The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 04, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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THURSDAY 4 THE tUGUSTI HERALD HU! ptu**' fifitSW* f»«n tiui .-«'.»»«<••• *** -»*•»- -'••* mw I .on «*rt»f*» - * ’”*■'* <MN« WIHMI **»».«•••«****• ’* ##ffpsas •• *»4» *■• ■ »•■**»»** *» spm&rnmmm WWNM A**#** 4 "* *** cs3||pffi> 1 'WM***®*-'*'' _ _ _ M *At l» I#****:*. I«*m« *#*k~l*s» W * * M "*** # feßgglgß- (Ml MM _ MM HBNMW •**♦* MM* •**» ,r **4 Im HMM . turn**** MW ,g«4H*wg»* ytH. WIU. I<W TMI HI.RALO to imr* a« mm mm •*■* !• ***••*•* -Al ll» I*** - * ***** A. *» *««. H— !»•>•* (*«4t - .. _ _ ta feWhfflM 111 M ,k * * 1 ** »*» °** , .y | ta M*« ?«M OW* A* M# '** pta mm* FBHk hmmmmm MM , fkr.'re $•«*••.»• «• "Tl* *.»» M*M«a 4*4 **** u . .1- a (*•** H bsfswUM *M •**» i* MKCI4I MITK I AH Mkar **<' <*. •• TW Me*** «* paraMw ** ■***•'’*' **** V*’**.„.‘,. r Hw MO’ ••*• *» *""* "t^rTT^ •t th* •**4r»«»<'* *• *•*' ** Wax* IM <M»» *• M »•*** * ****' * Herald Prize Letters From American Summer Resorts. Ttw !!•»•*» *4** rear »* f>ff ” a »ar**a ml pfta** for '*• *“* trt’ara wiliimi fM» an **”•• e»a itsmesser )(•**' ! Thaa* I’* tort artist to published und*r k a worn <• plum* and. tfltr th* ciaites* bus e|*w*d that* 11*4# ae rie* will •» aakmitted la a mtn , artrnl and Impartial rommlt atilt** fur I** awarding <4 Bittrr The real nam* of the writ**, aa wall as Ik* »«*» *• filumr, mu«( «ccom|w»ni # * c * taittr atfit t» fcr for Ik* purpoa# Of idsntlflc* flaw. # Ctaitoalanl* must confine lhalf * * i.liar* lo a r«**on*bl* length Centaatatiti rtn *rtlt •*» it*»ny l*tl*ra as they wlah lor lh* prla*. but one ronl**lanl '•*» win only oa* as tk* prla*#. ... The tfrrald want* ll**, *pr;.fbt |y, gossipy letter*. *•><* lh * prla** will «i* award**! for lh* ti*#t. molt Interesting and n>‘>*l tradal>l* l*ll«ra of fummir R«- sort News Contest Closes Oct. 1. JPOR THE BIWT LETTER IS*.OO FOR THK ID BEST LETTER ... I* M FUR THK ID BERT LETTER ... 1.00 Blsmsrrk wilt never b* abl# to riaf pbove hi* epitaph. Gen. Ijm> 1* being reaervetl to receive lilsneoe surrender. . Florida la imrtoubledly determined #ot to catcii the smallpox. Brtltor StovsM’s Chickammiga sketch es are graphic and Interesting. HIM Hobson rails today for Santiago. At lanta gave him a royal reception. f By all means make Hobson com- Inander of the new battleship Indiana. The distribution of the war bonds I* be glow ae If It were a public charity. Snow In Nebraska on the last day of Ju'y. Verily, this I* a great country. David B. Hill evidently I* preparing bnce more to swing around the elr- Me. to - 4 Do you suppose It was Gen, Miles' uniform which captured the Porto Ric finat I . I Poor Melba sang only a quarter of a million out of the American public last geaaon. Atlanta le in earnest about that new union depot—and the whole elate Is with her. A -- It la now Col. John Wanumaker, and If his reg'ment goes to war he will ride at the front. Atlanta’s city council has decreed tV\i the free luneti must go. As If It diun't go before. C. H. Simon, pf Atlanta, was the first petitioner in the state under the new bankrnptcy law. Many tourhing tributes have been {raid to the late William Perry Murphy, ' Df South Carolina. , HFf*l «*i f**tt*tao§ t%» Mils** it 4#<il * * R toiii >P~I •* 4* *•' • * Mb** fP# *M**W *** ** f** ***w “ • %%$■ iMM* *•& **«# ** I UtipMl mm ***** *• Ml #******* *• #•«*■•« ** IM •**% I* It MM* •• Mrtl [* M i Tl* ****** H •• 1 it* ******* *t* •*■»'*•** If M**M*S i BHvH ll** tPR* l***lM ji*Mb *'* **# ****** |*f It* f*****MMlf *• ••* M j *MiM *(f **M*M>**MHN*ttMl mm* A** I w%*w I* tfeM ktoktoaMkktp IM* «* ikings Id adds* Iks adfto top gsgttgPto'* 111 ibs (ttf W »ls» wwb kwg 1 ik* <Mt*g*tM Iwradks* sto'ss'n* | Tfcptv gyp aspgds ssgstatkitos and is f srwisss far making Angwnta ngn nf law ' kanttktowt RUN M fbs snn’k M la onty nnransnry tkat i ksy skanld bw #g* • tm*m M la Irmly stated that awnr nf tin 1 ranm nf ittnssa m Aggmtn am dan tn I ikn gmwwltng RRi If My tmn if ' tkam skua Id Ist anaais fatally ikn rlty I 1 wonM in ttofirmlly rmgnosMn. It m tmpnraiiv'iy asm maty. Iksrrdom. tkaf i tin drsinag' ■ba Mmsta and tbn grt* I vats prsm'Mto ikosit ba •rmpaimsly I lavnatiga’sd and ant' khmiatsly ; i tosn sad gars ll waa Impottaat , tanner and one which admit* of no de lay 1 Tbn suspension of baattlltlM wilt I leave a grant many idtenttttous spirits to so Is search of Aadrce HOES 108 Til PARK Many nf ike leading eitlreaa ta As 1 gimta. and panicnlarly thane whose | humanity Is touctied by any appeal in I behalf of <be working prop la. bars si preaned tbetr desire to aes tbs nrrssnt | sattliag basin tnrnari Into an allrarllve . park. They realise that the rlty now has tin opportunity of securing tor tie rss- I idrnta of the Fourth and Fifth wards i a rrcregime ground which will prove of inrstioMbls value to our laboring p p uls* lon. They real's* that It anything ‘la done towards securing this site. 1 prompt and earnest action muat be in ! ksn. And yet they allow the weeks to pasa by without turning their hands towards I accomplishing the end In view. It tyould tie a great misfortune for the present opportunity to pass by un Im proved, In a few weeks more the new waterworks, according to contract, will have been completed. The old settling basin will then become a thing of the past. The only disposition to tie made of It unless It is converted in to a pork, will be to sell it off In build ing lots. Bui will the comparatively small sum realised from such a sale equal the value of the site turned Into a beauti ful nud spacious park? Wp think not. Lending real estate dealers in the city think not. The faclory operatives and officers emphatically think not. It ap peals to the humanity and to the busi ness Judgment of every unprejudiced cltlrcn. It is a work which should not be allowed to languish. And yet un less those men who have the matter most at heart awaken to the necessity of prompt action, the enterprise will go by dofault. , Today Is the day to begin. Speaking of territorial expansion, the Democratic party Is responsible for tue acquisition of twenty states and three territories, whose present pop ulation Is 20,000,000. HOW TO CANCEL STAMPS. There has been so much speculation as to the proper method of affixing and cancelling stamps under the new reve nue law. that Commissioner Scott, of the Internal Revenue Bureau, has is sued a circular regarding the matter. It prescribes that In any and all ca ses where an adhesive stump shall be used for denoting any tax imposed by the War Revenue act, the person using or affixing the sttme shall write there on, with Ink, the initials of his name, and the date (year lin which the same shall be attached or used, or shall by muting or cancelling said stamp, with | s •• gwto>a Who* <4l •*** t(to (gNpgto *to# gjt ft mm v* Mags** gg £*i*p* *** <* MM* mm *-# • *HO t **R* m* I* M**% * I* *t**#*«4 i** •DP** Ml *!**#** PM P**A mm *MP*i* mmpi*•# anitmmmmml *f i* g**ii * m mm t** *** t*Ml» m HflUlifil ktii > pmm MW* ***•• *•**•»!** | IwflP t* •*# •*#*•**Wf •**'* I** ***' *itrf r | ffMaftin m> si **• * t# ppp tm i.Miitofg «* kK| k Mr*** wtM pwrkkg* M *mm tirt «Bi mm IBto* dwNrt am.«•>.«•• ftor tk* grid* Md •iFHMry witoi gr» <k* gnw - roM s* half k ktlimw Rkltsrs Is b•** mmm mb tie fiwg fwr ow» ys»r j wilt hr fwdwrcg gtogwrtMMwtHv |t m mom Apsis * ism to be tkankfut tbsl am t r«srt« m act tow. thougfe M fi* tlmv *k* pffksbty rsgsrdci It s* kmh * Mtftttf IM * MlMOfVM** A> It Ml . *bs will is vs to gay tor tot owe ml ! rmt vessel* lks owe sir tfSSchernM* ’iy dwtinH i* H*v*m harbor. Tbs * Mslk* cost stiotol |J.Igg.RH. Compvw ' sating tor Re It*** of tk* JM *»lk>r* who pn »bed thro will wnthr ■ largeA draft out her treasury About tvs million* wtll b* di*'rit«o*d among 'k* I fsmtl.vo of tbs loot skltors Our van qulrheg ft* will hsv* to pay for lb* I coal ussd IP the war svoaoto tr»Bst»*r tattoo of soldiers, supplies of all kind* pay of soldier* sod sailor* sad lo**** for dtstwr bases of our tradv. It la estimated that the traaaporiatl.4l bill tor six months will be gtt otKUWO The ammunition sent to *aa against * Again coat lt.Tsti.oM. The supply of •hot and shell for no* battleship cost $400,000. Every time the thirteen- Inch gun Is fired the charge coats ! |, and the smaller guns run *ll the way from S2OO to SI,OOO Mr Ding ley's cat I male of $500,000,000 aa the coat of our war with Spain for one year rovers all theao thing*. The fart that Spain has alrrady asked for peace af i ter three month* will rut down this es timate, but as a large proportion of this outlay baa been made the bill sill probably be at loast $375,000,000. In | nettling with Spain (he Indications are [ that the United States will take It* pay In land ami not In money, a* Spain I* practically bankrupt Porto Rleo will be demanded aa part payment of our bill of costa. Cuba’s indepen dence will also be included and slices of the Philippines. Carolines ami lut drones, If not all of those Islands. Three cessions of territory will all have to be figured down to a basis of their value and a settlement determined In that manner. The indemnity, if 1t la placed at $375,000,000, will be the largevt, with two exceptions, resulting from any war of this century. Great Britain forced China to pay an Indemnity of $35,000, oft«. England took Hong Kcng 1n part payment. In 1848 the United States charged Mexico $100,000,000 for being able to whip that counitry. Mexico did not have the monry so we took California and New Mexico and paid back to the Mexican government $15,000,000. Two years ago China was forced to pay Japan $176,000,000. and. in addition, ceded the island of Formosa. Prussia made Aus tria pay it $30,000,000 after the war of 1860. The heaviest war Indemnity of mod ern times was that paid by France to Germany. Besides the cession of Alsace-Lorraine, France paid Germa ny $1,000,000,000. In 1877. after the Rusao-Turliisb war, Turkey paid Rus sia $725,000,000. A part of it is still unpaid. Last year the Sultan of Tur key was forced by the great powers of Europe to cut down his bill against Greece to $20,000,000. which was not one-fourth of what the war cost him. TTB® A"CO-UST-A HERALD MMM i Mi feMMfcMf #Jm§ (flHttNNfc fNRMMMk MM"# MMM .9 *df A fcfi f* MMI l w fee-* flkife# m ymtrnmmtmm Mfiil ti** feii 4fef mmmmmfm wm&mh- in fiMMMIMM »§•! fIMMNMMI lIM pwmr» »ms lh* few** Ml 9 « Imnm IMAPMI ah §mM «*■# mmm imMßf ♦*mrm mmmm Mmmm* ■ 9 > ihfen mmmrn juftr ■>, m#ilm Im *l* *tmi nf *fc# mMI (MWMAf MMI |feß<R IMMvfiMi MM | ' fufe ffefe||- IM vlfer - *«4n MM MMMi MMfl *mm fe mnift mm MM imAMamim * rMf ; MMA*. | MMkpMO"# Mfi MM *Mi*MM*'MM •«fIMM*MM”' ' »tA*4«N •• UM iMiMfMMtIMM it lAM4 i frttitoMi it! tim «M«MI imrm m|MMM >Mmal Ml* , mmm# fMNI m Inmmm mm Mam iMm MAMft mmml Tlm* MfewNi tfMAMt if f mM* TMm wm fyn*l M MMMf Bm MM •MM'Wt j w J||»M MMM Attr •MHMIH49A4 MTHk If m cm Agg TRS CRARtIT gOABb Tk* Board of Charily (bat la »*••- lly soggewleg by Ike e|«y of August* , skd tk* roaaiy of RUhaioad I* avUNk j I ty ittkgrt to lb* very Just evilkt*m if 1 cViaoeiikM)* Jacob Pbialry. *kei (It* | <toy* that It I* rtotl*| too murk to IW ps'ka* SS,tW worth of ebartiy at • oast ! of |l J«b per aaoutto Alt pnhtir charity I* a delicate work, j requiring ike gtcateal car* and iw*- ! <aiy la lu management nnd wVl's 1 there It on every he ml wnrda of grnlak I for the personnel of lb* board and IU i ofßcrr*. yet tbs point of Coonrtlmws Ptonigy i* writ take* that It I* rott ing the rlty and roomy too much to •Uapruse Its charity. ll I* entirely possible to sure n large 1 amount of the S!.JM rxpenae account, I without reducing the rflb Ur.ey of the work, nod tbl* wilt result In giving <1 larger amount earb year to thoae need i ing M*lstance out of the same appro - I priatlon that la now made by the city *nd county. The $7,000 or more n year that ti ap propriated by the county and city for charity should go tr those who are In pressing need of tbl* money—lt should go ns fnr ns possible, snd as fsr ns eco- j nomlcsl management will make It. But to slice out $1,200 for salaries and an expense account before the active work of d' r bur*tag Is commenced U paying too highly fpr the service. It Is told of FtUhugh I>>e that when his new blu« uniform rime home and was taken from the case be looked at It with a solemn countenance, and then said to his wife: "Put It back,, wife, j reconciled. I'm afraid I might shoot at tt alt of a sudden.” The public looks over Its shoulder 1 long enough to nbte that Pern talk* of turning loose the dogs of war upon us. But it will probably prove merely a lit tle Peruvian bark. Bob Fttxslmmons has "put up,' but at the hour of going to press there were no indications that he would "shut up..” John Jacob —the best of the Astors — is not a tin soldier, and has gone to the front again, in spite of the prospect of peace. Dr. William Rawlings will make one of the ablest senators ever sent to tho j General Assembly from the Twentieth district. The English peers who sold them selves to Promter Hooley for less than SIOO,OOO must feel their disgrace keen ly. The youngest colonel in the army is Duncan Hood, a son of the famous gen eral. He is twenty-five years old. The mayor of Yauco, Porto Rico, an nounces to the citizens of that place J that their address is U. S. A. HERAbD PRIZE liETTEP.S m fflf* mm SUMMER RESORTS. fii Far Mr IN, 111 Far Mr St* ga* |l Fw Mr IrL MM M*M ** *»•* f«**" AMM IMAM ****** * I mm $m mm inm o**m* Am mmmmmm •9* A# § MAI Amp* im m** mm****** * „ v #» »-M"-** mm ArPMNPM fMMM IM* ♦ vrRBRI MAfeM »rMP tnijHit*’ AMiMt AM# *»** “ #«» ImMANNI AiA* M***i# M" *»•" 'MA PWMMWMMM l #«RMR#i*Mi fe*4 AAmA*aaM- AA*# **MhAm • #Mm# I* • llfg sard # HB 1 feBR ttAAA #A*f"M •** | MPNAA #MMnMMMM.- MM4 AM#4l #MPM APPM*# mmm mmrnntrnf U»* fM# Mm* tMM itH# V MMMitf, IN Mm IMm aMr | I i.tMAi mmrn MMPMA a*mm ## i i agfuiHig' tlii'-f /«# to ■btotbl sf ljß »If #%->*RRR I SM» Imß#* BBy i ,n aT I wild the’ *M* trig wa* »4#r _ t]Ut |||- |||« -Ril Alii** ” ike real I shall kM lo*ck I! tow tklrtee amllew w • a mind I tin anil ||ft t||M Mffflf. tt# ***" _ j tfAAltfßl. th* M j* thlrtFkßM mil** #a4 l»t« fil* i*y ||« t th** MA Im I Mm iun» *r winntA Ml htM wmM . hv#B fnchtHi*<l Ml lb* itrvfi. MMr* ' t „ w r ,tott stotot taras akd aatol gcre 'lulce# hot all were wrapped la w.mder and kapt'iaew*. so that Ike rrvsA which a tea teairs befwve had raade tka hill* echo with college wags akd merry J**t. wne a* el lent aa a party of priests an a gmldealy, Ike stag* t a t ali I * Kg* gllrnff Rg mm tis < ikrA h ' ZZ er,,insure-! "Oti-h'" We were st Ineplrall n Pnlnt with the whole v*t ir. out before as. and aa is cas ,,m ,rfrlrer had atogfied to let us drink ia tk* view. No word* coutd de ’ scribe euch • ei-ea* but you caa have some Idea of Ihr effc«. »k- « « >r« *"• thai (car* sli-od In the ey ** «*f »!'• from ; me grave college professor lo Ihe giddy 'schoolgirl As Rev. C M Kyle ha* j expressed It. so It la—"No other hour ! of life has furnlahed a tithe of «h# ed* ! uratlon and elevating Insiructlcm which l was crowded Into this, our first view of the valley. * Yesterday we made the trip to Gla i cter Point Imagine a dignified Augus ts matron In bloomers, astride a mule. If It shock* you too much, you had best .Hot dwell up 11. for It happened. The j same hold creature ta proud of the fact that she stood out on the highest point and wa* able to took straight down through spare S.fSO feet without tremb i ting—that la, enough to fall off The j view waa so grand. It was awful: the big hotel looked tike a chicken coop, j j ireea of two hundred fret mere shrubs, j and Mirror Lake a bright speck. 1 Tomorrow we are to climb to the top i ! of Yosemlte .Foils, which, a* the small ' boy of our party says, "are so high ; you have to take a transfer to eee the Itop." This I* almost literally true, for we have vainly tried to cloae our eye*. ! then raise our heads, so that upon ! opening our eyes we would be looking j at the top: not much wonder, for In I three leaps it falls 2.54 S feet. Today, we are all tired out from yes ' terday's tramp, so satisfied ourselves 1 by going to see the sun rise In Mir i rnr I-nlie. Wonderful! Just now the sun Is sinking behind ! the mountains, and the whole valley Is bathed in a flood of lavender light, ai\d 1 feel a» did the poet who wrote > "Silence ! Emotions new and strange here rise And sweep with cyclonic force the breast! A new, strange world, all powerful and sublime. Enchains, enslaves and fetters alt. The greatest, most of all, are fettered most. Only the pigmies chatter and fools alone Find laughter here where Nature sneaks In tones of grandeur and sublimity. Strong lips are dumb and eyes unused | to tears Are forced to yield the highest tribute j of the soul To those grand thoughts of the Eternal Mind!” KATHARINE CHURCH. The purity of the ballot box Is the most vital question before the people of Richmond county. The native Porto Rican didn't have to undergo much of a change of heart to be a good American. There are still two venerable figures on the stage of action Pope Leo and | Queen Victoria. u u THIS IS IT togftfcKnl MftlkHf ffJB *Hh*4 mm#m t AO9M v I mm j/m FOR EARLY FALL ■ « AH ALL SHADES $3.00 Just ATlvßd. DORRS Tailoitng. Halt, f ufimhingv - . Hfilp For Hard Worker* • ITs hard work to wort la Iks Ostybofiy 5-sis a fiislncdna ikto lu work—• kiafi at goa* hw! lag. Nature tsris • lint* h#!p—a lllii* renevstlea fksrWs no htotsv hprlng ariklM than Durltoa karesparllla Evsrybmty ought to tsks tt, wkstkrt tksy is*, ikat ikov tissfi it or are. Buttle Bl.nn— krre lor $2 40. Baby Food*. Tbs tost of ikra caa Ba Bad from as- *• ka«s Umri fresh from utsksrs. Ice Cream and Ice Cream Soda Dos*a* of datlghtfu' drinks at our Fouaiala. Tlckata 12 for SO cents—2s for SIOO. Biia Bum b , and Turn p Seeds. Cabbage- Bean* *»d all bred* for sowing sow. band for cam log us- Eras. AleianderDrni&SetdCo. roe BROAD RT. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Eagle Baking Powder IS AUGUSTA MADE EAGLE BAKING POWDER Is high grade. Very different materials from the cheaper Al um Ammonia Powder, that ig norant and poorer people use— for which there is no earthly excuse. ••••••« EAGLE BAKING POWDER Use Eagle In place of the 60c. lb. Powder you now use. You’ll get the same results In good wholesome bread. The 50c. Pow ders were priced 40 years ago, and, like a Patent Medicine, it don’t change in price. EAGLE BAKING POWDER Should he used by Augusta peo ple City pride should impel them, If nothing else does, EAGLE BAKING POWDER Simply asks of you a trial. EAGLE BAKING POWDER , £ Sells at 25c. lb. THE HOWARD & WILLET DRUG CO. —MAKE EAGLE.— Uncle Sam’s Navy, Port folio No. 9, just received at Herald Office. AUGUST 4 BLAND'S IRON RILLS TMt ORtAT TONIC r- IkflkflfiHy tkcnipmat del itor mMtH&m abd - |*4Bto Jisopls, Will iffT |>*t>Vto s (ha g|)pati|B soil impgft i tlfafiffib nnd it>rwk Hi IfW Bysism they It MB criMkd by fill !>*'s»■« ai-.» #§ A |RRMW UMMOs When |Rk*n nlo ffto i ilomitrii I base j> i* pto* jtfuc.* laffOut ffiibonatfi # fovm of iron which 1* tttnri ImMaA# A§B<ntiiAifid by ttsM syilatti Arid H (It# bati J ionic lot fitlßtok of polo , pfiOftW OF I hose who Mlf* f«r from scf#Mous •(- ' Isdinn* OF Mny dilMßfl## of llhfi blood Al I luppl)#* to <1 I hoi filafntnl which th# • ItataOkOd rOriditiOriA Iridt• -cal* # wonting. 100 PWo-100 dot## for OO coma. L i GardeHa. Oruggist. For Sale! Y%m IMMpvi *mM AAMAMMRff # AfMt Mm muMM Mrik M AmaHMIMM As 4 AiA tArofej nNI’MtMM MmV mmm (MttoMMM Am fSUIM *. I«MI o##»AtoM4 M Urn s • TMM* §JM Mr’s f* 44# MIJ’MMI, •* ffr? § IhrA## ff Aflf* fWlhlhfl hm M loMAftii fit sbmif AftMM owoofMi At* MAM mMh«( )M N#f iM MM M Ni ilto Vilta*t tore-1 kata* • karilaw a* tfiw Maara Easy psyasvais will k» gtvan os all tk* akwvs RsrrtM ptxprtty. Apply 4* Georgia Railroad Bank. W.UBI. 7*^ PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 209 7th SI.. Augasti, G». Bt w FS r RtE TTE TESTS for aR defects re tight, irnniti ih* pro##r |l#mm «id WmJU KA >T V (ton L#n»e* cut into jrmr while jom wmiL FREE OF CHARGE. SPAIN IS DEFEATED. Again have the boys who wear the blue whipped the Spaniards and plant ed tl» Stars snd Stripes on foreign soil, and again has F. O. Merlins de feated high price*. Look at this: 25c. Neckties 10c. 75c. and tl Shirt* Me. Me. Suspenders 28c. $6.00 Trousers $5.00 A full line of celluloid collars and cuffs Just received. F. G. Mertlns, 924 Broadway. Paine, Murphy & Co. (OMMIH9ION MERCHANTS. 803Peji8lds Sl=—TeleBURIC I Sfc&.n* liivaie Leased Wires KBwct ta Jlsw York Chicago and New Orleans. Orders executed over our wires for Cotton, Slocks. Bonds. Grain and Pro. visions for cash or on margins. Local •ecuritlea bought and Bold. References —National Exchange Bank of Augusta, or Mercantile Agencies. MONEY TO LOAN. In any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on 10 years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. Alexanfler&JolmsDfl Agents Scottish Ameritan Mortgage Company, 705 Broad St