The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 12, 1898, Image 1

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THE MOST PEOPLE READ THE HERALD. THE BEST ADVERTISERS USE IT. AND CAREFUL BUYERS ALWAYS FIND CLOSEST BARCAINS ns * • "**- At ut iTA . g vgfut • AAVtKOJ («ur kill NfftPt */*♦***? wMto tart» ft«ak| I’M*** Pi asms 11 111 1 1 CM ill IsiAwr 0§)) firtistty ('•••*» Hh (in rnawtt, ti Its* Fit Fat Vi M WO) (»• U U« llsitft. TIM SfMil t rmm **# IkMM I* «• Ml ft » - to mm t%f krrgar **ff tilif M §®BP( .*Mft d(PM ymfi <001*0 » *m* s' f|*» Qliim't l&fNNMCfc th# I# botftll 1 If OUlftf ttMM of tio»s fMtlr **rfwr’ I ff telr ffOMiad rciMii ht»k*n of 114 ... *F»nr**» wliirb lift takffi (itftr# r » oovrni mm if ll il« CliiMM* fififirft * . . _» m * rt fAnrlads arri&ff vhffflf lie harbor of Wti H«1 WH aa«t corf Min pnrikm* «<l|MrMn( t« mr rokmy of Hone Kon* wrr* \m**4 to m# by ib# rofwfor of China. Her Tfianki. **| (rtifli deft ftmiinAenif will CO Ilf' ilff tO thf* WMI iflf of hit It* S«(»U<1 and Ibe serai" ty of his em pire an<l be fsvorsbl# to th* develop mem of ibe ex i.nSfc rotriterr* mr ried on betwaen Oittl Britain sod China '* itieirm of tbe Host* of Ootn aw.n,: I i bank you for tba liberal pro vision yon made for the defense of my empire. Tbe sacrifices asked of you ate sever.- bn! no greater ibaa tbe ej tgeenes of tbe present time requires, I am glad to recognise tbe value of the provisions to vrhlrb you aasrnted. in creasing the efficiency and strength of icy arnry." THE PROHOTIONS. They Were Announced at the Navy Department loday, Washington, Aug. 12. For some tm kruun reason tbe administration has decided not to adhere to the formerly expressed announcement that tbe pro motion until the navy will be made as at a result of the rceommrndatior.a ty the board who*" duty It will be to review the achievement* of tbe naval officers throughout the Snaniyi «var end today tbe navy departmtmt baa made public the following promotion* In the North Atlantic fleet, previous publications having been Inaccurate in some particulars: These ore ad ini* rim commissions and bold until the Senate confirms or rejects them: Commodore Sampson, advanced eight numbers and appointed rear admiral from August 10 tor eminent and con spicuous conduct in bsttle. Takes rank after Rear Admiral Howell. Commodore Schley, advanced six numbers and appointed rear admiral. Sarre dale, came reasons. Takes rank next after Sampson. Cntr. ti Philip, advanced five num bers and appointed commodore. Takes ran'.ic next after Commodore Watson. Captain Higginsr.n, advanced three numbers. Takes rank next after Cap tain Cromwell. Ccpt. Evens, advanced five numbers. Takes rank next after Captain Cotton. Captain Taylor, advanced five num bers. Takes rank after Capt. Read. Capt. Cook, advanced five numbers. Takes rank next after Captain Sterl ing. Captain Charles Clark, advanced six numbers. Captain French E. Chadwick, flva numbers. * Lieutenant Commander Rodgers, five numbers. Lieutenant Commander Schroeder three numbera Lieutenant Commander Wafuwright. ten numbers. Lieutenant Commander Rogers, five numbers. Lieutenant (junior grade) Victor Rule, rdvßßced five numbers for ex traordinary heroism. Lieutenant Colonel Robert W. Hunt ington. advanced one number and ap pointed ctlcnel ia marine, corps for eminent and conspicuous coduct in bat- tt N tftMYft A w rtk TIIE AUGUSTA HERALD. Vet i mt a it PHIIikIPIKES TO BE SOLD ftfcgl thrva l t*Vf I* Ik Plaftß H Ot IfhrwgHnNSMl th#4 Is ft*,#* CswMAsTml M H*ff*M noorev iftiEtnonnrciiiA. fgil* Was RrMi Is M. list I«trt4 • Ihfsllr | pßllgg. W hsl Its PnfuMf I ■mtiMlalw* ■iinriTtf 1 and (Mil it**- fMNK i r „»r<»iß( ifti Mi gift Tjfirff* lump of LEYLAND OFFERS CRKMestf is Hw I Has of ITagMsh mrn W ith AswriM Wives. I»nd<>n. England. Aug. 12 —The r#- moval of Men < Isorp N. f'arson fmm parliament. mad* nsrcsssry by mason of his •«vi>t>an' ot tbe ulli<» under lbs iiowa as viceroy of India, brings to the front thr husband of snot her Amernan girl, who bas been Curson's pomtcai opponent j In tbe Issl parliamentary elections. Cursor, had a close fight with Sir Her bert Naylor Ley land, who married Jennie Chamberlain, of Cleveland. O , the famous American beauty, but Cur son tarried tbe seat by a small major ity, The writ for a new election In Southport, division of Lancashire.was Issued today, and Leyland will again be a candidate In the radical Interest. THE MAIL ROBBERS. The Chief of the Gang Will Be Taken Into Custody. •Hi rial to The Herald. ! London, England. Aug. 12.-—Jfago, chief officer of the Britannic. Is un doubtedly on the Lueani* Detective Sergeant O'Neil!, of Queenstown, has b.'i) instructed to board the Lueanln ur«n her arrival there tomorrow and art cat Jago. Ha may proceed with his prisoner to Liverpool. Telegrams are pouring In from many sources concern ing Jago. The postofflee department Is Investigating the Britannic affair, and has ordered Jngo's arrest. Tbe letter found on th? Kynaston was sent by the ' Anglo-Hwiss Condensed Milk Company ,to their agent. Sparks. It contained 40 coupena. Sparks wires that none were received. T'.veßty arc still missing. MAY FKIHT A BATTLE. ; Gen. Allies Out of the Reach of Tele * graphic Communication. ‘ Special to The Herald. Washington, D. C., Aug. 12.—A big battle will likely he fought by Genera! Miles before he is notified of the urmls tice. General Greeley last night Inform ed the President that Gen eral Miles was advancing, and that the Spaniards were concentrating at San ] Piedras, ten miles from San Juan. The i signal corps, with General Miles, has run out of telegraph v ire. and by to-J | morrow, the army will be beyond direct 'communication with Washington. In case an armistice Is agreed on today, it Is thought the news will not reach Gen eral Miles until after he has met the Spanish army at San Piedras. SChWAN IS THERE. He, With the Keutucky Volunteers, Occupies Hayguez. Special to The Herald. Ponce, Porto Rico, Aug. J 2. —General Schwann occupied Mayaguez yesterday with the first Kentucky volunteers. Died of Cancer. London, Aug. 12.—Mrs. Terris, wife of William Terris, the actor, who stab bed and killed a man by (be name of Price, on December 18th, last, died to day of cancer. New York Futures New York, Aug. 12—Futures steady. Aug. 5.86, September 5.89. October 5.92, November 5.95. December 5,98. January 6, February 6.03, March 6.07, April 6.09, May 6.12. „ , mint iEKDiU tiff* tH«f|*fl I'lliMMh Alt TV PffVfri it tUeltac K Ik U«4t«| ffmtaMMk ft la AMMtgf la Ih* (Mb * qs. 4 Ay (HMMfvk msß Ham. (■*-«.A- Ih* **x --ft *t -Ti( ftii iff# mr>>(t( f «t 4 FftftfttißC of ONi aa4 knew H It AfvMcc. W'Vvß fie. mat» Da.V tvs. bed the I < i»i.«(rb. * from kxdi .1 he hat! st**t I} M pxj vtsetl ,*t the ar. ion ©f the tlpß a* hut could sev ao reason why a spectrl evasion would be aeetasnrv The pfwe tte flpaalsh sgrvemrnt on tbe Pent' doeMBMt was coaMcat that thete •qffiM be ao delay Ht H* exevuHon aal The Arrangements. Arrange in «-!H» were prnetlratly com g-leted early this morning for th* alb* nature of thf protocnl whlrh is to eon jl|. *|_ _| _i Tj . •Uw’ll ■ I r.»f nt lt«*ftf In two ort*tr*!« ' bm* i»r. *»*rr4 »n<f ad that r*ai k i r<l Wll & RW& jf from tb* Pfmh I a that he was ready to at the idanature. There w* re often and visible sign* at the state depart- Intent that there were no longer any .'o,ibis as to- the successful orteomc of the negotlnttons wtt'ch It bed been rf,nduct!cg w’th th* Spanish govsrn | r ,ppt through M. Camlmn for ihe ceaan [tion of hostlllies. What It Is. While the particular document to he signed Is properly enough described a* a i color at It I* etlll technically somc thlng more than that. It is an agree ment midway between that and tbe ar ml’tice .which usually Intervenes be tween active war and peace. So far as It geca. thla protocal Is absolutely a peace treaty. Thu* having provided for the disposition of Cuba. Porto Rico end one of tbe Lcdrone Islands, there !» nothing more for any panes com mission to do in relation to the nnb- Jcets. Their fate Is sen’ed and the pro tocol In that respect la as binding as this that was signed by President Thiers end Prince TVsmarrk to termin ate the Franco-Pruslsan war. At 4:30. Special to The Herald. Washington, Aug. 12. Judge Day has gone back to the white house. Tbe secretary of the French embassy had presented him with a copy of Spain's answer at the state depart ment. After conferring with the president, Judge Day said ihc protocol would be signed at the white house at 4:30 p. m. The Protocol Is Signed. The protocol Is signed. Peace Assured. (By Associated Press.) Madrid, Aug. 12.—Sagasta said pub licly as he left the palace: “Peace Is an accomplished fact." This evening Sagasta Is receiving diplomatic con gratulations. Outwitted the Spaniards. St. l>mis, Aug. 12. Lt. Marshall H. Stone, of exas, is visiting his sis ter in St. Louib. He is adjutant of the Socond Texas cavalry, and com mands Troop L. He was one of the first force to carry arms to the Cu bans. He said today: “While we were over in Cuba, a United States scout called Shorty Gonzales was told to deliver an important despatch. He set out upon his journey riding a mule. Fearing that he would fall into the hands of the Spaniards he hit upon a novel plan to keep the message secret. Ta king a rubber tobacco pouch he put the message in It. Then he pried open the miifo’ throat, and forced the pouch down the animal's throat. He fell into the hands of the Spaniards, hut after being seai-thed was permitted to continue his journey. The tmtio was killed and a veterinary surgeon rescued tbe precious pouch.” At U( * t V U-L TO DEFEND HER RIGHTS Fagliftt nisi Km B* Km ww Ih fttmftL flit itifftHi *at *4l*l 1 i#ff« •** i •*s•« (*9%* TIMM'* i# liftr *#V» < IlMftV ttft* ••*** I If* h*4 **%*+ t-rma‘ nx—titn * 111 l IHp ilhNPMkANill Htyuftiift i> vfiafl^pP I ft NMIIaa. 1 fiinlilat H o%«r. I owe Moca IHftMial Cleifift. u'Mhiiiitoa Ana IS- •• Four uklt i m %i \ r trrk* kttf called tn»m { * York on tfct* inotporf Y tit for I *.-»nlo mr»*i tk« <l«<m»iiflft of (b» I I poMial ortict la lit lattvf city. Toro of thcoi. H P. i. J4n*cfc#ck and Muga IlydcniSß. arc from th* New York of fir* while fitevea O Bridge Is from j Mauimni-c. and F. J. Hsck-y. Jr-. •• from the Office la this Hty. riv* Other it (mils, Harrison C, Mis, of Bufisio, I Loot* J- Robinson. *of Appleton. Wl* : John H Weber, of Hrstoa; W. 11. Cllf ! ford of Pittsfield, and H. P. Umpkc of Ssvsnank. Ga.. have bee* onlcred lo hold themselves in o-adiaeaa for «y- Lice In thr mlllfkry postal branch of ' the army In Pori.. Rtro or Santiago. Cuban Army Adlvt. Washington. D C.. Aug. 11 Gen. Tomaa Estrada Pslroa. the Culrnn del egate, ha* Just received two louera 1 from prominent Cuban officer* no the i | island, narrating the atirrlng events in , various parts of Cuba during tbe past i few months. j The first Is from Col. Emilio Colla ; zo. who visited Wash ngton early in ! t j, o summer at the invitation of Gen. Miles, and who accompanied the latter ; to Cuba. The second Is from Gen. J. M. Ro j drlguez. who has written a number of letters to acquaint the Cubans In this country with the conditions at home. Wants an Apology. London. Aug. 12. The firm of Hasties, solicitors, of London, acting In behalf of Senor Du Bose, late Span- J ish charge daffatroa at Washington, bas addressed a letter to M. Chamber lain at the Colonial office, saying lhat their client not claim any com pensation, but desires an apology for tbo illegality of hi* expulsion from Canada. Failing to receive n satisfaclnry re ply from the Colonial secretary, the scllritors says (key will ndvise Senor Du Bose to sail for Canada within a t fortnight and enforce the right of res idence there. Gave a Dinner to Cervera. Annnpolls, Md., Aug. 12.—Mr. ami Mrs. Otto Lucius gave a dinner nt the Maryland hotel Wednesday to Admiral Cervera and some of his office re. Mr. Lucius and wife arc Spanish friends of the admiral. The officers present were Admin 1 Cervera, Lieut. Angel Pa-pdes, Commander Adolfo Contreras, LLntl.- Com. Pc.'ro Vasquas, Lieut. A. G. I’a»- p<le». and Lieut. Emilio Manuel Bur t on. Capt. Phillip’s Visit. Glen Ridge, N. J., Aug. 12. Capt. John Philip, of the battleship Txeas. main a flying visit, to this place Mon day afternoon and visited the family of Rear Admiral Sampson. Capt. Phil ip told Mrs. Sampson that the adm'ral was ia fhcljcHt of health, but that the tropical heat had reduced his weight from 170 to 130 ipounds. Hobson’s Pontoons L'-akcd. Norfolk, Va., Aug. 12.—The reason for the return of the Colon wr irking expedition, which'had gone some ninety miles on its way to Santiago, was that the two largest pontoon sprung a leak. The remainder of the expedition will probably go tomorrow without the pon toons, which will)he calked, made tight end will follow later. I win II III: lIIHWU 'TV IfWfR ts HH Hlftrgfi (IffttH I uttHtfi rifi Hi*Mß*kiifi ft ih mu is tw Matties. 11l lhlM*| LbtfMa Ds*ff* a M t mg« #« tw* Htms Lg(. tHtmirifc lift „ An# IS *■" Cap Min . T ft* .44* < If TllifMl ftftM-ftiftS'lM i t&mrf 0. * V * *m mn m Hmfcffifti bUim » nw"ff in IWktll ti (|| CfNt TP* fftf Iff iMmI M** vft* HI ftNNI (M’QftlM KmA ' ■MUftft iftn »•* tw**l# ftftnnptM Hiftft# In WW|). Iri tint I# kfttr, (If fktftNn ot \ *.» I Hft * ftURB toOOiwOm s**^*fttw tkt iiMimrMi till iitiiiftl (n iMU Iftatf I**# tAiirl »a «4rtft#r •« Him hr.rnii m Him fwMnnn^ I turn Mi fN* fit tMMtt Han ot 9 Imp* tnsr In Aliln»ft I*N »?rtn mmbmm A|f ti* tisl ts ji nMnirr f lo H ft{f4 ft*r FftMTT III# fttdtft Ml A fmm kifftiuntin i#utnn »f fffitf mjr» it** C%an | lain Wfnr Had N»# sirh a coftdiewft* i jiftui fufttrioDr lalkm In (M #a!#il itfti i iff* pnglf ot Birmingham *«i»wn*4 j film *a whfti wh«l* r*gign**t* of nnaldnd, if wH Imp. and I - mmoA Aim niMmlhtnigftt ffirffift iii« *r mtpfjif i fttm Oh* oow* ranm tnai; he had forsaken hi* command Th* chaplain r*4»rn*d lo Birmingham on I Tuvsxlay tfi*cnonn and hia nwopilon I there does hot appear to haw h**n . rordui From a l amp Post. Th* next morning a hoy went In IIMI ftritfnftftl to Hirmmahftfn and Uiat a roan I wa» Hanama by the nark fn'tn n larofi; pm m front of Ik* court Btf* I **rnl < fflrrm ruikol thrrr and foond a 1 dtrvnm” drcftid In Ik® off a] i fcoplaln with a placard on it* breast.! which bore these words: “Dr. Wear. "Fifth Pnlted States Immune Volun teers.” Rev. Wear explains his conduct by the statement that he ran accomplish j more of good* by administering to tbej need* of his congregation at Birming ham than by going to Santiago —I now that th# war has terminated and dying with yelp w fever. Dr.! W'car'a home-coming had little of th» heroic about it. Tbe Birmingham' papers say that three brethren and a! Met hod it* minister met him at the de-! pot and warned him not to talk to the report err. lie was hum led Into a cab, and driven home, where he prepared a j statement for publication. Dolphin Ready For Work Again. Norfolk, Va., Aug. 12.—The despatch twat Dolphin, Commander Lyon, left the Norfolk navy yard this morning, and dropped down to Hampton Itoads. where she will receive her final orders for sea duty. The distilling ship Iris Is nearing completion, and within a few days will be ready to proceed to supply fresh water to our fleet of warships and soldiers ot Ihe front. The ram Katahdln is having all her sea valves overhauled and her bottom scraped and painted. Dance Tuesday Evening The dance to be given Tuesday even ing at Lakevlew pavilion, under the auspices of tbe Woman's Exchange, promises to be a most pleasant and en joyable affair. A fine band of music has been engaged, the place will be brilliantly illuminated and dainty re freshments will be temptingly served on the lawn and altogether a piost en joyable time is promised nil who at tend. Tickets can he purchased from any of the members or from the Ex change. The dance is given, as every one knows, for Ih” benefit of the Ex change. The cause Is a worthy one and deserves and should receive the patronage of Augusta’s citizens. Com ing as It does at this dull season it will be a welcome break and all who attend can have the double satisfaction of not only spending a delightful evening, but of aiding In a material way a worthy institution. Getting Bettor. Miss Clara Bonnett, the young lady who was brought here from Windsor. S. C„ for treatment, at the city hos pital, as told of in The Herald some days ago, is now on the Improve. For awhile Miss Bonnett's life was despair ed of. hut she has 1 allied. 11 is hoped that she will now recover her full si l ength. Major Marcus Beck, in full uniform, had charge of two battalions at the dress parade and review last evening, presenting ‘a very fine appearance on his fiery black horse and putting the troops through in regular West Point style. ftfVft Mill Alt A A UA( rttlMl', Alt) •* *ftfti THESE BANDS NOT CARUISTS Tit (mufti ft in (kAfft • Nm! ftn i*< UreiML Dssaal I rtwsn Are tit* 4Aaf% mt ftyotli JaMkptu, | "R#p) Mu I (Nft TH* #iftf%N# kNMVftA, t*a #*•»*«*, AM, If 4H|*A ] fcYMiM ****** *## taiwftiaa *at -1 I *<£ Ml fftftp ft#P» (ftt ra— AMMtffft'l ftftrit Mm* . I •* 9# wMA* ((ftnllftn IMo 41 (ftp!t m*4 a** I t MftftHft A fHWMIkM* Ot 00*0*04*4 *o**f%* . Immpm m*r*o**4. tmooSkm K iMiliit-ifa l Ot tIM fftifl i l MIM aattftßMM, Mftdf ftftftnfM ] ksaqulW la FWa. t A*fit(!l»f CYlf fftftf* Mp*(l f "ftlP|MfT»* l 4 | iMfll 111 ftiftt »H* IwiMil* Ml % * f#Hft fW Ml *fv M**9 fftftftffi * *■**s'•%<► (I* IN ' 4A Ml NMnaevva Nay a. |t* D4i (Mftftldtft ftftWA "TMm* hffftftt | n 111 Imp |>*ft»rr«fHl MY • U |r **ftl fwiftfilwl | ,of w*r. •MklffiMifttf oy wn i trtfi ft (#»f»fttMi Hi fMMMtfMM*. O* I*MM «M* j «■'«*Miitry may 4M(M® M*d*»M' ft* Hy w* fftaa* W* rnp+c% thu la hmv* I mu* h ##*(*9 nft*9 iM* Ki»v»rnm+* ? *t M«i lmk*o onmmmro * WORD FROM SHAFTIR. Trttaffa I ea» lag and Are Wing si Saa- 1 Data. Washington Aug 12 Th* war <*■ , ' partmeat ha* receive the following , i front Santiago To lb* A4Julanl-G*n- . erei, Washington ■ The fit lasli left . Morra during th# night of the lllh I with the Ninth aa4 Tenth infantry and ■ two rompnnlre of th# Severny-first New York. Th# Bt. Paul should have left Guantanamo last night or this m< rnlng with th# Second Infantry. , .'oar companies of ih# Seventy-first 1 New York, sad Gen. Kent, with hi* headquarters. Th# Morteoo leave* ia «a very few mlauie# with the Twenty • first Infantry. Th# Rio Grande with I Col. Sargent’s regiment on twiard ha* ! just arrived. Sbsfter, CiOINO AHEAD. The Club Is Not Going lo Violate j Any Law. Buffalo. Aug. 12.—Charles M. Wilson. J manager of Ihe Hawthorne Athletic. (Hub, said today that he would con tinue to make preparations for (he | Corbett-McCoy conteet regardless of the | letter read *t the ministers’ meeting ; yesterday. In which the sheriff declared j hi* Intention to stop the fight. Wilson said he anticipated Just such fuss and j j secured th” best legal advice In New I York and thla city, and In not one In stance has the club violated the law and It does not Intend to violate nny. "jago in custody. The Chief Officer of the Brlttanla Linn Arrested. Queenstown, Aug. 12. —J. W. Jago, chief officer of the White Star Line steamer Brlttanle, charged with being concerned in robbing the malls and smuggling, was arrested this morning on th“ arrival of the Cunard Line steamer Lucanla. Jago was arrested for the thefts of bonds from the Brlt annlc’s malls. He denies being con cerned in the theft of the bonds, but admits that he Is Implicated in tbe smuggling transaction. HOTTEST YET. The Heat Terrible in California Yes terday. San Francisco, Aug. 12. — Reports from Soramento, Stockton, Fresno, Log Angeles, and other Interior towns show that yesterday was the hottest day of tbe year and one of the warmest ever experienced. The thermometer rangd from 91 degrees at Los Angeles to 122 at Farmington in the San Joaquin val ley. At Sacramento It reached 110, the highest on record. * INDIANS OUT. Orders Issued to Drive Them Back to the Reservation. Cheyenne, Aug. 12.—Gov. Richards has received information that forty Bannock Indians from Idaho are kill ing elk in the vicinity of Jackson’s Hole. Secretary of Interior has Issued orders to the Fort WaShaka authorities to drive the Indians back to their res ervation. SUFFOCATED. The Fate of an Aged Couple In Chicago. Chicago, Aug. 12.—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Belief, an aged German couple of West Polk street, were suffocated to death today. Neighbors think the place was set on fire by thieves. tijkdks imS[2I«SS (041 ft## iMHmqffi fftVtftOft ••**•*♦*•*’ I Af# MSB* tft#S* th* iisßssp m*re ••***»♦•«*-•* Mm mi I ’HI IIU j Vftti Oftetal KflM IkiftN it T«M). fUft 111 ffihffl (NrM llfiOfff still #r Mm. Hw AnMfMwsi ot Ih# tsptaffia mt Ih# (%•§• TrexMy, ttaftvML An* 12 “ Th# qaasDMi <4 th* areafiß'Shre mt tb# fftwiwMNf haattfiff mm Das fly wnM *hff th# stcwatmi . mt ffffaW MHwarsMt. lha #,-«*es»areat 11* mmm fMahfisdaff th* ft*#Ma«lt ►*•- I am Use th# Mas hswxaa ot *..*a‘*q ' *ii teaxaM. a»4 pr*#*a »u** th# sAre i that aa#i« ’* *wre*wa*r '* mw mt rexh- a# Wfedivasaff hy Iha halff imxm nt iha |wmftv»4. Th# fiwta. As Iha Dent staff M this dtrerthtff, • m #reti nff* >ai Bats M tstaaff, ha fiat" Th# invsrsffsM Is ot tha iff la ire ihat th# asnai ffilMl fwahstf at th# ' (*<*» bmp# tat km* has mom #re*svat am > It d»ffre4s affna th* avraaffrtaret at tha ■Mails s# to wh*vh#r th# ff#aaa ha nww# a# l#*a sAvaatatfirea*, ffffata srish*# to ffreasraa bar »«n*ia>ffaty over th# whole of tha PhiUffffiM*. l<* wrhirh she prop *#** to secret all ynlt lea! sad admla Ist rail## refinnmx cna !«i«r«M with th* BMiatsaaae* at bar > sovereignty Coha aod Porto Rkn. "In retard to th# evseusttoa of Cuba and P»rto Him R will b# s-ked that ' the army be allowed to depart honor ! ably, and that asauraarea h# g.vro guars at eni ns that dps n ish and foreln ' lataretNa will not suffer. Th# army, whlrh has not b**o conqsersf. will re turn to Spain with suns s. ms and qi mnailloaa. la regard to th* Cu fit debt, as th# United Htstes refnaaa to awuma It. ttpaih will endeavor to ar range with th# Cuban treaaarr to pay it when tbe Island is able. Th* quest too of a treaty of roramorce wilt bad to rooslderahl* diaruasloa and the matter will to sahtaiitsd n> s s#os— misaioti * f diplomats, under the pr*»- j Idency of. Senor Castillo." THE WOMAN’S ROAD. I Aa Issts# of i. 000.000 of Hood* De cided l poo. Hag JCffift rtkeff. Aug. 12.--The Issue jf on# minimi bond* to run forty years, hearing tig per cent Is decided upon for 'th# building of th* Stockton and Tuol nmygS rfitjiuad or "Woman's Road.” a* It Is popularly known. Mrs. Ann!* Kline Ptkert Is at the bead of the rail road. Associated with her as directors arc: Mrs. Sally Green. Mrs. F. T. j Gould, Maggie Downing Brainard and 1 Hannah lycweiiyn Lane. Thr road wil be sixty miles long, runutng from Stockton to Summer ville. AT CHICK AH AUG A. The Paymasters Have Finished Their Work at lhat Point. Chlrkamauga, Aug. 12.—The pay masters have finished their work at Chlrkamauga and gone to the other camps farther South. It now the gen eral opinion at Camp Thomas that two divisions ordered Into the new camps will rt main here at least ten days long er. Work Is progressing rapidly on the large reserve hospital at Chickaraauga. It was first intended to arrange for eight hundred patients, but lt is now the Intention to make the accommo dations sufilciqnt for one thousand. THE PHILLIPINES. The Americans Want Uncle Sam to Keep the Islands. Sidney, N. S. W., Aug. 12.—The Am erican colony, through the United States consul, has cabled Washington praying the government there to retain posesslon of the Philippines. CAPTAIN CLARK. He Is Expected at Cheyenne on a Visit In a Few Days. Cheyenne, Aug. 12.—Capt. Clark, of the battleship Oregon, is expected at Cheyenne to visit his brother-in-law, N. R. Davis, in a few days. SSOO Bonds. A couple of tbe new coupon war bonds were received here this morning. They are of the five hundred dollars valuation. Postmaster Stallings and Mr. Ar thur Ti. Krltzer received the bonds. They resemble a bank note of an on largrtT size with the coupons at tached. Register of Treasury Lyon's signa ture appears on them. E. B. Wingfield and E. S Harter of this city will leave tomorrow to spend a month's vacation at Harris Lithia Springs, _i,:»ii.>.mi>i,»islilsilsiLi.j.l ■