The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 08, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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2 MONDAY NO WAR PRICI-S ** *• OmMi j • • • • *2? •• ** t##*# tit# L |r tfc • • • • »** fcjIUIMM of CUwAoi § • ()U *** h 1 tarty# m * !•« dor* *• *Hiy W* f*l M w to 80 pw f « L*rw**» itor*«4 Osmond* * Atofwk** LEWIS J. SCHAUL. jeweler. Umtov tfwi Artt*OT«w* Hrt4 .. Three Thousand Oollars t!) I ; -■ WORTH OF Musical Instrument FOR 50c OR THE SI. O RIB MANDOLINES t#*a*t* a#* it Rosewood CulUri • i#IH »*«••? •*Amati” Violins Wmm la »-• « % | | inch Banjos {•4tk **»f k**<»»l War* ia Mow **>* 2 Stop Accordeons War* *4 »«• tt Birch Guitars Wgrxth #«•**.• Snare Drums (ia ttMfe taw w*raiaa Raw •» TtM» *Md* ta* *>4*l at <»* At s••{# K 4( •* i Ttiomas & Barton, W H BARRETT. H***#***. Tl* Broadway. *W»‘« tla. watermelons. •. ill B* Looped By «•» «•*« A»rt cultural Society. lattian gprtug* tia Aua A Tb# t r*l» sMrt* Agricultural Society will , herr oa ih* la and 11. Urge Croatia at* tiacri'd »ad gverytbing rr jj t* don** to aaak* the convention pUw.s*' Om lb* errata* of Auguat II tbr fcdegataa will ba treated to a watermelon aad frtiit bait, wbicb will be aprrad in the grata Bear lb* aprigge About t oo# of tba flaaat melon* will be donated while hundred* of buahel* of pnneber grape* nnd nit fruit* In aea non will be aerred. The naaaon ba* been belter than tor never*l yenra. All the hotel* have been crowded There are tea paeeenger train* a day through here, and with the tnllyho* rn- LADIES’ TIES SOMETHING NEW J. MILLER WALKER THE HATTER. KNOX HATS pacity Of from 40 to 50. with rroni four to ten horaea, add much to the pleasure of the visitors. They run to High FalU. Jackson and Florin* ulrnost dally. The Great Hollneae camp meeting be gins this year on August 23, anil con tinues through to September 3. The appearance of the camp-grounds will be much improved by the addition of many new cottages. Dr. K. K. Walker, of Indiana, will be here, bealde acorea of others. The Bing ing will be directed by Mr. Charles Tillman, of Atlanta. Manager* and friends of the camp ground* are expect ing the largest crowd of any meetings. NO MAINE DIMES WANTED. Secretary Long Enmeshed In Endless Chain Contributions. Washington, Aug. 8. Dimes have been pouring Into the navy department upon secretary Long, contributed by patriotic Americans who want to build a battleship to replace the Maine. Somebody—the secretary does not know who —started an endless chain to this end. and the secretary Is doing his hesi to break the chain. To such of tlie contributo-a a* give their address be is returning the money, with a note informing them that he has no author ity under the law to receive It. and that the object ha* been otherwise pro vided for. Congress has spee.flcally appropria ted money for the construction of an other batlcship to be known as the Maine. tuut»t*M» abbaa la tgaiMg <•# *»**« t 'tub Ik*)* I jfca y. ft., f • *■*' A ggf fj HI * •Aril j M fT.j. r nii w %** fWtl# ' # *** \ 4*# Ms ******* mm* »*** •#* m fyi ** IMHM* * ) * * *#4 IfriMYrife** (•*•»*«* *ooo*o* mm* g I A •*•!' INl** WNfcp ** IN** •** |mm %rif*«§tnv-•♦ ** * fell*•* • V l** 1 [ttf *»4 If** •Nil* I# . MHk * |» **9*ooo*** omm | YPl m t**«4MNf ■■ i •*«* «• bmp «***• I Nmnn*' t ' Inf * ** H * ***■ ■ JLJl,l ** ir *' | }M**>»« i*oum T*m«4* *** ****** t%W*sf»A **»• o*** • t**** 1 * 1 * •*_!*** ** % igitiißf I* .> 1 UN* M«#f U i n t** •*** |(friftf C«riMlN*C*>f 11*1. • l|(M* IN’ NISI *N" •* 'I |lN* full mrWlkt * I Mu i * «cHi»aw*»a ewtettamed a laaaiiw *»f y»am# b* ’* •* 1 Twewda i aeswMsg la w* Wee ag bee t• 1 1 VMM Mtm thta* Mt a irl M eatervatatag a ben*** part# of ■■ >*> ~4 tag aowwa ladtea. Mi I*l*ll* fait la b®» ft a> •*■*** t, x t. Mr*. Juft** !M*trtn wpl have her rnuitn m m I a tft, *„ from Aitcu*? *. *»Hli I t tMt UMaftl IMHMIe Caps William HruSe n and Mr and |Mia Julian Hnlelei* with iheir wm. Maatee Julia*. ha>r return I from At-j 1 Iritii I Mr W. fMii «rff! •! I<l <ll*** jllphtful howw Beat mek IB Imum* of Mr* Law*. Mew Moteteln a ommlo. I Pnme lime *«n a little hotll< of 11»*m to rlaln * CaHe. Cholera and IHarrh.e. Rraudy fell lato n»» hand# luel at a lime whew my two-yeae-oM t«>y »aa Ire* Italy articled Hie how eta were he coairol We had lilwl many rem vdlea. la no purpoa*. hul the hut* hU ill* of Colli. Cholera and Illurrhoe Item I edy apeedlly cured ham. —William T. Jonee. Ople»hy. Oa For aale l»y Alea •Bder Drug A Heed <» . C. R Parr, iof Bell Tnwer I*ru« Plora. | SAH JONBS’ TALHAOE SUIT. The fvangrllst Looked Too shabby to Preach In the Tabernacle. dlomilellc Reelew > Ram Jonea’ well known hatred of au perflcial genitllty. which, to ua* one of 1 hla exprwsalona, la "atuck on like rourl planter ” U Illustrated In the following anecdotal Having been Invited to hold meet- Inga In Dr. Talmage'a Brooklyn Tab ernacle, he railed upon the latter gen tleman before the flrat meeting. Tal mage was a little shocked at the evan gelist’s shabby apparel, and asked him If he would arrept a new suit of rlotbc*. 1 The eouple visited a cllthlng atore, and Sam Joan* was arrayed In new raiment and decorated with a silk hat. At the meeting Talmage Introduced him aa the "Rev. Samuel P. Jonea. from Georgia." Then the evangelist made this aston ishing speech: “Yea, the Rev. Samuel P. Jones, from Georgia: and this Is the new ault of clothe* and the new hat your pastor haa presented to me. If your pastor had as much of the grace jof God In hla heart «s he ha* pride he I would convert all Brooklyn, and would not need me.” 90-year filled gold watches In ladles’ and gents’ sixes with Kigtn or Wal tham movement from IT 00 to SI? sft Guarantee* with each wateh at ,t Schaul'a. Reliable Pawnbroker on JacUson street. Curiosities of Our Calendar. There are some curloms facts about our calendar. No century can begin on Wednesday. Friday or Sunday. The stuns calendars can be used every 20 years. October always begins on the same da<' of the week ns January, April as July, September as December. February. March and November begin on tho same days. June and August always begin on different days from each other and every other month in the year. The first and last days of the year are always the same. These rules do not apply to leap year, when comparison is made between days be fore and after February the twenty ninth. Smith & Wesson pistols from $5 to SS.SO. Several good bicycles for sale very cheap. Good watches from 31.25 to *50.00 at Lewis J. Schaul,' Reliable Vawnbroker, under the Arlington. The man who classes his wife as a bird of paradise during the honeymoon is apt to think she resembles a parrot later. Don’t turn over a new, leaf unless you have something sensible to write on the page. TjFYIB AUGUSTA HETHAXjD WOMAN IN MEDICAL FIELD. n > % # Prftjudlc* Oi**pp«Artritf ind Womml* Record In the College*. || t9M WPHNM C MIUi t «*» m*m ******** : ift ft-tHM 0m ***** mm*** ***** ****** ****** **« ***** ****** j [jmmi |g|#* NMMM|M*riliiiM N** '#**** <*** | tl* iNlitrt f**- * «m ***mm*m *• +* j |- urnm** m** m **m* m** ***** \ |«*m» ********* *** ** ****** ism **** tm i 11*%'*gpi*rt«i*t t*s IN* *g> ■*** ** I»** mm ***■ ***** *** ***»m*m ** * mm * ! I *** ****** *** ******* ***• ***** ****** ***_ ir * rt <* «* Irik igwMri *gM*N IP* “*** | m gg*r W*Ks *******m ** IM* **** r«* * 0 I** * trip fP*n*N| *■•**"* * * iMfirri Mm* ssmm* •' * *•** MANOR'S TOHACCO BREAK. Mm* M'O r~*4, DM yMiU. Marlow. * C*. *■• A —» The Mar em toeaerxr marker waa uyamNl laat we#a . un4*t fat usable aaapitwa Mar Ira of ( Ike kovr ai ark»ek lb# » *, git *IS prwla.meU hf Ik* akftll gg«4 -us all ik* gull wfcsaik** ia Ike <***! j am' at tfc* kßmrta'e* “•* **• ** { * 'rioua MiWUsg waa f»H*4 Ilk *IM <*• frmm tk* low» aad ike couatrystd# 1 Nnriv slaty tk'iaaaad poUtda «f tree* hacrfced dow* *• 'h' ka*M« j and aygr atmalriy f«mr ihowaaed **»#• I la«x ia raak »a# Iraaaf. rrrd to *k» I make •of T* # *'* rl ’* n waa roodm’ed ky Mr• O A flat 1 - .from Lto'a ararekoua* a* Uaavlll*. *j gvnllewaa of Baton .shin* volubtllty. aad a rerliakla fcwaller at tfc# haa*#** ] H waa attended by rcpr*s*»t»tle*» of leading koewt of »te enuatry eon spb uous among whom were W I. Walker, the Amecicaa Tobacco cotnpa , a,.’a m* uag*r for tki* slat# Mr. Ad ams lb* regular buy*r for that com pan; at this uniat. Mr Wright of Gw j Iran A Wright egporters #f R rh.n«*Bd and Meanr» WT. Jrfferxoi and RA 1 ! t’roit. n of rtnavllle. Be* dm theae thera were Meeara Pope. Orsy and! Chester, from the neighboring market at Mulllaa. Mr W. B Cooper who he; a on hla own account. Mr W C.i i Scott, who ha* charge of the local I aiemmcry. and Mr. A. B. Co*, whn 1a aasorlated with Mr B. S Kllla In lha lease of the Marlon warehouse f<w the 'current year. Mention should be made of Mr H. S Reams the genial 'and expert manager of the warehouse, ! who. despite the crowded surroundings ■ and the exxreaaive heal, never fagged In his endeavor to push the axles and ' reallxe the bext prices for his custom {*rt. Meesrs Co* A Rt"». «“* 'oergoi'c ■ lessees of the warehouse, and lla P» : irons generally, have every reason to feel gratified at the sale*, which plain ! ly foreshadow a aurceaaful aeaaon and | a very proaperous season for our mar ket. QEOROIA PEACHES. Few More to Arrive In New York. The Season and the Grower*. New York. Aug. 8. - Few more Georgia peaches will arrive, except, perhaps, the product of scattering late orchard* will not amount to very much. The total shipment tlui year has been two thousand cars, near ly or quite oue-half of which have come to this city to be distributed in tribu tary territory. The product has been large enough to allow every person In the United States a quart. There are something like two million trees In tho state, and the product of a thousand trees made a carload. Fully hall of all the shipments were made by six firms and Individuals, the other half by orchardtets scattered In different por tions of the slate. Shippers’ gross re turns are said to average Trom $1 to $4 a car, depending upon the date of shipment and the quality. Out of this must he taken the expense of har vesting and shipping, but some of the small orchards are said to have yielded a profit of 81.500 to *2.500. while larger ones have run from *25,000 to $50,- 000. Growers do not expect another such year for some time to cotne. Last year the crop was a failure. In tß9fi. 380 cars were shipped. In 1895. the shipments were 749 cars. It is esti mated that a half million trees will be set next spring. Receivers have done well on Georgia's crop. Most arrivals ! have been of unusually good size, color and fairness, and good prices were realized. The fancy have sold up to *1.50 a crate, and onh- a few times have prices oh fancy gone below *1.25. Poor, overripe and specked goods have not paid freight. I* y>—f * $4 «M% INK* frit **-** *o* iHfc* Ml ***** t*Qftff*** *t*mt**g* | Tt m*f i# ******* ** ****** *0 RPt* i fit*# 4HNRMiy *rif tAt ***** mm* ] CMOVETOW*. tab of % i*4i«**. fsrtami aad E* - 1 •artlsM. t*> TIM H* i I _ —n, |g M 1 bru«e44-wtt. Am A —i» aad Me* Ilf L|iflf t K in 4 tits fit? I 00* Wktimmf, mm U m j i ftM*iA mm** m* a* *m j j« iwt to tM#if pmwoU ot AppU j Mr. tArttn lnteKst mm* • ftMM at! I Vftlli Mai *oo I Ms. torklp of Hariewi vlalted fn-ttOv on Iks a vega* Auaday. Mias Julia Tkow;iann. oaa of ogr I br.gfctMg kid fairest ymiag ladle*, ram* up Re urday to Jtrta ker pa rest a [at Tfc* Rose! ad. Mr sad Mr* AI Halehar rtf rfctl !dren left a* after abort vtsMrto Ron* : Uml. tk* home of ker brother, Mr T. i K Sorrell. Ker Mr. Farter prnarhad rate nf his ielogarat set an— «l tl# LN:le> Brown I Church Sunday te da intervaled aad at leative roagregatina Mr sad Mr* Jeaaie Thotapsoa left [ ua oa duaday to pay a abort visit to | their daughter. Mrs. Berry, la Spar, ia. Mr* llarri* and her little folk from I Athens are umcttg Hans Roori’s charm Leg gueata this week, j Mrs. Dr. Calhoun of Atlanta aad j daughter are at Villa Marlon. : Dr. Hal Steiner baa run up to Amer | irua oa haaincaa. He will remain several da;'*. Mr. Beams Heath spent Sunday at Lilt la Floes. Mr Cleo D. Rt’dea. a popular young society man from Ma on. Is expected today. HU remarkable taienta aa mu aiclan. actor and singer will add great ly. the young ladlsi think, to the pleas ure of the younger set Miss Mattie lou Green returned homo yesterday after a pleasant visit to her grandmother at Kiokee. The Reverend Father of St. Pat rick's church. Augusta, was an hon ored guest at Hilt Crest on Sunday. The young ladles of the younger set compliment Mist Lillian Holt with n straw ride, on Thursday night. They are to have dancing and refreshments in the moonlight at Rerxelia. while they recuperate for their homeward ride. Quite a party of Grovetownltea at tended the baseball and barbecue at Kiokee Saturday. Mr. L. B. Wilson is a guest at Little Pine*. We eame near to having a serious ac cident in our midst on' Saturday morn ing. Little Misses Louise and Ixelta Phinliy were out drivfng In their pony carriage when their t-oung pony be came frightened and ran away, but the brave little driver quietly enjoined her small sister to sit still,’ and handled the lines so sagaciously and courageously that they were uninjured when at length the horse wns caught by friends, though it Is not surprising that, she was more than a wee bit exci ted after it was ail over and the little ladies were safe at home. Miss Carrie Lee Clifford. Miss Lillian Holt. Miss Luctle Eyerlscoit Smithe, and (he Misses Hcggie, are planning Tor a most delightful two weeks’ trip among the Blue Ridge mountains of North Carolina. A certain bright young lady was showing her new dress yesterday. “This is a Spanish flounce,” she re marked. holding it up. “What’s a Span ish flounce?” asked the small bov. "Why. a Spanish ruffle, of course." she answered "Well. I declare— the Idea of an American southern ljidy having such things!” he exclaimed. "Oh. well I reckon it was named so because we did ruffle them conalderrifte before we flounced them off thread sea waves,” he added, quite brightfr we think, for ■o small a man. for My. Tboyanard is just eight, and very patriotic, we hear. A . . ~ \# A ..i *** N*KH vr* AUVH** wim»i Mm ink t*mm 4mm> Ia * Da * * KM - •‘ria»* kp |Wa I lS*#a* Aewa mu m ••*> feast dMidMNxt a-i m* turn tad #"•* «xs i baaapa I bad aisask i waku *-** ■ H# «r limit jMHMPrit |i*irtlriM» *o*A ******* | mj*m |*m** Ml Mi—lT I—l n>—*f (►«» Ms# ] KriHriift iiw— lomio**to *** *** **m ■ f - |< -—A4 •►%*!» '* IfeNitrtPwdkMke *** *** ***m 00* ***oo ** m*% j week IdMMa—l tfee asaaf tmmwm* r^-y #4M | |p« i iiHiril I— —i i l *—•'lf 0 fm*. I ——l IN—> pm+*r"»** s** » •4 ri—M dm*m4 frmm* 1 f • •««•&* *<■#*%*%* m» t m*otM**** *>*w «* •«• |m» —• fl—ril f •Nft of%*o* *o*loo*o _|j A • M.f% % ItriUl M t'®(Rf , 9**m* w*mßm Ui- «W ******m* ***- \ I* »l||t. rtiM lib#! m* T mnpru.rf' "'TMf •4 •—M—il ' ; mtm mm**** I« mwmm* 0 o*o M—if fcamijj' I—fril—Mk tj |4 fuAl—4# Y— All nirriii mmm** mm tm*s*m* V* ?«+»• **mr*9 1% Mmm **■> THE LICENSES TO PREACH. Wrry l«f*rtail Vtrl fei Mllkritf rtk RlH|kw ?»('kc aad 04ker Work O*. M’ttedgevfUe. Oa. ’ Aog After re- I igloo* wr.ktV gr. adactrd kjr Ik* Ret. I W K Rranfcata. >br ktskop keg** Ike call < f chart,* aad Ike foHowiag 11* t n>rt to |ifftt }i mstm —f<i A I u jf hk* R#f $, L Tyltr. j Rev, B *». Read, Milled#**Hl* 1 . *»*• ; John H. Hatley, Re hmoad cireuH, j Rev. J. H fetexsart aad Rev, J. CL Wig* giaa Report from Woman x Foreiga Mi*- •loatry tlortety. tkrongk Miex Bailie Garvin Luix. araa read ky Re*. Dr. Krcdgll. It (bowed a rmeperowa yea* ixr the aocirty and roniataad tke M* lowing atatiatica: Adult geirtlN. 81. Juvenile sort*- I tlsu, 22. AduH member*. 4R Junior | member* *77, Money rwiaed. ll.Tbd.ll. Rcr. J. H Mathburn reported for 1 committee op quarterly roofer-nee re- j rorde. that ter the most part they had , havp neatly and esrreetly hept. Resolutloo* rpeaklng highly and kindly rs Dr. J F Mixon, prwlding *ld*r, who 1* complying hU fourth ye«r on the worh. wer adopted by a i rtalng *ot*. 1 The committee on ihe examination of applicant* for llcrnae to preach pre sented the name* of Rrother E A. Shlrlda. of 8t Luke* church, and Bro. C. T- Crawford, of Mllledgevlll*. The seme committee presented the name of Bro. Crawford and Rev. J. H. Bailey for recommendation to the annual confer ence for admission on trial, which was unanimously granted. Thomson was selected a* the place for holding the next session of the district conference. Bishop DO nr an then arose to hts feet and announced as a text for this hour. • Judge not that ye be not judged, for with whatever Judgment ye judge, you shall be judged—and with what measure ye mete It shall be measured to you.” From the text he have a homely but lovelng talk of thirty minutes length. He got very close to his hearers, be cause he brought before them the com mon, everyday faults and foibles of people In their speech about one an other ami of their treatment of each other. The conference proceeded to the election of delegates to the next annual conference, which will meet in Augusta November next. The following named persons were chosen: E. P. Davis, of Warren ton; E. P. Gibson, of MlUedgeville; T. F. T-ayion, of Aueusta. Alternates. T. F. Nowell, of Milledge vllle, and W. K. Jonea, of White Oak circuit. Resolutions of condolence to Dr. R. H. Herbert, of Warrcnton. upon -the death of his son at Porto Rico, were Uffered by Capt. T. F. Newell and unan imously adopted. Resolutions cf thanks to the good people of this town for their generous hospitality in the entertainment of the conference, to the bishop for his visi tation. to the railroads for favors shown and to the pastors of other churches for offering their places of worship for public worship. After the reading cf the minutes con ference adjourned. In closing these brief reports of the proceedings of the conference I wish to say that the occasion has been a pleas ant one and the work of the district has been quickened by the Interchange of thought and method. Weathercock A vain and glittering tiling to a-spire. ; -l : CUT THIS OUT Wrtirt /OMf ArikMiiMfßaAi on tH*t N»Mi, •»»«*©•• drtOtitti nunurtorr to —f •• niun IriCKMI 09 |ou fedhl. Rod fTM4 Of M m) | i«> TMI HCRALD, ADVKKTIfiItMKtNT COUPON. to Tttlf Aim At A nttALO Pimm intrtft tlto «(lv#Hitfm*Rt WfWriO ttolorir 1 1 it*#* In irouf "WANT" column#, for Mrhkcfi you #W find dficloitd $ ■ O—M SIGN HCRS — —_ nmm ri ■ i ■ tuir mm**** f*m. mm a * »<#4ok Mi# mm o** m-*>*m. **+' ******. f— M». M Rale* IP. .Tit-4*%T * »o»t. *• »#r h*m-4 ONE-CENT A WORO SITUATION WANTED I g>saiiisaiimiaiiiisa#iiaiia»aaa‘aaa»aaaMMrt»a" | rtka t awaa«a»ssrt*a*MM*asa*artMM#*— *MMlOa SI" AKTKf* A f * h* Ytm I Aft * I HELP WANTED TOCmO- I#AI»T r*t* ll* rtl4. FOR SALE_ CHKAM— mfSAM AT 1« fXCKFtk #T, MaMHMtsa an I I 1 111 ,l 1 1" FOR MIA CHKAF—A FAIK Of rnumt fcnrvaa W4M war* •* stagle C. H Howard, Jr -At Hewatd A Willet Drag Ca. Jaaa » if TO RENT row KKST- THAT LARGK AND DB (4IUAIILK etora Ma. T 44 Broad atreet. t-xtor Maatu# kail Apply W * C. J.ilea, W Bread at reel. kept I FO« RENT-THE LARGE HASP, i BUIE daretimg Mo. WS Broad atreei. wllh yard running thrr.uxn te Kill* Apply to Jalaa Oodln. Prat I FOR RENT-T-ROOM DWELL!MO-1 HOCAK IMI tlraaie. altli modern Improvements, turn reaaoaable. Apply Vi&t Ellis, Beptl TO RENT A NICE 4-ROOM COT TAG F-. 1237 Ellis street. Poaaeaston given Immediately. Rent sls • month. Apply «» EIP* air***. * u « * story alore In the d Antignae bulld ln* running through from Brond to El lis Now occupied by L F Pmdgett. In quire of H. H. d’Anugnac or Z. W. Car wile. Bepl T FOR RENT-AN *-RO<)M HOCBE. corner McKmne and rails atreeta. "P” noalte Haired Heart convent, from Oct. Ist. Apply to J. A Brenner Weatern t’nlon Telegraph Co. ,u * * -Til RKNT-RKHU CE l»4 AND 1231 Kill*, with all modern Apply 1024 Broad street. 1 for rent-one or two large cool rooms furnished Most central lo cation In the city. J. E. Deas. »ll 1-2 Broad street. TO RENT—THAT NEW DEPIRARLE residence. No. 31* Bread street, from October t. Leonard Phinixy Aug « Mon wed sxt **** TO RENT-NEW 5-ROOM HOUSE with bath and large yard. 944 Philip street. George R. Lombard. Aug FOR RENT IN SILVER BLOCK One house and one of the most desira ble stores in the block. Apply to 1. Sli ver. city. Au * 13 miscellaneous SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING only *5.00 per month at Osborne's Business college. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at night. Come or call ut cnee. Great demand for stenographers. June-17 ts BOARDERS WANTED AT 739 TEL * FAIR street. Will furnish rooms and meals on reasonable terms. Septl TWO YOUNG MEN WANT ROOM and board for .six months, located conveniently near Medical College. Write terms to Oliver Gould, Zeigler, Ga. Aug 12 TYPEWRITING MACHINE DE SCRIBE fully. Name lowest price, time in use. Address Type Machine, care Herald. Aug 8 When a woman gets so old that com pliments no longer have any charms for h er —but she never gets that old. so it's useless to say anything more about It. —Chicago News. Don't think in order to be candid it is necessary to step on other people s tOeS. r ;■- AUCUST S .Special Notices: Te frjftlt* Hfeiii Nfe£ I 00* !•' tffriMK#* THKH 1C IS A PT\MV (# ISHItfTT *g#| a flHßrt f *r~— ■ *irt • 4 be 1p f a lb# 9Mf— (•to |S#i iy # lw» tihri pMH* f, T tl l*A Hlal* f trilfffl ****** The Whitely / Exerciser. I A peart owl. simylaaad itMlwt Dent Kaarakwe. 4*e sprctally *d*|##d Iw lad #, and rbhdr»o bat j•! th* mhu* ttm* can la* pwtttably o*#d by tba Hruagnl .»t,l#t*. PRK JOL Tfc,. fMR *1 SR BICYCLE* - CLEVE- i I UMm. 140 ap. VIE- I I lift A 135 up. BEX-1 DRONS. Ha up THOM-1 AH, |M ut. < Ail *nd Mg' lb*hi. Every <m* guar anirad. Richards & Shaver ANNUAL MOUNTAIN EXCURSION FROM AL'urdTA. UA , WEDNDESAY. AUGUST lOTH. 1X93 —VIA— L Charleston & Western Carolina Railway Company i Round trip tlrkets will he sold to points named at the follow ins low rates: Anderson, H. C 14 AO Asheville, N. C I« OO Ulenn SprUig*, 8 C It 50 Greenville. S. C. .. .. ..14.00 Flat Rock. N. C 15 40 Hendersonville, N. C 15 50 Hot Springs, N. C 17.25 Lenoir, N. C $*.75 Saluda. N. C. 15.50 Shelby, N. C 16 50 Spartanburg. 8- C 14.00 Tryon, N. C 15 "0 Waterloo (for Harris Springs Wayncsvltle. N. C 17 25 Wnlhalla, S. C 15.50 Shelby, N. C I« 50 LlneolntoD. N. C. 16 50 Rutherforclton, N. C $5.50 Tickets sood for return passage "** any train until August 31st, 1696. Fast schedules, affording a delightful ride through the beautiful mountain scenery of Western North Carolina Train leaves union depot at 9:15 a. m. For any other Information write or call upon T. M. EMERSON, T. M. E. M. NORTH. Sol. Pas. Agt. W. J. CRAIG, G. P. A.. 611 Broadway, Augusta, Ga. Telephones. Bell 1254; Strowger 449. 7 Per Ct $500,000 7Per Ct FOREIGN CAPITALISTS WILL loan half a million dollars on realty In Augusta, Ga. 1 Terms 7 per cent. For further Information sea their attorney at law, P. J. Sullivan, Es., or Mr. P. G. Burutn. Uncle Sam's Navy, Port folio No. 9, just received at Herald Office. \/k • T\ 1™ jU Mr / 'ill