The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 10, 1898, Image 1

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IF YOU HAVe ANYTHING TO SELL TO RENT. TO EXCHANGE OR "WANT- ANYTHING. TRY HERALD "WANT** ADS THEY REACH THI WT Til * ****•. A9009T4j £ ***** Utt»a« ♦ Mt r^gsss THE PROTOCOL AGREED TO BEAL PEACE IS I SIGH TH fcff*nl tfi*N tym, Hi \* Vrt fttgwi ItaMJitß* iH N»Uff» $Mt Iff ht TmM. Om* M H«r>« a* Wi Tl*irlnHt' •> t* C, a«* l* -Aa Ml ■« >n 1 Mm Nm frochr* on tW **“• in'itrm ik> i>niw *# **#.«- no* iM Ayaia (Imp I'M -4 ftiM >ll IfUtl l«*f. •< r«* «m 4. ta* Mbiwiee XtUIMtl M t<M A mn h.- , V. M« >|T**4 «!>-<• • |W'4*rwt Ml tint! m> tIM IiIMMI < U'M >o* l*a■ tl«« Ik* ■ treaty «* |w*#e* ImlfAm tb# ntnMUM *f Cab# *nd l* >ru» Him and It >1 . Ippflwl lUt f*v -l«-t MIA be It nan t. m»ih 'INI ilw i«*t »r» irtMli ib*. la HI <|.<| »*y th* (*»«*.- <C«M. 18 LN M* a'*Nit a «*A ago ll IN lalHw-il that net Mag Nl a fee tm •nalllHM remain fa Nr INI*mI a# fa #*- t ar* tN* Hf Mht - • ta IJ» Neat <wvd W bat It Me# an TIM IMIMIMI of Hrrrmif t >»T Dm«H that event# M 4 W M W l afVa! atop*. in an Miwaml rraeM an-n* tlina after B • •*> today o* lIM tnaw es Iha pretm-rt. The confer w Mam INa Frsaident and Ihr Fr#n<-n amhsarodor. at lhr • hli«- boon#, laa* malat It waa |»rartl«ally Mtaalllnl, an •«( •-««< lualtr Ms all reapreda. hut Ihrrr was a maNlfralall -n of ainad.'aal mlMia In ihr administration nr rlra that arrtnrd t« presage an aarl) Mnratrni nt proc*. M hat It Waa rounded On. Foundation for tMa belief aa. afftrd od ahta M. Oimtaa railed at the atat* Ihiatimrli daring tha forenoon, and II br. ame knonn that the amhaaaador waa prepared to lit* reapona* to fur ther latiutrtra that had been necessa rily pal off laai nlghi which wore tn relation t« the Hpanlah poalllon Al though no definite atatemont could be obtained from anyone acquainted with the detalla of the altuatinn. U waa aur triad that the ambaaaador. ha vine prr aent.d rertaln HpanUh request* yester day, In connection with the a> ceptaae# of the four bane* of peace laid down by the President. had been authnrl*“l to modify or wundraw aurh of these addlltonal renreaentattona aa rhould prove unarceptaWe to the United State*. Peace In Sight. At any rale, when the ambaaaador appeared at the atate department and with Secretary Thlebaut waa aahed in to the diplomatic room, there waa a general belief among the otflelala of the atate department that pruapeeta had brightened materially over night, and that a reflation of hogtlllttea. at least, waa In sight. Aa far aa can be gather ed, our government la not particularly concerned at the Innistenre of the Span ish government upon reference of the peace agreemrt. In Ita preaent atate, to the rortee. Our government. In dealing with an other. recognlaes only the exerutlve branch, and hold* that branch wholly responsible for all lie acta or promlaea. and it I*, therefore, prohaW.- that our government will not concern Itaelf aa When Secretary Day left the white to what further international step* will t*» necessary to satisfy sticklers for con stitutional observance* in Spain. Details of the Night Assault. Special to The Herald. Manila Bay. Aug. 4. Via Hong Kong. Aug. 10. Further pariculars of the fighting on Sunday night at Ma late, of which news was wired" The Au gusta Herald yesterday, furnished by New York Journal representatives who were in the trenches, states that .he typhoon which had set in was hard, the rain which was descending down in torrents, and the night was as black as a hole in the uni verse. This was (he situation when three thousand Spaniards attacked the American position on its right flank. The Insurgents, as already told by wire, had withdrawn for their feast day celebrations, and their withdrawal left our right open. But a line of vigiiani pickets was out, and these men fired on the Spanish advance and then retreated, slowly firing as they came in. once there was a great stir :n the n* i>m» a »m THE AUGUSTA IJ Eli A ID. >«U*f %* *Hh* *■-# *Hf 9m* ppwtJWfff Hi . Mnrhni iif mm. mmrnmmmm-* ; mm* m*»9 mm* ***** * f *sit mmjm** ' tip# |fl» r**Pw»*« l|p #4Nh#R ; i ******** im ifHiH't IH* ***** mm mm* mm* ****** M* oMlMfc mm I H?*** • ffiPNMwWtoHt'** IlHf ; tm**** **■ ***** ***** * n##*' Hf ******** "R# fin sm*m*m*s TR» smm*>**6 m mm* *wmt't mm lip R"fm •* *%s&***mm* ii l mm* * * swmm* tHii itm Ht) »*#* mi itNi* m mmm h m*«*m*»* ii^Rifl ii P<l MR fMM •§ mmm* I t if m*strn if M ffNI R fcMiP mtm ME mmS 0m *mmm Omrlmmi 9m* aimrim ifci f «f «|p *■* 9** Ni «*t4 ft 1 U * HfUMMf M»i4f s •m tp *»**■* fMt UMiMr* •uri m h n iom t DM Tsdt) at h*M M Nara Nad. Osmgtd. the sad **t.lttgewce of Ik* dram of Mrs H ti r*tg»M». wtf» dill H H |*w-«b' is> »bi« h ntifpd IN M« rwmd. (In . tM fiMnd In Mn> city this after- NOON Mrs Uulghnn. had beta a S«Ver< r frr n 111* trouble foe asrsemi years 'and revcNtly other raiiiplirstfwma Ml 'art in a hunt tea days ago **l»e waa | thdasred la Make a Matt to friswda IN , McewNPd. Oa it hemg tbougbi that the (hPNg l * would beach; her and »V was lh nght tabs .»pro»>B« nnilt last atah:, <Mi«n Mr rwlghaai rrrmed a tr leg ram raying that she waa •rlllcal ly 111 He at rare Ml and surround .d hr her lored mm. ahe passed au.clly away j Mir. f ulc> fi war a me*bar of ‘H* Hton<* -dtr Me best Ist rhnr h .sN-l war as far as her health would permi' ar ! lire la all things that pMftMMfi •• rhurch -orh and charltf; lovabH in all her relaiim*. II aras In her home life that she was seen to the heal adrau 'age. aa the Soring mothar and devoted j-;ife aiding nod ene-.uta* ng those around her with lor tag words oe roun- Ite.'de her hßstNind. Mrs Fulgi.m j leave* to mourn her irreparable I ta*. fre children. Misaea Marute. Carrie, Jassle snd Mr Hilliard FuSgtitn and Mr* F 1.. Cooper of South Carolina. Tc these are extended In their hour of j bereavement the ajrcnpMblM of raant lleas friend*. The tentam* will lie brought to the city on the » M fleorgia Ira n lonight and the luneral arrangemen'a will b* announced Jgler. FIRE AT LANGLEY. Home of Mr. O. B l.ake Destroyed Last Mght. I.iingley, «. C.. Aug. 10.—The home Of Mr. O. B. l.ake, overseer of the j Peerless clay work*, near here, was lo ! tally destroyed hy lire last night. The i hf use was Insured tor *SOO. The loss Is *9OO. BADLY HURT. An Uncle of Mrs ftcKlnley Struck by a Street Car. Cauton. 0., Aug. 10.—Joseph Saxon, an uncle of Mrs. McKinley's, was struck by a stre2t car and aerloualy In jured. He is well edyfiuoed in ysars and suffered from.defective hearing. There must be no relinquishing of the grasp we already have upon the threat of Spain, no yielding of a sin gle point of vantage which we have gained. Washington Post., camp. But there was no confusion. The Tenth Pennsylvania bore <he blunt of the attack, and checked the Spanish advance until the Utah bat tery, (he First California volunteers, and two companies of the Third artil lery, fighting as infantry, could get up to strengthen the right of the line. It wa.s a dreadful night and the Span iards came on boldly through the dark right up to the American intrench ments. Fought Like Veterans The volunteers fought like veterans, | though this was the rirst time they had i been under fire. Cap ain Young got j his Utah battery Into position with j some difficulty on account of the mud. j but be soon was enfilading the enemy's ranks. The Americans were outnumbered, j but they did no - yield an inch, and their fire was fearfully destructive. As- j ter a stubborn fight, the Spaniards ■ m ■ BUS HI Mfviiat «f tw sum HrirtMtiai Swlrtj. (ft) R*«itw (tala** N«*H If* TH»). TN* Va hiiUm esanut Mr MaH aa IH. ffharu %m I%* I Aitoaia U*. »«N Ml-TM* Mini* H>' « diufat tnsirty mm at Mb* Apr ag» iho axiMog Ifmldmi (Ngw : Hrttwn IN ti* **•». TM* *t*N(*mr» | waa tars*. «JnH bmia*** wa# [attrailrg t* FreaMrot hum derttaa* j - rrlavtim. havtaa narrad two lama. . ho am twunr *NNNsd h* aaamd y*t. CEI ESTIAL IN CtH RT. t-harV, Hop Trtfs Ta*r tlWNl* IM* If rv order. Oar'.ey Hop a crleotiat who cuN '•torts a aaaait atot*. war on* us th* ai t <taat« Nt r-tor Par's roan today, and. unis, a Hi of ana«*»aa*ot la the way of gi> ua loM.osuay ta br h«a Charlay araa at*'ta#*d of #'« king aj rooag a hli* man tocauae tbs youag uan uaa n-i ready lo ae'Or a await i | aero oat tha* he waa do* ih* ceManal. Maid Charter: "M • rota*, that wan. In wy ator*. He lake and nr. Thai ley. just put that on Hrhei ' He owe nr th»t mow aome one » nth. den mm* ats montha. den anae eight aaoniha. I ash h nt what wake you owe *• long, and be nr I ain't pa- you. Iny you pay now and be ny |*«t wore on me r uni Judge, he tame in and tube tigaretl# and rigar any old thing, and want Charley to rharge it, sod 1 hit him.*', Mr. 11l •>son Crane repreaewled Char ley and aaked that a light fine be ley led. whlrh Judge Baxter lid, finding the celestial $1 all disgusted. The Power of the Insurgent Leader on the Wane. Civile. I’hlHfiplne Islands, via Hong K»ng. Aug. 10.—The Americana are disgusted Kith Ihe • unduct of Aguliml d«. the Insurgent leader, whose power la •leaking, owing to the lari that (he Fitlplnoa ace realising the unsubatantl allty of his promise* Two Insurgent steamers are now In Manila bay pro visioning. ID order to Insure the escape of Agulnaldn If n •••eassry. The American field hospital worked splendidly under the galling fire at Mu late. and the courage and steadiness of all the men, regulars and volunteer*, eau*• d General Greene to otdctnlly thank the troop*. The Kpuniarri* used Mauser and Itemtngton rifles with brass coated bullets. FOR THE SENATE. Hon. C. S. Thomas Wtants to Succeed Mr. W oleott. Denver, Aur. 10.— Hon. Charles S. Thomas, a leading lav yer and former Democratic national committeeman for Colorado, has formally announced his cindldacy for the sent It) the United Stales Senate now held by Wolcott; COPYRIGHTED BY JOHN BARRETT. were beaten off on the run. Back to the Attack. They reformed, however, and came again. By this time the Americans were in position and under complete discipline, and their fire was all the more deadly. They poured volley af ter volley wherever the Spanish rifles flashed, and again the enemy retreat ed. They tried a third attack, but it was very techie, and some of the A mericans pursued their retreat, doing much execution. The losses Sustained. The loss was more than ordinarily disproportionate, though the exact Spanish figures cannot be Obtained. The British admiral says the general estimate in Manila is that between 300 and 400 Spaniards were killed and nearly 1.000 wounded. These figures are altogether possible, even in a night engagement, as there was between three ana« four hours’ continuous fight- MWM* OA. VOLUNTEERS IN REVOLT I* **M) (Inin it Mi rttxfva omml'Mu mem m m&mp owl «• gas Aug ta-Oa M. tHtk Pvaaartsanta asilaatswvw regapaaoti a* tm frit* hot Campsi” C and t>. aotv at ! Maatta has k*wh *a mm tn mat tar At |aMMt ttw* Iwtt t<> at Us mra at tie fall pni of dtp is* lahartaai Art tag t'« wwaador d*ta*aat Mt« tha* tb»r w *utd not drill «w tit ai:«d*d wo*! tor* furotahM ibeat Psraront Ast m ported ta iJewteaaat fWsaM twrarti Who promptly ordered aft Ih* Mnlroatsata aadet MTwi Up *ad down tb* ramp th** aw**h*d Mw thiw hoar* They hat * hero slMpepd of their arm* rod »*t* guarded oa nil aides M >«niiK*ts from other auapaniew A rourt martial ***a» inMNlarol an uqly wreck AT FUNNING ION OAF. rare* CmcMpp n«*d W«a fropla ttuM Dawn on Lmhankmaat. Mid* brahma. Ky . Ang It MThlta ibe Bis Ibbouag train waa roming I No. ton Va. U *»n»rh a tandslld* oror Proptngtun G«P and three uashui roilad down aa emh»nt.n*rot aigty f*et Ahmn twroty paaswnger* war* aboard all of wbotn were more or tea* in lure*l Sapor.u »(ideal I. g*don of the CMm- ■ is ;land Vallw dtr «<» of the U. d N. ha<l a rib broken and waa other wise tu it lard. Charles Perl*, mana ger of the Watt* Steel and Iron syndl rat*, waa badly brotaed. aad W. W. THialry of Kno* .-.uni* and his son war* <oaalderahly bruisod Ttnsl*y a •sound* may Srvaial wo men war* also hart. Campaign Committee For State Election. - ■ TR* SUR ExmiUtb Decides I poo One. It I* to Be Appointed By Chairman dußlgnun. Special to The Herald. Atlanta, (la., Aug. 10.—An Important part of the executive committee work was the decision to have a campaign committee to take charge of the party's fight in the fall election. Mr. dnßfgnon will appoint the committee aome time liefon August 15lh. He Is to derldd upon the number of members. The entire day was spent on the con tent of J. E. Moseljr and R. T. Nesbllt for the nomlnßtion for elate senator from the Fifth district. Nesbitt was fi nally declared to be the nominee of Ibe party. , THE ALAHO. The Obdam Is Still Loading at New port News. N. wport News. Va., Aug. 10. — The Alamo sailed at 3 o'clock this morning for Porto Rico with half ol the First Kentucky nnd Gen. Grant and staff aboard. The Obdam is still loading. ing, some of ih hand to hand, and all of it at murderous range. The American loss has been given. Battling Like Heroes. When the First California and the Pennsylvania reserves advanced to tr.e support of the right wing, where the mam body of Pennsylvanians were battling like heroes, they were subjec ted, both on the Cantina road and the beach, to a heavy fire. But there was no flinching nor wavering. They found that the Tenth Pennsyl vania bad but four rounds of ammuni tion remaining when the reserves la ought up fresliisupplies. The Span iards had by a rush gone 150 yards through and beyond our right flank, mlieu the regulars of the Third artil lery. armed as infantrymen, nushed them back in confusion, the Pennsyl vanians and Utah battery aiding gal lantly in the work. Hill hi mi. sit Mra im! (Mm «*m NmR ui T«« Ilw**. Kprki Trtf * lit TtiN HiHlflif KifaMn. TMa Morgan CMy ANra tad IN# flw Had Nro know It Now Tartu AMB Ml. - A d»*pn«rN tN* World from Monu* May Amwa* 1 say* TM* I bind PN t llppta* ropadl ttrni u> bar*, a day* mm tnm Hanota jIN M*r*r d;d an aaprdltlo* *Nrwrm«*r I' mar* dang*«* or aNdma t*m* pavtt* On ih* ray*** **» mro and tm* rdf-roe died nnd fifty morw warn tahan abk. .Typhoid and mrTOng'U. ptayad bnrae oa tha trenapnr* Two fir»m*n want In frit nnd Imp it ov at board (kit fir* war tha worat parti a t ill The daad at am are Kalph Bowar* ..goal rrwpo. Ism * a gyles. Kroos* Hooker. Wyo o, ng baitnikm; Frodertck Hark Mod. Thirteenth Mtneroaia; It. P. K»rr. Hoot roam engtnamw. Wart Virginia; B.pbro R.*!dy Twan'r Find infantry Dallsy Texat W D Rally ftramna. Han Fmnrlaro; John HtorkrUl*. fira •BM. Han FTnreww. l ira on Hoard. The float of tha trnnspmtt and th* r».n*oy. th# Mor terry war# Ihraa day* out from Hawaii, warn fire waa dlaroverod aboard tha transport \ Morgan City. One of th* <re* ropor ted to Uapt Dillon that there waa a blase la the coal bunker* “o*l oat ihe hero.** «» (he reply of lhe cap tain. At midnight, when ail the troop* rare aaleep. Captain Dtllon assembled tha crow and told them the newt. Erarr man w»* pledged to aerrsry. To let the solders know they were over a raging Bra would ha to preclpl lata a panic Silently Ibe men coupled on the how and tha ataam pipe*. Then they begun battling the flame* In the bold. Next morning the fire wa* as fieri* A ever. Night and day the heroic crew fought the fire, but with llttlo Rurcee*. and mill the troops aboard did not know a lire war burning beneath their feet. Caused Delay. The Morgan Clly fell off In speed and the whole fleet was delayed. Captain Dillon did not signal the flagship. He kent the men at work fightlrg tho flames in the bunkers while the troops K . nt about on deck all unconscious of their peril. The hunkers were still burning when (he Morgan City arrived here. Then for the rirst time the troops learned of their danger. The flumes were extinguished after tho ship had been in port a few hours. THE WAR BOARD. A He.ting That Would Indicate the Answer Isn't an Answer. Special to The Herald. Washington, D. C.. Aug. 10. —There nn important meeiing of the war board this morning It discussed (he sending of a squadron to Spain and also one to Manila. Why Isn’t a wedding in .he drawing room a parlor match? On the Left Wing. After the attack on the right wing, which began at eleven o’clock at night, was repulsed, the second Spanish at tack, at two o'clock in the morning, was directed against our left wing. Af ter thirty minutes of fighting the ene *my was again beaten off, and the rain seemed to be so heavy as to make fur ther attack impossible. At Long Pange. •Hut at 3:GO a. m„ the battle was re sumed at long range, the Spanish sharp shooters firing from the trees, and the batteries firing constantly, using brass coaled bullets. The Americans, soaked and powcletr-stained, stuck to their guns for fourteen hours without relief. No lights were there, or none could be shown, and the accommoda tions were entirely inadequate. The Spaniards resumed firing on the night of August 1, but the battle had by that time /settled down into an ar- ffft FOMA** * HU# MtTiNt-hIbAV %l« Nk. MAJ.WITHERS AN APPLICANT lit H*« A»iM Iff frfff*) l» »•)** Khflar«L MG c. A MhN*** bo* opp Mad for • r* itfltt IN the TMtfN loon* t*g Nrtt I Rat • ***MNONIt TM* Allama Jw—nnl » »ma»ha tM thr •not*** ** *•» taw * baa way waltas ih* ' . waMab* of roy *« that tk* major o*a ; apt' tin* hw * rapt lory "MnJ C A Nt.lN*** of «*«W*l> I* tm aptp*- **u Mw am* of tM* swraoria* .* th* TMtrtl inn*** rm'mrot M«) 'Vtthaa* I* inrorlty tm tmman* huv ag 1 nod IN* yellow feror In It# *rm kr»“ Maj Wnbst* waa ahows «h# ylipptog jtbia mtra nc "l**, I hair aplptod for a port: «, but U ha* hero WO. imp* rtaeo *eN •ta* Brrt Mt. Wbro tM* wor Bryt broke not I owda aptptestion for n ml -net * or a map f a ptor* In aa ImtNJO# fORMMONt "A tew day* ago cortatn realganttona tn Col Ray • rsgtmrot took plae* and I renewed my appltratloN A roe of my friend* in Waahlagtoo are now noth ing tha maiter for me " 'l# It bo that yon were offered a rot one try in the Tenth rogtmrot of im mune*. now *taliened at Camp DyerF* “Yea. I oaa offer'd tha position, but .onetinted I praferred a pnatlioa with the Third regiment. I know Col. Bay vary wall." “How about yoor having font through a yellow fever elege and are | now *trictly an immane ta every mow of the word, a* Ibe Journal aaya?" "Oh. ye*. I had a caae of yellow jaek In Memphis daring the epM-mle of IgTS and have no fear of the disease." answered thr major Yesterday MaJ. Withers telegraph'd Washing! m regarding hi# aplptration and 1* expecting to hear from lhere to day or tomorrow. The varancl*# In Col. Ray'* regiment will have to be Ailed and the President by appointing MaJ. Withers lo 'ho place of a colonel or major would place on* well qualiAed la military tgc'lta and well used lo army life In the ranks. Ills record In the civil war shows well in hi* favor and hi* many friend# will extend him their moat esrneat withes that he obtain tb<» appointment. LYCEUn B. Name* Must Be Sent In By Saturday, Aug IJ. All who contemplate becoming mem ber* of (he Second Lyceum will send , In their nsmes before the 13th, a* the ' Hat will of necessity be closed then, so 'that engagements can be made for the ensuing season. There are already, tn addition to Lyceum A. about lf<o of the required 300 names enrolled for Lyceum B. Many have signified their readiness (o Join, bu thuve been deterred from one cause or anolher from sending In Itlicif names before now. Should they not want ot get shut out entirely from this avenue of pleasure, they are urged to delay no longer, hut to have their names enrolled before the 13th of Au gust. Mra. C. J. T. Balk and Miss Kmmle I Balk have returned from a visit to friends in Charleston. , tillery duel. Spanish shells killed William Springfield of the First Col orado, and wounded Private Fred Field of the First California, and Private Ed Zachary of the Colorado regiment, nore Firing. On the night of the second there was some desultory firing. P. Lewis, of the First Nebraska, was killed, and an other private of the same regiment was wounded. This ended the battle, (hough nightly skirmishes continue. The ships took no part. But Jn a day or two, if General August! does not. show Ihe white flag, lie will he given a taste of American valor whim it Is It I to an attack, A Serious Question. There has arisen out of this fighting, however, a most serious question as to the attitude of Aguinaldo and the Philippines. More than five hundred of them quit the trenches on Sunday morning, leaving our right wing ex *** *«- a ;*ia» 11 ****** inr**— 164» aKb 75r-Trjff TAW*** ««♦-»«»> 9aWL *•** fropSSB srtHNL 1 nn 1 IM * fpfft S«cf«r« 1-nffM ff •• Afkta* m M*k Tlr WffffM Mn Off • S.kffp it Hff JtU OIL I MaAtog of Ih* Cpraw**** Jory Oaitea 1 agatha* lartny. ( 1«( imffwN ArtL. A OR. Mk Wb*N ( be w* mm »h*» WOWNHMI RHM fflhi (»«w ml HolpsrN 4 row mill, tha ro* roll of I*** *t«bt » vwchlNg b*a. i*i n the twrrWm rt tM# ™*«l J*B by the body of Mr* J«hn T. Orr. dooff tram portoo admin.rteewd by bar own lead* TM* nrtMWi of th* ma*. warn sit oagraro a* hrthro* Will !»#*<•***. Mbnop cm*l*. Droot* R««i Ri»n Weaver Iwomaßl. TM* khorg* A gain#l t h*m Th* foot nagraro wro# chargad wMh tba brwtal aroaaalnmtn* of Job* T. (hr. n prammoai hncdwnr* m*rth*nt. a >1 Mra Orr Ih* w:ff of th* mardmwd man *a* oodar artort a* ha acr**NoiT. K*. temotM ha* broo at fever boat for several day* and loot night at aiorro Ic'rtorh doteiarlned mro bogno to «*- (her M «b# poNtc agom* No ma*ha were Worn and whoo th# *wh namher sl Ht an Bdranro waa mad* on tha Jail Demand wa# made upon Dopatr Sheriff Mllor** to ffiv# op tba hay*, who, after aome parleylNff. epened the |c*di door*, and the prison ere. with tha exception of Mr* Orr. who wa* ta n dv ng roodllkm war* taken Into tb* * ..pen air. Cl.. i nnD»pJ e’l*w VtiNikaai*• • The woman. Rllla Weaver, made a onfraaion, and without farther delay, the four prirooer* were tahan to an old row mill on the outafcirta of the town, and hanged The roroner'a Jury today rendered a verdict that the deceased war* killed by unknown parties. WORK AT THE WRECKS. It Is 8.-llcved the Marla Theresa Will he Floated Soon. Guantanamo Bay. Culm. Aug. I#.— The Newark. Scorpion, Suwanee and Heo.lute, with marines, rolled this af ternoon The Badger and I. J. Merritt hurc arrived. The latter wttl proreed to the wreck of the Cristobal Colon. The Marrttf -Chapman wrecker* think the Maria Tere** 1* held in position by a rock through her bottom forward, but expect to haul her off Boon. nOUTHFUL FOR THE SOUTH. Where They Are Thinking of Estab lishing a Few Camps. Washington. D. C., Aug. 10.—The war department haa under conaldera tlr.n the establishment of army camps at Lexington. Ky.. Knoxville. Tenn., and Tryon, N. C. Artny officers have Iteen iletalled.nnil are now examining Into the suitability of 1 ach of the*;- places, and. If their re porta are satisfactory, camps will be es tablished anil orders issued directing the various commands now at Chlcka matiKH to move to the new ramps. Orders were issued this afternoon for the Camp Alger aad Manassas troops jto move into camps at Islington, Ky., Knoxville. Term., and Middleton. Ua. .The First Georgia will go to Middleton. posed. Though it was their feast day. lit is believed they acted in concert with the Spaniards. Practically not a i Flllipino fought during all the engage ment. Ignoring Them. So orders have been issued that the American troops shall have absolute ly no communication with the natives. Aguinaldo estimated the Spanish loss at only 100 killed. His attitude remains unsatisfactory. Manila is stunned by the splendid fighting of the Americans in the battle of the 31st. The Spanish soldiers and residents actually expected a grand vlc j torv. driving the enemy into the sea. | They had been reading lying reports of 'the condition and unmber of the A mericans. The Spanish loss is very heavy, including many officers. The Spaniards planned to turn the Ameri can right flank, making a joint attack on the front and right.