The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 06, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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2 SATURDAY NO WAR PRICES lutlu** fa*## ©Ktott#itoM WMfhm * * * • T :: .• ,\v .S' ** umm ili« Lutk * » • • fai lAlinti at Ctf" l ** II 00— r*. t imv« m a tfw «j»y* 10 buif »%#w t*H Mn# t Ototo 9* v# ymi aft la OO imm n»«« a*! •" paretwina*. Larwani ouxtk of OtonmoffKib »n Awtoo«*« LEWIS J. SCHAUL, jbwbLbr. y n u«r the Afl.rtjfltm Nttlml j NEWS Of OUR NEIGHBORS. FROM OUR OWN COOIROPONDIN T 9. CM ARMIN'I V»m«A tk>. AM *•#» • A«i> a !#*«•*• Apw«*t t* Tb# AWN 4. Thhk m C, *•* **• Sms ■••• a tM lb# p#** *bs#e • *# May <4*r» «i » «*• M • ton sm! isa'' *»*•*•• Am Sw| p*t •Ml |AM>M *»#'.** iMw* *u» Th*j mm* «•»«* ■** •"* *r mm *¥lf *Ss* sstf Is tsMsw MA** wst» TV r •*♦ A*» •*»** b*#* *#i** Imtt 1 thousand Ooliars “ tl 4 y V iM* V \ ri sv^ /♦jci I w \ 1 sbi.sMS'SW, •**, WORTH OF Musical Instruments FOR 50c ON THE SI. 9 RIB MANDOLINES WwH Nn II Rosewood Guitars Wtiwll* fom IT • **Amati” Violins WYr* M..« tt a* i I inch Banjos (•Ilk calf li»ad»t «>• M »>'«« *t*o 2 Stop Accordeons W«r< t< K«f Birch Guitars W art *6 Few »Y*o Snare Drums (M lack ÜbII Hr»d») W«r*»M *•« »l» Ti m non Uir mtdai at Ik* At lanta Xi(HW4iiea. Thomas & Barton, W. H. BARRETT, Rerelvtr. TW Broadway. >ugua.a, Oa. and It always welcomes such viailor* a* U has recently bad. Personal Mention Dr. Q. W. Wise and hl» daughter, Mra. W W. Adame, are sojourning at Cleveland Spring*. Missel Kate Gaston and Isabel Stringfellow of Chester. end Martha Dwight, of Wlnosboro, have been vlalt- Ing M a* Addle Hughes. Mr*. A. D. Jones, of Augusta, la attending awhile with her father and Wider. Mr. and Mr*. I* A. Ashley. Mr. George W. Whitney has return- | ed to bia home In Augusta, after a visit to Mr. H. A. Tillman Jr. Mr. Jordan, of Kochelle., Ga.. la with : relatlvw for a tew’ day*. Mis* Ullle Rountre and Mrs. Tracy Mstbowson, of Augusta, are spending tome time in Tran ton. A MU* Sadie Dee. of Abbeville, after a j visit to Miss Lonu Tillman has gone j §f LADIES’TIES SOMETHING NEW J. MILLER WALKEE THE HATTER. TCTSr ox HATS to Greenville. Miss Tillman accom panied her. • Mr. D. D. McCall, jr.. of Columbia, has been with Mr. J. G. Hughes for a few days. Mrs. M. E. Oeay haereturncd from Cleveland Springs. Miss Ula Neal, of Columbia, has t«n visiting here. Senator Tillman went to Hampton for a few days last week. Sergeant W. W. Fuller, of the Second South Carolina regiment, was here on Wednesday. Mr. C. D. Brown and children haw returned to their home In Abbeville, after a most pleasant visit to Mrs. Brown s mother, Mrs. J. E. u; „ CAHOUNA c aortal. ' to h* Am tbM# « tA* !%#••** si *A» ftaard «0 Csnosi. I fa 99m» H# ■ *»4i Mfartrt* mi 9 IX. AMS Aa ** 4M ffr* 1 HMMI si MM fao*9 9faS*4 «f OrtMffa I•£ v* moot ISMMS •** • psAi ISAS liS = «ht (Milßi #OOO tAM* 4fa SIMpNSMMRSS fSAf I ({9 ||n in ffa f*#ol ffApSHNS •fart* trt 11|« SS9 HWSIMfFW* ISt ttSA (, «!« Jftftsftff « TIM fa##4 r«*4 ill*sis sm iss sss *mi m [t# IMF ffa 1 twlmtw ImMSp sf tlk# Sf'SpNl [|l»» 9f; 4 |$ T.SSS far MSf* 9 *4OOOI • SS tb* «aa If *»*• »4Hrba»»d «a Ass ISffMI fafafafa of I fus far ISIS SHRS’It Iprsasiv •$ 1 As —fed sir* A»s* M I VM« tb* CM* iHAtr'TISSA'SS s. A* I9faf> tmmst As#9fa sk-S ■ f St* rtfafa fat •toMss A MaS am as Wa——— at is k* Aanflt ri ruga las I A a##s*d wory Aa* Aaws «MM lot Asif ,1* ismgtb sad iha aMtt pant issk«M*4 sha *< s»r-'4»is baud Msg Tb* as#oa4 ftanr A I Sl*l4a tftsla mMBS As aM aar* aad Asr4 Slff t is#* aa4 lA# lossy flow, As ppifnftf ftt<s4 fur Morssc sn4 Andltas Trsaisrir Bulf »■ fl»» K Z Bros* Intiinr of As-1 Asrtoa rsssl|r. Aaa assi Asa rwMsMUos Is ts «A* •osarnitr TAa rasaos. Aa asr*. la Aa ksosn In Aswll I. Laos Had* isassauais si lain.; 0. P , Aaia( appofatsd atspasr at! I*!line |y xal ts Ala rfafssaillos. Mr ThMdaoi Dsas of ftpariaoburt sat la loss fsafsdsa. Ha tolil Tfca j ; Haral4 rorrsasosAasf tAat Itpsrtas. born bail assi as 10 paoirrdar DM aaas to fAa war MUHart nattrra. Srrat Cfcaa J. Kpfw Aaa bass ost ra rrn ilna for lbs Hamad rs*ion*»(. IVWatr fhyta and Has ansai sra! to AAbadliAr on ravraiilaa day. Id. Roasaafp-r Aaa Jtiaf raturord from iha tosar pari of tAa flats I*3*'v r*n ttii 0 POIUPR *d ibtoiiKb ThuradaT n ahi oa tbalr say to join lAa Kind ncinrat at Jas Uaisvilla. * .11 raania Coi and Collar Aaaa tioau appofMol apartal rrrruli!n* olfl cara by IJ. Col, Tboyapaoa. Today Id. Pot «n#a to Charlaatc<B. whlla Id. Cat- Ut *r>a» to Oranartiura Rurgaont will accompany rack offiraa. Prltate rxpadltlona. Sf-varal man will go out oa prisata rrcriiitlnd axpadiUcma If a man will meruit iblrty-four man ha will raaaiva a conraSafionmt off lea from (ha ipivar oor. li la a quaafton whrthar ttils will pay a mnn for bla trouble and axpanaa. for hr haa to hear hU own expantas whlta doing thia work. Among tumy of theta who axpnrt tn try thia ara Bar*i. Wood of Company A., Corporal Harry, Co. C.. and Corporal Hast of Cos C. mephziuam7 Funeral Ser\ ke» of the Child of Mr. C. S. Atkinson. Spriclal to Tbo Herald. Hcphxfbßh, Oa.. Aug. 6.— Mrs. Far mer uod the young ladles of (he house hold have returned home. The protracted meeting at Hephzlbah closed yesterday morning. There wore four secessions to the church. Kev. J. W. R. Jenkins eonduetiMi the funeral services of the lltle child of Mr. C. S. Atkinson, near lOysvllle, yester day. * Mcssrst -T. 1.. Henderson and S. 0. Story, of Walter, were In the village yesterday. Mr. J. W. Baxley conducted services In the M. E. church last evening. Mr. H. B. Turner leaves tonight for Oordele, where he has accepted a posi tion as telegraph operator for the A. & « H. K. Mr. J. Allen Clark Is preparing to en ter the medical college at Augusta this fall. The road hands, under the direction of Mr. Gerrge Dixon, have done some good work here. There is some yet to be done. The gang is noiv at work on the Hephzihah and Mcßean road. Mr. Sam Tarver, of Tarver’a. was in the village. Churches Tomorrow. Hephzlbah eliurhc record for Sunday. August 7tb, 1898: Baptist church, Sabbath school at 10 a. m. Preaching by the pastor. Rev. J. W. R. Jenkins, at 11:15 a. m. and 8:30 p. m. Metho dist Episcopal church: Sabbath school at 5:30 p. m. All ara Invited to at tend these services. Pistols. Double Barrel Guns—Pistols, Harrington & Richardson Brand new pistols, 82.50; Harrington & Richardson second hand pistols. $2.00, Amelias® double action pistol. SI.OO. Guitar. Man dolin and Banjo Strings, 2 for 5 cents, at L>. J. Schaul, Reliable Pawnbroker. THE -A.XJGrUST.A- HERALD tHttit r f it* S PCMOt’ a ms r**»*«• m*4 **• V* * tNw «M Kwar*i tmm Vofew imm «.«A* •paaaf la TA» »>■«M * 'aaa W tip An# A- -#* O*A HH| faffpgfa * ill fa * farfaMi hi mm* $ v fa* fai §^**&*s tfaiMi T* Bit -# 4 §****• fauw iM ifafa fat 9fa#% Hi #Ft« 9*4 Fflfaf lhfa» I liFNI os> ofai4 fait fadl Ml 4 fatfll fa j Wo m gfai *# 4'ttfafa.i %fa * om «M *fafai tfafafa* t m* fattufat fa fa*-w ||<4A» fall* IfatfaifaM fait fa* ifalfa.. j Ufa- (fa-lpfa fafafafa *fa***4 *n» f«nf ifatf : f| a# fatifaF ' T % #*n #9oo# 99 H«0» H»tfa9i' I far i -4fa HklX999‘4 ' f 99 9 tfaH fa Isa fafafatfa fa** ft***# Ofa' 0 *1 Wot*™— fa i*l fa* it fa Ufa Ittrfa** %*rl*ti* $0 *H si* - 9 99 99%CIHfaP Ifartl 99* fa fif«*ai4*9r9*• f***-’«l|i9t om 4fafa4* far* Wlltfafa fltl t**t 9*9*4 99 I tTlf4>T fat 9 tfafa fa fafafafa «F*#%* fa Mt 4fa4 fa 9*9 M 4 t*srti 099 fa H«t far fa**9i# #99 fail far wit* .iffat 9fa»«*of ttf f <9<99t 9ftl 1m44 fartitrr fa fa* Htflilltl rl««l 9§ faMufaf fa fa* pfat* it* f*4**r4 tl*rli#*a far 994 Hf 9. Jhfclfal Will*# <##99*9 f** f 1991*4 fa fiM# fafafa fa K-Ul* 9fl*r 9 tfalt 19 Ilf* CM 9*99 9 |tffafaS. [ Tbe May frAoA* «f Hr Rgrkat wtft Aa glad A bras strum Atat He wriiaa Ima IA awwtatatas as North Caiwßaa. fall of gt*» at the Am vAiary. Rp«aktag as tar Ksi aar"» Awiaratloa that K’ »< p* wwaii i was IA Arm #ortrtM <0 A**g aa Ana Aavlag tarrtiory la lA* fcdwx rwatlasM. Aa aaya etr'pftons prove I ralaa. lit Aertrtaaa two. aa Fact* Ram will sAaw Nows »»r As aaya. ats j den t asst (As PAltiplgaaa to Aa aa as**#, and Aava Ibstr rsprcaawtatirsa 'rosso (a ngrsaa ta tbalr aathma! raa i»ma 1 a plug bait. TA# Ballad IHaiaa , baa aat la twongb tarrtiory bow tor (hr | (at< risen aatta to raags oa. Mraaaga I rnw CaAa. Rpsikiag of the ml* ramiad* a*a I I hat wa beard from aaothrr of car Col- ; ambU county boys ta Cuba yaattrdny Ha telal of aa Ragllah dude, wb<> put 'up Ala ptac aea and focuasd M oa our •wgt* while ha drawlad “Aw. an that ta tba frwl~aw bird yoa Aava for your rouatry'a symbol. aaF I ■•»». that'a tba aamr bird that > plot k d out tbs English lion's clawa ta ! mi,” replied our Columbia county boy. Tba duds aubaidsd. hot n raapian • dam Auaiitaa standing near took up (he tana “A dns bird,” h • remark.rt < examining It crltlca ly, “but aru't you i afraid he will gat plnekrd salting ao 1 far from boms orsr the territory cf the j wiser and older ejgles?" ‘‘Not a bit,” put in Columbia county's Yankea nfll c. r for him. "Uncle Ham raised that bird btmsclf, and he has got as muck i sense la that one head of bia as those I double-headed German and Austrian {eaglet hare In both of thrtra. He Imu already bad to pluck out German's tail feather# lo ktep Mr. McKinley In pens to write to the French ambassador, ■ear Amusing Account. He ends hts leter with an amusing j account of their entrance Into one of 1 the evacuated towns about Santiago. | As they passed on between the deserted 'bouses llw? only person they saw, a ne gro, started off on a full run at sight of them. As they halted him. one fellow called out: "Hello. Cuffy! Where is all your folks? Oh. yes, I know; they have gone to church. It's Sunday, isn't It?” The darkle scratched his head aniotixly, 'tilt all at once an Idea rewarded him. "I dutiuo, hose, but I reckon It's Runday.” he answered with a wide grin, as he looked up the empty streets. "Everbody's runned erway." • Go on, Cuba," you've struck the pasa word." laughed the boys, cheering the solitary Inhabitant who had added to the Spanish calendar the (at present) most popular day of the week. We hear (by grapevine telegraph) that our Pinetucky cynic Is a changed young man. He hns been heacd to de fine flirtation as a gentle xephyr which stirred to fragrance the blossoms of the affections without injuring tlneir tex tu.e. Ethel Hatton. Grovetown, Columbia County, Ga. JUMPING AHEAD. Bot Is Progressing at Wonderful Rate. Bath, S. C„ Aug. 6.—Your paper ts a welcome visitor to our little town. Although Bath has only had a cot ton mill about two years thereare over 1,000 hands employe! and Bath prom ises to be one of the best factory towns In the state In a few years. L. G. Bargerson has moved his fam ily here from Augusta. Mr. Bargerson hns accepted the position ns manager of the Aiken Manufacturing company's store here. W, B. Baxter is our efficient railroad agent here. Mr. Baxter Is a fln-“ bus iness man and is well likod by all who know him. Mr. S. F. Rackley, of Sardis, Ga., 'one cf Bank's most prosperous mer chants, vis tod his daughter, Mrs. Bar gerson, her* this week. Mr. Rackley is one of the old Confederate soldiers and Is well known over South Carolina and Georgia. , ~ «(*!**; car,**«#?• s<*<>»•*«. faK l l »JRKt 1 •#' I/ i m ' Jfc* «# 4*. : * frir-li fa* ft>~i Ms R-rSZ snisst m - *—r IM* #*99* fa «** faHl *99 9* fa* I *99119*99*9 w —m %«»* #i§,. <«j|mi ir| f *oi «9*9f #woi *** fa* 19* : |r*r r 9m# fat* 41 •»' rtrl fa •>*• ** 01* saps «i#« 19 I t«i9*r it ■*#**■** *»i DIMRk'T COM I RI.Nvl. Tbe Mffl*4gs»tM* laaalja la Bi.m* tag Vary fcrt##*s(tag. Vl* tfai 409*~fte‘i 1 |*?rtot Milled##* ttf*. **a.. Aa# 4 Tb# af* I terse a asaataa as tba Aagasta hi i Inrt 'oafereare ag#a*4 aftb stagtag of j j "Rpeb «f A#*a “ afl*# able* Ref. W. j Due bar l*4 bn penyrr Tb* call for repearls was eaattaaed j •ad tb* dt#rmatna driftsd lato tbe j best aay of < irmbMla# lb* rhureh p#- j p#r. tba’iollsrUua «f «f* «k»rrb mono- j diems sad tb* daty nf fn* steward Ib rrttrvlng fc# tor •» patwfhle tbe poster As much work ta tk-we direct um* IHir* tag today'# *e**4ab *ll «f tb# Augusta ' uistor*' 4 hair report#, which j »Bowed ib# August* ebuf bss la pros* peroit* coadlGon. Mr. Kiifu* to' ftaiitb. nf laGraage mad* a ebaracteriatie preseatatioa of ! tb* aterlt* of tb* lartitotloa—wtt *nd wisdom * bounded ta bt* talk Mid tfc* troaf*r#ac# enJoyed the dlversioa I Tomorrow tFriday) has hem glv*a ■ i« th# Kpwortb lawguers. who will e*r- I ry out a program prepared for tk« oc | cast on. Th# !oc*l !##•«* •*'! antartala the vis’tor# with a basket diaper la the grove of ib# M 0. M. * A. coll**#. Dr Krndall. of St. Jobß *. Auguntn. I preached aa taotrurttre aad eneourag- Ilng seuntM from th* t#xt: "H# •Ilrd with the Bplrlt." Business oa tbe Fifth. Mlllcdgevllle. Oa.. Aug s—The morn * lug erosion svas opeoed wllb devotional errrclses led by Rev. VV. A. FarrU. I Tin* report of rherges wa* continued Und wa*. In tbe mala, along th* mb' I lines as tbo»« heretofore made. Daring the discussion of these re- J paffts many «f wit avid plear nqtry are fngagsxl in by the bishop and th# pastors, and occasionally the lay ’ mAfi engage therein. These things gi»« rest and diveralon to the monotony of I routine work. Dr. Bowman, president of Emory rol -1 lege, addregred the conference in the Intereat of that excellent Institution. He was heard with gr.-at pleasure hr the conferee;' nnd we are sure that the college has fallen Into good hand*. Brfore closing, t wish to say that the citizens of this thriving town nr# let ting themselves out In the entertain ment of the conference and every dele gate to delighted with the kindness nnd the generous hospitality of the to have Interesting things to say about th# F.pwarth League's ex i jf-rclips of todiy. ANTLI.IQUOR FEELINQ. Prohibition Picnic and Rallies In Spartanburg. Spaitanhurg, S. C . Aug. 6. The prohibition plonk: at Campohello yes terday drew togetbfr about on® thous and people. It was bd'l at the V\ ingo Chalybeate spring, cne mile east from the depot. Two candidates for governor, Arch er and Watson, were called on to make speeches, which they did without wait- Ing for a second invitation. They re ceived an attentive hearing, but lit tle applause. Foatherstone bad been Invited, but was not present. The Rev. J. L. Outz made a short talk on pro hibition, and he was followed by the ! Rev. J. R. Covington, who made a vig orous speech in favor of prohibition straight and right now and forever. His remarks called for a reply from Mr. Watson, who expressed more clewr | ly than before bis views as to the dis pensary being the best solution of the liquor problem now. Last night Rep resentative McCullough of Greenville, made a speech at ii prohibition mass meeting called by tiie W. C. T. U„ of this city. He is a,clear, forcible and impressive speaker. If he needs any votes in his county in his race for the legislature he can get a lift over on this side of the line. Household ammonW at AloaOder Drug iStore is best. Mil to # L> FAb* ! _ . .. 1 'mm nan on# Itotn# m to•»»■<•»#» fa| faMMfa* INf tofa*NA4to (9 9* »*»9*>oi fa*# ><fa * «*om| I * I fa** ' ' #o#9 li«9*9fai fa far 4 9 »■»»♦ mmm fa# i | t t im ■; |99t*ißrt 9f (t %li A ktnill AMNHMIt *~a(~H«tr «f to# Jmwv# A. Oto m a»J tow ksw n»«iit#«»w ! ti,l9 ■ *9*9 faligil 994 <9*9*9 90 faMt f 9999**0 fa 99 Itk i *9lfa9 9i 9 #>99*99 I jtwrfftifft 94 fall |4M* 9919*9 fa ] «9* fartlr* 1 Isa til** *# 199 rtf 99* fartti fe:-w ,i'm* i 19999 o*o9s* 9*19 19 9* 9941f4 fa# 19* ; r Tty A* # A i for 9Mh491*4 «- iit> # fib# V iffNi mm 4f**4 *994* fa ******* 19* i fa 14* »t»f i99»TUI 9199199 9f If#9 to Jtol* #99F# tfa 9#9#‘f*.. *■* '■ * JM9 mW Bit tome sm4 Ottw* Wefts. tA#B fltowrd util* Mtw Kwf Ckaarb. Avar- , tag kraal Ifni bower* ta kvetow apow | (A* Arhto, aad Maa«< Carroll C»#Aam. j ta do gall*** affvto# to# 4k# gtvwai. Uroam sol IMA ToaatAef raase fb# groom Me Jaak#* A fldrrn pad At* A*at wa# Mr Me*re fiark white down the apfawlt# n ete romo the br.d* Mlm loae Qaaitte AaiHC. with Fee «tet#r MM* Maad Qaat tietmum. be# aMbl-of Arraoe At a pretty »agle the happy pair i rat aider a AoraraAo#. wAt« A Aaa« from fb# eeatr# of tAr rAaarel TA* Kreraoay war iwrfo*** 4 ** ,fc ' * u * C, C. Herßeet after wAtcA lA# party j retired from lA* rbnrrA to rare!** tAr •aagvataMiioa* at (he Aotae of tAe hride Mr OtAmb u tAr affable aerie*- I aa | pnai nct/r and e«»n of Mr J. It Odom, war po#tma#t*r % to ho They Ay. Mlm laooe tr tA# daughter of Mr. W. L Quattlebaum. oa# of our most proa pecHte pirn (ere TA# bride wa# attired ta a white organdie elaborately trim av.'d la whit# ribbon* The alwayr pretty bridal roll fell tai frae-fut lolde rad wa* ought upon the hair wHh appropriate ffowce* HeaatlfuJ palm*, fern* and greea* made a love! y bl -ag tag for the mft purr whit# «rs tbe at tendant*. Mueh Jof •«*» a* hHght a life a* the night that ehown im them U the wleb of tbelr many frtendr. DIDN'T REFER TO REV. RICHARD CARROLL It t* dated oa authority and. tt la un iferatood. on the deal re of Editor Wim berly, of the Augusta t’nloa, the color ed weekly newspaper, that he had no Idea of referrlßg to Rev. Richard Car roll tn the excerpt taken from hi* pa- JF#F* V The fart that Cnrle Pam allowa the regiment to have 'ewoteeoa' muet not he taken for granted that he I* will lttg to employ a* chaplain a man who .'rlnka whiskey and - well let aome l»ody atick a pin heie." Bditor Wimberly, it I* ataled. »ay» he w«* hitting at someone who want ed to he chaplain, not the present chaplain at Camp Dyer, who Is Kev. Richard Carroll. Rev. Carroll come* to Camp Dyer most htgly recommended. He I* a South Carolinian, and the South Car olinians. While attesting to hla ability, declare he is as pure as he Is eloquent. Rev. Carroll Is alluded to In hla own state as the Booker Washington of South Carolina. A Card From the Editor. Late. today this was received: Augusta. Oa.. Aug. 8, 1898. To the Editor or The Herald- Sir: In your issue of yesterday, un der caption. -The Editors Arc At Outs.” you say; Editor Wimberly attacked the chaplain at Camp Dyer as follows: •■The fact that Uncle Sam allow* the regiment to have 'canteens' must not be taken for granted that he ts will ing to employ as chaplain a man who drinks whiskey and - well let some body stick a pin here." The construction placed upon the above does Chaplain Carroll of the tenth regiment a great Injustice, and directs my editorial tn a direction nev er thought of by me. I was directing my tire at one who ts not now and who never will be chaplain, and this is un derstood by many. I very much regret that such impression should have been made. ltev. Carroll, the chaplain of the reg iment, Is a minister whose standing Is above reproach, and he is entitled to the confidence and esteem of our peo ple Regretting that some mischievous person has seen fit to misrepresent both Chaplain Carroll and myself, in justice to both, I ask that you print the fol lowing statement made editorially tn the Union of today: Hast week we stated that it must not be taken for granted that the government wanted whiskey drink ers for chaplains because it penrdt ed canteens at the regiments, and forthwith some miscreant started the He that we referred to Chaplain Carroll. We are after a "dark horse” who has been nosing after us. We ad vise Rev. Carroll to beware of the Au gusta tale-bearer, he is as pestiferous as he is abandoned and malicious. Very respectfully, A. W* WIMBBBDY. siik,-'We —* - ' CUT THIS OUT MN9|—> mi 1111 ■• i iiw'toßWtotoMtotoffTffntoto Wfttto ptHs* AtiyufMtflißiHt Ofi lhi| feltofito, fffictGWto •BKiwftl Mtof #fftotof*lf tO (Ml# f O* toss ft%mf>p MAM#* HOflt toi VOW torfftxl, tofMt tolhbf fft#U Of mbo* H to THE HIFALO. ADVERTISEMENT COUKJN. fit till AI«M*fVA KKfcAtt) htAM iPMfI lit# i»r!vert«t#m#nO torfifttoto hglnw■ - t.m#a If! )t>uf "WANT culwibbs. for to hich you tor til find todoMtl I Ctontto SIGN HBRB t Mtort**'* ••* 94 9rt>*9i f*9* Rates; . ‘’•TT* MT#-»MB!«rT: ONE-CENT A WORD bll UATION WANTED j WAMTMO—A IN «lIW>- I CfSMT Ofatof* *W *#49*9 **9** fatoM*** *<T ; ffNtlf 1994. $• |f" to** *faa **o * W ; {tied t* Addrvae J M. C-. ra»#| I H*eaM «•##. Aag * iWAirntoe-NT A COMI’tGTKNT «t* ! a #o*ttk*a a# »»rea*ia#»» aita. *cea* eettoa Item Caa ## *#R* •«#% | ttoai rvfereac*# A44r**» Cette*, eat# j I Mar *l4- * j HELP WANTED * * vrru Ts*ex r*Ribnitd man ii. Trover •—*— AJdne-to*^ H«nH. Aag I I itIOVICRNMKJtT POtotTK#*# "POM T gr*F*r* f«# »»T el *ll !#*tn»n vittaowt oar iita#tr*t*<i “rataloga# of lefo*t»atl»a; *•#« rro* (MtUPhilß Cm »*##u*d*nr* t «tte«e. WaaAtagto# *>• #• Au * * FOR SALE CItKAIi—CRBAM AT 24 JACKRON CT. (rt.R AAX.K-OOAT to'AGON AND harm-** Add**** "Goat," car* Her ald. A “* • r< >R RAI.K CHEAP-A PAIR OK vouag bor*#* Will work doubt* <w •Ingle. C. H Howard. Jr., at Howard a W filet Drug Co. J# n # ** t* pim RAUS CHEAP -DKttIRABI.E M between Green *nd Telfair *n , Ki-ilock. Apply 1W Tellalr street. ;*ug « TO RENT FOR RENT —THAT LARGE AND DB i HIRABLE store No. <44 Broad street. Under Masonic hall Apply to W. C. Jones. <O4 Broad *tre*t. Pept 1 FOR RSNT-THE LARGE HAND- Si,ME dwelling No. 952 Hroad street, with yard running through to EUi* street. Apply to Jule* Godin. Sept 1 FOR RENT—7-ROOM DWELLING HOUSE 1257 Greene, with modern ImprovemenU. Rent reaeonatiie. Apply 12&* Ellis. Peptl TO RENT—LOVELY ROOMS ON first floor. Furnished or unfurnished. At 825 Broad street. Aug 7 TO RENT-A NICE 4-ROOM COT TAGE. 1227 Ellis street. Possession given Immediately. R<nt sls » month. Apply 1229 Kills street. Aug 9 TO RENT—THE ELEGANT THREE* story store tn the d'Antignac build ing running through from Brond to El lis Now occupied by L. F.Padgett. In quire cf H. H. d'Antignac or E. W. Carwlle. f FOR RENT—AN 8-ROOM HOUSE. corner MeKinne and Ktlis streets, op posite Sacred Heart convent, from Oet. Ist. At’Ply «° J A - Brenner. Western Union Telegraph Co. aUB 3 TO RENT-RESIDENCE 1224 AND 1231 Ellis, with all modern conveniences. Apply 1028 Broad street. Sept 1 FOR RENT —ONE OR TWO LARGE coo! rooms furnished. Most central lo cation in the city. J. E. Deas, 918 1-2 Broad street. TO RENT—THAT NEW DESIRABLE residence, No. 316 Broad street, from October 1. Leonard Fbinizy. Aug 6 Mon wed sat -*~ ks TO RENT-NEW S-ROOM HOUSE with bath and large yard. 944 Philip street. George R. Lombard. Aug 9 IN SILVER BLOCK— One house and one of the most desira ble stores iu the block- Apply to I. Sil ver, city. Aug 1- M!SCELLANEOUS_ SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING only $5.00 per month at Osborne's Business college. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at night. Come or call at once. Great demand for stenographers, dune 17 tl ... AIK unfit i r AIR 9|#to#f wilt f ~j" to ito to ftotoMtop 994 triro To!*iso Ki*.\ 9’ %sy u*u*m I 4M toaa* to s»a ai-«Ma. ( |*4**4 rtfiif lorrtMl fa * 9*9 tjMvffsML Jtff**ofa#. HIP* 4 Alii A I**. KV£ tux <»PTC*f j • »!#•* *9 llfatarf, Uirttlvpr mm 4 \ totrtr#i r<* ftifUrntoin teKtutm ftffar illtffaffvfar 191. hu* • IwAjrrrn two oh thnrie ors | TI.HAI N bAor4##« Mu* fa <4 foo4 Hrtnif iff * Jk§F§*ty WD r tomfrtwm 9tf99tU A«m 4 faMMM <mUI l/IAI»ISI) WITH fat*- I** IYT t4*f k • i*4 R. C ol9«*tffato.oo , fMHff far. Cfat4 totrtr9 IlHttlftftrti oww*. . Win a-mer repewttaa sbm tea* aa4 r»- fies John J. Evaaa, Augusta, lea. Au * 1 4 om. <fi I tifafaHß Is , a The Whltcly /; Exerciser. ( I A practical, elm pis and V cd i irnt 11.,n ri<• r ~*, y A * ( ' one t|« daily ad«p4*d for fj Indies and children but \ f\\ attkv earn# time cant* Sr. V 1 profitably uenl by the />“A\ strongest ethlete. / ft Jfto \. pai< E 8 / it to' to# TSe., #I.OO, 81 !A I I BICVULKS f'LEVE- I , \ LANDS. S4O ap, YIK-/ V INCH ffiS lip GEN-1 \ 1 IRONS. $lB up; THOM* I _J AS, SSU tij>. Call and see wv_-*y them. Erery one guar- \ / anteed. I J t Richards & Shaver ANNUfL MGUNTAIN EXCURSION KKOM AUGUSTA, GA , WEDNDESfIY, AUGUST 10TH, 1898 -VIA— j._ Charleston & Western Carolina Railway Company Round trip tickets will be sold to points named at tbe following low rates: And, rson, P. C $4.00 Asheville, N. C $6.00 Glenn Springs, S. C $4 50 Greenville, S. C $4.00 Flat Rock, N. C $5.40 Hendersonville, N. C $5.50 Hot Springs, N. C $7.25 Lenoir. N. C $6.75 Saluda, N. C $5.30 Shelby. N. C $6.50 Spartanburg, S. C $4.00 Tryon. N. C $5.00 Waterlod (for Harris Springs Waynesvllle, N. C $7.25 Walhalla. S. C - ..$5.50 Shelby, N. C $6.50 Ltncolnton, N. C $8.50 Rutherfordton. N. C $6.50 Tickets good for return passage on any train until August 31st, 1898. Fast schedules, affording a delightful ride through the beautiful mountain scenery of Western North Carolina Train leaves union depot at 9:15 a. m. For any other Information write op call upon T. M. EMERSON. T. M. E. M. NORTH, Sol. Pas. Agt. IV. J. CRAIG, G. P. A., 811 Broadway, Augusta, Ga~ Telephones, Bell 1254; Strowger 449. Uncle Sam’s Navy, Port folio No. 9, just received at Herald Office*