The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 05, 1898, Image 6

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FRIDAY II MMM IM ** •*» **«• km «*» «M *«* *9 «#*•* » SHS* wJSgp *y» *»»«»» «*» »«••» *t Im* ••**** M. >#m « *** ruFisJßrts •)> g*** ,*» «Mfwni *• Mi **♦. ** '* *« mm •«*«***» mmmu «» *«*>, gMP«>.,* <f ||* tare-a MM* * «M* ■jqpggtolp 1 gtsia* -* M (WBn »M I* ** pMMii him wm—ii mi <4mm mm Mm mi mm *#** *••• »**♦'*«# *• IMI WMMIKKI Ml •Mr* t* inm !•• mm* iM MM MWi MHM wHwi' ‘I *M MmmmuMm «M Mm •*• •*»*■' * ***** mm* «M «m* MUMP **r * *M *M p*H ***** ***• lit MHMi* »M*m4 * (Htt M* Imm t|fc€ m £ •VHMNMI Jpo*B*Mft tvttii *InMI ft# (I* UM «*t» It b#4 * IwMr rntmrnt P*M PMI *M % Hip tttoi *■<* • IMM MM ■M* MM**) WHWII MTlm* llm •M 0«M IMM*i* M tM* MtiM’IWM *f •(••Miw m *hm**4 h# Im* * mm* MM* || •• MMMMM A* **M • •**!.« A Mm *ii«M I»i»* Pi* MUM—* MHiml MMIM *l* MHIPT Mip*l gs im m* •*•**•! imi*«»»w ** •*• first «M*. MM MMr i**• *«mP* I tM* |MMU tM* M* np s9*so* Mi ffWßft 3ft# 099*0* Ite* taM if tftftft •**» TMI ■MI" *pp»'*w«l AlpMlpiH M*l Ml «mMmmi'*c M mIX *# • mm— <4 tmtsr ■ HmM of M tos UP UpM *4 •’* Pm -f%tn MHpM Ml*M M*4 * Imhp Am M til M Ikil* **M* IM M MMMMMM tktgf. tin** *• !■ •*<* M MK*l'*f ■»*>»! **M m imM* M im taactfc. **4 w* i Am Mm tfc* *ths*i TP* «****!• Mpr* h* h*4 "A** P*H ml mm mi*’* 1 * *■** *»w ttttf* b»4 || f |H* tt#o* *OO ffWlffp # , t*»t IMMV H*" t* mm* ml Hum mm Mcp*<* t-Gss, and Aim Im h** ***m ■'*«» of t* tar* •■*, * of IP* pprlm TPm mmv( Im portae- fratutr ml IP* MMrtlm l* that IMr deorrlptb** ®H-«i by Cap»*l* Aon (Mil fit* my rtaaaly IP* tb-arTlpttotos tfimrnm by mmtmni.m o t Moph'Wwbt mm tMtU ml ikm ptNr***r»# pnn. tb» hoe— e| whir* Mat# p*rM f'*i>! tM KlfUnl Ml «*(rl IM repnH#4 *T Mil MMttaHHr* MM MMHmH. PRINCr. OF WALK'S ACCIDENT. I rMi lured Kooccap t.wcMly DMm*«H Apropos of HP Cm*«. (TP* l(OMdOM Standard t A gMatICC iMlM|Mlltl srrHra In IM M* folio* • "TPr Mntur* Ms Hi* »i*Hdent *bl(h ppunl to tP* Prilrl of Wiln on Motulay iptrill to p prrf* rt Ijf rlmr Mod (bought |( tg itaitoubtrlll *ertou», frost oh* pot a I *f vt r* (Pm* ta no roMaon lo appr<P>«it Ms eorapWeatlon* or 111 ifreti brrond lb* fbfMrf Itarlf Tb* buHrt'n MMlrd nb Monday night , atalni I bat the Htlitr bad frart tired Pis left knoerap and funbrr rrttu«!dera tion baa Mol led tb* aurieona In a(- tendanr* to Mstdlfy or rttmd Ihnt dl agnuFi* It ronjr, Ibrrrforr, b* taken that tb* litittry la a almpl* on*. No ■ipfleinne tt**d b* attarbrd to tbn fart that Hi* Royal lllgtinr** paannl a rmtlr** nlsbt, Conaldrrlna thr heat of tbr wmthrr. It would hare turn rx tremrly atrangc If b* had not been rcatlra* after having Drat analMlnrd the ahoek of the arrldent, followed by tbr tatlgne of a railway Journey which apr-rar* to bare been ' wtteudct! by an untoward hreakdnwn— and flbiehlng up with a rurtlral ex- . areloaßon of (he Injured limb. The account of (be manner In which the fracture occurred la quit* In keeping with ordinary experlrnre of thin com mon but rather peculiar Injury. It appears that the Prince waa walking down atalr* when hr slipped and either fell or aaved himself by an effort. The kneecap la probably more often frac tured In this wav than In any other. ■ *sp*e'ally In ivweons who have losl the actlrlty of youth. "It would be (bought at first flipht to be an extremely difficult thing to break this particular bone In hn'f except by direct violence. It Is of a circular shape, and resemblos a email, thick blacult. Thr outlines can be readily 1 felt under the skin. If one stands up, but leaves the museles of the leg r;*- ; taxed, the kneecaps ran be moved •bout freely; but If thr leg be stretched but eUft .t w' 1 be found to be llrmly fixed. This Is because the large mua cW on the front of the thigh are at tacked to It, and when put In artloa they draw up with great force. The lower edge of the kneecap Is attached to an extremely strong band, which can also be felt drawn tight when the leg Is stretched out stiff. Now. It will be easily understood that wlsen a per son stumbles and falls when going down stair, and endeavors to recover himself, the sudden effort places an Immense strain on this bone, serving, as It does, for a link between tbe pow erful muscles above tbe knee and (he strong ligaments below it. Tbt- strain may be so great as to snap the bone across tbe middle like a biscuit. Thus, fracture may Occur—and frequently doss—without falling at all. In oilier eases the Injury may be caused partly by violent Impact with the ground. In addition to the strain due to great muscular effort. Happily, in a healthy patient, the worst consequences to be apprehended are some weeks of en forced rest and a certain degree oi T-wl *---r Ml Mka *A •»■—<** *M» (**'«•* [** §gp *4 j»i*—if «4M» Ms» fP# ! 4 -=t •** ». ami mi— 1 ***** m*~»»*** **■* ; tm ****** Ma* mi'iiHaa *a «** *rnm» | ..§44o# If# <i»4t#l»» ft ff fN» IfMMf |p«- mm fpiNA f# * •»»** M—MMIM** MM **A '■•**• #* *' * * aw ■%•■**’'* *** a a—** •** ***aa* * a-* -<M «M* ••• «HM— aa**M •*•#•** ** m tmmrnm « ha THE MARKETS CfjfMMlfilf Hißff iNNI fp#i»"if ff Ik#* (MffTViil f fWt Il'Wfli niff mm*** 9 * ! ftfaaif #•*UNWH# m m m 9mm tom* mm mm ** H m* m ; [llfelfff #* t -f### j IffUlifi A Iff* WHHiHf pm** *''H j Hgn piMKfiffffc mm InffP* fffH * * ffMMrf omm Immmmm mm mm m ** m mm RM f»,. \mmm ** # - "*** If p j.m twijj foom**- otm tuM### m ff ffMMMf 00$ IfNMMfI mi #• ? tfMffHfpi« 940 «« - *•’ t~" ft t omto% m f A if# | rijriintn. twfiM fWN»i ** m j •#► *#«W mm m* +* mm mm •• • iUmmm ***** -■•..*..*** Hi a tiffin, *m, rwn9m*rn * «. H •#*•» ** \ « f%Mi iHm&m pm pmmm *#••*•- #■* iffiwi trnrnmm pmm ** *• *-* #***i ? ,» •• •• *« ** i» f'tirr* mm m **« *• 2 <%MMf tnm m mm mm mm •• « ** ft»—l aMM MN WW-IW-hP t*w>M* .... AMI *•* MTS SfiM'K MAAS AT HM'I M*h mmmmm tm ***** fA—Mk M—try AraA new* mAm m •• A » hlltw* <*mmm Ik •***• >• •• ■ * TM fINHHNMtV #%•♦#*<## MMN** «*•« mm mm li* -* *• IMikf*. »!»*—>n* t*i mtum f#—l#f *lltAi* f**NPfff 9000 mm**** *m f* j M.*|i H iMMMf 000000 if **’ Mm .V.MS***. ** .* »* *. m-m Mti'i #»•«* fwtfMr* ***** ***• *• .* y .* •••* ** •”* * Mh ***, h M ißia jo tm lt iff* •• ** M«l«k R ff*»<N fnH ft*** m*. •#***• Wrw^WANB * m« iMMft. O <1 . f** 4** * ft - !#• ftf* Ipmp M H , §*** f*** • IS 3ft, lh#m *>**o. H H . f#f *«• . ft ft* Vflt iNfrltt*, 0 ft ts IS. OUT <*c*»t*f I fNuHrik fluff Inf* inf fH»**flftMPi Htifif«#irlf)* *4 Ailtlfti . *# V . Oft f»f fl ft ffMftfflff mm # l“# . tliaallNttl*. all S S ikwuaf ..<*•* (Kill* .. • »• at«MH»vm* 11 n it it • n JnMn P King PI I I iWiltll .< I jotm I*. king II tarb fit* * H gfritlt. MILS. ferllcfUt. IM jrdt. lo spool, pwv do* - • <'or t trot It. M yMa. lo ap*»l. per do* a DUftcfflWW , MlorettoneOu* brand* . .. «•*»*» fhatrr Otto tor,ltd> MxM «« •• •• ..I IM Victor* M M ••*•**•• N M M I I'l WKKJAM Pnlt of the loom, M laArr >1 •• • I*l I Prutt of th* loom. M lack** *• •• A IM Cahot, 1-1 tmhro „ .......... I N C'ahot, M .« .. * *4 - Alpine Rear# 4*l » * m h •« •• II 1-t I-fide of the Went •! 1-1 Jm P. Ktmr 1-1 It R ohtrdna .. • I*l Jan. P. King «-« A A aborting .. 1 1-1 Ironodale 4*1.• •• •• >• •• •• •• •• 1 I*4 J«u P Kin*. M Inch Oeorgta .. .. 4 I*l l inn p King. 11 lad E C #** Island •• •« •• •• •• •• -• •* •* 1 I*'l Jn<- P. King. M Hwb Ex **• 1 Island * >*• Jno. P. King M Inch Superior I 1-4 PIIINTM. American aMrtlnga. 4t*4l -. .. •• * I*l .Merrimack *hlrtlng». 44x44 .. .. .. 4 ' Charter Oonk Arena alyls* »M*4o .. 11-1 Waahlngton Oil* ((Mary) » Allen's (fancy .. 4 1-* glmporm'* 1-4 percale* .• •• 1 Cnalee Apool codon, per d0a.,.. „ 41 American Indigo blue*. 44 x 44 .. .. 1 1-1 Plater Oils (aolldl 44x44 4 1-4 American Indigo blue*, #4x44 .. .. 4 1-4 IntcrnatliAial blark* 44x44 4 l-l Alicia’* cardinal* 44x44 4 1-1 1 Allen * Lntonaa 44x44 .« .. .. .. 4 1-1 , India blue India blue 44x44 4 I*l Ktinglant * *4x44 4 1-1 Hamer'* r*dlant» 44x44 4 1-S Martha Washington 54x44 .. .. .. 1 3-4 Hope Hull , Chater Oaks, 64x#4 11*4 TICKS. Hampshire *••• •• 4 R-* Amoskeag A C A 10 1-1 Amoskeag A 1® Amnakeng * 3 '« Reciprocity 7 I ‘* PLAID HOMESPUNS. i f*|ty Mill* * ,_ * Pour yard, good 32 Inch .. .. .. .. 6 1-4 , I,mil Shll-tlngs 54x56 3 1-4 1 Lodi dress styles 56x60 3 1-4 At. Clair dreas style* 4 Ocean solids 3 3-4 Marital W«*hlngrti*> fancies .. .. 3 3-4 Miscellaneous brands, light weight 13 *'* 'lsoettn 6 yards plain % .. 3 1-4 ! Thorndike B *3-4 j Hercules 7 I*4 [Amoskeag 9 I Crescent Pel hum, 32 bal Ito box 15 F, O. P., SO l>alls to box 1# jl2 G. P., 20 ball* to lb 17 1-2 1 Muscogee * 1-2 127 inch 4 1-2 yd. plaids, best make -4 Simpson's atlk finish poulards 64x 64 4 3-4 Simpson’s solid black 64x64 ~ .. 5 Pacific mournings 64x64 6 China silks 64x64 4 1-4 Mlddleford 5 Hockport 5 1-2 Slater 64x64 * 3 2-4 Concord, 56x60 3 1-4 Rome 56x60 3 1-4 Kdwards 3 1-3 Keystone 3 1-2 Fiftti Avenue 3 1-4 KKARSRY’S. Heavy Columbia, heavy Kearaey S 1-4 Kincaid and others 0 1-4 LIME. CEMENT AND PLASTER. Lime * •• • 3 [j Kosendnle cement. $1.45 Portland cement 12.75 to 3.25 Louisville cement in paper sucks . $1.25 Plaster ki H ‘5 HARDWARE. ; Well buckets, per do* I 3 09 1 Painted buckets, per doz .. .. sl-1* •ran: A.TTOTJSTA- HERALD If ■ m m ***** mm** m* m*m -- v 9 m] I > H ft • - mm* * * MW •«* •* * I *wwa mm*’*9 *M» W*m mm* ** * ♦Mini ''## otf ®S . m «,#i liiii mam, »» m ? i# I #-##■ *->****m tm tmmt Imm#* Irgiiti. mmm. m M Ri n ***** fOO ilium ****9os mimk m* 4m># e MrAI |pwNi VMMi -•#m 3* -r *9t 9mm\ ’ jrf.»'iam>L PMi *4O PM§.,. 00$ o*o m M ft# «* o*os o*Ws o*o In# rn »r I# ** I * ss*o**o sooo*- sos lift . m m m' v& 9 #* I ' wnii •*# *4 **r ft Hk * l o*s 44ft I if ■ * **o* ot* o*o , 8 m* ** • §# 9* I 00* *m**oo** ffti 0 tso o*o m » fti I o+m o*m»osHsk ft fftftf o*o (Mt m PI 1 40 mm 000 o*oo*9 0* som s** & | ft# *** MftMMOftft (ftNM * Efti ift# # ftp# $0 0 I ,o**oo* so*m, $$ ftr 4 4#. 4 444 i Mi ftgftf* VPPKftPi PUP m«000 . Ip# 0$ 000 f ( ftPftPrf ; o*oos Ml fftMHftplP I I ft ftk: M#'i iff ••»« <u**pm I » ft* M 4 lift •ft m* ISmSSi * » m m «i *sm i >ft* »«ft *Hi *♦* t*mr % <M» * ftp £ m Mi •*. I nil mamm * | APPPPMI fit M 4 m*m* s** mm 0000*00 ftft* MR •««* M **• APpPPftP ft* 9M4 **» I## i pjpna ft ft«ft*b fl## M 1 ApppflftA ftp. t#r* •«•* Ms ••• A*MMt ftp MM **t4 IIP *** I 1 AVIpPftP *P ***** t«*i Ml •*• AtftPPtP ftP WP# ,»m Itt mmm AllMrtft # ftft* IM , I# mm ; AtlPPftA ftp Mff aa»g IMP Eitlipll #*P sms to* IIP ft —nr ftp Mil »t—— 00 mm CIwftPPMMMI ftp HP# * 4b. ftp# 'rHpT“l-*n I 94* IMP i«# $$ ssoxmio f I JT* IMP mm M 4 ft#! M*' ftP Ml# *mmm IM #rVNpMi#4# ftpftp *»mm ## ••• CIHWPPMMI ftp IM •••« 14 • • TlniAri fl A 11.9M)A f» ftOftfU. f%9«**Uk It H A IP| O* ft*. IM . * -•« Mft H 4 (l#nrfi« ft, R, 0 SOO Cm ftp MM a. », *a It a. •• .* Hi f«* [fUrPllt, CMmPi A Ap* j OW9I m, IM #*P IM# •»«# *■* "•» j riMri'4l* CwtoMbbta m Aw gwata. tm fa IM* ■> •• —•* Itt ••• luguaSa Ito M H . I'g I*l4 If ... cilLlt kaaklAi da. CMltol «ta| Trwst I'o. IMI * *• •* goat bam Railway V*. HN W tt ('Mitral of Georgia Railway, IM nowaol soon r*. 1*44 ... w ** e. of a tat a«t tw * *• A'wMrsi of Oewrgto Railway. t| prof taeniwea, 1444 •• »■ 13 14 ; If-, of O Ist ftyf. ta. 1444 ... I <1 $ *r . lot m ft 1*44 .. 14* 143 j South Georgia and Florida, td Ta is** .. .. •** «.* South Georgia and Florida. 2d Tk **• ••• Ocoaa gteamahtp Co.. Ist *’» ‘*4 FACTGRT BOND* Enterprise 34tg. Co., Ist fa glbley Mfg (V. Ist rs. 11*3 . 144 ... Sibley Mfg O*.. Ist 4’s. 14*4 . s4* GRAIN AND I’ROV IgIONB. Oats, whits, sicked 43 Oats, mixed, sacked .. •• «• »• «« 4® Cora, white, sacked .. .. •• •• ••*• •• H t'urti, mixed, sacked 5* Meal, bolted, per bushel 54 Flour, common .. .. .. •• •• •• I * 3 Flour, fancy 5. id Flour, setond patent .. * •* Flour, standard patent •-*• Flour, fancy patent * ■ 7 * Wheat bran. l«*-tb aacka ■ Fine feed. 140-lb , 0 ° tlsy- native per ton Hay—Tbnothy, l-er ton 14. M Hay—choice, per ton *4 Hama—choice sugar cured .. -3 Smoked rtb side* 7 I>ry salt riba J *'* Lard, pure leaf. In llejcc* 7 Lard, kettle, rendered In tlercea . 7 3-4 Sugar, granulated * •*• Woman nntl Her Ascot. Man dislike* nothing more than to see hi* Aacot tie «m a woman. But she has elected to wear It and w.-ar It she w ill In spits of his disapproval. She wear* It with a thin lawn shirt waist just as readily a* she does with a severe tatlor-maile coat, never stop ping to think that man consider* the Ascot bad form unless tie- coat Is worn buttoned to hide the ends. But never mind: woman says that the Ascot is swell and becoming to her. so man might Just as well make himself contented about her wearing it. Every day see* something new in the Ascots. They are made of duck, cot ton cheviot. Japanese silk, gingham, canvas, silk, satin and even wool. Tbo very latest are of a conspicuous plaid material. Visiting the Indian Schools. Miss Estelle Reel .superintendent of Indian schools for the United States, lms just started Into the field to attend the summer Institutes of the Indian schools throughout the far west, and after that will visit all the agencies where schools are established. These visits will practically keep her in the field, cotnlnuously traveling and reporting on the schools until December 1. The methods of teaching in the In dian schools form a most Interesting study, and cover ground not Included in the usual school curriculum. Queen. In Tampa. Fla., the other day Amer ican soldiers did a thing that would liuve raised a protest a year ago. They Joined tn singing “God Save the Queen," rti honor of Victoria's birthday. It Is really astonishing how senti ment ha* changed since England has openly sympathized with the United States in our war with Spain. OASTOEIIA. B«nx tie Ih ® 1(111(1 Yo ' J Haffi Alw3vs Sought rr GooD IUCK AaHNMHBKJAw fl AX I NG PCWDLR, 15 THE BEST. HlfhM 1 of All tn I *rv4>«- in# Ptupfi M UNCLE SAMS NAVY Portfolio No. 0 can b# t#- cured at Tho Herald office for IO cents end a Naval Coupon cut out of The, Herald. NUMBER NINE CONTAINS AXOhU OTHER GOOD THINGS, PICTURES OF Knsign Itoxl-y Pr<i(9ctr4 Oniifif Nf* Orl#ifio. Mnnltur Purtlan. TV-rpedo I»c*t DuponL , Secrete ry of St*fe. Map of Novel Otalencc*. shewing progress of the Army ee-d Nnvy of tbe United Stales. Pictures of Camp L‘f*. Nevy Tard*. Inrg* Map of Cuba and many other guod thing*. u■ “ r This coupon, when ac -1 conipanied with 10 cents, entitles the holder to one copy ot Unde Sam’s Navy Portifolio, at Thb Herald ofiice, Augusta, Ga. Mail ; orders must include 2 - cent , stamp for postage. 9 9 Hack numberi of thift Hnndaomt' riea can still be obtained The Her ald office. FOE S-A-XjIEJ. 520 Greene street, a mo dern brick residence with mansard roof. All conve niences and in Rood repair. Will sell at an extremely low figure. Also house and lot 450 Telfair street. Will sell at price of lot. Apply to CLARENCE E. CLARK, Real Estate. 832 Frond Street. FOR SALE gtf~ 1 have for sale very desirable build ing sot located in the centre of one of the handsomest blocks in the city. Will sett same very cheap. Just the place for a handsome residence for your family. Good titles. CALL ON MRS JERRY O’HARA, NO. 1327 GREENE STREET. M ttttg# vtaovtw ST. iLBEBTBOTEL ! Ii Hillman. Ca., [ 00***0t 00M** -■ ■*-* •"**«*' -•■‘•‘v # jft Et*fl*BL $Cn Cl THE REED HOUSE ft f f ! % § odj ft# il# ‘rrr<MiMWiittrit iI ***s 000M*m s*m*smsoi lAftiiiwi # tm o*o* I MU* M- 4* mm fib FOR RENT. I M*iß4Ylt ft O#MI ftT t^Kftftfl. ftfMAft <D*#MA*f t* t«M | m#Np t s*t 9*os tA#> s*ss**sooo %s9ofo**oso9 *090*90 *OO JOHN W. DICKEY. 1 .*4 t Library IbdN 't Mpast NgL U3fc\ ut»rt gome few snteiß discredit this **- win*, but tboaa «jm> h art tried • Gas Hang* cow'd mm to- induced tn j adopt the old fashioned natk-d again. To* sen it la an r**y la ■ OSS* ■ ttto Ila* Mange If you *ant erne vrentobbre JtfO WK# Iflofr flfowtY • ftftft rni'flhT Lav* but lo Him Ik* thumb •rr»«r ttilil fOV Will f**l4H* tb# h*Nii to ony ft** •goo {Too dull* Tb# 00m* with yoftf ruaat If l« to doing too -job-hly. yo* don't need to thru* “pen tho uven door and ran the risk of cMll'ng tt To* ran regulate your runs# lo *ult your m**t. Tin Gjs Liikt Co. of Hpila, 422 BROAD ST. TO RENTI I From Oct. Ist, handsome House of eight rooms, all modern conveniences- No. 1251 Ellis Street. Also Cottage House of 6 rooms No. 1329 Ellis St. APPLY E. J. HICKEY 212 Bth Street. Buy four Wife a Greene Street Home. No. 412 Greene Ptrrvt la located toi one of the most desirable sections of the city. House built of brick tti « handsome and durable fashion. Con tains eight room*, hath, etc., ail In good order. Lot 48 by 176 feet. If you contemplate purchasing a home it will he to your interest to con sider this property. John W. Dickey, 1 and 2 Library Building. DON’T RUN THE RISK of Using Bad Language, But Go To Simmons’ Bicycle Shop 711 BKOAD street, And Get Your Work Ecue Well. For the next GO -lavs Bicycles Enameled for $2.00 High Grade Work. Lowest prices In town on Repairing. Second nsnd Bicycles bought aud sold on easy payments.. ALL WORK GUARANTEED SALE OF SUBURBAN LAND BY THE ACRE The Augusta and Summerville Land Company will sell, at public sale. 70 acres of land' on the Harrisonville Road, in blocks of two to seven acres, on Tuesday, August 23d, at 5 o’clock p m. W. C. JONES, Secretary. haltbuat- utißifrtii** Cbsrlnton IW C??o'in« A## soos 0 0900*$$ $0 ss*o9os HHHj A# •~- i **s**'*mso 1,-gi BT - * tj* | m 41 W*ssssommmm*-*«* y r ,** m s***o ) . • jL, ,- r ’ o***l * ss»**o * e*m4«»4**«t ,''***4' - ftAJftAM J * #l|a#Ml»M4*M4>**»*- 4*4 II MM 1 A# $ *o*9oo a I# it 4 *«» I I -#!•## ] : •# A. A Ira f »*»>, »♦»**. 1 01 om*osh*ss 0$ Aft | ra. if R ■ mm Ml 0 0 *9" * * ofk pmm-m * ■ w* mm »* •» • * w - i *OO tt *9s*ot**s oso s9*9o 90 sos ss*f $m mi s*o9o9*** s**o** m s9oo*s | 90990 9»o9** 9* ft#, *os*so BLUE MDGF, RAILBOAD. 1 9 4” t '0 Ift Aft J»l'i <*f s9f% ft ft It II 10 <■ A M PM i ,!.«#•*’♦ Affltt P# Pft* i Wfl If N* ft PMkM 01 •-0 i Will *Uh» sUfp mi ftftbtbc I v t , i- t <tm ttift* ftodthriß full* : !«r§y ff«* 13 *t Anftrr#»>f» rati*** So* U mft $7 ft! j J. R. ANOBMOO. #fto»rmtniftfftL ATLANTIC COAST LINE. tkCITITf iMi ql li I LSI KOCTb TV THE KJtPT IM'koril. FHORT«rr AND QUICKKfIT ROUT# TO THK CAtT AND NORTH. I to* Lv.,August*. <l#..Ar ) T.Sixm : *i«pm I.V Aiken Ar I 7:tt»« 4:l7pm Lv —D< nmarli....Ar»pm Lv.. ..Orangl-’g ... Ar s:4<tom 4:46pm| Lv..Sumter, S. C \r 4.*9um I B:2spm Lv....Floretu* ..Ar I 3:2»*» . Ito.-s.7mnj Lv.. Fayetteville... Ar ! 1 14pm j jijjam Ar Petersburg.V* Lv 1 412 pm | 4:ooam Ar....Rl< hmtnd....Lv > 8 12pm j 7:4lam, Ar.. Washington..Lv 3.46 pm I 3.o3am' Ar.... Baltimore. ...Lv 2:25pm |l!:3iam; \r..Phllad*lptl*. Lv ;13 tOpm 3:o3pm, Ar... .New Turk....Lv ; liKam, j Pullman palace buffet sleeping car* I from Macon and Augusta to New York j without .-hanee. It. A. BRAND. Gen. Agt., 723 Broad St., August*. G*. T M. EMERSON, Trafll Manager. 111. M EMKRBON. Oen. Pnas Agt. CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY. Schedule In Effect, March 6, 1898. Easti rn Time Standard. Leave Augui'o. Southern Ity .. 5 50 p m. Arrive Chester, Southern Ry.. 7:18 a m Leave Chester, C. A N. W. By 7:45 a m Arrive Lenoir, O. & N. W. By 1:16 p.m. Lenve Lenoir, Stage 2;0» p.m. Arrive Green Park, Stage .. 7.00 p.m. Arrive Blowing Kook, Stage .. 7:30 p.m. G. SV. HARPER, C. F HARPKR. Frestdefit T ' A ••If You Want to Mike Money, Move In the Company of Tho** Who Are flaking Money. *• 50UND ADVICE FPO.M A SUC* CESSFUL FATHER TO HIS SON STARTING CUT IN LIFE. &«'. ADVF.RI ISERS WHO USE THK HER ALD GET RESULTS. ! WHY NOT GET IN THBIR COMPANY.* OSUEK YOUR COAL and WOOD, FROM THK North Augusta Coal & Supply Co Quantity and Quality Guaranteed. F. W. SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Beil Phone 2104 Stronger 3t» AUGUST 5 sson..o4*os* pcmm&PtM* S. t t L Mil WIT CO ## A* A #*s $> * #•* *9OO t . tojMk -vw im ImM *o*o 0 m## 4 mWa #f #lftV #Ak%* A » * * -*mrw #-»** fl# #Ror>- s<* • tm* t 1 *■*« $$ s** * *"* * m • j , .. jk fkWf yfftt ■*• ’ % * pur -■9*9*s * ***oo9 $ I f-#Hr *•**'- #M' m a 0 # ftNßftkN***-'.; ftMkAHMA A#*-#'* "• ■' '•* *#' ft*# 1 * wppiMftij# -.JpA i l 1 %9ssom*m $ s*m 9 * ##■■**• 4»« #IM A# * 000 At A *50990 - / ||%>J - ms . 4 ii q, , * fiki*#*MHftft-. AMB A* ift# % *mrn »t #*#*» IMM ikiftjlWiiA mtMMx s9ols $ t*9ss 00*0*$ 9ks**m j* 9s* 9 ***- "■- < i#M* ‘ ni , a, i i f*., t >ig s**o9* I TsJßft#o * I*++*****++ ■■ •-■5 S9O %ml «lm mi m *M* $ •*$ •*9*om9* $99 J H fAlt* |.| IftiNM. t f " $0 .* -»« ><** 99* SOUTHERN RAILWAT.* ~§r ** VI|M it«#« ttflttk* M)4 fNMAfe 4anMMaMM lMaa<*MWws* - .-—si—- . Mr A*b *$ ««tUsftoW4 tlMl. n *•* •mp ;iSg : iisg'lls t rWaXII tt Kill * ft# ft pt a ! ALnItL i ma# # hi a, Mcamf ttttftari s*» *f ft M ** it **>s ? <ft# : .. ilSj. 45: • 4iZH*lpm 1 -%«•»*< II fi • ... I iftfl IH A, r,dff r 'r,!-| 4rv’t. * l *!• : \rrZ ~ - fsM:: At uSrtMto f g\g.>.t.-ra - : *.p_MM* L. tor—»-bu». 4 *? S2E * Ar i-rfUk ‘ •■•» “*» ' fKitg ylltt jtttt 0 I Aft jT a ii v i M M' r m '• T -I <#l v*-*2rS7:~ TT: Tt: : y.-ct- j; -t a; is: S—thb—*. >z£ RMtt |t N**tt Yfirti f*» HR 4 Mil K* IN»# - j iiitttlrhaAl* i ssns Sift* ! l,* n$ E * % Lv W«wh »4>B. jkk Rv K) 4ft* I! ISA . ■■■■ I II ■ ■ mu - n Rirhmottd i. Ml U<V»A L* ' # M#a| llift rr'vt?3t • Ar H:« l«rc t n • L 1 *A§ fS| ** i ‘KftrV»s t# R 9 3ft* )U Ai# - I, , k Hill . *0 #1 II * l - ***’frr 10 fcs» HO7 p - V irL *»Ff» . ... . f n 41* rft 'Jft A fir Hitr I*o 0 13 iaaTii*. I® A ■v. ColttKiUttk n .*t*v t. : lip! 4'«A » J. hiMttf»na ,* l* p «0»a % " Ttra-aLrvUki ..... U ft* |- T A Ar Aii|B-‘» ___ ftlftp I.v Ashen!> ft'* a##i LV NjmrtAiifHtrf !11 »* n!5 0 Lv-oc4l#Ay— ‘ » Oft F 4<^a Ar.diftrMtw *4O r H % Lv Ml *y.. .... 11 » » Ift 47 a •* hMvajirtth 447 f & <** A Ar Jwrte» nvtli* •• 2Sf» # Ift j ii f Art 'bßftVH K ExunUwt Ailljr j»v**no*r *#nrim betw**B flundii Aiui Nett York. No#. X «od ;#» -AV L-bUi*t‘»n and HonlkwMoni Lmnr«d Solid YmtiHU'd truin ttith ’.Join# car# *»«d c!*»m oottebew n4»rlh <»f PuHqkd dr#wing nN>m Hifeptngi‘#r» l»ei«rM* Taro:'#. J»ekt<mnUe. Dovannah, Waakinftoo and Jim* York. „ , .. Fnllinaa A'.raping C»r% br tween Chartott# ami Kichmond . Puiir.iaa cirawinirroom •deepir* uar* tween (iroenaboro «.nd Norfolk ( tlon *i Norfolk for OLD IHd.hT arriria? ther« !n time for brn*krai»t. go»M train, wttt Parlor earn, betwee* Char lon* oa and Ashwiile. N<W. :a «Ukd »—t;. 8. rnnt Mail. Throng# Pullman drawing mem boffot Kim ping raw bnt tvtca Ja4'kHt»mriU# and New York ana Pul# mar. ab’Otuug cttjw ootween Angnata and ih*rt lotto. Pnuaaan «W*t*pUif car* l»twe*n Jaclw «t hivilb' and Columbia-, on root*' daily beiwoe* Jueksonvine and Cincfnnati. via Ashorfllo. FRANKS.GANNON, 4. M.CCLP* i Third VP- AIM. Mgr J M,WMhipft°A W a^P. T A. H WatthingtOA. U Sfp. A.. AUant^ GEORGIA - - RAILROAD. (TOth Meridian Time.) Schedule Effective April 24, 1844. Pullman Sleepers between Macon «nk New Tc-rk. Through Pullman Sleepers between AU» guata and 3t. Ix>uie. Lv Augusta .. T:«*m! 3:2opm|lo:3opi* Ar Atlanta ... 12:36pm! B:2opin| b:ooa.m Ar Macon .... !l:15«m| I 6:4oun» Ar Athens .. ..il2:lspm| 7:3opm] Ar GalneavlUe|*3:4spm| Ar White Pla*l:oopm| Ar Mlll'sc le .jl0:10am| | 4:3oar* Ar WA»h’ton ..]lo:loatn| 7::opm| w Picayune train leaves Augusta dal!g except Sunday at 6:15 p. m., and ar. rives at MilledgevlHe at 8:10 p. m. Trains arrive at Augusta 5:11 a. m-* 7-45 a. tn.. 1:20 p. m . and 8:25 p. m. A. G. JACKSON. G. P. A. JOE W. WHITE, T. P. A. —J