The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 11, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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6 THURSDAY THE WARKETS fmutrnl tH #MMf fra* «Ma***‘ *** ••'>■4 «• t>WM *>'—* mm* <o*** **M9 ** » * *oo*o ft ** **'* ftft - a*.« *ft: ~ ftM-ei® r«« «§* •«+ * #•*****•# 000 * ** irll **••* ** m m m ** •» ** •* Kgl •«* ** •• « w ** »* W ► * nnw. ftite «*»# . s-»_ s« •“*'* - #M|OA* s*&** * 9** ****** 8* #M# 'ip# #Bo9i# ** ft f#B#t o|l#ft#j|i£, f#f iMMiMiI *» «• 9#9 ffMML 9*l*4 *.*♦ ** ** ## •**# to#ft##o - •* #Foßft9 ** §OO j§ii|P»< fp |h»i* * #* •« ft## u* ** #• *• »♦« *«*• ** * fill*ini m* •« f» *• 0 1 «* *» ® S ( #i . E ***■*. PMH l * UTV ###*#** *Ai*Pt 49n*9 *N>ti #»**'*** *b#w* •* ** Sm"** •**»—* ***** *“ —* ®^2 •Mfkftft <««•>• Ml **'*• >.»*, W-*»» Cl*#*** 6 wm**** • |fi ft > ,»* .« *»- ** Mt***a *<•»•. mmmmm* ** *** *••«'» IN» >»»«■—* •**• •* ;B| ##o# ** ft* *- »* ** *•*• t* * •m* W l*« h»* *• ft* *•••* • *•'’* IMHk it h>**s ran mm#* •«•* * *' l W’M>(>W AMK fruit .- laa ft'lnrft '< A #** *”•' - ft Ms «•• Im# ••ftw'/M P • t»* ♦"* • fit I hr** t«4 *•#•» P P to* *"< • f| ft. ••* haft***. ■*•••§■ MIT PI4M: |h#«* M'KM <M*t MwvllWP SSn**pp M« P •*•«■'*•* * " *44 • P *P**Mto® »ft * * * Dun* .. *. - ••••**** ******* *** ClfttlMliftftl ' 4-4 N ** II - ■ ** ® J«*>» I’. Kl*# H * “ **• '**»* •* * J*Pr P. It ft :»- tl*i s-i, *ll .K <Wttcft-"' <• ft* Ift ##■«•'<- I*** • (wtb*ui. » yp* 't» •#•“*. p** <••*-■• itunniKP i»im*p»i«m#* *•••*• * «• *«** *• f * •KtM Otta iMtll .. *. *• • * *•* Tlrtwf •• ** * * * VtOOAN fTw t •«*ftM* Iwm*. * .. *• * • * fniM at 111 Im#, M lit*# .. a • » • Cmtm, t# Hm Pa* * *'* Calm. *4 ** ».«•*• «• •«•••«•• » w AtplM B*». w * •• u Iftftta of Ife* Wf# *1 !*• J»» r. Kim* !•* n m Mnm» . a. » I * 4*«. P- Kmc ♦-* * A itKft'ini .. * *.« ttm. P. Kir*, tt HkP tpftflti .. .. 4 3*l im» i* Kin*. V imp K C am mun 1 - * **♦ inn P Kin*. W K» a*# Mali la aa aa a *• •• •- 4 !•• Jnu. P- Kin* DPI N*p*rloft . 1 1-4 PRINT* Amftflm «**i (inig/v 41*41 I l-l Menimack »hutm*«. «4»4« .. .. 4 HllrlftT o*ak Ira# llfkl JN4» J l-l WlllPitn* <X»4 .. a. .. .. » Alien'* Ifanr* al >* i. V.' j. * l-J lifnrnfti ft A*4 pmil# a# *• I Coat** m» -i ■ -tin* ph rf***i.< «. 41 Antorlran lndl*t> Moo*. 44*44 „ •« A I*2 m*l*r <»il» '«n|H) y .* 4I I Aina m«n Indlca "tucj, *U*f •■,•<♦ 14 lmrmnii'* 'ii l*taft*» 44tf4 n •. 4 l-l Alim* aftrdlnftlft 4*l*4 «• 4 1-1 Allm'c Ul' ftM 4*#N I it .. t. .. 4 l-l Indlfta blu* . a. I. aa ~ India Mu* 44*44 '•■ * I*l ItPplPl'i 44*44 4 I*l Oarnar * radiant* 44*44 4 I*2 Martpn Wa*Pln*ton KiM 1 *-4 fop* 14*41 1 I*2 Cbatar OnP*. M»* 2 1-4 TICK*. Hamfwhir* * 4 4-1 Amrwtm** A C A .. .. I® I*l Amiklni: A I® Amoajmi C *a .. •. * 1-4 Itaripriutty * 1 4*l PI.AID HOMKSPUNf. City Mill* .. 1 >-» f\»ur yaid, sood 12 Inch 6 1-4 Lodi ahlrtln** 54*54 •. .. 2 1-4 Lodi dresft »tyl*» 54*60 3 1-4 «t Clnlr drea* ctylea .. .i .. .. 4 Ocean aolld* 1 3*4 Martha Wa»hln*lcM fancle* ~ .. 1 S-4 MKcellaiiaiiu* brands. IlSht wetfhl Jl I*2aD ]*aeUa 6 yard* plain ...311 Thurndllft H 4 3-4 Hercules .. 1 4-4 Amoskea* * Creacenl * 1 4-4 Pelham. 32 hal lto bn* .. .. .. .. 15 F. O. P., 36 bnlla to bo* 1* E, G. H., 20 balls to lb 17 1-2 Muscogee B .. .. 3 1-2 27 Inch 4 1-2 yd. plaids, best make -4 B!mi>rt,a*a allk flnlsh poulards 64* 64 4 3 -1 Simpson's solid black 64*64 ~ .. 5 Pcu-ine mournings 64*64 5 Chinn alike 64*64 4 1-4 Middleton! 6 Ri ckport .. 6 1-2 Slater 64*61 3 3-1 Concord. s*x6o 3 1-4 Rome R6x6B 3 1-4 Edwards 3 1-2 Keystone 3 1-2 Fifth Avenue 3 4-4 REARSETH. Heavy la, heavy Keafscy S 1-4 Kincaid and others 3 1-4 LIME, CEMENT AND PLASTER. Lime 35 Rosendale cement $1.45 Portland reinent $2.75 to 3.25 Louisville cement in paper sacks . 61.25 Plaster bi bids 11.75 HARDWARE. Well buckets, pet do* |3.00 Painted buckets, per do* sl.lO S H B B cedar palls, per dos .. .. $1 75 3 H B B cedar palls, per do* .. .. $2.00 Tubs painted, per nest $1.75 Rope, manlite, per pound 9c Rope, Sisal, per pound 7c Rope, eotton, per pound .. .. 10cnl1c Nalls, wire $1.75 base Nalls, cut «-50 base Shovels. Ames, per do* . .. sUasil.r-u Shovels, diamond, per do* .. .. $7.00 Shovels, riveted buck, per do*. .. $4.75 Plow blades .. 2c* bass Hamcs, red top, per do* $2.25 Humes, red top root, per do* .. .. $2.50 Homes, best root, per do* $6.50 Hollow wore, per lb.. 2 3-4 Sad Irons, per lb 2 1-2 Horae shoes, per keg .. .. .. 12-75 [ st*g» 0 . ■<* fm> %mt nw » . MM I *t'4#*aMhM* m*kk fa* Vk -t. «o »- Ml tW»f«*>o ***•*»#•• •» «M» • | *»»■** «s4tat#a fla# •*'**• #t »' aa** -■* IM ipa c liiafi* *»* f. 00 9000 «* m Wm ■Sill Mlt 00 IkatftftM »«••*»*• j«>s*ft*M .«*#>, aav#a» , -* H* 1 1*, a**#** 4** 4 00 Pm M •• •• W %•#*«■ tHjt % fiW A*# flw P® | pjppp ImrplMim%. * 4ft % p*~9 #*# 04 St I 9>f* &&***■ * S*FO A*«# ,& •Ai*lS ‘ HhP** A9*••»**•. !■*• Pt ** I •#«-# §i *%. AtP 9 SIS % t St iHf I i t jirrfr t iW im if |Mm| i|» fms in .iNmiiMfc W forint i pii'9ry MpiHpi iSIRP m m tit ft* * 9 IgtiMigMi • t # * ini f« tit «»« iftriiWgm i!9*Ml mM I f «*• I#M«V9I* i tMfll Mg « Ilf m* ,Pm*m**o • !'<#"% VMS ft, M **• ' fftwriTt-jf § I 1% Mi r* M m* IMMt fft m M ««« *°l TT fHwfffMt • II nj-iurt f% Ml »«»« m | 4lMMii vik Mi HR #«« * I § #• f«t s,**# M m* . t I f * Mi • **s n* IMM fhßft mm p*#* M •#« s a -*•»** in. Mi «*.. tit »«t fAtMM MR lit hi . nftmrfui ttm 'HM *« IH i Mi * Hi *»« «• Ml r«M> M ifmmmmm* I * Mi »• ** Hi ••• 9ib MMi §•* ** twtt f ItKfrur i#.. Mi !««»«» M j t"nrr . M ff ! ft MK * HR Hm I I N Mi - HR M - RM«n RH ..*•#, 111 ••• f • •»•«,« it m» rTiaiiii'siim **, «■** .... If Ik f * r .lea Ast 1 4$ ktlMNiAh Hr*ND#« | dMHh N * A MM Ok. < g ft. tilt a M»*• *• M lit Mt ippmpf R H 9 fM at €9n« i ift Iffft a t, *, 00 04 40 .« m I riMiiifttift. C*»Hiift lift A An* I i«iit ift* m, im> ~*4i «, tm tit tVMfttam A An irmMft M m$ ■. . «._»« It* Aftiftftift An H 11-t Aft, ttßt - H C H It ififtftfcmn On t »f«i ii«ft it tnr . v. . m m i mmitmtrn NHi*if i*n* tmt *• 18 CVftlrftl f>s Ornmolm ftftllftftf. tftt fftßftftt nnftff, t ft, tm* 4. n m e «f o. »nt t»ff in #« .... 9$ h CMirnl «f r»nftn Rntlwair. ii hH IM *, », II U f H 11 tftt h«9. R. IM .« f I •I* H i f<i tftt in. §*#, IM MR Mi ftHnlll Oft«*f«ni ftft4 FkaftAi. 84 ft, IM ,» ~ .. •• ,* lit *«• Hc*nlli m»4 floftfi* N rn, imi 4, .. .. m h# < knt#ii an., tm rn * utn .. „ .* *, M# I,* HACTOttf BOX HR i Kftt*rftrH» M(«. On., tftt $•, HHty Mff Caw, Iftt ft, MMR IR .> Mf| Oi. Iftt Cn, iMR Inn ... ClftAlN AXO fROVIIIOSI. Oftt Wflftn, Jttrfcrft >• •« •• •• •• .. if < Hit ft, lulled, Mftftd •• •• •• •* •• •« If rem, nrhltft, Misted -• •• •* •• •••• •* M Cr*ifti. mii«*4. mm tt*-4 . •• •• R Uni, bolt#4, pmr bunbrl •• .. .. ~ M {ritMif, 4.0 Flour, fancy titm .* •• •* ** •• » R n«ur. mlftttl i Ti Flour. fttandartS i otrnt 8 0 , Flour, faacy patent * 7* Wke,i bran, lok-lu aarba M pm* fact, la* ib aarba I.M 11,y—native, par ton 12*14 Hay Timothy, per t<ai II 5# Hay - < hole*, par lon t* ®* Hama—r hot re sugar cured .. 10*11 l-l Smoked rib Mde*. T I-I pry *all rib* .. .. 6 5-t Lard, pure leaf. In Berea, T laird, belli*, rendered In tterrea . T 2-6 Sugar, granulated •• •• •• •• 5 5-6 ST. UEOROO. New* »nd I’eraonbl From the Carolina Coast A Bit of sporting Special to The Herald. 1 Hi. George. 8, C., Aug. 11.—We have quite a flourishing llule town now that •ve are a county seal. Several new biddings are going up and business in general *eein» lively. Baseball Is now In season and St. ! George boys are not left out of the sport. We have had several Interest ing match gnmes. Mr, W. n, Rayaoe, our efllc'ent depot iagent, left Saturday for a visit of sev eral days to Washington. He will re turn with Mrs. Rayaoe, who went sev leral weeks ago. Prof. Stewart, our competent teacher, ! left today for a visit of a few weeks | before resuming duties for another session. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Connor, of I BranehvlUr, spent a few days In town | with relatives and friends. We always | welrome them In our midst . The grandest success of the season I was an excursion 4o Charleston last I Tuesday, run by the Knights of Pyth | Ins. Again death has visited our town land taken front us one of our sweet est mile girls. Little Jessie Symmes died last Friday, after only a few hours Illness. Dr. W. M. Shular, one of our oldest citizens, died a few days ago. Dr. Shular will be missed. He was a com petent doctor, faithful friend and lov ing father. Dr. J. t. Terry, of Trimble. Tenn., In speaking of Chamberlain's Colle, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy, says: "It has almost become a necessity In this vicinity.” This is the beat remedy In the world for colic, cholera morbus, dysentery and diarrhoea, und Is rec ognized as a necessity wherever its great worth and merit become known. No other remedy Is so prompt or effec tual, or so pleasunt to take. Sold by Alexander Drug and Seed Co., C. R. Parr of Bell Tower Drug Store. It is predicted that the Tenth regl ment will surely see garrison duty. It is believed that this regiment will be ! retained in the regular standing army. 20-year filled gold watches In ladles’ and gents' sizes with Elgin or Wal tham movement from $7.00 to $12.50. Guarantees with each watch at Lewis J. Schaul's. Reliable Pawnbroker on Jackson street. _ THE j#L’OCft\JOTA HK^LA^XaP mis kon mm ; lot** *-•»«!* (• t%*< HtiMt* Urn* iii». CJNft# I ipm; hi t%* MftftA I Aftiß'MMß, A. €m Aft* IR *» fM ft*- [ HR* tNMir #ftMf RftftßFMfti’ I '' MT AA | PutpPWPtlP HA* wftF A Aft# ft RMMftft RftftlftMMft I tftfeft ftftfMftfti t'Rft |AftßAftH* 4**ll tftßftt i bw~ ftftbft iftMP ftJHRRRRR I fftiKftftfttil lilt ft fHftl ftf RP-ftH* Iftfft m Ift*’ Mft 0 HH'fMMftR Rftßlft'M'ft | tufts* ftn ft# ftfty'i iftft ftlftftftftft ft*N-ftWftft *ft* [ «Alftft*4H lllftNft mm ftftftftft* 0 ftiA VHft Ift*# #*<ft * l « l * ftftftP* [ fftftMrft** ftftnft fHft** ftftlH ft*ft *4* 0 ***** ftftftftt*4**ft ftftA RBI 4ft*fftftßft*# I ftfft Aftßftft ft fftlftiftft ft4MN**RR IH** ftlHl iftftt* IftHMMNM *H ♦•f ft* -1 * ftMAMM ami 9ft ftiiRHMM ft# fft* IMF Ml ft! ift# tftiftftft* RN U * ftMPftftft* 1040* ftftA ftlft*f ft4ft*«Fftft ft i j <b* •*>• *4g# *1 H' *#■>»’, «#4 9*wt I tpmm fft* flftft Iftftß* *#**(§4* RHlft* tftfUiiMli ftftl 9ft* ffttAft ft# cftpft ftftA fftiMßl j t0|)1»lf R*ftft r ft* IRRIIf 4WWfftft*Nl ftfft 0* j , *1 -1; ftt mftft iftftt ftftf *B.jr RMRfti ft l * j Tftft ftftMßl 41 ft® ftftiift INWR- ft* 9ft* fir* tMtft I* ft* MV* Roft 0 #M ft* | ftmftft* ft* 9ft# ftftftftHftftl* *44o*ftft ftftA. Ift# rlif ft»ref*** ft lift* 0 ftß ft*4Wff i I •* GftK# * fit* rfftoftyfuA fftiftfHMi* 9 ftftf ftS-**ft! lit *«fttft tttftMi 0 Ift* rM* Btfill Arftft-* « Itfft* <r fit ft 1 A ft oft* If I Tft» A* ft* mw* ifti*#* m 9ft* BftBBh! I tftft HftfAftpftf* tftftftfMMif M fftfftAN, ftftftf vftft MBRAfttHift-. WiftftftMNl ftfft Ilioft tft* ftftftAt ft# Ift# ] [ft*t> tfif fftwft ftftA It 4*l9* i ftft 0 M- UtfHrt rftftftlßft flfßftf j Tft* **• MM* tm 90 * f 4ftfti 0: -10 fftftfl ftftft** ftf* IlftH fMftt 0 *o T 0 900 «# pftlHß nr r«ri on *0 tfttft. *! t 0 ftnt ni*«Boft ft# <0 FftAftf ittffftM at 9ft 10 II ,#*Bll* Till oft OCO ffttt ftftftt, ftftA j ! ftll) 0 ftlltfll tft olf* Cft? f ts ) AftAftmfift 0 tft lift#* ft- oft ! Vftff*BMf. N It 0 sstA It ftltt bo)4 11,0 0l«ft ft# Cftttftft. Prof J. L Durham of Corwsll w»« at tba ci< quota tm Hundny. ' The Him** Unger* of (Turlegna gr ,rtr*4 la lb* rtif jmlfr’g Mr J. M Hubbard she popular Jrw < *4)*r. learn la • f*w day a for a trip to Cask era N. C. Meaara. J, L. Mai well aad J K (tar ton left yeaterday tor a abort trip to Greenville • Mia* Ila rot aad Mr* Jen kina of Grr4Mlvilla are vtattiag the family of Mr K W. Taylor. Mrs. Chandler, ree Ilia* Keys for merly of thia rlty. but now of Banner, 'la ia the city, to the delight of her many friend*. Mr Chandler ia alao here »ha kina band* with hia old frieod* aad rivaia. Mlaa Blan he Bally, of Bally’a, and Ml«a Kula late# of Rlackvitie, are among the guest* exne-ted wma. The mafic friend* Here of Mr. A. M j law at Spartanburg are glad to hear that he will toon enter buainesa in our midst. I The ramping party rosalsting of Messrs. L C. Parker. F. B Maxwell. | Joe Kvane. lien Fan 4. and R. 8. Me j Cully, have been heard from and they j report a time fit for tha gods. They 1 return In a short while. The Mtaaes Kramer of Charleston, who have been visiting M‘*s Tnnt, i left for their home yesterday. They > have hosts erf friend* among us, and tt ,1s with regret thai we surrender them ! to other localities. A Narrow Fscape Thankful word* written by Mr*. Ade F. Hart, of Groton. 8 !>. "Wa* taken I with a bad eoltf, which settled on my ;lung»; cough **t In and finally termi nated In consumption. Four doctor* 'gave me up. saying t could Itve hut a !short time. 1 gave myself up to my Sa- I vlor. determined If 1 could not stay | with my friend* on earth, I would I meet my absent ones above. My hua ! band was advised to get Dr. King's j New Discovery for Consumption, j Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial. | took In all eight bottle*. It ha* cured me, and thank Clod, I am saved and 'now a well an dhealthy woman. Trial bottles 10 rents at Howard & Wlllet’a drug store. Regular size 50 cents and st.oo. Guaranteed or prlre refunded. 1,00 K OUT. When a man's stomach goes hack on him and his pocketbook Is empty, then the bottom drops out of creation. A man's prime duty Is to ward keep ing both of these organs in good, healthful condition. He loses If he does not. Now. alumn and ammonia were not made by nature to put into your delicate stomach. And yet our State ■chemist says all our 10 rents pound ; baking powders contain, in chie2 ‘amounts, alumn and ammonia. The (safest way Is to discontinue them. A pure baiting 1 powder and healthfu can't be made at that price. It only costs the manufacture about three cents a pound. Nor chould you buy 50 cents a pound baking powder—priced forty years ago and never reduced when materials fell in price. The shoit of the story Is—Buy Eagle Raking Powder, 25 cents a pound. Your grocer or some other grocer keeps ■ It. Pistols, Double Barrel Guns—Pistols, Harrington & Richardson Brand new pistols. $2.50: Harrington & Richardson second hand pistols. $2.00. American double action pistol. SI.OO. Guitar. Man- Irlolln and Banjo Strings. 2 for 5 cents, at jL. J. Schaul, Reliable Pawnbroker. Good lUCK BAKING POWDER* 15 THE BIST. Hi|hH‘ of AH In iMivtn- Ifkf Pi koft ft UNCLE SAMS NAVY Portfolio No. © can ho ae curpd at The Harald office for IO cent* and a Naval Coupon cut out of The Herald. NUMBER NINE CONTAINS AMONG OTHER GOOD THINGS PICTURES OF Rnatgn ltagl*y. Protected Crutoer New Orleans. Monitor Puritan. I Torpedo Ib-nt Dupont. , (Secretary of Stale.- i Map of Hnvnl Pl*4*nre*, .flowing progreaa of the Army and Navy of the t olled State*. Picture* of Camp Life- Navy Yard*. urrga Map of Cuba and many Other g,.od thing*. - 9 9 This coupon, when ac companied with 10 cents, entitles the holder to one copy ot Uncle Sam's Navy portifolio, at Thb Heral d ollice, Augusta, Ga. Mail orders must include 2-cent , stamp tor postage. Back number* of thl* Handsome se ries ran atltl be obtained The Her ald othce. FOE S-A-LEJ. 459 Greene street, a mo dern brick residence with mansard roof. All conve niences and in good repair. Will sell at an extremely low figure. Also house and lot 45b Telfair street. Will sell at price of lot. Apply to CLARENCE E. CLARK, Real Estate, 882 Broad Street. FOR SALE JEKF"I have for sale very desirable build ing lot located in the centre of one of the handsomest blocks in the city. 44 ill sell same very cheap. Just the place for a handsome residence for'your family. Good titles. CALL ON MRS. JERRY O’HARA, NO. 1327 GREENE STREET. j m mmpm mr rnmt* IST. iLBEBTBOTEL it Hillman. Ga i omm *»*4> *» **« **■*»* O-O* »*«* [ •*• > nqiwi 4h«Mi »■» '■«**«— «*4 | *>in*» m 4MO W4*w*v M% ftftWf 00 8 oft f «K*i 4HO *♦ (000 jUftiftMll— i 1 6m or ohi u THE REED HOUSE at mmum fUotf Tm t|» *mriUMdtikß •( 0m 0. h h*Ml M» laiian *ho*p* *6 >h> |M* M guy **M| O* vyga earn i«*4 •ftft mmtm * 4TO 0 «►*•• *O4l ft gift •"■lt ' it if oft 4Mftftftft ftftftftft >fci®o ftfti Bftpi mp-* 0 i mui. m a* tiKfcti, n#H#% lift ■ ftft 98(49 ~X.fl j ft—ft### ytofi r*» |ihtlft»*N j 0 0, F. 81 91 V. for^rentT I t|b# #ndftnft 'lift I|frf«#-<»i«ftftl# iTi - nft 1 •*- «•*! ] txmft ftt t|»n I| v»f ft# ftft ftf #0 JOHN W. DICKEY, 1 and 2 Uflvnry Bvbdmg •TiiHfr ft.,me few >«imi discredit lhl» *•- MMIM, tut lb «• *be hive trtel * die tun|e could b»t b* Indticed W adopt the old fMh!on«*d nvetbud acsto. You eee It la ao etey to rei(lll»t p tW Oaa Rim». If you want o«t» to cook more atewljr than another. y«u have but to turn the thumb screw and you tan reduce the heat to any do* *ree you desire The aame with your roaat. If It la doing too quickly, you don’t need to throw open the otren door and run the rlah of rtsllltn* It You eM regulate your iM|t to ault your meat Tic Gas Lijli Co. or Aipsia, «22 BROAD 6T. # TO RENT! From Oct. 1 st, handsome House of eight rooms, all modern conveniences. No. 1251 Ellis Street. Also Cottage House of 6 rooms No. 1329 Ellis St. APPLY E. J. MICKEY 212 Bth Street. Buy Your Wife a Greene Street Home. No. 412 Greene Street Is located In one of the most desirable sections of the city. House built of brick in a handsome and durable fashion. Con tains eight rooms, bath, etc., all In good order. Lot 48 Ivy 176 feet. If you contemplate purchasing a home it will be to your Interest to con sider this property. John W. Dickey, 1 snd 2 Library Building. DON'T RUN THE RISK of Using Bad Language, But Go To Simmons’ Bicycle Shop 711 BROAD STREET, And Get Your Work Done Well. For the next 60 days Bicycles Enameled for $2.00 High Grade Work. Lowest prices in town on Repairing. Second tiaud Bicycles bought and sold on easy pay men is. ALL WORK GUARANTEED k*H(mgt> ««kMI 1 Mlft> Charleston l W Carotin* • ****** • AMfMMkp »••#* 11*4 t »f ftfi T> Tft ftAftkf #0 ft 00 tfttft 1 -*9* ftf olSftoofto«aMMHft« >*** A .I*** * -*.* * ■ t- | I * Ift |w . ITSSft 0 ♦OO [ # gßWft o>f J * XMSm * 100#-. * j#at aim * «0B <o*Ooom * Bi»‘80081011111 - * I 00801? Tt- worn [ * t f.slf' AONOO- •- om 900009 4-Joft ! * oftfoflftßp wu»n xom: fw#Pß ftilftß I m mmmmmmo**, -,«#• #OOOI ***£** [ * 0108000 00 « 4. ,, mn If'f 980 8 080 I * wftftftftft % * Y **o* l #*#W ' ft * AftftfftftMMW 2i - 00O* | I W I ftoMßft4oßßfrf6M«'*'* .nI 1 ’ H r ~tQOO OOOQ ftf ft 0880 I. *2 f* s.. propyl \ ** **4*o 8# f / *• —upr f' *m 0 - ft-ftoftft’ -too* ***o i ftf JftftMftp tnri -. mm |f. > «mm *o*o*m* m BftfMl, 0000 >0 90 000* 1-o*o *ooo**o i # fjWßumi MM **** f» 1 l j *% 01 ftftftft 9MO* JoHft I o ult)l n . p. om * "*“*■■** * |SIEZo«4 4 M e. W; tlofli| tJOO * tjmmm&k* tm********** —* * mmNmmo* **■•**»* f *-»»* **«♦ | * ®THf 19QF"VSiftnSft&Nfli I *4*4 *««. fft oft - tr-tjr m ' <oo^oo.'.too****] fgftß >.gjo| Moft> 00ft «*«•••* 0000 o-‘* \ Aftjftftf* ftoßo * ftft«oft.**••** tPMmm ! ftf pftWBRO 1* * ■ '.>»« »*4 I0»0 oft Bfo 4ftftJoft ftftf ftj tt 1 ftftm# worn ft* ftft ff «ft ft ft. t* _ 8 ftftft fftft***l»o 0 fef*#o«ftft #•* 0 •ftipf *• *, a* CT •## Li‘* i»’*<»ftfft f« •*«*»l«kf ftftft «008 ißft Bmpom T Ift ft'fIKNMNM r "ft fpfftftftft 4ft fteft**# ’ 08ift ftfftft *4p. oAtomm Bi, f. <'ftft h# iipft rp ft 808 ftftft t B ft,6»Mo4*% l«M0 ft f T#*ft. Bft- BLUE RIDOE RAILROAD. 8 Bit ft M- ts v * R« I| %■ -. . AM ’FM ! I ftfft 10840 PM AM ts *.* 9 »gu 1 m top 9tot «**»# 441 II I» c l.m 1* Aija’ «>#*•« « « I*» *» 14 Ir, It . 4KNA4-A J. O 09 1.2 15 ' - I ft JF Hi Fgiftfiti ft - tT| AM * PM ! ;i**«4 Arne* pm PM. K« 12 Na • K» 1! X°JI H*«uMr *<a <"« V D»l «*«•■ Ail iNoku train* fiwa Anderaon to Walkada ha** right to 4ra«k ovaf 11rain* <rf *h* *•■«* rlan* nv.ving In «■»- Will aIM *t«P •> • lialtea* in lab* 'W ov tot aft paa*i ng*ra: Phla- Sa 12 « nairit w»«* B.uth*r. pall- No 12 at Aederaon Sttß I and ft eoßcitft wttli ftouifttm J.T ANDKBW.N. Bupcrm endeat. ATLANTIC COAST LINE. thUATHf ASP drulKT ROCTfc YOIHE KA*T AKD SORTH, SIIORTEBT AND QUfCKJCBT ROUTE TU TIIK EABT AND NORTH. *;34pm' Lv . August#, G*..Ar ! T:Ssim ! 3 Okpmj Lv Aiken Ar j U>*m 4:l7pm, Lv,...l>enmarh....Ar i 6 17pm 4.50 pm) Lv... ,Orangb'*....Ar | s:4oam 6 06pm) Lv..Sumter. 8. C... Ar 1 4:94m 6 25pm Lv Florence. ...Ar | 3:25»m 10 3.lpm: Lv...Fayetteville...Ar i $ 14pm 3:2lam! Ar.Petereburg.V..Lv | 6.12 pm 4 .noam Ar Richmond ...L v ! t tlpm T:tlam| Ar..Washington..Lv | 3:46i>m 9 a Jam Ar... Baltimore....Lv i 2:25pm II 26* m Ar. Philadelphia.. Lv 112 00pm 2:o3pmj Ar New York....Lv j 6:3oam Pullman palace hufTet sleeping car* from Macon and Augusta to New York without change. H. A. BRAND. Gen. Art.. 723 Broad 81.. August*. Ga. T. M EMERSON. Traffic Manager. H M EMERSON. Gen. Pa**. Agt. CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY. Schedule In Effect. March 6. 189*. Eastern Time Standard. Leave Augua'o, Southern By.. 9:30 p.m. Arrive Chester, Southern By.. 7:18 n.m. Leave Chester, C. & N. 44'. By 7:45 a.m. Arrive Lenoir, C. * N. 44'. By 1:16 p.m. Leave Lenoir, Stage 2:00 p.m. Arrive Green Park, Stage .. .. 7:00 p.m. Arrive Blowing Rock. Stag- .. 7:30 p.m. G. 44 r. HARPER. C. F. HARPER, Ui-erift-mt. !'■ P ••If You Want to Make Money, Move In the Company of Those Who Are flaking Money.” SOUND ADVICE FROM A SUC* CESSFUL FATHER TO HIS SON STARTINQCUT IN LIFE. V ADVKRTISEHB 44'HO USE THK HER-' ALD GET RESULTS. , wilY NOT GET IN THEIR COMPANY.! ORDER YOU It COAL and WOOD FROM THE North Augusta Coal & Supply Co Quantity and Quality Guaranteed. F. W. SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Bell 'Phone 2164 fctrowger 365 AUGUSI 11 | MU- ' 8 sl C 1 6. Rill WIT CO • ft# ft# ftftft ftftf 80 ftftlNft * 4 tft f tff | a ''ft-tßf 98 08 I#oft \i* j jft .iwjft jipiMift I * CI4M# t 9ftft •, *T § 0 # ftftfli htokg (ft ftft# ft# ft ftfftftftft fftftjMoo f p t || f #OB ' ft# f ajfti ftfflftF pfft# 11 ( -ftft(oo O* « ftftft'oß ft(ftNfr'fth #8 ( a.# (p* hft ftAMpk \ ft «#'*• «ft#Pt IIJ <#> T #>iHßl . ' fH«T (# ft I ; I ftoo# I* 08“* ft* fco#4ooko **#o 4* t -fttrt-iTln .ft,.n»ftftft •* ft ’•#**# * *#o A tft Bft #t % C*# ftK*t*ft 100 ll#Tf ftßol ft#BMfto | i r* k* 9*JftlH» A# 8 #BBI ; •* #-ift ##i* At*l tit ft ift t*#*ft#fttt T 1 Filth, _g"t f* Ur'frg Off 0 #<MMI ftf# i*## t * M (ja-TlMn ‘.T'l'4B ] ‘ "%orn Toftjftg## » * *m K (• t * #BO * ft- •* [ ft* p»fi 11ft. At 'BO ft# tft#4MFft. M 10# ; A# fth»#BM’A ftfMMfc i* ftwtiAm ft t ftf# [A# # fm’ioof a# A ft# *9:008 At ft*# ft Mfl i OMM ,ft# # UN# • -M#oß 10(98 ft4NMl#ft 1080# j 0 .090 080 f*o#Jf'B#' ll '4o—' ft ®s# ft9V#Wtßl#oft #f I Jl|# 1-084# ! Ar #oß# **« 8 B*yw* Ao#BNi ’ y j|MTB - - - a jM^o# 1 OTT J#oft e .7. *»« ' *«#A# Ifttolftl"# • Air •* imtihi mm—** #«*## sJWff# "lii t ggfi-i-»mr #4 Umßl<b# A •*A ft•# I # ft***: ft « } * *«> 08# 10# • its tft* •*#*«•*# f»#l 088# Ir## Bfl ft### ■ j, H Iftßfft. I, ft V f|#Mot BN#BBftft If*#t ■•'•**•## F. k.Bk****. A* -A"*****.*** * SOUTHERN RAILWAY. . 'SR’ f„,„l ftw *c rai .M*ia *a6 A**k ,*t-» | .it-i — ftM a*iw« C*. Imta mad Otrn* t*a»n** Hsu* ipr 51* B**4ba***g IM*. 6MWI*. rTTLiw r< *r *» j •"*•! •#» *- miZm* ” '*»* ju oSSSS 1 4*6 * 4 64* IT its'iii nrkwltlt * 7•* »ir % t'lnl.S* »*f ii ar , 4ST f * -. '/?'* IS : 5! if m eii,," r | * tor t is* - lb. V Hill . I • sr t‘ 7*• 1 6 16* 6 4*. Ji im«. «*, to top U top if SSgf"”...: :r::::rnii i I « p— rill* j66*6 $ 1»P Ar k-. l.n. wa . j"*«®"»' * a » Ar VaaM<* - ' «4f* oft t - IklilaarfraK *“• l IBP i " Pkdndrtpat* iJ® “• Ittf * S»* Turk- l l* OP * !*» ?!* I o M»*w Tot fa*. Ift iHp IliftX “ Fhiladftmft# 6AS p t9b o ** ft»lt!mor» 8 -JO i* fH • Lv. #‘m* *t tm, *x> By . ... iO tap II If ft Lv RHiawiftd ... . ... | Uliit ttOim Lv. DftftviUft ...... j & 24)» flip Lv K**rf«uik .........a.; B#f» Ar »i9rwDAH<w« 6 4A a ..... Lv. (IrvM'nftboru f' T ift m. 7 3d p “ ( harlott« Bl* ft 10 SDp - Bock HtU lo au» 11 #p “ CYtMIMT .... tO&fift 11 «p “ VrlßOihoift. ......... 11 41 ft !3 BBft Ar <o| bU Htftnd'f at 12 4*tnn 18* ft l.v CriiuiuUAt'n ili'p't. lUp 4‘»ft ** JtillWß# ....... ......... 2 SHp' IQ)ft •* Trvntoai . 1 825 ft ** Clranltvrllle aafp % ft Ar AuifUfrf* 4 * . Lv. Afthwillv ft W a 806 p Lv. KpartAntHirg ,11 40» fUp I i.v Cul'bt*, AC.A0.8v... 3 i»p I»» , Ar Cltofttolo « 40pf 11 0U» ! uTTv,7l,l». FGAPRy II to . 12 47 • " Hftrftaafth . t 147 p 5 oft a ! Jftrkxonviliv. 0 25p 8 Hft iLKEi'iNo cAr nekvii'B Kxrt limt daily ftvnri# \**woon Florida and Nrw York. So*. 87 aad tb-V> a.-hmirton ftnd Soothvntvra LmutAd. Holiti VcfttibuM trajii \%ith ittajog tart* and flrat davt oauhr* nurtn «>f CHftnotf. Pnllmau tnvfti room alrrpingcftrp brtvrifttt TaiuM, Jr. AponviUft, sSnvajiiuin, Wanhington and Kwr York. PullrriHn H.eeping Cara botwe«n Chariot tft ftnd Bieh#ood. Pullman drawing*room ftlorpinur rara bo t wtn*n Urrvnnlioro and tion at Norfolk for OLD POINT CX)MFOBT. arriving thrro in time for brrakfirt. Solid train, with Parlor cara, between Cbftrlffttoa and Aaheyille. , Nos. HR and ijf—U. 8- Mail. Through Pullman drawing room buffet wleoping mrt bv tweon .1 a*-knonvi)l« and New York and Pull man aletjiing ears between Augusta and Char lotte. Pullman (deeping ears between gonville and Columbia, eu rout« flaily U*tween Jacktoonvtlle and Cincinnati, via Asheville. FRANK g.GANNON, J. U < ClJ>, i Third VP. A Gen. Mgr. T. M W n.hington. W A TURK, 8. H. HARDW ICK, ii. P- A.. V>'tt-hiniton. . <4. P. A., Allant*. {GEORGIA - - RAILROAD. (90th Meridian Time.) Schedule Effective April 24, 1898. Pullman Sleeper* between Macon ani New York. _ f . fr “ - ’ Through Pullman Sterpere between Au gusta and Bt. Louls- Lv Augusta ..| 7:05am1 3:2opmi’o:3opia Ar Atlanta ... 112:35pm! B:2opm| 6:ooam Ar Macao ..„!11:16am|.... ~..| C:4sam Ar Athens |l2:lspml 7:Jopm| Ar Ga!m.«vHle!*3.4spm| h Ar White Plai*l:oCpm| I Ar MiU'gef le .|10:10am| I 4:3oan> Ar 4Vash'ton ~|lo:l9otn| 7:lopm| Picayune train leaves Augusta dally except Sunday at 5:15 p. m., and ar ■ rives at MiUedgevHle at S:10 p. m. Trains arrive at Augusta 5:15 a. m. 7:45 a. m., 1:20 n. m . and B:2S p, n». A. G. JACKSON, O. P. A. JOE W. WHITE, T. P. A,