The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 17, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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WEDNESDAY 2 NO WAR PRICES torrf <>i#»lf>#ll"l W#teto# . # • • *• H«if Sruali • * ** •* ** o*o * * • • *2j? *# ** LRiJi #cal#c * # • ®#44l»m&# of Oww## • 1 •*' • acfw 1 IMV* in* !•*» «***• lo n * w Jf * ****l'«!®*s MV i y <lU to fto p*» ©*nt nn •« L*r#*B* •Ifsdt «*f m Auf«*u LHWIS J. SCHAUL, Undvr th# Arlington Motel- I PWW _ ■ rn .' | V*dMlv | <M^il WlWnii^' 1 € \ A*, ' # f. K 1 PIANOS! Seven Different Makes. $149 UP. . Southern Ag#nt# For THE EVERETT PI»N0. Th* only Pl*no made that is Guaranteed for unlimited time • • • • Cell sad 8m or Writ* u*. Tboies & Barton. W. II hAIUIITT. Iwl**f, n« *»*«•#'». Ga. GREAT SHAFT TO IATAFETTE \ $2:>0,000 Moaonent ta Bf Eittlii The I nlerrri** ta the Keeping ol the school ChlMrea. Cl»te*r». All*. IT- - According to pt«*«rt plan*. Lafayette the French bwu. • h<> I *mt acruas the w* ta ««• loutal *«ys VHk sword ami money to, at* the birth of liberty on American I •bore*, la to bav# hi* «rav* **rk»4 with a *260.u0« monument a tribute from patriotic acbool children of Amec lc*s President McKinley ba» concurred in tbc plane propose* by Ferdinand W. Pock. roromtaaiooer general to the Parle Exposition. for tbe nnvetllo* of tbie beautiful monument at the Parit LADES’ TES SOMETHING NEW J. MILLEHWALKER THE HATTER. IKIISr OX HATS Exposition on the Fourth bf July, 1800. At the commissioner general's office It 1* announced that Preaidant McKin ley will soon Issue n proclamation des ignating a date, pu sumably October 18, ns Lafayette l>ay, for general ob servance In every school district throughout the Unite* State*. Tha governors of slates and superintend ents of instruction will be urged |to co operate. On this date, which Is the anniversa ry of the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown. historical wcerfHsee win be held in every school in the country, at j which a nominal admission fee will he charged. Millions of pennies and dimes thus received from the rising generation of American patriots will he applied to the monument fund. With 100.000 schools and 20,000.000 young pa triots. It Is believed that more than enough will be realized to erect a monument that will be the pride of two centuries. Secretary of the Treasury Lyntan J. Gage has boon asked to be custodian of the fund, and It is said officially has signified Ills willingness to do all that he cau to add to the success of the na tional enterprise. Designs for the monument will be submitted next week. Ac . MOHRMAN’S corner FOR RENT OR LEASE. STORE 30X100. APPLY TO J. H. MOHRMAN. Whenever foolish men are angry, there is apt to be trouble. FUNERAL NOTICE OF A FINE CAT Hit T*rj &• TW*|!» If j AUamma, m. %NM RwW to MM a«M »» igiiur- * ! At**t* A* •** ft. - fkbitort a*- 1 UM, - tkb rrmr f»**wta «**•»»« ! M Ttatae w ill »» «to»Y *• W ■! tto I trail b to AM bwMMfto PtotoM sal. < 9 TkbbktorftoltaVtoktotofkttontoi listoi nil toto* tfcl* fjt- (% %*A I t Ihf It i In nwiw. • •«»* tato** tarstata* HUMI 904 Imo*oß rPta fM*’ '*•* | ,atw w«« m «i.mi <*t. bm s #*•»• I it*.., * Mtoabsf to tta ksstokntaj royal Dually to CWtaa raw *•* **. Laat *rtnl tt— — to tta «to <4 waa ID An aaasa imp MU* A" 4aalb Tta dtatoto that took hi at off sms a atoattobtos ms tn*y •rep# ptowaa*! wry tt aras raiaUgM? taste was t »»I , gears to* aa* ta* a Ilfs to tagary tar b. waa a prior* to good Mists. ll# w«* j par. akNa arttk a btod. maatsaatue = aa* a Itoacbiy omia When spprns- he 11 by atraaaam M saa*a rtarn tblafc ka: was rto* aa* nahm* ta*rb was atoj lha rasa Mil* ass th* soul to koaor | aa* syaipathsrta t. aa sgtreaw "W* hartal Mk ta a Btosf mapartab!*; Maser sal* Mr Tarhto -We ha* a ton sad tar Ha* Ik# set abhors aaey to tta fsarrsl. They ram*. lw>. | Mr .if* nrto aa* so did fcer frlaads Dill* was aa toagaat fallow He ha* da*p aipreasir* bine aya* as* he al ways watched for me at night ta Ibe hallos* until ! catoe home W. h» I, nlra Hill* wraps for tail, whea cold I | weather came, and aoft. cool covering to heap off th. file* ta <hr summer, j I Physicians and good one* too. had I prescribed tar him sad we gave him j medicine like be was a child I laugh ! e* at my wlfn when She asked me to I ) hare a notice Minted of Dixie'* death, j j bat she Insisted Many of our friend* | in ( barlesion nod all Ibmugh Alabama know him. That's why the wauled tbe {nmice," OAMTOXIZA. Imrsths B*4 Im Kata Afw»n BagK CMUANCEV SUCCEBDS STONI;. He Has Bern Appointed Bassett ser Agent of the M. A B. Road. Macon, On, Aug. IT.—Mr. M. J. Ohancey, the ftvlght and tleket agent nf the Macon and Birmingham rail road. has been apoplnled general freight and passenger agi-nt of tbyroad to auereed Mr. H. Garnett Stone, who has resigned. Mr. Chanrey wilt he succeeded hy Mr. Carl Deleraeh of the Georgia Southern and Florida. It waa aisled a few day* ago that Mr. J. C. Shaw of Savannah would he appointed, but yesterday Mr. Julian Lane, the general manger of the road, stated that Mr. Shaw would not be appointed and that no one had y*t been appointed. It leaked out this morning, however, that the above appointments had been made, and when the Macon and Bir mingham officials were seen this morn ing, they confirmed the report. Mr. Ohancey, the new general pas senger agent, is well known in the rali uwd circles, as he has been connected with the Macon and Birmingham for a number of years. He Is fully capable nf performing the duttea of his naw of fice and will no-doubt prove a compe tent official. Mr. Carl DeLqarh, the new ticket agent. Is n young man. well known in the railroad eludes, and has been •connected with the Georgia Southern and Florida only a short time. He Is a young man of great promise, and alii no doubt prove * splendid official. ! Mr. Slone's resignation goes tnto ef fort on September Ist amt the new i»en will go Into office on that day. Mr. Stone leaves to take charge of the Georgia Pine railroad, from Rutnbridgc to Arlington ns general manager. Tbe road is a new one. but promises lo be one of the best railroads in the country, and, under Mr. Stone's management, will no doubt prove to be a succcbs. BEAT BTHE KLONDIKE. Mr. A. C. Thomas, of Marysville. Tex., has found a more valuable dls | covcry than has yet been made In the [Klondike. For years he suffered untold [agony from consumption, aeeompanled by hemorr.nhges; and was absolutely cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. He declares that gold is of little value in comparison with this marvelous cure —would have It. even if It cost a hun dred dollars a bottle. Asthma. Bronchi tis nnd all throa_t_and lung affections are positively cured bv Dr. Kings New Discovery for Consumption. Trial bottles 10 cents at Howard fir Wtllet's drug store. Regular size. 50 cents and sl. Guaranteed to cure or price refun ded. THK jljd ATLANTA OUSTS WARD HEELERS tki IM lUi* Hr fkt* II tt* l^MaVlAa. IM IfaN i tm fsmm* M tIM Mil Mffitt** bmm*l YlNfc an|n 4M| l||# &&$ &&&* #ol:,+-* #WMMI *■## llni HMNMk# - #1 09(f999$ #4*9o*o 990 * if Ml 9'iff I/*#** >#o Wffl IM 9ff 9090* 9m [ 99400*4 ofo9o 990009 0 Itlawfil 09MI0 (0090 1 10 m pfIHMI 90* 00090 f**"**# •w'® •' ** \§*m 00 900900 00 9*M 00*0*0* 10*0*1.9 *’*9oo i to** 000* 000 000 (r y^Pto" Mf# 000 *olol***4 *InM a* fe *g »0t Mil tirri 9*ooo Inti *9* (m MM'ttltl *oo\ I f|#| 940 Mit IM** ** 00 T9* 0 1 100*91000 *9090909900 90 T *J* base fktae* «*•*■*•*• air* *..«#*■ rsJtoKMlk a 00000* 1 00 • #Wf • f9O *** r®* * ’ to Uto tas'insHto Ike *ataj €9ooo*l*oo |l IM o*ooo*o*9 toif i 9 0(f . Ksrrju* * * 4 I CnjUiUtf TlM* 9f %*OO f* f 09**" rtMMNtU ffaf Umi rft K»*wr» amr *, 4> g t n inp. ta, | flto| 4ta , . r iA 9k li* 4 a mrf*?nt far* «i|M at! o*oo**99 IM ifi)m m»4 r^aUinun* w IM M *oooo9 Tka mamiuw ctouusu to Mtoto* W H Mrx-tattoo chairman. M M Wrick, * W flay. **• Cokyars. * C (Haas. Geo * tin ** and Z ta<n i Tka laaptllM alnyird some air n arm ratal by last nut ton of tta city commute, as* the primary ta Ortotae will ta roadarfd along dlMereal !tar« thaa 1 knee ta fore* la tta aaai Th* ralaa agalral tta eaykftsmi to Work* era M* very aa* Ih'S evil to local politics will be eliminate* this ptrnr if Mta possible to do no. ta her Xtlaarnt rale* are Moyiel an* noma change* ware nrn*e la lha me*hod of \ roll a* for ran* dale* Rule* l or the itlacfloa. Tta rnlea an* rafulalioaa pwa ribe* by lha nunmllia. are aa talh.wi: Following are Iho rutai which war* adopted laat night Kul** governing primary lo be held on October 8. I*9* adopted by sab- I committee. The folio* tag role, are I hereby adopted by the sub committee nf seven from the general city eaeeu jtivt rommltte. whona duty It la to for i moiste rule* for the government to tbe city primary lo be held on October 8. MM, This sub-committee shall print all the rickets lo be veiled at *a d primai y. Said tickets shall be uniform ta sis*, tolor an* arrangement, and shall be designated as the official ballot Ha!* Mrkets shall contain on one side the name* of all the candidate* for the re spective offices, and on lh* back of same ahall be the words Official Bal lot, and tbe signatures of the the chair man and aecrotary of this sub-com mittee. The color and tUe and arrangement of said ticket shall be decided by said sub-committee and by them kept secret udtil the morning of the election. The managers are hereby Instructed n<d to count any ticket other than the official ballot, as above described. The voting shall bo done In a room to be aelected and prepared by this sub-committee In the respective wards, and Ibe ballot box shall be located as nearly aa practicable In the centre of said room. It shall be the duly qf the managers to see to It that there t» but one entrance for voters or others to said room, and that all others en trances, If any, shall be kept closed by the manneers, during said election nnd rount. The exit shall be through the same door as the entrance. Manager*. One each of the three sworn mana-j gets and clerks at the respective pre cincts shall be stationed together at lt\,e entrance of said room, and It shall he the duty of said clerk to have :» copy of the registration list and to as certain from same, whether or not earh person desiring to vote Is registered, an* If registered, the clerk shall noti fy the manager at the door, and when given such notice, It shall be the duty of such manager to furnish sni(l voter with one of the above described "offi cial ballots.” together with a card of ( Instructions, and direct the voter to a ( booth located In said room in which to arrange his ticket privately as he de sires to vote it. Said voter shall ar range his ticket without the assistance of any one, unless unable to do so from physical disability, of from inabil ity to read for want of sufficient edu cation. If the voter is incapacitated from either of the above causes to make out bis ticket and such is appar ent to the managers upon investiga tion, the managers at the ballot box, or either of them, or one of the clerks in the presence of such managers shall, upon application, make out the ticket tor such person, but shall In no case suggest to him. either dlrecily or in directly. which of the respective offices to vote for, hut shall scratch said tick et in B,eoTdance wtfh the desires of such person. Voters fhntl arrange their tickets by scratching out the names of the respective •candida.tes whom they Saw* MA aa 0 *♦»•♦ tat* Pain Killer. 0 9* ifTi It a fMm«t Mi 9*ooo ‘ Bmm** k«*A a-4 fta»a Das* it* • § >«grt OfkasAtatk MWMt ttHSI *•*»•*»«•• IIHMbI E M wsnt ka ifesat Rwamw* [wswwm ******** «nr« fm* tato itoWtti*a>t j MM v »aviw f #**!#« ill tM§* f«f W*ot* tIW 90*09 *** I MPMMMNNi t»§# lIMMNHI *o* 4*o** 009409094 j I»* hm *4 Imp# 900*90009 §*4 v* ** 900*0*00 0* *•! W** r4rMT» 9*oo*o*.*** ******** *9 9* m, »« ,Mt *tm |MM» t#*« ImM 09- fIoMM lof IM rm|Mirfr» iMrt* lo 09** 0 » of OTb 90**0 tutor* ***rmt !ll| Ms MUM Hi iM Mi. to ofto to |*u» lb* 00 wtotott* tift* t*tt «m4b bf iiM* iMfl of «M itoor ‘H rani red by Ita rKy etwullve com mittee to tbe rHy of Atlanta That a 'white primary toaettou ta taM im | Wffta+MUr. OrtaMr I. t«M tor tfc* loMßiooi on a 9 tO* following uftcrri: | “A omyor of (M fill of Atlooto, two In'd*ru*o ot tore*. 00* firm tM oortti; [•Ml* on<f 00* fmo (Mr nooth ildi; g**«| [hi MHttK 1 1nt*ot. on* from mrfc warg; 1 t rHf rtorti rltg oirtMi rlijr irmr 1 j rrer, rltjr to* rltjr rngtorwr, j j«Hy ruool»*k)i of ptibl r vnrM. rtfjri roAftrotirr. *Hf ot<oroey. rltjr nrstrti mi lilgf Hiy oikrnt. to to oi«oi«4 nf i<br regular my etortion lo Ifertwitor.! \' m - . I “ Rf»olVf4. ißfritriJ. Thil tto jMtito nf •old primary Hull to to 00** ward in tto rttjr of Atlanta at 7 a. vn. i «a<t remain <»p*n anti! 7 eVMrh p. nt . that a Iwll. t tot •hall to phiiTti ml *at h aotiogr pftHWt In th«* Hty of At- ' j lama, to rhorg* o 9 thr*c» gw rum man jag m fui ttife word atkd ihivr ißorfi ( toM at |4ac*. to to •iH M| toted '•od pultUvhfd tt Itati tig day* befort [iwid primary by a aab-roomiurt >*f Urv*n. twin* on • from *aeh ward from ; It hr r*guiar twuUvp commit t** to to 1 appointed by tto chair. I * R«*i*oiv«*d.third. That at! legally dual- j ltt«*d whit* votara whoa* n»m» t appear , uq Ito Itat of regiatrrod v otora up to I nod including dept. SI. l*»«. shall he ‘entitled to participate In tald primary, "Resolved, fourth. Tbst n» regtstia- Ition certineat** will be allowed »n elee :tlon day. The manager* will allow no one to vote unless his name appears on |he regular registration list, "Resolved, fifth. That the sub-eom- j mlttee piovbbst for above shall aptnlnt and announce the pianagert *nd rlerks In each ward In said primary, and Alt all vacancies up to day of primary: |in event any manager or clerk ahall I not appear, the manager or managers appearing shall appoint men to All all vacanctea on said day; shall arrange for polling plcea. ballot boxes, and shall make all arrangementa for properly conducting said primary. They shall ! also ussees esch candidate an amount necessary to defray expenses of said ! election, such as poll rents, furnish meats, managers' and clerks' hire and all necessary expenses of said election and dispense the same. "Resolved, sixth. That every voter participating In this primary shall be considered as pledged to support the nominees of the same. "Resolved, seventh. That the execu tive committee assemble at the council ehamliyr on Thursday, October Bth. IS9S. at 12 o'clock, to announce the result of jthe election according to the rules laid down for the government of the pri mary, i Special Rules. “1. That the use of carriages or other conveyances are. either directly or in directly, by candidates on the day of the primary election for the purpose of j conveying voters to or from the voting places shall be prohibited. The rule, of course, not to apply to Individual vo ter* using their own private conveyan ce* TOP their personal use. 1 "2. That it shall not be admissible for any candidate desiring to be voted [for at this primary to engage paid I workers in his behalf; that, no such . I candidate shall at any time after the adoption of this resolution, either di rectly or indirectly, pay to any person any sum of money or other valualde consideration or promise, or agree to pay or otherwise give, cither directly or Indirectly, any valuahle considera tion whether before, during or after 1 the day of the primary, in consideration of the vote of such person or of his in tluence or service In seeking to secure or control the votes of others In favor jof such candidate. j "4. That at! persons are hereby put on notice that any candidate who submits [his claims to the voters of Atlanta at ! this lirimary elect Hn by that action 'agrees to the coilAtion under -which Laid election is to he held, including [these special rulvs,®and obligates blm ‘ self to conform to- the same, nnd to abide by the action of this executive j committee in its enforcement of said 'rules and requirements, j “6. That on October 6, IS9S, at the THEY MUST USE FLAGMEN I ) k*£v IwtMt fMok iVDiikl pißiail l *tki *ti twatk M*. tk*wr»a*. (taaw*MtaM*k **, Btoa *mi im*' ItffeiM •** • **m 90m09*T9 awi] - itolttto 7 to I ■ imt * t«g £ ;fg nw #!«i ‘to :,«« «H 0 i mm 0* 9 u to 90*00**04*9 *9 *9*o j i L -f-r «|.» U| fto 040009 0 * to 11<rmffn toaf #a»% <to 9 *fm f*4#» aw j ; mrf f Mtaj to |to - vff*# * t * M# < *■* | ’ aaitoir >| a ft**** IMU g#4 9m*9 g|t*fi 1 ! ttom to If twang 9099*0 AM 0* < (W #WMag IM* fdlM** . j Tta 4byM as IV twa* ta* Ita rat**! fit ta ita *% * »*tah,»«*ta Ayr** .#’**wwf.n ' tad ItaPt **• *• I grj ata j# £, *fs fta Haraats ir ' ' ggf t lansr wool* nag ta s**M. *B*war ■ tTL* I JL*ua\- ' ll * l ***' U mmm *|i Malt tayjk* fawfai ]pr akr ta# ' *-gta«| t pfk*raf BUT f ~it *oo *** w tow j tog* llavfMr trtoi Iwtw I lfe#f hiM *o*o 9b**o «» j«mvn<Aa to 9km* wit A tl*j 1 j«jyi»w _# ikw fftaM flkM* * }|f tWMyOf f*- (AN tto flß* fto a Htgaßt) it front of (Iftr trg to , |m tto AgrfWHl r*frrr*4 t*X Peace commissioner be tween men and huneer ELLIS RESTAURANT DCAIH OF HOWARD BIRR. j UN of Matos'* Admirable Vmag Men I* Dead Macon Ok. An* it. Mr Howar* Harr died ye*4erd*y morn.n* at th# ho** of hi* mother. Mr*. Oeorge W. ' Burr, ob Utun* airaei. WbUo the afißou»rem««t of lh* d«mf» of on* of. . Macon a most pr<.un*ln« young men [ 1 xu no! unaxpacte* hy the family nnd j it FQf'o. H will ba 0l shock to the gen- j eras oommuoNr. «hkh wa* unaware of th* very serious nature of ft* iU-j Mk j Mr. Burr h*» been In poor health for a number of year* and il ha* bee« | known for some time that he could not j i live. i The end came peacefully at an ear- J ly hour yreterday morning and a life ( !of promise waa cloaed. Mr. Burr I leave* a wife and one young rbild only a few month* old. He married MSa*> Speer, daughter of Judge Emory Speer Two aiaiera. Mm. Charlea Leonard aid; '.Mia* Alice Burr, and one brother. Mr. ' heorgo W. Burr, aurvlve him. Also, hi* molher. widow of th* late Geo. W. Burr, who wa* one of the oldeat and moat highly respected citizen* of Ma- j [ con. Mr. Howard Burr wa* atill a very young roan, a little over thhty yearn of age He wa* for a long time the secretary of the Central City laian and Trust association, being associated with Major William Henry Boat In the ■ very successful conduct of the affairs ’nt that company. He was a young husineae man of the most pronounced | financial ability and but for his long continued Illness and early death, would certainly have advanced to a most prominent position In commercial I circles. Those who knew him best speak of Mr. Burr as a most loveable and admi cable character. He had as large a i circle of close freind* aa any young man of his age in the city and his death will be most sincerely mourn-, ed. The funeral services will be held to- j morrow morning from the residence on Orange street nnd interment will be in Riverside cemetery. Rev. T. W.| Ellis will officiate. Following is a Hat of the-pallbearors: Messrs. J. W. Ca baniss. Sara Ooleraan. Walter Huff. W. Redding, Muttro Ogden, and George Turpin. Smith * Wesson pistols from *5 to $8.50. Several good bicycles for sale j very cheap. Good watches fromTl.25 1 to $50,00 at I jew is J. Schaul, Reliable Pawnbroker, under the Arlington. Eat at the ELLIS RESTAURANT It is not always the minister who weighs his words that preaches the heaviet sermon. meeting of this executive committe those successful candidates for the nomination for the different offices be required to make affidavit' that he has fully complied with the special rules. I, 2. 3 and 4, herefor, and has not in letter or spirit violated the same in anv re spect; and tliat on failure of any can didate to subscribe to such affidavit, that the nomination be awarded to the candidate receiving the highest vote who shall make such affidavit.” CUT THIS OUT Will# oil iNI Winll, AmfHffit ngftiiirr lo pty so ii totor* 99* yOto MfOfTl# 99990$ &*999*0 ffiwM ( 0 00*0" d if to THS MgMALO. ADVERTISEMENT cut l*uV to ms Aia tlt naasut P" it ft itr m##H If®# §<)v#tf WftflMfi Itolow* —— tititoHi In | our *“ ccrfNuftifis# for which you will find sncloitd I* cofitii SIGN HERB —f rnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i a c ygmß#lg'* k i* • ##kA(ta* *th#***a4 IF *#* katcs tt# wmt *v aw Ip r*WW ONE CENT A WORD. SITUATION WANTED wr a vm> a a lit ’Turk ttot Wait gtvatoL WipHUmwm. A tt H A VTEI» BY A WlttTt; *r-mo Willing I# anartl, A<Mfr*« W. I TIB HH Bt«* « Ato It wAifTCiv-funs aii emoerwr j cl*rti. A 44f** b**pb 9tto, *». i v"« ) *’ f *Wf ta mm • HELP WANTED iWAKTCfV—A UAf»T Hn**K* I KKKFICR mwot tm <WMtof*wt •»# . frftot * carttiy tort rNmty «f *to. PtMt* w tot tor y*« M*i ' *ifwn*Wr* m 9*t AH4r*a* <f B*. Irar* Harmkl ; IWAJfTtm AT THE W*llgrHVlU*K •r«4omy- A wthumb •* eodk. SaiMrt know tor w«rt?. ««i>*eWilly | ing. r»mily oniaii Apply mt tto ito* j m% AUg It FOR SALE CRB**—CIUUkM AT P lACKWH RT. worn salb-onk riKsrr cuaiw ; motor. Good aa new. *«• voltage, i Speed ZM*. Type W. M. No. U. A4-j dreaa Motor, car, Herald. [tain I ______ | TO RENT FOR BENT—THAT LA ROE AND DB. I SIRABLK at ora No T« Broad atiwl ! t’nder Maaonlc haU. Apply to W. C. Jonea. 705 Broad atreet. Sept 1 FOR RENT- 7-ROOM DWBIXINO HOI’SK U&T Greraie. with modern ImprovemenU. Rent reasonable. Apply UM Kill*. Rapt I TO RENT-RESIDENCE 1221 AND 12*1 I Kills, with all modern convenience*. I Apply 1028 Broad street. Sept 1 KENT—ONE OR TWO LARGE cool rooms furnished. Most central lo cation Id the city. J. E. Deas, 918 1-2 Broad street. FOR RENT—B-ROOM DWELLING. I J 305 Broad street. Rent reasonable. Apply to J. H. Feary, 819 Broad street. Sept 1 I- FOR RENT—SEVERAL NICE COM- I PORTABLE dwellings, with all the modern Improvements on Greene and Telfair atreet. Apply J. H. I’rontaut. 1 828 Broad street. Sepi *• ,TO RENT—THE ELEGANT THRKE | story store In the d Aettgaac build ing running through from Broad to El lis Now occupied by L. F.Padgett. In quire of H. H. d'Antignac or Z. W. Carwile. Sept 1 !tO KENT—NICE 8-ROOM HOUSE. | liof, Reynold street. Apply 1023 Broad street. Aug 17 j for RENT—a SUITE OF 3 ROOMS. from October 1. Apply at 4 °2 Broad : street. Aug 19 FOR RENT—7-ROOM dwelling house. 1257 Greene street. With mod ern improvements. Rent 225 per month. Apply 1256 Ellis, i Sept 9 Mon wed Sat TO RENT—THAT NEW DESIRABLE residence. No. 318 Rrnad street, from October 1. Leonard Pblnizy. Aug 6 Mon wed sat 2tvks M ISCELLANEOUS TO PARTIES BUYING LIFE INSUR ANCE: There is a stamp tax of eigh ty cents per thousand under the new revenue bill. The Penn Mutual pays this. Many companies make the policy holder pay it. See me and save this. I -p. Heard, General Agent. SHORTHAND AND TYPEW RITING only $5.00 per month at Osborne's Business College. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at night. Come or call nt once. Great demand for stenographers. June 17 ts BOARDERS WANTED AT 739 TEL FAIR street. Will furnish rooms and meals on reasonable terms. Septl AUOUBT 17 TWO Oil THUMBS t*9t* JF -r U||f tniy I i|J|i W 0 t*f Wm C is*#fyj?:« R 04 alrwt Alt Vs AWTICI* A HMroJCO HA MO H« IHO t*v|» i r m* ift «r4ff. Agfrty W T Hull :j» Kill* Igftot, Am« If special Notices; t.Vxiai I ndgv. Ita. I. F. * \ n. • A CALLS t> COMMimCAWW W •* ***•• >*# L »•>! ha /VV taM at Ita L»k* lb-m#» Ms mtt Hi l- 12 DM>i'AY KVkLKIIMi, ' 17th last., at S 99* 0.- t Tta F. C Derrs* sill ta anti frresd. Hyurlsr «M. J. HOM.IN'iVR OKTH. W. M. WM. M.CRANK tacmary. FUNERAL NOTICE. :THE FRIEND* AND ACQUAINT* I ASrrs of Mr and Mia. J hn D. | Ixatan and o, Mrs S J. Gnffln and i family. *re re.|u*-#f -d to attend tta funetal servi<e* of MR*. KiHN D. I l.*»*!AN. flom the r-*ld<’»<* of her mother. Mrs. 8. J Grtfltn. near Jen kins. Oa.. THU KIND AT MORNING, at It o'clock. s6p° Suit Sale Think of It! For H W we give you un restricted choice of m«e» atyles of beautifully finished cheviots, raeslmeres and fancy worsteds. The fine tailoring of every garment offered In this sale will prove we aro gtvlng you the most reliable bargains ever offered In this city. You Will Find Many $7.00 SB.OO $0 00 and SIO.OO SUITS in This Sale Why are we sacrificing? Simply this— we are making preparation* for our winter purchases, and want to make a clean sweep of many styles that are not moving fast enough to satisfy us. We cannot guarantee your size in all styles, but assure you that the variety 'is so large tbat you are bound to make a good selection and receive your cor rect Hize. - We will exercise our usual care in the 'measuring and fit of these garments. I Be on hand and grasp a golden oppor i tunlty. L. SYLVESTER Old Polar Ice Works Maciicery FOR SALE Pups, Tails, Pipes, Sc., Cheap LuM Iron Works Uncle Sam’s Navy, Port folio No. 9, just received at Herald Office.