The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 15, 1898, Image 5

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MONDAY 4*M* MMII IMM *•»*•♦*»« ******* U*» ««■» tin •* »*• »<n—iag*w*, Georgia Railroad Bank AUOUKTA. oit©to©iA in*«rvi J MUNH WtetrUMßll «. *Am fiklft t * h AMt Al . fc«Wr*» ♦ ■ ■ ffiim -j» ****** •* sdMPNto ♦’ a rtoNTTir *t tototoiNMA »hn \ mukao at at« (««*' «MM« Mml HI *•*«» #*• fcnutof ItUHM AmhMUM tW Ifce MlfHMI* tkntfc* gIM f kfVlb ***** **« DM *MMB '** •mmw «f * s*<ma legnunspe ** #** IMM bn Ik* WtkdMlff *MM es •*♦ |#»i *hn» to MW k* tektod in intmf t «t ffce pad** Mr *•** An* VMM* Ik o****** ***** tW *i(MlA*i* Mmv (Nr ****** ngy v, kbw It to e* •**> ***** tkkk • SMIOSk put mm ***** ***H t» Mot • »••*• t**w a** #**m iMmwni #••*•***• *■* llw fIMtUN *** )** tfcrt ******** nf •M ****** <•** i*******t M Ik* •*** *•*• ilk* F>*«*tkn • #*•*"**■ TeWnsd IM N»mMU» wf I** ************ ******* •* **• |*«t**t *r*W o*r • I* Ik* ks Qwgfrvt «n«| at f*«W* Ml Ikww , w) 4rpm***t N I* kN »***’« **t H**T. ***» Trat* akd kmkdMl • *•». «w»! .fcnptyv hs *>»r* A Al ****** m *******-i mn) tin. **« r»i* int~- ***** fc«**M*i by »*' Mil <k# pnwb«U« f*He I* lir l - *f tmfMMtUn* *k* nit i**mm4 Husahetn Ami* IP •»» in*l mt Am**m VIII . Ik* Amt dugs *f Itevwy I* M* It Ml* hlk ** Ink t* kM castl# at k*Wk*i to Ihmr pm (agHfc-e *llk mm* Mfcov rsdim TMrt> la** yniam •Ito**-**4 H**- Amyl's Wtdanf IwstaW'Sd II ** Ik* k**N* ■I ItNf to tttt ik* M» *toli*« *kf*i w*» Mli**'name tv «avvd frw» **'• lag k*r»»'< to • taaffaffasiiw* *k»< k lurtmv ! Ik* rlwrt to which ll mm gtosai, ttoftns fkto ttto* It *n* irtrt** ev pir4 Mr wne-pulMi *! ktoto* ilW** **4 Vsvry'N IIIN). k**k fill** ®f l’'*4 wmmi to Ilk M w## *•**• .dined tre— CtMtorr. and remained iher# uniil (RTS, • ton II *»* take* to Tu rt*. •tom II fc** to** ever since. Iter in* ik* *mnl mtirr Ito koto wind in* «gc et fcn* been k*fcH*l? «en'•rated •m lime* to till. *1« Victor K»>. r • n*t I. re-ewtecad h'.t rt**!**; to lil*. •to* Pin* VII. *•• to Turin tm M» mum from rill*; to IKS *1 ito tunc gamt'an «f Ito r*'M of Carl* tVUc*. *f Am vn *n4 to HI! (Ml IMS. M Ik* ■wrrtMm rs VlfW Kw*b**l n#4 fcl* •no Ito prwiil Ktoß llnaitorl. Tkr »'n«ltn* *h»l to *rklrli nor f*»r4'* M< *m r«T#lof**4 il fcl» tor lal la M*aUoof4 to M tour *♦■«**!- Mia. Among the J#w;»h rit"s foe the d'««l It niA nuMomary. niter rUmtng tits t|tt and the wotisfc, hi bind with •trip* at cloth. to <ottb the tinlr, wsth Ibe hf ty. anoint It *iih uaimflti, and wrap H In a ahead. This sheet tier* not rorrrspond rxartly with what we rail a winding ahMt, twin* a rather narrow piare of linen which corercl the body, bark and front, with the eitrrmUlea meeting nt the feet. In noth a manner that a doable Impression of the figure would be left if etalned allh hood or ointment. Tbla doable Impression of our Ikird’s hody la rlearly ylalble In the preclou* rel'e now at Turin, with the wouada In the bond*, fret and aide, the mark* of the crown of thorn*, and the outline* of the beard and bair of our Savior, The impression I* » little over five feet eight and one-half Inches long, and ev ery member of the body Is in exact proportion. The ceremonies at Turin on the 25th. when the exposition of the holy wind ing sheet were inaugurated, were of the most Imposing character. Five archbishops and bishops assist ed at the functions In the pr-aence of the prince and princesses of the house of Savoy, among these being the Prin cess Clotilda, who thirty years ago sewed it in the red damask cloth from which It was removed last Wednesday. Bucklen’* Arnica Salve. THE BEST SALVE In the world for Cuts. Bruises, Sores. Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands. Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Eruptions and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed."to give perfect satisfaction or money re funded. Price X 5 cents per box. FOR SALE BY HOWARD & WILLET. MUST NOT BE TOO GOOD. Washington Post. I Mr. Garfield baa come to the conclu sion that the path cf the truly good young man in politics is badly littered with broken glass. Wm. Schweigert & Co., Jewelers. tu«j> mimm ammma •Mt r*-. . «..iii «0 A ■*•*. f Aw mi* to* t«*«i ttotow ik* Ami tw A* lam*. ll* | *** IA = O** Pf Ik* i txf tlto to# ttito |NAlto' A.#* St«n>to 'tot t fA ftkto ptotinf tsto* (HMMtoNNI» , to iImM l|pk np.%l *s4oo iPf •<tl IP InP# HI 4M‘ I &***« fIPAP «HMI INI «lN» #■»►* fliMik Imn • itototi IN# JMMi H tit • *ni p#Nt ilmal (%« r«k>%to»itop til AiiMNik . gH « * flNiy - pi#p Pftit llto <Ntop##t| • ||p| tfeto iMPHt ** to ‘to ftp# pto 4 IPi tp^toi ’toNH !>*## ptotoNh# IN Mt IfiMMN Hrft . ft g> I tWfto ttoNM Jfktftl ## p«i itoto ’• topN |p •NNNMP'itMP PM* toto* to*ttokt Pttp topt. IN * 4 phtotP itp*4to* idft <4 AfffWt kl |m_| Mpf ttkcr* MtPI #• rt,rM Ip IN* ?k»fto # itoNito fto*t skit ttiitoit M II i tTtot ttoi ptotot lltto r •f»*Nlp«n»to •#t 4 ipto <HN piN rf(|««r to iff W 9«f Mil «cpt Mt #ftofNt Uni* ttttof Pit) I |m> flpto ftof • Nttoto* f |tt ton# ll f MPtVff j MMlttotto ItHPt •». Mt. Hr n F WtoliNf, <rt» fMN • ](«••#<%• •«***•! m. am of Ik* t nrr*'. l**l n* a*ft of ps*4****** w*A. . pr—' Ml f*M» *#f*r4 *t*fc «k«i tor Of*H a*M. ifcoack fc* »a4* Ima »*»*rk. Mr WaSkrr Ml tor arm* Ulk*4 . a**k tk* kMrW l ** Ml Ik* >*k|*rl, B*4 itma*4 ik**i I* tor** *f a Mat* lair at ’a* Mala a<at ynar, ll fca* k*** •****♦ • it** Mac* ifc> wm *W*a fcrUl a fair, f nto>4 llHt*t iMM IfttWi N <YNI • Ml*"Hil* 9# <Nt" | tfiHiNlfPl ®t tit* IfflrtUwfil I ftf (ttto NttoktN Ytto tit fltotNtotltotot- Til# •<** irtjr la *M-rr mniM* ikaa it k*» kr«* }ia mam. a*4 II k taka* a* a (air It {•lil pw*k ik* 'Birrprta* lor all It k* L -.fU, prr«l4rt*l I'"** I»m*n kaa M> Ipefiwr la fair*. Ik win ik ' Wlr**r*M rianallln* at Mawklaatillr. |aa4 ma4a a rrr*l arm** of K Hr I* |« lN*ai**a* m*a »» **!< *a a fararr, |»a4 mlw fcl* l»»4«r*k)p ik<* »*rtrn! (•Ural anrlrlp* la an p'laklna inorr .Hi an ll ka I* ***m fir la a man wltfe [a t*tiri*o»*. lap* kla plant *r|| and <ar rira ik m out «nll An* (air «•>»< b* | null rnilnr. r *nul4 bt likrly to #**t- Tt-err la a a nrrsl Aaairr a*n<>nc Iha m'lntxra of ikf melnr y In hold a (air at Altaata. Tkrr kivr aa kka that Atlanta alii ptrrh It alnnc. aod thrl vllh lhr rnii-'l rfTrrl* of Ihn rltp nod •k«> nnrlntp. It «rr*nld b* H»n amalnrl •wcrras la Ihn hi»i« ry of atatn akalra. I rtcfllLL fIAY LOSI; MIS JOB HU Reveal Break Is Ooiag to Oo Hard With Him. Atlanta. CJa.. Aug. IS. —J. Waters McGill, state secretary at she Young i Men's Christian aesmuiiioe. Is very apt to lose his Job on account of his recent ! stricture on the officers of th~ Georgia, i reg n cats and his more recent apology ft.r the charges he made In Ms fa mous letter to Mrs. Governor Aikln- Ison. • I Nothing official has yet been done In the premise*, but tbe statement that the slate secretary la likely to be given the bounce is made upon the authority of a member of the at ate executive committee, under which he serves. This memlier hi also a member of the army and navy committee of the association and while he declines to alow the use of bis came or to say that there is any concert of opinion among his Mlow mnnhers of the rommiittee, from what he sap there ha* evidently been an in terchange of views looking to the de capitation of Secretary Waters Mc- Gill. According to what the "ommltteo osan referred to says. Secretary Mr- Oill trade a bad break in the eyes of the Young Men’s Christian association officers, as well as in the eyes of the ptiiilic and of the arm” officers whom he made mad by charging that they were using relief funds to give wine suppers and other dissipations, instead of applying It to provide comforts for the soldiers. Some time ago a little bottle of Cham berlain’s Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea ■ Remedy fell Into my hands. Just at a I time when my two-year-old boy was | terribly afflicted. His bowels were be jyond control. We had tried many rem edies, to no purpose, but the little bot tle of Colic, Cholera and Dlarrhoe Rera -1 edy speedily cured him. —William F. j Jones, Oglesby. Ga. For sale by Alex ander Drug & Seed Co., C. R. Parr, !of Beil Tower Drug Store. SANTIAGO HURT MOST BT PILLAGE fUf li Xat toftMtoi) Nk*{W ftf j Itototmt litok tk* toawrtk tarn to*** »totof •» ! ibrnw* tk* la** ta*% IkMaWa *a*a**f I l'm*aaaaarta4k**A »*n ««r 4* ram Amt It kakttaa* j M* **l~h~t4 Mat* AM* r *♦**• tk** | .«-*>• am at to* kato *4 aka* a*4 , pM*aia*l *am Ik* kr* mv* at j t„.trt*. *M IMW tk. mrnrnm *1 Pa**a m*>* **'it *a***M**A I a*** | •adW* ikiawdk Of* kaw* k*iaa a*4 ak **w kHI fc» k*4 a*t Mi*k* * *k#» * * . a** **4*fk*k* a ****** fc* *dMn**w*'t j Wra • I** (n**a*a araakad I* IV*Ua 4*l r wtlti* a* 4aa*aa» kit* k**a 4**» a*4 *aa t*n**rt*t aMMtart a*** 1 *** ***i ik* dtl *■ * and Na W*d tk*H *f. • W BjL ll |n r ;l jJif’lA' Ml* t Aaf’fkMl'^.lPtolplt l # to# . I*. • itopf toNftoftl IfNMto to# pmmlmk MPto# tk* ■‘linat ik* *%M*rt*«* a* <k* t l k*«* pm i*#***! Irma ika m» tototoN M# Vl tot tlktotr tp#to*rto*t« IN mMMH Hto 1 _■ n in *r« **• «hM *rw "f |4fl*a** a*A wdiaiina to*a4r*4» *4 Ik* **rk> *ar k***p*Nl Ik AtrtaWkka *** AtollNl M* a atria* «f ik# ♦•*• ** *»*•**• ** ** P**4tf ft Ika (k»<4 *al4lar total* hat k*«* M*l*w. (Nr**m*k*a* kaa* rat !»»*• ( and ala-bad ta atara*. rvk rant la a* k*rh«4 aad 4*4km*4 and «»*r IN# >tj »i totoci toll*Nil pp Pllto tovftoptito - Ntof. #ONP.MN ■Mmv a Ihi** S Ilf to#- 1 ij t to to-nkt iiT7 W. *t'rnnt ft AN# Watt Hnatr* kafad tk* h**»* <tf tor tkwmtka. a fcdrk mi. aad *•* at ika rmk*** kmfttti I* ttaatiaan h* f*aalat*ra*l *f aa khr a* N»t aa anirta at l*raii*t* m Maina tatart. a*d atoar amaaklaa *ka taotkkf** ik* laaraaair nrtdlar. i*r**4 na Ik* door* aad *«kdo*a It* lam* CaMitia'a maldaar*. am at tfca mo*> irttUhl Hi AtoaMaa*. la **l k* At for kaMtalta* I* ikal at loam toarrar a Cuban kp fctnh kul an Aatarlran *>!!• •aa. tk* IfcMmiarai* of hi* prnAnwten. draiMrp Ihuuah mlm* lo an* o** bat hll***lf. art* rarrtod ,M *taidr and aaiaabrd *Hh a *W|* hammer Or* ftbaflrr’a ordrr rtoaiaa *!* rnfa* nad larrran. hna raitnnd murk aruaitdlna amona thr tnldlar* It *n* pr«Mul«ntPd in prarral dmnkrn bran la and fonn*n*al dlatnrhaanaa n a rHr wham to m*n» Inßtmmalory ri rartti am rratmtalad. hot 11 haa arfad handilr acalnaf <kr mm mnnr "( ! whom, aodnarorlaa »« anpplrnranl ihnlr po*ry Ikm of hard tank. bar»» and rt.ffar. fooad It Impoaatbla lo pur rhaaa anplhlac lo aat or drlah. Th" proclamation of Prr.ldrnl Mr- Kialay bat produrrd an airallant rAn<4 »n thtl pnrt of thr popular* »bo hnva . barn S|*anl*b In trmpathy Tbry hara 1 l*ra looking fornrnrd *ith aomr an*. ' irty lo tba Aral anarlmrnla of the Am* ru an aorrrnmerit, (raring roaAn* ' mlion and nit* dear to the ttpanlah mind. The BMuranrr that life and prop-rty trill br reapartrd wllhnut dlatinrtlon. that no retallntory mraanma will W ndoptrd or olloarrd, hna don* much to rraaanm tfcnl'r alarm, and ha* prevnnt rd many from liming thr ronntry. tak ing trbnt i-npttal they could with thrm. Tariff and Port Charge*. In a city where food la at famine price*, where much tnitrery and acme sctual atarration prrvnihi, one of the primary and moil important atrpa 1* the Introduction of food ruppliea and Ihe regulation of tariff and port charge*. Mirny merchant* have re frained from bringing In turgors until these have been definitely Hied. This haa be-'n done today. Briefly the regulation* am a* fol low*: Thr light import tariff on good* coming from Spain hna been extended to ail goods from the United Slate* and neutral countrle*. The payment of $1 per ton on good* Imported or ex ported la abotiahed. A port duty of 20 cents on the registered tonnage will be charged, aa alao an export duty of K cent* per ton on Iron ore. All other export duties* to be the same as the old Spenlsh tariff. Much sickness In the shape of and dysintery prevalla .n the to # .vn. This la due mainly to the lack of food and the privations suffered by the ref ugees when they were driven out. of the city. The Red Cross society is do ing excellent work among the poorer class, but Its operations have been nul lified to a certain extent by dtsacnalopa and petty Jealousies among the mem bers. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the y/ Signature of LfuzS/X T-CMCSUK FOR SOME PEOPLE, ANYHOW Washington Post. There will ge a very lively time when young Mr. McKisson taekles that job of making himself governor of Ohio. NOT NECESSARILY. Denver Republican. The bust of Mark Hanna recent,!? completer! need not look like him 10 be considered very lifelike. It is made of marble. THK ATJCIT7HTA !¥JEI?Ar.rJ. MM kt «•*• ***** •»t* Pk In-Killer. tun ItolwMtilA HlNA>f *i «N 4ltof totvmto •N# tototo# •’•to toNtovrVtoto Hitt to#%H HU lilt. j Akanak Ha. Aw# Sm* Amkto towMT j >**■** wk*a*4 Aattnda* tk* affc**** j | *M*t *1 <*4*u«*B I* ka*M*AA*t AM Ika . ‘ ir-rfftTTn -trrr*^ ,t —*t M tk»f am ’to***** Aiak Ikamdf.c at to*****. A*.i j IM tof**k <4 AkW*wg»i A f Aafca* j 1 mmi. *1 tkaklHt Aika l* A*»** i --4 ? lta**kH4*». A. t »VMM*, as (••** | w «k. A to Aa itwa.U, at kte**k*k. .*•4 lamp A OmhM’ if A«Maa*a tor J r-ii-r T 1 «f Ik* cMaUW Aka at j I tanwtaa a*|HWta*c* aa a «*MMW**ial, mama*. a*4 «a a amm * hnk mwaa and Mgakhtf M Ik# t »*»<•! i*d» to* •brttb* Marwk *k«n» k*t wilt k* M Awl *■ k garte k f**W - Mt *M A* M—rt **<» I*l M Ik* *»t | t«**itf akd k*a kaa* a taHmklk a**! tarkk at Ika law to a<4 B»* : -n 4*»g j nun ck.«dm A p>«* ** A*»»»**> Mr.; laam t) Hutail at Hw<a*»i4aa. I* Ika; i gniplUlf ftto# totoltolf Mwtowitol #l-Ntoft/- | I tftol «# Vto# *■»»* to# r v» iftoNl tot to# OvwtN j —N imiimhi toto* mmmp n j l ftoto# ll ito# stfi to# ttoto ptotoN## Wtolfe 1 fi«toi totoilHp m 4 iNiTtoWto Hr Atot I T AttortotatoA to# Itoitoltai «• • mm «# ito#| I igNto fiiHi# NkAitoi AiivNmtojr (Mtotfi) i AikctaMi akd in a iawyaf at ktgk! ! * Pptarua aa* fine raywrtlt Mu*. A j ]l . OanH of Bean, a rfc haa Murk IP 4*ml ag|*i"Mf. h»« ing kaa* |*dge at •ha tiia*tr **••* rs Ua an count* and la a at eta 1u t at the pailw taw firm n ( I'foasit 8 WhitfMd J*4*r A II j Mar nm**ll of Nat aanah. aam lor a > •uiatier at gaara )*dg» of lb* eky man I of Cbalkam rount* aad I# a lawyer of i lenmlM aad fin# pc r National and Ju do ial exper enr# Hut* Jflt.fl On iHtki of Auxu.t* ia a Atat.agulabod t»p rramiallva at lb* eideriy mnwhura *1 tka bar. aad ta Breed for hi* erudition, ability and prob iv The high ** '*l and tMlaileetual rank of thear refer ■' *es ta gMseraity k*»at throughout the ■ Stale i Kfforta have been made lo Indue# ’ R|nr In appoint a r< feme for each rounr of thr dial riel but hi* ennalruc ,tlon of the art la that while mom than fne referee ran he appointed for any i county, that thin In nrrt necemaary or j proper nuleaa the lil ga'ion la bnnh- I ropery in a pai tb ular county 1* no ! grant aa to demand the aery Ice of a referee exclusively for that rouaty. In 'ihla event several referee* may be ap | pointed for a partieular reunty. and at 1 leant oae must be appointed. The language of the statute being that tba i-ourta of bankruptcy *hall appoint ref eree*. etc., "each for a term of two year*, and may in their discretion re ’ move them beraua* their service* nr* not needed, or for other cause, and des ignate, and from time to lime change ! the llmita of Ih* district* of mfca-ee. OABTOniA, . a* * lie kind Yn Hip Maw Bosfl LIEUTENANT ALBERT BRYAN Of the and Georgia Back f rom Camp at i ampa Ixjoking as handsome as ever, but a little brouxed by tropical sun*, Lieut. Albert Bryan, of the Second Georgia, 'arrived in the city last afternoon. The many friends of the Lieutenant ! were taken by surprise, as they had no | idea that the well known officer was anywhere but at Camp Tampa, and so ! an a matter of course a great hand shaking and “awfully ,5,a1, to Me again, old fellow,” greetings were the order of things. Lieut. Bryan is here on a week's fur lough. He say* when he left camp the nglment had not begun to move, al though I* was talked amongst the sol diers that they would soon go to Huntsville,, Ala. Lieut. Bryan left here ’with Capt. Frye, among the first de- Itrchmnts who went to the front. He had been, and. In fact, is still, second lieutenant In Company D, Sixth regi ment (Oglethorpea), but when he found that th«l Oglethorpes wtijre not going to war In a body he accepted the position as lieutenant with Capt. Frve. It Is snf • to say that there Is no better officer in the regiment than Lieut. Bry an. and as popular young fellow ns one would care to meet In a day’s walk. Sergeant Hackett, of the same com pany Lieut. Bryan is in will shortly ar rive here on a week's leave of absence. Mr. A. C. Wolfe, of Dundee, Mo.,who travels for Mansur A Tibbetts, Imple ment Cn., of Wt. Louis, gives traveling men and travelers In general some good advice. “Being a knight of the grip," he says, “I have for the past three years made It a rule to keep myself supplied with Chamberlain’s Colle,Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy, n.nrl have found numerous occasions to test lls merits, not only on myself, but on oth ers as well. I can truly say that T nev er In a si.nle instance have known It to fail. I consider It one of the best remedies travelers can carry and could relate many instances where I have used the remedy on sceptics, much to their surprise and relief. I hope ever*- .traveling man in the U. S. will carry a bottle of this remedy In his grip.” For sale by Alexand Drug & Seed Co., |C. R. Parr, of Bell Tower Drug Store. THE MYSTERY ABOUT THE MIN TgfcfcV *i4tov. T»l#*lv?NHL I#. I«ip«U£l#4 lg*n MM kwwkd'in. mm kaa* easy AN»k l*U tuMUd Ik ik* ***•• at i*aa».w*>k»kdi **•*•*< I*,*, m »a«»wm»d *« a *»*•*#•*** kaa* A *n« wo« rackaetd m A ##*»*•♦ tk-aa ika rtf Ika gn.dkt««kl *•*•*• •*. at tk* *Mf. wfc* * ..had I* mettrtgaot •ka ffctwkM** Pam a mp gMtoN M#kd )|«ga4. _ _ , tot to A, fc*** • Rkw*k CnawNat** iaoheakk kr lava ki g**Mk ka k’Nia g ,nwifiT..< *»4 «*m* ikvsuAk wwk H a*tk’ Inly m twms kla b«*4i 0* lA* #ve*i*a -* *■ ■ml Mi In **a ggk*4 •>< mat Ika takto cap ika am *4 la incla lev, flwa *aa Idkwl *M 'f* -fca- l*Ma sad all Ika affcaf# •*#.»! ihaM l**da *auwa4 Ik* »dA» Mi Mu* m*f *k* 4M kai Akam *ka *kikd'* fk#. »»d***a*4*d ik* *• a** ta cap k*a ya**a a ik *tta min fa Ham aiaadcag tyut i, tka lakh* raff~t aad tapg*d k»* n*n Tfcat was rawcari Tk«a tea *e*tl -w-ra nf Ika krUNa ka4 k*a wa * m,* tagged tfca MkN fagfW*d«4 IN IP# aam lav W - ***!*» t. i Aftetaard* aayuw la ik#' parti *fcg -ilrfcrd I*. awwarwMwtad kN m»al *a iwmte tat I Water tnttWt aad Ik* IgkN rapped R lawcarvly. «ta* *k#n Mr Iktf • **r'g tttk *ava tted toacfclag <fca Mt AN. A * « tto ••• •# v m#A# Yto | *umt, A mtototo totolAitoN rmm* t m •*%«<4k tto# NtotoU*!*# to Ha rakkc lk * I ba*4a cur it •**•*•! I Haas, tfca* »ta**- tag M • k Ik* •**”. look kN kanda **• tltely away fcoga *t Tfca al.ltdi r mtglk rd yitwdiag kt an tail* ivti fe>.t* h.m rail! fc* p*t Ms ha*4 gear ft ; - ke* H fell teasrj kN Anger* Ha re* pealad 'hr prvfartnaea.* *tlk cinota ttvltt that ika eklldrva In ike room • ruught him. tic hung g hat u* the ter ta one Mat mu a. and still it at mat .ten* On. at the grntleme* bring very cue tea* to know it them item aae rt«e Infused ia'i tba slick, put hi* hand t<* H vbl e I wan suadlag aid Vlt a distinct thenk thtougb hi. arm and elbow. Tkla la Mr. Kuiner’s ax plant tog i f the phrnomenoa, that paariag tba hand over the Mirk several U*h. and him ly ronrenirating'the mind cm making il obey. maga< lines the stick by fru - Uon. In the one inatnne 1 , and by means of an Invisible thought current taup poalag there Iv such Ihingai In tbs ether. He says that any one ran do It- If b<> b Arm enough In bis deter mlaation lo do It. He explains ihe table-rapping *» a moult of magnetism also. The hand* on the table tnloss Ihe electricity of th* body Into th* table. In a few minute* the (able becomes charged, then, in or der that all the mind* around M may act together, be given his directions aloud. Unconsciously, In this wsy. ev ery mind follows his bent, and nets the electrie fore* In the same direction and the table raps accordingly. As to rapping numbers known only to one. he say* that In thla case every mind remuin* neutral except tbe one thinking of tbe number. This gives di rection to all the other force and Ihua taps tbe number correctly. Of course. In this rasp, the force la not *o strong, as la the former, consequently the la bl> docs not alwaya strike the numhe" correctly, hut generally very near It. Since thought I* dependent on brain, and brain la Informed of data through the sensory nprveg; the touching of hands, when one mind Is concentrated on an Idea, and the other remains re ceptive. conveys the Idea from one mind through the brains and nervea In the second mind. Some psychologists. In fact, speak of the whole body as thinking, or, rather, being capable of receiving thought-impulses. It seems probable that the laat link between the body and the mind la the brain; hot this Is by no means a settled point. The mind may inform and permeate the entire body. If It Is so very easy to conceive of thought transference through the finger-tips. Even other wise. It i» not Impossible foe the thought sensation to run from one mind through the brains along the nerves, int/i the other brain and finally enter the second mind. If there Is more than one mind! Mr. Bunter denies the notion that spiritual world has any influence over the table. He says the rapping is due solely to will power and animal mag netism—whatever that may be. GROVETOWN. What Is doing on at That Popular Resort. Special to The Herald. Grovetown, Aug. 13. Mrs. Dr. Kilpatrick of Hephzibah and her tal ented young daughter, Miss Emyla Kil patrick. are the guests of Mr. Winslow W Hamilton and his fair young wife. Mias Kilpatrick is one of the raculty of Cox College, Atlanta. We are glad to welcome Mrs. Kilpatrick and her charming daughter In our little village und shall pul our beet foot forward in (he hope of making their stay a happy one. Miss Lucy Doughty came up Friday afternoon. She is a guest at Hill Crest. Mr. John Walker arrived Friday on a visit to Mr. James Tobin. Dr. Tom Phinizy came up Saturday. AtHulherin’s 500 Pair.* Ijulles’ Fine Oxford.* 99Cents Not oft# km#»# pmu of th#i# 0«- (ortliffoMl for \mm «h#n §2.00 N#arfy #H worth $2.00 to $3.00 5111*. Ol*« WINDOW. 99 AtMulherin’s Me M tk* ga*N *f am fait tody as. Asks ftonri. Hr Tuan Atoms*! ipM fid« *<•»' mt H U Crnan. Mm 1. w kratoa* wto* kw* bask mp, M a «MM t* Vtlto Msrfk i.larwad l«| Aukwda *to llilnr4nf n*#bt. Ml TknaWMl W. Tnlwy sttiveg on] TkurwNt, fca tt A weltedka §wm* si Vlito Mario* Mrs fifctl Thai at Augusta M * *•*•■ at Mr* aad Mm. Mettowtd. Mr Phil Weigh* came Bp aa Natur Mr ua a * «ii ta trwad* ta Oort*-1 PPM, Mr Jprfc Maggw rapt* up *k Tkum j gay to aMI h»a pa mat* at HepcN * Rest, sad laAa is ika otraw rids wdhj aa etira large awtwelto Oaa at aat asfdtar hwya. Mr RAW I Muse, arrived N*i*r>»*r o* a farbmgh' from Tnmpa We am glad ik fca*a fcKa' back Quite a a amber smr* baptiaad Nan day ntohi si the Ora** The churrh arm* crowded. Tka ceremony was im pressive. Our UtlN friend. Mite Car rt# I/O Clifford orgonist of tfca Iditle Itrewn rbumfc, kad cfcarge of tka mu ate. which was eery fin* Tka yofcvs Going Without a Shirt I. C. Levy’s Son & Co.. TAILOR-FIT CLOTHIERS. AUGUSTA. .... GEORGiA Frogs, Snakes, Fish, Hogs’ Dogs, Cows, filth from any thing that can be backed off into the river -and this is what you get when you drink River and Branch Waters. Now is the time you want pure * HARRIS LITHIA WATER 5 Gallons for . . SI.OO Ale 90 cents Per Dozen Lithia Brew, a new drink, 90c per dozen. Lithia Sarsaparilla, sl.lO per dozen. 816 Broad St., Shewmakes apr-AII Hills Payable to R. I.: FOX. BEAD HERALD’S WANT ADS in On ewiuatary prwdrng «fce >wu» *. at Anpsuub was* Rnttwsdgctp awuat sad Mwcfcing M>* fb.WMt ffctoaw am** a mam d*• • >gfc<'at «*<krv parm N»> r»*dn» k«kt, ta bemwt at Mm lama* Walker Tk* ***** peas*#* a*»a Mm Mary leg lieswm Mm Wslke* Mm Owakt Item rMI dm Tun Heard Mm Owt T*»b n, Mm iMM WslbM. MNa iulM Taklk, Mi** iulig fftwyall. Mwa B fiktoMp. Mr laawa TMrta Mr OssM imrmti, Mr T«un Heard. Mr Jsiass Wslkar. Mr 0«* Tokta. Mr Msetlk Imwfcar. Mr Raadm Tkintsy Mr Ferd Mkd Uhtatsy Hullo $ tats# tito ,to>to#f to# toto? r«tototo| v . tang m (As d*«w* st firtcmdia Tk'ITT fir edM Amok* 'kegg •sere MNa f Jiiaa I toil M*aa isr* la Amtifc Him (file MeHnaaM Mian C'b el !!*«*'. M's* Myrtle d AntifflM*. Mu* Ms’tl* Uwt IN*aa and M>aa Jam#*' Mm MlTtee Mm Au*n Or#**:- Mr Rvan* llekgte Mr. J*ch ll»«gN. Mr Jnka M- firm aid. Mr. AIM* niffoed and Mr, llarold llngrland Afiy One at lb# I mbrelto*." rtirthre make* Ika man lf ha to a taker. of the proper style In Ne gligee* would be folly, when we are selling the most exquisite Madras, Pique for 75c., In checks, stripes and the prettiest patterns at such a low figure. Our stock of Men’s Furnishings is complete and high grade. An en tire new assortment re ceived this week. DEAD AUGUST I$ Q 9