The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 04, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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THURSDAY 2 ■ —-JJQ Clbsb Oil lie Balance of Girdles oe Band Wfml —fttbh QU 8300. *4. *5 •© and $7 00 Ones Your Pick for $1 and $2 LEWIS J. SCHAUL, jSwbuk. BiE> CIRRIIGES SI 00 W UU«i 041 *IW«. ! «r*’*■«*, .«*»** •4 **-*. >«m»» emtaghta. *»- f-* .. »•« •*# •• *• hr*' • Pta* *•»* • "* us» *<*•►* ■ tihwK I***** b *« • **.*#••*!«•«* sor i l*« rlcct Gm? •! f® SlUtt *0 S4Ph|MR ft# ‘■s BW..#''|fe§ ftfs' 4f # #4 «** •! • mm* mm bicycles tiiitrr •# I §«••»* VICTOR CRESCENT STEARNS IMPERIAL WOLFF AMERICAN, ETC FROM sl6 TO SIOO Ttas & Barton, w h. OAwnrrr. b*«wi. 7H UmJ>.r *wg#*ia. <>• WHfiLI fctt CAP TVRED SHATTER. Aa IgcUkat of the CKU War That Sound* slrange Now. Tha Bavanuab N< «• publishes this b!i of hfctory “Thirty tlx yean ago Can. Jiwrph Wheeler bad the plcwaure ta ea, !tiring th* o«cer hr la new aarv ieg under in Cuba, la March. db:'. V R. Shaf.i r wax a rax;<>r Mb* K>u< lee nth Michigan. Ha w*» *HP t f raging expedition ou* day wha* a body of Wheeler’s cavalry • d and raptured ihe whole outfit. hult'f «*• aan( to Richmond, and spent m weeks In l-lbby pclaon. Nobudv in ;he country haa a higher opinion nt ’Lit tle Joe’ aa a alraleglat and fighter (bad Gen, Miafter.’’ LADIES’ TIES SOMETHING NEW J. MILLERWALKER THE HATTER. ZKiisroix: hats MHETINCJ OF METHODISTS. Many In Attendance at Augusta Dls- . trtet Methodist Conference. MllledgcvlUe. Ga., Au*. 4.— Rev. J. F. I Mixon, of Augusta, opened the exer cise* of tb» fourth Methodist ron.’tr em* of the Augu.ita district. The m jet lag la well attended. Rev. R. K. Eak-s, of Warrentan. has been elected aeere ta'jr of the meeting. Rev. J M. Lows ray. Rev. J. S. Jcnltlns and Rev. S. R England have been appointed a com mittee to examine all applicants for it c«a«l- to preach. Rev. J. 11. Mashbum la on the committee to examine the quarterly record* of the conference. The telegates will be given a bask’t dinner at the old capitol grounds to morrow. OASTOHIA. Bear. tk« fon(1 Haff * ,W?R Bou i’. ht rr &&&%£&< ATTENTION OB' THE PUBLIC. Chicago Journal Foraker may not have so much in fluence with the administration as his colleague, but if he keeps on his vig orous way on the territorial expansion quectlon, he will begin to get the at tention of the public. Augusta Trunk Factory Trunks repaired by export Trunk makers, 843 Broad. R. ’Phono 2181. THE GOLD BRICK GAME. Pittsburg Times. If Sagasta has sent Cambon a gold •brick to sell Meinley it will be interest ing to observe the expression in Mad rid about a minute after the package is unrolled. .. ..... ms ii nmu. lit j«Jtf M«lt« «• ANfrw Tiff* M fafglHlv fwrap ThfeP* sra»to»d*F Hpn n* an The Hratag dMadaanafM* Asst 4 ** ** • 4 T WW*«n thaw 41 hnhdw* m imTl*** •*■*# »hw **» ar* -rai rataft. mm Saa cwg«MM frags ft* Fifth ftH*nn„ addrsrata aha ftßftfift® *d WMt*t«a «•*•»# * Aar « the aaat | !«•*>• Ad adiAuwea ta *»■«* ♦*** s nantdt -4 ppprtaal tha ranh** * (P** . atd and** d—aang Iflft-"* add Pfe * •tetrad an the fertatalbg r«ai naa* ram id tbe Bgmftvan I • J net.* Waa Ram* •» ahan»*. ft 4 * gaae Saa slash. K R ss■*#••• hw IW ln u B Ha aid He. hat aalMtata m A Added. ft* t#**M»ra» U M j R» eghidd, km VMM Rnjaaam, Mfl • Tim hdaad *4 adaadttad bda r*-eiaaddd M w raa.a fMb Id tha pm±i*m «C| Tearhee of Rdhreaawn. add bda adA4 «■ the Ihcdlte at lb* High arbor-, M aa ream lid T Rdrla as f A C, Tddrtier | Art. add Mtaa jeamtle fVwler of War rentoa priarlpad d» kWddrghaa-n tMM’V' M.» • nalld and (laeltwle Riebnrda are vhdtldd fdtalHea Id Charlaagoh. 4 C. lira Hannah Bobiaao* .4 (Uvaeaah |la tha gnaat of her hratbar. M»>< M Neamas Mr. W L Ort «f Cnhrin. Teaaa. Mra J ft Me* are* and Mtaa Klta Md Iwfl «f Rarttbrtlla are vtaltlaw Mra. Carloa ■ R jMnat. a, in Warraaioa RRI.IRF IN «* HOrRR tnatraaetng KlAmt a«4 Btaddae Wa- TBrT relieved Id ala h*mra by “New Urant death American Kidney Cara II Is a great >urprlee <w aeeount of Its I* greedlnc promptneaa h» relievtng pain lln Madder, hldneya and hark, la male iff female Reltevea retention >f wmoe aimoei taune-Uaiety If run aract «nl. . relief add race, ihte M Ihe remedy Hold by b h. oardelle UruggUt. Augusta, da.. IS Hrond street. WAYNESBORO. What Is Onlng on In That Little , City. H|tet lal to The Herald. IVa. m *ooro. Aug.. —At • meet ng of Ibe rhuri h Icagm held nt tha Meth odist chur. I duodny mcnlag. Mr*. Unme t Wllon of Augusta ma«l« an tn tarem lag addicts on temperance , Mra. Henry W. Bight returned borne i Mttauay. afire a plenaani stall of two | weeka to relaLets a) Still more. Mtaa Ktbel Walker, one of Sa*an nab'a bands >tne young woman, la the as Mtaa Roan Mima j Mrs J< neph Smltfa wax the charming j boaleaa of ihe Woman s Guild Tuesday i afternoon, j A delightful tea ora# that which Mrs 11. H. MtMatter gave Tuesday evening i The l evy of young people Invited to Irup with this gracious hostess were Ml as Roru M ins, Ml#« Sallie Joe Hunt, Mtaa lithe IWalkrr, Mtaa Louise .McKI uau.ray. Mtaa Anuta Royal Sandcrford ! Mr. Roger Murat. Mr Krank Ford. Mr Gray Qiiuincy. Mr. Horry M ow A lecture was dellvrred Tuesday eve ning by Rev. J. H. Carper of Louis ville. Ky., for tbe benefit of the Waynesboro, academy. The subject was. "Men am! Grasshoppers.” Mr and Mrs. George Millar Gordon, at their pretty suburban home. Cherry Creat. gure a Colonial tea. eonipllroco inry to their young staler. Mine Made line lioutshan. on Wedneaday even ing. The artistic decorations of the tea table were cegrtaiuly pretty In thnir bright colors of red. while and blip*, and Ihe menu, which wjta delightful, waa most daintily acived. The guests who were present were: Mrs. A. G. Whitehead. Miss Rout than. Misses 13m telle and Less is Chance, Mr. Hugh Ward, Mr. R. N. Berrien. Mr. Edward Byne, Mr. Frank Ford. Miss Mary Toombs Jones left this morning for Waynesville, N. C. Mr. Fled O. Price will be welcomed heme this week by his many friends, after an absence of two months. Summoned to Madrid. Madrid. Aug. 4.—Marshal Campos. Stvela. Mnrquts Vegarmljo, Romeo Robledo and Mont# Arias have been summoned here hastily. Their presence In Madrid Is neces sary because It is announced that Ba gasta will reslng immediately after signing a declaration of peace. The Queen will want to consult with them regarding Sagasta's successor. She wishes also to consult with them regarding the conditions of peace. Ef forts arr being made to obtain the consent of the leaders of all parties, except the Republicans and Carllsts. to whatever may be agreed on with America. ~ the -ATTOTjerr-A. tthtra jlx> MARION ROBERTS \ \ j FILLED WITH | SLOGS. A Former AugutUn Badly Wounded at Mor row Station by Columbui G. Fuller. asm a ««■■•*al aa uatral »*ai AMadrita. <** Aug A iVaaA** a ftatugha. A maM >m« «wama ad he* arwwardad Ida* twatai gfiiaama*g ad hawigsa asm a«a> am am*- «••**•* «►"'* Mtlag m«e* (Ham AttMM* «* <Wh » . u rt*m. • *A»ma« as tH»m, laaHl Ma Mata feta M •* has hams <m lie gfel-haa'im fggA. awg UR* *«» 'hdvmg hmm fcaaamßd bwam t••wdat i im « A g-aim* hr hm aamam. thgd in'tkt «h* «f 4** —— *» ■•»*»* l»*h and *h evgaiAaavg «•urn daagpr MkMRRM hmaemM thus *AA I w»ta wall dm p. feCM MU • haem •• Metatww An iium. and M waa white wathind htwag •ha cast pasta »W haaaaa Ikwa «h*i Tu* I tare tawd mm hut | f%i nan mm am*d sat • ianhla hnr i s*led ataalg-aW TV >am fend fewtnm ad ae*«cai alnga- Oar as itaat pamf Ip ' a«M Ma**eta apn and tha mhata Mi *ha i.vh iVwaepl hMM shad aaawah bP *P I t J>W| Altar tha rtn waa dead Mofewt# Id j M id to ha»a aaap Fuller aad la rwp tn -1 warda hda hmm t* pa* a wappp*. Aa h* rap Faima ag»»». tha shad ppam tag thmugh ihe tall rs hta opal hia ha* and aUgMly wwnnding him ip am IhiO ft 4 IHd a Alan Canaa N * ft naa awpartad ta Jaaaahora rantae tlK Ilk# rMti of tkf •ihaiotiftf mmm matmtt* tfcmemi ft him la FPliee a Uttta daughter Aentad-ag to this report Fuller waa aMUag op tha porch as hta hams wbkb la naa Ur from Roberts phtan. tkaa Rahtarta pa»r»4 by The rblldeea ara aery hmd of IL.b erta aad are aadd ta hne* na»»d a* him be retaratng the sal ale This ta •aid la bsv* at empty laceaaed r»tVr. wba deiermiaed ta bill Rohana If tbe ufenae was repealed He took hta atv lion la the kaikta hear the house, waineg foe Robert to return. Aa the latter came by one of tbe Utile pirta threw a ktae to him aad Roberta threw uoe to her Whan ibta occurred Fuller la said to bate hr-rt According to another rtport Fuller did not are Roberta throw a hiaa to his daughter, but bad beard of It, Green ft Robert*, of »4 Whitehall street. |a tbe fatter of tha nouaded ■ lean. He nant to Morrow this m<*m [tog to swear out a warrant again*! j Fuller He waa mew th«r# by a preaa , representative He talked freely of tbe ram. aad repeated what hta aon bad j told bim of the attempt He made aery genual tonal charges, aaylng- Say* It Was a Plot. “I believe It to have been a concerted p,ao to kill my «on and that more than one la Implicated. Frcra prtaunt In ' dlcatloua I think there will be more than one arrcal. I Urmia beUeae there waa a plot to murder him. "You can add." be aatd in concluaion. That all that money and genlua enn do wl'l be brought to bear to puntah bta aanaltaat.” The elder man made a ptatrment of tbe af fair on ts«? authority of bis aon. who could not be aeen. Following ta bis a err! on: Roberta waa walking toward tbe public road which runs In front of hta houre, tmd passing near the fcnc’ be tween hta house and that of Fuller He saya he did not aee his assailant until after Fuller had tired the first shot. Looking up ho raw Fuller standing near the fence with the gun In his hand. He tvmed toward the house and rhi’ second shot was fired Fuller Is at his home near Morrow, and has no Intentiop rif evading arrest. This was learned from a relative to whom he gnve his side of the affair Very few people are wilting to dis cuss the affair, but In a general way Jt was learned that Fuller will make .1 very startling defense^ Two Sides to the Story. It Is known that for some time these has been very bad feeling between the Iwo men. The trouble dales beyoud the separation so Fuller and his wife j a year ago. He has regarded Roberts as in some degree to blame for this ; separation, and for a long time the al leged Intimacy between Roberts and Mrs. Fuller, charged by the latter's httsbrnd. has been th.“ subject of gos sip in the neighborhood. People freely ventured to prophesy trouble. Yester day it came, but it Is now hinted that there was even a fresher grievance. Fuller is said to have stated since the shooting that his attempt to take Roberts' life was due to advances made to his daughter. Passing along by Fuller’s house Rob erts is alleged to have thrown kisses at the young girl. The matter was re ported to Fuller by his son and he de clared that if it occurred again he would shoot Roberts. As the latter passed later in the day he is said to have repented the performance. Fuller was prepared for . the occasion and opened lire. This, U is understood, is •aw gut- ua ahxta Fuiwv u<it ms «p gPM Pan fefepta* feat amMMtaPi Mm* h* •4U r«pa «un PM fMNM ip Mta feMwvwta Fpttrt ppg Ma w«t» |pf guwam ppg pm— wt-v gs Mta 4MRR»R ums R RmPmAa, tb* Asi hta ta tha I •suMMkNI pn pp 4 Fnßtata fa* V* menu k*tt IwtaAafh Man* RMptu IP thP th- Mtta ta Hta pan tag ittatvt wafer fe* btah ta HtatP F»>* j •Rfe MMM tfepta fmpitita PMh ft* | timaPfe fwtatntn in «A*Ph ta ft* »»a* j H lp pup*- mg fatal -An hum hpg MA*, •ag baa atfe* 4 htapaan Hta pmp ahtan j Resaw** pwfebaita Hta farm mm •*> -' Fupi» tomßv TtaMS mmm Hta trtftbta febVh pw pipta RMM • pHA. Pta p yapr ft*** ba* fermr agnp bnptHHy brtwanp <la\ taw a>>« ppg aha* Hta ah'arttpg »** ****** ta pawpt* ftmfNar wt*’> ftn «■**» •aprvuawg MtIV aurpirw RPhfrta * marrtta *pg ha* fcm* •mall mpp Hi* wits was th* taught— ta fbtaataf R A ft*par* ta l«uu*ipp j Th . p A*» wn* ptmal*tai ta tb* Fwnt Maftuppl h*pA ta tha* rtty M* tall •* MUM valuta at Am* ms. whit* waa *»- <<*ta amnug hia •** rblMrt* Mr RaAwrta’ hngta **uf Altapta I* a huau tiful up* Tb* •heortag haa r«**t*g pm** *«• rttammat. not asty Ip Ciaptpp ruppty. hta ft Atlanta, wb ate both am* at* wvtl ksowa 1 Rcftarta turn at Gam*.*#* ftnikgi. fata nwtntd* tb* city »»• naa fmatarty rMMrtrt with Hta flrutbrt* Rgprm* 1 company. Fail t feu* M «** HUM * (Ptauetar up th* CrtHral lailiwta I otter *■*« Baba its. Last y*ar Fuller tied * nut agstaat Rotwrta la Fulls* sppmftr court foe |J2>.ap> damage* allagftg that Rotwrt* had aßllatrd hia wife'* a* <!.«•» The atsry a# toM by tb* ptkMg ta INiIVT waa a highly atnaauoaal ou* H* ruprmuntta that aom* liar* before ha went with hi* wife and chlldrap ta live op tha farm of Hobart*. Ibta the tartar asata Iwga* in Ipgratlat* blataatf twin Mrs Ftalrr’a agaetkma. viimag bar frvqoaally wbca h* waa away from boaw H* rharmed that hia wtfea coa 'doct f-MTad him to ftn hi* bom*, ah* .being turned agaiast him by Robert*, who waa a muek wealthier and much mure polished man. Divorce pnxrs-ding* ar* now pending Against Fuller sau hia wife. U tbs coat rat over tbclr rhlMrca which took : place before Judge Jab* 8, Caadlcr. •am* month* ago tha Judpc • warded the Hula tmea to tb* father. Mra Puller wa* formerly Mtaa fSddy Sewell Her father now reside* at Fort McPherson Btu» Is living at present at Joueaboro with Mr. aad Mra Robert MuneriaC. Dr. W A. Crow. Mr Roberta' phyg irlan. Itt speaking of th* wounded man yesterda- aftenoon raid: ”1 suppose J picked fifteen slugs and shot onl of Roberts’ pack and face Tbe most serious wound U In the right aide of the neck. It came very near thr Jugular vein, and I con* dcr that tb es cape from death wa» a miraculous one. However. I do not regard Mr Roberta' present condition as alarming.” Mr. Marion L. Roberta waa a for mer Augustan and well known and liked by bosta of friends in this city. Fifteen years ago he was connected with the Southern Espresa company with headquarters at Augusta. He waa rout* agent between Atlanta aud this city. He left her* and went out to Texas, where he was connected with tbe Texas Express company in a simi lar position to that with the Southern Express Company. Whika In the Lone , sttar stat* Mr. Roberta married one of i the state's most charming young wo t men. who was quite wealthy. After a •few years more In that sc lion, he and | his wife unmoved to' Atlanta, where he severed his position with the ox i press company. i > Rcbb d the Grave. A startling incident of Which Mr. John Oliver, of Philadelphia, was the subject. Is narrated by him as folows: i“I was In a most dreadful condition. M.v skin was almost yellow, eyes sunk ;en. tongue coated, pain continually In bach and sides, no appetite—gradually igrowing weaker day by day. Three physicians had given me up. Fortunate jly b, friend advised trying 'Electric Bitters,’ and to my great joy and sur prise, the first bottle made a decided improvement. I continued their use for three weeks and am now a well man. 1 know they saved my life and robbed | the grave, of another victim." No one Should fall to try them. Only 50 ets per bot. at Howard & Willet s drug store. THE DIFFERENCE. Nov Orleans Picayune. Vastly more in an official way was written pf Hobson andifns companions -and or their gallant but Ineffective adventure than has been devoted to one'of the most notable marine vic tories of the age. **“ OABTOHIA. Bear, th* 1,18 Kind Bought Signature /'jP , -// Jklg POWDER m via unis in iTrack m * ii on <mm «r Wrfcgfer I4WH jC* m *•<!<>* ta * Lamg tartau ta ftwtartM* sai Right*- IN spa a, HP Aug « -Tbara ft ** I »'saatf at ••• PMRtaiM stftHta h •til ha rta**aftu»—l *bat ***** Ha* 4 H Aawth *** pwsartnc ta Osurgts a m*m a»m»d IN*#* RwiPait Itvftg ft Wmhmtm .wuwtv h«HM b*» ha»*srt* **d wa* tiaart'A tkusupur Bstaft fes* rtv-rtay ciHiii**g ft* aiiwwiag a sru s**a ft b* wpavwtta Thar* a—* Nvftg sm «h* ta M- T • OhPPt-H *»• AMfti Ptal 'ta Ftortwa th’ »«•*♦ rarnaty a *h»t» am* Jtaia McOwveu aad bis fetft M X gflsitH TV» ***** TWHft* <* ) maay a*d tarn total* aad fruguratly c*m* to bftfea H. was •<• > Id man *«4 *to ftahrt a ; o* tb* hath ta Jwty th* pramis »*ra I fwnvrr raVd by th# wumaa hGIHig th* 'wM map bMlftg him "* th* head With !* pfec* ta plash H* d»*d tartaatly A rartPar’s fan dratdta that th* kil iftg wa* doa# by tha woman aad wa* i murder Ah* la ttapad ft th# cosmty ijgfl Th* nop* ta Wrbutrt county ara 'pond roatinned rat*# ara dotng *«**• •tamagu The bare ta H M tittls. of this leuuaty. srtth ccra and fodd*r. wa# boraM up th* «•«. torn »7ta: ■* la •Sfltfe Wa Hive Made War 'And irtaughterad prtcra tm Trunks Trunks mad* ta eapwet Truah • n*ab*ra It 14 at Maouftcturera prtcra Trunk i Factory. M 3 Broad. M*H ’fix** «»>• ■ WILD DASH OF MULES. I A Runaway N tmt Corner ta FcPwkk an J Light Straata. ! Two mulra bitctota to an empty «f '. n caused a bit of excitement out near ibc cornar of Feuwtek and Ja ksoa ! sin-cts early this morning The Irtvei of lb* team waa In a store n«*r by. srfem the mule# took frlpbt at a pass ing locomotive angl dasbed across thv many railroad track* that are ft th** | locality. Tbe wagon ••• overtime I >as tbe frightened animal* dashed into a number of car wheel, that were on a track near. Tbe result wa* the dam aging of the mulra to a certain extent. KPT Anus HOT) I**® —Reliable rind* l*w will lend you any amount of mon ey for any length of time on all hted* of personal property at * very low rat# of imerrat. Atl tranaactlona strictly confidential- Steel-lined burglar pioof *a'e» Under the Arlington hotel, oo Jackson *tre*t. Lewis J. Brhaul. With Judge Baxter. Orderly Sergeant Wh-eler of the po lice court summed up the buslnrss cf : the recorder on hi# court record book Unlay as follows: M:uy Harper, three days In Jail. Msry Harper (second charge), kbrec days In jail. i ?. , William Mosley, sls; paid. * Ed Dixon. $1: paid. Caarlea Cage. Oft* day* In Jail. Charles Johnson, sixty days In Jail. Telia Moore, ten days in Jail -1 eura Jones, ten days in Jail. James Benn-U, $2.50; paid. Colbert Woodward, five days in uiL Carrie Coleman, ten days *n Jail -out paid fines. $J8.50. All charges were of elgbt’euth section variety. Col. Dyer Back. Col. D. B. Dyer, in response to a tel egism announcing the death of Mr. L. B Reavis, arrived here this morning from New York. No one feels the sad loss of the deceased mere than Uol. Over, of whom Mr. Reavis was his right hand mao. They came to Au gusta at the same time and have been most intimately associated in a busi ness and social way. Sign Fell on IHm. A large wooden sign that, stands in The Herald alley gave a small colored hoy a bad fright today. The hoy was parsing by the sign when it fell or him. He was not hurt at all .but bad ly scared. » A BAD KICK OFF. ,<£ I « Binghamton Leader. Mark Hanna has declared for Mc- Kinley in 1900. This is Hannas priv ilege, of course, bat the president could easily have a better man to kick off. CUT THIS OUT Wrist yftwf Atfvwr liagrtvafvf of* Will Mftnß. mnekom gmount n»c»gtoiry «o $My a» m*rtsr ingftf* IRMA* 41 Rftto Hint, IM IHIMf m#M Of j pgrvu It to THE HERALD ADVERTISEMENT COUPOV fO TH* AI«Jt JTA^VRHAUt Pleat* tngmft tlta Rdvgrt.ftsmgnt tarttton tutoir tirng* l« your ’•WANT** column*, for which you wilt Rod gnctowtal $ - MfIU SIGN HERS — • , aiiMfeirn-v •••***. fewnta Fra*. ~ ... - SSnEmtaS *•* *e* k-tab prat tram*, tm PM* Mft kutCA waLraw* .!»■< *n * »Ollin* 'ta fe«Mra4 ONE-CENT AWORD SITUATION WANTED !wANTtrfv- a frmrrvrtt a* ftnfUtß I m prate* Sr • Mul CMP gt«* gram •ta*repceu Attar 4. RL Hta*** I strata. «tty J AupA __________ I VAXTH' A rOWTAOH A» or*Art* • ! MAN a* au* hurt ta wrab Apgdy tm Win Rtauafe*. IW King asrrat. A*«t WANTRtfe-A FrtgmciN AP Hrtt’Bß t rarvant ta rak. Altar ** *•'*'•* strata. cHy. Aag * rot’NO MAN liKPIRE* wohK or any bind Wlltm# t» wtah. Altar «» OlmptaH rtiwra Aug t W *NTKD pnaiTJirN «>F 4NTKINP JftMHA# RWiS • lh® RilftWß# W 9 work OapuW# *P4 mdtatrttam. APdr-ra •I H R , in Bread *** 4 HELP WANTED w A NTKIv-MOTA TO LKARN Tfl* trunk trad. Aptar •' «*" Trunk Factory Ml Broad «ir**t FOR SALE CRFAM-CHBAM at i« JACMAON PT. VEKT CHEAP-PI arv»lJ*. OI’NS. musical l*rtrum*nia. watch*# aUaoat glvefe away *• Gael# Iraw’a. FOR PALE CHEAP—A BAIR OR j young bora** Will work doubl* ta ■ingle C H Howard. Jr., at Howard A Wllkl Drug 00. Jun* ** ts TO RENT ■* - FOR RENT—THAT LARGE AND DB- PiIIABLE *tor* No. 74t Broad street Uniier Miimh ball Apply «° W. C. Jones. JO6 Broad street. Aept i FOR RENT THE LARGE HAND BOME dwelling No »M Broad street, with yard mnnlng ttwraigh to Bill* street. Apply to Juice Godin. Sept I FOR RUNT —7-ROOM PWELLING HOUIC 1267 Gmrae, with modern Improvemcnta. Rem rt-aaonable. Apply 1I5« Ellis. Beptl r " ■ ■" 1 "*"* TO RENT—LOVELT ROOMS ON first floor. Furnished or unfurnished. At *25 Broad street. A “Li- TO RENT—DWELLING OF 7 ROOMS with all water convenience*. Posses sion at once. Rent low. Apply 427 Fifth street. D. Graham. Bept » TO RENT—A NICE 4-ROOM COT TAGE. 1227 Ellis street. Possession given Immediately. Rent sls * month. Apply 1229 Ellis street. Aug 9 FOR RENT —DESIRABLE RESID ENCE of six rooms, 1917 Telfair street Apply 1015 Telfair street. TO RENT—7-ROOM BRICK RESID ENCE, corner Ellis an>l Cummins; streets. Apply M. B. Primrose. 954 Broad street. TO RENT—THE KI-EGANT THREE story store in the d'Antlgnac build ing running through from Broad to Fa lls Now occupied by L. F.Padgett. In quire or H H. d'Antlgnac or Z. W. Carwile. Sept 1 LOST AND FOUND FOUND— DARK BAY MULE ON EVE place below city. Has IT. S on left shoulder. Owner can get same by call ing for same and paying expenses. Frank Harris. Augs miscellaneous SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING only 85.00 per month at Osborne's Business college. Monday. Wednesday and Friday, at night. Come or call at once. Great demand for stenographers. June 17 ts BOARD ON BATH, GA. LARGE rooms end piazza. Cold, clear water. Address Wm. C. Sibley. Aug 4 W E. SCOFIELD. 807 ELLIS ST.. RE pair shop. Gasoline and kerosene Stoves a specialty. Aug 4 AUGUST 4 ft. A, Whltely /) Lxrrtipcr. i A pmrtiraf. stmpftnng \ sftsisni Haas* Kasptafef. yR *f\ aueametaUy ta*iftltea [9 fi itawa and ckildri* hot \ f\\ a«<b* ram* Mura sen* V' It, ts. L* ft « - * hf lha \ ansrai atbiraa. / A M\l Vrp im f it hj ftp. btrag bi.sp If fm V WcTCura- cl Err- / 'I \ I l.«a ft op; fits f ill lIKON*. •» ap THOM-1 M AA, «• ta »ail rad ra* v ~X r cw«ta^ is- m Every aa* guar- 111 Richards ft shaver ANNUAL MOUNTAIN EXCURSION FROM A COURT A. OA , WEDNDESAY. AUGUST lOTH, \l% -via- . Charleston & Western Carolina Railway Company Round trip ticket* will he sold to points named at the following low rates: Anderson. 0 C. .. .. .. ..84.0# Asheville. N. C 88 SO Glenn gprUurs, 8. C. .. ..14 .VO o*e*nvHle. 8. C .14 00 Flat Nn k. N. C. IS 40 Hendersonville. N. C 86 40 Ho 4 Spring*. N. C. .. ..87 88 Lenoir. N. C .88 75 Saluda. N. C *6 30 Shelby. N. C *8 M Spartanburg. 8. C 84.00 Tryon. N. C . 85 «6 Waterloo (for Harrta Spring* Wayneawllle. N. C. .. .. ..87 8* Walhalla. 8. C 85 SO Tickets good for return passage no any train until August Slat. I*9B. I Fast schedule*, affording a delightful | ride through the beautiful mountain i scenery of Western North Carolina | Tmin leave* union depot at 8:18 a. m. i For any other information write or rali upon T M. EMERSON, T. M. K. M. NORTH. Sol. Pas. Agt. W. J. CRAIG. O. P. A.. 811 Broadway. Augusta, Ga. Telephones. Bell 1254; Strowger 449. 7 Per Ct $500,000 ? Per Cl FOREIGN CAPITALISTS WILL loan half a Mii-lion dollars oil really in Augusta, Oa Terms 7 per cent. For further Information s'ea their attorney at law, P. J. Sullivan, Ee , or Mr. P. O. Burum. vvm. McCauley 2040 WALTON WAY. BELL TELEPHONE NO. 21!U. Summerville Plumbing Company awPlnmhing. Sewering and Ventilating Steam amt Hot Water Heating a specialty. r*r-Estimates Given on All Kinds of Pipe Work. All Work Guaranteed. SPAIN WILL DISCOVER..' Detroit Tribune. After Spain has had a few more of those confidential talks with McKinley she will discover that he is a very pleasant gentleman who is always wil ling to do the right thing.