The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 08, 1898, Image 8

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MON DA V The Gcncrnl Aspect U Encouraging T###v*# iklwi#® !s##• 1© #© wKh # *•s*•* t»f pHc<i fftfucilOH Ttm lint §gtfflort •©# ooo*y «t«c* (• mate* Tti>r« It no U'urui*# mi «K*f m»Oio*i> Owf buy >l~ It IMCHM Ml (lit B##l#m CO M»c(Mit • itock for Autumn iHtt Mi outfilUy und wilt h§v* no lupefiof in Iho South. Ww mutt htwt btrt counfwrw tnd •mpty thtlvtt for now good*. Thtt i tht *• Why“ of ihtwt ttboroi dltcownt*. 25 n#r cstni off on our tntirt rioefc litn't, S®y** • rH * Chtki»wn‘« ftney Chtv»o( tnd Wortttd bwiii 20 ptr coni off our Mtn'w Stuck tnd D'ue onicni lutti, Mn« Coot* tnd burn Suit*. 76 coni* for cholcw of cur tnllrw Hnt M»n‘* Npiiicwt Shirtk. wtttchod coUort, former price 61• w. FIRST BALE OF NEW COTTON ll Arrived It ilw Htj Ktrtj Tlh Mtftiu N •• M MM ?*•*••* *• ,k * Tfc# rtr* »*l* «* •** ***«* *• kr* H •** to** 4 *** uwW «w ' HUca * pMf(«ni> «k* ' «u.*«a ft* MM* **• **•**•" * ' P 99 4#l tyy I iS (fcfTf v, )~>A Tftv j H*r»J l 1*34 mm* <•»*•»* gKfcaMM •* It* f.«* *»• *lr*l • es t*e lta*r» • •#•* 4 »rt '® b 'i dot. firm !»*•* *»»r t G" 04 TfcTn~~“~ o* TV* •" ,l * “ kaoar * ik* par'**'* of il < ‘ po **‘* B | m f n ss *mrH 100 sl44llsf' rotfofi. t** bai* welgft* 111 pouod* ** •»* miltr O* t. Rtf* KWh Will *»-1 tum* It* rati of •*rilo*«**r a»<l »» r * c« ife* •*«* bate I* th* btah*»* bidder | at ih* naioa *■**•»««* The fit** t*** of I**7 ration srss k# tJbo of a Kiosnsnic wko k»4 for m»v ml r«*f» IlM* lb* r*r pl»BI» Ol (•»!* No I Ol* *M»* Mmm “III* I f'* n tomb k«M ib* lMiooia a#*#t «*t*r**i it always toko* lb »h* oollHiC <«f ib*| fir* bale uu It gewrallr bribe* • oral Jirlc* TOOK MIS iUSWIMMItS. Jarry Dean Chariot with Burglarl. - I*K Hnt Harden Mi. J«rro tkak *** bkflf <hl* morning irrMlM hf Detroit** Claris* Wl»* on a cbar«« of larceny Hon <Ue bouse Tb* bou** in question wa* iliat nf Mr. Bud Harden, near tb* AuguWa brawny. Mr. Dean it acruaad of ut tering tb* hou*a !a*t night. while Har den was asleep. and walking »*«* with Ib* la.l*r'» garment*. Wh««i Harden awoke (bit mm nine he found hla clothe* that he hung on a chair laal night before retiring gone. He procur ed other* toil •■•>enl out to *{*>( <he man e;ho tried to leave him in a diababile condition. About aeven o'clock Detective Wlaa wa» amnmoned to come up on the plark read and arrest a man. He did to and found Dean wl h ■-ertnln nrtl rlea of apparel on that Harden claimed were hit. Detective Wiee ar retted Dean who owned up to the charge on being taken to the bar rarba. Th* latte had lefi hi* own suspen ders and *ox auppnrlar* nt the hou;te of Harder, an t erorq tlicae g,'tU'U>« of Harden’s n"'®' . The matter 1* a city court caae and will there be Inveatiga ted. A SNEKZn Gave Policeman Kelley a Clue to til* Prisoner. Lillie Copeland, colored, gave Police man Kelly quite a deal of trouble In finding her yesterday. Lillie «vn« reported to the otfleer ns being quite disorderly In her neighbor hood and the officer set out to find her. He arrived at her house, entered and searched for Lilly. The house seemed deserted and he was about to give up the search when a sneeze arrested his attention and as the sneeze came from under a bed in a dark room, ho took a look under the furniture. There lay Lillie. She was fined $2 by Judge Bax ter today. BURGLARIZING. Oliver .Smith Arrested Last Night for Robbery. Oliver Smith, colored, is now In a cell at police station on the charge or larceny from the bouse. Oliver was last night arrested by Detective Wise for burglarizing -the house of Robert Parker in the territory. He will be tried in city court. Why do sleepers sleep in sleeping ears that run right over (he sleep erg? 11. lm . w .. i *. WIfIiONMA Mr Ph i n*fk* in rwntkng very *te*. i Mr. Iwhn Rest Keen t *p*M * MM wMfMRh MM* tf*rv HnlUhnn kw **t*f»e4 Mr s*4 Men. i M P»4tgw **ent y*n- Mr. M*wt*v Rfc.pig n hn* retwr*«4 !fn*n Mnverv lit*. (Is Mr CTm4* Town* lenvee tot »vttiw for Rr«a*« n Rio** Mr Will Her** com* up from Mslll- Path** Owtnn. of Aiken, ft C . in the nnent of Pat k*r Mr Mon*hi Mr na4 Mr*. Rr« Norvell npenl yew ter4ny on IMltvnn'a Island I Mian Marie Carr ban returned from a vtait to friesd* la Aadrrsoa. R. C. Mr flaary Nmfh'a frt*od* will h* [ ifssrrt to note hi* improvement Hiyer \V«lsb has heea down to IVaufort He returacd Ibis afirraooa Caeartlmaa Caahla la acting mayor »ad a right good mayor he la making. ! Master Rosa Ha via. of Georgetown. H. C.. la the gueat of hi* aunt. Mr*. H It. Russell. Jr. Mi*a Hinlr Harbsa la vlaitlag her sitter. Mrs. Grergt A. Ooudrlch, oa lower Kill* street. Mr* Josiah Hoar and children, of Urorge.uwn. 8. C., are the gtleats of | Mr*. Ann Rihwcll. Clerk of Council Paterson hn* been called to Ten never* by tb* ilia*** of hi* venerable mother. Mr*. I>, fUhrken and chlldrrn left thl* afternoon for Aiken. 8. C., whrr* they will *i»end n while with relative* at th* Hutch house, Prcf J Cuthbert Shecut. former teacher at the R e’nmood academy, now conducting a KourUhing acbool In Orangeburg. 8. C.. la today In the city. The funeral of little Clara Irene Gage occurred yesterday afternoon from the Church of the Atonement, and was at tended by many friend*, the Interment being made | n the city cemetery. Many brant Iful floral tribute* were sent by friend* who deeply sympathise with the bereaved parent*. Only steel lined and burglar proof safes used. Money loaned on anything of value at a low rale of Interest W«- terbury alaim clock*. 75 cent*. Lewi* J. Hrlinul. Reliable Pawnbroker. PICTURE OF HR. LYNCH. It Was Presented to Him By Hr. M. J. ilgan. Mr. Walter It. Lyrn-h was the recip ient yesterday of n very .handsome llfe si*e iHirtralt of himsclthe gift of his friend. Mr. M J. K«un. Aeoompa -1 nyiiig the portrait were the following Uilee.if.. , ,_ , , , TH Tin: PORTRAIT OF WALTER LYNCH ThV noble face lubff* straight Into my heart And finds the deepeat homage there. For all those gifts that God adorned thoe with And made thee what thou art —an hon est man. The limning of thy feature* here has been a work of love. Stilt, highest art, In all Its wondrous power, Could not achieve the boon (hat I would crave, To faint, In all Its bright celestialness, the beauty of thy soul. MICHAEL J. EGAN. A SAPSUCKIHR S FATE. The Story Related By a Gentleman From the Hilltop. A gentleman from the Hilltop, telling of a thunderstorm in Summerville yes tevduy. sftys: I "Theie was something quite curious, j too. They say that lightning never strives a hickory. Well, it did yester day—in from of Mr. J. J. Lee's home. Strange to say, It killed the only liv ing things on the tree—two birds. One of them was and the light ning tore from Its body every vestige of [feathers. It was *uite peculiar. *' There must he no relinquishing of the grasp which we already have upon the threat of Spain, no yielding of a single j point of vantage which we have gain led.—Washington Post (Ind.) TH® AUOUBTA HURALD. THE DAT AFTER PAT DAT. Jtf* it Htttof ItMif i*4 §« j «mm» N6i UkpC «| t mlrfyiMNk o+4 IInP «'%4 imHlmi » Hit- ||k* r« «*#>* f»m» »»■*»» I# I IMMM6 VialNl AIMM *•!»***•■• *f **•#* , |M|%# laik-l fNff *t*4 ID A#* | •MM Ml § Bjhl It •» p 111# ml Ip# uD* 1 #*?»••** I I# ll* r«tl| t9rP , ing (I* pmm«m mm* K»if of hm4 MM* ad«l j 1 otlrlttJ imi *4 ateAr*® ia4 nm trmrm* ! it# lt#tll- j w ji W **•# 4## in it# y»|x> >4 isb) ft* j !«unit nr4#ri«« of tt# «ff to rh»r#r J , rrrtfta, fr» t#t K m |K« (N 1 pfWTtWt • ’“t* *• I 'otkof iott# I it# Oof pt! j ir? *r I half • «*•»•*■ <tm*s «w more RH«I |ru*4 and W» « “" h '*"■ ** I IX R «t*« sraa in char** of th* W* I vo*t guard yesrerday and round eg up «h* vartou* deltaquents turned them over to poltc* headquarter*, whur* 'they were finally bundled Into the ar n*. wagoo and taken of to ca-mi. Her j etal *f th* rnpuin* this morning wer* ts-rup.ed In draw-lh* up charge* and •petlGratama for ta* court martlala jlhla afiemooo. and LA. Col. Withrow, when »**n. atatod that *aoh and *v*fy iifT*a*e committ*d would b* thorough t« a:fled and awifl punishmc-n meted [out to the olf coders Tbs Lieutenant colonel continued by dying It wa* th* | intention es the oßloera to *e* that tha KtK d reputation already establ »l»ed by i th* regiment wa* tnalatalned at all Umaa The olein were determined to put down any rtotou* eonduct or drunken orgies, and U would go hard with car jtaln of yeaterday'a ofender*. he tuild. In one cotsftnny. It wm not lewned wh ch one, t wenty-three men left yoa tarday without permission, ostensibly to go In bat!' ng, snd one sold'er from this number wa* a particularly *llp perp Individual He was taken to the police barrack* in town and managed to get away. He was recaptured and taken to cotrp under guard. After tapa he wu* again found mlsaittg and at last accounts was being diligently sought after. Interesting Details Some interesting details wete learned regarding pay day and the disposition, on the average, of the soldiers’ pay. The regiments are paid off once a month, but yesterday the colored sol diers of the Tenth regiment received only two weeks pay. Next month over $26,000 will be distributed. Only about fifteen per cent of the men ate married and it Is estimated that al least sieventy-f.vo pec cent of the pay ia blown in." the remaining twenty-five per rent being sent home to wife or parents. Out of the entire regiment not cvv*r forty were away from the camp yester day without leave of absence, and the largest number in the guard house was about twenty-five. No one who wus arrested In town did any material dam age, and the two or three sergeants who were among the delinquents were reduced to the ranks. While the re porter was at camp at noon today, the sun blazing down, and the bugle rail ing the soldiers to mess, several gangs of men were at work digging and shov eling under the supervision of two ser geants, the work being qne of the pen alties inflicted for yesterday's miscon duct. Others were attending to the neces sary sanitation work connected with the camp, this being a penalty also. The jolly surgeon of the regiment, Dr. Fuqua, explained the modus operandi of this latter work, and commented on the general health of the soldiers at Camp Dyer. Major Fuqua was a gallant confeder ate soldier, serving rtrom the begin ning to the end of the war. He is an alumni of the University of Virginia and the Richmond Medical college. He was professor of anatomy and physto ogy at Memphis, but resigned cn ac count of ill health. Ho Is a member of ihe American Medical association, the Kentucky State medical society, and the Kentucky Filson club, this lat ter an historical society. Major Fu- THE HEROES OF SRHTIICO. Plil# I it*fit## | I fto» % -,i§# #"#4Npp# t*ft» ###4l t## # f ## | jb#*» IMMMMM#' I trot IfiM U 4 M|kt C-#l#l I f<uy r fir, h 4 i * ss#■#*. f##t# 90m 9 I |f*ir fl#Mfll# •• ** i mkH# it# ft #IMI fouwl |to h* ••other army wmrm »quip**#»t L)<in r ) & 4 }• ||<* hroRB rtifii *fll* *#. fYk# th* i bit tb# «ort» w of *8 boor »fi4 • half main koii" f * (ti# (rnnn# Dot ns# U'P «•»*! fb# thft# M*t metkm* vbtrh #ff*» wtirtly of 4iv Ltocuier curku. tourlM ate*p*r* and Paltmaa*. l ight train*. I Tb* r- were right tr*.n» In all. lb* lait arriftei it 5 o*r!o#k ihl» IfltTWon Tb# m**n ob tb# tnlo took## ciutty ttr#4 from tbrir >ouro#y. hut «xpr***cd th*«**lv** •• being glad to b* getting hack to Unci* B*m a country and th* pro#*** *>• * repri*** from the ofittcui dntl** of war wa* quit* plea*ant to them The last train mad* a *top of about thirty mlnutea at the Central yard and then proeeded onward. Few people were on hand to a*e the aoldier*. It being th» busy time of the day and few knowing when they would arrive. The run from Savannah wa* made In T#ry cjuirk (imp inrt tb# ChlrlMtoo and Western Carolina road will take the troop* over their line with aa tni ch «pe«d. Thev w'll reach Montauk Point tomorrow afternoon. None of the trains passed through th* Union depot, hut went through the track In the Georgia yard. CENTRAL OF GEOROIA. Charged With Violating Section a. Chapter 78. City Code. The Central of Georgia railroad enm peny has been reported at police sta tion for vio'ailon of section 2, chapter 78, city code—running an engine through th* street* without a flagman. The officer who reported the otTsense says lhe road ran an engine along Washington street minus a man with a red Hag in front last afternnon. The recorder will look into the matter to morrow morning. AT CHiCKAMAUGA. The Signal Corps There on the Move Today. Chickamaupa, Aug. 8. — The stgnul corps which has been stationed at Camp Thomas for some time left on :» special Western and Atlantic train to day for Newport News. The train goes via the Western and Atlantic and Sea board Air Line. The seven regiments Included In Gen. Wade's Porto Rican exepedition are still waiting moving orders. The paymasters' work began today. This work will be done as rap idly as possible, but will probably con sume at least ten days. During the next few weeks a strong provost guard will be maintained at Chattanooga to prevent disorder. Annual rtountain Excursion Schedules have been 1 changed, the morning train on the |<Tharleston and Western Carolina railway now leaves at 9:40 a. m. Parties‘going on excur sion Wednesday atv tiJuested to pur chase their tickets dgETuesday after 10 a. m. This will riMrent confusion and annoyance at the lUilon station on Wednesday morning, if - Ll = qua was also surgeon-m Libby Prison tor ever a year at Richmond. MASS MEETING TOMORROW K#R oa#RFf§f|if tar## tirvtttt* I iUfttl iff Ml 111 lifMNM 14P# t- •##? (*###*#» *#4 fbMtf # %#•## Ml I ## .jK#6P'»(iNw# EXCt RSION ll A 5 NO OO Tito “ Grand CMtUaMha" Fl*•tod Oat. !### to (f» wit tkt# I# j *|*b# fiPitlftot M 4 Nuril tiff {III# IlntitlAi Hurt ftf Boiipvobirp «n 4 1.. (U.i4han ■*! I Htfflffl .if t jtVQm t#4 I Tkv mtMtrit of thr Bin>ni»ft tut tiiraiGiifta |» rti#ktk# flftkinf of til# rxeuroUw m *«* «***• ##fi Dot tll#r#, j Tk# (min mm t« Imil «**t |#t S o'flork. At S o’twk til# otflirvk# f hiriirrpfß »hURf tine ikout tiT* j f tuful • f#w. but tb# f#w on nit. «n<l th. traiß I Thc#kr who bn# pttn hßfod Ikkrii !>#- iirnA to fume #iul n#k #h> tb# tmin dt4 &«* putl o«t. I Cn|;tntn Tann##. itnlkm want* ’#4 to know why th# tmin did not l*n##. an 11 bln duty to #•# thnt tb# trnlnn j pull rut on tlfiM* nnd do not fill th# tmrkn to b# u##*d by Inromln* tmin# Th# encumtofi mann*#n» nought tb rnptnln. •‘Olv# u# Nfiwß fnlnut#•. ,, ltb#y »ntd. "and w#*tt cl#Hr out.** Th# j« apt»ln. #v#r «»bllirtiiif. did n*. nnd th# !manait#r« ttlrffd tiußniilv#i ntlll mon jto gain th# f#w mor# #xuumionl#tn ! n##d#d. | Rut #xrur#ionl#t# welt not to h# found amt th# flft##n minutes noon slip ped ha ay. Then It wa# that lhe excursion man* nicer* d elded that the train should not the run, and thorp who were In the train —havln# bought ticket#—were Inform ed that they must leave th# car#. A small kick arose, but everybody had their money refunded, and ao pock eted their chanite and walked away. The train was taken to the yard, end the excursion to Charlotte had "bust ed. M THE PISTOL EXPLODED. nr. Wm. Adams Is Charged with Shooting at His Wife. * A cap and ball p.stol in the hands of Mr. William Adams was the cause of that gentleman being summoned to court today. The charge against him was shooting fit his wife. Yesterday ho was cleaning the an tique weapon, he said, when it explo ded. A witness said Adams had made threats to bill his wife. However, the evidence did not show things to be that way, and so the judge gave him the benefit of the doubt and dismissed him. The main witness for the prosecution was absent and sbe will be summoned to hear what she has to say. Her ab sence was caused by attending a picnic today. The court not considering such a val id excuse for being away, will no doubt levy a fine on her. liOAT CAPSIZED. Mr. Theo. Foticher Got a Ducking in Lake Otmstead. Mr. Theo Fourcher, the well known local trick rider, had a narrow escape from drowning in Irnke Olmstead last afternoon. Mr. Foucher was in a boat out oa the water, when It in some way copsised, throwing Mr. Foucljer in the lake. He grasped the boat and being a good swimmer felt no apprehension. Hanging on to the craft he floated to shore, only the worse by a wetting. Ho did not teem to mind the adventure nt fa- —k, NOW IS THE TIME Imm law wt mm Ww t#* t* «# fc *sw m « #»rrffi.l«rt «Ml mmod *lo#* m 4 Hi 44M# fbtw Hi a #M»BN»|Khr *>M<tiiMi< VUSi Im«m itffu tNvvml* mkrnm • Iml* b#»i cant* Mile mis . 0 ( *rti • ktorrgi mymtw* m tN* Cihr m ik# Vm4 n*H* tmiA V 5 rtAftfcirt a prt* *«# tape* at • * *« ", m ,4, p |h»l»e 34 Ib) A Co.. AufOft R* •• .# •• •• 'I (*. . vmher .. •• .* .. .. Mb ttkj |(p[ f’Tßi#f . * •• •• •• •• •• **'* #1 •**W OAT— PORK— H . i I*t A!• -1- t,i7 ! | r ARIW» flep tern her .. •• «* •• •« •• p ft-12; • »et«tto*r •* k*f7 ft. 13 MiW YORK COTTON, j N#w York. Aug. ft. -1 - January • « « M ‘ Marcß MS M> April «« 1 — ; August 1,3*mt>to * « »H 6W November *• * W Dr c ember «.«• Tt'nr—Qiiiri Middling--* 1-'*- NEW YORK STOCKS. : New York. Aug. | Mvm>pcltt*n 168 H R. «°N Sugar ISSN J«** . Tobacco IS* A. M « ,4 N 14, » C H. 0 1*S T » H«k| (’hl«'*go G** ln(l4 * WHi J . »2 1.. uisvlllc and Nashville 6* 6* ! Manhattan t°"3L I*7H Omaha * 4, « s4, '« , Union P*o(flc 26% 25 % . I Rock laland ml's ,o *%: in. G 16% ,s % Ist. Paul 104 | js. R. Q 33 % j IViwtern Union 63% * 4 LIVERPOOL COTTON. : Liverpool, Aug. *•— January and February *.2t 3.21 Fehruary and March .. —— March and April 3.22 23 {April and May 3 23 May and June 3.24 July and August 3 2* 'August and Sept. .. .. 3.23 3.24 25 Sept, and Oct. 3-22 23 Oct. and Nuv 3.21 22 | Nov. and Hoc ■—32 t .Dec. and Jan 3.21 AUGUSTA COTTON. ! Augusta. Ga., Aug. B. Middling 686 I,s Sales today 4 i Receipts today ; | Receipts to date 3.6118; Stock on hand 66,,> PORT RECEIPTS. Receipts at porta compared with the receipts for the same day last year and the year before were as follows: 1895 1897 1898 Galveston 68 10* 105 New Orleans .. .. 161 977 Mobile 1 12 34 i Savannah 131 20 3 Charleston 6 3 981 Norfolk 3 5 Boston 341 ®' ! Baltimore 103 PARK HORRILL DEAD. He Hed Been- in the Weather Service Twelve Years. Washington, Aug. B.—Prof. Park Morrill, chief-**B the forecast division of the weather bureau, is dead of ty phoid fever. Fe came here from At lanta and has been employed in the weather bureau for twelve years. auouvt • CORP'L Mir IS IT NEST. Ilh F«iml 3r # A Ptirkl'f I c'lcrtit. | A large Curlrt* I*4 (**»a4 Hto W»- twain# la Ilia Ora*# Om Pi *b# l4#ai a»4 Mai xpaxil f ijffi 1 t4t*ri otbf ♦ that ht‘ #%#r #jNoM# 9 gs A - 4 ill aa# ih* > ' hvugfsX\9 9 * r- r »f*l Junta T« Hit (• fR4„ fhit* 1 1 lt »i mAm lr J toy ttga tTjki I* if ||< fttabcm th# lobdiiltf as vhirl W9s iiut*.fN bf lA# iwran f ct tka ' death »f Corporal Hay cum a 4 at tkla ,* 4 wa# blit so 4 Itca#a< #4 by n#*y AnfMAf}. f'r aa# felt aa ii’jrtA !ta tb# brave #B| #ul4hpr. aba. tt* ! of tb# #au#att«# of prt«(A tmmiiy aril f? #a ia bravely Mwpmdai Ui ha ivMiatry • call for voSuc #cr* #n t «ai «f#4 it it* A#coi»4 icti- Tb# facta of hi# bruit »tib k«a attli ' pi (he rail I# art tv# warfare, Ik I#- moval to Fttn Thama#. Knatorky. «b 4 bit toalaa fnanda that #athcr#4 at 81. I’l’rffh'i ffffrrdtf mmint was a «poa!#aeoa# tribat# to th# war Ms of this bob la rosif iwartyr to hi# coiia . try's cstt## Th# flower cov#r#l ra#k#t was t#a d#rly bom# by hi mar# KJcsr D#rry. ( barl## Millar. Will Platt Wilt Baal. Henry Parker aa4 Harr*» Joyc# ac>4 lat 4at th# foot of tb# altar. Kithrr Mchlahca. afi#r pcc tb# m presMV# ritual of tb# Catholic church, pu4 a m<r#t touching fribut# to tha young a who had * ready an swered hi* lax earthly i*N call and l(**n ushered lato *taCBB(L Father McMahon spoke of th* 111*, us the » Idier. the cae who fares death in tb* flying bullet* from th* enemy; of the courage it require* to do each a thing; "but,** said he, “there t* * great er, u grander hemiym >;ill. *nd to him It belong* who in the face of oppoaittoii and entreaties from loved one*, delib erately sacrifices home tie* and h:a all for the sake of doing hi* duty a* a patriot. Such a case la the one before J you and y< mg James May la In the eye* of everyone aa grand and true a [ hero aa though he had fallen In tbo [thickest cf the fight, and Augusta, .even while mourning her lose in bis seeming!'' untimely death, feel* hon ored to rlaim Corporal May as one of her bravest and brightest son*, and proud that It wa* Atttpista that contri buted such a valiant young patriot. Father McMahon paid a tribute ! 10 (he people had gone to fight for their countiy. He told of I how here was an Instance where the first life given from Georgii to the de fense of the flag was the life of a Christian boy of whose religion volcea had been raised to say that lt taught [that which was inimical to the govern ment under which we live, this death, this army lad’s heroism, being the sternest refutation of such idle (glk. At the conclusion of Father McMa hon's remarks the remains were re placed in the hearse and followed by a military escort to the city cemetery: tenderly the soldier lad was lowered to his last resting place, and his soul committed to his God. A military sa lute of three guns was fired, taps were rounded and Corpora! May was left ; sleeping under a wealth of fragrant blossoms, there to await the reveille of the resurrection morn. a» ______ Our happiness in this world depends chiefly on the affection we are able to inspire. [TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION WORK WANTED BY A bov as porter in' grocery store or <1 y • goods store or office. Best ert refersty Apply WHIIe Mack, care Herald. ’ Aug 9 OK WANTED—A POSITION AS O 631 or servant. Sarah Grari Lewis. Aug 9 r WANTED—POSITION AS CHAM Eh* maid or dining-room work, Wasbsf for a small family or gentlemen's. Be(\ of reference given. Apply 914 Taloott street, Augusta, Ga. Aug 9 .ilii'.li