The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 08, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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MONDAY 4 THE IUGUSTI HEBUO V, H , »•*«»*-• MW* •WHMP - -■<,.»* m _,m fto#ft 444 yßj# jm»* **« *.«#»*» ,>m *“ «—»*»— —*, :■{ S*» ■" -.?? - g* 4 4+*-* «#*#- mthm-m . ** - . m t*u Jj#Rr £#R# 0# Ag*"»«e (•»*■*• 0000**— *** C3_^^E3> l##M#M#lßß#R## IMtltAU* IW**- o*mmm <MOm~U*O *• * **o*9* fißiiHii. »»; mr . CMP MM**# 1 w "' »•• *■**•* * #NfcMf 44r i* ••** *•* * Wtl A> 11M< IMIJ ( |t *>toto. *• •A***" 1 ' ****** *** #to»*4a . MrIT JM ■ * »••* -'A4 •*•'* Wl ** »-«#*•» **•*'• **•**• „ .... „| t» -*« <*• *•■• •***" •** - - “ **• *’**»"*»- *** „ |M „ f , M ONMi r4B9VS <£*-*« »*-- «• •*« #• «*»*» •»* «• ••* »•***•*« ***’ / * Urm ks raf*"'** **•*“* imiM viTtcr g«§ «*,wttoU ara !• Yto * * *♦*?•*?:. rn...*,-. the I*o** »•* *• *o*o****** *" ■ “ * »*• »#*(■** ' ** •**" *T~r . ' |M •»** «* »■• * -I * 4 ** ’ ™ P*t*» Herald Prize Letters From American Summer Resorts. •• • • I»J?Z'£Z7»' m Z~ s»:~. «*£* ***• 3* Ur. mu.l U puilwtod ■•** • s».m «• |4um* sod .(W «»»' *rof.< few- «bw*.» <*>• »•'«*» •*- )tM will I . MUn it. <1 W • Mini #r.l l»l|.«ru*l rotoinit- I IhHIW IM lU* S»si<Hng >*» |rli.. The real *»<»■* »f «U* t wrii- t •• writ •• th* km* l *' Mil'. !*»«•« •rrowiwnjr •*' * |,11. r Met t« Ivt puHto atton, f f,, r ik. p«n>»* “A WuHlA’*' «i<«. CkelnUnt. matt confine their * * latlvta to a rtaMtu.M. UnflH . • p(HiinlMil. »■ write we nt»"T i Ivltcre a« their elrk tnr the I>rl*», hat »M r'rateeteA' via Mir »ae <>f the prtaea a ■ * The Herald want* lira. »l»«i*ht », «.wl|. r latter*. •*«» <*• prliea vlll he ewarlrd for the heat, meet latrrentin* and m >•! readable lettara of Auntinw It* * aort Nava. Contest Closes Oct. I. FOR THE BEST LETTER W* «• FOR THE JO BEfT LETTER ... U-** FOR THE AO BEMT LETTER.... »•»# Thaae art ihe dajra of rave raneta The Havanan half ahould hr re- Valued The frarte« Hubaon doesn't even •uffer from stage fright. The administration announces that It it ready for peace or war. The Spanish ariry In Spain is co piously shedding volunteers. That rescue put Van Wyck among (he gubernatorial possibilities. America can fitly furnish the British empire with an Indian queen. The "round-robin" isn’t a good fly (np male for the American eagle. .The cheers and sneers for Zola ap pear to be pretty equally distributed. Evangelist Moody says that 8.000 jnen have teen converted tn the field. Thanks to the endless chain. Shaf fer's men ore m>w having an ice time. I,et us hope that the Florida cyclone blew away some of the Miami mias gna. * Roosevelt may well leave to the pub lic to decide between bis record and Alger’s. At any rate, the epigrams of the war have not come as high as the cable grams. The actual expenses of the war op to the present time have hardly reached |100,000,000. Dick Croker loßt half a million on the English turf, but politics promises to be active again before long. The New York Times. In its attacks on Alger, has begun quoting Latin, poes 'Hie Times expect the secretary )l> resign under fire, u , S:SU..\Ui l Mg lifts svffHt VIP I mmrnt ~mm *#» tm »•*■* •» IMPNM® I Am# NM 4 #*-#►* 'Rd..v«M «»•*• » w« I mrnm IV*' iRMMHaV —oo* MfA [ |v* g# ######l mmmm i# imm »«#***# I'llilMl d fcipi" * ♦•<* lipmpim. «ml **Mt tmmma «m#^» : f%*9 tm - irf «C fiji i j'"TT «## ml I mil mMI m 11 An ill Y i* ******* !#• tiimm m a .> mrr t't f, g4uii|ift am mu# «m i umrr nmrr *•# «tm mtiml «f Um W 4 it «m •# I** * vv. Mirvmifi# m 1 f iim-t K*h» »*• «|imMt AtttmN## <v|i pr-tw m If #mAln4 4 |mcli cl# rrm«t 4«mim4 a# f sass «448 f •# f' AHnt<j*<§ff • TW |mmi m pAHim# *» ■- AI mj/ s fss" ‘ f |0 0 tf' {|oofWo4 j *o*oo ii#«i ar rkH# Tfea tfTklHw «f this m«kod of Metis* W» ' i over tug Hiaurea IR pri*ar*dtM»d nf lit* eottov dt»4 pevrout* br haaditag Ail saarks and tsvben are 1 llkevta# yeti pilurvffi ttaa mao of I ika di ts dt ffleali tea of ltv roitoo i trade. Ike fraudulent NkMItWIM as itv lea en mate, la ealtrely obetated 1 0»'iag to tk« regular for*, great dea- I atty aad smaller din** nason*. ibear halo* are also mm b more easily han dled, parked and renhlpped. They nrr alaacai aallraly fire and water proof, a fact which ahould reduce the rate of tasaraare. “For a given quantity of raw rot too I they are naturally much smaller In ti.lume than the old fashioned balm | I am also told that the suppression of 1 the Ron band* reduce* the tare fro* « per rent to I per cent. "At Ghent nod In other cotton man ufacturing districts or Belgium, as In many other Europenn rountrea. the round bale has been Introduced. Af ter due trial, spinners generally agree that this method of packing evince* in ogress, ami that It ia destined to In crease the export trade In American cotton. fOOTH ATLANTIC PORTS. The Detroit Journal, which la atiffl clently remote from either the gulf or the Atlantic seaboard to talk with sen tentious ignorance, has the following to say: "Southern railroad lines have com plained because in the transfer of troopa from Chlcaknmauga to Newport News during the past fortnight the business went to the Queen and Cres cent and Cbeasnpcake and Ohio rail roads. The Southern lines ought not to grumble. They have carried 10#,000 soldiers from points north of the Ohio to camps on the gulf and In Georgia, and have charged full fare. It has been almost In the nature of a gift to them. Experience tins shown that It was a mis take to send the troops to Gulf ports. The oarapa there were badly supplied with water, and for the raoßt part un healthy. The railroad accommodations were of the most limited character, and the harbor facilities were poor. Atlantic ports, while somewhat more distant from Cuba, are in every way better equipped to load ships and give them quick dispatch. The government has lost large sums of money by estab lishing camps on the gulf. The peo ple In the vicinity of those camps have fleeced the army by excessive charges. Nothing cheered the soldiers so much as orders to get away from the gulf camps.” The Journal has missed the whole point. The Gulf States will have to take rare of tludr own arguments, the fact remains that the most logical course to pursue in the first place was to send Northern camp on the route to Cuba and I’orto Rico. The At lantic seaboard and neighboring sites furnished excellent rendezvous for i those troops, for instance, furnished a m <#ol*o wi i o## ##F ## * zxzszzzzr’'* .ZTZ’ZZZZJ'ZZ 0000 «M MU# h 000* IMMm 0 000000 IW* >■»!' •* €oo*ooo* 0000 few** kw*w 000 M* gate"! aw* 0 m MR* *» 00 tin 111 rn 00 mnwg 000 m 00m • mm-00* m not §0 #Mi ml 100 fto#o #0 0 Y V## M*o #ot% ##•*# «*» «0» wm%* #o# *>lo • * IN# Niwii tmm Ms A H Ww**mm WWW sty 00 Rtiwn aaPMf «# •* urwatiia A Cm *0 m •* •4 «MR> aw* fa WmwM* • W»ya* ml |inwf» at • Omi * N««<* n.wrga laaatwl. fflfUag* was mm «• m INM M* kaa WWW la waw*a IW* •U •ttarW H M pRfWMWt** R*w4t*a # * it* *** in mar fusuiyiafia «g ik* upaikftfl MW. Aw* WWM tk*< h* ha* f*«wrw>4 m Ms o!4 f*v Miras rha*i *a4 Owwil p*p* M •)*»«*• lU* «*• TIM gat i la tAKgslw Max tl *ay* Aw avMvwtlf Ifyavataw* wriisy as #4- Uawat aHWMa f*v Hl# it !C ) News *wqat— *■ with wall asaa** 4 •a«!*ty aka gwawl* iw* isukißt*■» Ml*, ik* ivgaiwcfa* aw 4 Ik* awiMa barin pmk** wilt 4**w (fa* Ik* M(* **4 kgktta at Ri**»*rk "ft* **♦**." ika gfttyka *****i*. *ta kgva **i —a gr*ai qaaMMiaw at pork is kav* frail kaav fy**ly and la kav* tiaofc*4 411ig*wtl| aad ka H**4 h ha oigkiy-lhrc* yaw r* old. did aw *aarwwwa qaa at It y c 4 wwk. Mi katd fcia CaralttM to fk* twai. Af* -«rdsa* to Ika tail book* of Ika *a*tasa- I hla claaa** of people apwkow of wkoya, ha ought to bava Bll*d a drunkard » srav* half a rawta T wpo. awd to bava brag aw Inlvil* wl forty. Hal w* up. i poa* they will work him around *o*»- bow to ask* a korrlbl* atw*ple of hi** The ayatary la Indeed ■ dark S oga, hot tka kaowU-dg* tkat be vu go ing to make trouble for rrfonwars of all sorta probably added rowatderable com fort to the chancellor's derlnlng year*.” The Tliaen ought to know that Editor Williams la wot a rest UUMNT. Ha Isn't a conservative, either, for that matter. He ia A. B. WlAibi aad ha la a lire factor la Journalism, whether In New ■ York or Greenville, FOE COROIKM HAH HU TATLOB We are for Haunts Taylor for Con gress. The announcement Is not calculated so cause a stampede In the First con gressional district of the state of Hrre- We-Rest, but our'devotlon Is as sincere and our determination as strong ea If w# were the Warwick of the situation. The distinguished gentleman whom Mr Cleveland sent. In 1893, as minis ter to Spain, has just given the first Intimation that he would like to turn awhile from the writing of hia "His tcry of the English Constitution" nnd represent Mobile and the surrounding eountles In the lower bouse of the Fif ty-sixth Congress. That ought so settle It. If he wants It, Hannls Taylor should have the office. During his term as American minis ter to Spain, which terminated Just previous to the declaration of war, he has occupied one of the most delicate nnd responsible positions ever Allied by a tactful, cool, conservatlv-. Southern gentteman. He reflected great credit upon himself and upon the whole South. He made way for Woodruff when the new administration came In and re turned to his Alabama home, leaving behind him a record of which he might well be proud. He has rendered valuable service to the government and to his native state. He and Joe Wheeler should sit side by side In the next Congress. 4— Whether Richmond county Demo crats will Inaugurate a primary system depends largely on the members of the new county executive committee to be elected Tuesday. If you are In favor of primaries be sure to atteud Tuesday's mass meeting at the court house. If the famous Seventy-First fought as ferociously as The World and The Journal have fought over them, they were the bravest in the field. Brantly will make it mighty lively for any republican that may be put out in the Eleventh congressional d.s --i ... TH E .A trOTTST-A FOER-AICX) •4M» MMMttM# WMM JIL # M i# #o* ofSt 4 r%*s*ooo JPI 1 t ii»ki0 |pdf 4000 0 0 $Pt #t»4o 0 0000 #Mot||j# o|. Up* ivhi#| Ihhmoo 90P0### l iK MN# Ml H 0# # #*o !«##► ofoTa*«M#M» lOOOMMNO #OOOOOOO # fMM» op#l §O#MOR|IOO 000 o#oo- «lu Mfol '#f #io#AoMo# #4 I***» p*#o4> o## 00' ; * $ 0000000001 M# |OK 00# f#o 000# •0# 0 0 00M000 #OO- #OOO #OOOO Ink 0 4# >■§>■* 4Mkdft INBoWioMfc'* 0> !"#•• (!♦' SwMf * 11 00|. i 000 00m MW| Ik Ika *«*«*• • 00m* sWMitna 000 #1 I## 090# |00ji*»0000##0 009 4#MKO #0 #HMo«#o##| 0# 0# 009## Ml ||M#NMI#Mi #1 9to* #o9o# 0009 oil| ##9 «MNMO A*f O#M OIM9IIMO M##M 0090 mm • #90019 #i *OO o#*tool ONOMOIO 01# »<#»o> mm 41 mm m 4 taw* to pa*** 0000000* Tk» to* iktwg <kw* m» pnaty l« m»kgp*d MMMdt *wp ka to omooo'* o*oo o*oUot 1* to wn ato* pbaikfft tka* If will 'ka tka tort a*tt bald tb ika ewawiy Ml 00 0 ONN# 09N#M0 o## 01 o*ool o#gM #OO9 mm* »#t 109—IMi 09900* •#•#*•# MOl « m mm «# #— #9oo'' oi#9fo# #f #•### 0«l90t#00#MI 00# bfMp o*oo to tb* aity rad aawMp. M O#NMMI 10## Mftjf lOMO9 001# o##9 90P O9 #9* #IIOOO t#* %or9*(MNk |NOOa oorr#«'i llmorfit# mm** or#it#g #lll 0# 109 mn# P9rf—lory 09rf#r0* mmt* of ft#*, I 0 #oiro |o# #O9 oot#tr #r##ooMft#t9« or «oHorr tt #*tl 9*#l* ty 0# a oMimi of 10# Dt#itr»i* as tka conaty- Tk* dtagrwrefal *e*a*» Ipctdfflt to Rlrtmnwl coubiy atorttoka to lb* pbal muat not ha repealed But tka wktta primacy by wkick thay would ba ran - d*r*d mpoaalble k»a bat yat k»*a pio -11 dad for, "Ntpolaon * Dafaoaa of Hia Ufa aad Policy." a«»w appaarlag la Tka Coa mopolitaa. promises to ba oaa of tk« aiovt ratnarkabi* document* which have aaaa the light la year*. Tb* avaraga ability of tba bar wtl be conaldaritbly higher by the time the new regulation for admission has been ia operation for a few yean. Georgia I* proud of the brave mayor the has given to New York. Hla daring rescue has made bun the hero of the hour. Many conservative observers are of the opinion that the democra'f will carry the next house of representa tives. Russell Sage, who was 83 years old on Thursday, says he expects to be busy for a number of years to come. If you want a white Democratic pri mary attend tomorrow’s mass meeting at the court bouae. POINTED PABAOBAFHS Golf stockings cover a multitude of ' shins. Racers strip themselves that they may outstrip others. Always look on the bright side, hut walk on the shady stile. Sympathy for a man after he's down ! Is a twin brother to mockery. The less advice a man has to give the 1 more listeners he will have. Riding on the spur of the moment has ! punctured many a pneumatic tire. Patriotic Americans should discontin ue the building of "Custles in Spain." There la more money re be made by humoring people than by instructing them. Solomon In all his glory was not ar rayed in the Inimitable Style of the summer girl. Srime men ride ball-bearing t hainless wheels and some wear ba’l-bearinsr vvheelless chains. Some men waste half their wdnd In doing a thing and the other half in blowing abAut it afterward. The chiropodteal use of a razor does not Improve Its temper, nor that of the man who tries to shave with It. A LITTLE AD x IN THE HERALD Means 50,000 Readers. HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT ABOUT IT? IDBAAI %»»«* t*yq*p§ nfkaw i #14 *49 j Ikwto a dtowst ri*s a 000*0*0 **>'«• r 1 <*d to (to* FtoSsMHlk tot 0 00*00* «f §N* I|o 00 00# 10# #o# f' 099 CM9I 000Mb99 . #o# «—MOMI# '*h9oP' IMO *^#Hoo9Mf #**# 0900# 41 p9>dNP»'%4p9# 00 Mo#' 09 00 NOOOOHI 0# tPOOMM# 900H00 1# I 0801'#* ■ # 910000# MMM 0# OM#OM9M# *o# - nfwi#inr* nr «# *O9 009 tlkdk* om. # I#9 9000*## 10 OMO 00 00# ##o 00# j I 0— MO9O 90# 909 0— #o# 000#9 lOOMO I> 0 09"W00lll 0— 00000 OM#4 #1 0 1 000#09 #OOO *OO f— 09*0 0# *loo* ; 09M00# 9ft— ###*— 900 9Mft#9oo 04F O—«M f*oPMp#o9o 090* oHM##9* : *o# «%M—o 0— 90# oMMo*#Tft «#* ! OMO9M# I—o# ft—llH*i 00*— 10# ft#— •ft— |OO 009 00# o—9 #4o### o—9# 0# *1 -i d# #TI |0 dMptf <4O |o# 0r Hi# otof 10# o—ololo 00Mi0#9 10# 909 #— *■ #oio#w* 09 Mv# * o*#* #o# 0 MM99O tfc# #ooo##Mf# *0 t.o# o#r# 90 0 : ONMWI# ft# M# % W ##M#o9oo 100 090# ffN## —#sß >1 ONOO 4*"« *f # 10# o#4«#o 0 oii## 0 ##ori#ri| —90M04 00#0P# 0 #9OM»4 «*f 00f it— for 109 nr ■r— of »r n§ AC 00 09*01*1 t00V«—I < Hf to# 900tr0rt 40## #• 10# p mrn j r#*oi9l *0 #*f»9 ‘mti 00# i#r* 9# rt* «—»*• to# o*nl*« of 90# flr*t p#r< . VIT* I# —lf* emt of #O9O f#oUo#f* | #|)( * o*iio##i far# Jf# p#r c#ot of 90# «MK»tl0! —lf# 0f 90# —rt— **f I 109 OHOB# port To# 09ft#ral trm of | tke rtty rosrt. ta aa op aloa by J«w- i ttra Otrait, raacqrrwd ia by Chief Justice Hrhwhman and Jostle* Cwa tan has directed a reversal of Jndg meat secured by plslatif n* ih* trial The plalatld rlaliwed that the per- j red ng clause* of ihe »gr**a>*nt coa sUtuted one contract which was law ful aad eufonceabl*. *Bd that the kfth clause, cnoUialog the obnoxtoos par -1 Usb. constituted a arperate raatract. founded upon an independent con siders! ton. and had no relation to or 1 effect upon the other. The court bold* , that thr first and second part of the agreement are laterdependent. and that there could not, therefore, be n recovery. She Wa* Not His Wife and Cannot Have AJitcony.—ln tbe euit In which lies. Margaret Park recently obtained a decree annulling her marriage to Augustas Park because he had a wife living when he mairted her ten year* ago. Justice Pryor hs* filed sn opinion tn support of his decision vseating the provision for an allowance of sl,- 500 a year for the support of plain tiff and her two children. Justice Pry or says the foundation of the right right to alimony is the duty of the husband to support the wife "Ob vioualy. 1f the woman be not his wife she can have no claim to alimony. A a the marriage between these parties was not voidable merely, but void ab Initio, the plaintiff was never the de fendant's wife. I’pon the principle, there can be no provision for alimony in a decree of nullity, and the code does not authorise it. The sum ex acted of the defendant is devoted also to the maintenance of the children, but provision for children In a judg ment of nullity is authorized only where tbe marriage is avoided for de fect of legal consent. Fpon another ground, however, the Judgment is In valid in eo far as It awards alimony, maintenance, and costs. The defend ant was not served with process wiih tn the state, nor did he afterward ap pear in the aclion. The mutt there fore was without jurisdiction (o im pose upon him any personal obliga tk»i." "The plaintiff," the court says in conclusion, "is tbe innocent victim of a villain, and it is to be regretted that the intended reparation of her wrongs is illusory. Still, for the fraud in feiging to be a single man. the de fendant is liable in damages, and for tbe b'gamy can be sent to the State prison." CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Y s/ ~ Signature of C Some men go to the front and en gage in battle and others stay at home and get married. THIS IS IT » #i.l k , fNpfa y— » ! » a J I 'l,l—o (tod* ldk«* FOR EARLY PALL Ml i HS ALL SHAOE9 $3.00 Just Arrived. DORRS Tutoring. Hah. Fimrnhingv '* i * S - i T*r Iffqtty kiltds of chocolate on the mar- l # < kojt nm’ j K€f* Ph< ¥ one best. We’ve sot that and use i! in our soda. It’i the best you ever tasted You’ll think so when yo>, try it. 5 cents. Ice cold Our Chocolate Is The talk of the town Tmm'l T <*k#M It tm 6ft ern!*- for ft! tfe Bicycle Parties Will nod oat pises s delightful en* to rest. B>U*r eras W*t*r sod i nsura u.«a ours can’t to inttuc. A Delicious Plate of Cream Oort mad* of pur* Crssm and ir**h Fruits A sp»atol«J *>» u> is “lee Cresnt Hods.' Alfiaite Dm & Seel C«. %« BBOAD OT. ACtiUoTA, GEORGIA. B#nd u* yous Prwßcnptiof# to fill. TO IREISTT. From October Ist, 189*. the premises at present occupied by the Irish-Amer ican Dime Saving* Bank at *l7 Broad Street. Centrally located and well adap ted for most any kind of business. Apply to P. M Mulherln. Secretary and Treasurer, 817 Broad Bt. PORTNER’S IIOFBRAU and VIENNA CABINET BRANDS OF Export Beers » ARE THE BEST I AbK FOR THEM. NEXT TIME YOU HAVE A HEADACHE USE Land’s Headache Capsules Made Only By HOWARD & WILLETT DRUG CO. Uncle Sam’s Navy, Port folio No. 9. just received at Herald Office. Allt ÜBT ■ BSKAYSPCX)D t pgr- n 0— *#»■'. CARDELDE. Druaglst THE B(ST N'RKt TONIC |Tn# * 1 o>olf —O9 'll# 1 —Ml*"— I*—# %0 mgwr** #o9* * * ON4V# 09—« *—* ### Mn<#-# 4 *o# —# M »#—* ,«# 1 «#0 j pii 1 m —n»i| #Mm, I# —## OARDCLLE. Druggist 4711 COLOGNE M# •## #t U fM—■ CARDELLE. Druggist 04M4 I—l #—l# •# ##—l 9—9 0— •#•* ft##* if «"*■-# #♦* mm ## 9 f##’ M### I ### o#4# ft—t I 90* # •#'— M#- ■ -to *g kto gMk#b<# ### 9 tm p ## « §m»* 0 peed* 1 00* IkeJtoewt tortdP .«* rewtk ento*4 »*—*. Fetoto, b-aett* ### *•* ■ **# dAt#<U# Ilf—ota L. I. Gard Elle. Otujgisb Tbe Augusta Herald !4TM. Bniliot lii Oe Bt K'l'jijtf BiiluM u , , Till Satin 3tft KF>T TKLT.GitArH NCWflj TIIK NEWS OP THF WORLD WHILE IT fS NEWS. IS TO |N HOUR* AHEAD OP OTHER GEORGIA AND \ MKTiI CAROLINA f papers. «C» Fill Vlll CORKS TOO •A** PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 209 7lk St.. Aojcosta. Gt. BfVES n«E EYE TESTS f » ail defect* m tight, plain the groper (Uhm aad S'aS KA.XT- tb. ui Leius. cut into your frrr>* while yes wait. FREE OF CHARGE. SPAIN IS DEFEATED. Again havs thr boy* who wear ths blue whipped the Spaniard* and plant, ed the Star* sod Stripes on foreign soil, and again ha# F. O. Merttns de feated high price*. Look at this: 25c. Neckties l®c. 76c. and tl Shirts Me. 50c. Suspenders 25c. |S.OO Trousers IS.OO A full lire of celluloid collars and cuffs Just received. F. O. Mertlns. 124 Broadway. Paine, Murphy & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 803 Re?Do]flsSl=TeieplioDeiN^.n j Frtvste Leased Wires Direct to New York Chicago sod New Orleans, Orders executed over our wires for Cotton. Stocks. Bonds, Grain and Pro. visions for cash or on margins. Local securities bought and sold. References —National Exchange Bank of Augusta, or Mercantile Agencies. lONET TO LOU. In any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on 10 years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. AiexaMer&Jotmson Agents Scottish Ameritan Mortgage Company, H 1 705 Broad St