The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 05, 1898, Image 3

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*9tl DAV PEOPLE'S FORUM Ipmifltfl*! 0 iiflMN 4*4 I cie——~*44 wbm • *<l *• #W44I §** | s«■ m|M|p*% s# |MM “*44to4** «4* *•• #444 ] fty| fltotoHft dtß •"* 4Mb Aggfttoft <4 U| m pn.rnm»i 4 *#*■ i 4*f -tol4 4 •*? 4 j hTw«« 4 . i 4* wi- 9totoMftft 4#*** *to 1 4* #■*» 14 'Wptotot *4# UM f««N4 Ito r —to* ft Mi ** y»«ff t**t to**# #4 -•■‘frit <4 *«#*•*« tU'irKff jljlrt 9to**9l , *, ,*§ t% t *m* MW* #f Hagto4 w I *to#W* ft 4tot ***** gg-fit Mi t***o **mm Wiiii Mfti **¥*►# MMtoMMto * <k.4u tiMMM to 4 ***-•*# #to to* ft ii.nii 9*4 mim - M«• * iMtf* 4topM*to •## to**#* Ml £ r ' . sc# MMMtoNt* 444M9ftt to ftoMi 4 Ink* *NNM ftfcto I ** **4 ,>.« *>■•' • *4 M* lift* <**>**• *44 4**l4* Yiw* torrti «#tottoft l* •4*t ’"T%**'* IM* * *«r r* ito*to of itolMM* l ** to t4* fs*i 4t« < i #* - r -1« • > &-$* in •*' •|N*i*«aPto* iiMMto **4 toftolto ’ TM4v I* ItoK Iff*# **4 I *4# fpfitof *%***** mnl #t *MMi •**-. *9*l tea** ton I fern** * fto MHMRtt. . ** «MM ** *, * *4* I *-~ *l4*** «4 |f i* 9*4* tfttof fi'Jto 14* 9t14 *f I4t 44 »4« W&4& *«ff to** l 4*** ftj y *1 44 *'•*•# # *** fi#*- -| 4fMto 14* toftot*. 4*4 4 §4*4* (tort 4 to 1*41*14*4 ItKlftoto to 9 4MMf4I #4?» 44 14* Hfi <l4 *T pto***! MilMI IP* 4114*14 44 4 *to*f*l *1*4*144 M 4 ft#* 44* f*to 9 tP&* tfc* 4***49Mi'^ •i# Klpin r~ n «* Imml to 44* #4? Tito* » , . #"■ f . |M r gw **j'f jf ij 4:* VI to* mmmrm** .to p4#fto44*to ptw»*4?4 m is to to fit 414*4 *n«| to p*' 111 *4o** lfcf4*4M ll># I*t*49 ito* mrnma Ittavrcd m u • m«.~- YtotoC* rs**fsw** • Y-Aht^L* 1 * wc*-ta •n J gn***. which to?*w Wt *n»e*,c«i toi. w+t* Ml *M pl!*4 «?«>• *&* *l*»*•». •«4 lfct» *•«**<! »k* • f i'i*r T to tcsr* Iter «<tt! <*»r» »° ■ r **“* l tMllitf «l dW»N w * rt,,>lr »*«"» in ikt lhcf»«ll2>J» f ** * •apcr®« , .*l »<»• •<r»ft «wI«C tO rn<irs»*l «|U»n't«!f» of (trIHP M tO Hitt® •«*» <i «r ,<i4<4 tbart tb* rttjr «»* • >ttbf roadutoit yH th* fitrt brM mrom*. FVmb • rtnrfiil «MUI IsvMllwMtMi ol all s*n» of A«- Cu «t» I found »b*t fttllJt »MO-M»tba of lb* garb*** rce»i*t?4 of bnrbbata. :r«n an I othw » « r *»» » n ‘ l «r-,U If «bc graaa nod «.'*d« bad not barn rat tb«T co«?d 80l goaatbly at tbta *f*»<-a hav* grodorad a r'aar**. Brlrkbat* Iro*. at* . rooW »® ( •“<» ea g'rd -cd »trbr-*a bad thag ba*n al to* rd io r uula la »t* lot* °*\r docryla* animal and awtabla matter fnrslab a atdns f>r d’aoraa-orrdixin* irrma tad with tbc *lt*»t o« of a f w day» abcva m nt:onad tb? *«» b** b . « ft#an#-d daily of til daraylng aa- Imsl and vagatabl# mattar. You. third rharga la: "That tha o dora *»bicb aaaall the a*3« of »m*l! in ■ at 'ob* y. na cf tb* city «> •* coavls a:n* fnd-ara of tha prat, nc? ct <S ray ing tnuuai. and tha alfluv'.a Inotdent iheiftc." CoatLnuFng. yo i ai.‘: “Thai-* art many stwdta aad ib“ U»»*r P«« of Oread til I acrva aa *a fdantpl" *Lrng which pei pie rannat wal'.t wlth c•, bo!1.::* th~*»r ncsa.” Will ;at» pleaac foblisb a Hat cf eveiy iltitan lt3C* 4 n to you *ho has Imco auiijcctad to me oaonicccc of bolding bia noeo :n ralMtig lbrru<th lower Broad atrroi. rr uoy oiNtr rtrcc In Augusta? .After rcidlog your artic’.o laat night. Dr. T D. Co: mr.n. ttc.rta.y of the board of h'altfc. • ent with me over both aldea cf Btcitl itreet from Waafclngt'n a r<et. tc East Brundar;'. and neither of us v'ba 3ble to detect an nnploraaant i odor of any kind thri ogh tha entire r:II a .tup c rby n*. I would be p a-r.-d to have you aecrmpany me this efternr m or tcnlitht and po at out the <*rv3i tn* matter i vhirh you say esi*t« in this section, or the odcra arising th refrom. Ido not deny that o^ea-■ sirnally C. i*en* mar perceive an odor at ertr-'■ac cr given str-vet. | This ntesssartly occurs, as clttze-s; r ate kittben refuse in ftxnt of their lc's for icmovnl by the scavenger. Tha law Tfonires that the garbage be thus plac'd from 6 o'clock p. m. to 0 c'tlock >he next atorning. It would be; ridiculous net to expect at times, ia rummer pr-.tlcularly. that kitchen re-1 fu3? will not be found soured, ferment-! ing, and thereby emit an cidor disgust-; lng ,o the sense cf smell. But I un qualifiedly deny that decaying matter, cittiotal or vegetable. Is allowed to re main 'm the streets btyend twsnt; - fout hours the time allowed for its lecicval under .he scavenger contract Cccßsic nally oca cr more of the cart ir, n fa:l3 to remove the garbage as re qcirsc under the ecritract, but wheire cver investigation showed negligence on the part of .he staveng >r contractor I ha.e mode a ease against h m in the recorder's court. As to the lets being the probable source of the odors complained of, I contend that with v«y, very few ex cop.ions. the lots were newer in a bet ter sanitary condition titan they are new, and have lic-vt throughout this year. Fourth Charge.—‘‘And when to this unavoidable state of things is added official .negligence, which leaves the sowers unflushed until the city is rife with foreign smells, the situation be- The Greatest jrood to the Greatest Number! IfcaVario I ™™™* 2&^*oi l S2rd^Sm ,, .V. h^?r c^v' l hc‘^^r f iuKi i iotta. (5S:«u“ ~' i * m! “ , " r,v ' h • , *° • ul im ” r ' ,cro ,o " morrow morn-ny for 14 hour*. nhout wmi of lh« value* lh4l 4fo prrp«r«»d for you. 44.40 m«rt bMm* iff «*♦*» wtnfmrn MWHJ4 «* «•*« *.» **»«» n•» <»**rty **»» «•*.** au. rA*rt MtM tt4A«a» «r»*»*»* *» fnu. nt»ris«« ««y At ai***» n«t w. • 1.74 .xt’ll ttttlM'Yr Wbb AM* Wit A. ** * IAMI YAA AAAY YAA MAt® ts rut *■ 1 r I" A A YAMAHA AAsiAb *AA lAwAu AAA c AsArMA YA AlsA. 41.40 WA AWA*I-A MAA Y»* *YA TWA IaIWWA' OAlAisAI* YW*T T»A* Y*T t*YWAA l*A*l»AA* $1 * rv*A Til it |H %* f MgrtK* TWAA TWA «gg WA Wtl.l AY TWA AA»*YA YAW* AA. • 1.24 * AU. *«A OTII URMIA CWWr*W,gYA hol/MUP WAAAI AW AW»»rAt. A»T» **_A r **.AIT -r 4T Til ApNlVto toto Tit T TKM MIT to T 4 ipi9 l*w*« TW““ * An air of unu*uml inducement* will pervade our store* during thi* great Clearing S.ile. On TWO 834 Broad Street. Name Aero** Sidewalk TWO [j|Cß & U uODDOf hHOB 10., STORES 722 Broad Street* oppositeMonumont STORES ' to*** A» a- '• YWi|*g ** t ■* !%•* "W Y §*■ t <**§ ft* •totot toto ato* er*** c* Atoi4toNi *%*■• 4 14 *4l Ml #amm9 MUffAft MUito **4 wto* to tH Itontoto 41 «&4fcNf 19*44 f*tw’«toto°4l »to >*•*-■ MOtor- *4 Itoto to* *4>to4 HFMtoi :*** *••* a 9f4*44 4f* INto 4t09 *•** 41 4P '™*9 rt to* ‘jrrn «a 4 hion>i*ire t« peiißu*' to to I*4* (I 'SifIMH A• *44 , *# a « zmm . - inlurit vt* ti» *y ~t H |*i Msuttd in t slit ▼**• 1 hitrrw4(*ltAM lAwtl rririt Itlttr to *§<» as kilts 44 I tl*ll4 lltjf : . _ .k. riis- t ultA llllni tO 2J|J* f.r neglst «f in I*l4 lt*t*D‘*. trote t* oo in • fft ffH* |UffnptH irniurf. , Asking you to p«yra tbta reply. I am. Very truly y»ur»r Kt'tlh'SE Vk'lfITAA, Piv«l.»e»t B*mid of HtaHk, C. A. Jump* On lb* ETdllor. To the Editor us Tbe Herald— j I Sir: In replying to ycur reply to th" communication In yesterday * lleralA in regard to removing the garbage fr..rn Iho streets, you say the gentleman la little too haaty in hla fH.mptainl don't exactly think It wag, while I th'nk It was » very g""d move of the Civic Ueague In requeatlng the people to clean theli premise* of the Iraah and weed* thereon. I atoo think the* city should provide for the transporting of such. But, as you say. th • rulihtah was far more than expected, and II | haa been Imporuot.le to remove It all— why la It the scavenger carta make their tegular trips on* to two lime* every day In the principal part* of the j city and seldom vtalt le*« business por- . lion* of ihe city? We pay our taxes end should have like service over the ;, n tir > clt4. No favorltlm or partiality, should be shown in this reaped. The garbage In large atack* In the vicinity o‘ my lesidence and in th# vicinity of others who arc complaining ha* been on the street* for some day* over a week, and I think It should be remov-, ed by nil means. Can’t they nrak • us a 1 j vtalt once a week w ith '.heir present /oire? ts the *ca\ nger department la not sufficient to d ■ this. 1 regard it the duty. of the authorities to Increase ihelr force temporarily, no as to at tend to thi* matter In a proner way.! like the city the size of Augusta should do. Ycuns truly, A SUBSCRIBER. THE COLONEL’S WIFE. She Hide* Away on a Transport Bound For Manila. Honolulu, Aug. I.—Mrs. Reeves, wife j of the gallant colonel of the Thirteenth j Minnesota, arrived on the transport City of Peris as a stowaway. Sb.? de fied government regti'ations and has come this far on the transport and, as was suspected by many San Francis cans, made the voyage to the tropics. Whether Col. Reeves was aware of the preser-C 1 of Lvis wife on shipboard when the Fora sailed for Manila is, of course, not known to anyone but ; himself, and he will not tell. Mrs. , Reeves stepp. -.1 ashore when the transport arrived, smiled a knowing I s-milc, and replied to the question, "Did you come on the Para??’’ In languag" something like this: "Well, I got Acre, didn’t 1?" Friends of Col. Reeves say that the officer did not know that his wifi' was on the steam'.'. The private soldiers of the Minnesota regiment aided Mrs. Reeves in hiding away, and once at sea she was safe from the regulations. Mere women would be interested in the female suffrage movement if it was something that could be decorat ed with ribbens and hung up over the mantel. —Chicago News. IN A SOCIAL WAY mk I YWCi toiitoY ! Vi- . M] \%iMf Mtov DowrMy at a House Party. Tto Colombia Slat* prints Ihr fol lowing paragiapb of Ihttroal to An ’ 9Rto9toMl^ " tb past a.vk Oaklry Park, the k >nt of Mrs. N. G. K*aa*. at Kdgr ft< Id baa br.o a atvnr of festivity and hrantjr. Mias Evans ha* been enter taining a f*w frU nds at a house par ty, and It ta needle** to add that It was a moat pi aaant ore salon The charm ing and d> lightful manner la which 1 Miss Even* entertain* always make for hrr Innumerable friends. "The ludlra of Ito party were Misses |v ught:\ of Augusta; Evans, of Lau ren*; Lee. of Richmond; Fannie Tom .kins, of RdyMlrld. and Lillian I ll' untrce. of Augusta. The following g- nF'inen were also pre»*t»l: Mftsn. , George Plunket, of Augusta; Powell Evens, of Edgcflr;<l; James Taylor, of Ai.guetn; tV. It. Penn, and Hamilton 1 Phinlxy, of Augrrta. “Amid shower* of kodak shots the i party broke up and Mlsa Kvnns left on th# evening train lo spend the summer j In Connceileut, where she will remain until 'vinter'* *now sends her back to the g»*nla! clinv> of the sunny South. "While enjoying the pleasure of her! summer trip Mlsa Evr.ns will be the' guest of Mr. and Mrs. David S. Plume, cf Waterhury.” ' Locks Party. Mrs. Robert Wnlton and Miss Alice Carr compllmcntid a f.:w friend* with n delightful Locks uprty last evening. Supper was served In the pavilion and dancing was Indulged In until a late hour. <vhen the party returned home by the soft rays of a beautiful full moon, j i which lit up the waters and made cv- | ery.hlng seem os bright as day. Those who enjoyed Mrs. Walton’B and Mlsa j Carr’s hcep iality wer 1 : Miss Wilson, j of Lexington. Ky.; Mias Peeples, of i South Carolina; Miss White, of Chat- j ;; Mlsa Addle McCar.'hy, Miss Carr, Mis Ltcy Flynn. Miss Ma mie Ewing. Mies Dunbar, of Bc«'h Is lrnd; Miss Emma Doyle. Miss Adelaide Picqnet and Miss Lida McCarthy; Mosers. H'nry Morrison, of Latvlon ville, S. C.; Charlie Vaughan, Tom Bai'le, Ed Barn'S, John Bailey, of Chattanooga; I.irry Simpkins. KerdW ! Rirbnrds, Will Doyle. Con MeAullffe. Il’rrnk Kimbrough and Robert M'alton. New Books at the Library. The following is the list of new books received at the Library: The Standard Bearer, by S. R. Crock ett; Tbe Hoad of the Family, by Al phonse Daudet; The King's Jackal, by R. H. Davis; Ye Lyttle Salem Maido, |by P. IS. Mackie; Rupert of Heutxau, j by Anthony Hope; Helbeck of Bannis | dale, by Mrs. H. Ward; Tbe Widow's Tale, by Mrs. Oilphant, (two volumes); ! Young Blood, by E. W. Hornung; My Lord Duke, by E. W. Horning; Rogue's March, by E. W. Horning; Hans Drinker, by Mary Mapes Dodge; A Singular Life, by Elizabeth S. Phelps; Misti 8-s of Broe Farm, bv Rosa Carey; Dr. I it trail's First Patient, by Rose Carey;' Bird’s Christmas Carol, by K. D. Wiggins; Cuba, Past and Present, by Richard Dav.-y; Dictionary of Noted Names ‘ of Fiction, by William A. Wheeler. Mrs. Wit. Lamkin and Miss I.uclle Lamkin left yesterday for Union Point, where they will be the guests of Mrs. Sam Sibley. TWJe AUODBTA UliltALD C«to£*fl *<f l**to*l#4 C*M* Tto fttCtMlMfeii? tutor*ft g?t** I* *to j I i4l*"<4Ay I'T** ft toll 4*f *4 At«H* I* j _ _ - 1 MdYf ** A rt9>)' *4 |*4 I f4|#rt cyf 4 fltotoli rfn*<l I*4 I f*r ftotiiNto *44 Mllrto toft* 4«*m. fit*. Tr*** T*»f«* V»rrt*ri At I*4 ntdito !*• Iwtol of 9iw* 1 tort of tM Tour. 4 llm 4 Übri7 A* tiffinkn. h*i< rfi) BdittiiO*, Mr*. T«tfl4 4F44 *iiil*«c ! 'lT HwN orfffirT krr> Mo*(rr DiVidici* *44* | ing l*4i oMcr. Mr. K T. Miller to *l»l<in* rtlMMto ta Mau.oa Mr. H C. Withrow I* *umracnog ta Kuaaokr. Vg Mlga Rnaalla* Ccittaor. tit ttornnnah, |g rtaltiag frlrmta tow. Mr* C H. Cohen will return next j weak from Sullivan'* Island Mr. Porter Car*wetl, of Muaiwi lya. (da., to ia the city for a few days. Mi»* Mary Mill*, of Harris l.ithia Spring*, ta vlaUlag Mr*. Morgan. Rcy. and Mr*. Hunter Davidson will leave next week for IP nvl« r*onvlllc, Mr*. Ingraham ha* returned to Dixie Farm, after a vtalt to Mra, 4. J. Tbom- I a*, la Atlanta. , Mr? Mark Appel, who ha* been vtalt ' Ing Mr*. David B!o*ky. will return lo Savannt h tomorrow. $ 1.50 to Tybee and re turn evfiry Sunday via Central of Georgia. Bath ing now is best of the sea son. AHERICAN NAVY AT SAN JUAN POINT Fourteen Ship* There nnd Other* Are on the Way. Special to Th»* Horald. San Juan .via St. Thomas, Aw?. 4.—- Th** American navy has occupied a» a i harbor and base of aupplicn for the San Juan opera!ions the large bay with in the lino of the iFlandM and reef® at San Juan Point, twenty-five mile* from Mourn Caatle. Thi# splendid anchorage wa* tmiuipoctcd. Th«‘ outside * emit to Ibe made un of wmall island*. The en trance to the channel is tortuouH. The Journal’s dispatch boat, Anita, follow inf? the AnnapoliH, found the monitors Puritan and Amphrltlo, the cruiser Montgomery and several trans ports sounding the harbor. Fourteen of our ships are here and others are romlng. THERE IS A FIGHT AHEAD POR MILES One Private Murders Another and Will Be Courtmartiafcd. Special Cable to The Herald. • Ponce, Porto ilieo, Aug. 3, via St. Thomas, Aug. 5.—A fight Is imminent jin the neighborhood of Yaueo, where I the Americans have Fort*Capron. Gen eral Henry sent reinforcement? to Yau eo on the double quick today. Sergeant Andersen has just arrived from General Stone at Adjuntas with dispatches. General Stone reports that he has a body-guard of two hundred natives armed with the machete, hut that a Spanish column of equal force is ope rating about IXtardo. He asks for a 'battalion and a trcop of cavalry. The [signal men in Ctaidu, h esays, are in great, danger. Private Stafford was shot dead In a saloon row by Private Laduo of live second Wisconsin. Ladue will be court mart la led and, probably shut. 1 . • FAIR TERMS. St. Lous Republic. Mr. McKinley has offered terms which, on the whole, are fair to Spain, and in accord with the general senti ment cf the American people. Sd 74 riNTH f „ ,*«**» #WtaY ft .fYYM*. dud tea tt ft* t Y*»M A YWtot f ta* njtrfW Vtotf f-t a §.|f74l IEJO »*.... * $ ,4tfljg|4 pH to 9**9 09 CENTO •i i f«ttt % # 4%fi Ml A**9l IlftN #f*|» %9 *4** i% TTMIf A H to •%> a 1*...* ,ia it ftT tj a t. *.?<-«*!«• A** f t 4919 • 1.49 fan um WkWY Y> Ttaf’ta ta «M ‘ YWY A r»IH f«r ta ta twvta Ok M«»r UAwT . w'afcß* »it, apMfePMp AM| *£-. ■l k ftft t ftlkf. |! ■* % *Ffft %”$• IS » wf 9 lk9'*-'*9 •* TwY 4: • 1.00 •ta-tl f» >*» art.'-ca AY TUP Asa > vie Ytolt’MM AMI *• *>vMb Ad A iwarkf Adit (“AWT Ml OKAY. i mi 1 IBM \ fm i* Ibf I liMl MiHk j”TN hlMNti M Mi IViflf Ass SariN Id Mr." 1 “ I IjH III} AfliffktMi 91# Trmmk 99 N* |*« C*44N«'. l4l| >•. **l *444 ff« 4 ill 1 r*4 Jourtil l*4l I in |*iilß9 *9»r i» | I *444.* 40*1 am not 4**.o« 44 |ifaaii44to. 1 In r*p)f | 44*. W*|r toioaki Ato^i*«*4 ) 410441 IW I*o OVtU<94 Hid |Wlk7 fftl" jI HI 444 f«tttf4. ib9 ihf th<»4*4 I I fiffel for Mr I4lt«tott* tliti \mrrum will left *4 frtftk »nh ni<“’ j ff|j m- i**i. Am I f fftitiiiK for •wi-l I oUon. priftHlon or It ifi fuf Am* firm to iftf, . not nu I can | take Manila, a* I have defeated 'be ; Span ~h reply where. Hut what would jive ihr u*e? If Amrvtea takes Manila. I I ran save my men and arm* for what the future bav In *tore for me Now, ignod fitend*. believe m lam not both a fool and a rogue. The l»ter*«ts of my pvopie are a* sacred to me a* I the iatvvevU of your people ate to I you. Aguinald ). Ha* Changed a Hit. Agu.naldo ta becoming more friendly Ito the American*. He ba* made two | proposition* lo General Merritt * ’ ich may solve the Insurgent problem In a manner highly advantageous to the Failed Slate*. In the fir*t ptaee h* »*k* the com mander in chief of tbe American laud j force* lo permit the rebel troop* to march through the street* of Manila when the city iiirrendei*. Gcoeral Merrill appear* Inclined to consent 'o this. It would gratify the vanity of jibe natives to I t them Indulge in cvbat j will seem to them n triumphal march as viclota through the capital of the enemy. In the second place. Agulnaldo sug gests the formation of Philippine* reg iments with American i ffleers. This is considered a highly important pro posh lon, the possible key to Ibo tdinlo situation throughout the islands. The native troops would thus be eon fantly under the eyes and direel orders of our men. In the Trenches. The American tioops now occupy the trenches In front of MalaJc a subu-b of Manila, which were constructed by Agulnaldo. The rebels withdrew to lot our men take their places elwe lo the Spanish Unix. The Astor baßery, supported by a battalion of ’he Tnlrd infantry, is now in position at th* front —its guns being planted within a thou sand yards of the Spanish lilt*. Fa thers Dougherty and McKinnon, the former being on Gen. Merritt’s staff, have gone to Manila to hnve an Inter view with Archbishop Nozaleda, of the archdiocese of the Philippines, and to point out to him the futility of resist ance to the American troops. Washington. Aug. 5. Aguinaldo's letter to Wildman was sown lo tbe president and cabinet today. TO OPPOSE BRANTLEY. Populists and Republicans in the Eleventh to Have a Candidate. Jesup, Ga., Aug. s.—The Republican executive committee of Wayne county met Wednesday at the courthouse In Jesup lo elect delegates to tbe conven tion to be held at Wayeross on the tOtli Inst., tc nominate a candidate to op pose W. G. Brantley for Congress. The Waynesboro delegates, who are B. W. Daniels and T. B. McConnell and alter nates E. Coleman and I.- Jackson, lean toward Col. Wilketvson, a ’prominent lawyer of Valdosta. The Populists hi the Eleventh dis trict are working a fusion with the Re publicans for the purpose of defeating Brantley for reoloction to Congress. Poets are born, but. some of them manage to live It down. X ALWAYS CHEAPER! Wicker & Pilcher are al\% ays Cheaper Arbticktd** Coff#<* IO cents 3 cakn Mums* 10-ounc« hoiip for &c 8 c.«K •i Circus Soap for 25c Last chance at the Syrup, I 5 and 20c Fine Jt rs« y Butter 20c Elifin Butler 25c Just Arrived, a barrel fine fat Mackerel, cheap Sugar-cured P. N Hams, one day only, 7c Another cut in F*our First patent F our 05c sack, $5.15 barrel Rest 2nd patent Flour 45c sack, $3.50 barrel Good second patent Fiour 35c sack, $2.75 barrel Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded. fficier & Piicier, ffrecta of Hill Prices jlSlilillG Hsiair ___ What Alirnaiive mhfr Than Bow l« Amrrira ? Thai h (hr (jafMioß (he Spaniards are Aitkin* Tbfmsflrfh. Important Conferences That Are Now Being Held. Special to The Herald. Madrid, Aug. s.—Premier Sagaata and the gueen are eotmuUiag with the leading m. a of all monarchical p*rtle* to in if any of them can *ugge*t a bet ter course for Spain to pursue than tic cept the term* of peace offered by Am erica. Theta consultations will be fin ished tonight. S/nor Sagaata conferred yesteniay afternoon with Marshal Campos and the presidents of the two Houses of Congress, obtaining the assurance that they will not object In the Cortes to the ratification of a peace treaty embrac ing the conditions which they admit arc inevitable under the circumstances. The pVemlcr hopes to get a like as from all the dynastic leaders nnd r*nerala in the name of their re d;: e.lve parlies, but It Is not probable titut th Csrllcts or Republicans will Wn#n t v .e principal basf'S of peace ate ngreed upon the representatives of the tnr, countries will arrange the de tail* of the treaty. When that Is done the Cortes rl:l assemble to ratify the nest*. The city retains a calm and apparently little interest In the result of the negotiation:. The bourse bnr been very buoyant. All e.eruritls* have risen several points on rumm-s that the American govern ment |.nd made a final 3ttd favorable reply to tbe Spanish note. Cuban bonds rose sharply an a re- j port from Pnria that French diplomacy would succeed In getting America to fofst upon Cuba part of the debt con tracted pior to 1595. “GO AHPAD.” The Defendant Mistakes the Judge’s (leaning of Remark. There was an amusing incident at re corder's court this morning. It was concerning the wrong construction of n word by a defendant. The defendant was as the bar tolling her side to the story of a charge she was accused of, and stoppl'd for some reason. “You can go ahead,” remarked Judge Baxter to her. “Thank you, jedge, dat 1 will, re plied the defendant, starting to walk out of the room. “Hire, T did not mean you could go, said his honor, "but for you to go on with your evidence.” The prisoner returned quite disap pointed. Uncle Sam’s Navy, Port folio No. 9, just received at Herald Office. AUGUST 9 9***7 mA r« *%ito *• «*4 |C>' negiYi- *4 —tol» fttoftM 94' «* 4 44 * * *♦# *f **to» Special Notices. mrtAXi, ’ WA KTKD~ NICKLT Ft *r: VIACf tD r»>m»t f»»»4 MalUjf, Ml l*lfr ihaft M'l*. PVrliiDg, Addrraa fimam, A C AUP Or TIIANKb. Wf TO KXPRBSB OUR oo<*ir thaulm ft* and {•i»rr‘ria(lon «*f durtna th** i*u«lln illmm and at (Iki death of mar dear non and brotttar. DAVID W ‘ HITCHLOW* W Cl OtITCHLOW. J A, ToLAND. FaiiisMil I— Jut rwrleed. in .lore, I car—2o ton*— ATI ANTIC WHIT* LEAD. Tbi* ia lb* ataudard White I.'ad of the I'tilled Stairs. 2 We li»vr Hirer other White Lead brand* —to tull any want*. 3We have in at nr* 20 tnna Mineral Taint* (dry) lor outlionsca, (nice*, roof., 4c. 4We havrjerrral brands Lli:»a*d Oil. THE HOWARD S WILLET DROG CO. WHOLESALE. Old Polar Icc Works lackiurj FOR SALE Pups, Tasks, Pipes, 4c., Cheap Lomljard iron foils wm. McCauley 2040 WALTON WAY. HELL TELEPHONE NO. 2191. Summerville Plumbing’ Comnany fjSF~ i’lumbiiiß I’.weriny, end Vetillla:.» Steam mid Hot Water Heating a Sn«ci*!*y. Estimates <>ivon on Ail Knid. of Pipe Woik. Ail W'-rk Ouara lived. BUSINESS FOR SALE Owing* to Mr. Henry W. Thill:*:■? dei- Hiun to enter the He al business w*- u"- fer for sale in bulk nU the stock of merchandise contained in tb»‘ tlmo now occupied by us with counters, shelving* end *h*we. til the stock Is sold In bilk \v* o:i*er groat Inducements to Mio *cp*r.'»i buy • ing public to come one] get bargain-. Spot cash buys cheap. BALK’S DRY GOODS CO. "I, owes Balk's,” 604 Broad St.