The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 08, 1898, Image 5

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MONDAY itk n»> HNMt%, ppxMiMMt * mmtmtk*. **•*•» iu«h iu« n iih» i*V hi** *Na*aiiw* Georgia Railroad Bank AUGUSTA, GCOftOIA* (UVKlNl't> FAtticunfAt, ••*••• s****’ «*- -_ «. MUCTORF - "i x ten twtos •»**► • _ y***!j? Jr.*-* Eg**>.*» mm .'«—> !.>?—<■• CTt ft #'•*# #*** ♦*_ . Cta®#®# Hi fN®a®ilN® k<Mp A *'**■*“ NEW CHALLENGE FOR THE COP. tt» MiPt h Ns Liit UN Dwihi. JMt fltaMM® IMP##® C®##®#® ft# tUHt Hlili if liHHisivs leWiMM gas A Alb* l* th. * tweilwwp tN* so. > (iffl h*i HA fwMa«*|jaf . aft.. »* * *; i i nw !• b* WNM to New Ytfh. TW »*M* e*- •0 *txri foe \—W 1 ofh |i-f III# ;sj»rpr** of itniu (Ik rtwtr»' t lor IN? ms tni Hail*.- and dnlKirt «( iki> ‘Arbi Kirh (s (o ora ;ete for * iff \ni«r rup M a ihr<« bntirr nmfww* tbl* (•!U Hi roupvrKoA with th- Maanrnrk (i ,u m. r»iw , erftlAt&sfl intrr* chenge of tgeae however, eng potbtag faction at tbe cordial receptlra which tbs **Bon»remeo* <rf it». rballeage ra th. race. I ahali bav« no iiuk (o crtn ptain of tli< (rwawnl of my WH»- aporum* .t m«:m the JriiawUe. There arc no ra.*hunm In ine ■orld with whom I arouM rather eogage In a frieadiy toeotißler than thoae of ibe foiled Staton.” Following are the comments (Hat have appeared In (be (Hindoo paper* with regard to Sir Thoma* Liptcra'a challenge: The Dally Chronicle ray*: "The ap proval of the Royal Yacht Squadron la doubtful. The squadron authorities de sire the condition* attached to th? challenge, which will inevitably appear ungrarioci to the American people. Apparently the Earl of Dunravrai la not without a voice In the matter, although It la ddlcult to aeo where hla claim comes In. Some . eople think the claim Ilea with the American people on Lord Dunraven for an apology which haa never been given.” The Dnily Teb-graph aaya: "By gones should be bygone*. Let us atart wMh a clean sheet. It 1* In tbia spirit that everyone will consider and ap plaud (he challenge. Sir Thomas Lip toti’a popularity In the United Elate# will doubtless do much to smooth away difficulties, and there can be but little doubt that the Royal Yacht Club will approve the challenge. When the chal lenge has been accepted the building of the yacht will be commenced." Dik lamps are being used with a weighted arm extended from the top of the desk out over the open space to support a cylindrical shade which has a portion cut cut of the bottom to throw the light downward, a nc«v de sign of inrantVwcent light being used. A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF SIDE COMBS IN TORTOISE SHELL. ALSO VARIED LINE OF GRECIAN BANDS, THE VERY LATEST FASHIONABLE NOVELTY. CALL EARLY AS THEY ARE GOING RAPIDLY. Wm. Schweigert&Co. UNIQUE SCENE IN THE COURT mammmmm ITV 9 Hwl I P *®f UP [ |»i*MM®® 9®#®#* tta* riliflr Imm Tfc*® W ##*•€• , mM <i«t« m# irurri •wi • vtm mt ta®**®* | * wrp<*k mil *®i «* • Sftt* tit til ftlft > tarsi* #§4 f ||f-ritaitat ®ftf (Ml t#N* ftk ®ta®f® ft®# ftFftft I ft tfftftl Ml <*f 4 »a*ft UftHMM # ft! •taft i»i|i t®t®tft Ml taftt »•• 'I ta*# 1 Itatr u®r|# Mr. Ml Vi ft* l» so (® «a«l J. I* fStlftiit ft Mi*ft I g« n Mr. liftil lift } ritni ta«t«taftii<l lUftfi lift! ft 4®d®fi« «m rwfhF-1 •Ami M#i®® ilPmft «i 4 min Ml #** 1 i„urh ftii ibt Sir I Wftft ftoi jm ■ i aii’ th# fftlhrr objN tH to III# nmr rtftffft. tar van roiftfwiM ua<l«r tbft S»w to iha* IM fttffcftf t>ft4 th# riih‘ !to t stiff her horn* it»waa art ontll now that th# hftiftht of ti»*#r*ftt wm I rr>*i hrd ** Th- thwarted lover's brow was r,gld Ito tb- ae who him beat that he meant bits neaa His faithful bride, almost hest ’ broken bathed tn tears. | and with earnest protests tha' she i would not he torn Inai her h-wband. ] refused to lean longer on her fathers I strong arm. and tss 'e a break for lib erty. Tha interest of the crowd waa un'jounded. and. then and was . proved It tie the proverb that all the I world lot ca a lever. The spectators rose almost to s man and declared ve hemently that the determined husband should have hla weeping bride. Fi nally the urgent protests of the crowd ! prevailed and tear* of anguish wi re | changed to tears of Joy. for the father's heart had softened and be gave bis jionsent for the young couple to be 'Joined together In that way which man ' must nor put asunder. A new license j was hastily procured, and after a few nccesaary words from Judge Henry Powell, J. P., who was present at the !trial, Mr. und Mrs. Hall w re receiving ! the »- ngratulations of their host of I friends, and the blessing of thelc erst- I while opposing father. Tbe parties on ! both sides are upright, respectable i farming people of this county. Mr. | Lane's only objection to the marriage j was his daughter’s extreme youthful ■ ness. Mr. Hall has been at work this year with Mr. T. L. Powell, one of the mdet successful growers of cotton and sugar cane of any small scale far mer in the county. The young mar- U-!ed couple are now living at the homo j of the groom's father. Dr. J. I. Terry, of Trimble. Tenn., In ! Icincr of Chamberlain'* Colic, Chol eia and Diarrhoea Remedy, ray*; "It ha* almost become a necessity In this vicinity." This 1* the best remedy In the world for, colic, cholera morbus, dysentery and diarrhoea, and Is rec j ognized a* a necessity wherever Its .great worth and merit become known. I No other remedy Is so prompt or effec tual. nr so pleasant to take. Hold by | Alexander Drug and Seed Co., C. Tt. Parr of Bell Tower Drug Store. INTERESTING ITEMS. The army of Germany boasts eight | women colonel*. U Alexandria possesses the largest ar -1 tiflcial harbor in the world. The washing of clothes for the Queen's household costs more than |15,000 per annum. M Powdered rice ie said to be of great efficacy in checking bleeding from cuts and bruise*. ffl 14 Recently an effort has teen made in Tangier to establish a chair for teach ing surgery to the Moors. M / nong the Chinese a. coffin is con sidered a neat and appropriate present for an aged person, especially if in bad health. THE OFFENSE OF SCOVEL 111 kit *Uft Imcftl Hi* U*s fPMA TTrias* at Has tsh (a« igssa at M*' fin»g -... 0/ nsaeusA Aw (bet twatta#* A CHHik wwwsf wsee *w fate I a, a *«*.» at WIlsM (fWMtj ftmftft ft! fttaT MM# MNP##* ••(# fweft* ft *ffl| *t * H Aft* ft# t ftftft s *• I ft# I ft*' A** | iailsaft* tta# ftMftiftaftft ftf-mt *ft Up# * “ i i#r tta# §*• *•##-. ” r * t.rnt* I® fttrl k#r# r.«M< * i if ikm «#t <«•*.' *** *** r+plr I *n4 fom CMM Muita** m*> «# t« Wr ,j fttaotti (hut * «ftl4 M>y #'•11 m wsiat ft ftlftcl httVF ltat9 Mlftll f# - *|f ftn i ftr# MbMml l® r#n ft iruftftl itn pul m# do®a. tta«® I , . and hr frft lift. Aft#T j*ho«i _ a . ill# mpmfflif «rftft ©ft#r. »roY#i ftp* pr**ftrb#d Gifti#r»l Bbftft#r Ihrouftti fh# Irrowd ft®l l®MM#4 on »|Miikin« wilii (him. **Tta# ft#»#ml tried to itoSd him. oo* h# ftii p#rfti»t#ttt. K.naUy (ien. Shaf - *Oli go ftWftY. toon I «!®n*t anything to d<> With yon. You haw# j * n - (i*tnii#d ouiuQrf • vrr aim'# you have been on thia Island; go away I from cn#.* and ft# Br®Y#i vm p#ra.»t ent. the general turned from him. en deavoring to push him away as he did "Thereupon Scovel atnick at Gen. I Shaftet.” I’lstols, Ib,ut*lif Barrel Ouna— Ptetols. Harrington A llb-hardson Riand new pistols. *2.6*; Hsrrtngton A Illchatd*nn second hand pistol*. $2.00. American double action pistol. $1 00. tiuitsr. Mnn li.illn Slid Banjo Hiring*. $ for 1 cents, at L. J. Hi haul, Reliable Pawnbroker. AFFIX ItIiWINUE STAA.FS. When Sending a Postal Money Order Live the Clerk Two Cents. Washington, Aug. 8. The revenue set which look effect July 1 prescr.bed a governmental tax of two cents on each United States postal money order. Instructions wpre issued In advance to all money order postoffices that this tax was to be collected not by affixing stamps to the orders, but by charging two cents to the buyers of money or nets In addition to the regular fee. These two cents are to be accounted for separately by the postmasters to the auditor of the postoffice department, and the groes amount of the collec tions. estimated at a half million per annum, will be transferred from the postal revenue to tbe Interval revenue fund quarterly by the auditor. In spite of the plain instructions sent out, money orders ate now coming In to the auditor’s office with revenue stamps affixed. Some of them have evidently been affixed and cancelled by postmasters, others by purchasers cf money orders. Still others, and most numerously, by payees when they receipt for the money. All this Is double payment of tax, for the selling postmaster will in every case be re quired to account for two cents on each order sold. No revenue stamps are In any case to be attached to the United States postal money orders. CASTOniA. Bean th» YoU HaW * |WB¥S “‘T’ lu An Australian has patented an auxil iary hand-driving g.ear for bicycles in , which a sprocket wheel is attached to | a frame clamped to the head of the wheel and riven by cords connected with the rotable handle-bar. Let the United State* own Hawaii, the Philippines and the Nicaragua ca nal, and It* supremacy in the trade of the vast Pacific will be Indisputable. Topeka Capital (Rep.) TJ I JG HUHALD. •»■#*• Mt* WW WM* JairvKi/ler > ftttfti «§ m •«** #* (nhi ®® < 1 tftuftt tft*ft ftiMift ftftl ft## ft# 1 I t*#v* P4B** **VM * »** t*ow t ftiitruM * w rM» ft ftataMNN* Mi MM® €4Ct #1 iMkittg YcOft ug tfte $ hag It •*• ••§ i t | j j _ | AsttaM as the tstsw a - . w*»r* tbe r-tniiTir*- as a 8 Ik* ' Ob * *s*ay tea etgktril tlssgi a#4 iMel*«l •» efM>«»B H Its***. „, , „ belts ve-k tse sicta ta es* teat Asst bay A ysfsf wbtle esa-A- «*«» met ‘ itu* teeitfst seat tbe gf.*»t*b t<«kt % gemad Ovt gua aad Nfti asrts-t seem , in latna. lb tore they rear bed tbe land dier*. Bilk tba.r M*u*et repealers and I sen roan da of ammaalttoa sit seat !•>« board tbr Cbartcetoa. A boat put |< B {run tbe cruiser bearing a large . im? rj< ss flag, grata tin- starry baaa-r < roar ekt-wiy to tbe top of tbe sla* oa •tb- Utle fori. As tbe flag waa unfurl- ’ led lb* gun* on tbe CkirlmUa boomed ont tbe national nalnie of twenty-one l ' gone and a* tbe Inal report d ed away i j Renner." sttd wltb uncovered bends - tbe »uldlers and sailors gave ibree ; roaring cheers for tbe new posaenalon I of l.'oele Sam. I natives were greatly alarmed by 1 the noise of tbe big guns, but tbe ait- i | nation was explained to some of them ! who could speak English. They aeeept ;,,) tbe change with evident satisfar ! tlon. On the S2nd we steamed away ! from Guam and arrived here In due I time.” i Rl t ENT INYgfITIOIH. A new electric sign Is filled with a {lteyhuard at which an operator sit* and I touche* the key* to close circuits lead ing to the tetters tn turn, thus spelling .out an advertls-ment or message. Htereoptlcons have b<*en used for a i new purpose In Europe, a framework | lieltig used to fit over the shoulders of the user and atipt ort the tantern, which may he rairle.t around to throw adver tisements on walla or hulldtnga. Burgeons’ tools, rasors. etc., ran he disinfected after use by « newlv pat ented apparatus tn which the supports *ore provided In the top of the cover to hold the toots, while a disinfectant Is ! discharged Into the chamber by an at oml*er, j A fJeiman ha* designed a tileyele pro j vtiled with safety wheels mounted on 'tilting frames at the stiles of the rider, rurved rods extending up on a line with the wslst to throw the stile wheels ln 'to action u* soon as the rider leans to one side. ! cigars und cigarettes ar- being man j ufacturerl In England with a plug of absorbent material located near the *-nd Ito he placed tn the mouth, to retain the poisonous nicotine, a mouthpiece being also provided composed of split straw cemented to a retaining band. Railroad oars arp being fitted with small burglar and fireproof safes In the sides of the car near each seat, to rc ! reive the valuables of passengers, the safes being locked with keys. Two New Yorkers have designed a new druggists's label, which Is formed of a flexible card, having a clock dial printed thereon, with movable hands, to Indicate the time for taking the med icine. the remainder of the card being appropriately lettered and ruled for di rections. Photographic plates and films can he j washed under an ordinary spring lever ' faucet by a new attaehment, consist ing of a balled tray, to be suspended from the lever with an adjustable spring yoke to assist In opening the faucet, the tray being provided with an outlet by which the amount of water is regulated. An Illinois woman has designed a simple burglar alarm. In which a clock mechanism is fastened to tbe wall, to he set off by cords running to the door, window and transom when these en trances are opened, the clockwsork car rying a cord, which Ignites a lamp set on a bracket nearby. Bow ties caii J» securely attached to the collar by a (lot metal plate which is sewed fast tilths hack of the tic and has a slot whfrffi slips over tbe collar button and* presses the upper edge of th? plate againKf the collar to keep the button from slipping out of the slot. MPT. COLQUITT HIS RESICHED Iji )||t i#fi ti* Ttirt |f|i hk *1 *W* tk* *s BtMNtflflW w*k Use *“* •"*• Mks rraighwiM* mm n rtr—» w **• . tan flHtt i r -TBiimiT ~r * | Ylb* ft®®cftMlhFw ? ita* *“* •« { *-■ »a iimp ftrrftf 1 MKt* ftHM# Ita* I -eWswet hWwwrit _ I II Ift 11® tftftYft Mo# ft®ft*w#® ftftt 9M# #*"#•••■ |l ®aftt ta# •#• 4wftrft ftflMtaH v ta®®#®## TtlE CAW: OF JEWFIJTV. Mow to keep tteow set llritkt V(M wM« I Mil* TrMshlet*. jrrows ih M te-wie I 1 1*44 lf»«*#?y m«r *+ rMaM ta® J « *«tattt« it t® • ini In t ®t nmrm ; r rnmim, |ft ftr Hts hrn fr* druhffti j !lllr tantr bftft ftftdk*4 Ttal« • 1 inliftH r und * in- atil« lr« fst» »«|4 ttaffi tv <|M* | •llli ft pr»fl «Nil an# mW**#' Alm*i* *4 alftft h«> « null'd ' . Ilf (I# wsrivt ftiwnt' ••!«■# If iaav i I ftrß Mr |Piit#Hl4 # I’ll ft tff? Illtl# «f jtlift ImnM ftlilfln® «*r ta vrifttattr® §•»*•“. |#r, awl Ant»M ft# •»!•» • ftftfl J Mall#®# ntl%#r *»«»»»* m* «ts I firr | Aftrr ««»<! !#®#9rY haa b*#® 1 ini’iila thoruuiital) Ift Ih# 4u*l, an*! *ih*y will look |ft*»uilfully hfiftat and jrliftn wta**n iak**t» mit. I’haina and j Prarla «h< tiM HfW In* | .They should Is- to air as much ‘as poKMtlde. Tunjunlscs must aot he wetted, end are liable to change color, j i rpals must t kept frout lire and heat. 1 ja* a high temp -lalure renders them.; , liable to spilt sad fall from their set ting. t'oral may be washed with soap and water. Jet must !» repaired l.y I means of Jeweler's cement. Ivf.ry 1 jmay he washed and exposed to air and Sunlight to keep It a good white color. Steel jewelry must not be worn at the seaside. It !» extremely suscept.ole, Camp, and easily rust*. 'Di remove i usl buy a little croru* powder and (mix'turpentine with II until It forma a fine P**:e. Hub thin well on the steel and allow It to dry on. Then remove the powder by means of a brush, and polish with a leather. IF the rust ha* eaten deeply In. apply a mixture of trlpoll with half t* quantity of powdered sulohur. Mix. an.l apply with a soft rafl. brush o*. and polish with a dust of dry whiten ing H almost hopelessly rusty, soak th- ornament In strong vinegar for a lew hours. Then wipe It dry. tub lit with sweet oil and emery powder land polish with crocus powder on a I I A watch should he wound up every dity at the same hour. Avoid putting llt on a marble slab, or near anything excessively cold, ns the sudden ehange of temperature, contracting the metal, may sometime* cause the mainspring to break. Th- cold coagulates the oil. and the pivots and wheels working ! freely affect th» regularity of the | timekeeper. In laying aside a watrh li v sure that It rests on Its case. I. suspended, the action of the balanee may cause oscillation, which will In terfere with Its going. To keep your waleh clean, take care that the case Ills closely, und see that your pocket* are free? from fluff which Is so often given off by cotton, cloth or calico linings.. . To remove a tight ring from the finger, grease or soap the finget, and then gradually move the ring. If this falls, pass a strong thread or thin twine between the ring and the finger by means of a needle, If by no other way. and pull the thread toward the hand. Then wind the other end of the thread tightly and evenly round the finger toward the tip. Next hold the other end of the thread by the hand, and unwind the thread up ward; by this means the ring will b« gradually passed along the finger over the tightly bound thread. RELIEF IN SIX HOURS. Distressing Kidney and Bladder Dls. ease relieved ta six hours by "New Great Bouth American Kidney Cure." It is a great surprise o*l account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain In blodder, kidneys and back. In male nr female. Relieves retention of water almost immediately. If you want cur; relief and cure, this is the remedy. Sold by L. A. Gardelle. druggist, Augusta, Ga., 612 Broad street. Some writers have a wealth of thought, and they, all have a thought of wealth. ,_i VICI KID _ HAND WELT Jl SHOES Thfty Af* tho b#ft Shorn In th# world foe (ta# money. W# mAke a ip®ci4lty o' th#!# Shoot In All colort And ttylot Ih# very lAifttt. Cer»tlem#n, pay 16.00 it you llkft, but youll got nothing better for your money. Will Ciose Out at Cost^. All Mleeee* And Children's Slippers, And All Men's and Boys'Straw Hate will be told At one-third original price*. Wm. Mulherin’s Sons& Co., 846 Broad Street. wnw Ilf #*•l# #.U pH#!®# H tae#tft®i®ft t® A taftlliftli rti# reftorl Ml l» U9#wr # Itav m m liribitirt fe##tYf4 r® < * ftNM# -ft® iftMß# fr*®® tftAift® Tr#ti«®rT- A tang#] I rtal# Ift fl#Kt«t If «n®4MJ®®ft ftl® «■* j (WPMM# Ttal, **— !• #*#*#■••## , I I j# n T'r-tft# t ®ftY#Y ftl tta** I (Ifol gSUft* AM- * 111 tftla # tfnft *• ftalttaa*f®#® **Y »ft** **** •** '*■ es rtitilttad rfti®, »•* wtafftw »* •#] I m ft®# crft4Hk># ; Tbe ISnetal Tetewrspb ..wnpwnv f*s t-r.lay reworieA be*vy raiw* it Mnbl'e '•nd «4ew kitten. Mia*. Mnwitay night | an* braey abowees •* llow*t»-* M<?*- { IftHUF* Rale «*». NC. TVm Iwprtw'nf hot j lis tale and inegular Prese*. stage, lx, iertUtwl. Summer Suit Sale Our Summer Goods Must Go With the Summer. Those who suffer from the heat will ap preciate our endless assortmedt of light, com fortable and stylish Crash, Linen and lifcht weight Serges when they see the high quality at the prices we are selling them at. All Cheviots, Cassimeres and Woolens are selling at CLEARING OUT PRICES. 1. C. Levy’s Son & Co.J TAILOR-FIT CLOTHIERS. AUGUSTA, .... GEORGIA MUD Why Drink Such Stuff When You Can Get HARRIS LITHIA WATER SO CHEAP 5 GALLONS ONLY SI.OO Try Harris Lithia Ale and Carbonated Water. Harris Lithia Water will, if taken regular for any reason able time, cure any case of Dyspepsia. 816 Broafl SI., Shewmakes R. 1,. FOX, Agent for Augusta. -pedal Price* to nil Baler*. REUI BEfULD S WANT ADS AUGUST ft 1 A hftftf % tff» HUM «### «Mt* jtefti H v#gß®fVrN#c fttalft®®*®*# ft#® ft®# .ftfYAtafttai# tarltaf® He »441* ®f A®f®®» lU**f rftiftft taftft# ®ei ImpMl In«m i H( tft! jt® it® m# M««#t Oft - nilot ft# tartlet Itaft* ft®# Ita®® ®!H ®kft#M®f 9#®9M® («4f fftNMMI *l* ipMafttta. ft® ftaH* taftt fttas* ■ 1 jofftAl half •ft# ®#| tta# ift ftlfl ft®4 tta® lalalli Ift **««®ftl!t I##®# I mheeit*. **4 panne a are batwg At* (Mg With • *eW get*rb*Ma hewtftr. j e boh ha* a eorhet *• tfte eg*» ’rwl mg o( lb. umhratt* which la irtwl leg |«i r, wiain • ■ arsed a**twfl he .lag |a pmjretlaa at tbe tag. which engage, a autcb Iwekge Ih* ear hot la tha hawgie. A new hleyrke ppnpail l| n -ohenlea* Ha* two grmvrg wheel* Iw place of Ch* <im s-hci wheel*, aver which aw rwglaw* twit raw* *■*!’ gwM* wheel* be*eg at ! tacbtel <0 tb* hMK close to Ibe MU* wheel* to rtw* the bell to grip th* . >urt»r« of tb* groovap