The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 06, 1898, Image 3

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ftATUHOAV WOMAN REPLIES TO AGIIINALOO T«u TUt W# Hm Turf «l* t tM Ito*# *toaa «*tosA. *<• * QM..W VwdMA* **« '* W tt ** . I Mr kr M» M'fjl fW *» t*» liidto *'l«'t *t»*«4*f. *** *•• IM, Mo I WMt MM I'M** •# *"**•«* *• «*M» ******* mm* r** Tto to* Va# • «• «*-• ftMt g|P>l |M * sMI **•* I * , * w * *• »*• »* to* * M* JHM—I ■* »»■>«»■« « , ,#.-o» « n «* . A« • - srßna a MM»« to Bn»**«»f to#*** .--i- rmt. *, M Mk • M*M| lap • *«*». *t « Tim ramaa.** ** ww* in*** 1 «S»MSI M«>*‘ •*** . fv»t*r TWA • aaa« *• *••"■* * *• IIM PIiBMMM • Iw, i*. *afctor< aAtornaA. lk* waalaw »-»!• Mr tt» » MM M •****■ Imt Brt#a«r*» *<M» *atd » »•• w.M** to-Aw M» *~****- •* 4»W*W »*•' I** "*W MMM m* H* pm** *»■** i*» I******** .< IMP «*s> TM M»M« «*•* «- ,1, m*-- »» Ito I’aMod SiaW M A** r«*r« W* «••** to M 0» ******* lnf»dnsat*«a *> a* 1,4*4 Mr AMAkajto h *a» **j»to*r«n? I* r <*.**»* kdtoaai 'S ft. |mf-*t*a>* A<lM«M|lL Tfc# M«nfW**ra »t 'to r*h**#f*m ••• » i MM *» to ik* «***•*«. kda ,w li m Ha km iM iu r tat*«i * « <*f 9t ******** •**•* (Ml *M II Mr* mM ifc# * »*• •fMlwrrl* !*»' Ik” MM m***m f-r»-f***M a I* Ito pr*r* k*M*M*M* ’* «Tm< «k*n kr Ml attk Ik* war *»*ir* OOMT POBOBT The Oraad CmUmllm r tear *toa I* l ha.lottc. H. C. o*rt ,to C * «* C H R *"•<»»? Am* •• IM V “I* M-irnl** toarr at Bmu -«4ib** ul Ifcr Bn»lk*r» *»4 SM un of Ult *«MMI- Koon I ink IMS. Sfwrwl ro*tkr* for oar •hit* frlmd* >( BIS- T>rk*l* aa Mi* *1 Tb'-.m** * ttanoM - *. ** Atii*»* UMI Mori nra*-* and. Trola JravM mina drprt at S oVk»rh Mn«da>> Mornio*. AO* A Rnoralß*. Ir**r* Chariollr Am# Mt, MII A M fo®- mil'rr. 1* K. Mmmlr prr»ldn»«. M. H g*m. prrrrtarjr; for M rum# Hlar* of B*«r*olrm> H. R. «»w. prraldrol; 8. W. MrTyrr, aerrriMT; Brotbrr* ul Sistrra of Uwe. A NEORO SUICIDI:. Prisoner In the Laura n* Jail Hants Himacll. Laurent, S. C. Aug. <■ Dirh kd. colored, c mini uil mltM« in the county Jail day before jecrrliy. He contrived a sort of rope front bit un de ra ear and suspended himself by Ibn neck float on upper mm bar of a win dow. He was a Crosa H.ll man and was sent to jail for breach of the peace, and resistance to the town officials, for several days he had shown Siam of m ntai ai; rra ion. Another MIS was confined in the ceil with blot, but wsa asleep when Diek porformed the tragedy. Our saleaday pasaeff without inei dent. A great sprinkling cf candidates at tended. Crop-* are reported good, glass con quered and lay-by duly declared. The ■miltitudincuß state aspirants ar’ anx iously looked for. being due here on the S'.h. Some time ago a lltt'e bottle of Cham berlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy fell Into my hand*. Just at a time when my two-year-old boy was terribly afflicted. Hi* bowels were be yond control. Wo had tried many rem edies, to no purpose, but the little bot tle of Cello. Cho'era and Dlarihoe Rem edy speedily cured him.—William F. Jones. Oglesby, Oh. For sale by Alex ender Drug & Feed Co., C. R. Parr, of Beil Tower Drug Store. PSESIDENT PREFERS HANSON. The Cotton Hill Han fs Mc- Kinley’s Choice For the Place. Washington. Aug. s.—The President will tender a i'c-a cn the Industrial Commission to Maj. J. F. Hanson, of Mate-a, Ob., as the representative of the cotton mill interests of the South. H.o staled as much to a friend with whom he discussed the make-up cf th:) commission, ’ll is his Intention to fill the membership of this body some time during till* month, so that it may meet and organize about the Ist of Septem ber. This commission I* to c insider a > great variety of questions, and it will doubtless play a most Importo.m part in the legislation cf the future. If Maj. Hanson accepts the President's tender. Georgia will have two bers. Congressman Livingston being one of the five apdpinted from the House. Hanson's is the Prudent's own suggestion. Ho has in no sense bee- a candidate for tlie place, but the President’s Warm friendship for the major cropped out when it wos urged upon him that a representative of the cotton milling interests should have a piece in that body. He at once deci ded to off r't to the Georgian. Cotton mill met? cf South Carolina endorsed Ellison A. Smyth, of that sta-. - . but if Maj. Hanson will accept the Presi dent's personal tender of the place he ]j tje named. —News and Courier. POSSESSION WAS WHAT WORRIED Atiitt viftt* i«*4M r«t iw* IfM IMIM« WmhN M taMiMi** I f%**a frnrnmm Aa# fcp-dM «b* *w* #*n« n *f >*» lk*»aa kma i f-irti ■ - «%. M« iw *«*a* #**«*•- P >k» i nk* *•#*•« aaM •* Mt***"*r ' W *» '»H •* •**»** M * *aM «"M» •mm*. *M Mm ska« ***** Ik*’ •*■***# «tlk*«MwM*4M<» ’ •>«» Ik* •«» *•• M«a «kM*i k . • P*m. MMf Cal IMI r-*•♦**«• M* MMl't «.**•» ia*i MRM k» ■«#*’ > ; k A Wik* nu it— fa**** UMIMM **■•*«. a ■ ■■in * Bo*k uaH lUk * Jk, %-i .ag «# mw an* M* max* limit** fca* * * »k*< A**k»<!■**■» 8»* ,>* MM M Mark Ik* «M*l M* M Tamm aikk ikrwkm*. *«*mib l* mtM'i • •*» Mr kf»*•*»•'* 4. Calm Mr* IM O*. A MBWI tmm *M4M* MM Ik* I m*w*r k**Mi* mMuaao* m* **«•« ***lm4*« **k Ik* IMMMU Im4* *r* *f «N uoa. A ®*«* MH«f *f ik*at «B*r* B***» Tk. •**» .*m*il** •m NaM*r» IMkkaM *k» *l* *r»W '*• tk* aat." *»4 «><M*r*l a**m«**b. Tk* i*«»* Mf* -Tk* Mrttr* »**•» m MMMI *1 Ik* r**M*rl *f Ik. C'kMk mr ’»» **a«a*iM*. -Tk* •*» •<*! amarn If «r* k*** •k# ****** i* nMTt M *•. •**> ** ***•« a**k* fa**** k*M." IMMII iTNuMk Ik* MtHMCI 9***- mm ml M*ki4. mr* Om* »«ti*rr mmm •#<( f «•*. r«*** Hmm*4* a* t» •M ****** •» • »'Htrr a»a*» *•**» t*l ik* *f**» »«• *k*y Ik* B*rU*M *t lk* f*f'*M**l "* UawJ a S*>w*«fow | Hhmw IbtMit i»f*rw*#4 lb* HKk* l l*-*,b r* at iHr i <>Al .ftl • c«t H** Asad* tmdt knew*. Aiwtv* a*k» far th* "V* * and >-**aM*«‘ « HaaiU aM m*Mg Bay. M Cautbun* aafcnd a**l «*- j tain*4 rr m Prevalent M<K Inter a ( s.h|,. . ( tK# «r lt r4 i %& All tard Itn ****** TUto rrvttali n r«i»f4 » «»•**• tt»»* w || tia m4rf«(oi4| (hat i t* * I +mp*rnrf *wii*«* tw»®, |#i»4»n« a»?af»fT'f»»«tii f<»f a tn*%*r+ IR IHr f , if I* f'fiH’Vwl Ifr |v.fpf» oiihl (• a at Rnnwarwiil n >4 MaisUa HuWl liny. I Madrid, Spain, Aug. *. Gencrat Wrylrr was >a<«l Ihvav •*»•» war* in vttrd I* call U|*»n Premier Fagasta to day and |it* the roment ibvir view* upon the advisability of conclu ding peace Tire general went a lei ter pleading til— gi-aa. and declining an Interview. He write* that, under Ihe rtrt um»taßi «-a, ,he prefer* t* have the pieonler put In l writing * ha! be dealren; then he film general) will reply, although fee must !*ay he la **t«,nt#h*-4 to be consulted i, n pence, since hia ..pinion had not t»m» a*ke<l before or during the war. General Weyler remind* B*n«r B****- la that the Spanish nation wanie.l to go to war because it bad a right to believe that the government was pre pared for It. But, having been dl*»p polnied In Itg exportations, It Incllnea now toward peare. The general ha* read Romero Roble do's ' deflarall.ina on the subject of peace, which he declare* are icua vigor ous than hia own would be. Madrid. Spain. Friday.—The govern ment has given orders that the minis ter of war shall not force the resist ance in Porto Rico to the utmost. This is at the Instigation of Premier Hagas ts, who deplore* any unner.o >ry loss of life, knowing that Porto Rieo will in-vltably foil Into the hands of the I Americana. T Captain General Marlas has been Instructed to obtain term* l U ke thoae obtained by General Toral. jor better, bo an to »nve Spanish honor , as much a» possible. SCHLEY GETS A BADGE. The Commodore Makes a Charactei istic Reply. ! Columbus, 0.. Aug. «. - Commodore Schley has sent a letter of acknowledg ment to Tiie Columjms Dispatch, vblch right after the hulile of July 3 sent bun a badge extolling the victory. Beaideg other things, th.s « "i the badge: Hurrah ior Sehiey; Ho chased ’em • And placed ’em And waited round to Baste ’<76; A,nd sffM ’em And got ’em, And sent 'em to the Bottom. The commodore’s letter follows: Flaeship Brooklyn, Guantanamo Cu ba. July 26. My Dear Sir:—l thank you for your note and tho enclosed badge, but I think ycu do me more hocor than I desci***. and I can only accept the kind werus you offer to share them with my hiave comrades, who did ec much mere than I to mu'.o July 3, 1898, so memc’-alile. The sweetest assurance of all comes in the fact that ihc conduct of all on that day won the lc e and admiration of our tpiendid people for wimsci cause they stand, no matter at what cost to thrm seb/os. and this garland belongs as well to the humblest in our number as to the highest in command. God bless our native land. Very sin-crely yours. W. S. Schley. CASTOR! A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought £Z?*c&tfßsasc\ SHARKEY Will FIGHT ANYONE u# u Er*4f to *»* A> Hr lm <u«tk li HUM •***!« *4 • Hal l*W** ik**j Tta «•**%* *4* •**«*■* *< - *»**« ****%» * m ka *a* •* «* , ‘ *M • ****** attk r«*MMMM* Mr M* l MM I* «rk* k* *WMM Iku a«*4 (t H**Mk* M* »**’ r *'* M *a*4 •****«» ! „ «*«* a* **■<*»* *4. |P*»i4»i M* 1 *m mm* MMW MWkrt ' f *k» laawr fM*Mf mmm «M «*• o naaik'** f*M' **!*>• ** **" M*lk. » t* w *-H »•* *•»»■•* I • iw Mr - 4* ka* r*M-' ,t*wi i# ft#** uM, mt m ka ka* i »«r w»*w»l «a k*w* M*»k*» *• MU *f Ik* MM. kHk k* Ul rt-kW M# mm •* a aa*4 iktaa. **4 aW*** **• i f***4 •> w*l Mm *fi*w*aM. Mn m k* km m a pkwflMi la kw rk* wa mwb Mh» Ri*. aa *•?*• nfw* *o taw kiM. w* aa fc*M OM* Imi ul IKkr Ml wir**4 ta *aa»**4 •*4 M iM***k»» *a* aw Ml tka MM M fc* akMWI tNM Malar I*lrr aa* «• 41****** Ml lk* oal* Mrrkia a**r k»*. I ik ak lk* aaklir ai» aM** •«* a* lk** r*«*MMMU MM ke* Mar- In M •* *kw I •<* Mart* f wil ,«* <b Wwkrr «*> amu *afk«4r M ika • aa*4t r*< ka* aaaia*. U*Mto* fia strrnS, a* fc* ka* fcaß a Mrato* a**r 4k*rUT. ik* aa* a Mu.fc** fc** fcaß ,m«r r **»iMama*l arm 14*4 r\trn*m tr -r* aili aim* mw fctooana warn ik*i I hr till ai-n Ukail'T if k* 4K**i* aay ■ f tk* ka*rfc fc* h»* a*M*4 Bfc*rk<-* will aw* rit»*l*M» oa. *•« l*»»to • ■* nr *>t •*» 41*1*0** hr au» *>*kl. **4 will aw • 4 a*aUi tor *pm*mrmmt* at aar «'*• Ikai Mil*. iliaaaMaaa* «*» urn hm ta a w*4, • OK*tfc. m tfcrr* ' miratfc*. Your* imi*. To* O Rwrfc*. lt*Maor of To* Sharkrp. Tbr Irtoi gatior IWT New York. Aug l-J* Jeffrie*, ike much b'raidxt heavy weight pugilist f M oni i MBta. was lo have foot In flub Armgtrcng and Steve O IN nuell. tar ten crowd* each, feeforv tfe# l-anna ~:bictir dub last ■!*•»!, hut be was on ly able lo carry o«r. bnif of his proposed j tnah. ll* m<: Armstrong and defeated him j but in doing an b* shattered hia left [arm and was unable lo meet O'Ooooeli. |This was an unfoctuoat* tht»g for both Jeffrie* and the club, aa Ihc former felt perfectly confident of defeating ! both men. and Ihc manager* of thw rlub • >ere w rry lo be compelled to d-aap point their patrons. San Francisco. Aug. d. Tom Tracy lor Ausirnlla nml Franh McConnell of Oakland Cal., met last night, before j the Olympic athletic club, of this city. S in the presence of three thousand *P** ■ taint*. Tv ary landed a lightning band sw ng on ihc point of the Jaw In the srvim teentb round which fairly lifted Mr- Ct anell off hia feet, and as be failed to arise within tho prescribed ten aeconda the Australian was awarded the decis ion. BUND NESS PREVENTED Failing Sight Restored Diseases of the Eye Cured *• M §ssot*jiiSoM mg*! a BfMSKTF The only absolutely Sate, Painless and pre fflO m&M&Ein em i n ently Scientific Treatment, administered at the most success ful Eye Sanitarium in the world Delightfully located at Glens Falls, on the Upper Hudson in Northern New York —a beautiful, historic region widely famous tor its cool and health ful summers. If anything serious ails your eyes, a vacation at the North, with us, may be worth untold treasure to you— . , . , For what is Life itself, without Eyesight. And "frhale'oer threatens '■Vision demands imme diate attention. Write a* freely a* to your symptoms, and we will.without charge, ggnttf vou as to the probable cause, ami what should be clone. „ „„ny ease, the Absorption Treatment can be given at nomo. with the most gratifying results, .-.-. mi a. nomm. expense. W- have an explanatory pamphtet.apecifying a lew of the •- ands of cases in which it has been successful; also containing mfor .nation and advice tor which atone an ocobat would change jon s.o ~, c. . This will be mailed free. Va'k for treatise -and If auything alia your eyes, for your OW .;“ k Ke'v d T»i tt 'iton.e«. D. D.. of New Orleans, indorse, this treatment. BEMiS EYE SANITARIUM, Glens Falls, N.Y. TH ART ACOUBVA IUCKALD COIiOTMAHTIAI OF ERNEST GANT Ug*lMMte«f»iari IKHrMPM ia m flit, tM Miaun Maa4 kw »•** w ♦*•.% <W *a *M to MaimaaM Tk* ******** ***** •* toto ft** am* t*H* *••***» Ml**** ***** •»* * M*——■ --»«*. .- .« a : t **-- al miiMii 4a* •alw* 1 * P^* I '** -* »M** “ ~*■ " | •«*«* •*** to tk* *«» **m a**a* «w- • *r-ik*» * *k*» a*u*«a *4 **•* a**- llrM* aIMAt » 4&a M| *Sjf ... t #•-. *. »*•* to**** w • *****4 tor «•* Ttof »W ’to* m K*4to>4 ****** At Umm *s-M-ft rnnmm |wmm , I mJiM* **a*l Ito to*, tok* aaktodi a.. ». lk- m. - - *m B*r4 a*4 t-*ak lk* MM* a* tka* H*M IM* I Wtfwlll I* l**4kr Ttm awito* aa* t*to*n»4 at (*k* *MfM **4 Ik* oar* ***** *wl''» J m* arm Ito »aM * Ck*f Ma 4 *to*j - —*■ J* .Vi-wj JI M a |k|i tuMir ads I •'AMr'S * i" 1 * 1 •to MitoT* aiiSk l ** •**> *' »k*a a ctMMtorito* » *k» ,M I • I* a’> »«a H<«* •*** to Ik* ww »**«* Ml ta*trk «f »k* aarmi* *** Tk** »W fa*k4 to** Ito *MMa* **# to* M A I. BifirflMW TM* TUd rwr toW attoWl to o** »*■"**>Ma* •a toil tow *f Ito* la* I* Ito* toato •a »'*'*>rii Ito *4kw lk«W «laa* »*. *«i m*m* •» tototo* *k4 -** Ma lawi Ha ******** to a **•» a****. W wMalwa Ito *4k*r ***** Ma *♦*!• aa M* Tto •»*•» W* *H*rl«4 a tat** d*»4 an* war a*«r*«* Ifcrvaf* Itol Ito anUlrr* **< M to «m#H I naitrt Iktolhr tola*. tMirriiv* ckartor VIM aw*»4 at Ik* MM* "f Ito M*a *a4. )*•*«**« iat« Ito UtH araaoa. aWalr* »iMc«r I la** la fcotoiaa Ik* .mi*p* *4- Alar * tto w* Tto W4M. -1 wttfc tto *0 art*, toll** ito 4rlar,i*a *m ito m*. • fclrh later ak»a# Ito m*»fc «f Ito •agra'a IM fl »** f«*»*4 ********* »« rhil, Ito mttoi a*rrWr. •** ***** »*• o*m*. Wto* tto arm*i «** "*•*► •' ito Wlrr .laltet*. Ito military wo *»* ia a ta«M**r r,*4im* Ha aaa tohad am aa4 ito raw? l*>- afWoard of Ito arrW l» trafwMw l» Ito trlaptona mra»*«r. Coloaal Jona# l.n-alrt,*ai k<»Hk. *t Ito ramp, amt a daiall of mao lo tato ito |.n..<tor hark to ramn. II tto rhlaf of pol><r ■o .1 *arh to to rt.-to Whan Iha dr«»ll arrtrrd al toadquar tat* Ito pHn*ar wa* too dionk »o to lakrti o»ajr. *» to **» Irfl I* Ika har rarUa. Tto *qua>l ralurnrd l« ramp. To be Cowrtmarlialed. This morning al 7 o'rloHi lAmlenant Pnionel Withrow rum. I« tw-adquartrrs and asktd that »« trial In tw-order'* t aurt b»* given lb* aoldler. as be wnnM Iw must severiy punlsh.-d tah-n taken t a< k to ramp. Chief Hood agreed to ibis und as soon •a Gant recovers enough lo tie aWe lo he removed, n squad will be sent in to toy n to lake him 10 Camp flyer, where Monday hr will I* rourtmarlialed. aa will Iho others who were with him. The officers of the ramp are determ ine-! lo punish the fellow heavily. It I* understood that a santenee of the hard est kind of work will be In fluted on him for 30 days and no pay lie allowed him on payday that la a few days off. There was no attempt l>y the military people al all lo lake the man away from the poller authorities. Al 10 o'clock this morning Gant was still In a drunken stupor. Pajnkilier Mto mm RtoTRYm^M to* ato* ta* at saw toHMTT M*MT PEOPLE’S FORUM ii ***** a.r ***-nt** Mad *•4 rkraUM aka » ** m i«m «hM Hr m* m r*>‘ »**»*»> a*.» a*4 * ma** at* to an* wad Ml tk* •wtopM A hwkl ML HI • a f*|p»’ to* im*% Tkraadk * tto **k to. « ***** ton to. to* tto ttgk* lfcaii§kfj IMWMltowal l.toMM* *f toarktol*to. AagWO. (tk. A»* tok. tMM Ta ito BtoM *4 Tto Hwm4 tor Tk* akdwfkad HBptota* *» «k* Ow 0* r*ii«a*4 kata k**-4 pawralarty ito i*n at ***** pmt*f **m*r tor toad at '-tutor StopHTtoMM.* **4 i*»«M tto n )• m Htl M 4 spw tto*. •* ito aarkta# «***to. 4api to* »rtto4 «f *«iu itotr aiTWiuM* tor ywar ttorn to nar a*4 kTM paa am rraitoa* Is tto mm* raarar tor a km# k*« cam a# »rr r*itkfa»y raata, M to*r44 r c »t*kik4 T. J. Ooo4wl* Joha C***to4 If. p f OTmuII W 8 Raark T H Thom*. C. R Aatorm*. W J. H«o4y 0 H Boh t*f Uro R Varato. T. J Kl*r***. T R Hyrr* to* Prakßto. Sight Shod. TP the Kdltor of The Herald - Air Prof MrGnhrr'a might arhcail will cow* mrnre Monday night the Ith Inst The bra nr be* lawnht will »>* spell ing. reading writing and arlthmeUe | Tbl* school la oraaalted for the spe cial benefit of I hoar whose school ad vantages have bs* very little. A majorlly of children raised to work ig cotton mills never have ibe rhanre of allrnding school mreh. So long ss they are subjeel lo their parents they must toil in th* mill. Hence many o! them grow up without knowing how even to read nr write. gome of the beat material we have in the world la in Ihe rough-the best talent — Ihe brightest mind* unimproved. A yotin* man dwlMutP of al! dßUrtl* tlon htsilaie* In going to school. Hr sufftr* un embnrraaament almost un b-'archie upon entering a aehroil whew even the very youngest pupil* are fur ther advanced than he. He would be more r.wdy any time to fare a Spanish cannon Ilian encounter the fun-maktng propensities of thoughtless boy* and girls hoys and girl* who have had nothing to do all Ihelr lives but lo go lo aehool. While a few hrave heart* have stood the storm and renrh.'ti Ihe goal, yet a gnat multitude of others have ered on the erucl rocks rail’d emnar rasammt. Rather than he laughed at they decide to go through life minus cn education. TbcßP unfortunates need a school of their own. A rchool organized for their special benefit. A school wherein they may M free and enay. A school wherein they will have nothing to an noy or erobnrrara. Wherein all ran m."et ttpon a common level. Wherein love will be the ruling factor. Wherein no note of discord will ever be heard. Wherein f tin-making anti fun-poker* will bo forever unknown. Such « school Prof. MGGnhee deslr. * h’a to be. Young man. you mey not be able to read, but yet you ore welcome to this school. If you ennnot read, we know you cannot help it. Wo do not blame you, rather we sympathlro with you. While others were at school you were herd at work In the mill. Gome, we will help you; mnke you feel fro? and easy. Soon you will know how to read. Soon you will be netonlshed at Ihe rapidity of your progress. Respectfully, M. The Herald’s Charges Substantiated. To the Editor of The Herald: Sir I read your editorial tonight, "Improve Our Sanitation," with quite a degiee of approval, he conditions are certainly far f#om satisfactory, i. e„ to some of us. I cannot speak with knowledge of the various parts of the city, but in the secdon I live In the odors are any thing hut pleasant. To my certain knowledge, Ihe trash and permeated sewer dirt taken from the sand traps have been allowed lo remain in Ihe Barrets for several days. Also, In con nection with I his, the odors arising, from I lie sewer is such as to make HI decidely unpleasant to remain on one’s veranda at night. 1 hone your efforts in this line will have the desired lif ted. Lower Brood. Aug. 4. 1898. 20-year filled gold watches In ladles' and gents’ sizes with Elgin or Wal tham movement from $7.00 to $12.50. Guarantees with eaeh watch at Lewis J. Schaul's, Reliable Pawnbroker on Jackson street. INASOCIALWAY t? U V 75 f ?fN %T|S#' fair kaMtoii*. I Mia Tto* iraan tofi a* Rtf tony A** taw Iran* yrtar iwr*. 11 j iiii iiri^ Ta*r b**sto »* raw *#** ito kilto. #H ill* mwwl'iM Sllfti, Aad War aad ui ♦"TtoM *-■- a, *. toJM> I —to a Ids ana f V* VirddkfMld Wtol THlddi VAWiil Arrsm Ito *. r Aaa. to to .alas* toiik wry raa* la raafia# !*«►■***> ***** ***** Of Mad aad tor** la tors to* psa tto rtmto Al isara |*ar* aai fci* #in*ta« *wal to *iH ***** inn. Itol auk atofci • «r*aaatltoa*tr fcltol. t to*. Ito ir«4r* *a4 ham Of *ktf**nilL O Saw*** aandy kr *<wi fpH That lain »o*r aarw toan will Ural A .kill of fra*. Into yoar toan a minor anr. A* aloa poar prrf **rd gar aval • Srsi. And dl.appL ar A down ih» yrar —CWia A HaraarS. Ob Aacuai Up plarntt'B. A PtenaMf Glimpse aI Thackery a* a day It was whit* Thackeray wsa M school j at Cbiawtck (bat hi* mother and her ! husband cam* home from India. In a tetter written to India, she tella of Is r mredng with her mm: "He had a perfect rerollietlon of me; he rnukt not speak, hut kfused me. and looked at me again and again, and I roc Id almost have said laird, now lettest thou thy servant depart to arc.' He la the living linage of Ih* father, and God In heaven send that he may resemble him In all but bis too short life. He la tall, stout and sturdy. Ill# eye# are become darker, but there la still the same dear expreuatoa. Hl* drawing la wonderful. '’ There la n great deal of biography In that abort extract and the reference to Thackeray's father constitute* the on ly allusion to him not merely formal which ever buprenrd lo cum* to Ihe present render's nolle*. Evidently this iKiy loved bis mother, and she him. a* we.a 10 be expected, and one may rec ognize, front sraps of later lett.-m, that the relation always continued Intimate. If the man’# nature wn# #we*t, and a at nr" of love wn* nlwrya la hi* heart ready to leaven tti.? thought# of a host cf reader*. It is obvious that he came honestly by those bleseed atribute*. A Clever Young Writer. Miss lJlllan Bell, of Chicago, now ranks as one of the Dading literary wo men of America. She certainly has the most flashing wit of any modern wo man writer. Her best known stories 1 "The Love Affairs of an Old Maid." i -The Coder-Side of Things" and "A Utile Sister cf the Wilderness;’’ of the Inst of which the famous young preach er of the Academy of Music is said to Ibe the hero. | When she wrote that extraordinalily clever article on the general unlnter ' estingness of the "Young Man CnUer Thirty-five,” a couple of yeara ago In ; "The I-ndics’ Home Journal.” every body read it and then began to nsk: ["Who is Lillian Be’.l?" It was a most nudacloua and original skit. The story is told that Mr. Bok was imploring Miss Bell to write something for his "L. H. J." She protested that she had absolutely nothing to say. But as he was holding on she chanced to make a wlty remark about the general social uleslessness of men under thirty-five. "Write on that!” exclaimed the astute young Journalist, and she did. Miss is sUM young; she Is beau tiful; she dresses exquisitely; ■she Is a society woman. Yet her literary meth ods are true and accurate; she never wrote as an nmatcur; and beneath her dashing wit she has an honest think ing brain and n profound human sym pathy. Her father came from Maine nnd her mother from Tennessee, and she herself has always been a Chicago girl. Sh.e throbs with the American spirit. Cards Out. These cards are out: Lieut. Col. Charles L. Withrow requests tho pleas ure of your company at IMb marriage to Miss Evelyn Shea Witino on Tues day tho ninth day of August at twalve o’clock, high noon, at St. Paul’s church, Augusta, Georgia.” Airs. Willet at St. James. K will be welcome news to music lovers that Mrs. N. K. Willet will sub stitute as choir conductor for Mr. YVat- Bon at St. James church, while this well known organist is absent from the city during August. Mrs. Wiltet’s beautiful voice has been heard ill pub lic for some time, and there are many AunuiT e ato ami to tomtoto to toan Ika*. W*M *4 ad toama na.’M Hit toaa* «A 8 *•« a Am* a Irina# Tto V****** a.ikaM* am «wa a huiii* 1 aarw* m tutoi’M* ;**h fato .• | a. **4 to I rank ar* m faiada tt. aaa Mi* Raa* ar* M r*a my a tom rvkmto AIM* h iMHtof toirato In Owtarr a Hr* Itorah WdA fc »r«%ding a f»a ton at RraatoH ttr *ad Vn tow nswftMl •**' •nawriad la CraWaar to aad Hr* * 'Ur* R Wfc ir *r* «>*Mta« mtoma* la Naitolh. Mr* llano* aad Mr* Wuita* Obsm bat* WMard fro* MarWto Mm BM«r May M #.**wto4 toaaa rum Ckaalaaaa* IfcM tfr.aoas Mr *a4 Mr* MMkw I »»**4rr *:ll IM*. aril att* Ito Hm ***»•«* M<* to*-4M M. Wry a ill fWa ika A*«ana rtooay at Mm Kpn*#* arti Mil Mr W U Rrr*B M MWaitoS • fra arrk* auk kM anawroa* fr w»4r la <*fcarlmtsa. Mia* Mary Willie Another, of Atlan ta, >• vtailing Mr*. C. H. Tutt. at IKf UrluasM at reel Mr* D R Wr-ght, Mr* RRgahe’h Turpin and M's* Margaret Jordan are at Karri* Lithla. Mia* Nora Wood, of North Augusta, baa retained from a v*rv i )• aaant vtatt to rotative* tw Johnatou. Mr Grrog* Carl?on. of Adaahurg. Ga . I* visiting Mr W P Griffin, at IP* new home oa McDonald street. Dr. and Mr*. W. C. CWkley and Mr John Freatleaa Cl-rkley leave to morrow morning for a two weeks' May on Sullivan's Island. Before purchasing a pistol or gun. rail <>• me ! ran anve you money, lev 1, j. ftchaul. Pawnbroker on Jaefcaon ‘street, established I?** ALGER CO.niNU MOIE. The Sec retar v'a Sob Ordered Fro as the I'ront. Wash'ngttm Aug. «. Capt. F. M. I Alger, son of the sc-retary of war. who has been on duty In th# campaign I against Santiago, ha* been ordered ! h .me because of disability. Through jsome accident the captain ausialned a ! sc.era wrench of on® cf hi* kßcro, , which will neoeeaitate It being put in to * pln«trv ram for successful treat | ment. The secretarr'’* son had Buffered sev eral accidents to the same knee during the past two r r ear*. to one eaae Ihe jib boom of a ship striking and painfully wounding It. Mr. Wolf*, of Dundee, Mo..who travels for Mansur A Tibbetts, Imple ment Co., of 8». Louis, give* traveling men and traveler* In general *ome good advice. "Being a knight of the grip,” he says, "I have for the past three years made It a rule to keep myself supplied with Chamberlain's Colic,Chol era and Dlarrhrca Remedy, end have found numerous occasions to teat its me. Its, not only on myself, hut on oth ers 11s well. I can truly say that I nev er in a slnle instanre have known It to fall. I consider It one of the best remedies travelers can carry and cou'd relate many Instances where I have used the remedy on sceptics, much to their surprise and relief. 1 hope every traveling man In the XT. S, will carry a bottle of this remedy In his grip. For sale by Alcxand Drug & Seed Co., C. It. Barr, of Bell Tower Drug. Store. THE UNION MEETING. Prof C. H. S, Jackson Hakes a Very Interesting Talk. Harlem. Ga.. Aug. 6. The Union meeting at Silver Run church was vveil attended on Sal 111 day and on Sunday the crowd was Immense—not morn than half of those- present were able to get In the church. Prof. C. H. 3, Jackson of Hcphzibah made an inter esting talk on Sunday morning, which was ‘veil received and highly apprecia ted by Hie vast audience which had the good fortune to hear him. He is not only one of the lending educators of the state, but an earnest and influential worker in the cause of religion. The next session of the Union mecUng will be held at Wren’s church, embracing the fifth Sunday in October. Smith & Wesson pistols from $5 to $8.50. Several good bicycles for sale very cheap. Good watches from $1.25 lo $50.00 at Lewis .T. Sahaul, Reliable Pawnbroker, under'the Arlington. 7 Per Cl $500,000 7 Per Ct FOREIGN CAPITALISTS WILL LOAN HALF A MILLION DOLLARS on realty In Augusta, Oa. Terms 7 per cent. For further Information see their attorney at law, P. J. Sullivan, Ee., or Mr. P. G. Burum.