The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 12, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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6 FRIDAY CHRONOLO6Y OF THE WAR. ■PHIIjjMB Ww #• 999999* *9" p.«A»4 AmmMw *£ ****** 1 9fttf#fti| (%% 9#t9 99#9 ftMMA ft**®* 4 #* • ft I 100 9ft**# **9 100000 1000# 004 • ftft • is Woolof •»op*W ClMlft CI.9U9* .|M pftMMROO WOPOPO ' *o®*® j 00 *»rt| || - 0«N»> fHOO* ifWw 00 9-99 ftJOO 00*0 004 4HOO* ft|p99t994* | «m Yo# foooftaMo W 0 0n I0'» ft*#* 00ft #OOI fpMO *•0 M9f*9f 900 timi ohiHoo #oßo#* mm**-* * «*— ft*** ft**** lAm'w •#—»*— * pn «—t»ev W * «V« *•> * #B—» M— , • hNOTM»*». at By*>a in— 180»"* OmiM t 9—l *’*’ < * # p ag-r - Bk—a 1 ftiilftPP —8»— ** H>. uf# I'fiHiMl 1001011 PoftP#ftftoftt ft #** ■ *'•** * r * t 8C— 1 •’ MB#H* IF—**— •*— l «4#» to flab* Ml Jg—rv 14 t)#t •* *«»•* Mil* —ip Mai— wlwN M Hi ’M4 * .0000490 04t40Mft Poof9flfy Ml *** ®o4^* , o f ' # 9#fto -tai. . ra—»-I tot *•••• (**•*»» 10000001 1 tloft ffttfS#** 100 **• I*ffowfto“ IflrK'ftl't Ptrrir) l*. TW l*44‘M* »*lm Mat— hh—n •» <• H»»»»» prtef #»d 284 N*to IML fab,turf IT t’htlvd W«** ftMP* es laqe’ff a* Ike hwfol Ilf P*ifif *l» aoint**l (4».r k 4. K»»H>n-y bill 888 l *' a ■ 1 gtn to* It* lied Sl»r# (MM dc****e* *IU»MI II The pr—ldcnt —•<*» * !»'•«*«• -HA Ik* kl«( r*PMtl «'> , April I Or*. I—* *»<* <*<b*f ™* *•(• !*•%<■ C*k* "Ml |l. Tfcr prr*l<»m —hd* MMM*Kr I* raMmn reef——dins •r<nr<l later*—U— I* C*t*. April 15. War draw.turn! order* regular troop* to Ik* m—* April II Tfc* Intervention re*olu tkm* pttml by Ihf ***l4 April !». - The A«>«« !<•»■*■ the |*i*i >oi)> i* rrafflnlloß* April 1» TOf PMldfjl prrpar*- an ultimatum IpTftlm ffroianffing the nvacuatiun ot Cnba with!* Ihrt* 000 ft Aplrl 19. Hi* Cuban rf*oluitoa* aiancl by tkr t»ff*lllol April 10. jKfcnsh Polo y Barnab* aailt W»r hit pa»«port». April ft. th* t ! nli**s Ataira ailn tairf, Qmarai WwwHord. la glrAi hla pan* pnrta In Madrut April SI. Hpnin’a arvrranrr of Alplotna'lr rtlal loo* held lo be a dr clarttlon of war. April kl. North Atlanllr aquadroh aall* to lilorhad* Cuban i«»r a April S 3. Kin* ahot Aired, when th« I’niled Slate* Naahvllle captured the Spanith cmm trader, Hu ena Ventura. April 21. Prealdent’a proclaroallon to all nallona declaring the blockndn cd Cuban porta April 13. The prealdeufa rail l»- aued for 118.090 volunieer*. April 29. President’* proclamation Italics on Spamah voaaels In Culled Stmea port*. April 27. Asiatic *qundron aall* from Mir* Bay, hnvlna lieen entered frrm Hong Kot'g by Great Britain. In compliance with neutrality law to meet (he Spanish fleet nt the Philip pine islands. April 87. United States cruisers Nr*' York. Cincinnati and monitor Puritan alienee the batteries at Ma mmas. April 28. Spanish forts nt Caba nas de’Tiolished be guns l ' s W»*»ktp New Yorlt. May t. Spanish fleet unde.- Admi ral Montojo defeated and destroyed bp United Stales squkdron. Commodore fir-’ey commanding. May 2. Congress appropriated $35,720,945 for the army •of inva sion. May 2. Naval bill for thirty-five nc'v warships sent to the president for aignetur.e May 7. —■ Commodore Dewey's re port on the battle of Manila received. Eleven Spanish warships destroyed, and no Ametieans Killed. May 7. The president in the name nf the American people congratulates Commodore Dewey. May 9. Commodore Dewey is made rear admiral. May 11. Ensign Rag ley and four men on board guut>o4t Winslow killed in an engagement off Carde ns. May 12. Admiral Sampson's fleet shells forts and land''batteries at San Joan' Porto Rico. sfuy |f% —ended States establishes censorship on press dispatcher May 18. A new Spanish cabinej is formed. May 20, Secretary Ixtng officially confirms report of Spanish flee*, off Santiago. ,M*y 21. Charleston Ball* with | * M g aakaf Mppme ft* A«*MwM ftMP* I |AO ft«MO 10 0 -rtT |OOOO.. lo| 04ft OMM | I « %rnm*m*+m*** * I 000 oAoot'«*ft# *o# 1041*00* lHoft 000 M H 0 0: 10- Jo|oo ft AD** o*o4 ilVftl too'ft ft! f|»i»oo4ft nnT" My ftrn-nd *t** ** “ .*'**"* ** * 00000 |*OOT AO|M #MOO oMkt!o4o OWI ; II 000401 Roof‘4 m§ flrwt * M 0«M wa pan frtMß Tampa ft* Iwm It TV tar—o t*M Mpob ' *i— avia A* tk* rkiu—ia— i*m tt »- o— Pbarter * army taa la *i ft* **t*t Igm* t* •• «ft*—d ftp—vh attack —m tko—atd Amarta—a. m—p ftidwa e*d r—aftra Up—ftk rt wtaad AamurW— k— It Jim* ST 's*' t'—ka* wat— * fWt util*raj prepared far *ap*d*l— I* th* «—I «f flftnt* J—m ST *** Admiral Ott**r* t fl at Pwrt Paid twfmwd —al M ft«7P» —i peter* meat J*** 0 Third Manna espaditi—* ftftßft. J*!y I. Aaterlr— troop* mot* *P — City of fl—iMdo jaty s » America* tmepe capture Height» of Ha* J*** *•* 10 t'apay. «g)th great kM* o* kotk aid** jala t. Adm ral Cwt—’f —tit* fine d— roved at A— tia*» ky Ameri ca* fleet under Commodor* Ackley Jaly A Tk* Udro— l»U*d» am t*h—. ... Jaly A rirat relief pedlii— reaches Admiral Orwey at M—Ha J Jaly ». Admiral C*e*m* a»d 1109 Pp il*b tailor*’ capture confirmed July 1 o*p*. I«aaa*n of the lafan ta Marla Tercta. comm te wtirlde. and Admiral Viltamll dfta of hla truanda. July T. ld R Holrson and crew of nd I ter Her rimer rxchanped for Upanieb prlaoaer* of war. ! July I. Baaii—o glee* formal no-1 tie* of tsrcmy four hour* before Ik—-' i Lanlotrat July 1. Admiral Camara'a fle*l* through the Sue* canal uj Spain. July * Major General Mile* leaven with reinforcement* for Santi ago. July 10. Oak. Shatter begin* the bombardment of Santiago. July 11. Several dealh* from yel low fever reported in the American camp*. July. 11. ArmiltUe agmed for 24 hour*'at Saoiingo. July IS. The Spanish cabinet re *lga*. July 14. Gen. Toral formally sur render* Santiago and troop* and Bar- l rluon* In aaalern Cuba July 15. Commiaaionera agree on d tall* of aurrendcr. July 15. With formal cerrmonle* the Cnlled SUlc* flag ic hoisted over (be public building In Santiago. July 15. Gen McKibben named a» temporary military general of Santia go. July U>. Garrison and city of Cai muncra formally surrender. July 20. La. Col. Wood cf the Rough Rider* (United Stales First Volunteer cavalry) made military governor at Santiago, July 20. General Miles starty.l from Guantanamo for Porto Rico with army of lovaalo*. July 20. Underbidding a pool of American llcera. the Crmoania Transatlantic!) Kspanola obtained con tract for transporting Spanish prison ers home from Santiago. July 20. Permanent annexation of Porto Rtco announced as the policy of the administration. July 20. Spanish cabinet Informed lc Blanco that ho did not authorise Gen. Torsi's surrender. July 22. Gen. Miles cables from Mole St. Nicholas that his expedition is well on Its way. July 25. Gen. Miles lands at Gua nica, Porto Rico. July 26. Spain formally, through he'T i ’reneh ambassador In Washing ton. makes overtures for peace. July 2«. Americans advance on Port Ponce. Spanish loss, 3 killed, 13 wounded. Americans loss -t wound ed. July 27. Port Ponce invested; 70 lighters captured. July 28. City of Ponce and City of Port Ponce under American military government. July 30. - The French ambassador, M. Cambon. as official representative of Spain. a*ks for the United States' conditions of peace. August 1. United States’ tertjis of peace received and considered by (lie cabinet in Madrid. August 2. Further explanations of peace terms asked. August 3. The president receives unofficial advice that fepain has ac cepted the terms offered. August 4. Gen. Shatter’s army at THK Jk-TTQ-T7STJk. HERALD I aaa-aMW v—pts— ****** m> tai I I%4MM *4l# A—iii ■* if < op9»m Aft#*— —t j opftftft ftMft—k MM# 4« p**-« I ■—M—t ft— hum ft—Sui ««*• ft—>l 4e IftP kU«W4 »—4 ftp 4gr*» j | " m—(* v—*o#* *«.—4 HkM—y— ■ i*ia 0| "ftp* o—o OM4 INti't# f'oo 00# I rn* 0991 0 Vmmß- mmf—’—mm i It 00 *o9* |moP# - ONO ft 0ftct0|0(0» il #011990100 000 *OO I ‘#ooo4 i#i900(0t!00 010 100 loMft 04401993' t I ftl i*o |0 |fcMoo-t 90910 0# 44 i> *4 0000 I 190f0 09 |OO 0999449991 <4 *O9 4aftMoi4 | | #0919—9* *9 |9 09 99M1 f 0H90l 10W099 0 I «4 ||9o. 9ft *49119 0 99 **oo9ol 00#'* | *OOO 19 90ft* *99 (ft* < o'-ftkiM# ~*ft —ftc-4 0(f ; j 1 fti *#ft9* < ft ftftftfftpftft 9NO4RO* * ‘ # -0 #9ft9N ! nnrp * t rt— l W—m*— »» !ftm*h*«g rvp* ft— .. .. .. ......II —ft«UW| Cap- H-Sls) ~ A : ES?3£-£\ [ F'yrfcrtfcm o#ftr9o9ff rop H«Cft9oort9 .Mi m • I ] ; I *ooliot 4 |u|gotH|o t #P* fO9Vt9 A# •*a« 4 w »4S j (■—*ggk*a »>*pk, Jfanem— , .... t p— wtft ru—> —*B 1000—A.j ■ ••( lft* (xgftft—• r— M aftp—U •4 fir 1 f 0f Ttl9ift<o. YV9O Ml «0#99100 ftf <•%«*«*—*«%»# • Conft a •«« ftM 91019«4r, 00** II : 9fto ftNOOP* I*# r 100 a 9 0f r»0*(lf 19 101st | «|* OM(V ' Y*k*# Ift «00 000 ft r#9»o4f 19 «9# 90T0I foft r<oNr. rfft>9ft»9 9>nMo99 ripmmMlmft 0«hI 9lftrfooo9. •*#< Ift f9T*w u99»r t #0 ft 9# 00>l*y 90#*#ft'0f lift gtffNlf ftNM*fto 9ft4 9MNHH 00r09ft# 9. M« «olMev f»<9*-4y Ift 00 190949 oft ''l4o" * Iftftl. ftft ftft ftiftrft.—9t I# 1000 IMNI 09 ’ 4 Id' loftt|*f fi»hi# mM lomi4 €3O 4 C* tl y*#f t «f Hm-si **m*t I *#99 Mar#. A 0091 41999 There W»* 04*e* a Four hey. wla ' while walk tag ai—g law a Pi* —■ k* l*av*m—4 Mfore H.m 4|u t «ly the Mill* U 4 lhay*A Mi* B**pa »ad pwtka* up th* pts stuck 14 rarofuUy and arcurely il hla nut A Rich M—. t*haar tag te Fa— al That Time. —w the am— aad waa math tmprva—d by U; moth that h* To— the Buy, Into Ml* Beak aad Finally Adapted i Him Thirty Tear* Have Passed and the erstwhile pour boy Is a South Aft can MIHI—a Ire Th* Other Dw he diwwl a check tor two th—nd po—ds »M gave h to a so a—ooltnate. W#* l Had Not Froupered la Ult. "All thgt lam now. Joka. I ow* to you.’’ Paid the Millionaire "Hat I doa’t under stand.” glimmered the Beaaflrtayy. I "Simple enough If I had not hated you ao Al Schorl. I should never have puked op that pin to Pul on Your Seal.’" A Narrow tiscape Thankful word* erltlcn by Mr*. Ade ig. Hart, of Grot—. S ft. "Was taken with a bad cold, whtrh settled <>n my lungs; rough set la and finally termi nated In ronaumpttnn. Four d'vluc* gave me up. saying I could live but a abort time I gave my*e»f up to my Sa vior. determined if I could not atay with my frlanda on earth, I would ’meet my absent onea above My hum band waa advised Jo get Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption. Coughs and Colds 1 gave It a trial, took In all eight bottle*. It ha* cured me. and thank God, I am saved and now a well an dhealthy woman. Trial bottle* 1® cent* at Howard A Wlltct'a drug store. Regular »l*e 50 cent* and JI.OO. Guaranteed or price refunded. A Hero Dead From The I—ington Dispatch. Jdr. Willis P. Johnson, the brave en gineer who was fatally Injured In the : recent wreck on the Atlantic Coast i Line, at Hampton’* P »nd. near Co lumbia. died from hi* lnjur’.ea 1n that city cn Monday. Ho could have Jump ed and saved hi* life, but he preferr ed to stick to hi* pool of duty and j amid the smoke of hissing steam ho stood with hla hand upon the throttle and received wound* whtrh caused his death. 20-yenr filled gold watches In ladles’ and gents’ sixes with Elgin or Wal tham movement from $7.00 to tt? 50. Guarantees with each watch at Lewis J. School's. Reliable Pawnbroker on Jackson street. It la reported from Paris that Prince I/juis Napoleon Itonaparte. who le a colonel In the Russian army. Is about t.o be engaged to the Grand Duchess Helena, daughter of the Grand Duke Vladimir, and tharefore a eousin of the Cxar. Prince Jsntla Napoleon, who was burn nt Menden In 1864. Is the second aon of the late Prince Napo leon and Princess Clotilda, of the roy al House of Savoy, and a grandson, therefore, of Jerome Ronaparte, King of Westphalia, and brother or Napo leon I. $1.50 to Tybee and r«- turn evprv Sunday via Central of Georgia. Bath ing now is best of the sea son. It is probable that an announcement will shortly lie made of the betrothal of Prince Francis of Teck to Duchess Marie, granddaughter of the Grand Duke, and Duchess of the elder sister of the late Duchess of Teok. and, con sequently. aunt of the prince. The prince is 28 and the Duchess Marie 20. Pistols. Double ttnrre! Guns—Pistols. Harrington A- Richardson Brand new pistols. $2.50; Harrington & Richardson second hand pistols. $2.00. American double action pistol, SI.OO. Guitar, Man dolin and Banjo Strings. 2 for 5 cents, at L. J. Schaul, Reliable Pawnbroker. • GooD iuck BAKING POWDER. I 5 THE BEST. Hi«h#t*. of AH In L####n lli| PiM»r. A x UNCLE SAMS NAVY Portfolio No. 9 can be se cured at The Herald office for 10 cents and a Naval Coupon cut out of The Herald. NUMBER NINE CONTAINS A MONO oTHKI GOOD THIS<«f% PICTURES OF Knaign !*#»+ , (.-.I Cruiser New Orleans. Monitor Puritan, Torpedo Bi«l Ptipont HmrUrji of mat*. Map of Nova I Distances. ah(.*4n« progress of the Army ard Navy of the t'ntted Hgitea. pictures of Camp Ufa. Navy Yard*. Large Map of Cuba and many other good IhltlK*. 9 9 This coupon, when ac- i companied with 1.0 cents, entitles the holder to one i copy ot Uncle Sam s Navy Portifolio, at Thk Herald oflice, Augusta, Ga. Mail orders must include 2-cent i stamp lor postage. 9 9 j I Bark number* of thl* Handsome se ries ran still be obtained The Her ald oftiee. FOE S-AJLEJ. 459 Greene street, a mo dern brick residence with mansard roof. All conve niences and in good repair. Will sell at an extremely low figure. Also house and lot 450 Telfair street. Will sell at price of lot. Apply to CLARENCE E. CLARK, Krai Estate, 882 Broad street. FOR SALE have for 9aie very desirable build in* !ot located in the centre of one of the handsomest blocks in .tjie city. 18 ill sell same very cheap. Just the place for a handsome residence ior your family. Good titles. CALL ON MRS. JERRY O’HARA, NO. 13»7 GREENE STREET. I pAJMIIMi HIM #OIO ST. iLBEHTHOTEL ll Hillman. Ga.. oft 99 *|#9%« «00###ftM9 « 9*44*4] ftfti§9fr *sm "urtirir 9*4 ftft 904jMl i 99* # ». t B'mftii mf* 91 ft.#-* #«*#*■«Mft #»4 j [ #M9oftftw 0990 nogß»w-»-c 9 # |M9##ii4 | o*ft*o*ft 9M*obfth ft 00ft A —BB# h#f#y#l ft^RMftft* - A—* il sorti mm i THE REED HOUSE -—-AT HAM I M lIMJ F*» IN AftoMMAUM hf ChJMMt •♦hegth. M—- M. A. ha— i— ***** i mum *t <h« Mi—i m M#*wm —a —* tog* •—*— <h— b a—.'* »■ w— —• «—g —• p— a"i* m. —d Mat— a*g*c m MM* M A. Mill*. HarWw. O* FOR RENtT” phtrnaatg ottMlxt *T t/rt* I pma mtakt 1 MM I -dtoe he 4—l ' •h* fwtinsi— tissfw—Mg m—•— aw* | 4tf Ge—— *4***4 iiK»»i4«a * r—* *#,• 111> o m# ftlvwftt utt»««fiiii» 4 t#o*9Mi ft# 09094# ftftfftft# *.**.. *»•*•##. ft 100490 j tllft t j riTM'tl l 9IVOO# »«W* mg 4M» 4 90009# ! IIM flrrmirr «*#o#ft »*«» #*•#**««* ft 900915 t ! 9»*9#*o <099919 fttl <oftfto#ftMoftlVoo ■■ ftillmt 999 9###to NN# 9» ft i 99ft ■ 09ftiftfi I j tftw# 91 l4»ftft jftfftftft 909 fl 9 #ftt| I## j JOHN W. DICKEY. 1 a— I Library B*Mt*g ‘ t*m w4in«B IKI* a*- | adfttog. but t !»■**• «ki harm a , < ;*• liin|« muM o**t hm indued to t&u old faafehifWMl nt#Uß««l again, i ! Y<hi at tt It no Htay ta r* , #ata«* > tint ()§« lung* If yott trant «*»e 4Wt . [ «i*f .• %>Aj dt‘tiit, i rtf* aam«* aitn jroyr , I and run the rink of rMllltf it. You nib ' The Gas lifkl Co. if iepta, BROAD BT. TO RENT! ! From Oct. Ist, handsome . House of eight rooms, all modern conveniences- No. 1251 Ellis Street. Also Cottage House of 6 rooms No. 1329 Ellis St. APPLY E. J. HICKEY 212 Bth Street. Buy Your Wife a Greene Street Home. No. 41! Greene Street la located Wi one of the moat desirable sections of the city. House built of brick In a hami»ome ami durathe fashion. Con tains right rooms, both, etc., all In good «tfler. Lot ts by IT* feet. If you contemplate purchasing a home It will be to your Interest to con sider this property. John VV. Dickey, 1 and 2 Library Building. DON'T RUN THE RISK of Using Bad Language, But Go To Simmons’ Bicycle Shop 711 broad street, And Get Your Work Done Well. For the next fit) days Bicycles Enameled for $2.00— High Grade Work- Lowest prices in town on Repairing. Second nand Bicycles bought and sold on easy payments. ALL WORK GUARANTEED HALE OF SDUrniIAN LAND BY THE ACRE The Augusta and Summerville Land Company will sell, at public sale. 70 acres of land’ on the Harrisonville Road, in blocks of two to seven acres, on Tuesday, August 23d, at 5 o'clock p. m. W. C. JONES, Secretary. aattPilAb ptrt* twa* CharlMton t W Carolina ***•—# # •—»***#•#—N**» y ItM—* fNM *44 'hM |. a-.~— J - ' hawm'Tiiw * BBSS***r***wnfeji * ##* ■■ ’ | ft -144#: "490911 I *|S3im*»hh m| I*B mmrn ' "iamM#— •*. •!*• _i»* 'MMi—Mw -1 A*—* ***—• '■Srmi#— *' a^pm”******* i * A«i—(Mr,, . ' I#oß——*’•■- " ms—.| * h—faNMM *<■ ~.«T|BM k— * tvwss **»—#'' " Ml!**•( *•— .fmawMHk...... «mw •*' • 4 ! ' Lg— , ;, , , t*-i— *'*%— *—■—mTh”'! sw***i i^*» *. *—.sm .. j.ih<«; \a*|— jt » £* «**.'«... t **s **4*—- *■ - 2* jSZ * pjftp. »■»—«■ HHkoH***** I I * 0088*0*■<*— . La A— ■, *.,* - MAWW A® 40*40* Hrro rr,—l “» MM 1 * fw— *■•**— * 1 mi mihb »—a a—m . ——i 1 « U.*....0. "< Mftiftft# tilMft [ * |9fto«B9k«4. i.. *... —. . •##« i ft44p9i *4Lw——....... i>. y>. _*a*f— fsnftSti^——«...*. i a#*— - fiTtijir*' f ~ ■ ._■ im* * nitlk—M.. m*. f I 4*p— <LM— ■m—^#L>... ...i Mh* a**— * N#. i ii, ‘" ,, ** , 'T" MJJmw i—» m ***m —am A****— w*a— M— aawm—— at 4 a thaw* fa— a** pa— — P A. I* . ..... . fbm in —ir~i at 4Mmp#a— at. *— KA. L. **B r. *4* fMww— a—* PswMastws* t*4H> Saw—•— Bw wap. las—* M——— k4w«* ts ■— *l —a.. ts.j ikarn.— f— a—. A. M. P€»nH *ll—ll A— T M AMM—'k I**BU Ms*—- it*— h* BLUE RIDOE RAILROAD. H. C MBATTtB. Mm—v—- CSa—lkm—B M—4-ham * I .g par'd 8 Fie— Pav'd Class c»s- * cm- cm- M i 4 g Ml* 8 fit. is* ; Pmu—. M» Dty Me IS N«4 g M« M M« » j AM PM sAmv* Uaw PM *** j# a l p.. **4twa* I I*it t? ip »id n..» Ew»v— ....13 I4tii i* ta*r : —mi A*t«s . f l-t*n *s *th I l«l* - - P—dhM— ...PI Mil.** *. ta- 1.P141 Ch*vry Ctw—"B ? 4—II M a«i i— t* a4w > eg—Fp f| U4*t *» • IP I it 14L.. 'tkIXACA ...Si i SU# *l4 I !«0 t «t- is: . w*-t cm— m« *r. U . Hath*.** ...p| AM PM ! |L— v* Arrt—;PM PM. K« II No 4 P" *1 **«-* 8. H—ulaf Pmu— F rm* nation All r—wl*r Irsis* from Andvr*«>n to Wslhalla right lo track over train* of tk* poolt* dirr liu*. unlroo otharw— —*v* ificl by tra.n order*. Will aka stop si folluwtag stations to tsk* tat at It! «S —asrngvrs Phln sry s. Jam** *nd t**»dy Purtwgs No. II roMidi «lth BuwUmlM rail way No. U at Asdvrwm. Noe 4 and « ro«n.-c4 with Sou them railway No*. U and ft at A—s«a J.’R. ANDERSON. Pup. rlntvnd*nt ATLANTIC COAST LINE. rfcltkTKff AKP ip H'EIKT KOt’Th 101HK KAbT Al»l> NORTH. SHORTEST AND QUICK K*T ROUTE TO TUB EAST AND NGRTrI. tspipm Lv .August*. tm. Ar 7;S*am Lv Aiken Ar | T imm 4:l7pm Lv.... Denmark —Ar * I'pro 4:4*pm| Lv... Orangb’g —Ar j 4 —stn *.ogpm, Lv. bumter. P. C...Ar < 3*m 4.13 pm Lv.. .>l ....Ar | I 2£am 10:2Ii>mj Lv. Fayetteville...Ar i 1 Up* Iillam; Ar .Petersburg,Vh. Lv j * l!pm tiOOsm l Ar... .Richmond....Lv I 8 11pm 7:4lam: Ar..Washington..Lv »:o*am; Ar... Italttmoce—Lv !:»pm 11 l&am Ar. .Philadelphia..Lv !H:«*pra 1:03pm! Ar.. New York....Lv j »:3Csm Pullman palace buffet sleepteig car* from Macon and August* to New York without cbgnge. R A. BRAND. Gen. Agt.. 713 Broad St.. Augusta. Ga. *T. M. EMERSON, Traffic Manager. H.M EMERSON. (Jen. Pass. Agt. CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY. Schedule In Effect. March 6. 1898. Eastern Time Standard. Leave Augusta, Southern Ry.. 0:30 p.m. Arrive Cheater. Southern Ry.. 7:18 o.m. Leave Chester, C. & N. W. Ry 7:45 a m Arrive I.enoir, C. & N. W. Hy 1:16 p.m. Leave Lenoir. Stage 2:00 p.m. Arrive Green Park. StnVc .. .. 7:<»0 p m. Arrive Blowing Hoik, Stage .. 7:30 p.m. U. w. HARPER,* C. F' HARPER, G P A ••If You Want to Make Money, Move Iff the Company of Thosa Who Are i taking Money." SOUND ADVICE FPOM A SUC« CESSFUL FATHER TO HIS SON STARTINQCUT INUIFE. ADVKRTISKR9 WHO USE THK HER* AI.D GET RESULTS. i WHY SOT GET IN THEIR COMPANY.* tlltUt l. voi lt COAL and WOOD FROM THE North Augusta Coal & Supply Co Quantity and Quality Guaranteed. F. W. SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Bell ’Phone 2164 Strowger 3bo AUOU9V' #9 jUlt ntt*l' 4W*tHJF« S. t l 6. MILAtT CO ft9# k 099 fOTPpcyi I to—MM. MB' R— 1»»«M— --h—* Pith" #4— tm—a ■ Ut* —i *o t ♦ iW— T-IKaB ' *» 4«n— immi— h* * ia—l 4a* a—— il h— • 44 **tp* ** * l * ,|, **h iLij**!!— 1 h#*e r*s—4 hh-P** a L* A 4—— »‘*4* T* * *^*w 4 * a *A* i*BS4*g**Bk4*BB* 4* —BMAMJM A• ra*. asm*, a® a—— ssa*4— 9 -0189 9999*9 ft' iftftftft : 099ft99 •- % 9HMPW9. * I*# 9# 9ft ' 9 ftft 19j9 I T mm ! A* « —l 44 m*» J 4» ■PM’MMjgPd* ,4* 8 ■***'•*» **■*— t* '— *— f*—* ,Ail s, 4ss A. i—W' *4 A * ,fc '* * 1 dies* *<4t»M»<*t**TNl*> its— 4I lS**—F* t« a e 1 AIhMS L,* Ao—J— -4> I4P— *• I’— »*f— ». S4M *b4» ltd Ik #— 4*B*»AilA th'*w*h earn— m a— •—* ®— T—h i fj"j m iisa !>*** 1 #TK— V«——•*— 'Ar A<4—i... > Jk’ *h— pr #*—••—#BMM 1 S’ Ik— e ll—i I* I—B A tk— ja* g—M A Was* t» a— 8.1 It*— ia* ta— t*- t—s*» At am— .1 Ma— | At #*• A* A s—,«'l4W—| *BOO4OIA lilYlh*»»>. tm<ty i '*■■•— mm dhF ' i——~2«gr—T Hftsta CWp—TtMCS j IvA—e* .<Ma...| 18#—. L Art—* 1 .sails ; 484*— luff— Las—a > Apt— Ala*—. . 4 4*B 4 BAa*s j A— 4*»>rt» . ..* L4ty— £o22 SLmbhssv Hum ! tsajifsis 1 . 'm'ZT: ~ "rr mro9s 'Us-Mm— 't— 4A*Ba L—— M—*#*> m .1 KM jUM I M9#999999ft#91ft0»" **•* i J9ftfti ft f*ft#9 * ABOM ks—mt ii ‘ g 99 IgMt*——B a* »VMS *8 •M 8— ! Task —a— a— —4 —M— li.kat*—— Fas, —(Ba*—, Augs— — itM—a erad —aad —— 8— J.W. MBOB. L A. I»»jM8. 4—a— M.a—ar TraMr Mas— F. 8. •**—». C— a— . f •,*•— *— ' SOUTHERN RAILWAY. r—nlTtiw *4—.nnCU—Mi aaA Aa*— j ■WI4K i—ra «■— krtvwi Ka ta—4— —4 CSB»» P—at*. J—y At— MMBO—B |a—ly. I—Ur. £-f.oisV-rto 7s; ir, s££?**** i ift Zjszsr' "" il® *»«> ter r ; ~ Its Si t:s=3j.*r.... ||t If: - k'-rk Bin ’*• ;2? :::::: ,»«j lTo—bom • * i—»m* ; ITam * Kra fork ■ | Hm * ~ '»* •t's-.S n—i t>a«r. Lv Sew York. Pa. MB- ~t *Bp U 'Jat “ Pbitadvlptua • A«| Sjf* “ bjime re »»p «■* Lv Vu4 too. So. Ry . ; 10 4kp 1114* Lv~~ lihai II th- Lv Panctllv 5 80s AUp Lv Norfolk » *!> Ar. t4i—iboeo e 14 m Lv ittw«..liovo j 70S» 7 ,>2p •' Chart— 9 34* W 8»p ■ hi'i Hill 10 a 11 —P “ Cbevtvr ............... 10 B&t* lllfTp * VI ian»S»ro. I 11 el la 12 hi a Ar t ofM* UtaoPg vt ill ««ia; 1X a. Lr. IVUninbtaCu.dap'l. 114p| 4** - John-tona *Wp * t»a “ Trriiton . - B—p f 24* * Onuntevlllv ■ | S»P 7Xa Ar A . ‘ . '“* !.r. AahevtU* ' ' P Lv Hiwrtaonarg w ll **» rt 14 p Lv bia7b.~SG.Ry”. ..I 9®op! 7«a Ar (haricot on \ 4—pi U 00a LTcol-bia. F.C.AP Ky II »* If « a •• Kivam.ah ««7p. ®«»» Ar JackvonrllS. ! ®B4 Pi 814 a iikki’ivu Car s git vine Rvcetlent daily pa««en*vr —rvtce between Florid# »Mid New Y firk. No*. * aad an-W n-tungton and Southweatern Limited. Solid >«tibnTud tmin with dining c#r« #tiU flrmt 4»!#sft <*fj#che# north of Lwpl9 Pullman drawing room ileepiu* oar. between Tam—. .laek-*>n>-ule. "availnab, W aahingron Sleeping Car* between Charlotte and Richmond. Pullman drawing-room sJeeplng earn ne tween Greaaahoni »»d Norfolk < tlon at Norfolk for OLD POINT COMFORT, arriving there in lime for Solid tram, with Parlor cam, between Charleston #u<i Asheville. No.. 85 and *—l7. K. Fn*t Mail. Throngh Pullman diawiur room buffet -IC i,inii i twe.*u Jackaonvilla and New lork and Pull man aleeping curi b.'t ween Augusta and Char -1 lotte Pullman sleeping earn li*t«em» *«k nsuvtlle and Colombia, eu mute dai!) tietween JaekwmvUle end I ln.-inuati. via A.hcvill*. FRANK H. C4AK2KSK. J. M.t iL*P* Third V P A W*n Mgr. J *.'*/V. l ; n J ton W. A. TURK. G. P. A.. Wadiington. Q P- A- Atlanta. GEORGIA - - RAILROAD. (90th Meridian Time.) Schedule Effective April 24, 1898. Pullman Sleepers between Macon an! New York. Through Pullman Sleepers between Au- - gusto and Sl* Lxtuio. Lv~Augusta ..| 7: 03am I 3:2opmilo:3opm Ar Atlanta ...[l2:3spm! *:2vpm| 6:ooam Ar Maeucr ....!’1:15am|.... ....J 6:4eam Ar Athena .. ..|l2:lspm| 7:3opm| Ar Gntneavttle!*3:4spm| I * Ar White Pi B,*l:OOpmi I Ar MilTgeTe . 10:10am|....... -1 4:3oam Ar Wash’ton ..|lo:loain| 7:iopm| - Picayune train leaves Augusta dally except Sunday at 5:15 p. m., and ar rives at Miiledgeville at 8:10 p. m. Trains arrive at Augusta 6:IS a. m, 7-(5 a- m., 1:20 r- m and 8:25 p. m. A. G. JACKSON, G. P. A. JOE W. WHTTE, T. P. A. " j