The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 06, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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RATURDAY 4 THf AUGUST* HfMlO mtk j ■ -n-- *• »«wi»" iT| > r — l * **• At< -ti—l >*-"* ** H««Ati> wwe*' H4009*- UMi (MM *#*♦•#•* |# * J?» S 5 ftlwM jpHf fIHHW *M* **►*• •*»♦•*•* **“ #***» •Mug K— H ■«■**» *" vot* Wit I IIMI tttts WfcfcAlJl |H iy- »‘ »**•* MM* •** m*> im MM* ****** **’« *< **MbP* MV*** #“*•* (J Immo-Ot MM Bros** **■•• *"* M|y'|ppip— 11 » <*• <***"* "rtlMi*! i» to Mm »«*• • *• **• ***** *** l*inim« fa'll if M#f tw ** l • fa.-* *f (a***®*"* IM* *»•* u **** *» MMMrriHMM* >* TW 4 M ,*’* |HBl(ift* *• #4*#m** fnN ***' f iftMjM~ * wtf ft# * iy* * *** J • flftft ♦'MM** 1 * 8 * . ' Wmt»* l*» CM# *M **• *• "* * w«. Herald Prize Letters From American Summer Resorts. . . The *•«*** HR* year » n * "•*’* 7, • Mftw »< pvt#*# la» **• *** ilroUM «*»**? ff> *? *JL*T*J (Ml «•»■>«• M**« * * Thea* *♦» (es» M* «»'! 1 • mm <9w-B*a»'* aad. WJ tfc * >IMIr«1 fca- ttMMI iM *M* " PM *||l be #«*>•»•<* »<• • ram |.lMl Ml Impartial mmmit’ V BHIM («* th* awarding °* flt »(***. TB* real ommr of ,h * I Writer, m -.11 •• «H* mb *> Bl«lM* tnurt m«M«T **' k Ittur wnt in tor pvMk#!>'•". far !»• puipore *«« <<>»iil «*• 11. n*. , , OWMMtanl* mart confine IM» i Irlirr* ta a ,c**oaabl« Infib CMIMIMU ran write •• mail latter* •* I lie) wish (nr in* nrtaa, but >nr c«*t*»l»ni '■•» win <*f. ly *f the prt*e*. w „ Tha Herald warn* live. spright- It, gossipy letter*. **<* ,h * piita* frill b# awarded tar ihe ha*t meat fnterewttng and tn >at raadatde let tea as fummet Re '■ aori Man*. Contest Closes Oct. I. Jron THE BIWT LETTER W 94 yoH THE IV »E*T LETTER ... U.«* FOR THE *D BEKT LETT EM... ».M Urn Mile*' march If still a triumph- R 1 proreaslon. The time to art la tha latrrwt of (ht at* park la now. Tht tolil brick will hava to yield to tha sold breaker. Chairman dußl*non nays we are to have an active campaign. la Augusta Imitating Cologne-' lhe fclty of a hundred amelia." The new camp at Llthia Springe ha* keen named Camp Hohaon. The Issue appear* to be between a Philippine policy and a want of It. Quitman his received her first bale Of new cotlon. which sold for 5% cents a pound. A race riot in the heart of New York tiaa kept the police busy and put the people to thinking. Alger'e rebuke to Rooacvelt merely displayed Ihe same apteen which hne marked too many of his orders. It is definitely announced that the First Georgia will not be Included In the present I'orto ftlcan expedition. It Is now certain that Gen. Lee will be sent lo occupy Western Cuba—prin cipally In the neighborhood of Havana. The Richmond county exhibits at the State Horticultural convention. w**re unusually ocellcnt and attracted great attention. What a queer measure the war tax is! It has been decided that stamps need not be fixed to the nomination pa pers of candidates. Sam Jones la said to have a colored rival out Itv Oklahoma who calls hira pelf "Slnkiller” Griffin. He roasts his pace until the bldo petit. _ a __. In tarn aMM mm» ad ** •••«* • j aa* €*m »■>■» ***** J*** ’*• [ iifTM MM MM. Ai HP 1 * b*MP a*• a* : IMMhw MM «f Mbs »(WfMM *»«• MM i OH$ * «ifr# fRR W> ffRI t-Rf'"' Rl'#Apfc 41# Nr «• ##mh§ ok. 4An(N*RMi tM 0 i ArMI NW fMRR N# 0100 k ®RRfRf 5 R Run iif Off i«i UpmpaMfi 00 *R» dttNR 0 0& i«M «B M MIWIMBI* *M»»M M ***** ||MM MMMM Mi MtWWk CM M ***** ***** a hi • m aad wawMa •>«•* **•* m I twaaW' MM o*t*t* <«*••» wa»• Mawadk ft** a****** as giaa*i a* Mm i«s(w ! mmM* MM 'MMan • Mm** ******** | f%O 4 '|AMnMMI INmi ** (RRNuiHi ! 00 00 00000 if ff£f. Ml 00 *•** | «M4fRRi/ M H Ml • •***•*• imp* Ml jjimitiWll tom+'mii m f*N fMRfc f%* RM 0090 o%s 0 o*o MRAI 000009 f§ 9R WOOO “ r***A 1 if i toi 0 ft* ••• 00 wr# I nainift,. |MI M# M'» ** HRtiR MM *IR i ittniH rn 00 morn **9tomm it M [•iiIRWMVII MwtMMi TIPfV Mt MMr f%it I I|M 9sm soo** MOM m MRfct «9 RR4 I INI MM» Mmmm iMR IW MMM ft»!| [ mpfu VriiM' i, t Uk+rnmm Wook 11*** #t»»#ij traps |bM> (Imm wk-< b t* dkM«MwHi< <• MM 1 ***** *4 ilwdwi «M tusand MU* E« I if* int mml (Imm • #himm «•# #*• mm ' ••* Ab 4» k« *mm M*B- M» swat nN •at* (At wuMwbMm w'W* wink A ka*rw ami Maui Mtia A4**i(i**r* swum dm* ' w* l*>b BirrtMid k( Pwllai prmperl ■ {law mmbmvw wrvaaißßly ißkortag My ! n#k<* nw awvpMuww fwwn fwnwr vwaasMa ; era Busy lka*w nw Mm pMiwr nwrw ad HwM ra *• *v Mm sbb* wrawra wf Mm j tad*walk* Ib frwwl wf iMta kawan II M ÜBM Ihti tkw dOjav aaMwae* I •»».» wb4*M Hi AwcnMUt Tk* mail* I«M KfCBplM ifc* ***** | <UM» to IMI 'k fc*ni*» MtMtat* *al la Mil* 1 *»** Mm rtrt *r* *n wwra no twack tAw I yttllw tar wk»oi th*y *r* tatwwded i Bat a ewapt* of noterad Hay* wlih aa a ran Ini »f dodger» taa. la a few hour*, i akMinieiy ruia Mm *apeama.e of any <(••*( la Aaguata. w kr* (ke wtad aad rata are added. It will take a week to rlras ay ike da mas* Ist tk« seat BMve at (ha l-eaaue b* dlreHed upon the dedfer amMaare aad ,ipoc tlwie who eweonrage It th* imHnti in tii **» timing th» progress of tb* war Tb* H*nM Im served manv thousands of uew reader* who op to this t me prob ably bad bi *»r sobacrtbed for oor (tail regularly a dally ■**»pap*» Wk« tb« orraatoo cause »bea the people of Oarw gta and flout b OuroMna wanted the nears from all quarter* of the glob*, from every point •bar* American !n --tivrato* were threatened and from ovary •hip and from awry army tort* whet* tbt American flag floated they natu rally aubarribrd for ibr paper that gave them what (bey wanted, and they found Ihla In The Herald. The ller ald'a «rat new* ha* been a gndeood to the thousands who wanttrd the new* when it happened, Vndur three rtrrumatanrrf the Im mrme growth In The Hrrald'a circu lation ha* been a simple and natural ona It hae tieen a tribute to ita ex cellence aa a newspaper. It ha» shown that people appreciate enterprise and will aubacrlbe to the paper that fur ntahea them with the bhst service. Ear the next alx months or a year the keenest Interest will be felt by the peo ple of the United States in all the happenings In Cuba. Porto Rico, Ha waii and the Philippines points where American soldier* and American ships will be on watch to guard the In terests won In the preamt war. There are many dalleate questions still to be settled and determined upon before an absolute guarantee of peace, final and secure, is attained. During the progress of all these ne gotiations, and In the final disposition of all questions raised by the war. The Herald will still be the first to prim the news, and the completes! news. SAVANNAH’S NEW PAPER. The announcement Is made that Ed itor Pleasant A. Stovall Is to have competition lu tbo afternoon field in Savannah. The Evening Journal la the name of the new paper. The paid In capital stock will lie ten thousand dollars. With dje privilege of increasing it to one hundred thousand dollars. The gene ral manager of the new paper ts Mr. C. W. Edwards, publisher of The Dally Journal, at Wilmington. Del. Mr, Jno. 0. Overby, who Is now connected with one of the Washington. D. C., dallies, will be the managing editor. -Mr. Overby was a member of the civil ser vice commission dm in* the. administra tion of President Cleveland and is a man of national reputation. The ad vertising department will be in charge «d m* MbM M AhaAk*. aaiMwaw> as Ik* f -Am f MPkw ** %«*w§M*Mi M B t | fNSMiI hm BM lB * •*** 9k* Ak»»*Mn* hH> *M» h» *Maw»MMI ***•(•** Mmmnmnimaß m # IMIP (MIR o*o **w 000 IhMiiiipi II KiWM 4RMi4 ••RMPRIT ifßlfi 11 A4MRMM4I MRRR MMMifß'# HM MMI »MjM tPIM RMINNRRnMI fMMM M t M% ♦4* pPM Ml ilMw* i*4 *M* MMli’ ai# Hi 000000000* Ri* W*** ** mms Ufcß ImrM W (• •Nhi i|MMNii' : 9M|f Mh#'*i : 9M#-d}• vMi’ 000009 00.000%00 «M«£t (Riff *#4 iliili|trf~t-ir > <# flip r > ifi iMMiVf MM rijili f'lji Mi ffiMwY TMM -mm tha awnw* aad Th* t*» f*» anti et<«ad N«ea*l wa«»waM la MM laaa it* attt taa Th* aa*krr as The Me anaekiaa* ha* nasskad bWAMAMM a*ana la*e*i h* • m ta tbs **** Haa *6 hi* fM»< y . par h* ha* JaM Msm §**m a aasdiai | «r*t . am Ml IsMMMntR* afIM aaaevßoiws | lh* MMI IrfMA MdewH lh OM Mr j Eva. aha la aiwtt ramm*m* M Aw ***** m**s »# lh* Haai a* a «*f m»* i«w**<a4*ai at Mw*iwr“* W**hk Ta* More wf bM eaperMaMM aft*r hnad-ws Id Mai**.* l MtM MM *AM* »• f rw * HHM «N» s*o *lo9ooo*9** iWWM'W amhwrw, hw fallwawd .* lh* aak* of <h* army l*mj lat howt* kif " h ' * the Na«Bk AiAnrw awtw m*kiaw <e*e ih* hew* fishta ia all b *t«wf. a* «b* f eld wf La Owaatwa. Mr Eos waa Baiafnlly hta *k» M foot ataag their liar wf awretn wf the day kef***, j A* be a*w»*d ib* bwttlefMid wb*w* tSI ■ tr<a'i>er» of ib* T**tb ewealry. lalwrl. aa4 MO Rough kdw*. H 4 fiiwb*d aad , drive* bwrb aa aaabwabwd tor. Mow- nurber ban b»ea varloawly aattmaied at from T.OW* to I Add. rwaaor* were rife | that Cot- Wood bad been k!ll*d aad hta Roach Rider* aewetwly baadled Mn , I'm ram* wp with ih| Itoopnt* *• for tb* hartal of Haaallioa Enh aad those ether Rough Rider* who b*d met J aw deadly *n end ob a bard fought field. H* was with raprow a battery all tbroucb the hard light it El Canes. sad continued steadily at Ihe front un til lha Call of Rnotlaga Knlllng a wlc tim to the fever *o pvcvalew la aad about ibr towa. he aMnaged. as soon aa be was able, to art aal! from dibooey oa Jwly SO Etor flee day* he wan on the trans port and five dap* In port In Tampa before being allowed to land, leaving for Louisville Hunday night, he reached there Wednesday, and hi* physician state* that rest and complete relax ation from literary work for the pres ent will soon reeiore him to hi* wonted health. THI SALUMIOOI SOUTH. The reflection upon the comfort and sanitation of the south made by Secre tary Alger In ordering troops from the south to northern encampment* haa roused thw resentroent of this entire section, and It la being shown by pa per* In every state of the union that no part of our common country affords more aalubrioua resorts than ran be found in our own cool and inviting mountains. Senator Bacon “slated to the sec re tary with great emphasis that surh ac tion was uncalled for. and that the ‘ trouble at Ohicamauga was not due to the unhealthlneas of the climate at all. but to the action of the"officers of the army In herding men together where they could not have the proper sanitary facilities. He called the action con templated by the secretary unwarrant ed, and declared that if the troops were properly placed in the south, It would be found that the health condi tions are just as good as in New, Eng land, or any other part of the coun try.” * Apropos of the subject, The Winns boro News and Herald says: “What Senator Bacon has said is true, and ev ery one living in the south or any northerner who has spent any part of his life in this section knows the truth of Senator Bacon’s statements. That some places in the south are unhealthy during the summer months Is a fact, and we have not the slightest doubt i that the same thing is true of places in the north. If Secretary Alger is de termined to tako the troops to the north upon the ground that the health conditions in the south are so bad, it will result in untold injury to this section." L.Sa.U. i. THHI -A UGTTRT-A HBBALD AM writ* Tkw MfcOkMMA 44 km MWM «f [ sooo*o9* $m #*m**4mA Up MRii •*< *% ‘ 0000*0*$ 00HW9 m MR* oH**+k* MM-' AM * ■ «3 0 dkiT'Ai# ■ *99 •* < *#. A 00 00*0$ 0m m 0 Akdb*- ** #MMRP w ** *omUm m* f t*9W $m 0* 00 4*4* o H** MMMMfc# *9 90* 9ss* SOOOO *4 IM «* MMMMMKM tp (bM** • «. %*msm f«» pNi *.%.€ mtttt* '% $m ** 900994 *9 0900900 Um» 4*9mmsoff mI Umi MlWf o*#rf9*of 0 *o*9oo (MrWMlf IbCTfMEk HmM CYpIMfMIMMNMM 44% ML WWOK9 O | ||| 0 h $90*910. Vflt MMf e tf 99*0999 . a, it iiill w atnt tamed it ***■ tntm*** 0 pmU* IH» M **o9*9*4 him # .. i imlm nj A iMfR Ms mim yyw|« •«# «<**»«* 0 ftU t|«M A# TM# %<•*•■**• H* > Ihk41 h k4 st*9% * 09* hm*9To o*4 hWO49f *• gtasbope gam*, the Awgweta man wvi wewt to Gwbw wa 9b# c•weapond«wt of the Rew Trtk Time* M Ml WB W v*. turn>aa gntwiuanu traaaporL Ht* giaay friend* her* elaterwly hop* hw i toe early recovery rowimteeWmcr R»»arer R Atklneoa ha* created aomethlag wf a aeaeatioa ta holding that wot only must teiw grata* be etamped wheat Ihd, hot aw otber stamp BAiatd befvrw they art de livered. The ITinc* of Walea I* havlag a hard Maw>. H« hadn't rwmered from bln broken kneecap before hi* domestic re test* wna broke* and It tna't certain that either ran be repaired. Lieut M C, Butler. Jr.. V. 8 ».. ba* bean promoted to major and Inapector of ordinance on hi* father'* ataff. Ilia datia* arc contaul to Gee. Butler'* di vision. The enthusiesm with which Tom Reed’s nomination was made (and re ceived) rather discredit* the apochry pbal report* of his Intended retirement. Genial Mike O’Byrae acted as chair- ; man of the convention la the Klnat ten- 1 atonal district. He always presides j with dignity and grace. Congressman Livingston thinks that Spain should be made to bear the en tire coat of the war without the small est discount for cash. POINT'D PARAOKAPHS The bicyclist get* there with both pedals. It's a mean man that isn’t a hero in the eyes of nia dog. Necessity is the foster parent of , come queer conceptions. A poker-playing doctor expects l overy time he is called. Some men seem to have reduced blundering to a science. Angle-food Is the proper diet for those who dwell In ydr-castles. Professional jealousy pl«y» havoc with many professed friendships. * The board of strategy is the. kind you get at some boarding houses. The man vho hesitates Is lost, but ihe woman who hoßliatos is won. The quiet action of the little wasp 1s responsible for many loud words. Prom an Ind'an's standpoint It’s America for everybody but (he Am ericans. An old bachelor with plenty of money can obtain a situation as ideal husbaud. In union there Is strength, but the unknown husband of o prominent woman doesn't believe it is equally distributed. THE HERALD’S CIRCULATION GROWS N in s way Hint shows people love snd appreciate the bes' obtain able in the ffeewtpsper fleltj. “If you Read it Once You will always Read it” HERAtiD POIZE LETTERS ■» yamai fttfj . SOMIEB RESORTS. #3s fm il» N. sis r*f ifc* :m l«4 IM Fa« UM ML k«« ta AlMiaißtaiiiaw*** AftTVAAO fc-H far* fIk,;MPbARR 9t*9*9 * 9 »S‘l as, 9/4400 9W9i* t*%9ss9o iMYwM 9** *• f'AM«( o*4*9 th* 90*4* 004 Po*to*o *’f j 90059 fruit. kAj-mf fvf tis-. 99$ 9 l, ttl<rtrUi.iN* l N '9 099940; tN MfM OflftMtltl i 99999* $999* ffOMi 4**9*ooo. DHirliifMi, CotiiMA* Ort#o r ittt. ib4 q«i fe • Urg* froi A•§»••*: : bfClN*. IfcNhf 09* Blftf ffOM lsk* I || N 4 I tA r 9Nit. Moaataia *eea#vy aad (be cool, ktw ! m climate I* the attvaettoa to tbM place Tb*r* #«* aua; yotata at later : «*t wear by. Owe raw get a Wauttte* rig or survey, draw* by etroa* with careful driver*, who are araaatat* rd «|tb the beautltol drive* that wtad , aroacd atoaatala aidaa uatU th* #*»- wait la reached, where tb* view ia ca- I rkaatiaa The drive to Caaaer * Mead <**a be made la tbre hour* Thl* #le- | vated rid* oa aaouatalw tap*, by the double rail* of Coaaatto. acroa* Cedar pomtaia aad over rushing atieam*. | wher* th* water (nr* *lldlag off the side* or pouring over eooac projecting rock ie charming The view from (be Roek (that bear* a reaembUwce to the feature* of tb* great C*«*ar) ta very flue, a bird a-cye view of two (tata*. Isx.kin* Olaa* Ealla I* aaothrr very beaatlful place, within two hour*' ride, fording Davidson river twenty Hme* aad Looking Glaaa ereck *ix time*. Thl* river la the moat hrwutifwl stream tn thl* section, wide but not very deep at these fording place*. The water I* clear, rushing *wlftly over a rock bot tom. Glen Cannon Falla are picturesque, but the much climbing over dangerous cliff* and slippery reek* l» something fearful. The drive* winding around the French Broad river with the mountain* leaning over the road, their surface covered with ferns, pink and white Ivy, and rhododondens. blormlng along the way. I* more enjoyable to the timid. Many wealthy Northern men have home* lo thie section, with novel and , enchanting surrounding*. Balsam mountain is twelve mile* : away, where you can hear the scream of the wild panther and catch a glimpse of an occasional bear, aa they disappear among the Ivy and balsam The tourist will brave this danger to procure balsam leaves enough to make a pillow, on which he can Inhale health and at the same time dream of j sights seen on summer days In the , Bln" Ridge mountains. Horsrhark riding is much Indulged in. It Is an every day Bight, eight or ten couples passing on the way to some mountain top. Tramps through thcae wooded hills Is another privilege. Armed with lunch and a cup. away we go to spend the morning walking until tired: then -resting by some cool spring; return In lime for dinner and prepared for an af ternoon nap. M SUCCESS. Win, and the folks are with yon; I* sc, and th.?y call you snide. For it’s been men’s way Since Adam’s day To flock with the winning side. —Chicago News. Robbed the Grave. A startling Incident of which Mr. John Oliver, of Philadelphia, was the subject, is narrated by him as folows: ‘ I was in a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyas sunk en, tongue coated, pain continually in back and sides, no appetite—gradually growing weaker day by day. Three physicians had given me up. Fortunate ly a friend advised trying 'Electric Bitters,’ and to my great joy and sur prise, the first bottle made a decided Improvement. I continued their use for three weeks and am now a well man. I know they saved my life and robbed the grave of another victim.” No one should fail to try them. Only 50 cts per bot. at Howard & Willet's drug store. THIS IS IT ■»*» A» t M ***** mom Am^m * I ; „ i-V J i’-or EARLY FALL ■ i ms ALL SHADES $3.00 JuAt A'rivAd. DORRS Tukxinf, Hit*. FufUtthinfv f ° n !n * /r - v ' ust if in our soda. If s the best you ever tested. You'll think so when you j try it. 5 cents. Ice cold. \ Our Chocolat® is ( C The talk of the town < / ramity T ' k*u 12 ior 6) cent*— J ti fer 91 «0- I N Bicycle Parties < \ WUI find our p'*c* a delighlfnl \ / oa* to trrt. Ikcwr haOm W ai*( V aud rr«aa>a Uua out* eai b* ( € mad*. } A Delicious \ Plate of Cream i S Oar* m*de of pur* ( r ®*® *"9 I % ir»»b Kruita i «p»et*i*y with C us w “lo* i wauo bod*.” 1 S AlfianderDrmiSeeiCi. ' ) tec BROAD HT. J ADGChTA. GEOSOIA. * J S»nd ni your \ Pr#acri|Mkfftt to nil. TO EEJSTT. From October Ist, IKW. the premise* at present the Irlsh-Amer- Ican Dime Savings Bank at *l7 Broad street. Centrally located and well adap ted for most any kind of business. Apply to P. M. Mulherln, Secretary and Treasurer, *l7 Broad St. PORTNER’S / ( HOFBRAU and \ / VIENNA CABINET ( ? BRANDS OF C i Export \ Beers j j are the best < S ’ASK FOR THEM. f NEXT TIME YOU HAVE A HEADACHE —USE Land’s Headache Capsules Made Only By HOWARD & WILLETT DRUG CO. Uncle Sam’s Navy, Port folio No. 9, just received at Herald Office. AUCUS-iA BSKAY 8 FOOD A Mm mi# 9*400 s9*4 40 I s**4* **• CAHDELOE, Druffiftt THE BIST R ( RVE TONIC f mm-T “M (til fiM'Wifir 1 114 999 111 i*T *4/9** M #***• $999*0 49/00 I £ -p-f m# *9 WN» .ii #• *AN(t* f Aii I «-«« **» *mrnmm9 090- $* 90*40 GARDELLE. Dru««lst 4711 COLOGNE f%§ *so*om% # 44M| 9m*k9oof9o • 5 H t NS** Mi 04 0040 # l 9$ kap a* y ts 9 L “**9/09*' ss* s9**mt 1 SOO9O- ¥ % §OO DARGELLE. Cruffiist [ Af* 9*m 40904 9* 990/0% **o9 h*9o" ss*** I s** Im# 9*os t 4* 9 * o*** +>*■*#* 90 9mm** 090$ ***99 *0 * '** «#» $0 *9OO/0 I Mill 900 0404$ sh 4 iJ9* g-m • *«-k4f ip i. § ffn nAAii (Tti.lMli. AMMPMk (1.43** r*.'# PWM *»* to# & -4M* 1 0*4090 L. t Cardellt. OruggM. For Sale! MWS*A 09000954 IMS SO9 ituif M# 99*0*4 I twtt-m* kM o*4 099 ths**4o $0 so9*9 U 4 111 Tll'lfrr (M 9*999 04 ****** 90* v =., f|#>s s4t**9 94 fS Ml ft Ht*4s** | ft r#mn# %m h i«msrM# flml Atop** t»- : "wfHl (Imp SIIMMSt (ft# ftPMf trmmi oss4 *• 4*09 Is Ift* Viiltff \ «->f I tfiwl. Mmm M fWMttMM 94 UpE M«st» j st**p*rfr o**9 00990*09* srfll Imp mlvmii *• i tn# ilwvf 4**ertb*4 §OO%/*9t9 • AihMf Im Georgia Railroad Bank. spaoat. a*to*«» PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 209 7lh St.. Augusta, Ga. o;wf s FREE EYE TESTS for ad dcActs « Mgbt. grind, ta* prsp*r «<»..«■ aad WAk- KAXT-i then, leaner cat into your ftrrrre while yoa wait FREE OF CNARtiE, I SPAIN 18 DKFKATED. Again have the boys who wear tha blue whipped the Spaniards and plant ied the Stars sod Stripes on foreign ! soil, and again has F. O. Mcrtlns de feated high price*. Look at this: 25c. Neckties 10c. (Sc. and II Shlrta Me 50c. Suspender* Kc. *1 00 Trousers 16.00 A full lice of celluloid collar* and cuffs Juat received. I’’. U. Merlin*. *24 Broadway. Paine, Murphy & Co. tOMMIfcBION MERC'HAfiTH. 803 Reynolds st=Teleptoneis^.n j } Leased Wires Lttect to Few York Chicago and New Orlaana- Order* executed over our wire* for Cotton, Stock*. Bonds. Grain and Pro. vision* for ccsah or on margin*. Local I securities bought *nd *old. Reference# -National Exchange Bank of Augusta, , or Mercantile Agenda*. lOHEY TO IM In any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on lO years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower ! except the usual attorney i and record fees. No delay I in getting the money. j Marnier Uotaii $ Agents Scottish Ameritan Mortgage Company, 705 Broad St