The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 12, 1898, Image 5

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F#iDAV jutfH fffWbffdff lh»#*ak*k* CMAAtk#A AA##l®fc*. kkffAMff ihkh »i« n mtm.r\*K *«*» A,**»#,•*. Georgia Railroad Bank AUOUITA, uIOROIA (oMifvi'b in mni u t<t-v i U4"-1 s*. »*•* **A«»ir •••••* ,#■*##"• V»,, ~«. ■, , MfttVtultff ■.. in i— ■» - x \ | #>. Whvfcm** • 9mm fid#*# P If* M£2***t iw*#*# ■QPBPMMA fi ■•# •••• i Ig . « |LgfcgP4 » ty# 1 % * * 6 s*£o* Wt mSt^^ VK)N %% i HHMI fV, |apa| |> &#*«# «#4* ?lM* IhpMMhl *" TM Nm«M Mftft. Want J* r *f tis f a**wii# ** (at UN# * from ihr tfktrni* * ifw ***■•* | ‘ tmjnrrTir- g»tftaml t«g*?h#r. U#4t. vt i«on hm •hr itvmMthy of tvffy wo* vna*t who *rttd« of hia rml*#rra**tw**#t ■ j Th# v* utig ( *r«on who fttttol hl< roll* fulbm «n»*M |# l«# ***»akmi and too! ' fMirm ihop « rtgimvtil of i*hgnt«rd*.* j Mfvtßg yirvh N J.. An* 4 ■ Air W. | I ;%fJ r f#ll of po >|'lo. If W# b*n •a chip •• Iho real of us 4H *' J# ‘*‘* ah# would not have do## It. It v»« horrid and *<• don’t thtwi ap# «>u*ht to hiv# h#r «am# in th# pap#** for doing a thin* Ilk# that —Hi* Amcr Iran Olila-** ThiTcentral of Georgia Tybee Special is carrying large crowds to the Sea coast every Sunday to en ' j oy the delicious sea breeze and surf bathing. Round trip $ 1.50. Deserters. from The Sumter Dally Item. We are sorry to see that there have been seventeen desextlotii from th ranks of the First South Carotins reg iment. There are no Sumter men among the number and we earnestly hope there never will be one. Soma of our boys may not take to the Job any better than others, but they are not the material of which de serters are mud a. Only steel lined and burglar proof esfes used. Money loaned on anything of value at a low rate of Interest. Wa terbury alarm clocks, 75 cents. Lewis i. Bchaul, Reliable Pawnbroker. A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF SIDE COMBS IN TORTOISE SHELL. ALSO VARIED LINE OF GRECIAN BANDS, THE VERY LATEST FASHIONABLE NOVELTY. CALL EARLY AS THEY ARE GOING RAPIDLY. Wm. Schweigert&Co. Di'kfttm (tuiitt. rtas itrsiigs tftse* —if- IB »««!»««* ajwmvi## #■* j•- K#*T sMl%«4ift>4 #f *## •#*#«*• *h4 SE4LCD VERDICT Of*Eh»ED. «kH from ike lwsW> P«* tk* Third Time. am. ftamf list v f■ » . |£«-llff ## | | j yf4t«i fop $4 71#. At th# A#*’**## trtdl j tth# #•«*•#*'* w#r# h*#4 #t Ws*# the third trial ah' Is awarded HIM Jude. IStlißß. who nr praam t#ff the i fUai-ittff nurd. • piwerfwi argument liafOre the Jury. DIVORCI: SUIT. First Verdict fecared In Chatham Superior Court. Savannah, rla.. Aug. U.*C)Dr of the moat amaai tonal cases aver triad tn ihe t super tor court was triad yesterday mor ning btfot > Judge Falligant Mrs NIHa Mr km whose msld.n naill , H ,| hutt and »h" married Kdmuml Makln ok 04. S*. I*7», was the -1 ami ialnani Ths • barges alleged by the wife are unlit for publication. An ~iher charge was that of cruelty. She affirmed that her huxiand la»t October vlaii d bar houae with a pi»tol in hla hand and threatened to kill her If ahe did n»« laavs the dry. The l lima ted couple are the parent* I. f five children, three dead and two t living. The Jury relumed the flral ver dict In favor of the wife. CHARniNO Mist Kennedy Compliments Her (1 treats l ast Fvcnlng Mlaa Daisy Kennedy complimented her gu.ata, Mlaa Ll*sle Ryan and Mlaa Marie liltas'tn. of Charleston, last eve ning. with a mogt I'harmjng aodgble. Mlaa Resale Singleton rendered a golo, which was enjoyed very much by all. i.Mr. John Bohler aang a golo In his ua i ual delightful manner. Delicious re !freehments were served. Present were: Mlaa Resale Singleton. Mias Fennie Reynolds, Miss Marnle Sherman. Mlaa Mamie Kennedy. Mlaa Lizzie Kynn. I Miss Marie Gleason. Mrs. T P. Fa- L an Mr. Mcßlvene, Mr. Adams. Mr. J. Bohler, Mr. G. Bohler, Mr. Pugh, Mr. Sberman. Mlm Hyan and Mlaa (Reason will re turn very shortly to their home In CharieatOA. They have l>een the recip ients of much attention during their atay here. Future visits hy them to Augusta are eagerly looked forward to. CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought The jubilee of Queen Victoria’s res idence at Balmoral Is to be celebrated , on Deeside in September, and there t v 11l be an entertainment at the castle for the Balmoral, Birkhall and Aber geldle tenantry, besides other functions for the neighbors who are no: direct ly connected with the royal estates. A fountain is to be erected on the road near Ballater, as a memorial of this anniversary, and it will be unveiled by the queen. The Philippine question is develop ing into a sizable white elephant. It is a greater problem than the one that confronted tk when we started out to conquer independence for Cuba. Nashville American. CORBETT SETS TO TALKING I f sti« vm ii# h (Mk m iii [ *R#4MNA sMs# s## §# tT 44##### A# t*>#4 hhßmi <•**# ll# «• s»# ****** j fim Jt#”* ¥<wk, !?»#■*•• *f* •i** l •*** W#.:9l III# l#vt#th## Ms » ‘ BmtomT* Af#k# ll#v»4*< cllilW#NMk O**# l * •#*■ #•* P**« ; .. ..., fl| iB A MttMlf I%«*lf r«r#« l*ik* { ii •Ia- mV ||t i# AI>I ’ # W 11.1 .r« 1 . THE WAN CAItQHT. He la Charged th Ith BreaKlng in a I Dwelling House. iPprtial Is The Herald. | Vau- liter A C.. Aug 11 The ne (To rr.*u who wfok# »• Mr Mm la* * tort ftol# S2M infill of c lcjUiln# I has Imen smarted by Sheriff Alderman ! amt lodged la Jail. Coastal la u ■. | H»t’ vn will go over to Alnen and 'before''Mugl'i rute J. B. Rid ■ non. Almost a Fire. Mr. W. W. MeCarty, who Ilea* a few miles out of town, rente v«ry ne«r 1 losing his dwelling bouse by firs a feet nights sgtv. He says he woke up alarm 12 o'clock end found that thk firo had meric ron»lderahle headway Mr. M'Csrty thinks the hourc rsugbt from the chimney. By bard work he Bttved his bo###* A large number of our people arc antlrlpsilng going up to Asheville, on the 24th. Rev. Thou. E. Seago will baptist* six convent out at his church at Eureka. Sunday morning, at 9 o'clock. Managers of Flection Messrs. D. E. Brown. 3. R. Rotcn, and C. C. Cook, have bean appointed managers of the election for this place. Mr. William Devare has returned to Greenville, where he will make his fu ture home. Mr. Hugh Cook is spending several weeks over In Georgia with bis many friends. We Carolina people appreciate The Herald's Columbia. Bateabm-g and Johnston letters. All we regret is that they do not upiiear often enough. Very Sick. Mrs. h. W. Morris, who wag hurt about five months ago, while getting off the Southern train at this place, is still very sick. We learn that Mrs. Morris has brought suit against the Southern toad for fifteen thousand dollars* The case will be tried in Oc tober. Henderson Brothers have been retained by Mrs. Morris to represent ; her In the courts. Of course the rall- I toad will have a 9H»ng team of law yers to represent the road. Oreat Opportunity. Wp are selling three hundred pairs of gents' fine handmade summer shoes, both high and low cut, for *C.4a. S-e them In our window, the sizes are right and the styles are popular. We have never [ Ut on sale as cheap a lot of shoes as these to let an opporunity like this pass, Is a big mistake. WM. MULHBRIN'S SONS & CO. The proposal that we. withdraw from any 'territory occupied by 11s and relinquish It again U$ Spain will not be tolerated by the American people, and ought not to be. New York Out look. This is the best time of the season to spend a day on Tybee. Round trip, via Central of Georgia, $ 1.50. T»» AtrOUSTA If tt:H AID. THE DEFENSE 10 OE INSANITY ' f(#4# $# l ii'##t 4$ #1 sk# ImM#* flip nn| | a#l Ti| I<v vu ! .mhf d ks < tmtntf lA* III# urn* tm tb* trial mponmtbt*' ! itm * bite riprr**n l r#r##l^.| ii I# ihmicht bf m&ny that II will N >* |ant tMltcr lo alal a Jarjr* thonebt at firm! ttial Tis lor vutiid Was »-■— *■ --* kaad ika fftrllgfnaßl iin ad . '©# IIM n«l " WITHTTRRRT #4 down am# sh# law will bt allow## io| Th# majority of th# p*of»l# think t»# v ,ll hana#<t for th# rrltn#. hut th#r# that h# will b» eoanalua# to ih# ##F-j Pt nlr who have fcno ■ n the for y< ars aay that InawtHy ruaa la the fsmil: and that one of Taylor's roue- Ins w< rt rraiy a few yeara ag<> Pnh llie Inf. real In the raw* Is amused snd the ou.cotne will be eagerly looked: . hr. HI; 15 T(X) POPULAR. That la Why the Colonel Docs Not Like Him. | ttavsnush. Ga., Ang. II. —Col. Patrick lit. Hey end the Tund i.giiui ut of Unl- Itad Stale* volunteers will leave Savan- I pah tomorrow afternoon at 3 o’clock jfor Santiago. They go on the govern ment transport Mlnnewaska. Camp I was broken at ID o'clock this morning lend the men marched to the ship. The talk of the camp and of the city today Is the coolness, of an Iceberg character, between Col. Hay and Lieut. Col. A. S. Reeves. Col. Hay is to hove the physical abil ity of Ills lieutenant colonel inquired Into after he reaches Cuba, with ihe Idea of having him retired from the service. This has caused Ihe latter officer to get up in arms Hgeluat hi* superior. He soys Col. Ray is not prompted in his action by any desire to sec Ihe service bmeflled, but merely wants to get rid cl him on account of Jealousy. j am too popular with my regiment to suit Col. Hay,” he told a press rep resenlatlve. "He does not know bow to win the men to him. He will learn after a while that volunteer* cannot be handled like regular*, with whom the colonel lias be< n associated hereto fore.” • Lieut. Etpavea. a few days ago, wrote to Senator Hate, of Tennessee, and ask ed ' him to try and Be fore a transfer for him. The senator replied telling him to stick It out with j the colonel, and says he is going to da j It. The prospect for many little conflicts between these officers after Cuba Is reached is evidently very good. Col. Ray does not care to discuss the matter except to say that the lleuten 15iit colonel's physical qualifications are to be inquired into. Lieut. Col. Reaves says When he gets to Cuba he lias no fear of an investigation. “Old Joe Wheeler is in Cuba.” he says, "and bn will see that 1 get fair play.” MOHRMAN’S corner FOR RENT OR LEASE. STORE 30X100. APPLY Tp J. H. MOHRMAN. HIT FEVER HOVERS NEAR vjfttß# I# iiit ( it«##"■ # ss#s### ss#4 AlN##4* Ali#»A* «# ( s##s### ts4## I# A4M#4#*4 #»?-%<«"# #fjf t»-frw> * *fW* r l «»••* *"t #*»*>'*• %j „ r t iff- tug# wf ||M llttMff *f* 4 •WAemMI Iff liM)4 I## *ffwvsr-||.ffk4| t l»r |Mis I M«m> »ui>inp-<1 tMI H k #»# I !• „ , .1 for t#o rv«#«lt III# r###o«i l* Ik#l »«k«#r k## J*l %#•» • te#tt## up io in*» w") * I ilißti itlltufk# nr# 9uppmM > -l tn oe I m. than l«w on«», *n **# that |h#*rT | fr%#r nuller#?*. #n# tk#y Ik •« ff«%- a Ins lo |Hp mnunl#ttl«* gffAiit ik lM ,i|. n |_ . n thr mount#in**. L, ||mf nhoul# ktuxk that !b#*»ry Intn * Th"- rtl**»»c Is noi fatal. Nois'd*- ! kinds of rslravagant twlabaa alwu ' oanting to shake 'df Ihla mortal coll, j and like expression* Home people outllva the disease. There la a gentleman tn Augusta who Had the disease In Its worat form and j for years dreadedto see the 2&th of Au- I gnat arrive, but the date has no ler- I rora for him now and he laughs to I think of the many handkerchiefs he ua led per day when he was a victim. llay fever rarely attacks people until After they have reached their major ity. although some children have been victims. Wh n a man has the disease, he la not a Jovial companion and la a poor talker In that hla sentences ar# too ful ly punctuated. He may be In the midst of telling you a most interesting anec dote, w hen he I* taken with a «nee*lng At, and when he la ready to again go on with Ihe story, you have and so has he lost the thread of tha dla enura*. While hay fever I* nothing more than a bad cold, It I* certainly a bad one in the long aense of the word, and what's more disagreeable than a bad cold. . . . . The disease Is not contagious, but la hereditary, and Is more common among men than women. Wlnnsboro Personals. From The News ami Herald. Nfr. I). G. Dwight left Monday for a short stay in the mountains. Misses Plxtey and Farmitw returned home on their tandem Saturday. Mr. W. H. Elliott has gone to Un ion on u visit to his father-in-law, Mr. Rice. Mr. David Aiken has returned home after spending a few days with his friend, Dr. J J ressley, In Rock Hill. Miss Maggie Gladden has returned home after a pleasant visit to Mrs. Kirkpatrick, of the Salem neighbor hood. Messrs. Lawrence Porter, Gordon Quaitlebaum and George Rion, went i to Calawba Falls Monday to attend a ! picnic. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Friday, after a few- days' visit to the latter'* father, Mr. R. H. Jennings, left Monday, for I^iurens. Mrs. Iredell, (ravelling in the Inter est of St. Mary's college, N. C„ after ■pending a feiw days in town, left on Saturday. Rev. J. D. Crout left Monday for Es sie, S. C„ on a visit to his mother-in law. There will he no services at the Methodist church until the fourth Sun day. Miss Mary Halllhan, of Augusta, was called home from Savannah on account nf the illness of her brother. Miss Julia Mulherin and Miss Bailie Black, of Savannah, are spending the week on the Hill, near Augusta, as guests n£ Miss Lillie Vaughan.—Savannah Press. I Bid DISCOUNT SALU . Thr** Hundred iMitnt of M*n*a Finn Hum) h# w«kl SHom in *u color* worth #4,00 p#r Mir to fO tor $2.49- n See Our Window! Two Mundrod And Fifty P*Jr« of M«n‘i Ok ford TMhi And Print** Albert*, worth $1.70 iwr pAir- to go for 09 Cents , See Our Other Window! Wm. Mulherin’s Sons& Co., 846 Broad Street TBOCTOM: HRAA(TI*I!V. , t«i w KhHi—Bi Ik* INW CaakW* Ni ik* I hvfsik. ! Wlffl*— Ok.. k«rtt IJ TV R»p«»h lick* nktialM ad <k* »••••'* «*•• IkSBHI MB. hew. h*ra W*4 1 ~1 j iff *hl|ißßßS k prwk»" 1 |_gg«-.k gmJt %f Aldwmt J# t#gk# ex f - #ti « -Til A to# fefft f I# «9f#n*# Ho# W O, Hr»#«S#f C\# I# 4##ft hi***wn | llif ffe)# #|g4flf| A# # Havw HI ### #«# W#H*f ******** •»#• j .. ..(.j dnr!#r«4 for # ****** tffkkkrikl fftCl'lM I ?gf s# f||#t trill If#* . , amil t* *f) Nt#«t#ffl##. { tm* m#tHrl#l. •## *H# lin »##***# #«■»* -.1, iHm of H»# Vktrjtvniii r*t»#l. **mn t* #ll# nf#rtlN| bf lb* !*#!<## 81#*## Th# rrarfri of f*rr«l##*l K»«l#y, Summer Suit Sale Our Summer Goods Must Go With the Summer. Those who suffer from the heat will ap preciate our endless assortmedt of light, com fortable and stylish Crash, Linen and weight Serges when they see the high quality at the prices we are selling them at. All Cheviots, Cassimeres and Woolens are selling at CLEARING OUT PRICES. I. C. Levy’s son & Co.. TA!LOR-FIT CLOTHIERS, AUGUSTA. .... GEORGIA HDEfID- Frogs, Snakes. Fish, Hogs, Dogs, Cows, filth from any thing that can be backed off into the river—and this is what you get when you drink River and Branch Waters. Now is the time you want pure HARRIS LITHIA WATER 5 Gallons for . . $ 1.00 Ale 90 cents Per Dozen Lithia Brew, a new drink, 90c per dozen. Lithia Sarsaparilla, sl.lO per dozen. 816 Broad St*, Shewmakes fI*“AU Rills Payable to R. L. FOX. READ HERALD’S WANT ADS AUGUST It fhfitr rtittfVM# JdtiH# ### NaU**‘ #1 CmmmiHmmmm !###s w*** m*m****> HON. W C.ADAHAON. rw la Rrasakwif* F«r WNkkßßl (IpymNißa. sr#f«i #f>f'### <J# Aw#-- It N#l H f A#AAi#d# •#* r»t»o#»*##l#4l f** rvvfifr won bf Ihr Ik* itov flit #f th# f*Ot) ft h #l#tft« I# «« r « ftMl# h#f# Th# NOIViUf# t#A# h*nw*klMM • tkrvMiffkokt Tha Übkkffk pUifotki •B* W J, Rritn •«** radnratl tk k ,*» duiina wkieff kba r »ld uikul* to tk* arrtkr** of Mr N-ÜBiuk. "Dn'l 1 Blrakff* that Harry will k*v ! ts p>nan Edith tn nff»a h i vurffT* Thr*# MMI b# MMikkr *lrl Ik Iffk | ck**.” t»