The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 11, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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SHAFTER WILL BE HELD TO ACCOUNT. I* *«*.*s 4 ofdom j MMI IMMmH Ml* MMmMMMM* 1 (MM®**®*'** * * -t"*. ♦*<• *■" *••*• P*** •*"*• MMMMWwi V *'*% * tMv * • w* Popd»*<ip pi PWlp* #mm Hi#**** *#•#** #§ ■ §*#**•■ *Mh®* VM# MNMI *■*#* Mi •##* | •MV 1 ® I ®®'*# Ml *'RWi I #®MP#*la* 9kMo* . i At tb* Merer at Dt«aa*r. -|| m, jjiKj p.if i"<l It, i S* 'i|:rrm W tw ordered out of M •4 to *r| from five to fifteen n))pt, trenMfirt> pAotfSK tbp pc r\ < sud tb 1 lot ttfbkaul Ifwdult. The oar ttr to It* mtlpo. ptwpffdol to Join the j tai blockading squadron off Motto raatlT *h»rt It rmtatticd It* day* »nd I nigh,, lb* ether transport* dlaappear lag. If I am correctly informed, for an *•4l or »crk. "During Ibe time the fight at La* Uuaalmua had recurred and large turn |,*ra of alck and wounded were requir ing treatment. Could Not nove Shatter. "In the meantime a report ot the rondKton prevailing on abort* trait made to the chief aurgeon, who promptly laid the case before Hie com { mandlug general, requesting that u launch be placed under the control of iA« medical department for the collee- j tlon of medical auppllea from the va riona transport*. "It waa also requested that a pack I traiu be organised, In the proportion of j one pack mule to each regiment to ' transport auppllea—eapecially the field j cbesta—io toe front for proper dlatri- j bution, and I «u suggested by the ! cblef surgeon as available for the per- | formatce of these duties. "The exigency of the situation ap parently did not appeal to the com- i mantling general, and for two days the medical department was unable to get | transportation of any kind to the otb- ] er ships or to the shore, although there i were a large number of gaval launches ; and boat employed on various other (duties. "On the third day. by order of the ' adjutnat-gc teral. one rowbeat was turned over to the medleal department for the purpose above named, and at Ike same time an order was Issued for fund transportation to carry medical j supplies to *he front 'not to exceed one six-mule team.' • Made Utterly Helpless. •‘On getting in'o this boat with sup plies from the headquarters transport I was directed by sundry staff officers to take them on various errands. On my refusal to recognize their authority the commanding general, who had ap peared on the scene, personally revoked the previous order, and directed, after hte landing of the supplies already in the boat, that it should return without delay. Presenting the order for land trans portation to the quartermaster on shore 1 was informed that only pack mules had as yet been landed; that neither wagons nor harness had been brought ashore, and finally, that the road was impassible for wagons. •'After this boat had been taken away the chief surgeon was without nnv means of ccmmnuication with the med ical officers on shore, or still on trans ports. of finding out their wants cr of remedying the many already kncwn to * im - -A.... I !«»»##•*» Aju huosa % |p.'.-iifpi• > » ®MHp* f-v ■■*«.' # |fcf ■ ig, «* I mSfHi MfMtM 40*$ MM* I | h** Heir Inw lay Mt. I |||Of9 •(ill f f lßAibf4 ll® ll*M|*inll, i ■ M*?*! tM m*4*r*l rim+nt <iitH ***t*ia * itfflii'fiff nt tr■ for (III* ■j. thought •?**» r o«* but • retttl*r M fil oM* *f. It ~ | .a In Km liapjA law *K n utilisation of 1 1»<* *hip» bUnkH®. door 1 mat* rug® am! carv*U to rtndr r tfee bunk® inor* tomfm-t •!»!*. tkf •« firing I of fitfi iup!pim, mrh ti wiupi j and fruits, Hm* juirs and oainmil, th.» J r*?fabtf*tinH nt cf • mei# and laundrv and tbr astignment cf conrairsctnt* to I speelflc light duties, which relieve the overworked hospital corps. fatal Conflict of Authority. "I*suuliy it la necessary to overcome passive resistance and opposition on j the part of the crews and a tendency } on the part of the captains to disre gard or modify orders. In several In ! stances in my own experience thle ac tion of the crew amounted almost to mutiny, and was only to be dealt with by threats, a show of force and In one Instance by the tiae of the Irons. "While executive officer at the gen eral hospital, Fogt Monroe. I learned cfllrinlly that tb* captain of the steam ship Seneca positively refused to obey the orders emanating from your office, given him by the contract surgeon in ; charge, to proceed to New York, he re- ; malnlng nearly on additional day at > Hamrton Roads, with sick and wound- ! ed and asserting that be would.obey no , orders given by tbe med'eal depart merit. “A similar experience of my own at • Daiquiri which had to be settled by j force emphasizes the fact that no one should be placed In charge of such a ship who is not accustomed to com mand men and enforce obed'encaf' Red Cross Subverted. ••With regard to the Red Cross So ciety. it would gopm as if the lofty pure I poses of this organization were on the Santiago expedition subverted to indi vidual interests. While at Tampa the Red Cross ship State cf Texas was for mally placed under control of the chief surgeon. Fifth corps, bv Dr. Egan, the reprssentive of the society, he acting under telegraphic Instructions to that effect. “Col. Pope accepted the offer and di rected that the State of Texas accom pany the expedition of Gen. Shatter to its destination. Although this order was fully understood by Dr. Egan, the State of Texas did not accompany the expedition nor did it. arrive at Siboney until the forces had been landed, a bat tle fought and our hospital established j and in working order. "The first offers of aid made by this society dealt largely in generalities ond organization to the medical department. Too much praise cannot fcs given to the individual efforts of Dr. Lesser and the Red Cross nurses. Their work was un tiring and unselfish, and the assistance rendered by them was of great value, “In conclusion, it is desired to em phasize the fact that the lamentable the axtouota hehalu MMRMMPNMV fP***®*^*®# 1 tm **m m rp# p* i fMVM MMMRMMpM •##* MM® Mi MM# MM®' I *®®® I M®* ##'Mi pHfIU HP fPIIPMPMW# Hm 440 I \OO 4 ******* mmlMmimp* imp** ##*%*■* 1 ' % ? ~tnf * • 00000000* j «tMMH®*(O *»•* #♦*% (T^PpM |MK t)t‘ tt * HfiM V% t Mud # 'lpp* M® #• mMmMnMmI Ml ® ■ %rm %**% !••• TMI Hffftl l*> Iff. A WIN* I nw rtNba.* |ln<a|M Owl Ml .!«*• trial tsdsi *B **f •••• <•’»»(*• W* bu< '•* I Mr A e Wolfe, nt Duarte.. M »ha • kfilgMl **f ib* |rH " , M .. f »*| )||v# fnr lb* t<®M tbf** ‘ f+mrw mm4?> It m tut* t« b**i* my»*tf tuipHH Pttb * C*ott«'.Cb**l* |#»« *n*l IHmrrhto** H*m*4y. unit lari Vr» •• **4l Icm truly *uy (but I u*r- f i» f*ll. I r<uiiid*r It «n* of th** b**t iMr i»urpr»*ff* and rdlcf I b«*t»* «v*nr | j,*,,. oou |jv Alexiffd l>tuK St Hcikl Co., |»KOTI:Sr PROM FRANCE. Wants a Captured French Steamer Released. Faria. Aug » The T. mps say* that M t>rlrasse. minister of foreign sffalra. | has for a week past been proteat'ng against the selxure and detention by ! tbe United States of the French ateam «r Ollnde Rodriguez on the charge that I she was attempting to run the blockade I tor Porto Rico, The minister holds that her capture was arbitrary end Illegal. Fteeh ener getic Instructions have been sent *o M. fnmbon, the French minister at Wash ington, so that this Inexplicable mla undsrstanding may be ended. The Sure I.a Orlppe Cure. There la no use suffering from this dresrlful malady. If you will only get the right remedy. You are having pain all through your body, your liver Is out j of order, have no appetite, no life or I ambition, have a bad cold, in fact, are ! completely. used up. Electric Bitters Is j the only remedy that will give you j prompt and sure relief. They art dl- I rectly on your live*, gtomach kid neys, tone up the whole system and l make you feel like a new being. They 'are guaranteed to cure or price refund ed. For sale at Howard & Wlllet's drug store, only 50 cents per bottle. ST. LOUIS BROWNS. A Receiver Appointed For Them This flornlng •St. Louis, Aug. to.— Judge Wood, of the circuit court, today appointed Pres ident Muckenfuss receiver of the St. Browns on the apiplcatlon of the holders of the first mortgage bonds. RELIEF IN SIX HOURS. Distressing Kidney ond Bladder Dis ease relieved in six hours by "New Great South American Kidney Cure.” It Is a great surprise on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain In blodder, kidneys and back, in mule or female. Relieves retention of water almost immediately. If you want qui. t I relief and cure, this Is the remedy. Sold by L. A. Gardelle, druggist, Augusta, Ga., 612 Broad street. Waive All Claim. Washington, Aug. 10. —It is said this morning at the ®Avy deportment that both Sampson and Schley have waive J all claim to promotion on account of the Cervera battle. This Is done, it is believed, on account of the controversy. Augusta Trunk Factory Trunks repaired by expert Trunk makers. 843 Broad. B. 'Phone 2181. AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. _ ** ai®M»T« m »** «**• M| t*P «? HU *»** . gatrMTU ■ A*t* ( * *-mtrt(|>*t vAaWpktAf* AA tut fMI* AM** / or BfMlf fi_ Pit CM m of MiHmrkmmtttat MMM iho wrtJHri4*iC #/ l OblA| |J># 0000 tmm ‘ Iho /Wf . mmrr wfAffterr ***&*+ Jh* hi FA#Ri/iW CASTORIA* rAtrA hat ktvm m ! tkm htmt-n at f*i* thtkmw of Ammta /«* «nr* lktrt§ a*+n. LOOK fully at ***** ams t** that 9k \ HI |#yr g||rnf|| jituryM f Mi 14# ! a*J A«ni* JiVaf*'t*a/ GZt/ftfC&Cx l fmt. tb m* ha* mitkertif fhm m* to **> m y *om* *tr*t i The Ctoil ams C miany of uhtth (hat- tt. Fhtfhrr it /VnWfAi mate* 3 , M Do Not Bo Deceived. r>o »MM the It(c fit )THif cJIiM by Acrrpfinf chcAD MitMiiiute which mhiw i)ruq>ht nuy offer ><*u l n %**tr ill* flic ilk* 'mmltif li ”C*lf 4wn IhfinMv* "The Kind Yon Have Always Bought H BCAfiG the signature of Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. Summer Suit Sale Our Summer floods Must Go With the Summer. Those who suffer from the heat will ap preciate our endless assortmedt of light, com fortable and stylish Crash, Linen and light weight Serges when they see the high quality at the prices wc are selling them at. Al! Cheviots, Cassimeres and Woolens are selling at CLEARING OUT PRICES. I. C. Levy’s Son & Co.. TAILOR-FIT CLOTHIERS. AUGUSTA. .... GEORGIA Fall Fi Seels IN LARGE AMOUNTS. AUGUSTA RYE a Crown In four rnllr* of city. Far bet ter than North Cenrgla or Tennessee I j{ye. Western and Virginia ltye must [not be planter) her* at all. This rye jin free from rata or other ar- tle. lb-»u tirully cleaned. Thi» rye averaged about six feet In height HAftLKY—Beat Seed, well cleaned. CBIMHON CLOVER —Large utoek. LUCERNE--* Cheap this year. NATIVE VETCH—Orown here. JOHNSON (MtASS —Ouod atoek. Finest Seed Purple Straw Wheat. Thin wheat I* eelwted by the grower as being the beat, after testing nearly twenty varieties. , ! It is smutted by muchlnery to pre vont smut. Bin? stone Is neces sary nor must it be used. Free °f coiklcs i Garden Seeds, Garden Seeds. All fall kinds, Collards, Cabbage®, Beets, Beans, Peas, Radishes, Mus tard, Turnips, Rape, Spinach, Oyster Plant, &c.. &c. THE HOWARD & WILLET DROG CO. SALE OP SUBURBAN LAND BY THE ACRE The Augusta and Summerville Land Cdmpsny will sell, at public sole. 70 acres of itnd on the Harrisonvillc Road, in blocks of two to seven seres, on Tuesday, August 23d, at 6 o’clock p. m. w. C. JONES, Secretary. JOHN F, M'OARTHY, Solo-Violinist. I Late ol Royal Conservatory, at Lpipzlg, Germany. PUPILS WANTED. For terms, ,etc., address 513 | N’inUvSl., Augusta, Ga. • I KEEP COOL by using one of our odorless Refrlger lators—tt» Dewey just annihilates hot [weather. Klomdike, Gurney and Eclipse rare all good; everyone guaranteed; war j ter coolers, cellar chests; Ice cream ifteegers. See our line of bedroom suits, $25. Baby Carriages for SB. We will irnake terms and prices to suit you. Fleming & Bowles HOI ltroail Street. OH Polar Ice Works JMicery FOR SALE Pumps, Tanks, Pipes, 4c., Cheap Loinliarfl Iron forks FOR RENT] The Store House, 312 Jackson street, now occupied by W. Edward Platt, embalmer and undertak er, will be for rent from October Ist, as he Intends removing to the north east corner of Jackson and Telfair Sts. A nice dwelling of four rooms and all conveniences over store. Apply on premises. RKAD £rS?3 \ TUB s AUQUSTA HERALD Because it Prints Exclusive and Copyr 'ned Spe cials Under an irrangemeni With the New York Journal and Published Simulta neously in The Herald and the New York Journal. “The News While it is News” | M Thc War News Ahead oi Other Paper* In Georgia and South Carolina.” Best Bright Cheapest Paper Peislied Ten Cents a Week Forty-Five Cent* a Month $1.25 For Three Months $2.50 For Six Months $5.00 a Year. It is impossible for Herald solicitors to seo personally every one that wishes to take the paper. Fill out the subscription coupon below tor the time you want the paper to run, and remit to the Herald. The Herald will be sent you immediately. To The Augusta Herald : Augusta, Ga., 1898 Find enclosed $ —for which please send The Herald to the following ad dress for the time paid for. Name Street and Number Postoffico State 10 CENTS A WEEK-10 CENTS A WEEK CALL FOR AUGUSTA BREWING COMPANY’S EXPORT BEER Th* Boat on I I CALL FOR AUGUSTA BREWING COMPANY’S DRAUOHT BEER Tbe Boat on The Market. W. H. Lynch & Co., Yellow Pine Lumber! Bt. ilders’^Hardware, j boor., Sa.h, Blinds, • ' riouldlngs, Laths, Shingles, Wood & Coal. 16th STREET. NEAR ELECTRIC RAILWAY POWER HOUSE gtT- ISXkPfiOMJS 7*. » I AOGCSTk, BA. 7