The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 11, 1898, Image 1

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fHJ * 8. ttottoft I secern. , ( mvt3«o# CMMW f ttAfiH , NMNNIi ft #*»»#•• I MPil k»fft ! «.11 ~r f»** •» t*n»«**» t ' JH§§ «ftßsX Ip i I * t* apfjpft - - '' (Elm&t' m > JL# m m£ W r *W ■' --: * *-..»! i / " Jr ■« * ’• •v* .r 4 *%* ‘ J% r ®» »’2#’ i^f' - 0 ,*•*' &| ’ JpS fIHLo W' —ALw*. H*. * •BBto ft Ilf Jill hi on raw He )V*4 Tkfos;b Ike Clljr TftJit f a Ueiie It JtrkMliille. The CiroliM B«t' Expert tt Go It llba Kigli At if. AH ’he (moHm SultWe* tn (Jet I in* Along rU|i»Hkf»lly. Lieut. Col Janra H Tillnii, flrii ] ftfinetl, 8. C., IT- 8 f- *• , k, # morning, lookiif if lun4 \ Col THtm n ha 1 bmn In IMirlMd on I i%_j xMlnson and thr breaking io on lb* furlough It \ Is prtUag rraiy to mou. Wb*a •• ! Is garJsrfg. Osc Im'i ifth arm: earpa , It Is tu>d#r#tco<l, «nov#s Imm* diatrly to ! C übs tor garrison duty and for lbs pur < KM Of .Wtatiw In MUbUAtat • «U --ble gov rnmnii tn that country. It I* ttnikrsl »od among the corps that Gen ' \jp“ is io b# governor general of Cuba I pending the forming of a government j cn the lalant. Thera !■ not a command ’ In the rerpa that does not expect to do garrison duty. Tlx- South Carotins | boya arc regretlng that they did not . t'*e iri>t duty and aerept the proba- i biltty of garrison life aa the beat alter- i native possible. A Sptenild Regiment. While Col. Tillman would not talk ] of army ordera. he spok" glowingly of j hia regiment. "We are all right.” he i fahl “and every man ta content and ; happy from tbe colonel dc»vn. There lire bet four of the boya tn the hospital and they will be out soon. We are en camped on the river--1 he St. Johns— j about five miles from Jacksonville. W | are not working a* hard aa we worked ] Ot Chirkatrauga but we are keeping j fc trim. £ “We fctve lh" fineat regiment fnat ever left Carolina for any war. The of fleh-1 rrpoet* shew that we have bed j the least sickness of any rpglment. vol unteer or regular. There are privates In the First who resigned SIOO places to enliat. They arc fighters, too, ev ery roe cf them. They ar-" 1 devoted to j their reinvent and the privates take o- much prld~ !n the Firs’ Son'll Cnr f.llna r.s do ’he offlc?f3. The beys I’ve like one great big family. They enjoy tl emre'vcs as soldiers do and sold'ers should. They will give a good account cf tbemrelvos to whatever duly they assigned. No. I won't taik about * where 1 think the regiment will go. No, I d' not wish 'o say what significance I attach to try orders to rejoin the rc-g --lriont.’' Their Splendid Record. The First South Carolina was rushed to the Camp Thomas rendezvous with out arms, without tents, -without blankets. At Camp Thomas it wa3 a month before they were equipped. Yet, on parade day, the result cf the in spection was that they took- second place, being outranked by a Massachu setts regiment, men who were the flow er of Boston and who were equipped for months. They outranked com mands frcin Western slates that had been equipp 'd by their own common wenltht: and were drilling with nrm-; months before the- Carolinians. Merit requited that the First should go on to Porto Rice. To avoid sending them, preference being given Western com panies. the First Carolina had to be shift od from the First army corps to th? Fifth. This favoritism has caused much criticism. Doubtful state organ - zat.ons are given the preference. At- AN AO IN THE HERALO WORK* WHILE VOU SLEEP AND IT DOESN'T STOP WHEN YOU WAKE OP AUAIN. yt* k(M* a ftftftft %ri i Ms %m> POM LEO XIII. POPE ItEO QUITE Dili oarii! Kntmnrtmui Is Mi4* al Ihv V-«n Mat CmiH • Orctft Sen* •HIM. Rna#, An* It. Tht Cl»MV*iort | K m*ho ift»« orgaa of Oh* wtk*i. M* l uM amfiff> 1 rwj 1 (in ft#* at'* K-|* m|imi I II m, Auk. 11 ■—Of, t«a|KK , nl md n I * lkr> Vn’ Iran ! tfi cops rtn t It* PEACE COMHISSIONERA. It I* Stated That They Will Me.! in Faria. gjm tal to The Heraid. Part*. Aug. 11.—The following dla petcb la received by Foreign Minister |x lean - frim Amlmssador Cam ton "President McKinley ha* consented | that ttw peace Begrtialiona take place to Faria, giving aa hia reason bia de sire to pay Franc- a compliment. The French ministers highly appre clate McKinley's having waiv’d the original request that Washington be ih’' theatre of the pegee negotiations. I Pr parattons to receive the peace com missloners began today. ME IS STEA OF AST. Denying the Rumors About the I reach ery of Aguinaldo. Hong Kong. Aug. 11.—Th? Filipino junta has called, publicly, on Wildman, Ito protest against the reverts of Agul nbldo's treachery on July 31 in the bn'.tie. The ji ata declares the insur gents retired to Malate at the request of Merritt os th-:y ret red to Cavite at the request of Anderson. They say | Aguinaldo bus kspt every promise. His and his men's lives are always at the I command cf Merritt and Dewey. I heir only desire is annexation. DEPARTHENT Oh SANTIAGO The Orders Fo ming it Were Issued l ast Night. Specie 1 to The Herald. Washington, Aug. 11. The war de partment last nigh; issued ord rs ea the military department cf Santiago, Cuba, and all adjacent is lands are Included in the department. | Maj. Gen. Henry W. Lawton is placed in comfoand. Brigadier Generals | Leonard Word and Ez;a P. Ewers are ordered to report to Gen. Igtwton tor duty. MERE IS A BLUFF. Spanish Troops Notified to Hold Them selves in Readiness. Special tc The Herald. Gibraltar, Aug. 11. The troops at Sar Koque and the Queen of Spain's Chair have be<?n ordered to hold them selves in readiness to proceed to the I Philippines. ! tempi was made today to engage Col. t TlUman In conversation on these | things. He declined to discuss the mat ure. He declined to discuss the mat ers told of. Nor did he deny them, i When pelted with questions about the ! way the Carolinians had been trea.vd, 'he said: “Now, really, it is about train time. It may be a long time be fore I see you again, old fellow. It may bo a short lime. Come over to the soda fountain and drink my health. ’ TilE AUGUSTA HERALD. ini n up 111 COM r«s4 Im< it* RiHiPtt Aiaac -A* lit vi. \\ |uM *f Militate <*•« *iwwft to w to ftwi o.a*<*4 *S.| I Iflll IT- A>»«# M ll* AMI«*. |t» sw* if anal ft—v ftol MO* A *»»»*« *H»w*>S* M to* ML mm mt MmM m t)t«rtnA< ls IH ****«**»■**» limK ft*. *f* SSM'i * M IVft f Hi.* <MWt «Mk#» tIN» '§»*<*. TW I vpedltlsa rrttar «tot|t tl D•DOT' tof**t I ufl Authority. or three hundred mm. toclndlttg a THE ORDER.* GO. (lea. BmkenrMge. However. Mas Other Ftaas la Vicwr. By Associated Press Cfai amauga. Aug. M. Ptepars to «.im ply with (be order issued 'save ('■ jid Th ree- be com- Geoerw! Bred. In ridge Is opposed to the pisti of o.vkiiag the army, but It row seems the dorislon of the war de psrt - e t Is unchangeable. The plan at tiro klnridge was to reduce (he slse of the army by sending brigades to various ploces In tbe tnounuGbs around Chana." <»«a and It Is said one pic «, bad already tieen selected liefore tbe Washington orders were Issued. MR. CHARLES J. BAYNE. He Lectured in Cameron and Made a Splendid Impression. | Cameron, Mo., Aug. 11.—Mr. Charles J. Bayne lectur'd here yesterday after : noon to a large audten-e under the aurplccs of tbe Cameron Chautauqua. He took tbe audience by storm and the , large crowd evidenced their apprecia tion of his rare thoughts delivered with ease and a grac» that Is truly i captivating. He chose as his subject, , “The Things We Might Have Said,” •and his discourse while full of pathos | was plentifully interspersed with wit land sparkling humor, Mr. Bayne was in the city only a few hours, bui whilv here made more friends than an ordinary man could In a lifetime. All express the hope that they will be able to h' ar him again. B. B. Witt, City Editor Sun. POPE BROWN WILL SERVE. Co’. James Barrett to Be a Vice President. Speeial to The Herald. Atlanta, lia., Aug. 11.—Th,. morning session of the State Agricultural So ciety at Indian Springs was occupied by speeches from State school Commis sion' r Glenn, President Hall of the Technological School and W. M. Scott, state entomologist. President Pope has consented to serve again and will be re-elected. James Batrctt will he named as vice president at this afternoon's session. SECOND GEORGIA. Orders Which Moves the Corps From Florida Special to The Herald. Washington, Aug. 11. Orders were issued this afternoon to General Cop pinger’s army corps to move imme diately from Fernandina and Tampa to Huntsville, Ala. Wheelmen Indianapolis, Ind„ Atig. 11. The delegates at I. .A. W. annua! en campment spent ihe meaning witness ing trial heats and seeing several am ateur events run off. The fiuals will be run tonight. AUH v*f % O*. HOPES OF DOM CflßliOS j Tto hat* to ti# tnmto Oft* itoH to ItitL tyWtSllt t« tN* tofHM* ***** »• lan #1 flat v«*■*•*•♦ |%# * l«« Its r««K IftOMillft j lift* H«* ■> *** I A jMk aftftl*ft#*l (A TW I<*ft*ftftl tft* iMtoans : *a»4 !••«* of #« pf»»ft6M M #••*•*« ■ I ftpßftftftlftM©ftl Of mMlto | (Vlli tfAttor lt «wwto» trim lHao ] jciMt** H UlOPil «lN*w pwftl *• ' Mtofc* IIII*|I»' | I‘ f<< t%t OMO’-Nl ttoftftftf* #||4 |ufi tt ttto v t pftoto* ||m4v , ! Kfltopl! lit to (tto f (At* t ftf IW ttoMMtto of 1 ?WMVIMNMI mpm *lw> two of !■# UptoOitoli! MtWtH ttMM t«M I uftol * rift |(a fa{iO» 11 «*f t.lhtful of ** to**** ttoP r.MWt tot tosjrf fit" f * •M) VfltM Dun Carta* l»»« ttotn ai I * swan i '*f!,is (Otlt too to HfMBIH tt ft I ||b<* •’or A rtftililtr rm? *to pro rUlOKat Itttf It rmnnot la#, n tbs 9to> plr prefer • r iT ? W^ (at mar rttrafto*- I**B *o ■*’ **B * n«u # nm pis ptofftofttol tmptim#* V tbftt Ilf 1 Ml Hf will l«ftto ft I ft* the tftofttjr of itoftrto tft Churx h and Still. Ti* po«to>. It tft in*, fttftftd* bjr tW I niipf-n rff'Ht and It anovit to liiito toft• p yrltralt lo lb* rl*r*v ltd p* pl* •>- j hnrilng •h» m to «tan 4 bf IS* r*'*n *w ~ <-r* cn bot Itom* bl«rb|P* adflw* 'obodlonc* lo exlfp*tn« rol.ra. Wa diatincniah baiwroo r*'l«lon a«<l S*ll tlra, anil anywajp lb. clarity at* *ll os kAHSIXiN DEAD. The Brltlgh Consul Give* Way Under Ills terrible Mruln Special to Tbe Herald. Kingston. Jamaica, Aug. 11. Tbe British Consul Kwnatro. of Santiago, died here yesterday evening of mala- I rial fever and general exhaustion, | caused by severe work, during the war, representing both British and I American interests al tbla port. I The Spanish steamer Leonora, which ■has been hiding here aince the war , pr gnu. leaves tn a few ilaya for Sun- It.ago to carry 12U0 Spanish troops to : Spain. Tbe schooners Adele Ball, with coal ' from Philadelphia, and | rer, with wood from Florida, flying I the Stars and Stripes, were the first I American trading vessels to arrive i hire since the war began. Ther es» i K rca rejoicing at the return of | American trade AMERICANS IN A FIGHT AT HORiIIGEROS ! The Enemy Repulsed Wfth Severe Loss Our Loss Two Killed and Fifteen Wounded. Special to The Herald. Ponce, Porto Rico, via St. Thomas, Aug. 11. Gen. Schwann’s force, which are en route for Mayagnez, had an en gagement with 1,200 Spaniards near Hormfg»ros yesterday, In flicting heavy loss upon the ene my. The Spaniards were driven back, and the Americans pushed ’ on toward Mayaguez. Our loss was two killed and fifteen wounded. LOOKS OHINOUS. LI Hung Chang Bought, Body and Soul, by Russia. Special to The Herald. London, Aug. 11.- It is believed here chat Li Hung Chang has been bought body and soul by Rtisisa. The situa tion is regarded: as Intensely grave. Mil itary and navait orders being issued i here-'have an ominous look. Appointments Washington, Aug. 11—Appointments: To bs surgeons In the marine hospital service— Jos. H.I White, Si D. Brooke, j Eugene Wasdinc Arthur H. Glennan, j Cyrus T. Peckham. , 1 SPUN 1 iiiir \m Agtwtoi to tfev t tliH Matos 1 futolj I atoMUstv liAtoAsa )ta4 Ns RiilmU) to stgif Far Pfaia. tftftia» tft 1b nlbutift tlbtof Hfttoftft* ft ft* |ik|Mw««i t# TW itatoftti. I tjnift t n Aftto It —A ftftf* Ifftdkm 4tft» { i tjnfti ft Hi flip tHi ii atot. H# 'jpiltoftoft dftw>tnaj| | *-■ % 1 ft* *-,,!#•' ’iff • »-»• ftftTtoft tft tftto ! Had %m AalSaHly. I Am flHliait* toss, .m siii until (to* 11# St rlhlßrt WW Accept TWf» f If tft Itottf-lid tft fttflfta till rtftottoft tbftt * ttft* ausiif Hsi’.s of ftaftNttttitoft tar til bto an* I Intact y afttor ('ambft tea *Mrfttod tW i»ra» . j tarot TV ftfsftndih rftblnrt HH , I durftf ti# , |fftrrftooon. but whrn th- miniairra *4- | tovrvd, tbto full Itoftt of ttlr rlttofafttrb I from r*mtw»# had not haw r^ivrd: E las- Wf thin *ft «.*f n«a«>tl Uin4t*n. KturUitd. Attft. ll.—All ft - j I vlct* 1 * fsrrivNt throuftbout th** day } I from Midtld •* ‘ft that t'amhon will I rrrrlrc auihafiiv thtft tovrfttnto to «t|rn madto fftrlVr In tb* mun 111 no Ift ay hr rr«ard?d aft rff *rtin«r tbto t<nr- Iral Pituatlon. but aa limply Isring an I, to maki- dpanlardi btoUrva tbto j t'nlttod Htattos ban midr wmp roftc#a- ♦ I pinna. | Ma<lrld. Rpaln, Aug. 11. Ip. n*.— Ii la; I known tbal lb* Spanl.h government la 1„. r f.., tly arquainlp-d with th" prlmlpal pointa *( the Hnltepl Htatea* reply, mid I the miniatera are ready to accede to j | thorn. Don’t R.pect It Today. Waablhgt«n. atig. 11.--There ia ltttl«> expeelsUon entertained of Iho re-" i, )t j of the StpauUh answer to the laieat propoaitiou today. The aecotlatlona J have narrowed down to a print wlu-re ] the Hpanisii answer, If affirmative, n« pyperted, would simply bestow upon : the French ambassador authority to cign the protocol. It can be returned in ' r very fov words and it Is thought by i some that on answer might come tc- ; day. A v>ry few persons still believe the answer may be received today, but , the majority, basing ibelr judgment on I th" well known procrastination of Spanish officials, have no hop* for so prompt an enswer. The note Itself. [ embodying th- agreement reach -d ,ves- ; terday’ was flled with the telegraph companies before midnight last night, | but being in cipher and subject to many delays, owing lo lb" numerous translationa. It had scarcely been -da red In the hands of the Madrid author ities before noon there today. May Hurry Them Up. If any one phase rs the campaign in flticnees the Spanish government to speedy action in the consummation oft this protocol it will be the attitude of j lhe Cubans under Gomez In the north orn part of Santiago province Just out side the line marking the territory con ceded to the United Stutes In Toral's sui render. The officials here have known that the Spanish garrisons in Holguin and some smaller towns on the north coast are in desperate straits for food and war supplies and have suffered enor mous percentage of loss from disease and had not our o’.vn forces und -r Shatter been checked In its operations by an epidemic of fever a strong col umn would have bpen thrown out to the northward and forced to surrender all these scattered detachments of Span I ell troops. Now. however, the Cubans under Gomez apparently have determined to forestall the American commanders and are reported to have cceupied several small downs evartia ti;d, by the Spanish and are pressing at tie doors of Hotguip. Causes Concern The matter lias given some concert to our military commanders as this Cu ban effort, if successful, may result in soon bringing our government to the pass whre it must find Itself obliged to recognize the government set up by Gomez in his march, or come to an open i&sue with the insurgents and for- Ftvto t«*t a** * imk/HAV ami h, tt# ? 1 - an. al M-m%gSESHigiiii§Ljmoi * S . J J d wF^&jj/Fy' S / /J. W , XIT . ♦ ! . 4 WjPr 144 Ifcift ft»>m mft4fttoliaf ©§►* t ralkaft* totr#§4 ft Ikt? wftftNrfloiNfti (vy tlit ftkftftftfttofft #4 cmb t fAftfaifi. Aft Ml lilt tftftt ftt Maftflft. an II la IttMtftl at HttlfUHl Til# HfMlft.toll < ■ fistmtoft4*f attkl fturti riilrv fMrtfa*# f<i •Bnvn#f. || oili|M| (ft taff afttof a( till, tft lift I ftii#4 IMaltoft TVf* »f» MftMtlca) Wft* •ftftft Whf IV HfHin toll ftnvtomftitofti tftotiUl imi ftrrtft (Ala rmrm ftftoft, »V erf erertlsg a Cuhss «.»»»'»•«•« A Havana Num-.r Thereforr thu rusditto* at Holguin, if know* lo Bhw*. m*y Indoc* him to rumor Is affoat today that IlitlSl it atif haii tii l itii»lort>4 but (111 (iltvd »it rowllrmiHloo ftt ftll wMtofr am b new* naturally would find ll# wav If the*, condition* are known to the .Spanish goverumrui at, the fact may ha*, an Important heating ta ha.trnlng the artton of thr Ragasts mint-try upon the pending proposi tion from the United State*. The Negotiation*. Washington. Aug. 11. Th- ae are the big events In the negotiation* with Spain: Ktrat—Presid.-ut McK.utey send* to Spain reiteration of the original de mands of the United States, wblcb ta, In effect, an iiltlmr.tum. Spain must reply within forty-eight bottra from the time the ultimatum ia sent. It ta be lieved that pbe will accept the term*, owing to the failure of her last mes sage to cause the Untied States to cede from It* position. Second —Secretary of State Day and Ambassador Cambon, agree on the term* of this m .--sage, which are: (A) The Immediate evacuation of Cuba by Spanish trcopß and the relin quishment of sovereignty over that is land by Spain: (B) The immediate evacuation of Porto Hlco and all the Spanish Islands In the Caribbean sea by Spa n and their cession to the United Stales. (C) The United States to occupy and hold the harbor and cily of Manila and Hubig hay until the peace commission determines the rights of both Snain and the United States In the Philip pines. (1)1 The cession of cn island In the Dad roue group, the Island not being specifically named. Third The war departments orders for the Immediate sailing of ten thous „nd troops from San Francisco to re inforce Gen. Merrlt at Man Tn. Fourth —The navy department an nouncement that If Spain does not ac cept the ultimatum within the speci fied time the Eastern squadron will he .iic.natcheA to attack the coast of Spain. MAJOR GENERAL JAMES H, . lUkma tCßft AM> i (Atlftai UM • « IMI* ftptft <om M JULCS CAMBON at sir 11 18. • "(■vakiM Rf Sftffealff" iad Hlit l> Sri Oat. Tbr Hriußtos V«v*lion ia tfc* Ks*t TIK AtirrMaa. Newspaper* and Other* In*rstigMtaff Use MstlUsi Narrative. Special to The Herald. Jfew York, Aug 11. The Ttaica Ipi'biishc*' a* :c4 h<»t story hi a.led "ln vaskMi lq Stsdli-iPwvl It say* Shaf .ter Alger aad Hick jut tersna star I general, are partners; that Sans tor M Miltsa is ia the deal alas WH>-* Ksnlsmt a i-yndlcatc to <.o s ’ nra* In Cuba. Shatter’s ippntotaK it says, was part of the - heme etc. This prom tars lo be the aeuaatloa of th* nan few day* Other paper here are lavewiigating the matter. Washiagton. !» C., Aug. 11. Gen. Shaftey. <>a hit return., will be desig nated (n suusi Artjuladt General •Cor bin th establishing a military govern ment in Cuba, PIOIITINO ABOUT OVER. Orders Sent to Army Commanders This Morning. Whittington, Aug. 11. —The secretary of war this morning cabled Instructions lo Miles, Shatfer and Merritt to make no further movement against the en emy. Miles was Instructed to inform the Spanish commander at Porto Rico of these orders. This move ta consid ered significant. It Is understood that (h» administration has reecld Informal notice of Spain's necepmnc) of the pro tocol. The orders are virtually the first step of an armistice. The latter will probably lie declared today when th* formal reply of Spain ii received. Toe Instructions sent the command ers to make no further movement a/alust the enemy were preparatory Instructions of a probable armistice; not final or definite Instructions. Iloug Kong, Aug. 11.—The Spanish consul hns chartered a steamer to car iv the peace in order to save Ma nila from bombardment, which Is so Imminent. Gibraltar, Aug. II. —The British Med iterranean fleet Is otdered to remain lure. The reason Is unknown This is regarded in Madrid as a strange pro i eroding. / ..vuiKr »•*♦*•* te-mm *••«» **♦ ** **•*« ill* «k*fl a* t.p.saad. ••**» t***«Mto