The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 03, 1898, Image 7

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»'«*«**» (OUktHMnN** PpUfMi "HI l |M •*** OHM* «• M.W **»##>»"«»• IMWI § f** #* HK*HH W* *#» 4 <im»> <*«♦♦*#! If tiwifci •<—*• h fllHrfl pH|F Pill II 111 I • ill »TT ftpMl hhmi *l, 9*** HI **•* fcMM «# Ht»IMNO f&4 Mm r*M* •*»- ► MS* f*~ f 4» f£|g» Iraa* *»* *•-#*•♦*** ***** •' «n AMAH K*»‘ «•**»*» >w > '*a * »*•** 4 ' *naf 4 MI «ni <w#-»**t ,«mBM4 *»■ f.w*AaA *d t*s» *«*» « AM Mi *»m<4«d i|m nawa* im «■«•%>• »m ***♦ Aw > **m* ftMwm wt»W 1>*B»» K ••41 * *** •*4 ir ip Mawm am «*■> «*(■» «*>«*-*; minim. • *.. *lll MM *gM> «4» •(**- I M Um< »•»• -« Him ft* «#!>•, ii*#WA ma ' «?• t «4M •*•*»■» t*»* ! • r v. «* m«»<*«•• f<# u» A** fm MM »«•** MM t* » MM nb. m mm* *«l 4* *W**m M* W II ftbmaß. * HMMMM *M» •** sf MM* ,*»?• » *m4 M* T «•*•* #UH **--B»*sd M* * j *».m»4»H «*«M _ Mr* W, U M»» Mi* o'MM mm A Mm t MM list or iornmei LSTtaa RiHAIBIAft -4 14* (HlMi'MEn* M AmMMW < 41# »■»..! I*4 IMM fmwAs MMH Im MMmm M«n M»U *MM> Ml "M* M ltM* MU MNM !*• dRH* * #*•**# Hi MM ftMlrflk* AmMMM IMMMim IIM «w nM 4* f* * *AllH* US? 4- Nh f■»<*** RbrkMsUf# W* W dm RW«M, I» H*»i4* RfwH*. Hr. Aam«*ak B#»* C-- Mm. M*tM*l C#*n# Him KIM tTW*- im am *h cwm ■*# a. m r«* %tt Mr* Mix T t'Mmtfcaa* |» him Ami* WJW4 4» M*rm IM «I4ami r N*m Mm? ®*a*dw Mr* into «* * *** u uim CM* OM M«» MU) Oh>*t* H Cmm Hrt«« *»m Mart# May ; Him M!l« )«« t#—Rllith Lot4*?. J»B* !.»•» M MM* EHww Mr»r» M.»* ***** Mil* Mr. W * Moot* M Mr* BU M Natso* I* Mlm Ell* K !*»«!» R -Mr* J A. HrlllM. Mr* Aarl* Rob*r*»:< Mr* Wllll* RoAgvr*. Mr* W. J. RroHrr 4—MMf KH« lM*tl*r T—Ml** H*rt»i« Tur*rr Dorr** T4m **. Ml** Twl*r W— Ml** Mattie W4II* (IEVTI.KMR.VS I.IST A-Dr J*v. • A. A«d#T*M. i. a Al- ? alp. (Mo E. Aaderaoa. 4 Arthur Bo?d. E. Barr?. Ch»rte? Rrrrhllt <2l. C—J. H Callorr*? J. E Crlßi RSrhard Croon. RoMßuad CcUuell. John Co- ktu l>- cmo Dir K VV H Eastland Cf). F—J. a Flgartsr rhar!»s H rrsysbsr O —Rot. R. Orltrminp. Rn. E. T. o»t!ah*r (I>. m—C. W, Holliday, Ufcacay W How ard. Auiwtul Hobson. Mr* Georgia Util. Richard Holliday. J — U c. Jnwi. Ja* A. Johnson, Jim Josser. Alfred Jenklna. Henry Jones K Wash Kinard. H. C Kennedy. L—Willi* Larimer, E H. Lea M Lout* MrKr.lsht, Henry Martin Alonso Miller, Bteven Mcßoy. George Mjblry. f>~~*. 6. Owen*. P~Jean Paquet. Or r.nan Pink Won R .V»ck Itinera. Olln Rykard, Cldlne RosrsJa, 8. D. Reed. S—K. O. Sawyer. T—H. P. Thomas, E. A. Tirver. W—Lin ward Wllkunn, Lon Williams, Jafßo* Watts. Nelson Wilson. John Whitaker. Charlie L. Wharton, Law rence Williams, (col.). Y—W. Totes. I MISCELLANEOUS. ’1 Plymouth Rock Pants Co. W. H. Stallings. P. M. After a woman ha* been married two or three months she true* around with an expression on her face that looks auspiciously like wisdom. &08*H BMq^j AMERICAN SOLDIER REPAIRING CUBAN'S GUN. Our Cuban allies at Santiago have been muciidiscussed, some army offleerj declaring that they were visible aids and others asserting that, the only things they were really willing to attack with vim and determination were the provi sions of the American army. The Cubans were half starved and practically urn clothed when Shatter reached Santiago. Tho shoes given them they wore tied around their necks by the strings, because shoes were too valuable to be worn on the feet. The accompanying sketch, made by a New York Herald artist in the field, shows an American soldier repairing the gnu of a Cuban. RIASIMm | MMRRMMRC mtm i* mmm m Mi nw iup* ppMt««d oa*M> a»«M‘»4 I , WMMMMM* a c., am I . M*% II A : * RwM? ptwMNP* ****** «*♦ MM** | moo <4 ViaaaAua • a** » o *a*4 a* •M inMM 4 •>!**? a** a# *4* Nn4t*> «H» «** *A »fc«f*<■?•*(? ***** j ,»<M*iM 4? <»*»—'• IM ?%»*'** A At*# ♦**• M 4** I4MM w* t **4M fWh IM* **»« Mill : a* AMR M (Mi *'«**» =A*HAa MM* ] *fr,t|an *M*« Hi Mr A*A A M*v*. | iruMt** •* Rrm u ****** Mmaami *%n j •aa* »** w»<* * CHMK 4»aM*w *•>*•* 4* •'*• ha A* "mml Id* Mmim MU * «f * 4***»*» ,**• ****p >»ii># m iwm'h * »■«<**« <R 1 .. **.-<* Nr 4»* »***♦»* M *>'* *#• *«A A*» f*«wdH*Ai MR ‘Mm a* Mr M**h Mill 4* a *m*h mu M***> l**» (Ma«A4l M AM a ***** (A 4«* i part*** 4*4* itmi » u* | |j<**|»***4 rt* <V**«M» M >**■*< «A i *Ma»i»*»A A Cl CMMM praAtru**# * CrAh*** Tr* <V*NAI t—* M*** sA4p*ar*R » «c*a»A »iurtiAAa as «4»* o**4 **u tn r*A-«a M n ***** r*Mm. 4a* tat* M*M w*mm ar* Mam* T4*r* ABAM *•*» MA4*. M A*** «*. - i mn *ai !•*** V«ah«aa IM*** ~o*tt«n M 4***« a*rfc«Ml n **»*r»i 4**A* ***rr«i*A»*A •4* *U?. M*a (*■***r? AM —T4# ft*** » »a upiMaiii **'**4*( ioa H«M**mM>. AM HA** tall MrtwAf I*l raia* #aj( <4 14* «***a fwia*. ?•*•• -BMMRrMI mi* MU <« «4r**r (M?« *f Ita ***** C*rpA* ("Mr!**. T*»a* —Tta n*p M br«‘*n.«A M» *(*l rtUA IMta* Ar 4 - M»A*4flal ralA* ta** MM M 14*» *M*Altr aa4 rrop* am *a a*«*d «A*um, MmpM • T***.-W« ta- r M*A Arm nr l«um ttaa *a*W bat aMMcaII? rrop* am ta fool roAAiiioA. Mobil*. AM -Crap rrporta am Ma* , ; (anwahlr Cmaplsiaia am auul* of 100 •aurh mia. aarrulrAt *c*il aal rum. Maim* AM —Cmn ewadiuna* roA iiiw awml. tat a Hi la Mora .im.Mo* • nul l ta baaai< I*l. Ua!««Moa. TVaa* -Tta **aih*r Ha* Mn l*rni*ai* for paid Aork. »M Ik* (traaiac of rrop Maa advaaead tael?. Chapprl Hill. Trt —Ontioa la 4oia« ootl and if no dMostar tafall* It <ta i fit id Ail ta larg*. Car*ln*. Teaat. —Cottoa oa!b« to pro 1? of AKMatnr* la tta armnd. ha* ■reAa **r? ranH and ta* boro »b*A dl*« K* muarr*. K*>uh N. C.— Tta *tat* board of aarlrulnira rrport* tta onod'.tloa of rot too HT 1-2 par r*at. Plh* fount?. Ark.- K*»rr In »h* Hlo ir r? of Plh* eotmt? harr a* Nad tat ter prosper!* for rot too WHAT THEY SAY. A* soon aa the army makes an open ing Ametban business enterprise goes Into It —Philadelphia Ledger. Some cautious people take out acci dent Insurance policies and others en list In the United States navy.—Chi cago Record. When Columbus discovered America be still left a whole lot of things for Spain to discover at a later date. She has attended to some of them.—Pitta burg Tlmea. K. Benjamin Andrew* look* for a general A-ar. K. Benjamin Andrewa al *‘> looked for free ailver. Who I* hta oculist?—Philadelphia North American. The coat of transporting the Spanish prisoner* home ought to form one of ! the first Items In the Indemnity bill Ito tie pree -nted after the excursion *ea 'sen closes.—St. Lout* Globe-Democrat. THU] aTJCJUBTA SB33^-A*X4ID THE MARKETS < .**•<•* N*» ta* RN-*** tad <*a adNai Rpm* MUfTYWR -raw aw? -«=.«• ta to •** .f*A* .M»«a«p »a**m * « * ptwaA Mat Matt** a m M BA4 AMI ICMM> ... . .< «. ..Ml M«fl rot rt* *«! rt*piff»* taPddWdr J pAMNAAk Mtta t «*ta« «ada aa *»~a poa* « «•*««««« '•* ......**i Bp •am# m a a a *• a *• am"* j M»a»t> ta* •• »•»**»*«• AniAa* .«• Adapt *•*•>* m « * *t ta*A* :***•* pa*aa po* abam « M amta m pa* aa**** >.»..** *■*•♦ * irtA* *naa». pa* MaoA M M m •***■* Poaaa***, M C# pomd •« »••• * .pi i*Mat*t VoprMa paAAI ■m .* •** tpataAM MM. *4adm M m n A a. M M ‘ta A— Mo*f • •.• " " maopm. Maa. ('••Naan . ». M •**•* ** <r«M4 apd»*a. pa* p*amd h « •< »•*• *AUd i«a M»a p'PAd . M **~ « ta»M tjaaaaAa .. w «• •* am*. « MaM ii Hup*. Atodaaaia # *•* •• -* •* M 1 1Ai kma trnrn .. a m m * «*•••»» ItaAa w m •••• <•••**• •* s itapMa »*• .... ,P— »*• UVH PtMA-R MARRMt iltart a*aP i***aip*a •• »*tm l*h ** •tam R*4 a**a*a#* a»Ma .... ta- MB .I'Oftamt *a*A*ia*A < 1 *tt*A —** **■ lm*A* *nt*P *A*aa MM »*• a*.it»M* r»AtAMA *A *atm .... »*«* * A*MMa a»a«AA» aolaA m.... •• •*“ •» M*mm wwata. »APimaa la in* .. .. m•......•* •« '• m Mat*A ***** anaatta «M*a ... % *ta' R* fliai IlluyOCi u «* u« aa a* **M •« “ " M»** M 12 MaaAa fa» mapa . ta • Males. » ABBA* f*B *AAA* ... *“»» WOOtiWAM , UwMii. ttm M**ap» o mr taA . It a in May *oAar. R I- tm* ta • It M. (hr** Mw«p. mdat. R. R.. paa dm.. II «». Aatl taartal*. n a » 4 r*BT *KA*WI 1 Pmmso Ahirrups aod iMmtlOAa" (tr ull*. *ll* M aMtrttAA * dmanmiM* 14 R N MUrttaA « * •-* OtAMllarMta. M« K ■ aMmtiap .. I M taw* .. .. .. "" J *** loiaalhrßH ♦-* II M M-. .. .... • 4-* j«Ma P Ri«*a M a a *4frtll*A .. I jluta p. Mate, a lark R C ...... * W a pool. an.K Carttratll. MA ?da to pa*. P**r dm M ("orttmut. W ?da. t* aped, pm daA RURAfHIKUA. MIS* rlt**>**>•• tarnoA* M ta ii ai*t*r 'HI. Wrill) M**< * T* | VMA? .. .. .. h .... m .... * * * WIOOAM Kruit of Ita l*M M Mota* « l-l mill of tta M**aa. M lack** .. **vi H Cabot. TA tiwMaa * N Cabot. 4-4 I *•« Alpine Ma* W .. • T* prtd* ol ita Wmt .. R I-* 2Of*. PKMTA n R *hlrun* .. .. I •-* Jn<> P Kin* MAI startla* .. i IA l»o*4al* *4 * Jn<. P King. IB Inch (>***r*l» .. .. * 1-4 2no P Kt"«. U lark E C am * *" 4 2an. P Kin*. M toeh E* *•* Aland ...... .. •• 4 !*• 2no. P. Kin* M lark flnpertor .. * W PRINTS. American atari Inga. Mill * *"* Merrimack shirtings. *ta«« * Charter ooah dress styles Wxff .. I l-J Washington Oil# lfancy) » Alien's »fancy 4 •-* •gimp#**! * *-« percale# * I Coates spool cotton, per do* II American Indigo bluwa. *4x44 .. .. I l-l Slater Otla (solid! 44x44 I I-* American Indigo blue*. *4x44 .. .. I l-l Ini) rnatbaial Marks ‘I'M I I-J Allen's cardinal* *4x»4 < t-* Allen's Latonaa MiM .. .« •• •• .. A 1 |~l; 1 India blue >-+ 1 India blue *4**l .. «• •• •• •• •• * Ktu.slant * 4 •’* Garner's radiant* »4x*4 I Martha Washington MiM 5 3-1 Hope Mx«3 .. .... .. Chater Oaks. s*xM .. •• .. -,3 3-4 • TICKS. Hampshire 4 *-• 1 AmoskesK A C A JR t-3 1 Amoalteag A .. -• •• •• •• •• •* !£, i Amorkeag J 3 (Reciprocity *••• * | PLAID HOMESPUNS. City Mill* * Four yard, good 32 Inch .. .» .. •• * M Lodi shirting* 5«x5« * Lodi dress style* 56x60 3 1-4 St. Clair dreas 4 Ocean solid* * 3-4 Martha Washlngtcn fonelea .. .. 3 3-1 Miscellaneous brands, light weight 12 i-!alr leaetta 6 yards plain ’norndlke B ® 3-4 Hercules •• •• •• •• •• •• ' *" 4 ® Crescent 7 *' B Pelham, 32 bal Bo box 15 ji>. <j, p., 30 balls to box 1® K. O. P-, 20 ball* to lb V 1-3 Muscogee B 27 inch 4 1-2 yd. plaids, best make -4 Simpson's ailk finish poulards 64x 64 4 3 * 4 Simpson's solid black 64x64 .. .. 5 Pactnc mournings 64x64 6 China silks 64x64 < l*® ® Rockpnrt .. 3 I'* Slater 64x64 •• 3 3-4 Concord, 56x60 3 1-4 Rome 56x60 3 1-4 Edwards 3 l" 3 Keystone 3 1-2 Fifth Avenue 3 l" 4 KEARSEVS. Heavy Columbia, heavy Kearsey 6 1-4 Kincaid and others 9 1-4 LIME. CEMENT AND PLASTER. Lime 35 Rosendale cement 31.45 Portland cement $2.75 to 3.25 Louisville cement In paper sacks . $1 25 Plaster in bbls sl-75 HARDWARE. . Well buckets, per doz $3.00 Painted buckets, per doz sll® 2 H B B cedar palls, per doz .. .. $1.75 3 H B B cedar palls, per doz .. .. $2.00 Tubs painted, per nest sl-75 Rope, manilla, per pound 9c Rope, Sisal, per pound 7c Rope, cotton, per pound .. .. lOcallc Nails, wire - .. •• 31-75 base Nails, cut $1.50 base Shovels, Ames, per doz .. .. Shovels, diamond, per doz .. ..'57.00 Shovels, riveted back, per doz. .. $4.75 Plow blades 2c. base Hames, red top, per doz $2.25 Hamas, red top root, per doz .. .. $2.50 Hames, best root, per doz $6.50 Hollow ware, per lb «• 2 3-4 Rtrr r tTa-d ", Vi JBtZ- ** **«* ImX * * Ip ma *»a** m A pm a*ma *»*.■*• I Ita' m*4- !»•►'*• »ms» si _ |(Vm » -*m* m>< Am >»- *♦*ta ** ■ta* 4a*4Mm ■- I *m aal »|m « * ■H.s ApoAmm ft #*• #m M M ta I A** iAAAa*. 0m ft. P»* ma * Rf*M i**m AA(s«om*« pt 4 >• Rtatan *a«A> ftHMIMU" a?ATM patMHA i?»iA*i*iii a*~a» *ba **«aM lama a m» M? taAaa Rt, l»i*t <£mam ...M »M II IHMIU ft l«f*t ftftft* m.l2* M. *«mav*a I 1 ft* RM H IHH ... taapai ft if* *•■• .. IM ... rt* »p*a » t r* Maa „ m ... tdpARM i * ra *a*ft „ ta ... ta«<i tamtma <• t« cm M>«MtA» . * mama Pa. t«M .... ta A spasm «*, urn .... la* ... Aa* Apia *Bk Rta . ta H. AapaatA ft I K MM Ml H. Aapama ft a. MM M .. Ml AtlaMa ta Ml* h» IM aimam Pfc am ll* AlPata To »ta .... IIS ... (IMIi ft Ita Id* .. ta ... Atlanta Ta. Mft .... fat ... AsmaaaM Ta. JAM .... IM «• AasaaoaM >*a. jj|p ..•• IM ... RoAbs »**. HR ijmw ta m. twambsw lailJl «»«• M •*• I'iJsaMk ft tfC l*P »** ta M#r*Al ft l-Tftif-taM •• ta *M Mama ft*. m«. m ..h. US hvAamMa* fa-Ta •!«** *• (Tmnmtm ta !*• .« M M • t.raAsd HAtl.n*>Al> POKIA*. Ilr»t« R. R. 4 HhA ta Ta, IMS H......•• .« •- ll* •• (Uarpts HR* tap Co To uss .. .. .. .. .. »• •« Mi ••• rmrtoit*. cwpA»b*p * *a* paaia. lat ta Ita Ml ... CWMIb taMAM* * Aa •«•!*. *4 r». IMA Hi AapaMa Pa R R . •**. MS* ** ••• C. R R I tank to* CM. (Vdlat srsi Trasl ta Mil .. .. .. .. M *S tb.ulk.rn Holloa? I’A MA* .. M M rmtral of Omrpta R*H»a?. Ist roasoi atari, ft"*, ita .. .. • ** c <4 (1 ta* prat ta * M fantrsl of Omrat* lUHanr. 14 prof litrpm. I*4* IS I* C of <l. I*l pod- I« . I** .... 2 * o I. *r . I*4 At ta Ita IM 2#J fhmtk Oe..r*p and FWtda. t Id T*. Ita a I** »•• Touth <!.-»(!* ***d PlortAa. Id Tm, t*M .... .. .. .. .. . Iftft ... Oman Ptmimfclp ta., lat *'• PACTIiRT BONUS, Entsrprim Mfa- Co . l«t Ta I |W3 .. .. I*S ... I Sibley Mfp. ta. l*t T*. tWt . I**lo k.. I Sibley Ml* C*i, lat T*. »** »*• ••• UHAIN ANI* PItOVIPIONB. Oat*, ablte. mrked .. .. •• .. .. •• ftS Oat*, ml*ed. nocked .. .. .. •• .. •• *2 Com. a blte. pile* M | Com. m.***d. *• , Meal, bolted, per bushel St j Flour, common ~ .. .. .. •• .. *.25 Fkiur, fancy rjlr* .. .. •• •• •• I M Flour, arornd l*it*t't Flour, standard p*teli» .. .. .. .. Flour, fancy patent * TS Wheat bran. KMMb *ark* *■ Fine feed. Iftft lb **ch* 1 *° Hay—native, per ton t*»l4 H*y—Timothy, per torn **-M Hay—choke, per ton I* ®° llama—choice *u**r cured .. 19*11 1-2 | | smoked rth side*.. .. •• .. .. .. *l-4 llrry nail 4 s ** , ' l.iinl, pure leaf. Ml tierce* 7 laird, kettle, rendered In tierce* . 7 S-4 Sugar, granulated * &-* Duties for Stay a» Home*. ! Since oniy an Inconsiderable fraction Hr the American people Is needed for military service, a few suggestion* are In order for the va*t majority to whom the privilege hits not been given of ser ving In the field. They ran refrain from hasty and Ill tempered criticism or the government. Such criticism Is not only unjuat and ungenerous, but it sometimes throws serious embarrassment In the way of the government tn carrying out tts plans. Th»*y ran P*y their additional taxf*» I cheerfully and help In other w ay# to j supply the needed sinews of war. | They can attend more strictly than 'ever to their own occupations; they can be prudent, vigilant and energetic In I these lines, and thus help keep the , business Interests of the country vlg orouß and trtulthy. They can attend moro acrunuloualy than ever to their civic and political du ties. and thus prev»?nt the country from i suffering not only from th- inevitable misfortunes of war, but also from tie still greater misfortunes of the rule of corrupt and Inefficient men In legisla tures, municipalities und other place* of power. - . - They can contribute promptly nod generously, as opportunity offers, pj time ami means to the various funds Used for the effu of the alclt and woun ded soldiers. They can see 'hat the families of those v ho have'been called to the frost do not suffer) from want or neglect. They ran lie patriotic, patient ond prayerful. POIBTFD PAKAGBAFHS After It Is all over the don will epell it ' dor.*." . As a watering place the Ice cooler is r.ow popmar. There is less in n name than In the way it's applied- _ . Circumstances and wa*ni weather al ter the contents of egg cases. 1,0v.‘ is a disease ani It i» said that only man led men are ijnmunes. Wise men change their minds occa sional lv, but fools have none to change. Spain continues to hurl defiance at us- but, as usual, falls to score a hit. It's what we don’t know about people that causes aa-to have a good opinion of them. Monopolies ore like babies most men are opfKised to them *>n goneniT principals until they acquire a personal I interest in them. —Chicago News. Uncle Sam’s - Navy, Port folio Nx>. 9, just received at Herald Office. s6°° Suit Sale TMMk #*iNß**t aim fta ta j ,M*tw**d **»< aft AMO* #l*4 at I lea .4 >»nt ABAta* .ha»MAA IdtaA—sa tv. am mamma <* a*m* ammuaii •Rmsd M» IMM mm 4MB ftAAfta AA AST pism# r*wa !•* am** name* m»#*m* past *An<4 *A Hm »*tr* ! You Will Find M»n> 57.00 Sfcoo $0 oo and SIO.OO : SUIT 3 In Thla Sale RTH? am A# AaettdrtHa* Ma<»i» lb*# - •» am a—kind praparatbrn* tm *mr a inter pantmasa «*4 «•**• t* make A da* »a*m» aft A*** arm imt am mt ne*MU tam mmpM »• aauMT aa, We .**»<* BaafAAier ?mr •*** M all » • H a* H**» that rrn are »>m*d IA BMke p pand HdmlbAi anft tw*t»» ?a*t aw* port *MH. W* AM sdWAcH* ad* A**Ml mm M iMa meseutin* aod At «f »Mem pamsmt* He m hand and ••»*# * 44dm mft«W MAKf. L. SYLVESTER Oli Pilar l« Vorti Mic Mun FOR SALE Pup. Tails. Pipes, Sc, (tap Lomliard Iron Works UP-TO-DATE METHODS ' v \ UNTIRING ENERGY, BRAINS ANI) PI’SH, IIUBTLE, JUDICIOUS SPENDING OF LARGE SUMS OF MONEY SOriE OF THE METHODS THAT , MAKE THE HERALD FAiIOUS. PORTNER s S HOFBRAU and VIENNA CABINET BRANDS OF Export Beers ARE THE BEST ASK FOR THEM. Si* FirTniai AMBER CANE, FOR HAY Broadcast an acre or so— You will thank us later 00. VELVET BEANS—Buy J bushel and try oue acre. Triumph Seed Irish I’otatoe*, Collards, Cab bage, Turnips (6,000) pounds, Beets, Radish, Beans. THE HOWARD & WILLET DRUG CO WHOLESALE. FOR SALE CV-l have for sale very desirable build ing ,'ot iocaicd in (he centre of one of the handsomest blocks in the city. Will sell same very cheap. Just the place for a handsome reside!)(p) for your family. Good titles. CALL ON MRS. JERRY O’HARA, NO. 1337 GREENE STREET. £££3 Read £§3 v inß’» AUGUSTA HERALD Because it Prints Exclusive and Copyrighted Spe cials Under an Itrangemeni With me New fork Journal and Published Simulta neously In The Herald and the New York Journal. “The News While It is News” "The Wor New* Ahead ot Other Paper* In Georgia and south Carolina."' Best Brightest, Cheapest Paper Peblistieil Ten Cent* n Week Forty-Five Cent* a Month $1.25 For Three Months $2.50 For Six Months $5.00 a Year. , It is impossible for Herald solicitors to see personally every one that wishes to take the paper. Fill out the subscription coupon below lor the time you want the paper to run, and remit to the Herald. The Herald will be sent you immediately. To The Augusta Herald : Augusta, Ga., 1898 Find enclosed $ for which please send The Herald to the following ad dress for the time paid for. Name* Street and Number Postoffice State 10 GENTS A WEEK-10 GENTS A WEEK CALL FOR AUGUSTA BREWING COMPANY’S EXPORT BEER T|.a Best on The Market. W. H. Lynch & Co., Yellow Pine Lumberl AND Builders’ Hardware.! ICth STREET. NEAR ELECTRIC RAILWAY POWER HOUSE DT ISIMHOME 74. 4 * AUGUSTA. GA. CALL FOR AUGUSTA BREWING COMPANY’S DRAUGHT BEER The Best on The Market. Loors, sash. Blinds, riouldings, Laths, Shingles, Wood & Coal.