The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 11, 1898, Image 5

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tHUfUOAV TMRHH HUNDRED PAIRS . of M. »•#»'. CHtidftit'l lAd In* in * * h* ». Mh yut.ti aimj ChMotm. MriK U -mtM* |t aS tttf cent discount. From 411 ttntt lo § 1.00 IK the way *• trt selling •it th*t were from ?ftc to II.SO. FOR BOYS—^ Wt wt dot# out 30 pairs of Pint o«l<Kdi it holt price. Children con woor Summer Shoes 00 days lon*«r and our prim out them In roach of ail. Wm. Mulherin’s Sons& Co., 846 Broad Street. PEOPLE'S FORUM ffttlts®# */t a » f * mnl Usui't® s '* j tMHI fWfrUt MM' if la<wM a> * i *lttljri ir4llf , titl J Urrn told that ft** Boar# of iitHDt to* ihr *••*** *n*»ra ** ppp***" ttr fatf a 0 ifM*to? ®« coon* **■ n i*lv tkr***n oil*, and .. , »*amp to ißrrttMt tht* l»k* #.iuitu»atly to adorn fhi* at- j randy jl« tup’iMiur P°r ,wn 1 ilio th* iarnr* numnnr or ro th**r at fondant crowd of h«fder» and ... . , tinnaanirr ft* tHr ltßttttl7 cr m*itkn of Wnrdla* n, but I doubt It Trading that Dr r«wt*r »M humble | .■ , — til tholr oay rlrtr to! rcmfdy thi# evil. I remain. Mr. ' -A BUFFKBER WITHIN kOIR, OATES’* Card From fU|. W ither*. August*. Ga., Aug. It. 1»*. To »he Editor of Th* Herald: Sir While thanking you for the t>le»- j •ant remark* about myself In yeater-1 day * Herald, I regret that your repor ter made ao much out of 50 little re- j garding my effort# to Join the army. The farta are that wlk’it the hill pa*»- ed C.nares* Treating the Immune*. I 1 applied for the colonelcy of one of the ! reglmenta. Later, I received an intimation from j Washington that I might get command of a negro regiment. This I declined f and the matter aeemed settled. Hearing a day or two ago that the j lieutenant colonel of the third regiment (Ray’s) had resigned, 1 made appllca-1 tlon for that position, but neither being | a politician or the son of a politician, I j do not indulge In great expectations. I have never been offered the colonel- A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF SIDE COMBS IN TORTOISE SHELL. ALSO VARIED LINE OF GRECIAN BANDS, THE VERY LATEST FASHIONABLE NOVELTY. CALL EARLY AS THEY ARE GOING RAPIDLY. Wm. Schwelgert&Co. A Iks 1 tan#. |lt# *■»«#«•! ft s *-'»#4 Mr* seaM#* Only tl#fl llf»"4 4* ' Mfyltf j»fc*rtf j sehre tur f If mrf >*i4lfN4l **• , H » % gfaf §i • |i>« rtF *4 W»* j * h m w alna ..a r !,ar ki TS <#f|#V IJMHi 1 t&, Haul RflUiMi |'«vQbf t|tr, CHAVniNU EN f ERTAINrUINT. Mias rwatelinc ki.utrhan CoeapM mcnl.d Ml» I thcl Walker. Au« 11 A in* wit , birm ax cßtrrtaicafnl -tap that mil* «h cb Mi** Madeline Rouitba® rot»- , a - Mtm tibti Wilkrr oC fit* parlor* were prettily dreorat«*d with hi f|« «era. 1 > jrhn>f d# Brabant roaca b# a« in *rral m * 4n*xm The | ..gM M.wi Routshan it a noil | in Oi*' birth of Urn dwirt to be her giieat again TVtupt'.ng and diimy Uitfd lo rr.nM Mina Walker were: 1 Mis* Da ste Dich.naoo. Hit* Otrria [lent If aa Kidney June* Mi* Haaale May Waidlgar. Mis* B«*ll* lllllhouae. M:*a Itoaa Nl'.na Mia* Annie M< K» n sle. Mra. Isiln Wilaon Mr. Ben Warren. 1 Mr. Noble Hcrrl-n. Mr Harry Mims ' Mr Ed. B’-ne. Mr Arthur Evan*. Mr. Frank Foil Mr T. Blount Perry. Mr.; June. Brinson. It was a ha"py arena at t{je home of i i Mr. and Mr*. Judaon S. M! Elmurrs:’| 1 Wednesday afternrroc. The or—asl'.n ' aaa a delightful party given by their bright little daughter Floronre. Tbt* engaging little hoatess and her merry j I friend* spent a moat enjoyable after-! noon playing rollicking games, roak-! jlng the very air ring out with tbelr ; gladness. The afternoon closed with a feast of good things, which were by | no means secondary to the other pleas ures. Those present were: Mias Huth ! Bvans. Miss I»ule Mrßlmurrny, Miss i Ruth Mcßlmurray. Miss I»uise Tcm- j ! pieton. Miss Lilian Jones. Miss Flor- I rnce Wilcox. Miss Clifford Qulnney. Misa Bertio Gordon, Masters Jud and S, A. Gray. - Mrs. Clarence R. Rowland and Mas ’ ter Grattan Rowland are visiting reJ ' atives la Augusta. Miss Marie Wilkins, after a delight i ful visit of three weeks in New York, i is borne attain. Dr. A. G .Whitehead spent Thurs day in Augusta. Mr. W. H. Davis and Mr. Chas. W. Skinner returned from New York on Saturday. Miss M. E. McCullough, Mrs. R. A. Templeton, and Miss Louise Temple ton, went up to Augusta this morn in y. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought <£z,z No Record. Though the grasshopper is agile, He can never make a stir; For he gets off his athletics Without a chronometer. THE TRUTH ABOUT THE NEGRO TROOPS RIOTING AT TAMPA Tht Full Story Told By Auguiti Soldior to tho August* HoraUTt Corroopondent* How ih« Hoodlum * Slormod Pol*c# M**dou*rl#r*. Amtuitfd ll*# J*il and T#frof*##d ih» Town. Or# of *H# Low#*t B<U of Work Th*l So<d#rt Hivt Y#l Bmb Guilty Of* | 9 mm* i# (gs fh# ||ft *l4 i«W* 9VWRI fIMRRS M M**” lh*M® otarai Sft rlwv®; bo hh4 «** i If pH «4 tk» rtWSW ***** *** ** •*1 w#» pp (pwH mi isw ** ***** l fifßNi *• Mm ***** ******** I ***** P#v*hofrif pi’iiww SrHfr® mm* Ify^n# «ix 4piM» tIH Wp rnwm fdwrh#4 lb# ■r4«p* t m l f*ppflr<l 1® Ibo r of C**r*t»«•#* Etjr 4 1. f||t Ml** rtm SMtHf MM. t oar 4 • h»f*h totr# *•»% Thn t up •®tl b«ft U* fc»ilOW«4 bp a dMMR’I fnr I a P.l-*er from »Vt#rta,«r« U#Hm tin hr MW tariff of f ftifil nf ra almod at him through * a*b*w» «ad donr. with raaular* at tb«* bust. •1# promptly pwt *0 b!* handa, «b»j* ! |t , r finft'lt a# ho aaya and tb#> forrr i \ m tfiti* th# tiarrark» and ntado btm 1 pb<r* alt hi* prlw fi**ra All «hf» fir.*- 'mm, (hr ma”*r of Hit rtljr. tbs» rkitf of tht* fira <Wpartm*at aad ffrryofit <*!*<* (ohorruM ailh or arouad tiia •ildl>ina themarliria thafNhe oiai thrp wanted waa BoC ihw, ttap loft, four or f.vr tfifii to art aa mr fuaM to ih. larger l»odv Wh#o tha ad-1 bwl got a frw yard* frf>oi th«* hradquartara thrp all flrrd fhrlr fi-! flea and pistols to tatimidat* anyon<* to honlnr; dlsUnrM. After thry had got a fuffklrßt disianrf* awaj*. thr guard dacampad and also flml thairl panlng aafuta. Tha pflaoAtfv w*r* aasily put Into tbair rails afiar •h'' nagroaa had Irft. This last vollay wan what datartninad roa (HaokttOi to plate myaelf on the stent? of ac tlon. To the County Jill. "The chief Informed me of the dl !i or left in Which the orgrirea went : front the liariai k*. and Jumping Into a hack with my I told the driver j to take me to the county Jail at a gal j lop. The negro bad Juit come from '(hat direction and waa frightened ai , most to death, but he whipped up hla horses tvhen I pointed a pistol at hitn ard told him to lake hla choice. We soon reached the vicinity of the jail, and telling the driver to wait with the men I got out to reconnoitre. The negroes must have had outposts, for 11 had gone scarcely fifty yards when one of m? six men ran up, saying that a negro had passed close to the hack, and seeing the guns had edged oft and gone fn the direction of the railroad depot I took this man and went within ono hundred yards of the Jail, and left him, going on by myself. I reached the gate of the guardhouse, and found it splintered and battered off t-ho hinges, the work being done by axes taken from a. nearby woodpile. I railed the Jailer several tirtu"< and he came out at last and told his story. Ho lives over the jail with his wife, and children. The negroos surprised him and forced him to open the cell door and give up his prisoner. This prisoner was arrested in St. Petersburg a week ago for raiding a barroom, and carrying concealed weapons. The troops were the Ninth United States. cavalry, on their way to Montank Point. L. 1., having white officers who egged them on to their work. The ne groes had taken precautions to place outposts and cut wiros and break all communication with the Jail. They had been gone some time when Hack ett arrived, making quick work of the inner doors, firing their Krag-Jorgeti- j sen rifles Into the locks and forcing; a way without the slightest trouble.! They were content with their fellow- j ruffian, and returned to their train, which left the city to the sound of hundreds of gun and pistol shots fired , into the roof of the cars and into (he air outside. The Mob Had Left. "Seeing, said Hackett, that I was too late and would have been of no use TJTR3 AtJOUBTA HBRAtTI. I One nf lb* bent eta rains ever el* Our tugus! pay d»» i* still a thing j * T " m V"rir. Greentvoud B. t>soa Try Allen's I ihil-I jm. tfy*. have *mai(in« feet nr tight thne*. try Allen* Pmd-Kaee. It cnnla tha fret and Vfiaka* watklng mnif. OUf"*n [lon* of all pain and awaa rest am jglotw niml al»**a nioron for 9* ronta. Trial l>a« kits* KKKK. Affdieaa Allen ». Oim- I •W 4. le- »”> N Y ! KL'KKE'S EXPERIMENT. Mow Ihc Pauper I arm In That County Is I'rogrrssing. PlHvlal lo The Herald. I Wa; Mtboro. Aug. 11. Toe pauper J fai n. a rccrnl . titorprlse ot Bui it# j couniy. an . >n p wbhh promises to b«. | a great source of pride lo her ciUnena, I is pleasantly 1 *c»ted one and one-half ir ,«s from Waynauboro. The build ings are completed and ready for oc ! copantln far a numbtc ot the ben !efi(iarle* cf the county have already ! moved out uud are comfortably and neatly fixed. The barn and ambles | attached are roomy buildings, thor- I mighly ventilated and strongly built, 'and are the most a tractive features of the farm. Under the able management of the superintendent, Mr. John I). Grines, there is every ronson to be | lieve that It will not only Ire aelf-fu»- talnlng. bur will yield a revenue to the I county. Its hospitable doors wore ' flung open lo Burke's worthy com missioners on Tuesday, who went out in regular picnic style the farm wagon havlog beon sent in for (hem on a tour of inspection. The trip was greatly enjoyed and they expreos themselves as well pleased with eveiy thlng. especially the fine crop of cot ton and corn under cultivation. Bucklcn’s Arnica Salve. THE REST HALVE In the world for jCuts, Rtulses, Sores, Ulcer*. Salt Rheum, Fever Bores, Tetter, Chapped j Hands. Chilblain*, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re funded. Price 25 rents per box. FOR SALE BY HOWARD & WILLKT. Jiet the United States own Hawaii, the Philippines, the Nicaragua canal, and Its supremacy in the trade of the vast Pacific will be indisputable. Topeka Capital. Some time ago a little bottle of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy foil into my hands. Just at a 1 time when my two-year-old boy was terribly afflicted. His bowels were be yond control. We had tried many ivm iedles, to no purpose, but the little bot tle of Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoe Rem edy speedily cured him.—William F. Jones, Oglesby, (la. For sale by Alex ander Drug & Seed Co., C. R. Parr, of Bell Tower Drug Store. — The Chocolate, at Aleander Drug Store fountain is (.he talk of the town. Have you tried it? im JL kmiHjj POWDER tan««.» ww»w I HE lt>*N VAtK TEA I AIM I* OO.MMF I ft* lltaßtll M M «.*<• * ..a * }i fr §4MI IVii«tft|Afft mu *mm **Ht • T%# fpwknil t« ®»t*UU#k win M ttriftßiirttgif Hi Atigu**# Aa (Ml j n 9 hIUH# tjvklftfl b WHUPR | cl* J.f a m fettflttiai# FU’-wßit * t ••“ft"'’#** •y r t i_ Hilt r» r< )g * fc.f m( i hMet ipp'iil #ofti Ibn l * f# «** II r<u. Th* a#g9W «r#w» to b ft lit* I l, 'V* mp —m* !• W * pUK« of e _ «-imt me# |f Ita T%#* A UgOUtO |||*f ■ Aflorti h kicking Is for I sow ! ,i.-i * How aUiot Aufwti ow lip Th# hsblo* (bm aor rooting Into tk«- I j (ks pout frW wrtk*. It MVOA Aft ' Augunfo boniHw wilt t* found to br iTtn of rowr $ mnt pi wm of to |t*a«*«o bfti dcrrtaiwnl ftiftrr tbe war ins | Thrrr is very littlr Intk, pwbl elf, Ino far iihmit th« nnt i * um'ilmanir Tbrn* la lab mt In Atiguala In tbr nr«i pn**idvni of Ibt BlftK Agrtrul ; turnl Rorlfty. AnguaU wants to glra Allrn D. Cati ' tllrr a rouaing nlirn rkrtion i day covnoa on. It are ms that th«T* are Mall grocer* iln Augusta who would like to get tbt [charily work. The Sand Ifilln won a big reputation 1,1,i* year. There lan’t a grander apot jin Ihe world. If you don't get your paper regular ly you ahould let The Hamid o«ee know It. »*olkH arr eorolng bark from the amn* ; mer fftOfti to r«*at up a bit before the i btmy »enri n opana. ! There Is very little interest In revts ' tration. But Ihcre will be u ru.a a little later. The fenr that posnlblc Spanish liom bardm< nt would kill the sea resort ' liueincM this year was not well found rd. It Ih generally belleyed that the Au gusto soldiers will be bar k In Augus'n before two more months have passed away. . , There Is a kind word everywhere for Mnj Withers and It Is earnestly hoped that he will secure the appointment he seeks. The "ahade tree” question Is one to which a great deal of importance at taches. A park aud tree commission Is talked of. The United States government ahould suspend the "keep off Hie grass” sign bo far as the babies are concern ed it Is reported that one of Augusta's leading young journalists Is about to leave that profession and take up the law. Many laboring men, who say they are Democrats, regret that they were not given opportunity to attend the Tues day mass meeting. The candidates for the Legislature are not cropping out fast. Up to date there are four—rather the names of four gentlemen are talked of. The running of ears on the upper and lower portions of Broad street has about broken up these places as ren dezvous for the babies. The rumors of Populist, onrl Republi can candidates for the Legislature do not seem to have much In them. The sale of New York newspapers has dropped off materially in Augusta since the peace negotiations began. South Carolina has had a heap of trouble in getting her troops ready. By the time she says she is ready mus tering oul will begin. The first night at the Grand is not so very far off now. The theatrical season wilt be in full blast before many more weeks. Theories do very well as food for the mind, but corn beef and cabbage is bettor for the body. HALF PRICES ON BOYS' SUITS fi*** « * * r 4 tftatff 8* «fc|A it tßrr~ *«** «Jgg| m*4 9* *«** H* kwft t^]nr . t#%#l i*. i m % *« #«k* iXmm mt twin* **mo wto* *t*«m m*m Wm** ■■-*»** «l lfl M tfcfiiMftft II ■ sM k*»i #«*»ft (Sit*" SmSk SR st ik# «»*tiftiMS t _. _ m MHmS* ftftA aiflwit# gpMfti ftoaamkft <ft »t jjFftr ** amhmi *ft ft ni .i J w ft - W Sift lift# ferrt 4ft ft--* *»■■#*' * t %Wf* siftpft fttw ft*t imp* ffMft istra twss is isstt» f «wf* r*Wft» m*$i.75 lyi, y >t |, fftftaif# iftftif g|4)|ft m*w w. iwftfw tint f%s4fSk> ktfww Hftta Mp 4 ( ft«ft kftif m%* ft I gp| fftrfwltt SfwWW IfttltpfT kt 9SW. Si WftHHSSft fSsU lkk*f IS Ski ft M%U ft# tkft» || m ftlftS Is 9W S^VWISISk J. B. WHITE & CO., C'lOlbing Dmemiit |" ■ ■■■■■—> - -—TTf* MW SWNIR r lmai 11 A kMHWHHPi ~ USHII. fiOftlY X VIM m mtoao Aim it. L——— Th# last, but on# of our »#ml-«nnuAl ('halt#rvir# Sal#s will be crown#d with «n array of bargain*, such a* any *lor# may ba proud of. Soma of tha Special values ar# th# multi of our own efforts carefully planed for the occasion many weeks avo. Others, we are frank lo confass, are rather accidental, merely ‘attributable to our ability to tako quick advantage of th# enenpected turns th# markets taka at times. All in all it Is a wonderful collection of rholce Shoes that will be sold at our new stora this wa#k for v $1.09 x Fifteen different styles In Ladies' Low and High Shoes and eight different styles of Men's. These are genuine bargains purchased by our Mr. Gouley while In the East. _ . Agents for Hanan & Son, Stacy Adams A Co., Edwin C. Burt and Ziegler Bros. t OUR BEAUTY SHOW AT BLIGH’S CRYSTAL PALACE 0 Y- r V >* C 9: J W ami i BLIGH’S CRYSTAL PALACE SOQBroadStreet. COLUMBUS ON TOP JUST RECEIVED * 100 . Columbia Bicycles MODEL 40 TO SELL AT $50.00 This special lot bought for cash and no more at this price. DEVENEY, HOOD & CO. GUARD AGAINST SMALL POX Destroys Bed Bugs, Roaches, Fleas and Other annoying Insects. PURIFY YOUR DRAINS AND PREMISES. CHLORO NAPTHOLEUM. W. E. PLATT, Agent., 312 Jackson St., Augusta, Ga HEAD HERALD WANT M AUGUST 11 !• new nnislsf Feme of oar rrtie beau I let or* flab gama end dlcaer eeit One (night u nail attempt la poet the rainbow, aa la deecrtbe all tlM*r good quailt.ra. The war «b*y ara aar to* la a caution to Ihoaa who tr‘er.4 rureter, wben they ran be had fo* -*get lag aome nsntilr.e." Rotter pur chase when tan ba bad for aura low prteea aa wa ara af*ertng lL«n». da for glaaawar*. crockery, lamp* dr., time and language fall »a to tall of the wonder* ifaat we aall PanT for al that our aero price# will keep rot cool. flrmamber Ihr ptaoa