The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 06, 1898, Image 8

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jpTimoAV — Th«r General Aspect U l*neourag:lnjr Ted##** new#* tie** •*» <*# wtlli * ****** ** iiroirifUttnf p<k« p«cii«ctMM i i». The fttomotnmmti «it«rd«<i «ml »»ify *te<li # w**teftdMiy |ff|( |yd. Th»f» Ift no Jo our »o#too*J. Quf buytf !• now ifi in* li**to* m *** •! *ft * OOd fMIUOMbIMWM Will Mr* OO Htprnf** •« fho Sooth* Wo mint have Mn counter* «mply ihtlvM for new fowk Thot . th# ••Why" of IfMMkO Mbor*i dircount*. 23 per cool off ©n owr entire dock Mm*», Boy*' *od ChiJOroo i fancy Chov*CH nod Woeotod B*ni«. 20 cor cool off our Man * Block ond 0»u« Worotod Soflc. Soryo Coo la ond L*o*o Suita* 7ft well for ct*o*co of our enure No# Moo * N»#U#oo Shirt*, ottochod ofttere, formor price • I. W. at. iw min. hi It MMutitif ilonco Mi4t| Afti«%i Iroj nStfti f If Hot n* Mat u>— Too.* PfitoHHsto. Tim la aar* talk la T OCA Hr* •taa *iif iH MM* •*««• Ota «•*- j armor Atklasor 0$ o««g.* T M C A Oili~ ip * Walrr» MeGill. *0«*» . ia| ih«nri N»d. mi (hr Ml b? lb* Artur Bad Navy Idtofitoa. Tb* arts* ttlHi a* araa HH4 as ta Tlta lt*«M a | M day* atora. charged a»rtaia ormy stoagla o» awl atfcrra roaasrtsd *Mh lOaatrrir* »tt* tafcta# tb* ***** aaai Ho UM latfti ol tbs soldiers aad taring It far lit*;* paraoaal ganla lA* »**'»« Am tsaasd a great tllr la tb** ar*y j t inf* asst tb* oOrrta arr Araoaartaa i (A* tm rnary At a® aarertaia «*r»s. Tb#r dear tAat hi «» AU allegail**# an ao and It aw* retaaia* tor Motlllt to awbaitattst* Ala *tar*a or H a»N be i Alt tAr worse for Alai a* far a* Ala po sition villi tAr T. M. f. A. la romrro ad. A gtallnavt rovtiwiM with th* anara aiion aald today lAat Ar could tot aadaratand why Hrfllll was renaiateg Ifjni* ||* Mid that sarsly «*v ssrr»- tary had groaads tor making the *hr*ftt that hr dlt| ||i| Btiy In just)**, to (hr T. M C A »• art! a* him* If. h* thowld gtr* hl»tt< aai»*a (ut ahargtii* the ,'dßn r» with thr illsasllons h.* toad* "If hr dor* ant hi* *•»**“ "Kh ih* , •Mortal t a wHI *«l > worth much." | continucl thr ftfofit * Int i:fti'tti. | McGill la now la JeonTAsre?, tl >» l«» rn Pd Hr will bn doubt gitf* hi* sub ataaUatlon for thr rfcargtx very short ly. THOUOHT MIS SON DGAD. Similarity ol Name* Cauaea Mr Chap man Mu*h Worry. A al(Hilarity of naraea waa tfcr cause of Mr. James Chapman of this city thinking Ala bod. Mr. Harry Chupumu, waa dead Mr. Chapman * aon Harry left he*# Mxmi lime ago for thr war. He veal to Chlcamauga. So mill'll for a prelude Yesterday a friend of the father of thr young man ru*ht»l Into thr latter'a homo tailing him that hr had aeon a coffin boxed up at the depot ready for ahlpment. On the box waa the name "Harry E. Chapman," As n matter of course the alder Mr. Chapman waa vrry much mprrled and went at own to thr depot. Yea, there was (he box with Harry Chapman's name on It. That waa enough to grve him somewhat of a fright. He went at oner to Plait's undertak ing oslabllshmiMt and made Inquiries. Mr. Platt admitted that the body had been prepared for burial by him. “Why Is tbe name on the box Chapman? Surety my son Is not dead." said the anxious man. “Why. no,” replied the undertaker, "the name Chapman Is that of an un dertaker In Chattanooga from whom the body was shipped. The remains are those of a lady.” The relief that was expressed on Mr. Chapman's face .was good to see. He had very naturally been under the impression that II might tie the body of his son. as the young man had been slek for some lime. Aucrusta Trunk Factory Trunk* repaired by experl Trunk makers. 843 Broad. Ti. 'Phone 2181. Patriotic Demonstration Preparations are being made for an elaborate patriotic demonstration and thanksgiving to bo h.Md at the Cum mins street synagogue Sunday, Aug. 14. at 3 p. m. Goctl patriotic talks will be made by prominent speakers. The decorations and national coiors will be a feature or the occasion. Only Steel Hood,and burglar proof safes used. Money loaned on anything of value at a low rate of interest. W»- terbury alarm clocks, 75 cenis. I*eWiS J. Sohaul, Reliable X’awnbrokcr. Hticofttmmi MAwr.NiNoa. IwctdMda mm 4 I Am* it Caad YMa * "MM 1 **•*■! ft ?*f ftft4 ft ft Kftßtf I ftft* tferft •ftMftft fti fIP «tHI ft plftftt ftf !*#%*• ■ - )%*{ • •ftfinl Int WlHlmftk, ftft.. Jirnfft* flftifttf ftlirft Ik* Wftft in Ik# Nh ftt wit to ft rMf|p» lp}«M Mfti ftt mit* tofttiftft **¥*•. idto list mm trail tfc# ftaitoni biml ftkl ftt ftlto lift fwrt tn 4 Oft wwwM ha»» AH mm with (A# wood, aw I Aad M drfWhd myarlf. ' cowiHiiwd Jo* TA* wife a aasall. wak looktag wo nt** d—Md Aavtag aaaa«H*d Arr atg- AmM fcnshaad with the aAoy* weapnwa. j TM*»A-Afty. Jo* ” wm the way Jodg- Hatter rtawd fA* ran ***** turn Owiwtn* and M AUAay, RrwArw Wad* said tm had been At* •ached hy the awatwp fever. r*aira*ted [hy sl**|d»g tm iA* deck of awe of (A* river aoaaiboats at might Aa a remedy A* partook of gaioalh* aad whtvkey. more whiskey thsa gulola* aad aa a rea«lt lA* doo* torn up la Ala head.” waa Ihe way A* rxpreaaed H Judge Baxter toed Hellhen |2 ». TAr ham# CMd Charge. Jr*** wriltn*. the well known hailmva. appeared Aeforr Judge Bax ter today ob a charge that h« has hrea at court on more time* than the re porter ran remember aad no doubt jets* would have trouble la r tr -mber mg the number It waa a viola ion of railroad ordinance- -that la, he at. pped over the line at the depot (bat limits the business stand nf the hack men. la hta eodeavnr to ohtala a fare. "You haw boro here before on such a rharg*. have yon not?” qu<*tried Judge Baxter, smilingly. ■ Ye*. Judge; but thla la the first lime before yon.” "Two-llfty." Mid the recorder. Calvin Hmllh received a 13.80 fine for a violation nf the eighteenth and Phoebe Johnson and Phoebe Williams a 11.50 one. MOHRMAN’S CORNER FOR RENT OR LEASE. STORE 30X1 00. APPLY TO J. H. MOHRMAN. JUGDE SPEER'S ORDER. Concerning Bankruptcy Proceedings Kecdved here. rnlteil States Commlslsoner Calvin la looking for some bankruptcy peti tion* to Its tiled at any time now. There Is no reason now why such should not be filed If so desired, for the following order has been received by the commissioner: In United States court hir the Southern district of Georgia. in re, Kules In Bankruptcy. Ordered, that the proceedings In bankruptcy be directed ns closely as practicable by the rules of the Bnltod States court for the Southern district of Georgia until the adoption of rules os authorised by stat ute. Emory Speer. Judge. Filed In office this 6th day of August, 1898. Geo. K. Calvin. Deputy Clerk. Several piSitlona of n bankruptcy na ture have been filed In Atlanta, Macon and other places and no doubt In a few days such will be done in Augusta. Broad Street Store and Dwelling For Rent. We have for r«it n very desirable Broad street store with dwelling over head. wtvlch we will lease to responsi ble party at exceedingly low price. Will make alterations to suit. WICKER & DAVIS. Mr. T. E. Obensuf. Mr. Franklin E. Obenauf, Augusta's well known young atorney, was today granted permission to plead In the I'ni ted States court. No lawyer Is allowed to plead in Cu rie Sam’s court until he has practiced his profession three years or has pass ed a proscribed examination entitling him to do bo. M*- Obenauf has practiced the nec essary three years and was therefore qualified to conduct a case in the above court. _ THA AUCIUftTA MIWAXJ). MU CUMMING S ARGUMENT. [ IttUJ* Marti*! fMMMWt Bj ft* tW«Mtt*Nt*| (MMI Iftftftft ffcftftMtol ••(►ftft# Cftftft «H Mai. \’* . |##t * |JNI rt rt , r MMt ft(ft4 nr ft kflftl Ift ft* f Iftotift rrt>r • toftiftf-t ftlttftftftHM Ift #.!••* •Ifttftft mm*' j *a *a ft|# 1 I tdiftwiaisftft ftf • lift pfti * i ftpj'fttftl ft ftfftftllftfe* ftft# Hftftf ft*#- |«m m* ftftft ftfcffiftNMl ft ftftftfltoVftftftftl ett lift ftMM «f Iftt IftlftlfttT# mißipirr w# »***• ftf «ftto lift ftffttftft<«« Man4ftftfti Ift* mm ft#4 p>tft* ; #4»4 to titoft! I i Ift fttoftlftl# ftftrtoftft? ffftftft Oft fttoM* j «f Hft toftfttofft mm** ft f ftf Hft I f»i ft ft prft.«4 tot. Mr W«iftto • to, |mbNtrftift*ft Mftftt Ml lift fftftf ;ftPft*ft* | M ft«tft ftft IftrftllT ftf lift tftift ftft4 iftft- J gttftfp. Mft fttoftftftftkt »i Ift to* to j i f| .1 Ilyp p ttl tT * rwftfiftrj fttflftlf , iftf ft*r# At taa w'abtcA tAht moraiaff tA***| |wa* a teirtr »«• •••**» tow Idwary laj Immft (A* awtAwrHtoa aad i-kwaw. j ltd runitarrl. tAa AanAa war* »itod A«% wItAW (As vartaaare Me Wvigb* ] waa a tow mtoed** lat*. alto r At« adtort <d yvwlvrday. we* a fraab Awatimatow Ml Ala AwtwaAed* as MaJ j Cuawwiag had Aa*a talk at tow atooat j taa mi a ale* Mr Taylor, as lletskkivrf. Mlltor A Tayhw. tb» am w*«» Hvw ToeA law Brm altlrsd ‘* • f •* ~ H , bad awprrvtama ol ib» *>»»» i-r »•«•<* laoaa yatwra aad tovimwu aad aaata- I tad Major Cammlag wth partlnaat ' *u«*r»in.a» from urn* to tlm*. Mr I.a mar ratorrvd to by tA* Major at ■aa tlm* aa 'A* daacawdaat of a knag Dm* as emlaeat aacrtdiwa. aa ably and tbewowcAly v**»rd la Kngitah Janvpra d*ac* baaed hark la hi* chair pay ng clmm aad lay atiewima to iba arga mrnt of nppnalag rewaacl. and ocra * legally Jotting down tbetr citation* of autborii lev Major Camming began by referr ng tna n antbortly aad reading therefrom regarding the difference aad dlvtw foa between a eomtaon latewevt and a Joint Intoveat. leading up to the de !< larailoa that lha defease rhomed In j tAla rase, tha (there waa bo partner '•hip. bat amply tb* reladooa that ex taled beiwern landlord and teuaal Tb* major continued with the statement that tksy. th* Augusta Southern, turn ed over to us. the South Carolina and Georgia, their property In perpetuity, or theorriically ao. al laxat. Thao ram* th* question of a rtreiversbip. The majority of receiver*hips are ask ed for by creditors for th* purpose of holding property together and Its dis tribution equitably. In the ease in court there waa no question of insolv ency, and there were no creditors There should b* no rtrelrershlp un less a dissolution of partnership to I sought. It may he slated here that the major, while contending that the relationship between the two companies waa not a partnership one. «ti simply and solely arguing from authorities In the matter of recelrershlps In general. Major Cummlng continued by stating that there should be no receiver unless a dissolution was sought, and "this Idle, futile and uncalled for proceeding means a dissolution.” Continuing, a long list of authorities were cited on the subject of partnership and the ap plication for receiverships. thP object being to bring out that the court must have It clearly In mind lhat dissolution of the partnership is Inevitable— and to determine, too. that thorp Is a part nership before a receiver caa be ap pointed. Another reason must also tic shown for « dissolution of partnership, vt*.: Misconduct, and If certain of the alle gations of the petitioners were true, It might well be assumed that we—mean ing the South Carolina and Georgia Railroad company—were a parcel of thieves, defaulters and deceivers. This Is a question whether we shall be turned neck ami heels out of our property. We say our statement is complete. They say It Is not. It is a question of construction, ac cording to the articles of the lease. Major Cummlng then took up the question of the non-payment of cou pons. paying that every single coupon had been paid before the filing of the petition. Every obligation had been absolutely and strictly fulfilled In this respect. Regarding the charge of $89,000. Ma jor Cummlng said that he would not discuss it further for fear that his righteous Indignation might carry him beyond bounds. Every single obligation had been met. The next subject was the charge re ] gardlng the deterioration of the roll ing stock- and the locomotives, and here the major waxed sarcastic and face tious. If an engine goes out on a run. and breaks down. Mr. James 11. Jackson says "receivership!" if a ear has a hot box nut on the road as soon as It comes in Mr. James 0. Jackson says • Keeelvershtp;" An engine has a pilot removed for the best of reasons, its removal ip ordered by an experienced and thorough railroad [i Hr '•‘fti'f I ini.# - pi.rj a**.* jft* eft* «ftr. , ft.>«afM* ftffttoftift ft# ftUift jftft'ft ftft ftIMMMM* I •ftMft ftft VMtftofW ft* I tftxjt'ftft-t ift sft) | r ftf ftft fttoftftMtoftft I ftwftr'toif ftl 4A * '■# dto airs • ft# * ft! fttPftMPftff • ft# ft" * I | ATg~g y *•# ftp Mft **•' ft ft* I Iftoft ft2#ftpft -Ml ft*# ftftf 99m iftifti** I ffttiftlft. ftftft ft ftft ft ftMftft ftlftftfttotft# ft«wil (Ui.illl irTrfku'ftlrt toftNpt At Ift# fthN I* ft'ptilftft M *4 mm | torft i »■ mi ail gift m Ift# ftftft#* ftft* ***#<• *ft# ] 9H09 ftft ft- Ift ftftftfiftfttiftftf-- I ftft t Ift# ■ | <4 Ift# flftwitft «'*•%£*%# *ft*i Gift#*] #HMI tftiftllfirft yf"*■*til*-41* I# tft#tft ftffftfttft to4#‘«fftftftfcftM! f IA, ftgkpiHt. H tft iftfftfftMt Iftftl tftift j j j«ibfiw. * « *«a« mm* fttfftiftt Iftftftl ftfttGt Ift \ CKtoflilH IJIAtHU DAY. * ' TA* Hvwgxaa* Arroo—4 fa* H a* HWtodgaVto. fV f«itkm iftft pftiftrftfft. ftft a- ft ftftfft* |pl#4 ftii ypfttirftftf ftt tft# MUMlfttHlt < ifttfltkft ftftft full ftf iftftfltfftl soft* ptfttioftft t# r ,*•«#« ft Uaittfi Tft# 41m vMNiikJft «pun tft# to9*r#«t 4#por«* ai#ft«ft of !drft«ft# ftpfll ft*# fftll «f Lend profitable sad cairrialag tm* TA* Ipragrowi waa tata.ap*ra*d wKA bngbt [aad rkavfsl* wbirA roairibat- $ vary atm b M tA* »wrc»*« of Ito* »t*a> Ctoro Btsbop lamtos preaidad aad Ato I queries war* lnlifxl aad aided la aa* coayagla* lA* apraAer; Ala klad words of rowaarl aad ad* at *«T* fall of wto* doas. Program tour Epwor'h l/uw day M Milled*eviß*. Ga . Aug l. I«M: Ifi,# infill firyvlra. Ifi:dfi—TA* Work of (be Prcvtdrat. Mr* C. L. Dorall |l:to- Paper read by Mr* Roberta ft' Ifi— Address-Dotlea of tk» Find Vie* Presfidoot and Commitie*- Mr Irvto Alexander. 11:10 Address The IVvotlooal Meeting- Mr. C. T. Crawford il:Bd Addreao— Why There Should Be a lasagne la Rvery Charge Mr. J. 1. Oerdlo*. Proaldeol Georgia Epwurth Dragu*. AFTERNOON. I A)—Bong Service. |:10 —Tb* F.'cond Vic* Prrsldeat aad Cotnmitle*. Mina L/>ula Olaas. record vtr* president. Georgia Epworth Umw. 3:40 —LMerary Work—Mlva Ethel Park*. 4:4o—Money for ibe T eague and How to Rata* It—Dr. R U H-mry. 6:oo—Addrma How to Organise a League- Rer. Crawford Jackson. EVENING. 7:30 —Song Service. 7 45 Addresa Th* Epworth League; If* Mission—Mr. O. A. Park 8:30 Devotional meeting and con secration service conducted by Miss Emma Tucker. OI.IVTR ROW. All thr Homes Thereon Have Been Rented. "Oliver Row,” the handsome new residences of Mr.Jaoob Phinlxy on Mon ument street. Bre rapidly nearing com pletion amt will be finished and ready for occupancy by October lat. They have ail bo leased for three years and will be occupied by Mr. Alex Cranston, Mr. Charles Degen, Mr. Jones Gardiner, Mrs. Sarah Dlbrell, Mrs. H. S. Barclay, and Mrs. Virginia Schley. Very Sad Death Mr. and Mr*. Grt*e'» friends will deeply sympathize with them in the loss of their youngest daughter, Clara Irene, who died night of tubercu lar mlningetls. after a comparative.y short Illness of two weeks. Mies Clara ivas a most attractive, winsome little lady and her loss is felt tn a large cir cle of friends, both old and young. The funeral will occur tomorrow afternoon at 5 o'clock from the Church of the Atonement. Contract Awarded. The contract for furnishing the Aug ust supply of shoes and hats necessary for the inmates of the Richmond Coun ty Home was today awarded to the F. A. Calhoun company. The contraet •vas awarded on competitive bids, the above company having mad.? the low est. The supplies for last month were furnished by Rica & O'Connor. o J Gk.j®*X'C3?nLX^k.. Bear* the ! Tn TVtimark the city school children fare taken on regular visits to the coun try. both for the becojit of their health and for educational ,purposes, and the process ie then reversed, tb-” country children being takewdo the city in or der to broaden thelrjminds. , , ; _ ’ ... ' ■ -ioC MAJOR MASSON | HAS ARRIVED. Ai A rwww k«»*» to»«i« • into* at Ay***»«to to# «fto» *#to» *»• •t —-* >a iA* ttowkrww fibif. Aaaw Ml fadHlva M A’alw— * g***‘ Ift ftift tftftft*#*# Tft# mtmpm Hi ft f# , ftft fti #?ftft ll# ftftft ftftft4ftl #4 ftftftJft# ft# «ftft TfftHi NfttftftiftM ftft Jfti# Sft W tf ftftft m wnfm ftftMl —ftftft! tftltto*ftL ftHftft ft H ##|r* HftiHftift Ift ft ipl#«Niital InnftiftC nffftvy ft rtoft N# tft ftft iftiff tftftmrtftf i f| uftft tftftfti ft# ftftf ftftftft ftf AtMfMft. | fft* ftMtJnf ftMftfttif ft# ft*«ft* | to ftfMftftNl •if It tft# f'.'tT l H» ft*# ft### ftNPft ft#f# t#tof# hJCXV kt* KXtfTlUGttjr . Thr mmmh*w «f pmnmrn •# 11« p ftftftd* flfYtHtM* #f tft# C. ft w. r, rft**##? # •#»••* •#*#***• iKiiift l« iM«rYriaf4 Mr ft II K **ll. fftft tft# fiftnlftrt Us Kaoauna va*b a Dmr. svawr <* rjsrsvsasra train torttf *»##• ftftft#* *ft# 9*** * WI IcaVf I Rift Wfil‘ft ■* " *' TMI: YYEATMOt ! Partly Clowdy WeatAar Toaight aad Suaday. | Augusta Ga.. daturday, Aug 1 j Office located la 0. 8 gcmstwai ■building, lekjkoa* aumber lAtl. Fnrv jrast for M hoar* rs4l»i • p- m. Aafi 7. IkM Washington forsraat for Strath Car olina. Fair tonight and Bandar: for Georgia. Panly rtoudy waathrr umtgAt and Saadny. I aval ft recast for Angus)* and atotn- Ity: Partly cloudy wrotber tonight god Sunday Maximum temperature 87. Tha river al I Ibis morning wav 18.5 feet, a rim of 7.1 feet la the past 24 hour*. Every district In tha Cotton Belt, ex cept Memnbis. had min in tb* part 34 hour*, wtlb heavy fall* along the Cen tral gulf coast, and at Griffin. Ga; shower* were also heavy in western Texas, eastern Nebraska and eastern Minnesota. The low air pressure ha* moved east ward and extends from the upper Mis sissippi valley southwestward to Kan sas. having assumed a V-Ilke form, while tb* highest pressure covers nearly all of the eastern half of (he country. Temperatures have fallen over the northwest sertinn. also slightly along the Texan and over upper Michigan, but has risen as a rule over the remain ing portions of the country. RELIEF IN SIX HOURS. Distressing Kidney and ntadder Dis ease relieved in six hours by "New Great South American Kidney Cure.” It Is a great surprise on account of its exceeding promptness In relieving pain In blndder, kidney* ar.d back, in male or female. Relieves retention of water almost immedlaiely. If you want qu(. ; relief and cure, this Is the remedy. Sold by L A. Gardelle, druggist. Augusta. Ga., 612 Broad street. CO I’ORAL MAY. The Arrangements for the Funeral in the florning. The rema'ns of Corporal James V. May, jv.. of the Second Georgia regi ment, who died from typhoid fever at Fort Thomas. Ky.. a few days ago, ar rived here cn the Georgia train last night. The body was removed to the home of the young man's parents on Rey nolds street. The last sad rites will occur tomor row morning from St. Patrick s church at 10 o’clock. The soldiers of the Second Georgia. Third Georgia and what members are still here in the militia companies will attend the funeral in uniform, under command of Capl. Renkl. In Egypt washing is done mostly by men, who stand naked on the banks of the Nile and pound the w t clothes on the smooth stones at the river's brink till the dirt -Is removed from them. Frerch women pound the clothes with paddles in the same way as the Egyptians upon the stones beside a river. A. T. STEWART morn o lift • I '#fg#tf 0o toNgpg | fiAg% ft «d»»ffig4 " | #«'«• A*ww iik'OAa Omm tNwwjft O* -T. r -r ft ft# I®#** dfft fttY Ntd »<#ft Nw i.wwWgtaWi Ml < ctoslarttK ww r*aartVj| istositD I Hftm M toltoi Km* top< tftitol Mi •• ««ri|fthftt#acNn t§to% jpH Itotoll toto ptotolft., JtotiWto fttoi I iviftU# tGrttoto tto Mtoto fttotol I «b«MI m TNrt t«« (Mgr *om ftt «ft»ft» NafA (Ng msMm » poM ft *«» Wd mfti b* fM Mi H** man ft ft** I ftoM ft tm m*ws km*m ift ft aft last ftrawftt mm *MtolL t*mittmm ftffji ## iftg tkmv| w I Wtwftfif ftffjr wfift Wto##*** #** lawn tot Mdtofi tmlittly wist ftd^. Tim m m mmmm *• ftt lbii!iiMdSfinif>'’r(a i IN THE CHI BCHfJ. Card. (Uftbl CAawsA. Rftfl*Tiftt— ftgfti- ft fftffttol to**' 1 j fftlftl *ft ftwA- First Martial lAwrvA. | Hervwaa e-tsdsodad by N Edward« Til tor — LUB. trtwerat M*a*»-. of, In'eArtA A to I No avtwtofi rtrtWA fit. Pawl's CAtsssA Rev C C. totil aass. U D . rartar. It a aa. »ato Ann tow ad HaAy Oawk-. . wsssw aad **rtonn • p to vstewiag praysw Tb* yawwg asca's ktkk class ® rt» ta tA* vestry m a* at IA j Colored CAwsxAes ! Chris* PreeM-teelaa thwrrh fi*rvi-w# 1 #)ri(j| ft 1# ft, fft ftfißfß'il 111 a. to figsrial lapic. Tkfi* oar !**••- Iphto.” Chr*:isa F-nd-svar wees ow Thursday at 7. Id p ■ Hut kirn's Aralta Salve. THE BKPT I*AI.VK ta Ibe world far Cwta. Bruliw*. gore*. I leers. * nwH Rheum. Fever Borer. Teller. Chapped ll.nds Chilblains. !''«*• aad all fihla Eronttows aad rotouvely ease* PIN*, pf tkO ftft] f - It Ift t# funded Prlre 28 mats per l»« FOR saljs by Howard * wiiakt. PKKSONALS. Mr. L. A. Bcrekmaa* 1* ba.k fretn ! Mm on Mr K C. Bertkmana returned last night from Mccoa. Mr. and Mrs A. G. Jackson are at ! Wayncavtlla. N. C. Mr. 8. K Magill of Macon arrived la town this morning. Mr and Mrs. John J. O'Connor have returned from Indian Springs. L. F. Met ft. E. E. Arden and L M i Arden of Charleston are at the Ptant jera. j Miss Nina Campbell will leave next week for a visit to friends in Grecn ' vllie. Mr. Floyd L. Scale*. Wa-'nesboro'a prominent young attorney, la at the Planters today. Messrs. C. J. Lambetrt and F J. limbec* of the Singer Manufacturing company, are in the city. Mr S. R. Wedden fellow of the Geor gia railroad car department, left with hla family this morning for Saluda, N. C. Messrs. Geo. H. Livingston and L. R. Allen will leave Monday for Indian Springs, where they will spend several week a Mrs. Alfred Davis and Mas Sallie Davis, who have been summeting at Hendersonville, N. C., will idturn home Monday. The marriage of Miss Bessie Mathe ny and Mr. Henry Sandera occurs at 7 o'clock tomorrow evening at the horns of the bride's parents, in West End. Miss Mary Campbell, the efficient li brarian. will leave Wednesday for Greenville, S. C., where she will spend a two weeks' vacation. During her absence from the library. Miss Camp bell will be substituted by Miss Golds by and Miss Jennie Barclay. OASTOnTA. Be*™ the Kind You Have Always Bought “rr Deeds Filed. Two deeds were filed in the office of the cterk of tb.' city court this morn ing, one from the Augusta Real Estate and Improvement company to 0. G. Lynch, of three lots on McDonald street, for the consideration of $1,050; and the transfer from Robert' E. Skin n. r to Sarah Rebecca Bailie of one quorter acre of land, the consideration being The Windsor. Col. Dirk Dreyer is having the Wind sor Case newly painted and papered through-out. The place will present ! quite a different appearance when the I workmen finish with it. _ ___ *uoi»*r • TOOAY*S lARMTIS. TN* fftOftttlto Vtb# #•#*#■# * M#l w tfmm ftf lif **■ ?»t 4* (• to 9,M m I T aA H K rTATtMK^T fttm- Ap Ok* fwmsm * o* *• ** SJttJto WHEAT- oi-w rw~sa Aftfti f •fe*# mm mm mm •* *• * * * N toN I■■ F#ft>|ny # »,,<•*,. *. i* •• a !>rspi9ii«f r. *1 • jk fl fY Ir.jtmu, in NEW YriRR (Xrpp)K. January 8 if g.tfi May ~ „ #, », ~ ~ ~ 8.18 fieptPtohar .. V. 7. 7. 7. 7. B*4 &88 [ (M. k, a %t —m NEW YDRK rroexs. gugar .. I»to ra* 'T»ba<w »271 k llfH A M A It'S m C B Q UJ Chlt-aga Gas ~ .* .. IPs liatfi General Elect.k 4S<* 4«Vk IjuUtsvtllc aad Naehvllle . "h , Manhattan 187 S l >7* • Uttaha 84% , raloa Pariflc M* '* ; Roth Island .. . »S H*to Rubber <•!* IH Paul I<>7H tgf 8 R. Q - , Weaiern t'nion .. .. .. . »t% *B*% LIVJCRPOOt- COTTON. January and February 8.38 lid ; February and March .. 3 21 I 21 March and April —• * *• *• |A(rll and May s--* 15 May and Jon* —* July and August *-2< 2* ;Autua( and Bcpt B-23 Hep!, and Oct 2.22 * 21 23 | Oct. and Nov 2-21 321 i Nov. and Dec 3 2<* 3.28 Dec. and Jan 3.20 3.2# AOOOSTA COTTON. Middling * **!• Sales ,T * Receipts today *1 Receipts to date S7WOB Stock on hand f 7 * 2 PORT RECEIPTS. 1*95 18*7 1M» Galveston 73 New Orleans .. .. M 112 • 40 Mobile » Savannah .. .. .... 2 7 Charleston .. 2 Norfolk 2 D* Boston HI 98 Passed Through the City. Superintendent Tbeo. D. Kline, of the Central, and his family, passed through tbs city today cn route tq Harris Litbla | Springs, from Savannah. The party ' traveling in the superintendent's 'private car Mr. Kline and his family ,go up to Litbla Springs every ysar about this time. , A good Tooth Brush and Oriental Tooth Wash Is a good pair—so cents, j Meander Drug Store. Special Notices: SPECIAL. WANTED—NICELY FURNISHED room good locality, not later than Saturday evening. Addres*, Room, care Herald. FUNERAL NOTICES. THE FRIENDS AND ACQUAINT ANCES of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gage and family are invited to attend the funeral of their youngest daughter, CLARA IRENE GAGE, from the Church of the Atonement TOMOR ROW fSunday) AFTERNOON at 5 o’clock. THE FRIENDS AND ACQUAINT ANCES of Mr. and Mrs. James T. May and family and of Jan#* T. May, Jr., are Invited to attend the funeral ai JAMES T. MAY. JR., at St. Patrick’s Church, SUNDAY MORNING at 10:30 a. m., August 7,