The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 09, 1898, Image 1

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tut * ft u*r»w ADOUVTA; * Hattie SAYIKQ3 t ****** ukx. zzt'zzz: ragfcmwdat ra**** t**''«*w Americans and Spaniards In a Hot Fight at Malate ________ . • The American Loss 13 Killed and -17 Wounded Spanish Loss 200 Killed and 3(H) W ound ed The Battle Lasted Three Hours-Insurgents Did Xot Participate. SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE HERALD. Maa.ia PMUpgta* talaude Jaty It. | lx M«m K«f* Aag. A—* km*y *•- gagnmta < tea* piar* wiHt b*l*r*tt Ik* Jtwi maw Mt tuiut hin* « iMwtlr Tfc* *p»» *k Mk rn ! it*rfc rttaMlW M tutra w ngfct »H* Ohm b-ara tabling lbr> »»t* tapat ard Tb* I mag* i*mN •-!* T*«(k Pm#** .teas*. Kim kiu'W; 1 rim Ck<*toitiik fcattaima. Third ant'- kf> navUn* gad ttatt.n A of f«»h o<t: lota a«a* Ufcd iM fortvf.vo • l os t*... Ik# tgaaMb lon* *P III* a ktr b*»4r-# killed and Ihw* knadird wounded, Oor mnd* a r'ortwaa dafaa*. »»»!»*; »r tVM of Itnt ifcotraand of aa at - #, k iMi foffv. AotrMw Mvdd tka Pnattluw Catll*. Aa#. «b— A latw <sak!« aav* tka Am •riftnt ragagrU lu* *pnalatde *•*'.*.■ i*»,..t- Sunday night aed roa p*il«d Ik*at IT ratrrat aith fcmry Irae Oar troop* Hot thirtma kill-*# ami ikir ty-aarm *cund*d It kao b**a imp.* • to atitrtala tkr eaaet Sp.-tiMh km. Tk# KfO r.iak Ird tkr atiark. ac-wia letr to t' -tndg* oor treojw by a tliak tag Bintfm.-*i from tk* anting pnattlon th*y Hat* h*gg holding a»*r tkr it- ] 01*'* Hat*. Tka gogltion ta atUI krld •>) oar trv.ips. I i ski m 1 Of 111 It Has IRen Handed to tbe Presi* drot By M. Can boa. Doubtful Whether or Not It Is a Responsive Document. Spain Presents Elaborate View* That May be Destructive. Washington. Aug. 9. The rahin -t adjourned at 12 35. witout having re ceived official werd of the Spanish ar nrligctr'N'o hour ha* been fixed for M. Gambon to arrive, but when the cabinet hrok, up it wti stated that tbe Arp! -saior m ght ileltver the antov. . to the President within an hour. The President made no statement about re assembling tbe cabinet after receiving tbe answer. It Is understood, however, that the tenor rs the reply might neces sitate the railing of the cabinet to gether. What It Is. Spain's reply to the peace conditions are In th’ hands of the French ambas sador, but were not delivered to the President tip to a late hour today. Even the best Informed government officials have no information as to the content#. But there are several points apparently established beyond ques tion. Two of tbes* is that the reply was so framed as to be considered by those ( who drafted It an "acceptance of all the conditions laid down. Second It ea teb-ished that this acceptance «vas the general characterization of the docu ment as a whole and that in making the acceptance Spain had presented elaborate views on eaeh part involved and on questions which would natural ly arise which the American conditions would carry Into executlos. Are They A^eptable? This raised the question as to wheth er the reply would be accepted as completely responsive to the American terms or as an indirect opening of ne gotiations on subordinate points. De termination on this matter cannot be reached until tbe administration has a full text of the reply. If the points are purely incidental and formal strong hope is entertained that peace wilt he realized, but if Spain seeks to impos” important conditions there is prospect of delay and possibly refusal to accept the r-ply Of- responsive. In a Fe v Moments. La f ?r. —Ambassador Cambon will present Spain's answer in a few min lit''. It is on rente to tbe White House. The answer will Bot be made, public until McKinley has replied. ARE THE PEOPLE OF AUGUSTA TO HAVE A PU«tIC PARK OR A REAL ESTATE JOS PUT ON THEM ? tt-ik tWI a wmk Till] AUGUSTA IIKHALI). mi «» %* ! tkfiro ttaaepow* whirl! **>i*d kaj •aa KimiM with Ora Kami. M •k <k amt dftajdt at Mta«4oki kti> Mtnrl Tk* mugitwr Mo*m*«- kaa •> *♦ named M Mk a Tipkoai ••»«*». Ilnat P mg. Aa# 1.-TV antrt w*« l m»*f aa* .a# a »*rr* typfcou*. and OrrMk*n rata Tk* tt«ktaia« onaW hr *a*my Oa* p*rk#t* •'•»* 4rt» *r. m W'k-u tk* «p*ni*k rotama atoraarA tk* tiwkrf*** tkr »Vaa*jl*aataa* wood Ilk* a rack. Tk* warning scad fcr*o ; #i»*n , Tkr not California ran* a» at a Holloa*# by *•» romp*air* of i r*#ular* Tk* CaUrormlaaa wwa* #aak*4 i r.gfct tbroagb tk* i>r*a*# rank* of tk* I P-ce.ylrani* aa# rfcargwd ra to tk# i n.ray who wrr* oa too «f tk* tn»*b :*• Tory »w»;rt Ik* ra*tay o» th*’.- Ism atnoat by tk* •»f-toou» ra*b | an# mo* -4 tk* »reaiarda d >wn bv a coat aaou* gr* an# ta r*#ular ••#*>'. | Tk* Ca’lforalnaa oalr r*tlr*# wk*a oil Ihrlr amauuitloa on* rtkaeatr# Tk* ia*urg*at* k*4 nuMraan tk*.r forrra fr-nalng th* l*ft, rn arronnl of a faant #ay. thua laating tkr Am-rHao |r>gbt npra*# Tk* Agh'lag cootlanra. kit mainly by artillery. Auguar :*« taro m*n **r* wound*# an# on* klll-<l. | Ai'kuM 2 two man wtra klllad. Many ARTIFICIAL ALBUMEN Important Discovery By L. Genfeld. of Vicnoi. % Its Significance Discussed By Two Noted Chemists. apodal to The Herald. leinduo, England. Aug. 9.—-It Is an nounced that I>r. Ullenfelrt, of Vienna. , haa discovered a method of producing artificial albumen. I Albumen la the moat vita! constitu ent in the human body. Albumen return I* the most Import ant constituent of the htimao blood. If artificial albumen can be produced, it mean* that tbe ravages of Illness can be repaired or the strength of the weak Increased by subcutaneous Injections. The Two Vaiieties. There are two recognized varieties of albumen —egg albumen and serum albu men . The Journal correspondent at Vienna Interviewed the greatest authorities in chemistry in Austria, Prof. Ludwig and Prof. Marthner. of VlSftna Univer sity. on Llllenfeld's discovery. Beth prof-sears spoke very seriously on the subject. Dr. I.udwlg said: "There Is no douht that an Import ant discovery has boon made. There Is surely something Important In the mat ter .” Further Researches Necessary. Prof. Marthner said: Llltenfeld's synthesis is quite new and exceedingly interesting to all sci entists. Yet further researches arc nec essary to establish the fact whether ar tificial albumen will have the same ef fect on the human body as the natural. Lllienfeld himself mentioned in Ills lec ture that experiments to that effect are only now being made.” COL. BOGAN DEAD. 1 He Passed Away in Boston at an Early Hour Today. Boston, Aug. 9.—-Col. Fred G. Bogan, commander of the Ninth Massachus etts volunteers, died today. Col. Bogan arrived from Cuba a few days ago. Here is an unofficial forecast partly: Spain expresses the hope that the Uni ted States will not give Cuba to the in fill,-grata. biit retain control and gov ern the island herself, thus Insuring respect to Spanish property owners. Spain inlimaies preference of reten tion of Potto Rico, surrendering in its place any of her Pacific possessions. Satisfaction is expressed with the ap pointment of a mixed commission to settle other questions and the sugges tion made that the commission meet in Paris. !«% Ik* IM ao* ikortaMy woaa#o# ; m I any #*» aa aay nwu I llktlti k«f** «4 i Wa*hta#«aa It C . Aw# • • Tka I war #»#b* >»*M «o4ay mwtt*# tk* M < ,a« ft on Mow# Kona A 4 m*** UaorraL VMtaCMr MarAnknra iron#* arrtva# «<a tk* >M. Tkar* la ao *#t#Ma4r or akrkami. Tk**w arw •i* dxatks. Lmnh. K**t of tk* aa #!»•***. #l*4 of ayiaal naataiagMsa. Ta* a« tk* *»m# «ra» #*tay*rt am ac* f.mat of tk* bt#k awf To *».a a» ay praark to Ik* my. Or**o*» ootyoma an* afriaral lo Kal a* from Can ta* ftuuAay alckl. Tk* Apaatak at mk*4 u* aHargly. Tk* *rilllary not p,nl* b*ka«#<* wall W* k*l4 nor |**.- IK». I< »n» aai maary to rail oat .ka kr#ad*. Tk* tiyaatoh lo*. I* nmorw# to k* kanay. Our hum K lla# T*klfc am* John Mr*«!i Wallas K. Bn mm. WHHaa K Brtntoa. Jnrofc Moll. i*aa» Not*. Wt’liam #tii!wa#oa rtm California— Mauri a Jual. TkH# Artlllary- KI: Oaw»oo Kira- Colorado Kr*d •prlngal'nd Harlously wound*# Tanth IVnn»yl t«n.a f«rr«i Aha W«lt»n. Hrlvaia* I jrm Hayilrr llolow*. C. S. Car tar. Arthur John--a ; Ktrat Callforaia. Captain B. R rhtar. Krlaat* C. J. »W --ararda. i piq n npii Volunteers Fight the Regulars of the Enemy. One Spanish Officer Known to Have Been Killed. All Our Force* Now on Their Way 'toward San Juan. < Ponce, Porto Rico, Aug. 9. —General Henrj’. with tbe sixth Illinois and sixth Massachusetts, will tm>ve tomorrow, by way of Adjiuntas on Arecibo. which is aoout twenty mile* north of Adji untas. The short stretch of road that the troops have to follow is in very bad condition. Practically all tb<- troops will then be in motion towards San Juan. Gene va! Bchwan i» at Yauco. General Wil son Is rear Coaro and General Brooke is a Guayama. Porto Ricans enlisted 1 > General Stone have been engaged with a small Spanish outpoat between Arjiunts and Utuado on the road to Arecibo. Quite a Skirmish. Tbe skirmish took place last night, and duripg the exchange of shots one Spanish officer was killed. General Mile* .with several troops of caS-alry, expects to folliow General Henry In a day cr two. Miles to Be First If peace is promptly de lared, General Miles will ho the first to enter San Juan, going by arilroad from Arecibo to the Porto Rican capital. In view of the news received hove about the prog ress of the peace negotiations, all the American officers a*ppear io believe ihat there will be no more fighting. The fleet is in the harbor at Ponce. No /lore Troops to Qo. Washington, Aug. 9.—The secretary of war has stepped the despatch of fur ther reinforcements to Porto Rico. General Miles reported this morning that the force at his command is am ple for the purpose of completing the conquest of the island. This leaves all of Wade's provisional corps, eighteen regiments, still in the United Stales. It is believed that all of General Wil son's division, except the third Ken tucky and the fifth Illinois, have al ready sailed and will be allowed io pro ceed. The iwe two regiments above named are a! Newport News and will be detained there for the present. There were 2.281 engagements fought during the civil war. but that is not 1 per cent of the matrimonial fights that have taken place since the war ended. AUH ,*f I, OA Ikir# ArtltMry l*H*au» Ckart*# WlataML J. A. Halt r k. tktny •** mrm aLatPiy *«ow#a*. naan* *4 Ik* (Mat**. Ilona k *#. «** • Tfc* o*rmaa m amt i fvtra.fc. afc*k i*fl Maaila Aa #■« « arrt**# km* today aad broockt «k* fca« a*wa «f a a**#** ra*w*a«-ui katwwaa Ik# •gwaiard* *ad Atnariraaa ntmt Map Is - Tk# Akwwxmna mrnrr trtrtortooa aad only tow I* k'llad aad *7 wooad*d Tk* kpantak kumai aa* am kaowa kat ar* raportad kaaay Tfc* la*»r«*in Itoa to* r*«aa!a*d aautral, Tfc* attark waa mad* oa ika A#i#r Irma ramp batwata Ckalt* aad Manila during tk* ulgW of Inly 11. Tk* Spaa I a rd* afco as-»h*rrl o»*r tkr** thnuaaad «a*a ma-V wxraral d*a#arai* rfcargm upon tk* Am*r ran Ham. but *a*h llm* lb* dr* cf tk* Am*rt*aa <rmm* dro«* tfc* K watard* ha. k aad •aally brok* tfc* 8;«nl*h r*n«*r and tk* »n*my r*trnai*d Ut*r tk* Rpan lar<t* mad* a mwon.l attark. kat war* again r*pn!a*d and r*tr*a'*d Into th* hu*hr» k**pla« up aa tar*a*aat hr* i.n tk* road* loading to Manila <>**r wbtrh th**< aptwt*atly *»p*n*d th* An»*rl ran trropa to advanr* stoma aWlatalm plan- tb* Bpa"> ! *k I-warn at o»*r 500 man klllad and woundad. A THOUSAND MILLION $ The Cost of the War Wilh '.he Spaniards. The Startling Figures That are Now Presented. Special to The Herald. Washington, D. C.. Aug 9 —Our war with Spain .according to figuara obtain ed from the auditing bureau of the treasury department, will coat us about one thousand rnttlton dollar*. The ng urea are as follows: Expenses army and navy to date tI3O.OM.WW Expenses probable be fore mustering out. $250,000,000 State expense* 12,000,0n0 War claims 30,000,000 Interest on war debt.. 90,000,000 Pensions (future) 350.000,000 Industrial l> sses (sol diers' la lair) 75.000.000 Total $927 ,(9)0,000 In th" matter of casualties, the Uni ted States f.-tred well. The losses thus far reported are: Army—Killed, 1.090: wounded. 2,300. Navy—Killed. 7; wounded, 4X. It is impossible to give the exaet fig ures of the dead and wounded with General Shatter's army. The general's partial reports are not concise, and Do complete report has been made. FELL FROM l ADDER. Colored Paper Hanger Painfully, But Not Seriously Hurt. Henry Harris, one of the color ed Pa per hangers at the G. K .Turpin Co. s establishment, fell headlong from the top of an eight foot ladder yesterday morning, striking his head on the pro jecting corner of a table. He was unconscious when picked up, a huge lump formed cn his bead and as his neck commenced to swell .it was feared that serious consequences would result. ~ --- '4 SCOOPING THEN. Big Deal, the Negotiations Bearing on Which Are in Progress. Special to The Herald. Atlanta, Aug. 9. Negotiations are now pending between the Virginia and Carolina Ohemhtal company, of K' h monil, Va., and the Southern Fertilizer company, of Atlanta, for the purchase of the lour factories of the latter in this state. The Richmond corn/any Is rated at a million and over and it Is said to be tracked by the oil trust. It has already aewired control of a num ber of fertilizer plants in the south, and its object ris said l<> be to obtain possession of sflil the faelories in this . section. Aa tfc* f Mtniatr M**»d H. Haa rnmrtana Aa«. t.-A mortal «n tk* Kuaho horn Maaila fait It. tut Mon# Kna«. Aag. 0, gaga: A k*a*y maam-miai «aok gtarw kw tw«wa tfc* Aamrtraa aad fMaat** for r*o at Mala** Tfc* flgaatafc mad* ifc* •nark, aitamptta# to tar* oar rtgki \M*r hour* of #ahtln* I baa war* f»- pala*4 Tka iMwga *a#aapd ww K-rat battalam CaHhorai* vniunrama lrath |Vaa*yl*aaia. gr»i battalloa. third artillary r**ular» aad bait ary A. I lah. , Our torn w Bln* klllad forir-four woundad Tfc* Itpaaiak lorn la upward of two btiadrrd k llad and ikrw* kaa di*d waandad Tk* k oaf# Haa Partkwlars N»« T»rk. Aui t. A ropywiigbtad ,ratNr*a Iron Monla Bay. Auauat A j via H<ma K<ma. t<» Tk* Kvvntaa World. Igtwaa tk* f- ltow xvc partlrutar* «f lb* riabtlna n**r Manila on lb* lt«i of July ; il*a Or**a‘a fora*, to tbr aumb*r of thrr* Ihoumnd. bar# ham advanrlag and rntrrnrhlna Tb* arriaal of th* 'third raordltlon fl»*d th* Ptuinlarda Miih raa-. and tb*> il*t*itnia*d t« g*v* haul* hrfto* Camp t»*w*y rtoild b* r* inforrad. Th* itriH-hM **t*ndr-d from tbr h*a» h I thru* hundr*d yard* to tb* Wi rianb of I tbr loaurarnta. Sunday uaa an Inwir- j i wh its 11 n ■ They Wen* Brought Into Key West This Morning. Both of Them Are Norweigm Steamers and Were Easily Taken. One In Charge of Ensign Schofield, the Other of l.ieut. Holies. Key West. Aug. 9. Two Norwegian steamers have been added to the United, Htatea' large collection of war prizes. They ate the Alladtn, captured by the auxiliary gun tarn t Hawk off Cadiz light. Island of Pines, Saturday laat, and the Bergen, taken by the auxiliary gunboat Viking, off Francis Key, Sunday. The Aliadln was cleared from Tampico, Mexico, for Santiago La (irande, with a cargo of sugar. The Bergen was os tensibly hound from Santiago for the same port for the purpose, It is said, of taking Off refugees. Both steamers were seized without difficulty and brought In today by prise crews respec tively under command of Ensign Scho field and Lt. Belles. flag TO BE PRESENTED. The Tenth Regiment to be Honored on the iHth Inst. Dr W. J. White is the prime mover lu the plan to present a flag to the tenth regiment on the 18th Inst. The program, a* at present arrang ed, in for the colored military to assem b!e, fomi a procession and march out to Camp Dyer with the colors, which will lie presented by Miss Romey, C. T. Walker making the presentation ad dress. The affairs is looked forward to with great interest by the colored citizens. THE FIRST . ROUND BALE. It Was Shipped Today to Charleston By Col. Mike Brown. Barnwell, S. C., Aug. 9.—C01. Mike Brown ships to the Charleston cotton exchange, care of T. R. McGahan. of Charleston, S. C.. Barnwell county's or South Carolina’s first bale of the new crop of cotton in round bale or cylin drical shape, raised, ginned and pre.-ut ,cd '"i his own farm and gin plant. Col. Brown has the only cylindrical press in operation in South Carolina. His is of the American Colton company press, which is different from any other round bale press, as they put up bales much heavier, weighing from four hundred ail'; fifty to seven hundred pounds of which three to five times as many bale* ran be put in a carload over the old style of square bales. MAT (Mil Ally A WAI ■■ ■'.w&vmrr 1 HKHMt. AIW tk d|» t#*at »«n*t day. ak# tk*tr l*ft flank an* wttMtawa. t*a«ta# tk* Am*r*raa riakt 'Bank rat*w*4 C.mdaaira A aw# K. Toatß fvaw*yl*aata .at tk* flak bat *»my. »*** or#*r*4 t* r*tkfwrr* tka rwfct rtaak Tka rWrtr* Mint la tk* wntM of tb* t.«ni typktma. 'with a tr*rw*w4«m* downyont *f latk. i ilk* *a*my*a fn*r* **umat*4 at tht** tkowaaad. attmvpt*# to *arpat** tk* .amy tkar ptrh*t* w*r* 4«r»" k aa# in* ir*ark*« w*** a*mult*d Tb* ***** Hrnaaytvanla m a a**** fttnrk '*#. tun *tt»>d tb*tt gmua# ua#*r a witb*ata# fir* Th* alarm apt**# wd tb* Klt*t Caltfiwtila r*atm*at. ntth twai t tunpaal** of th* Thlt# arttll*ty who rtaht attb fin*#. w*r* a*a- to r*tkfoar* th* Kronaytraakia*. A Mot Nomhar. Tk* -army war* on tb* tr*arb*a ahrtt tb* r*tn*o*r*m*nt* arrtv*#. aad n*v*r waa tb* d»*rlplln* of rmulara bat t*a d*moa*trat*d than by tb* aork of th* Third artllbwy. und*r Captain. O'Hara. Slothing aaa to In- »**B hut) tb* flaahra of tb* Mauwr rlflr*. Th* m*a ran right ap l" tb* altarblng j Plantar#* and mow*d ih*ta d«i»n with n-aular votlry# Covered With Utory. Th* Ctah hattrry. ond*r Captain Y»uag. r<>«pr*4 lt**lf with atory Th m*n poll*# th* ft.ld aun* Ibroueh mud aalr <l**p. Th* a<*n» w-r» arnt , around in tb* flank and povirad la a #*- NICARAGUAN CANAL PLAN Its Hearing on Ibe Russo-Engllsh Situation. Tne Pekin Syndicate Has It Under Discussion Hpeclal to The Herald. l*mdon. England. Aug. 9.—Th« "Pe kin Syndicate," which represent* the leading British commercial Interests In China, received a cablegram today from the chief agent Ln Pekin, saying the digging nt the Nicaragua canal I* regarded as a necessity by all Anglo- Suxons In China for the preservation and protection of their interests. It is stated by the syndicate officials here that the mere announcement by the United States government of the Intention to dig the canal would have n great effect In checking the Russian ad vance and give English and Americans control of the trade. DEPARTTIENT OF SANIIAGO. Military Department in Cuba Is Being Established. Special to The Herald. Washington, D. C., Aug. 9.—The President hHS authorized the secretary of war to establish a military depart ment in Cuba to Include all the terrl toiy surrendered by General Torsi. It will tie called the Department or San tiago. Major General A. It. Cbafee will be in command. He has accepted. General Cbafee commanded the third cavalry at Fort Riley. He was piomot ed for gallantry In the field. KICKED ’EH GUI. Officers Who Resigned in the Face of the Enemy. Washington, D. C., Aug. 9.—The President has accepted the resignation of Col. Chrales P. Woodward, Lieut. Col. Geo. H. Chaffin, Muj. Geo. H. Taylor and Capt. U. A. Goodall, all of the' sixth Massachusetts, now ou duty at Porto Rico. They have been discharged from further service, no ex planation concerning the matter is giv en at the war department, but the press dispatches spoke of trouble in the reg iment. ANOTHER PRIZE. One Brought Into Key West Last Night. Special to Th- Herald. Key West, Fla., Aug. 9.— Caplain Welters, of the idiot boat Glance, re ports that a Norwegian steamer that had been taken by the American war ships was brought in after sundown by a prize crew and anchored outside Fort Taylor. Because of the harbor restric tions no. communication could be had with her. .. MPW - tT --#n rurrm ;•-* *—• lOAHAHO Zlrngp fAViisoi '??*l** MN atwVJLgSg attwrita* anftladta# IW» Tk* -warn* *#• t*pula*< an# ra*#»*t*d tPearde*. ■mi latently bad -afceaa**d tk* •MM and dM k«t Mb* tbma. tm.ttM tb* fta*k*y air itaMMa* tkw ■ o-vi and wm»ad*4l -«w»4 b* lytw# Mood-md wat*r. but na«b*r tb* aka* m*nt* of tfc* hm*m* n«* tk* dmtawa tit* pwnar of man ruW4 wrta# a r*T *C prut *al from tk# «<Mo4»d Tk*y *W -ouragad tb*tt romradau to fight •« haniad o**r that. .*rtrtd«a Ml* ***** ring tb# aiabt Pgantob moat* ram lag .41 tkatt an# -^ Tb- Am-rtaufc ilmd w*»w burkd **• 1«M! «U> is S nrn\*nt ArtlMrrv llw*l. on lha mabt of Auauat I *b- Mfkttkg aa* t-naat#. but tba mam* bad be** t.uabt . t*—>u •»#'**«*' i-na -aag* -*"« ■ rtUtwT _... T^ I tab Intiary rapH*# and tba art«l#ry tlxai la«t*4 aw hour "•* m *""'** klllad. ow tk* ntgbt -d Aagu»t i tbu artttlary dual aaa ran-w*#. Two m*yv warn badly aoundad and ar* now r*- |H-rt*d -trad. ehl*b hrtnga tka tola .Hath* I* U. adik » la tka towpltal mortally » oundad. W hat Alg*r Saya Wasbingti*. Aug ». - Algar rrgardg tba Manila fight aa th- to-clnnlng of tfc* attack OB tb* Philippinea capital A HUB ii i ■ Orders Issued Bj tbe W’nr Depart* partment Today. All Troops in This Section Are Ordered North. They Are to Occupy the New Camps There Near the Seacoast. Special tu The Herald. Washington, Aug. 9 —Orders were It sued today to more all troops from alt Southern camps to the new tamp* .a the North, near the seacoast. BLUE CROP REPORT. The Bulletin Sent Out By the State Department. Special to The Herald. Atlanta, Ga.. Aug»-The state crop bulletin issued by the United States weather bureau here today shows that n surplus of rain and not enough i f sunshine has caused great damage to cotton and fruit crop# throughout Geor gia during the past week. It has also been detrimental to fodder which has been pulled to dry. Weed# have spruug up among the fleecy siaplo, resulting in rot and impending the fruiting of the plant. Peaches and other fruits are rotting on the trees in many sections on ac count. of the excess of moisture. The fields are too wet to plow and unless dry weather soon comes as a relief many crops may be ruined. DAY, BLISS, ALGER. To be Three Retirements From the Cabinet. Special to The Herald. Washington. D. C., Aug. 9.—lt is openly told In the cabinet corridors thut three cabinet resignations wait on the war’s conclusion. The portfolios of Secretaries Day, Bliss and Alger, it is said, will be turned in when the nation is again at rest. A SPANISH REPORT. It Says the Enemy Has Recaptured Fajardo. Special to The Herald. Madrid, Aug. 9.—An official dispatch from Porto Rico says Spanish troops hsve entered the city of Fajardo, re captured It, lowered the American flag and captured three prisoners.