Sir Jamea Slmpaon of Edin -1)0ro, with whom ahe remained a year, gaining from him and other prominent rhyalclana the hlgheat tcatimoniala ns to lif r proflclenry in literature, aclenco and the practical details or her profes sion. Dr. Jex Blake, Dr. Marie Zakrzewska, Dr. Elizabeth Garrett AnderaJh of Eu rope. had equally aa discouraging expe riences. but with peralatent persever ance the effort* of every one of these worthy pioneers were crowned with abundant success, and opened up the way for the thousands of women who are now (ngaged In the medical field. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought JSZZ.<2CjtfSGSk FUNERAL AT 5 O’CLOCK. The Remains of Young Critchlow Will be Laid to Rest at That Hour. The funeral of young Carroll Critch ]ow, who came to such a sudden death yesterday, will talte place at 5 o'clock this afternoon from the First Presbyte- , rian church. The pallbearers will be Robert Wat- I son, George Summers, J. L. Marsh, R. j C. Hlrsch, Louis Evans and C. Wil liams A girl in love is often unable to ex press her thoughts, but it is dlffeient after marriage. When a man says he does not feel at all like himself some of his friends are glad of it. VAUCtUSE IS VERY LIVELY. T? ImM 0? U*» ? ®» T«f Acim, [ Npaakto Hi I is* toa*w*d yi«r -n ~ $ C *«* R #a» kam •dtol ‘—sir wa* Hawk ** t,a Ihtfiwf wa to** WMdßt W'-ekMlg tM# #MW «k* awsva »|| «k* ldd#to# t«*g| MOW* t**k(kd', Twkj Um*. anew) # tot I tot M*w» ad l»*tw* akd *kl* to a tow*R i* »* »wg tow w*» MP» 9m wstok •<#*#* • P I'Mdto to * tow data a*4 »m >k* l4Mbs aw.t - •« a ttokto# tom (laasf*. ik* w«to ad to* PRi > afll (*>•.«* d<*4 to ka* kwto* a* wwtdtof kwwto*wg stoat katag *ark aw** la totowi who* Nto» towaaa a katoaad ■k*4 Iktaw (k-Mewa M tohast* tot toto i ak* »** toarkto Iks dkitomtng day to 'fit# %'#«#■ *NPP<P d#M#4t#? tot A T « dp call** «>** tow | ate- toastkMM*** pw ag I*l todgs#*# irnwn • to wadif* is skw asm** ad wwaml swatoak adMtoa*t »ka *«•»• wk •wa at i »a«a< a>a ink* agw to towas* «« swag ahgfgwd totoh •••***• a toa et yaiiry at Jrtiasirai from H* <*a ■ tsn fit Store w*« smahd k**» hw* I* a <*mtn* wtib tk* ii#iwpi Ikw aw gtw to«wa**>4 t* throw jewelry #w»» t i»n<ut'i k* am* iwntod Rmww ht tk* w#fwva tore* aa Ikay fownd doth wg to fc»* p»wii«•alto kad imw aid #■#* t#MM. InH Mix*? II mmm h**mm avvH ik* ma* *ka t# l dm* CNN ■*'* ♦*** nerd wank far kms aad they to '«#ied klto to AwgwtoA Oa Rea T, K knado. of owf tom* ! *tgnwd a yaw***ed»«l *a*wi»d ** tot* hank a* K***toa Ha will hold tan ( m i• kww *a*to day ttoe at* anrry to aote that *to* faoi *dyof M D I- J-toayoa. a few wok* owl of tows, to down with the mump* Mr .and Mr* R. I* Kaanedy af# ,!• •>*« yelaiiyaa at Wlkdarr to. C. til*? ftodkfli . Mmw Clara Jchnatna to apandln* •**• r«al week* with fr«#ad« a« E4l»lo Mill*. Her amaa fnrad* wtofc bar a plrtMMt tt'B of M. Mr and Mrs. W T. Matcher of Tm m* tman a are down vla ttag lrknl» Mr .A A Off** and ana went <>*•* to Au«uata this •nrmlkg on haaitnsa* Miaa I.ula Brown, who has been ap- y.iln* the past week at Tltaatcr n. ms returned boww yeat re day gnat ; ly to tb* delight of her wan/ friend* Mr Janes Ryan, our prettv little detot Bfeat, who .baa been hone on a vlad. la hark with tta. It la runored that oae of oar conn * try friend* will lead one of our preiig young ladle* to Hymen "a altar In the near future. In advance we wiah them a long and happy nth There are being a number of ear# of melon* ah Ipped from here and we be lle** all who have shipped ao far Mot a fair price for their melons The smallpox Is enualng fear, a* It I* very near ua. The board of health ii do ng all In Its power to prevent the spread of Ibis drendful disease. I would tell how near tha amallpox la to us hot I have been cautioned to keep it out of the papers. The happr campaign party will re*~h owr town Friday evening. The speak ing will lake plat” in front of the post office. Wp hop» all the candidates will be given a reapwtful hearing In erder that every voter may have the tnos* j mpcrtanl Issues discussed, ao they will be able to vole Intelligently This will | be the last meeting of »h« campaign and so far the candidates ha"* all been discussing the issues of the day ■and have left off personalities. We have only live candidates cut Tor I the legislature, vl*. —John M .Bell. 0. \ |j. Toole. Dr. H. H .Timmerman, J. M Polatty and Mayor M B. Wood ward, of Aiken. AII live are vety atreng uwn and considerable Interest is be;ng manifested by each candidate's friends in their behalf. All five of the candidates are very prominent in politics, and it is hard to tell at present which two will be de feated. Mr. James M. Polatty, of (JronitcvlHc, who came In eight voiph of being elected two years ago. is not leav ing a single stone unturned. Mr. Po latty is a “iplfmade young man and would make a good member of the leg- Is iature. Capt. W. H .Herron died at his home near here on yesterday. He was 'one of the best known men in this sec tion of the state and was liked by ev erybody that knew him. He was laid to rest- this morning at 11 o'clock in the Mt. Zion church yard. He was buried by the Masons of this place and several from the Graniteville order. Mrs. Irene Cook and Mrs. Hugh Cook leave for Tutsulun, Ga., where they will spend some time. Miss Inez Senn will also go down with them. Popular Railroad Han. J. W. Williams, brakeman, contrib utes the following: "Some people say don't, but I will. J. N. Ilarllng Is con ductor on the Central of Georgia rail road from Edgefield. and If you can’t run with him you had better get off and farm. I hav run with lifty men, I N .Hariing is the only man who is lup to date. Now for Mr. Thomas, bag ieatc master, there Is no better for any thing.” So says .1. N. Williams, brake man. ESTABLISHED ISM— Reliable Uncle Lew will lend you any amount of mon ey for any length of time on all hinds of personal property at a very low rate of Interest. All transactions strictly confidential. Steel-lined burglar proof safes. Under the Arlington hotel, on Jackson street. Lewis J. fechaul. TW» AUOUBTA HURALD. •add mi tddd #a*a* w»*w Pain-Killer. mu mmtiiM. IC i t"t «*? • ♦ ##ha ?to« mmm* ♦«# »»%^pp rt«•? mm*w | HORN MRHHtM IfHl A iMd# ttpw >o> •« tk* Mi told | Itaftt* lA#k«# topfSkdk * f*. A•# * Horn* to lkd» *d gWMga dn*r* oww- . tag ig oaaay dat A told '***4 ***** to j »■a*«edaa tows* Cwlwdtßdg A«k**a I fk* daaMkto to iaNtoMfwl. paas iwal. towtk to Id rioawwi Is Hi* <*»•* •#• , a to#** wtog to aagadwaakto tor itow who *M ad ito> piaasa* aad itoaay 'bat j topes a Rtoto»*sd» d«Wd Ik* k*WO* j *w ha so tk* apafk* Tk* kaU tow Ttowrwday eayatlad ww* gtolw * aarrww* tawdrn Ik* dwew* <4 ; *k* kotoUa**p tawwds rwmtwa to ffwa* , ike awiliiaiiißlkdl town* Aagam* wo* raws twpmwaiiyd by Ms* J toe •'totr IS* Mi** JtoSle Toll. knHl Ik datwly * tysaaksas ad gaßaaWa (Vd Hgirud. *d Kdgrtoad I* ik* p* of Ikn fcotol; lH lto> lodto* tow* aewwkd j k4as to tkry taaasld aisnsad satok* fwf» . Ml wf autw* He I* d*to* Ik* rad* to*n* -to toltgklfwl oM grwitoto** ta ik* ayaattod# ika damiwd o* *••** i Italia HassN Twit to gi*aMf tojoyoi j Tkia RHVs fairy f*Recta pest rfydM up oa to»f towraairer* «kM we tear# wa* Mi** (Ml* Saaith of Aaguela Tk# witoic of M-a» Rebecca Heowa. ! of Mora welt. R. C.. to towed wltk de | light hy live awav #w**»* to*f* when ,wo *k* a*a to* pi'ffb'toH af* l * *° j foes* Mr iTaud* flarfyit. ttoe rknrmlng clrek. to I to' aaaw a* of old alteall** j lo all. gf**'LF adaitred hy ltoe old and Irvcvl by ik* yo* or 4k» right man in tk* right pine*. The gueel* from As gu*ta arc Mr*. Hew K loalurf, Mr* Kvgrn* PYurter Mr* I. B Tull. Miaara Jennto and Kat ! * Maude Toft. Mr* * O Park* aad Mr* John tier* Mr* Dr « Wright and Mt*a J« rdna are npurted In a few day*. VIMTOKS A PLENTY. Matters arc Very lively around Hoe ***** Spring*. Apr rial to The Herald. R<ittvia. Bps »«- Aug. J.-A large nowd spent tb* day ai Kouaamu last itsiurdny. Mr*. Anne Lyon* sad her daughter. Mite Annie, of Uncolnion. ai* •t«H>- ping at the hotel- Mr Tannahill. of Augua a. spent sev er*! da .'a at R uaeenu last week. Mia* Mattie Blount, one of the bell** it rovetown, who baa bren vislßng her sister Mr*. J. C. "**» ho “® last Satttrda». Miss Blount came to the ntighberboed n<H<« ■ stranger, bht she lift many friend* and very few hearts, in this community. Mia. Brest« n Johnston ha* moved in her cottage at Kouaaenu. The choir will be much strength' ll'*! by the* of Misses Ullian sud |i uufort J^hnaton. Miascg Kate Walton and B ryl Lam- had a nice sociable laat Saturdsy evening al the beautiful home of Mr. Jim laimkin. Wo had the pleasure of meeting the beautiful belie of iiand towo. Miss Viola Oardnor. There is no under*atlumi', tug the iKoken girls, t hey ate all right, witty, aahey and know how to have a nice time. Miss T'ple, from Florida, Is visiting Mrs. John Samuels. Mr. Albert E. Spies and Mis* Marie Dozier, both of Ktokeo, were married last Sonde" In Augusta. It was a sur prise. Their many friend* all Join In wishing them a long and happy life. They v.lsh thorn plpnty of goed things in this world and better things in the next. It was a sad, sad scene, Johnny had to part; And the pain was sharp and kotn. For the glcl she had his heart. This pictures In you the parting scene between Johnny and his besl girl after the bal igame at Kiokce on last Saturday evening. Prof. D. D. Kean has left Rosseau. Hl* many friends regret that he had to leove so early. Ho is teaching at No vetta, Ga. Mr. Ira Farmer Is spending the week at Rosseau. Mr. Pierce Sturgis, belter known by his friends by the pet. name of Johnny, and Mr. Verdery visited Rosseau last Monday night. CASTOniA. Be*r« tha Kind You Have Always Bought T POINTED PARAGRAPHS. The rolling wheel gathers the punc tures. Some men resemble dice easily rat- J tied, but hard to shake. Nothing curdles the milk of human kindness like Indifference. There are times when the brave de serve Immunity from the fair. The wife who chases her husband with the pokdF rules him with a rod of iron. Some men have a delicate sense of humor and the humor of others is senseless. RALLY ROUND THE FUG Ittn Its# CdM'f A* OfttMtMA tit TM M ritvMH RtosiwMing to Fttod dd Ikaa* to Rtoftaedtoato fwtwWbto * <*, Aad §■■>»tk# ttowkd! ■ rgrtgiri. i km «#h*a aa boa HR| wad** Elk* atosawatogs* Itodk Ito wa* daymrv j I mm- tfMwagk fk* a*a*d r*jfto ad fhd ] jwiixi* team akd tomato# HHastts | I tk* i igtawa t la aflfl a toad was* that i I being tiW toto tor* kww (to wpsads ad j | (*«*<! #** >w* lo »*ato**ed R AS -y right *fc*s dta»k ka* took gatood Ito 1 ->aeds stowtßdd «k* ewsagtoto «wgaataa | libto Of iwaius wMfc pato* storing Ik* ; ( Atowwwa fwatßS* to lb# tor* ltoe (to* 1 (lag ag of g rwgttotot to *44 lb* dnstw j tißhali aWtowag# to itow* tow #s tod | I sawss ika rakl (utodiltoka tk* swaffary I a*ap stynl Tkt* toaratod 14*0 Dm toy aka t* . I icstwoiag far ik* Ttowd MMtaiMk sd j jG» Ftoai mam aad Majaa Ms*#*. | :<«f tk* Ar*wad fwa'www > w**w <*afM < [ tag aatow ld*wA. Ikwrlwp toad Jwai ar lti**4 la ito* (tty wm* •»* i*«yws»* to . > ik* Firs* rwgiaoaM. ato • *a* ttom j i caaidra Ito aapo—ed ito oatowm iikal N wa* to»w# di#da»l V* # : r«wM* i»«w itowa av** tofeya ta ito* km story of Ito yadwauwr aorami. H' i M id ikat to* bad lo iwrmatrr aN kind* [«f wow foods ywaag dtod who asigbi to etpeeied to *wl** lb* arrrW# bad Ito’ asosi *dtodl*a tefit *«• ’N# * • key w**l lw«o itor aorvlfw al Itot* tato. [day they wowld to sd-wmi of * a* »a -tn ito yarsle* wtow pewrw a*gu)*(*«•« I war* la poedtea* aad iton* wm a cefialkty of prarw todag d-cda»yd. ] • kick would to hhwdlma eat *t meal. 1 1 { m.', to *agg**»cd 'kai Ikl* to* law* i ntae *i a* eaiwyly W««dl ** war. ##• UejiMy a* far to «to Aouikna mrnf f hi# fßCPUff'ffipM. In addlttoa lo ito mdr T e*4wt tool . niton, there *p* aow al Day eight trejtosti of reapsyl'*- *«»*n* "t ! t lira large aad other* Tto frartioaal part* •• lermv. whl« h will go 10 make up Ik* j regime*!. Rf* froas rv»trr burg. tlrccnttlle Ck*rle»l*m. Bamberg. Abbeville. Spartaabur*. and Ptckea# The Cheater roatlngent ssabr* *t*ty *.ven mm and no It run* on to the CbarWaton contingent.which I* only ibn# *tron*. If all the sguada oa lb* N«l<l were to J.-- r.imrnlraiivi H la mI4 ibat iwo nimpaale* and n llllle over wmdd b* t Tmed. It la d«»M* likely Ibat aotne (thing like thin will be dene In the next tow daya, so ibis will about make up half of ito regiment. Lieut. Duuiop **id that he found r-p --rrseatatlve* of Ito Second rog.ment In almost every U«n and city he visile I In tho Interest* of the First regiment The Flrat regiment t' has hern re cruited up to almost lit f "e strength. | It will have to gel men (or all of Iboac who have b< -n dto-harged or who have died since the regiment Crat left the state. . . Ev. n If peace Is declared those who Join tto Second r -ginicnt can expect to get an arhignairni with one of tbs nrmiea of occupation that Is almost : certain to be sent out, and the eotn ! plaint has twen eo general t I Wat and North have gotten t tto ! BrKlgntr.cnt.s that the Southern troops arc likely to come In for aome ot Lhcae ! assignments if they wont them. Gov. Ellcrbe received the following ittlcgram: "Itotinettsvllle: W- hove the re ; nutrret number for military company. When can you bcml examiner? B. A. i Rodgers.” _ „ I Gov Ellcrbe will see Capt. fuller [and arrange for n trip to Bennettsville, ;*o that the men can be accepted. Rome time ego. o little bottle of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy fell Into my hands, just ai a time when my two year old boy was terribly nfHlcted. His bowels were beyond control. We had tried many remedies, to no purnnse, hut the little Pottle of Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy speedily cured him.—William F. Jones, Oglesby, Ga. For sale ty Alexander Drug and Reed Co., C. R. Parr, of Bell Tower Drug Store. COL. RAY’S REQinENT. Receives Orders to be In Readiness to (Jo to Santiago Macon, Aug. 3. The Third regiment of tmmunes. Col. Ray commanding, j have received orders to move Imme -1 dlately to Santiago. The order does not s'ate the exuet time, but it directs the colonel and his command to hold j themselves in readiness for Iminedialo orders to move. I Cot. Hay made the announcement on ! Monday afternoon while the regiment 1 woe on parade, anil the announcement received with cheers by the men. They are tired of a life of inactivity, and like all soldiers want something new, even if they go out of the frying pan into the fire. The offlleers are delighted and want now to know the time at which they may ire expected to be ordered out. It i„ probable, Col. Ray thi.nke, that the 'regiment will not receive more than 3fi hours’ notice, and he expoets to receive that notice in a few days. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. THE BEST SALVE In the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, -Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions and positively cures Idles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re funded. Price 25 cents per box. FOR SALE BY HOWARD & WILLET. 816 REDUCTION ON BOYS' LOW SHOES sanns Okfofttk IK ik HMON, mna wfyNl DdMir v awl Of W»#»n. HOWfVNf. « to P#»PN rt mol# and will «o IK«* w—k At follow a I LU»># Cdcrtk* V IC* Ok Ci ip «ml lon. 10 lo 13. w#fd ?1.76 NOW • to*' 1 ,! Youth*'VlclO*ford•, Wwj« i jc (An, 13 1-2 to 2. w#f« $2 OO NOW • Boy»* Vic* Onfordt. btackdnd ICQ tan. 2 1-2 to 5, wpro 02.80 NOW • A<l thdkd 8hO#« »r# tho product Of th# Excmlkior Shorn Company, th# fin#At Boys* bhc>«» mod#. II MDLHFRIN'S SOUS S CO.. Broad St. Tto aAir war* thiSg al wa* Mto m lb# I cshl (key*«f. loom awyeS* are lusassß la 15* 1 awifwfw, f etyhe-lto tongs** Krtl* Tto tow torn! * maw pat* mi • • i*«k , Ito to"** Mkar N uygwa Tk, ewp -I bappsweaa wmsaMy •('"*«• a Irak hefaya N begtk* tw rwa -see fh-epl* who draw* ItoSf l( »wlile* . usually prase* v , Am la abrwkal. Anwve *irl* **l itodf cap* tor hmhwud* aad ..(It* eel Ikrtr rap Hal tor (Hie*, ! The |<die you play *m aaoikey f*A«w i I* a sess Irak wbea to play* H wa , yw*. Tto insssr la snmeskat mlahller. itwin a bullet th-mgb It am> mi speed i a* true In nine case* owl «f ten tto fattoe-la law of the man uto claim* lo he *elf- j ma le b> rerponytld* tor Ito Jwh, —Ckl- J r»#o New*. Not Too Late to Buy a SUMHER’S SUIT! Half the season is yet to come, and besides you will find many warm days in the Fall when a Summer’s Suit would not be uncomfortable. There is one great advantage in buying a suit now ; you can get a very fine Suit for lit tle money compared to what its value would bring at the beginning of the season. Reason teaches economy. You save money by buying your clothing from us. I. C. Levy’s son & Co.. TAILOR-FIT CLOTHIERS, AUGUSTA. - GEORG* A MUD Why Drink Such Stuff When You Can Get HARRIS LITHIA WATER SO CHEAP 5 GALLONS ONU SIOO Try Harris Lithia Ale and Carbonated Water. Harris Lithia Water will, if taken regular for any reason able time, cure any case of Dyspepsia. 816 Broad St., Shewmakes R. I„ FOX, Agent for Augusta. Special Prices to all Halers. READ IRAK WART ADS AUCUftr 3 I Tto pairaeimm #d mam asaa at HaiHed jiw rad. wktM and Ua* pwtoy cwpa . Tto mak w torn tome to* —«r-giim»» i***d la iryma •* AH e mi i mudi as wa* M# r*.*< r,. swab—* pay fed Tk* .-(dee a j u«waad l* ito bHMt ak# abiswld eartF 'tor afe. _____ Meat a ms la «*l Ik* to* yard hi* lurk a to* futlaM hr at .the Boat duwt, tvarwm'a theory mar he al fault, tot iu. nf men make monkey* as ik**»- i ##l %## utfift MvMmm* Whew a woman call* tor huahsad a [ 1,.,1 he I* apt l« ptosd gaillp oa tto «r..uad that Rw martMd toy. TTr A girl may apeak a doaen HRereat ‘«u*g< • *ad yet not b* able to sag "»»•* , la a yauag m*a in aay of ikeas. Dea l tkmk men aad pin* mu as • much use after they tone tb#fr bead*