The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 09, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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TUtAOAV 4 THE IUCUSTI HERALD * m mu fmm ,*„*#*«».«*»• mm iidifilljiM*********** V-e“iM*4* gKxWY*** *#•**♦»«* l»l »***▼» ~ «•*•*•»*• J*’"** ..*• »•«* «.mww» ** ssgssli*og toto**® 4 «•#' ■*•*» **"* nrnAiit ••MMi us Ihi mm , mtmmmm RSAI •**— I** *—» _ - mmtm* mm»~* •»•••» vuc WIU. iw» W« WBMUI _1» «•*•* **•*• ** K * < j , * > S*^ | # . 4, tiw |i»4*»«* ss•»■* --..» _, fcaaw a »*#«• 9*mm4 •*£ *• **• - 1 t agf nr _ . . - _ | t f|((H*ta* A« !*• €%*•*•** tliMMi m» a—* r y*g? l* !*•• f *•% nv- *» **# •‘H p*,. Ml Nil A****< ss•*•*■ tK«, r*(tr#**e •!" _ to nrHlto Mm M *• •• "'" ' •rrctAt mVMB t . , ' ... ||MtK •!• Alt MtoHiHiH* i* *_ muji |«*y*Me tot *•»*•-* #* *" *“* tk* mm* mm *» **’*"* •* w* Hltoto™ ** IW M tora«k Uto •*•* *» mm ***** Herald Prize Letters From American Summer Resorts. , , , Tto Herald lb* T—r »* •**» * a mm *4 pvt*** f<* «*• to*« WtoT. *»«»»>* fm* —jtirsLsrsJKt *• a asm #• !»»"•• *”• (Ha t|ol« *•- _(i| aoHotilxt i" » «•*•*' print and Milt** •** ,k# ** ,r4l *f <rk« rttl nmtnm °» »»* # : ~r*.«•• »h* —«• pkir,.-. WU»t accompany «* r " •altar amt la »«v p*bl»r*tto*, for IHa purtwaa of IdentlAcw „ . ti.a* . Contaalaata rat**' confine In'" letter* ta a raaaon.t'l* length Contactran writ# •• many * letter* aa Hat wish fm *Ha f. » prt»e but IM eonWet**' -an win Ml* «aa of ll»» prlae*. . The Herald wants live. spright ly. gnaelPV leltera. a** 4 'j** n> krta*# tHW ha swarded for Iha k» H bat moat lataraatla# and most K,T- • reads td# letter* of Bummer Ba aert Newe, Contest Closes Oct. I. JPOIt THE «B«T I.ETTEn, .....IH » JTOR THIS *D HK«T I.KTTKR ... IJ •" fOR THB IO HEUtT ÜBTTEK ... 6 W munn PIOiriKITT COHIM- A traliffliui Inrrraar In bank <lr piwlta and a lama inrrraaa m loan* intilt ata that nit»nt*y ia not only *oln* into iratir anti buainaaa rapitily. but that ayrn thow who rklght hat* frit tbaky iurlng the war and Withdrawn their money from (he btuika are now putting It back into circula tion. Loan a. according to the New York weekly bank atatement. Increaeed sll.- 733,100. That la far above the average Weekly expansion. But while loyna made aucb a large increase, the gain in depoatta waa «.-.371,500. A eerles of atatement* reflecting am h t» money movement will sarve to further demom at rate what an extraordinary amount W money 1* going Into the hanks from Unknown eottrces. A week of bual nos* at the New York banks which calls for an expansion In loans amount ing to nearly thirteen million dollars goes beyond any ordinary increase in requirements of the stock market, and is a (air Index qf the business demand ior funds. ■’>. With ao strong a demand for money for commercial put poses It would be only natural to export steadiness or seven a decline In deposits. But in stead of such an extraordinary course we find money piling up faster than It is being loaned and it is being loaned on a large scale. National bank circulation decreased $llB,lOO. which of course Indicates the cheapness of the money market and the lack of Inducement to take it out for circulation with government bonds selling at so high a premium. The specie account shows an Increase of $2,482,900. which, in view of the glut of the money, comes merely as one good thing in addition to so many others. Ihat it does not claim special at ten *-on* « i) s i U if <* A* *'«-« MM w»*to«MMt» ■ I f%» fenMl MMi ifeMNMMI I H# W 1 ••WlM* •• I # I wm . * „ *.» f • .gttgk.: * *Jf Mi-ji - 4 :lMi ito«i ■>«o ;: 4to* i ms HMHf i i (HMFIMV t V && rngMstt 1 * m 19 mm WMlmmmtm *• wt* 4rmii immmi fwi lip ipi*'*p* pip : CImH tip HiPlli M HUP HAPS iHi 1%l - I Mlmhnhi #wkh «Mt iHpiP Imp Up I Ip HurpP MsU W# ip»p iPHI I g mHPNI# HPPP m* *mm iwrnmm - «pp MPI Up fmfpttk Imp Imppi Ml !«*» pwftotowl war »M • few •*» i mar li-f «Nk JpdMwto gsM M*w* totob i *gyM Aw Wbbb 4$W g'wwtoeM ram : tmsm mtm mtow wm- rawr »■—>»< , Mbt ftoagbt I I»HI. toe •»*•» tto mm 'f* Arrm m tns4tog W$M tow to* gefwmw Aw tlw watoAiwa whm* agto ito raff* if aaa nttxi Timm* ••• a «M*aaitto* «a return* | Onvatws* AtA-.««*• for p>i«f to New - v t* •• float • iswa. * h **» amia- I Tinmt tIMP t|#«t Map aa alMiNlaprp at > faa tal ta tap Mai# »o vaa# **a *p MMi aa caaapit' aa ta itaai Tpl TA* arg-iawnt wa* g»«d to a rrrtaia •mtoto. TAms m a targe awmaat as , aeoato to tto wale tost A caa OH pro hi at- 1* taveelww-at to (A* dev» lopawwi of mm trnmmtrmm, aato ao coaaidaiaUoae of ntla** pc*de" Jowify raptiailw* la ! plariag their asowey where it will j yWM them oaty t !•* pmr rwat. | That la lit* rate as taltreat flearps* i will ha*« to pay to tA* ItoAl On* eroor Athlaan* hue borrowed and ihe | far* that be weal to New York to get it M a tribal* to the Mata rather ha* I i ipftetioa n la a trtbm* to the tathwtrta! poe ' sibllltle* of the atate. which abaorh alt | available capital The low rate nf lalermt at which the , money am* torrnwad to New York merely furalahea further coaflrmatloa : of thia fart. Credit to based upon the ability to | pay and unless we were prosperous rtt , urns of a proaperoua stale, a loan | could not haee been negotiated at any j such low rnt*. Both side* of the negotiation furnlsh j ra a tribute to Georgia. But we are not selfish about thr mat ter. While see have outatrlpped all other southern slates, we share the common pride of our sect ion in the rates which other states have been able to obtain Ixiulstaaa fours have been disposed of at n good figure above par, j while county bonds In Texas, bearing five and even four per cent Interest, have fouuil a ready market. All of these faot* point to the substantial pro gress and prosperity of the aouth. It will soon be the "new south," 1n spite of our love for the traditions of the old. She will never lose the chivalry, the hospitality, the citisen pride, which have distinguished her, but it cannot be disputed that she has passed through a commercial apotheosis and has taken her place In the front rank of the onwaiil march of material great ness. Let her atill furnish Hobsons, and negotiate 2 1-2 per cent loan* A PUBLIC PABK. Are you in favor of a public park for lb. people of Augusta? Are you in favor of utilising the present basin for that purpose? If you are, let the city council know your views. Let the coimrllmen from your ward know how you stand am) find out bow they stand on the proposition. The question of utilizfnz the old wa ter basin must soon come up before council. If the attempt is made to set' It, in bulk, either at private sale or public outcry it will bring in a ridic ulously small sum to the public treas ury. If It is made into a public park. It will be a godsend to thousands of the people who must live io Augusta a.'l during the hot summer. May Bark was a~n ffffractlve place, but was built in the wrong portion of the city. The etty made the same mis take in erecting a park there that an improvement company did at Turpin f (§.%£s *■■■*•■ m <*■ »* h# 4MMMP ## I |£tr«alUM| • so***os ftgtife #1 i.-dMr* *4 - • I fMHM** § hMMMINI t*s *OO ssoo# ssm *soso m • *os MM' Mr** wt MM KM • iMttA-ftlM 4 ft# I lIM iM WM ■* ! •tot «<to #fl» 'o*oos sooos fPMtIM mW BriMtog Uto Nata*. . | tgriWtfh* m N)Vf tit «*%#fA' #v||4lHl a# Ttt I lira: * TV Ti tuiat m 4 Tlm i r'Hrin >r if • me* \ tb*" Mar to#Ka I aia fit# ta «y tlMf I cr-HcMpM 11m larli «i «hw. to a lew ml «hras fmrnm |r wall Aa4 ton I warn ta say that «*e* yaa P* i-a TA* N*w Tork J«wr*at w*r» •wvto*. atrwrtly wh*a the war began I caa hardly recall aa ttortan-a *ra*r* j 1 ha«* act received my firm tnf-rwm ttaa of eveats *f the war Aiwa the •*•■ i n i na paper* The morning paper* am pltftad the** a*w* Msonsteatot* 1 hav* talked about this with my bro ther axerHaats on thto bk»k and they nil fl|T, fAilh MM. tIMMI til* M* vantage of the a* ratag paper to the rontr.'Veray to* cm twtween (h* pa per* aa to which **a*te the war aa- I Doonrevneata firm to Aagutia. morning or eveala* paper* I do aot tend oot any drummer* but th* merchants on thto blork do. and . hey tail me I hat they find Th# Herald ! r>*rr-where eeper iaily OO all fund* i running Into Carolina. Thto time y«a are right. The ere j I niag paper* here hav# godea the war ! new* Aral. Thto has b*ri, ao evid*nt and palpable la Augusta that It ha* t.«en a aubtoct of comment on every : hand. Yours very Irulf. Newapnftev Header, I Augurs. Aug $. •Smite W «r liptgram*. The following epigrams have become famous during lb* war and will prob ably lira in after history. Moat of | ill,-in are already familiar to our read- : era: Remember the Maine. Comma- j dor* Schley’* signal to the Flying squadron You can fire when you are ready, Grldley.—Commodore Dewey at Mar ] in la. Don't cheer, bova, the poor deylla | are dying. Captain Philip cf the Te*a*. War is not a picnic. Sergt. Hamil ton Fish of the Rough Riders to hi* mother. The Maine la avenged. U Wain wrlght, after the destruction of Cefve ra'a fleet. Don’t mind me. bovi; go on fight ing -Captain A. K. capron of the Rough Rider*. To hell with breakfast; let’s finish 'em now A Yankee gunner to Com modore Dewey. Don't get between my gun* and the enemy, t- Commodore Dewey to Prince Henry of Germany. There must be no recalls; Iron will break at last. l/t. Hobson to Admiral Sampson. Take that for the Maine. Captain Sigsbee as he fired a shot through the :,,unish torpedo boat Terror. We will make Spanish the court lan guage of Hades. Fighting Bob Ev ans when war was declared. Who would not gamble for a new star In the flag? Capt. Uuckey O'Neill of the Rough Riders. I’ve got them now and they will nev er get home. Commodore Schley on guard at Santiago harbor. The battle of Manila killed mo, but 1 would do 4t again.—Capt. Qridley of the Olympia, on his deathbed. Exexuse me, sir; I have to report that the ship has been blown up and is sinking. Bill Anthony, of the Maine. • • Don't swear, boys: shoot. Colonel Wood to the Rough Riders. 1 want to make public acknowledg ment that I believe in God the Father Almighty.—Capt. Philip of the Texaxs. Afraid I'll strain my guns at long range; I’ll close in. U. Walnwright of the Gloucester, in the fight with Cervera's squadron. Don’t hamper me with instructions: I am net afraid of the entire Spanish fleet with my ship.—Capt. Clark of the Oregon, to the board of strategy. TIT TT. 4VT7GHT6T.A ST HIP? A LLS MAttt'ATA Ihfl tiff] 1% Hft! R«lk I Tfc topta Nap - , rr I Ma' i 0 *M|i> Kto* *s»#s •*A*#*dMt.*r t to itoßNPt.|iA i> i%A *%&*' CKM MMi Ibft •Ml Mm iMM i«KNMKI I Mot f nnitiiti ftmm 1 1 *bmnr*4 Mr J Wllfvr |fcof tto MfHiKt *»(to \ «mr |to totoesr ti Ih fur VstMtoUr** stm%- (»fT| |H n I r*M«|tf ,« m man tg|g* nr* yiltNir~ 1 t# MI)P, ttoßt n-h r<4M itor-1 f<ug| t |ns rMIt i i )a# nil 91m t rai«t»li»m ■NifNiiMMrjf fur 0 g**--**i f«i 4mm* *4 ilmi ttoMitt Ikm «#<»« i m ttt» mHI tt» ta*»U-iw MMi . ttwit Ik k»*«I ti«H twivM. M# Ik . ittvt f HiftliW* - , wJurilM KMI KtofflMMlt : a fii Wfti i«f» tofMMMr ts» fit* feifit*tfstl p-fwiii *,s j »m «m* «»f tor iffirtMßtitim In ||m A AM* aad Colored CimcA** la South Carolina. Fr«»m tK» TViMiffß Otf): Tlm ti* |M»vMtn« f«*r *»nmr*im rtmrh -1#• for ih# • ItHf* nni Mirli fnc«M II | ftontll ( ( ir«»Hna gumm Info *ftmt itofs< Itvnbtf 1* TMii vtlf In* nn tw* ■ on ikv prmßl ifM#nt. Tin j two ficwi ttonilf 4m «pnrt In tto !s••’ | ofiffr rnirfi ti Kftl to fttowton. Kiii jlt I* nothing NH right I® fHitl UK* ! i»ju* h o* th** mllrt nit. POIhTID PAEAGEAP**. Brill ant Ilea daaalc more (ban the gem* of tiutb. Batter and cowardly soldier* run when exposed to fir*. Some thing# in moderation are worn* than othrts in exc*a*. Miser* and people with bad mem ories are always for- getting. There la nothing quite *o uninter esting as a human pbc-nugraph. The road io happioea* and the road to misqry frequently run parallol. You can often Judge a woman'* char acter by the men she doe* not know. The homelike hotel ia the kind the average man always tries to avoid. The good luck of their friend* wor ries some people more than anything else. A horse ts of no use until ho Is well broke, but it is different with men and bicycles. A girl’s frame of mind has less to do with her reflections than the fratno which holds her mirror. He who kisses a maid kisses a miss, and ho who kisses another man’s wife Iciasos amiss; ao the only thing left for a man is widows. Cbirago Daily News. Dr. J. I. Terry, of Trimble, T«-nn.. In npcaking of Chamberlain'*' Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy, says; ''lt has almost become a necessity In this vicinity." This is the best remedy In the world for colic, cholera morbu*. dysentery and diarrhoea, and is rec ognized as a necessity wherever Its great worth and merit become known. No other remedy Is so prompt or effec tual, or so pleasant to take. Sold by Alexander Drug and Seed Co., C. R. Pair of Bell Tower Drug Store. PLANS OP PROSPERITY—, Will Properly Celebrate the Glorious Results of our Country's Magnificent Success in War • . ‘Prosperous Business Means Good Times in the SoutV’ i You’ll Get Your Share if You Advertise in THE HERALD m nniMi | MaHAMNBntraiP^ss^NMIiMKABMIKNitoHnKKKnKMKKNA THIi) ST. ILBECTO9TEL It Hillmtn. Ca., 000 m HMMIi fH |«m» KMkk to soo*o j 6 rro s.iit Gt IHE REED HOUSE .nil nil- As VtAMUM * m frn tto *frnM>*«tiNl (0 Mto IK ssm n* Mihmm nni Mm **ss* kmmMmm mmc mmmmm mtmmmrn 000 $0 HP* <4mma n .iiii»r‘i>TKiT'i fl'FllM *to KNMkKni •00mm* sho tkmm <»• +«Mt |M» A* A f %M H Sih M A RLltv lUflui, 0« ■ tto. f tontf. IMihM •iiliiiyt*M F•* K« *|A At *# fK Mk4#k Ii t«t*li I® RAM. H Id tin knpetty "foSTrentT jjAfopi p| g, utrii <«ti ic gnr Lom ITrtum Cto ftfito*# I- HMA... f iMArf for ftont j (Im fdattoAtoing » .■ M fi)j | nwNMn *kK I rMMMMMA» •®4 nt# i#NKrni'lK tn tfHMrt» lahl nt (ton tMfMK smm $0 •»»> fi , JOHN W. DICKEY.! I and I Li.wary Bwlldtag Anine few *nma dlaeredlt Hits aa aerltan. but that* who have tried a Oaa Hsn|« mold wot h* Induced 1# adopt the otd-faahloned method again. You see I- la ao easy tn regwlat* (he (la* Range- If yoo want one s eeecnhm to etiok more slowly than toother, you havo but to turn the thumb screw j and you can reduce the heat to any de gree you desire The same with your roast If It la doing too quh-hly, you I don't need to throw open the oven door j and run the risk of cWtltng It. You can regulate your rang* to autt yowr meat. The Ges Link! Co. of Hpsta. e:i BROAD AT. TO RENT! From Oct. Ist, handsome House of eight rooms, all modern conveniences. No. 1251 Ellis Street. Also Cottage House of 6 rooms No. 1329 Ellis St. APPLY E. J. HICKEY 212 Bth Street. Buy Your Wife a Greene Street Home. No. 412 Greene Street Is located Itn one of the must desirable sections of the city. House built of brick in « handsome and durable faahloti. Con tains eight room*, bath, etc., all in good order. Lot 48 by 116 feet. If you contemplate purchasing a home it will be to your iuterest to con sider this property. John W. Dickey, 1 and 2 Library Building. DON'T RUN THE RISK of Using Bad Language, But Go To Simmons' Bicycle Shop 711 broad btrkbt, And Get Your Work Done Well. For the next 60 days Bicycles Enameled for 12.00—High Grade Work. Lowest prices in town on Repairing. Second hand Bicycles bought and sold on easy payments. ALL WORK GUARANTEED THIS IS IT ttojltoiiißi 9AS4O i #** * *fNii Itoftl IkKMkm tor EARLY FALL ■ I MS ALL SHADES $3.00 Jult /.Tivtpd. DORRS Tdiiormf. Hats, hnmhinp. ?j|p||i cm the mar use if In our soda. It's the best you ever tasted. You'll think so when you j | try it. 5 cents. Ice cold. I I Our Chocolata Is / The talk of the town ? r*mity T>ktti IS for 3# ckolk 1 g sos |l oo* C Bicycle Parties V Will find oar p'mem I d*i tghlfal # gLt< rr-t . I- •-1 -.•!« «V*- ) •i, 4 ( ream* th*a our* esa I »• I mad*- J A Delicious / Plate of Cream c Oor* mad# of pur* t ream and l Ir.-h ftuits A sptwalty with s IM I. “Ice t roam boa*. V AleiasderDmi&Seed Cs. < Tt« BROAD ST. \ AUGUST A, GKOROIA. C Sand ni your X Fre®criptNfTi to nil. # TO KB2STT. From Ctctob*r Ist. ISA*, the premia#* preaent occupied by the Dish-Ame-- lean Dime Saving* Bank at *l7 Broad street. Centrally located and well adap ted for moat any kind of bualnesa. Apply to P. M Mulherln. Secretary i and Treasurer. *l7 Broad Bt. • i PORTNER’S / < HOHBRAU and \ / VIENNA CABINET ( / BRANDS OF C j Export \ J Beers j i are the best < ! > ASK FOB THEM. C NEXT TIME YOU HAVE A HEADACHE USE ! Land's Headache Capsules Made Only By HOWARD & WILLETT DRUG CO. Uncle Sana’s Navy, Port folio No. 9, just received j at Herald Office. AUCUBTG ESSAYSFOOD £ ♦» *MKfc MMMNtK ptMHI Ml 9 ■«#* # uso s»*•s *OO KMto toMto CARDELDE. Orugglet THE BEST N‘RVE TONIC - ■*M Kti »«a f- tm ■*■«<■s I # » | rlt || j j.,, o r toto §• *oso GAROELLE* Druggist 4711 COLOGNE Msfto f" 0 flHMlt CARDELLE. C nig gist Atm SOO sMosst *to ItoMM 9450 ItoMsl • * «* «K PK®*M« tMMI •* sAsstss ov%4* Kt ftosMK t •• 00$$A ** IK»* . m t Mriir- fs §*• *KI • r» WMTP w - - - mi i «tKM* #sm om* « utotMlJitalJF-■ INMMMMtK* L. L Garden*. Oruggisl. PorSale! 7Y* f ft"*tag fuff rrti *1(1 he ***4 m th> 1* mhva , * - |., tr ,y in mr as ah*** Ba »v III* »ra**wr bach tmtrn Bna* free, aw* »* t**i Seep *« «he Ytila** *mt. Mm • p*rue* •* «l» s•«*»# property, n**v **»"»**i* •«' be *7va» ew *B th* abov* 4#*c*lbed properly. SSSSf *• Georgia Railroad Bank. mimb. ummmo. PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 209 7lh St. AbkosU, Ga G! V ES r«E EYE TESTS fw *ll defect* m sight, grtad* th* proper *!*■—. ami WaJU H IVP- them- Lenses cut into your 4rr» while yo# wait. FREE OF CKARUE, SPAIN IS DBKKATEJD. Again hav# the bo,-a who sisr th# blue whipped th# Spaniard* and plant ed Use Stars and Stripe* on foreign soil, and again ha* T. G. Mertln* de feated high price*. Look at this: Ue. Neckties 10c. 75c. and *1 Shirt* &oc. 50c. Suspenders **c. *8 00 Trouser* $«.00 A full line of celluloid collar# and I cufTe Just received. F. O. Mertlna, 024 Broadway. Paine, Murphy & Co. (OMMISSION MERCHANTS. 803 Reynllls Bt-=TeH*Hßßl^.3* J ilrsU Leasso V- ires Unset to New York Chicago and New Orleans. Order* executed over our wire# for Cotton. Stocfce, Bonds, Grain and Pro. visions for cash or on margins. Local securities bought and sold. Reference# -National Exchange Bank of Augusta, j or Mercantile Agencies. MONET TO 10AI. In any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on l O years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. AlexaMer&JolDson Agent* Scottish Ameritan Mortgage Company, 705 Broad St