The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 09, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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f%» «*• mm mum *0 ■ •#* «*Mh» «*■*> *•* •»** * *» *■*, •wM M gtw 4»4»* tfV* 1 »A| AM I* *4i »'W A •* #*►«* taw4 A» I'hMHM * **** A* *"WW 1 P4jmb* mw> aw aw wa • «*= ■t* r—w» «•••»* to* *****, (■Wfe 4 IVl l *** e-wa * ****** ■*? j f*H*n •* »*A «4* am* ieiihnfa in MM a •*• I*** •*• •"*** *• | n** # I w* pan ** | gkfffhal. *4 , *W W** 1 f*WMMf I **9 *4 A* W* t * iwf* ywrvt a** I ** a* **•»»* «* t* 4 'Mxnt fl *4* 1 \ IM a w «#••»* * w* •* * •» 1 1 av*« hw* aw imm i» <M» »* •»'**»• I *• law* m ••** *«•»«*( »*•** b» iMuwiWt •*» *** m’** ** l 4** I* *** *N*# a * ' * «*•* Mh4 a* Mk. toft --ton *4* Im* «* P* 4 (MM Mwto tow » W>* •'**4 •** **• ■ t n*M *4» **** MMMtMM 0 IWW* •at*** #%*••» »ai *r a at u* w *4 -1 dtmt a* «*• *t—a at twat •aswtN •*>•<« *a» Nat «* A**» **4 to* «ato» (ntoi mm the »aaa* I MNP to* f a* a *nat*i»t • tot> to# , IMM* ffWMMt* *4 to* ********** a*Mt I*m to to*** «***W | *M it*** '•** | I *IH we* *•**«*# w4>>* <** him j *nt **'M *w*»<l atoM** 14* *toto a*» to to* to* *4 *to wto Nf a« •*• ****** •• if to to* ••***»* a**» i ttovf m» t ii**H •**«» w* ia* j ****** *4 ilk* ml* I *• •**• I *»» M*it* tot MM* MtrtoMt *4 il*t fans to* ton* I ***** Jw4g* **» totolrinto l*to ** • *«**»'** tor art*tr to** to* - Tim* tor* ' I to** "to* fto Matt* wtr* yuan at* t*totort*pt* * MM* a*** * I*4 *• tot toto* mt tor at**** tow*, •*** • toiar a** *t | tto tk»< *to *4 tor *4ll* aiwto •** to* 4** ******* 1 4* rt* ratotoa* * - * »*#• at matte*' tto mi 4. sweetly. “I •** m*h* ***** - I M a Ito t*fi to *t*to I* whlrh ! I 4*4 tora *H*§to# ****** «to amwtty | wMh aw aa44t*. **4 w* wtr* falrtj *4n*l Tto »aatol*» apart!**! «a tot water. «to tra**t to tot irttt wave* *«l to I aefilr Hi ito bra—»■ ito brUW-toor *m 4*w** •w 4*'***4 ana*r t*4 toita* *t while »n*o#g tto a**a ifct «>tt* to* t*mg«d!» fma* tower la to*** •* if ttof Mir l*M itoartrlrt* awfet by l»- r—»»Bl Mu M taa'i H delightful 4 - murmured Dt- ll* '« b M<*4 " I a**«it*4. Im>( woaM tm *♦ iMa» *> mor* bow* of lb* caso* had wot display *4 w great * r*lwtt*r* m k«*f Mnt|U up lb* rf**r Th* ap'aah nf ik' »at*r from th# ptitft * «tas *(mf*fl»Hf aoothlog. ud *> fair companion rln**4 her ijw Directly *k> did *o politoeaa no |o*t*r 4*barr. d •>* from gazing m> til *t her upturn'd far*. I look'd adnlrlßily. ukl*| mental Kuril of brr rktnw How Mftlf brr dark eyelaahe# *wrpl brr cheek bow HKUilirlf curved brr WMMiib- bow dalbO’ lb* anauptHon of • dfmplr #Mh rr aide brr lipa—how d. licetaly turn*! brr rbln—how becoming tbr rrd ruah tiw In brr wraith of black hair ye*, undoubtedly brr no*r w*« rrirou***. but * ftg for your (lately Grrek baau ll**' there l* * fascination In the— crash into tbr bank went tbr bow of the canoe, and tbr wibjrrt of my rev erie opened bar rye* with a atari. for the life of me 1 raunot ateer • ranoe and think of acuelhiag ela* at the ««me lime. By Ibe greatest good lurk we were not upset. -I am nost awfully sorry." I stam mered. “I was nearly asleep." the said. "1 can't think what happened; It was dreadfully careless of me." "Oh. It really doesn't matter." sh-> replied wltn great good humor. 1 paddled clear of the bank and vow ed auch a collision snoutd not occur again. Delia, however, made no fur ther attempts to go to sleep. "How smoothly the river runs," she said thoughtfully. "Unlike the course of true love.” I added rather weakly. It was not a very appropriate remark, but then I knew that the topic of love was a dangerous one for me, and so, foolhardy, 1 courted it, as the moth the candle. There was a pause In Ibe conversa tion while I successfully negotiated a sudden bend Ip tbs river. •'lt's a great pity, Isn't it?" said De lla. "Whot is?" I Inquired. "Why, that the course of true love never runs smooth." "Oh, but it does sometimes, really,” I asserted. "I suppose the love really Isn't true then,” she said. "Nowadays books and plays always end unhappily." “Oh. well," scid I, philosophically, "there arc two sorts of love —there is a passionate love, full of presentiment, which makes a man morbid and mel ancholy, and forces him a thousand times tc curse the fate that brings it to him, but this sort, of love is too lofty for a workaday world, and (he only ar tistic ending is a tragic one.” I am afraid I bored Delia now and again by holding forth in this way, but she only gave the politest possible yawn, as she scid, “And what about the other?” "The other,” I went on, taking care to watch the octree of the canoe, “la a tender, nastcrr.l love, which makes j man cheerful and take rosy views of life, causing him to thank heaven every day that such a love has fallen to his lot, and the artistic ending Is wedding bells and domestic happiness." "Dear me,” Mr. Cotway.” aid Delia, I 'toTaTtoto *to* mm tow* *•*+•• j <to* • ♦»* jw laatottoMM* to*** •** • WWtotoM* ‘ 'v*r wat *»«4 a 4a* **• a **** ** to i ’#*§ MM* 4HM f | W» mm to*** *4 ****** «M* 44* . *.* ♦*** a* ’t'* *Mto a***» ito to * I !«**•*. *to* mm * toto I to w «*to i okm Kfe»% 4 | totofc|toto flfl .to** » to M'MtoM 4* «■ l!**'**» to «4l ; |.t* *«*M mw* I ** to'liu t%W ***• <**to ft**** to ««*M4I * tot ttof jaw *■ tto* ttoto [ $ amliii I • «fwfik» Immnl' * Imnl t* (►*» * m'lfft" f%to# i Invl |K'**rfr>» t |*4» (wtoto • ***** to* tto •«f #•** 1 aa* Ml la* **M**i Imm **•* ato ■ ’ **# totoaa *44 i *4a*4**i * **■ f *i Ma* f 9 pto «|to# totortMwt *» # **" * *** Vh> I |»tNNp fkt • * * |l # f * !mai in to MNI I tototo if firtttto ntftoftf #MI ttto* fNMMN* * fW« KtoNlttoft <to« Utofto rftMMt fto Id# lltodl t toM •%* #♦•*• •«# «ltoto*%Hl. | tout# wto< tMI tM>”<totot ## I"* <•># IMMI IH NK I tM *|dp«ttr w*m t W#. I «********** tto f »n* Itoaitoto#*# t# l*M4 tot*#to to#4 tottoi* l#t m#f to# fiMMi'ito hi tto!'#* n##ffto tt« n# tto# l|l« t #l**l ftt, •«#* i tto# I‘ t#4 tor tdfl tot*## #B tto m *#( tto Itfil imN I t tot tmi i ###* titot • *#9ll## if 1 # *## m*i j « ft#t M* ft# | I tftHl 4 V#*t vM« f*#t It I# t##**" Ml >to#*»«to»rHy toto*M*#lf |MM#| Id# tUptHl ts U* #« ttoM* I U#l N|# ft# *#*»* • ltd#.* ddfei id#-, tMMdn *#* ft#t htof MtotM 4UH, M t#t# I it* It#d» *f *MI I 1 t#4 t##4 ft# Id* | Uwmm if mm t* • #tii»d*t t* I I# #t todf-lMt# tto tototitotl tto j tftd# 1C tttof t* ttfTl##to, . !■# tktl iilf toll# d •ttof ffwtttto ##f #* ftlMltt ll* Ml «c*t m W 4 1 r#4il M# HS **| • ip# tncM ott t# tM fl|W jit toltodf* f#f fmmt wilt. I ••hi, fitll# MmM t#4 ld#t tod# ltot#M4 4sm% #ift| | toil it) If I *l, M •*# I totid f# Hit to r Mill totff ••€ to#4 dttd *toff ttnHf btot I )#r*ll#4 111 I# id*## ilUfi#«Trmiii> Mtt rs«». tor# Idl# jtlt# td# IKi't imp# itoif for I tto* f’vttoffr# Id# tcwr# ®dlto*!♦* ##4Hi# —1 fMit my tort Ei AO PRESENTED. SkmM OnffU Prnatf la I4m«hln of I heir N*» Color*. Tampa, n* , An* I —At tvv ocS«» k irauentos »«rr «•»- ’ *rrt call** I .oundrd la oar ram*. *nd itottlf aft*r U»* bniuilloa* vrr* formed la [from of the tolmH . qiarta* A Imti* |*a<uire *m left limit, rkmd oa on* 1,14. thr ofki'n 1 teat*, on Ihr other I three by the bauhitooe la close rol- I until, the slccri ta front of thetr re l.perUve battalioo. The An* «h.rh we have been esperlih* no loo* wee pre- Imhttd to the eaf* kr«pi*f ol the Her. md <le< rg.e infentr). In e abort aprerh hy Mr* Howell, prreid.nt of the At- 1 lent* Army end Natry Len*u». It wae accepted by Adjutant I'aul* PVeeman, who eurpnesed even ti truer If in elo quence. Brrgrant dtot.-r, of Co. A, wae acting color errecant aihd Private* Hern*, of Co. H, and Street. Of Co. (J. are the guard. A eerx-ant waa not definitely ariected add It U not tbouaht that Slobrr will retain the poeltloa. Co. G will bear the flax In action or on the march The exerrlaee were broken abort by the *uddrn arrival of n thunder storm, the rotnpanlea marrhlng "double time" to their etreeta. The Fifth regiment (regular*) bend, which had come to aseiiu In the rerrmonlee. took refuge in Co. G'a street, until the ! •torm had paseed. Dress Parade. Dress pniade was had at 10 o’clock this morning, for the benefit of our guests, Ibe ladies, and tonight a ball Is to be hdd at tb<* Tampa Bay hotel, at which the Atlanta ladiea, our officers and the officers of the Fifth Maryland will be present. They were all enter tained by the Maryland officer* this af ternoon, and it was for this reason that the companies were drilled by thi sergeants this afternoon. The sergeants made a fine showing and proved that they arc fltied for promotion, when It comes to them. They put the com panies through all company evolutions and though twelve were ou the small parade ground tht-re iva& no more con fusion than if the commissioned offi cers had charge, which is very little. Privates Mays, Ptikall, Rood and Joa sey were called, up last night by Col. Brown to furnish music and amuse m"nt for thp delegation of Indies and visiting officers. They were kept until 12 o’clock doing their best to please, End as Is well known, they never fail In this respect. At the hour fixed Tor a repast 'the officers had arranged. Col. Brown said: “Ladies, we will now go In to supper; boys, you may go to your tents.” So the four men came | back, wiser, but not better, men, to judge from the language used this mcrnlng. Personal. Jim Jostey is tickled to death over the pews that peace will soon he a fact, and is beginning to recover from the fit of blues with which he was at tacked on first night in camp. Private Clapcey has taken the posi tion of head cock, at the solicitation of bis friends and an Improvement in our mess is alreedy noticed. Today’s rain was light and of only about an hour's duration. CHARLES GREENWOOD BENSON. *mTB3 ytTJOTTBTy^ • - tpMvto wtotPWtto*# # *■# •"••'#■■ •to# tot tot * to# tow to# ## ♦ j iM### tototd tto dt# (### 1 1« ttttwiM I M* •Mi citirwriii MB %>#■*>*- d# IMM *■•#* j * ww*»M It tto#* Id to MW* "li#t • t to#M# #•#•«* «#rtoM*Pt ##• ftototoltok# PNm## * j ; i«« .4<to»*to #ptoM»#K# |*in# #■«## •#*# to## f*# t It»t —fit#) M t# #t to tßddto*to tttf; t# ft «# *M* •# Ntdf t tot* tot* 4 1 t !#%•#• Ifti f«l *# Wto»*i to |to'* | t#to : to id* # it# ##*• ** t w>* mog§ ♦ •«*# «t I# to# t • tttto l ; ill# 1 *t#t#4* dto tlto* toMiltf "tto ### i ngitu ifto* i»»ic|. 9 #PK t# d#to# fhNt • |v #» *•, tot I #• tlto* i w» t tt# * ##•#. «fwi» toto# id ftoCtCCi C'wMa f ♦# ***■• » to" in,l d#tf%. tt# toM tipj#t*#p I I )MM M 4MM* 4*** 4mm 14 •44*- il** »»«m»44 14*' MM'Mki W' 4* *W 4»M* M* *«MM#*»n Im *» 4 » 4* i imm. rrrti-hi ». w '«MMa<H* «* w . aarnma* M* •»» a# M*** ImWMM •%. * all# »I mm aar*-*» 4* : *»*4 • *<4W4ai *•' «Mk»* 4*» m Mr « w 4.14 ; <4Mct aaaaiVk. mm-I 4a»* a»*4 •»•■ .iwa , - 4 AmVm** ® •r r*r* aairrtM 144 4*4 laa# in to## (Ito HU to- ftoito *», I TTfeifj"' !! ■ dll to inttt### j jdfw l 'M t.'nft I ««M#» (• i **#***' •- 1 j |a»« Mt H dtoti #* ft ft** l * H# 1 - Mt to# .«# mtMld ft' t#tK ptoH *#M #*## r # | wtod f*to to# ®>*- * t f#t r«H ts ts #""*#* •«*» pttw #* s *» , |»Mirtoftto idttk Ifltototo# •#» ft- j >t> l ynttol'l Ms Iftrtotdt ##• * # rtv*« it# HtoT t» wilrto #d#to mt , ♦*»###f| fr.i ttwlto# * * frtpr«t« M>* to## .a nr iif * twrto • •tiN'toitt #toto»f I Miaiiiii wit toll ltd I tot #tr HfMMto'iVilf i Mt#, tot tto Iff### ML toil fto# fTto# | I I’fepy toto tflff I Ito #■*-** 'f’-rti I# t If'® r * iM«*• t to«Mit #to| (tot I t tto# !«•#. tNfl | I •** tt ftCHRML ••# dfttrl* j {fat tdtt I trpMl* #|* •## dtoto# idtl j T lniifi) «N ##f #M dt# 1 wr f* | vnAffto# «iid I’m ■*• in- I turttf, , *i||!M to* fill ttto*Wf ttoflsl tii» tm t*' d fr*i*t | Tn ms (Rirfitt ift tT* *## ' tolto* kltoM t# Mil vMKttoK - *'• It todtoftof | am tto #l# •» idtl *•»# drrtt tfeltt • to* i».4 h«t«m« tf toil wtt *t j rmf#«4 it ts ••• 4rti4fullr | rv4 from rrrlid. •## #9 e**trm I t»* t# j *r*iMig • tod toft# «M mtofiNi rtdi - ito if* I | im feffiM Jam#* to lif llvi## I* •**! . r| tJotti «i* ts #*■**!# tort tt*. to## I toll ti”«ltf i«rrf to* I#. •* id*r* it <»#lf oH Hdjrlt t tdt to«*rl4, «n«l I ff f"* dim | ImAided to flvt Jam#* to dto* j m*.|<) toe d**i too • dtHtol oofifftlf. •!•** jii itiurv lor ltfiv#«#tr dnctotof «n 4 'ronfAl thtot rir tot*-. #NM«Ct *ttom|> j | tol*o lii. n l to intllf d*r to i»ur nr* to»r Ktrl*** dtot'liMvmA totlf. • wrtltdf j )«Hi9tir rafrlttnii **f Notmidi. \ W* totA to J«#i dfttdtr M«rim toll# l ;titorllfi# #•(*‘l’ iVila in liar Hatbor fori ■ r»up4 of »lih..u«h It 4 ro lal* ‘ln th<- <o-iuH)n oh huw I d» l«vr that' iouo #<m •ml Korlf, tod# how ilrvi<l i fully I would laal If fofne Ol»f lltdi thin) of lia wtrtof*# iwif. Hut thri 1 wout# offer »urh a hand* - tooivtA reward for hi* return that I could I not iKHHdldf fall to recovAr him. and I iintwnd to huy him « beautiful new col* |lar before I attori on my weddinn trip, of roiirif 1 urn now referring to the dog and not Karte. HKIITIB KMBIIHON TAKVBH. Bucklcn's Arnica Salve. THE BEST HALVE ID the world for Cut*, Brulaea. Sore*, fleer*. Salt ! Kheutn, Fever Bores. Tetter, t 'happed | Hands. Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erupt lons and positively cures Pile#, or no pay required. It la guaranteed to give perfect aallsfncflon or money re funded. Price ?t cents tier bo*. FOR HALE BY HOWARD A WIGLET. A War Toast. Her*'* a toast to the girl with jet blark eyes. Another to eyes sweetly blue, Here's to the grey-eyed one no demure, And one to the brown eyes true. Drink again to the hasel eyes fond, Once more to the orlw golden brown, Fill up your glasses to violet eye* i naming aa ahyly down. "S’fl vous plait.” A toast to the bright fyes that love but ! you. Drown or hazel. vloh>t or blue. A t-oast to your mother's eyes, Joying, And every kind eye we have met; Another glass beys fur comrades dear, Fill up again, your souls to cheer, A tuast to success in war, for uian- I'ind, And the best to th*' girl we have left liehlnd. —BERTIE EMERSON TARVER. Mr. A. C. Wolfe, of Dundee, Mo.,who travels for Marmur & Tibbetts, Imple ment Co., of Hi. lemls, gives traveling men and travelers in general some good advice. "Being a knight of the grip,” he says, "I have for the past three years made It « rule to keep myself supplied with Chamberlain's Colic,Chol leia and Diarrhoea Remedy, and have i found numerous occasions to test Its ■ merits, not only on myself, but on oth ers as wen. J can truly say that I nev er in a slnle Instance have known It to fail. I consider it one of the best remedies travelers can carry and could relate many Instances where I have used the remedy on sceptics, much to their surprise and relief. I hope every traveling man in the IT. B. will carry a bottle of this remedy in his grip." For sale by Alexand Drug & Seed Co., C. R. Parr, of Ball Tower Drug Store. The person who leaves fly paper on a chair is never the one who sits down on IL , i. ■ :.: _ AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. if*' aHi aawaflth* m I**a COWH «*■-* 4»4|lt ♦** <HA PMnUAAf tvA *♦ we* t4*»«Mtor **# •rtnor* % taattAiA.* m fiMto ***Mh J| 4 DC SAMUfL ffTCMin *f Ifatoit, #!«•*(#••»#(«. am fir if "CASIOfiA** I# 4 *<•*• ## ha§ hew M* #«m awe tor , /f/ . ' a,, * IWT I ; lie fm ■■mmuic A#e>lami yf WwVffd&iw flo e fftr amiftraf "CasTOIU apdrh to hwa ato M |im aaev fef flw Botkin i n/ 4fwOf4 /«r eer Iheff f** 1 look carcfully «i da a ra/fyf #wf art (dal 0 t ««J iii Mr «/ ere^- m ,1,. mr Lh gafliinfj; /he nr Ift **r nf Mnr rtttfd f%4> fAfnr Ccmfmmg. ts *kkk (to. J FUichrr t* ftmdtml. m* 5 , ' tlt#to Do Not Bo Deoeived. rvt «m« the hie *4 your child Hy ncrpiing • ihr ip Mitral'lute «hkh mnit nay ttftef )mi i hreruw he wuLm • Irw mure prnnn en h), the in* I’mlirnli (4 «hnh C*VCA Of J*»i» M klKm. “The Kind You Have Always Bought" ucAiia the signature of Insist on Ilaving The Kind That Never Failed You. Summer Suit Sale Our Summer Good* Must Go With the Summer. Those who suffer from the heat will ap preciate our endless assortmedt of light, com fortable and stylish Crash, Linen and light weight Serges when they see the high quality at the prices we are selling them at. All Cheviots, Cassimeres and Woolens are selling at CLEARING OUT PRICES. I. C. Levy’s son & Co.. TAILOR-FIT CLOTHIERS. AUGUSTA. • GEORGIA KEEP COOL by using one of our odorless Rcfrlger- i atora—the Dewey Just annihilates hot weather. Klondike. Gurney and Eclipse arc all good; everyone guaranteed; »»• ! ter coolers, cedar chests; Ice cream freezers. Hee oar line of bedroom suits, |26. Ilaby Carriages for pi. We will make terms and prices to suit you. Fleming# Bowles JJOi Broud Street. OU filar Ice Worts (Winery. FOR SALE Pups, Tanks, Fips, k, Cheap Loiliarfl Iron fforks SALE pjf SUBURBAN LAND BY THE ACRE The Augusts and Summerville Land Compimy will sell, at public sale, 70 acres of land on the Harrisonville Road, in block* of two to seven acres, cm Tue; day, , August 23d, at 5 o’clock p. ru. W. C. JONES, Secretary. Eagle Baking Powder IS AUGUSTA MADE EAGLE BAKING POWDER Is high grade. Very different materials from the cheaper Al um Ammonia Powder, that Ig norant and poorer people use for which there is no earthly excuse EAGLE BAKING POWDER Use Eagle In place of the 50c. lb. Powder you now use. You'll get the same result* in good wholesome bread. The 50c. Pow ders were priced 40 years ago, end. like a Patent Medicine, it don't change in price. EAGLE BAKING POWDER Should lie*used by Augusta peo ple. City pride should Impel them, if nothing else docs. EAGLE BAKING POWDER Jt j. Simply asks of you a trial. EAGLE BAKING POWDER | Sells Ht 25c. lb. THE HOWARD & WILLET DRUG CO. —MAKE EAGLE.— wm. McCauley 2040 WAI.TON WAY. BELL TELEPHONE NO. 2101. Summerville Plumbing Company ffjgr Plumbing. Sewering and Ventilating g ten in und Hot water Henting a Specialty. jrjjT"Estimates Given on All Kinus of Pipe Work. All Work Guaranteed. FOR RENT. The Store House, 512 Jackson street, now occupied by W. Edward Platt, embalmer and undertak er, will be for rent from October Ist, as he intends removing to the north east corner of Jackson and Telfair Sts. A ntre dwelling of four rooms and all conveniences over store. Apply on premises. READ * - * /WS '* > THE s AUGUSTA HERALD Because ii Prints Exclusive and Copyrighted Spe cials Under an Irrangemani With the New fork Journal and Published Simulta neous’)! In The Herald and the New Tork Journal. “The News While it Is News" ••The War New* Ahead of Other Paper* In Georgia and south Carolina.’* Best Brightest, Cheapest Paper Pohlisliei Ten Cents n Week Forty-Five Cents a Month $1.25 For Three Months $2.50 For Six Months $5 .00 a Year. «.> ... It is impossible for Herald soflcitors to see personally every one that wishes to take the paper. Fill out the subscription coupon below tor the time you want the paper to run, and remit to the Herald. The Herald will be sent you immediately. To The Augusta Herald : ' f Augusta, Ga., 1898 Find enclosed $ for which please send The Herald to the following ad dress for the time paid for. * V Name - ■ - Street and Number Postoffice- m State 10 CENTS A WEEK-10 CENTS A WEEK CALI. FOR AUGUSTA BREWING ; COMPANY’S EXPORT BEER Tli* Brut on The Marin t CALL FOR AUGUSTA BREWING COMPANY’S DRAUGHT BEER The Heet on The Market. W. H. Lynch & Co., Yellow Pine Lumber! B u i!ders’ AN fiardwar e .l L riculdings, Lathi, Shingles, Wood & Coal. 16th STREET. NEAR ELECTRIC RAILWAY POWER HOUSE I*- UIxrBOMX 74. « I AVGUSTA. GA 7