The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 08, 1898, Image 7

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MAINTENANCE OF THE ARMY Sfetl ill fmm (#1 b l§ A Dm** Ihwmwsw a# »•» 99® # % MMHft. Wvpfci®4*«i9 Aim A • ?%- *# H in* ■ 9444# • Ml UN* PMH (4 *%* MHMMHMN | I*4l Imm MtflA MM At i®BP ttMNf j Hf |MP> MM t#®®*®**® ** «NMillNi» Ifc* j flMnmt •»» Ai*- Mm MiMi Nil CViii§f »i®9 §•• i IMMfiim tvM MWIMMM *® MM MIN* j N j Mwf'"i'»i vi|i « mn, #®4 »%<• <- 4®|g( Mb* , iMMituif mm •! Mm immmm. 11m #1 f % -- 41 (Mlf *4®# lib# C#* j •MSMaMbMPIt 4® (®®§9i4i4f®(j| #n 199*11 nv j Mm IHN*M *#f®f 9® IM» 'WM a tf (MM* •«t An nlN* M M M IMMflNil At • **#*» 4049* 4(—t® At Ml •*«!•* ; fkfMgyMf'9 Mmn f®9f Ml * PC9® : Ml ®N>9'®9#-;® Ml Ml f (P'l4*-441 W Mn ' •949t>*-9lMl 'H mni tfe* tmm*t ®f fMt'"'* AMI Imnk j A^pMffi« w AAAI Ml mws i •fit An Mm fIMMIF tfMffn Y*® • •*®§ •An • **■ tM Ml IMt tflot tA*- <* t|i n i •1 ! |Mlb|brftF it ■•»>— «t if *®tti®* - •t Mill At Mm MMn ts MM Pi *®' Amu In ■ •**» mmnHA •t# At-HMI fW'AI Mi fA' ftO pU» * W 4 A%# MtM*Mtt I® (MM it 494 w*-- * "*• mint Mft! A** inri •4*‘f'*Mtjf ••nAtf f 4 . (Ami It Mali A# (A t*4(®M ** !«t# (A# j MMM Antt Im»-(* Vfff ft#!* *#» #»4 iMfMt* . t JsOf t* f >#f"i’te* 19 crNNlfltt Hy 49® M K 1941 |M IMm irltt 9#*® m imH • §mrtm% at AAMCMMI tfnofM In 4** fttiM i'&A*'". 9941 MMnAIMA Ii ** ttitbrflM of (A# t fit *4 Minim 9i 4|*®s® At-n MM^9*msst , A t * Am|b j 99 99•HI!®® **H« 9tfl tW Ant rtM tA# ®«9IU rs (It DiMtiot Mi Cm foeltiwl Him «Ct«r, ’•Oil ***•»-• tin- rroaMen' Ik* voluB) f*. W* IM' KX »»*A ta » i baa<tr*4 ih«*at><t w>l#w» to ooiaMt*.*- • tuM* (rvcraiaoei ta CVha; b« •, irtton Oo Rptelth troop* ii» otmaA to bo wttbOtn* a. eo on* will atoiniaio tfcot it witl not t«* a*<’*ooorjr to bor* torso body of •roll dFrolpFlotd iraopti to |0 lo sod pfotort tbo proplo who b*t# prop rot* Dun. and abo my bot b»y-* •yoipotbirod with «b» Othao »»«f gnu, (root tbs HtfrtW of tbs wrotli wltb whlrh noaic of the Cuban* nay fOrl lo*pir«*d “If tbo Spoalsb *o»*r«Br.>*Bt arropt* ibo irrm of»rol by tbo Pr «ltl.‘tit I sbcnld not It* • ur t-ri»*<l to too tM.Mi) oro dl»hoat)cd at «mr». ilhrutd Ibfj tt-> rojaotrd. will bo no ronplalnt oo tbr part nl an* of tbr tr»»o(W of pro Icapril artlvity, WUb tbr awooity rr pot ‘4 for heroins ail tb* tr *npa now In a*r*>rr tindrr »nn». tb-* Proaident aril probably retain In aervlco acme j W.iwa nun for Caban operation*. po»- albly I«.OW> for two in Porto Uleo for a abort time, and aa maty for the Philip pines a* may b* found nroeaiary under the from* of the complete aettleir.'nt, ** *‘JU the treat}' of faaro will deter mine all cjucitlrna. tnrludtaw that of the Philippine*, w. may be able to |tl rid of she «*holc re’untrer army In Aitatlc watera before fall. Mtifh of Ih • refillsr army may be t-r'd for service In the West !cd'.f, and the pr-cea* of .reduction will probobly act last upon the Increased regular army. **l?aleaa I am gr-;atly mistaken, pub lic opinion will sustain Congress in malting permanent the Increase In the ivgular army authorized at tb* begin ning of the war. With GO.OOO men, the army will answer. I hope, erery pur pose for whlrh an army may be em- i ployed in Cuba and Porto Rico, after those islands shall have ceased to be Spaijish for a yoar or two.” The Intimation thrown out that an active movement of the army will so! | low the rejections by Spain of the j terms offered by the President makes It plain that the alternative of peace or n-ar has been consider'd, nnd that the wtr department is prepared to follow the tr.ore diFagreenblc alternative If Spain rhall so ►Meet. Spain l*. In no humor to force a summer campaign In Cuba, for In the camp of the Spanish prison, rs In Santiago r.mong men whj are mere advnntageoijaly situated In some rospccta than they were wh.?n they wcTe Spanish troops, there are 2.000 sick. The belief is that there? Is much sickness at Holguin and at oth er 'eastern points not yet rPEChsd br Oen. Shaffer's army. And Information from Havana shows that the army of Gen. Blanco Is greatly afflicted with sickness and weakness attributed to the scarcity of previsions. Bank Open at Santiago. New York, Aug. 6,—The North Am erican Trust company cffitfC has re ceived a cablegram from S. M. Jarvis, it,’* vice president, now at Santiago, in which It is atat<?d that the company has secured the banking rooms former ly occuped by the Bank of Spain at Santiago and that the office has been fully equipped. Business will begin cn Monday morning. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. CtHE BEST SALVE in the world for Jots, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt H«um, Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped R?ids, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin 9>uptions and positively cures Piles, f no pay required. It is guaranteed to >ve perfect satisfaction or money re funded Price 23 cents per box. FOR BALE BY HOWARD & WILLET. !tin* no# *«r» or mi.n ■“*#* » ! «b ♦* *#* ***** «* t**#*om* *m AA AN® # MM* An#. fAI MAMMA Al I I# [ aC AM ® A®( MAM A#® AiAAAMAI AN A* I r«NMp*l AMA® A iAMM. AM®® AA® M# l Nf* ■ I M ®ml dNMA* pMt#®* - ®A#A iA* |€ MNAMM y® »®»A® c fA# AA® 9994 | #•• A® AA® (AANaARMA.t ‘ AA*» AAM# #4! 1 lAAA AOAAHM ANA® JMAAA ' A-Ai AMMA 2 AaMANI A* * v AM 9m lA# s *# k s'*# AA® ( 194 M |Ni#AA A##** A%, •% ®e AA# - | aaA-M (f A* Aa® m a®# a® j |pAMMM4 AMMf At AM AM*f A# *9*9*4 ■ * M •» *w* «*»_>■» •••»» j And cM- ~ AM 4 9 Aaa4Na * *?«#•'-• A 99 ( I * Aifr* i AtfAM f AAI AMMA «4iM IAaA f nrrf'Ai Ml f#M lA® * A**# «*(®A *t #%• I iff * #Ufk i® ®<m . hi ® Iff «#i ■»| I m #Mtf4 If f ®A-h *99 *99% AHA I 9*91 M 9 Aw® 9® “ V’ mm # d.y. -##>•» *WH«. #••* I .1 - • *m %•. llllg# * Id ®# J, f w>r j# mM tb* imit. ~y»»l * mM b* «M bmt abs*** *t«g *b» tef ' d "yss'm " m? Mg hn-tdted and bve ye**# e act aim* tb* d»* ng up tbeee <• Ne* Mststtf* j '“Dm#. 1 <bm' b#«w »h« *b*'* #»* jig- mui-mm.” re mi ted -I*#. IP alt •*- 1 1 ; - nggr ( "ttb» < op der* tie lag wltb SBiKI INTO YOOR BBOIS ! AJiwfi'i Aa*H*K(WM, 9 fMAWAM tA# . *I, , | || fufpf |yilnf®(. tmiff* ing, aetvow# trot and instantly '**•• j ■be sung oat «t eoraa and bunxme H's the gtesiest comfort #ln«tt> “f tb* . o*o Msa’a root Kan* a»ke* ttgbl ar ***w #h«ro feel easy. It Ut a f#*t*l» earn , tor »«r*«i mg. .-attoua and # bot, tlrod. sihltig feet Try it today Mold by all drugglvt* and shoe store* Pr mall for Hr. In stamp* Trial paebafw r«KK. Ad dicta. Allen I. Olmsted. UK«J, N. IT. MAY CHASE TO EXIST. la.on* Commercial Club Think* ol doing Out ol Hu»lne*». Marno. Oi.. An* l lt 1* highly pr> Uaol* that the Commercial club, the uidtU and mo** IhffomUal aoclnl rlukj in the ritr. will at an early data go out of i ulllfl The Commeerial eiubj ' I* composed of the h ading bua.neaa and . professional men of the city, and per-| Uapa more wealth ia represented among hi members than la lo I* found In an.> ; |club in the male; but lately the pal irenage ha* ebo<en a great indifference 1 on the part of a large number of tha ! loading numbers, and the conaetjueo <cj la the exs»en»ea hava been greater than he lot: roe. Juat wbnt Macon would do without 'ho Commercial club la a puxzle to many of the mem bers and the very tto night cf being de prived cf It may cauee the member# I to rally to It at tbo loat moment and ! reorganize It or at least rejuvenate it. 1 In case the members of the Commercial jciub should allow it to pass out of ex istence. ns a club. It Is highly probablo • that the Elks, who have been looking I for a location for a club, will purchase 'the club furniture and rent the rooms. I The furniture, while a little old. is In [good tepair, and well adapted for club ! purpose*. The rooms are also ele gantly sliustod for club purposes The | Elks have on hand a nice sum of money I with which to start a club and they I are anxious to get It started. They ! are anxious to gel hold of the Com i tnerclal chib’s furniture and rooms and | are anxiously awaiting (he result or the Commercial's action, which will be taken scon. Remarkable Rescue. Mrs. Michael rurtsln Plainfield, 111., makes the statement that she caught cold, which settled on her lungs ; she «ns treated for a month by her family physician, but grew worse. He told her ishe was a hopeless victim of consump- Itlon and that no medicine would cure [her. lit* druggist suggested Dr. 1 King's New Discovery for Consump tion: she bought a bottle and to her delight found herself benefltted from the first dose. She continued Its use, and after talcing six bottles found her self sound and well; now does her own housework, and Is as well as she ever wait. Trial bottl»s 10c of this Great Dis covery at Howard & Willei's drug store, barge bottles 50 cents and ft.oo. Family V». War. Grand Rapid", Aug. 6. Mrs. John Vos, wife cf Lt. Col. Vos. 32nd Mtchi- ; gan volunteers, now at Femandina, today began suit against Miss Rose Vansluls for ten thousand dollars dam ages. for alleged aleniaticn of her hus band’s affections. She had already filed suit against her husband for sep- j arate maintenance, declaring that had contributed nothing to his family’s | support since his regiment assimblgd in April. CASTOHIA. Bears the Kind OIJ Ha,e AllVa?S e>Hl A-tTOXTST-A. HBrn-A-LD THE FIRST INSURANCE. I* Httf 'NA* It® i mj«r- atri-n bar f»» laws m *** !•# MW- I f t AAi #t«#A AM®®® AA® •AM MIANA 9m f IMANNA t®* *AAMA*4 fA® 49lA® M fM®. ' |A9a»t%®ii#: lA®fA ffijM®! A AM MAI A«f9A At M. **M «A® *A •# t! IlliM A®*# AM 41 • liAAMi i#l®Ai m I (A® IMIAAIM AA ♦♦•• MM (At® CAma J ’ hfff JaAMNAI H# lAMi 9AAAIMI9 (A. •ba tad «f <** »w*b aa# b*w>*a*bd *d f . |9* ##AAAfMA. A®A® 9MHMNI *N*. AM ®A(A»®r9iA® At M9tfA9f # mm* \ AA4 ®9( (A® A®®( IAMA AA99AM®® tA®if | ®M® AmAAh »1991#4 (A® AAAAai MAAMI 19 AMAV HAM**®®* A®*® AM ®%*-f ‘l*4 *< *9 . iMAAIAt Af’tMM® TA®fA Aw®hf #A# < i r f®*| ? ®®rANrf9. 4MIAA ATAAMA ••• (M®Af|A9® I iaa itA*r«9 TA»f 9*A4 MAAlartt ] - «M»A All f ®p» At Igi Aw®' AA CAAA MIA® AA® ] I ’All® 9f 9A A#At IaAA fNAtA®® (A , s AA#f» AAIAT «® lA®Ai j VtM «9 lA® Ar4® 99914 «f lA® ®H## j Al A«99r ®*t« I® (At AM® I ®#• f® ®Af9 : *«f f®*tf A®®4® AA® tk«U (A®f A*®*, ; 9®«r'V alt. «®i c 'A® IA ATNiff. IN® A I •M |9A , Ta A® MUM >A lA® All In® j A 99 ® #A9A lAI® (A MAPtn •* ® ! § AeiiAt •ai# #4HI asAa^aAs '994 «A®#r9 AAIA CATMA® IA tA® A®®4 As UM It#AM® AT 4*«l®r*4 As lA® " !••*. mm ®Nrf .** 9i lA® ArtA-AA® ■ f User iNfclfel' I f % ®9* if 999®AlM f« I® |A® (AKfATM® (AMAy lA®A® AMI i! 99T 9r® AOAt CAM (O As •((!«<• ,* t vi( |K|| 90u-'|A|ff. It A* 95® ®N»A> ' ‘ ifn (MmprTif ® i® of Arc rmt®(»(®®» Aal As " pmrm i®» |9i®yt®*»4 Ml !®A®! ma®lya. *a® . - bay ar* mxa pnrarrord tb a roll*rtm*i 1 < < - AM®*-® !f A9AAA 9® (Ir®--®®# A® AT9-F ‘ »u*** • asm* of dcabtfal ortd o. whit b Is ut*d at a gtmeesl name bar tb* laws ’ * f l-sdand prler to Its uakm wltb Nor*, ! wgjr lb tjdf It la ta tbla mlkriM of lama that tb* I sternal tag trm of rompenaauno | fr T Ids* by Cr* wtsrt In tb« Mas* inf tbe old re;mtdW\ tb* mddrn Sge of ; keiaad, every )eusnaa farmer wsgtom- j | petted by law to be a member of a mutual Insurance snrlet*. The taglh-1 d by which roaspensstioo fur Umi by fire »aa asa ie la tbn* esplain*# In *(ba-gas. and ia a sinking p* *»f <4 tb* itonughiy ptsttlral otrwa of tkn old Irolaadert' "Theca irs three lit uses Id every i man’s dwelling for which nxnpenMMion J may be obtained In event of their be- I tag burned down.” tin l>-eland.e dwel- I ling* each maun wn* a sc pa rat e hut Id Img and no I* called n "house”) "One Ila the woman s sitting mum, anedber I the common sitting room, nnd the !third n pantry where the women pre j pare the dead. If n man has both > I sitting room nnd n hall, then nt the spring assembly toe should ihuoae whe ther he would rather have the sitting i room or the hall Insured, If there t* !» church or rbnpel on any roan'i farm 'then that i* the fourth bouse liable for !rompenanfion. where It rniix If *ny one of these holism aforementloaeil I* burned down, the owner should sum* mon five of hie neighbors and get than (o estimate the damage that tons been done. "They shall estimate the dafnnge done to the h ruse Itaelf and als® that done to clothes and other valuables burned along wiib It; hut only aucb clothe# and valuables as the ownor requires for dally use shall be reckon ed for compensation. "If a church 5* burned there shall bej reckoned along with It for rompensa-! lion, all the hangings, the choir and the beat bell that has been des royed, If there were more than one, and all the furniture required for dally use; the same thing shall be done In the case of chapels.” When the damage has been valued by the neighbor? as above provided, one-half of the loss had to be borne by the yeoman himself, and the other half wan made good by all the other yeomen in the district. Prom each of these a certain amount was levied in proportion to the value of his property, and If this were not paid ‘Within a specified time, it could be seized by law. Eileen. .- . She Is the sweetest maiden And loveliest. I ween; . She Is the sweetest maiden That ever man has ween. No skies are drear When she Is near, When tender words of love I hear From sweet Eileen. Her pretty lips are rosy. The rosfest ever seen; Her preity lipa are rosy, With gleaming pearls between, There is no bliss To equal this— One long and clinging, loving kiss From sweet Eileen. How tender are the glam-os v Aglow with Cupid's sheen; 1 How tender are the That, beam from eyes serene! With sweet surprise There sudden rise Such melting glances from the eyes Of sweet Eileen. i , She Is the loveliest maiden, And loveliest, I ween; >, She is the loveliest maiden That ever man has seen. I’ll ne’er resign This melden mine, But worship ever at the shrine Of sweet Eileen. Mk V® b4®oM# % wullux tb* |fTr-1 r*9» as»«* »*» %•*•#§ ** 4a me*. iMbasdse*. d f b*w •. j a a i*w 0* *tg Jti l# sstamab «m»-l i9Cw*Ww» am#®#* si W-t-tb % w v " , [Mb - (Hmw**: e*W|®' ysroe-M #•*»*>« tgmtamb * ••-*a *** # *d9b* J isbbarm t»». e«a*a«** ta«w»«*b ♦ * I «*f- 4A* ifAt® At f®A9 '* AM S A ■ |«| MAi AAAAP* A®p®9 4®A»A (• AAAMAAH j §« *, * #- m®a AA4 (A# AaNl N® * * 14 M AtA ■ 11 §am MM®®® #94 #*9 l A** ##9• * j 9AHI AMApMAA AA® AB9®® (A MIMA A® j <**»* AM (AM A#A® ®99 k®9A MAMMA® Um AWT-rr At *99 (AHA* AM A A*'®#®# 1 ! «99*t |AMi AMA (H«f am ®*#®M®9l | AMM A# MMMAt**® -® *®M A r *4 •(A | I|AA CApfAMKAfA®| aaMaAA I® #®AC® | I cMNA® At lA® 4A®H 19®®At# A tAA *%s* 4 ' gtnAll At CMMA AA# A M *AA9** 9* (• ; ’ ®9B&|®4 tAA AMAHN A*®® #9® (Ml (tA'HAA I pruiiipiffl (AAAltrty. It'**' A## 9®MAM® IA ! tTT9®r f®9M>A AA® M"# 9 (9 (A® I ill 4®( At NAMIitAA TA# tfAAA® '* #99f*# #9® |A» C* «9® A AM las a«* it Al Ml Ik 1 99® AM® (M(®9 Ait® lAwitA®® ®**«9f l.b.’ ..mdH-m m Tbe mw; narmit* «Nd |(M ta or .. nggr o' a«* ***** bealibf L«dar ba* m r#ro-. o tor*mg yaibrnr. n..«WM . mb’ • kroke roro prom, a.* |hi* #■■ 'ij (A > AANbtlMr 99® NAA #ASA9 A# l* 919 i i»A< AA tA iA# m H«(tirfA riMHMt FA® Uf99® tAIA MAH 9l«9iS»#4 A 5A*|T» #®!ll ®f* v «*A. I# A9'l) KAifA®, AV® MM®# AffAHA >A® \ l.ofro cnewsMKD 11.1,1 ’SION OBSTDOVCIX * • mmmmmmmm No Solid Gold srrvkr at Windsor Cast I*. la tb* bngnst number of the Call Mai Oaaatte. "B. M I * It a very la ’ terretlag ortirle, tllttslrated spe cial photograph*, describing ’Tbe Roy* ■al Plate at Winds r Castle ' dewtroyed ! * long rhrrisbrsl Illusion. Far many rests we bare |rs constantly reading and f'-srlng of gran) gold services M Windsor, “It M. J " assert* that tbs r, arc no sorb thing* Tbe so-called [gold plate la mahtty sliver gilt. Thera are. of course, here and there, a few I vases dishes, bt* la pure gold, but .they arc <otuparstlv* ly fen In number. Tbe rikson Is not far to seek. Inde pendently of it* enormous rest the weight of rent gold plate sihiM be so ■great a* to render It practically usciesa. Take, flnr Instance, tb* r.mous Itmper ,or'a service, whirl) la only used for I crowned heads, and of which It ba* [been Jocularly said that It cannot be , burgled, as it would require a eprdal train for Its removal. Some of Its , rprrgnes weigh, as it is. several hun dredweight* Censlder thrlr weight in • gold! Kvnmlbe ordinary flat dUhrn. of which thrre nr* doien*. two or three arc quite as many aa an ordinary man •■an curry, without conslderltig the weight of the viands they arc meant (o contain. Raven or eight of the plates, with tbelr thick gadroon edge*, again make one man's load; while the cst»- delahra If made In gold would be prac tically Immovable. Aa an example of the weight of gold plate, one has but lo I lift ore* of a pair of bower baskets presented to her majesty on th.» occa sion of tier Jubilee. Hroe we llnd an ornament not more than twelve Inch®* In height, with a plain twisted handle to Imitate basket-work, which must weigh ut least nine to ten pounds! A dinner plain of standard gold would weigh more (ban one and a half times as much as a Hllver one of the same size, and he worth for metal alone about S6OO. Mystery of flenn. The mass of superstition about Jew els died out among cultured pople In the seventeenth century and half way through the eighteenth century we find the learned congratulating them selves on their escape front the thrall dom. There Is «n old work on the subject by Cnrolllu* Leonardos (hat Is <1 llghtful reading; the list of gems includes many we do not have today and others Ihst never existed outside of the author's Imagination, itie ale corla, for example, makes a man In visible. Then, "being held In thi mouth It allays thirst and therefore ts proper for wrestlers.". It Is said that Milo, the famous wrestler, owed his success to the fact that he wore this stone. This stone Is to be found but In one place, the lntejttines of a capon that has lived seven years. "When the stone has become perfect in the capon," says this old writer, "he doesn’t drink), However, 'tin never blggcd than * ..large bean.’* The virtues of coral arc many. It keeps 'iff ghosts, bad dreams, storms and "every incursion of wild beasts." It cures a long list of diseases. “I have It from a creditable person,’’ says Leonsrdus, "and have often experi enced it myself, that it will prevent | infants. Just born, from fulling into 5 epilepsy. le t there be put In the mouth of the rhlld, liefore it has tasted any- | thing, half a scruple of the powder of red coral and let It he swallowed; for It is a powerful preserver." Another enrlous stone of which Le onardua speaks in the hezoar, which was a “red? dusty, tbrlttle and Ugh stone,” taken from the body of some j animal, a.nd said to he a preventive ; of melancholy. Queen Elizabeth had one of these stones; Charles V hall four of them,'*' The Horn a Its. tied little hunches of coral around) the necks of their chil dren, and tOjtfiis day coral necklaces and ornaments are given children. The superstition about opals is modern No ill omen was attached to these stones hefnrq rjthe present century—on the contrary, the ancients esteemed no stone inojp: i BARGAINS Mouse and Lot. Corner inf 90*200 with Haw 7-room <tMr#ikrm •*•-1 btot. b*rrv 4c. Good w#H wdlgf | pvdrylhtfif ID tlnl < 1 4kMl bh#pp. Ih# ® * b##M* tiful horn# »n Nofih Au«; guild. Eaiy Tprirtb. TRUCK FARn 0 mil#* from BfO#tl *«r##f, •pimndid rood. 28 *cr#b of Rood I<md. Rood w#t#r. 3- room (Olldfd* Ch#9p for rath. If von h«v#n’* «© pay, can loan you baianc#. LeoDard F. Yerdery tuai bisiam Aa*ai, • isksn a*** Ms Fif Tiiay AMBER CINE. FOR HIT bmastaaai aa srtvet an— Ysm *g tbask aw M»r «m. VU.YET PRANA—buy I basbsl and try u#« acf#< Triumph basd Irish fsntsw. I nPssds C*t» I age. Tutn.fU .*.«*»> pound* Best* Radwb. bsana THE HOWARD I WIILEf DRUG CC WHOLESALE. EVERY THING ON WHEELS FIELD 1 KELLYS Just received, the finest line of Baby Carriages in the city. Agents for Ramb ler, Sterling and Crawford Bicycles. Old filar Ice Worts Mutaj FOR SALE Pm;!, Tatis, Pp, Sc, Cheap Lombard Iron Works l_jn*t received. In store, 1 esr—2o tons— ATLANTIC WHITE LEAD. This is the standard White I.'sd of the United Mutes. 2—We have three other White Lead brands —to suit any aunts. 8— We lieve in store SO tons Mineral l’aints (dry) for outhouses, fences, roofs, Ac. 4_We have several brands Linseed Oil. THE HOWARD 8 WILLET DRUG CO. WHOLESALE. wm. McCauley 2040 WALTON WAY. HELL TELEPHONE NO. 2101. Summerville Plumbing Company Plumbing. Sewering ami Ventilating Steam and Hot Water Heating a Specially. gap- Estimates Given ou Al! Kinds ol Pipe Work. All Work Guaranteed. "Torrent. The Store House, 512 Jackson street, now occupied by W. Edward Platt, ombalmer and undertak er, will be for rent from October Ist, j ns' he Intends removing to the north -1 oaßt comer of Jackson and Tolfair Stn. IA nice dwelling of four rooms and all conveniences over store. Apply on premises. JOHN F. M’CARTHT, Solo-Violinist. Late of Royal Conservatory, at Leipzig, Germany. PUPILS WANTED. For terms, dates ,etc., address 512 NUith St., Augusta, Ga. A Spanish Inventor has designed an ornamental hoofplate for otiachmenl tc horse shoes, the shoe fining provid'd! with a rim around the top in which the lower edge of the plate is inserted to lock it. READ LvsfsA wvwvA EAUGUSTA HERALD Because it Prints Exclusive and Copyrighted Spe cials Under an Irrangemeni With ihe New York Journal and Published Simulta neously in The Herald and the New York Journal. “The News While it is News” gHRMaRMMRMBH## '•The War New# Ahead of Other Pnpcrs In Georgia and South Carolina.*' Best Bristles!, Cbeapesi Paper Peblisbed Ten Cent* a Week Forty-Five Cent# a Month $1.35 For Three Month# $3.50 For Six Month# $5.00 a Year. It is impossible for Herald solicitors to seo personally every one that wishes to take the paper. Fill out the subscription coupon below lor the time you want the paper to run. and remit to the Herald. The Herald will ba sent you immediately. To The Augusta Herald : Augusta, Ga., —IB9B Find enclosed $ for which please send The Hnrald to the following ad dress for the time paid for. Name —— Street and Number Postoffice State 10 GENTS A WEEK-10 CENTS A WEEK CALL FOR AUGUSTA BREWING COMPANY’S EXPORT BEER Tbe llcut on The Market W.H. Lynch & Co., Yellow Pine Lumber i AND i Builders’ Hardware. ' „ _ j 16th 6TPIET. NEAR ILECTRIC RAILWAY POWER HOUSE cm F- XiltirEchE 74. I » AUGUSTA, SA. |***T^''' —” ** ** * ~ • CALL. FOR AUGUSTA BREWING COMPANY’S DRAUGHT BEER The Best on The Market. Boors, sash, Blinds, flculdings. Laths, Shingles, Wood & Coal.