The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 06, 1898, Image 5

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mvuroav MCI KID rf* _ HAND WELT I)^.CO SHOES *r O— 7h#y th# bttl Bhi>«t In Ihi world (or the money. Wo moko 0 •pocUity of these Sheet in oil colors end stylos the very latest. Gentlemen, pay $5.00 If you like, but youll get nothing better for your money. Will Close Out at Cost all Mates’ ana Children's Slippers, and all Men's end Boys* Straw Hats will be sold atone-third original prices. Wm. Mulherln’s Sons& Co., 846 Broad slrcet. THE CLUBS AND SOCIETIES. PREPARED FOR THE HERALD. Anay osh! Nd» % I «■*s•#. WA , | ft V’ I* Cl w Cilpl.aftA poi**- * fie ** Shaft «e- i!eia*ated Ihr right to deeld • lb. dlrrrtlnii tn which any of *h» fund. •ImMI t"> expended. It twin*, ft OO 'w*.l the of thl* bv*l.» thst noil' of the fund, shrfll hr expended ex. ept I In the carrying out of the objitli *>f the; organisation. In tlw r htrvlli pro*e< u:ed. V. The committer herein-sb»vo re to .hall be kiiu.n e* the can'* Otlve committee to whom eh.ll be re- j ferre.l all applh atlt*. for relief, wheth- j er In the county of Richmond or else where Raid committee appointed a* i liereln-ahove aet forth .hall have the j power to request In writing. that the President or the Vice President, acting for the President, .hall order the Treas urer to pay to the order of the eiec*| nilve committer any armun’s which the executive committee may desire for .uch object, of relief a. they may deem necessary, and the Tri a.urer of the or- | Sanitation .hall, upon the order of the Premdent, make out a rl»e< k payable to the executive committee of the amount eontalned In the order. VI. The duties of the Treasurer shall In- to keep an accurate account of all money, received and .hall pay all mon ey. to the order of the executive com mittee upon the written order of the President, when .aid order I. endore <1 by a majority of the executive commit tee, and .hall bold .uch order a. her voucher for her disbursement.. VII. A quorum of the organisation shall be seven, and the majority vote shall control In all matters brought be- j for. the organisation. These by-laws l shall %e changed by giving a notice at I one meeting.of the intend'd change. A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF SIDE COMBS IN TORTOISE SHELL. ALSO VARIED LINE OF CRECIAN BANDS, THE VERY LATEST FASHIONABLE NOVELTY. CALL EARLY AS THEY ARE GOING RAPIDLY. Wm. Schweigert&Co. (hr m ikf Ail# <4 tA# *•*#•♦#•(■ •* It III* id in ft*Ti SMMHt& St StS * IS iIM? : *MI i|p A»4*'HDft Xmwmg rWs't l itngry itllii. incite >( tli# MHT» li A*#-.*'“*•***# Ummr 4 <4 l»Wfrt«w ~f tbc t$ r*rt*D •’-"#*4 tkst m tA*r4 f r r , <w . |h A* kt<i l»r#ti t#k#tl «*#l IHI# tituftt A fbtS iker* sll#4 s## lD«t ww*l* h Th« |>tmi of buys Off !%ft «*» us |##r 1 * !.#• htv'km isrh I# dotAid* •|ibDli4it. ss M b#t A##** tA» »»*#*»» «»M*ttting mssy s«v * sibM*Rb , r*. j Tttr nt» AqoA# sr# not «Mk tlx #*i#t%n • m ' «t*y M *t* tliry «rt tslwi sst TV ? ut# smA st tlx* but mptiuig tksi (of i c .|ii i>Biy | «wk r##nlt» In nx»r# hsttsf «n <4 ! tNMHiig them with*Hit (ss lose Vhf h A w tjeen f iiAl la Strl #pl#»4klly ftbst «4 m luVcrlVr to till# t«o bfiiikf at i ttm# up# th# psy• Imtnt of ten f*nt» This Ms pr»v#« | p rt ,flub!r psiyrr,* of inrsntt. twenty »<h‘k»| fbii(lp , li iuvi, durlltff th# iw»t month. arilM them* v .a irißtn) • two sols' h<tii4iy . I . i*i### dttnitg h#r #bs#n## from th# city. tary in t>larl of R#v. Hunter Ihvl4* '®«n. resign. <1 Th# v###n« y «»n th# t»fi*r«! <*f dim tors will Dot b# lll»« d until th# wit wr imt The Daughter, of the American Revo lution. i ft |a said that a strong effort will be made thl. fall by the local chapter of Ihe Daughters of the American Rcvo i lutioa to raise fund, for Ihe purchase 'of Meadow Oard •« Thl. purchase ha* i been under consideration for some i time, and several time, offer, to the ' property owner, have been made turd accepted; but, up to the present, the 1 Chapter h». found It Impossible to ole tain the never .ary amount of money. ft I. really a reflection agaln.t not only 'our patriotic societies but against our jolty at large that thl. famou. home i of a signor of the Declaration of In- dependence—•# home that ha. .heltered I George Washington and DaFayetto— I should lie permitted to fall Into decay, jand the D. A. It.'s arv unanimous In their derision, to make one more deter j mined effort to gave it. The Civic League. ' The Influence for good of the Civic '• la ague could not have been more tell ingly lllusirated than In the drrum ! stances attending Cleaning-up Day. | There was probably not a lot In the ! city or suburb* that did not receive a I thorough cleaning up. This Is proven ! by the fact that, although this was the !27th of July, the streets have not yet i been thoroughly cleared of the trash (taken from the lots. Th • authorities | declare that so unprecedently large were the piles of weeds, etc., thrown on the streets, that they did not have the necessary facilities for removing them immediately. If the Civic League has done its part in securing the co operation of the citixens in cleansing j the city, surely the c ity should do Its part by making the efforts of the i League and public of some avail. hi The King’s Daughters. It Is more than probable that the King s Daughters will be able to carry out their scheme for the si If-suppor ’f the met of the city In the establish ment of a training-school for domestic vice for women and the throwing open Of vacant lots for cultivation by the men, os the public Interest in these i too Important projects in daily increas ing. The King's Daughters will doubt less have the hearty co-operation of some of our wealthiest citizens. The order has every' encourag ment to ex pect the sympathy and the support of the city authorities, who must recog nize the fact that the King’s Daugh ters have done more for the welfare of Augusta's poor than any similar or ganization. 1:1 t Woman’s Exchange I At a rn.ettng of the Woman's Kx jchange, hefd Monday morning, at.11:30, reports were made of highly creditable I work in a charity line being done this Ifjl POWDER If s«* •*' r *A • “ A#™ j OeeftM#** *4 IV t *x4rAr##i f. ' ry#4 . Til# l .|rc*iM TV Lyffnin Ikulifl Mr# •«•#«•#* #H#( # xt(V*#l flw *» r «lw|lX#f# 4 V(i»M hM *"*» . will D# ~»)« «i## do* G‘*a ‘ at each altrarttob a«4 *•>t tlim hundred and Mir f** n *** «b< Lycrttm pnvll»«va »«“• *W UkrtMt Club. Tb* laikclde Club gar* another ot ti» d liahtful concerts and 4an«» at the club house Thur» fav rvenlM They will t* given every -rther work until lb j |tr. J. I- Terry, of Tumble, T«*iin . In . r»ablng of Chamber). In'. Colic. Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy. Mir "I* . heenme a nieetwllr in thl. yp-tnity." Tbla la ihe beat r*medy In the world for colic, cholera morbus. •rent worth and merit become known tu"l <M «r r .o lo take Hold by Alexander Drug and Reed Co.. C. R Pair of Bell Tower Drug R^re- AN annexationist. Romm Courier. Me There Mtmi to be no quest,on that divide, public opinion more nnnrxatiun Arc you In favor of l«? Hhe - It Is rather .udden, but If you (are willing I am. i Oardolle. the druggist. t« the whole sale agent for John Luca. A Co '* ready mixed House Paint, the moat beautiful and durable paint on Ihe mar ket . A color card w til be furnished you fr##. GETS THERE EARLY. A great dial has been said as to the slowness of the turtle’s mtr ements, ! but all we can say is he generally ar rive* In time for soup. Harmony in the Home Circle. Pe-ru na protects our Acmts by driving out nrrvousntss and indigution. If fARMONY Ijj I 1 al. exunes with health. Flump, jolly dlSjlßftif'• children; calm, healthy mother; ' V 'i v . • > — bteatlT, jcinil hrislianrl. Such a jxg Ju—->*' family can face any ordinary trial % \ successfully. The snappy retort is A ■ not heard; nervousness, gets no / eStf *!\ .‘J foothold; trifles do not annoy; har- VL mony prevails. Is this picture rare? trjgz? 'ST / \ m • SsSSSU Unfortunately It is. Excited nerves A * , r fjjyAvsVv destroy good dispositions. They \ il , bring on all kinds of ill health in the , an\\\\VlN V-XN mothers. Nervous mothers make nerv „„s children; nervous husbands make the " is nervousness there is catarrh; each breeds the other. Overcoming '% K nervousness and catarrh cannot be accoro • lish „, by force of will: nature must bo assisted. Head the following letter from Mrs. E. Ludering Cornwall, Cal I am fifty-eight years Pe-ru-na is the right thing to take f r ( i,. ( . Ujr six times for medicine it this spring n Iso for a ton*. “ Smt fcel any better; so 1 for th# nerves ana to regulate tne uri « wftl ,i,i ( \ Q the work.’’ concluded to take Pe-m-na and t found out that It would do the worn. Indigestion is catarrh of the stomach. It spoils the di*posttio« and hke aU catarrhal troubles has been considered imposs.ble Alexander, N. C„ suffered with it; Pe-ru-na cured her. Read » Pe U -n -na Tean ‘ever prJse Pe-ru-na enougi and will''always recommend it.” Inflammation of the raucous membrane is catarrh, whetherinthe pclvrn organs, stomach, lungs or head. Elizabeth Grau, New Athens, 111., say . “ For two years I ha*l catarrh of the nose very bad; I doctored with two phyMdansb/t did not help me. On Dr. advree I began to take Fe-ru-na, and am now completelyjcured. THXI AUOUBTA BXKALD. LABOR AND LABOR MATTERS DV JCROMK JONKK. Anfc'Mßf DA -W' iDMMMMA V «#* .«#' AMWIM Inh *m*&*m* Vmh# #* | f d## fr«ip D 4‘#|*Df*H t® H*fiM l4o*v tAry Ad## ddlt f#« ? *D"*y * '*•**'*• !T 1235 ? rmofffti I# W f i* «® *“ ; f nflirtf. I #(»( ftivi *D“i QRllff #D#A flfYOWM*®* "* KUlltv 4 •#!• 4 Iddl#®»D##«v dd XJ* #h#r» Ait# b##« t# «#t DDlaaful. JlMil that Mt't *n*h# *A#m #ll tinmk* Jar4D. TA# mm*l***r k#«# *if#ani«Dl»«»D .!*»#» nut 4iff#r tmm >nhm tn It# P^r \mdgr *4 I*r«#i<l#«>t KitAf. I •*« #nnvine . , ~, , ~,1r,| a .rtl run* ml in.i ni* .i.uim w•* ~ ■— (duct fmm hi* men. I *<»M «*fc *»• ’nubile to view this mstter In • reason '.bl. Ilcht. When unioß men *o «ut <u» ' u „l, xhf first thing considered l« 'h* 'cause, and thst will a|>|e-«l to the pub ill, sympathy; If fi‘d l*R atrtke t. bwt *»i the beginning Knowing this, is tl tea.on.ble to aupfma. they would Im r,-rtl their Interest by turning rioters Lml lawbreaker*. I The.e men hare nothing to gala by 'aiich conduct, but everything to !»»*• jin the case of the Chicago »»a nut the railroad men who were the dts- I turbers. h» waa clearly proven. t»ut hoodlums snd riff-raff. The man who J, In. a labor organisation dm-a ao to Improve hit condition soclslly and fin ancially. and ba* sense enngh tn knnw to call a strike and turn rioter 1. not the proper way to proceed In bringing about this desirable result. The public should view thl* matter In a aenslhle way; give us cr-dlt for having at least native wit Slid do not charge use with what the hoodlum element I* guilty of. The Delta strik ■ was general all over Ihe country, and, strange to say, there was no violent demonstrations, only in M a* imm TM'f. «x»ffn# s* ' a j.,.. ♦* #hk## * VIM MM* I (in » % •«'<# #»•<*»** * Ikdh * •#**# | tllha* t tt >J» y < :%■>%? mWO WFmW i #•_ * Hts*? -lb# I"' f 111 t I %%* ■%«*€*'% If *• •*#**«•' I# nthr-'-m iMI • mrnm «M#f 4Ml## filli itl it nil #• «t»|» t . #f#l . . m igKttoiir fifimt A Ir*f-k# j , f| |.,g4 Aflw# 4r*»MUl4 Vtlff mV rW |d itrfl It ID# Ml .. t# ir njl muMiiiMl ll# | yvtjtrMl UAK#-#Dl##4 #Hk h‘* »#V*r fMI V. tl 1 u-ui iiiiii h*iiil4 Id |V MR# IMltki • i<«4 4 ••iwwkMD m mmr . _ || |H £ 0 ( g q|t4>#fi««D j * f a jj. mi fImK (Drlkiitaif p-odm. kbw House tw« to going w ID AuCUMI* TV •81$ V *°* #DJa|riD.l l. Ltrvnrt Id tM ViMlDg Ilf*#. #*k m#f» »M| «k#y #t# ##|IIDD Unimj *l*4 «K#l IWDD f*Dld D («•* $#DfD «f». * In* formed <>n g«.d authority that wage* are muck l»«tt In Annuals than those y<*n> ago ft roatn lew in erect the inttldma le»» lo repair It. and Ct rent, are tucreustom. Now. contlnu.Bg In the , Mme strain. I find that labor Is a j product to lie sold at n market price, subject t» a rlw and fall, arrordtng lo ■supply and demand. The wealth of ibe 'country iS*lncrea*tng. from the fact that more wealth can he turodueed from i labor—for we*nh Is the product of la ? bor more than al any former perbid. hence wealth is Increasing, but Ihe *tat< ment that there !» *l4 t« the head ls false. A Stive! rrsnehlse f»r a rail road Is mnie valuable today than It I was twenty years ago. yet It cost leas 111, oiterate It. According to this d dur- I Hon. we will Soon have very rich sod very poor. |:f I Yes! I do not believe that the great 'inass of the wealthy pcopls of this j country desire this; on the contrary, (they are opposed lo It.. But they can not bring altout the change, A step In I that direction would tie received with (suspicion by the nuns.. Labor must help work out this problem If proper :.tcp. are taken It will receive support ! from many quarter* not expected. There will soon be some sport on In labor rank. In Augusta, and our people may learn what a nent tobacco boycott ■ Is. The clerk* will he The leader* In the fight and will he ably seconded by the lubor union, generally, ft bid. fair to furnish original slghl* snd reading for the natives, ft will he closed by the early closing movement, or rather not eb sing. The clerk, will a called ses sion at an early date and then look out. M George Gnotaell is now with the Lombard machine works. Men In the railroad shop* are all busy ut full time. Lombard machine works last week shipped a fine holler to the Hossvvelt cotton mill, a little beyond Atlanta. A trades anil labor council will soon be formed. The matter Is In the hands of the machinists. A knight of labor assembly wIU siton Ist organised. An organiser from the east I* now In the city and reports meeting with great en couragement among a certuln class not reached by tradesmen. The carpenters are active In Kansas City tor the introduction of the eight hour workday. The Building Laborers’ Unions in New York have entered Into an agree ment for the' year With the Master Builders’ Association on the basis of on eight-hour workday and 30 rents per hour, wages to be paid once every week and the employment of members of un ions only. Hod carrying and building laborers require no groat skill, but a Utile of the men’s skill has been put into their organization, with the above result. 11l H recent discussion before the New York Social Reform Cluti upon the sub ject of bringing tabor and the church into closer contact, one of the speak ers said: "The workingman has found a new religion, finer than the old. It preaches that life is more than proper ty. that the tie which binds man to man is the noblest. It Is a religion for the present day; it is an honorable re ligion. A workingman finds a Bcati dis honorable; a rich man remains a pillar of society when he has ruined others in Wall street. Religion Is the aspira tion of man for the best, things; the re ligion Of labor embraces more of them than the church does." HALF PRICES ON BOYS' SUITS 4 v«* t*#gan >8 4ft i in ha-ii# |$ ®(V*d *# f3(MB (s#4l ••#$ Ml MAI M SAB dAn* §«* j !.. IP #MI Am t»f |» »* t| #1 tm If tjitiid »**«! *%• »«*• rn* t+o -#* M««*'• # 4MM* IM# *• B •** rif i »%#t l#* '#!« lIMNA I'IVAc, ww , imu nigij m-4t |s» fVt#* c*M «4 IV *###44# „ w j. f ipim-n 14 •* M# UmA *sa dlv# #pd #»• damp «i9V9tt' §mno A#**#* tv# v •d*#d* 1 ™ f I**-* *|h# % I# * f # DD V# piiD##** wßr - ... w. u—.. w.—. nwgfffn * iIIM DfD> if.#?;# ’w# mt* * Wwf-mrn “W 9 «* |pxpir# v# *w##w# j * » w - ' 7SC-si-Si.SO-si./5 I* t m . 9N»d(* ifcatf mu* ||an”# trwrf-'i vvA EslVll AVfV# H#Sf tV *** yißjp: * t|m»< At it# |VIII Mt« Ml #M 1 • 4HV V» (VI. 4pm DMA Mi A# |V4A4| BRAVI J. B. WHITE & CO, Cloning Depulml - tt*r ms stove raur^iYnax ssi Mitmt stltMT. V 91 M I I HI ««i r ami VI I A The U»L hut on* of our wim)-«nnu<kl Cholton## S#>v* wilt Im» c'ownvtl with no array of tjnrgain*, »uch m finy store may ba proud of. Soma of tha Special value* ara Iho ratults of our own affort* carafully I pinnMtl for th* occasion many w»*k« ab O. Others, w* 'ar* frank to confasa. ar* ralltar accidental, msraly nttribiilabi* to our ability lo take quick a<lvanta#a of th# #nexpFCtwd turns th© mftrktli At A'* iin nil it it a wond©rful colltction of choic# Shoe© that will bo told at our new stora this waak for v si.eQ- 1 x Fiftaon dlfferant stylaa In Ladiat* Low and High Shea* and alght differant stylos of Man's. Thaso aro ganuinr* bargains purchasad by our Mr. Gouley whlla in tho East. . _ Agents for H»n*n &. Son. Stacy Adams 4 Go., Edwin C. Burt and Ziegiar Bros. OUR BEAUTY SHOW AT BLiail S CRYSTAL PALACE a $ tc* BLIGH’S CRYSTAL PALACE £G9BroadStreet. ____ COLUMBIAS ON TOP JUST RECEIVED ' 100 —- Columbia Bicycles MODEL 40 TO SELL AT $50.00 This special lot bought for cash and no more at this price. DEVENEY, HOOD & CO. GUARD AGAINST SMALL POX * Destroys Bed Bugs, Roaches, Fleas and Other . annoying Insects. PURIFY YOUR DRAINS AND PREMISES. CHLORO NAPTHOLEUM. W E PLATT, Agent., 312 Jackson St., Augusta, Ga IflliPilTli aucu»t# b MW runrlnc dom* of «* rfba UrautlM ara Soli cam. and dlaoar a»ia OM mI«M aa wail at «mpt la wat ll>« rainbow, aa U daacrlbo ail that* good quailtiaa. Tba war U>ar «f» tnc la a caution to Ihooa who lr**o4 purchase ab*a tkar ran b* bad fa* ~l*t Inc him aom*ttme.“ Brttar pur chut wbaw «b*r tea ba bad for anca low prlcce ta wa ara of'erlnc ts-m. do for dataware, croebarr. biwcb #c.. lima and lanruef* fall ua la 101 l of the wonlbra ibal wa tall Doa ' for • 1 that ou. aaro prlo«# wUI ba*p cool, lumambar Ills plao# i aaaaax IM | M at At BVIt I lANSV