The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 17, 1898, Image 3

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WIDMthOAV iMtwt toAt *ttH irr«,*»tur*» Pmm **»—« *»"■*«» •"* »*w want*. «fik «*.»• e«kui>:« e*** to M* 9mm* 'ta*u»H ■***■.-agm ****** TM* fta»l »*« (to* to* !%••»** tfcCM *• I «*# numlf *x RHf ctaw ** * lllvy I dik tVi .•♦ --w-i w.* etoeskh he** I Ik MM wme «mm* •*» w» IMi'f total •’ I ggk |>* Xof ol%«* ttoMhetta mi Ml* Ml a' | |m~— end OWN k*k*» «t ttalkg '*• Ah*l MMM mMI HX MMA •* **kW | «h< Ik# I«l«ilni in *«* •««« «N 1 Aw* to rt~M~ Ihl tk MM| M pataStad j «to*k the** *» «• MMI *M •»* MMM* gw* Mm Ota ewg m-kl »M« MM* ► toera** mM •*>» dwta* »*j t*. **» 1* prwrtleklty kfkf MMI <Mo»* 1 If* ngatag* «Mi Mead M* M»*MM 1 (•*#*• M#w g*4 *4M*f (#dkX to #*• **» ntrn Alii Am* Mm nm m» mi I Mm tto mm engt M*mm x Mkd tatot* X* t •k- Ilf! Ml mm Mm* mi I* '*•»■ ftilHNVt f ; U fM Mi Ml M * MAM* ••» »M*« eec-twb’v they Mm** M**M Xkghtt#* mM MnmM TMl* mm* M» M MM****. Mm i|« gplttery kktMekNtok haop «y nt'-M tto mS*** kwy* to* lev IMM iMm* Mm IMM tto Km Mm *r*'k«» ||< Id UMtai MX MIX Madly TMe pm«» MM ******** M m end 'Ml* ■»»' lag M MoM IflM* IMm r»»vkd*r to *» , *•*• M IMM tkkflto to Ml** Meeting. T%» tof* Ml iHMiXiM tad tor M*to in m*k» mm • very IlgMI **•* agklkto Mee Mm* £1 AM* t<«*r*U*M to Ito way M* fc** reeled tor *M* paid IMe gne. Vito, j l|*l IMm ImflW tasted Hum (Wm i sennli mm tar MMI tft* • ptatto M*4 to *)*rM «Ml< I •Mm to Ito rtty ttmtte to An ito Mr Mi* to would ««* M*** tor* M nmn tk *, awwvng on • ekerge to totoattgg mm itaM IS ml ito frtal nnMtototo at Am- IWm ||< him gne* MX to. WilUem* ItatooM wniiam Ito****. •a* Rn* Mil paid 13 to for tio.aa* rs Ko. II Itaraett-Howarg A! tk* fiecoed Presbyterian per*-*- *«. n> k’rlnrM Iki* morning tto ■tor: lac* «f M.«a Akita T Upward to j|r Banjam a W. Nnroeti mm gule-ly anXmalaed Hr*. O. W. Midker oA«l --alia*. Tto br d* I* a rbartaia* r xia* la4r oT loMfr Rills *tr**t and Ilk- poota a p>i»:i'*r ti«m totrMtoaa ia tto cMtotav of ito J. H Wilt* rlothik* drpart ta«kt. Tto Mapp:' rrtopl* tafi on tto| *to (loath Carotin* train. rarry:ac with theta tto beta Ml*to* of a hoal of MdMtlrta* frleatH t’pon their retom they will make their home with Ur. ] kkd Ut«. A. G. Howard. No 2M Bill* atrret. fVf *rr purrbMliif • pistol or run. . rati «>a tor I ran aavr you money. Lrw* la J Hrhaiil, Pawn broker on iatkaon atrrrt. ralabltatwxt lit*, (let 'Em While They’re hot. iipain hat barn losing ground rvrr licet the war got anise— toning K ia- j land at a time. Ev-Gov Hogg, of Trias, la trying to! root bla way back to the capital of the Lone Star Stair. Ttir citizens of lA»n<e Immediately annexed Gen. Miles aa a permanent feature of the show. France wouldn't lend Spain a gun for the war. but she contributed a pen for the peace negotiation*. Uncle Sam might make a little bar- ' gn:n counter tale of Morro Castles j w .it n this thing Is over. No wonder England la feeling sol chipper. The man who made the ] Queen's bagpipes la dead again. Sagasta la so much of a Spaniard; thot he cannot blame us for suspect-j ing him of acting in a Spanish man-1 ner. It ia now understood that the Seven- j ty-flrst New York regiment was not scared, but just didn’t feel like serai* ping. Zola's name has been stricken from the French legion cf honor. France j chooses some queer ways to honor genius. If A'phonso XIII: hasn't a better doctor than he has a prime minister, he can save money by ordering a coffin at once. With Gladstone and Bismarck gone, John Sherman begins to feel that the list of grand old men is getting pain fully abbreviated. 1 Aguinaido, chief Malayan, If you etorm around and pout. Lay yourself the old man’s way in, Uncle Sam Malay you out. If we have to send some soldiers over there to attend to Aguinaido, that gen tleman may as well hcek his gold col lar. take his whistle and go on a toot. That old saw about “Where was Moses when the light went out?” has ' been succeeded in navy circles by the more modern “Where was Sampson when the fleet came out?" Richard Harding Davis declined a commission in the army because he knew nothing about military affairs. And he has been busy ever since show ing the government how the thing should be done. You can't always measure a man's good deeds by the carriages in his fun eral procession. " MIGHTY SURRENDER SALE V LIKE a GREAT LAND-SLIDE. BWEEPS EVERYTHING BEFORE IT y j| esrtitesssKSßSS: BSTt-ss 1 &sras& a ssratirsfa ssartsartias •conomy. summit th»v» prlc—: - | 76 CENTS m*N aw* a pmm -d mm loCw> tl n w Rid Ho* *M Mf*wf »-« ttadiwa ttol p- p*. -to*. M - I k • t.ts W* mow r*o to mrr"i- mm M «l «*•** Me* fa «•#* «al MW a* Ito ***** p*a» oto* ia aa #*M mm a *«.a. akd a aat* Met ikk»«i to dapk natod tor tom unm M R. 11.76 <tM* Mir HMVWRM iMtord* Mid m tor ti* seat toh dap* at Ito ■tot* hpar* Ttowi atowM at* **•! «kd («mimmh> i WE LEAD THE PROCESSION OF LOW PRICES. If you trade with us once you will be »orry but for one thing* that you did not begin to patronize us long ago. THE RICE & O’CONNOR SHOE CO, IN ASOCIAL WAY -A f \ S 3 A Compcoiwl e. M<*t eight cows, venerable, upright judge. t Mule • hie* from her. And now ahe beats me a grudge. And you nre arbiter. A guilty plea I enter here— You ante were young yourself: The liable weir low—go peraoa near. And— look upon the elf. » I stole the htaa. I have It at III; It la not mine, stack! Hut. willingly. If 'lts your will, t now will give it bark. —Hark-m Lisa. Gance at Beech Island | Little Miaa Belle Dunbar and Miss Ligate Mai Willis complimented a large number of young friends with a very 'charming children's dancing party at the home of Mr. Frank Dunbar on j Beech Island last evening. The ppar- I ioua home was beautifully decorated, and with dancing and gamea to a full i>and of stringed instruments the ehil |dren enjoyed aexeral blissful hourir. De | lletoua refreshments were served from a table exquisitely decorated In flowers ■and asparagus fern with tiny U. B. flags bearing the date as souvenirs. The two young hostesses were exceed ingly grateful entertainers, and they made the evening one long to be re rnemtiered by all so fortunate aa to be present. The guests were: I Misses Mamie* Willis. F.llee Wilson. lEllenton. S. C.: MJlledge Wilson, Cal | lie Graves, Loula Halley, Ellentnn. 8. C.; Harriet Davies. Helen Davies. Pau ! line Hanklnson. Clara Eve, Jennie Cook, Lizxle Cook. Bailie Dunbar, Anna ! Walker Dunbar. Essie Hankinson, Ja [nie Hankinson. Nell Dunbar. RUanton, 8, C.: Ethel Murray, Clara IHinbar.Au jgusta Dunbar. Carrie May Youngblood. Fannie Richards. Augusta: Nonie Dun bar. Nannette Willis. Messrs. Ralph Willis. Thomas Wilson. Ellenton, 8. C.; Hardwick Wilson: Marlon Dunbar. Francis Willis. John T. Willis, Jr.. Righton Robertson. Augusta; W. R., Eve, Richard Calhoun. Sumter Bailey, Thomas Davies, George Robinson. Council Dunlwir, Wallace Dunbar, Geo. Deeper. Hughes Lake, Sam Leeper, John Deeper, Galphtn Murray. George Oiaves, R. J. Hankinson. Ben McEl murray. Charles Willis. DeSaussure Willis H .Cook. Mesdames Frank Dunbar. J. T. Willis. W. I>. Black, R- B. Dunbar. F. I). Wilson, Roht. Wal ton, Jr. Messrs. rhjntiar, J. T. Willis, R. B. Dunbar, were the married gentlemen present. American fllrl’s Parisian Honor*. For several years Paris has bee«M showering honors upon a young Amerl- j ran artist, who, as yet, has only scant ; fame in her country. Of her and her j work the London Studio says: ■ “Elizabeth Nourse Is an example of ] strength in the weak frame of a wo- | man. When It became known that the, artist who produced ‘Good Friday' and ; ‘The Family Meal' was but a girl, the ( world of art was fairly surprised. I “Puvls d r Chavannes was among the j flrst to discover the talent of the young American, and when she was made an •associate of the Societe Nationals des , Beaux-Arts In 1595. the great French painter expressed his satisfaction at the general recognition of her powers. | “Elizabeth Nourse has since exhibited at each yearly salon at the Ohamp-de- Mars, and has always been much no i tired. Her fame is, moreover, steadily j spreading far beyond the borders of Fiance, and her pictures are always in great demand for exhibition in all parts lof the world. For instance, last year I pictures from her brush were on show lin Tunis, Copenhagen, Nashville, Pitts jburg. St. Louis, Chicago and Washing ‘ ton.” l Ufa* lto«.I* U h her I otrrttaa. "Tkoa* rvt tm* ito plHoiwmmmm h«a»« las Mr akd Ml* J«hk Wkto-. Ml W*a«- I' ** k k*. onto * t«a*nr«l akd toa* . ! t k> 9' ■ k# talk **"i alkk. Ito «*eatank to. i Uti ito i-orty- al *bw t> Ml** Ito*. ] Wtrto* eklertaMtad itavl tor of tor uni* fell ad- mi tok*w td tot thirteenth { irrtMap. The yard »a* I «Hk pay Japan*** tentofk* akd anr j i«d* of ttota «!«»*.! 'ran* «**« ihe ' they * ere w*ltotaled, prtotlly dtee.ed < hlHtea made tto aott .Ulamer *lr rln| ( with their merry touchier a* they in (tohred in Ito rndtenom* and mirth. | i lirntetUHt y**ttm<w *d tto *»*kti»c j Within d.tora everyihlnc *»» Ml tto moat perfect la.te. Tto color* ft* tto • vealttp M*r* Ihnae of Ito tot I"*, ted. white and Woe. and were -omhln.-d *nd Mendel meal artl.ttrally in minute*! detail* In Bower*, draperle* and menu In the nupper room the derorullon* wtde particularly effective Ho*peßdrd from tto chandelier were d«lleate dra i|>erle* of red. while and blue, which were raucht l» tto well with croup* of catty dauntlnc t’nlled Htale* flac* I'n tier Ihl* wa» upread Ihe larce tenser table with It* delleate lace over CllHer -1 lay , ut claim and allver »nd handaom* tand-la bee. each havlnc thirteen | cleamlnc candle*; around thl* were nftread .mailer Uldea. each dl»tinctlv« in lia color!nc. Href* *•» nerved a j tempting aupper sod dellcknia tee*. Bn econced In the hall waa a siring band, which dtacocraad *weete*i mu*l<. and * the parlors were given over to thn»e .who cared to dance. An eta-nalvc ar ray Njf beautiful gift* were displayed tn the rear parlor. Uttl** Ml** Wicker rti-elv d her gue*t* and dl*per»ed her hospitality with the grate- and ea*e t.f a social queen, which In a few years she bids fair to be. New Paper Edited by Women. Woman's Spherv.a forthcoming news paper, devoted to the practical Issue ief home and homemailing, will make Its first bow to the public In a few days. Its motive Is to expand Its energies, in the Interest of turning womanly labor into the development of fruit lands and a rropoganda for fruit growing as a means of livelihood, also the securing of homes for Individuals and groups. Contiguous subjects relating to home affairs v ill be treated, but fruit and | fruit growing will be the banner of the I new paper, which is a monthly. It Is j modeled on French llnca by English and American women on American soli. I and It will exhibit In Paris in 1900. Ft I owns Its own land—not for sale, but for occupation—and the labors of Its contributors will be paid for to shares of fruit. The contents of the Woman's Sphere will be written In Alabama and Chicago and It will !»• printed in Chicago. Its columns are open to all women inter ested in fruit culture and home mak ing. It I* distributed by corresponding circles, and. being self-supporting, will not depend upon advertising for Its In come. The place of the fruit growing, which Is in Alabama, will be entirely In ttie charge of women, and Its career will be watched by practical educators with considerable Interest. A particular fea ture of the paper will be Us page de voted to men. The Exchange Dance. So far as the enjoyment of those present w-as concerned, the dance giv en at I.akevlew last night, under the auspices of the Woman's Exchange,was a.brilliant success. Owing io the threat ening weather, however, the attendance was very small. The floor of the danc ing hail was in excellent condition, the music furnished by the Italian band was exceptionally good and the re freshments were delightful. The bal cony running aroud the eclosed danc ing hall and overlooking the lake made [an Ideal place for promenades, and, al together. the circumstances and envi ronments were charming in the ex- Itj -me. Great credit for the success of [the dance is due Mrs. David Shaver. Mrs. Lesser, Miss Mary Hall, Miss Sie mens and Mrs. C. O. Berry. Most Popular Doctor in Cahool. Miss Lillian Hamilton, an English woman, spent some years in Cahool as j the medical adviser of Abdurrahman, a famous despot, who Was in the habit of cutting off the le ads of his subjects whenever lie wanted to cut an argu ment short. v Abdurrahman wanted to spend many hours in conversation with Miss Ham ilton. discussing various themes, not al ways relating to his health, although few questions interested him more. He told her one day that she treated him tub jvt7an«Tjv htoai.r> SI.BO W* k’WkM MM# to c*>* Ito Idlta itataod >k*i tod ww kkfcp* toataMc M <* tak iMi to *ky toftaf HMk Ms> an* m* fad M *M» ***** •*»*» • 1,20 AN Ms mm ItkAtaM* Chmr*tot* <h4cf*4. Vvtathc X*m* *M Vta* RH RR ' to m a*4 to It mtotato at tk* •■*-*. Me*** tot ito tohi ton 4*»*. *• j Maui to *toa» 'tom 4CM, 76 CENT 6 tlimir- ■ T*h rt<*M Nttalp *■>**>» Mark tl ta L f*k chav* |k*to Tto* M tto •Mpptaf rm (Ms «*tof' ttactaii* R to (to. UM* a Ikto. My w-MMi to meaal that *k< AM kto towarh *nd to to* lb twnh tor late hr* b.retw t« »ta* kef Mow Ml* aw a w«*n*w treated kb* j TM* MRMM, N torku k.'*dl»aa to tdi did mm r.tov Mm* Itoakitao and rail td her a butcher ami • doctor. Nto W*« wtta- ekewch Ik KitotoktotofM red to vtall Ito haiwMta tto amaek todito talked Ik rota, fa tor SMlMer lid •to eat aay of Ito food pfwpkrwd by •tom. Ttoy all lurn*d to tor. to* ever, and ta.roeiime. ato sad Mer a»*t*taat had a* many a# TC* a day and a ptdb-w --tn.n lo kr*P them Ik i*drt Voukg nhy- Mriaa* tk ikta countiy cokld hatdly do better. Mt** Kmma Meyer will leave tod week for N*w T«ch Mr*. f> R. flumh and Ml** Boa plumb ere al Oalonoa kpnag* Min A lam* fta t>mn. who haa been visiting Mr* C. H Pohen. ha* telurn cd |o t'h*rle*lon Mr* William Prye and children, who have been aumne-ring In Harlem, aro • lending a few days In Ito elty. OANTOniA a Jmw FURTHER CHARGES. Filing Up Accusation* Against Mr. Marshall. Considerable more trouble Is being, hanked up in Savannah against Mr. A. A. Marshall, the book agent who was arrested In Ausuata. upon a j telegram from Chief McDermott, sent, at the request of Mr. A. C. Rlsdnn of, Atlanta, the Bfiuthem representative of j I ‘the publishing house of D. A pplelon & Co., whom Mr. Marshall la charged with having defraudrd. Ttesid'-a the «art ant sworn out by , Mr. Rladoa, charging a misdemeanor, three more criminal warrants were Is sued today against Mr. Marshall. Mr. Hob Hull charges'?!!. Marshall with having obtained list from him on a worthless draft drawn on N. D. Mc- Donald A Co., puhllahets, of New Or leans. Mr. Gordon Woodruff of H. F. Ulmer A Co., also has taken a warrant .out against Mr. Marshall for passing a ilruft on N. D. McDonald A Co. of New Oilcans for US.SO. which was dishonor ed. Mr. Woodruff also had to pay the protest fees, which runs the amount he [is out up to *50.27. | Mr. B. Dub of the Screven House Is ,the third party who charges Mr. Mar shall with fraud. Mr. Marshall and his ■ family boarded at the Screven and his [unsettled account amounts to 1202.50. [To satisfy Mr. Dub Mr. Marshall gave [the proprietor of the hotel, to hold as security, a diaft for *2OO, which had ■been given to him by Mr. W. B. Dingle of Charleston, made payable to D. Appleton A Co., due on Hint. 9, IS9S. Appleton A Co. refused to accept the draft. After the draft had liven Hent i back by Appleton A Co. io Mr. Mar shal! he failed to return it to Mr. Din gle, who is the maker. When Mr. Duh wrote to Appleton A Co. regarding the draft he was sur prised to receive a reply saying that the paper had been returned without aecentnnce to Mr. Marshall, it seems that while in Charleston Mr. Marshall sold some books to Mr. Dingle, o young man who will attain bis majority rfn Beot 9, next, on which day he will re ceive Hbout $7,000, which ts on deposit for him in the Security Savings bank In Charleston. After buying the books and paying for them with a draft yet to fall due it seems that Mr. Dingle gave Mr. Marshall a drafi for *2OO to negotiate a loan for him. as he did not cate to borrow of his friends. That Is the draft which Mr. Marshall sent to Appleton A Co., which .was re turned and which was given to Mr. Dub for security, instead of having been returned to Mr. Dingle. Mr. Dub intends to push his case against Mr. Marshall, also Mr. Rlsdon, ri-pieeenting Apleton A Co., and Mr. Woodruff and Mr. Hull, who a-e suf ferers by Mr. Marshall's kiting paper which was of no value. Mr. David B. Falk also holds two drafts for *lO each given by Mr. M»r uhull on A' ole ton & Co. which were [dishonored. Mr. Marshall, In Augusta, I denied the truthfulness of any of the charges. Say, you with an appetite ? Raise the blockade- Eat at the Ellis Restaurant. Railway trains are not of the fem inine gender, yet lots of people miss them. . THU WEATHER. mm T*M|ta and Mato Atatai Tw- A«gw*l* An*. It, CWr-c*- tor Mi Moat* r ndtog *p to !*c»« IC. IMP* i Wa*Min**«Mi •WMCML —■ (<*r Bnorh Car • j «hm Pair tokigMt #M TMarndny. *» ' <ept «h«»*r* in ooktlMMal porlHk (to Urartu Hta**»cr lonttM end Thar* day in nonitoast portion. *M o*et. tol l.oted My fair kwatMer k konknc** J parttaß. lawml torcmsM (Mr tugoata and *!• tinny Main tonight and Th*e»- i day TM* rlvr* at > rhla morn n* naa lo * frrt. a fall of 3.T feet it the »i 51 | boor* j l.sttle or no rain toll In tto eniml, and *oatetn portlona of the e* ttnn belt, dur'ng ike pn«t 34 Honrs, while general rains nreurrwl over iH* areatern por- Ilikl where a number of toralltlo# re ce verl Hoary fall*, notably Savannah. &.M lm he*. Waynesboro. lan inrHe*. 1 and CHnrtaMtoM, Augusta. Haltwra* and ‘ Tampa over sa loeh. Shuar era Have jaiao occurred la 111* naton of the great lake* »hicb ealended Inin Ml-morl. Kansas reporting a local rainfall of 2 HO inches Marked Jails In temperature me no-, teal in the Missouri and upper MUals alppi valleys, also upper Michigan, where the thermometer la now in the bhe. Dodge City yesterday had a. maximum of 100 degrees. Tire barom eter la highest over Ihe upper portion of the South At lam It state* and the lowest over the St. Lawrence valley. The pressure ia also high over the [northwest eountry and low over the • lower Rocky Mountain regions. LOST— Forty-five dollars, consisting of four tens and one five. Finder will be liberally reward ed by leaving same at Herald Office. REFLECTIONS OF A BACHEI/JR. Cincinnati Enquirer. "The man I marry." said the blonde widow, "must be a hero." "You arc right about that," remarked the sav age bachelor. Time and tide wait for no man—but it’a different with some women. KEPT jJY fILL f|Rsl QLASS gROCERS “Bring it in, Porter. That Brand Flour is ex actly what we want. We are tired, using corn flour and corn starch mixtures. Berry’s Grand Duke is Pure Wheat Flour, Guaranteed.” f*o CENTS p%Mdr*M • Ton itwM *nd Hktak UM drop tan I i»M, um I N R TMI m % « fta IMI (tat Rhi RtAtgl Rtf • i gtaNug# • 1.46 |ta ywo oant to «k*o ywMl nwooy * Wl C pMta •( *n» taayvf **RtaNM_RR R»eto" MnM ta**n tßarn TMa* *f**wwl MtPM*r* and *•*» MRVNR MR M to A • 1.00 no* (toy*- Mown •• ito *tovn ItoMf* Ai. m totad a* a mM *M mn Mt tool Tun tatonid an* itom * IIIXHH* THIRTV i KAR.V 1 tori talk Anniversary nl IMe rpta (Ofnt* at lUttoy *cvher A'taata Ant. It, Ri*M«p Thoma* j I A. Hrvbtk of Ibo t'adbul* dbkvrw nf i,«*m»a w ytatttkg mi tk* niy. lie < urn** M tv* dl<*vrski lo Ik* nc H . of making .mp'uvrmrnr* npok Ito Ca-' i hoik vaiMrdrni. nknk ta (roproltt (indy. H* ta tookint rr rarkahly atoll and I* r*e*4vloa rmnaralnlaiton* npvn Hav-j t a a tainrd lb* ibiriletH a**lv*r*ary, of Hl* IMP work Hishop He krr ta a very atirartlv* | man. Hl* manner ta awn agreeable »nd bla ronveraailoa plea-1 ant and instrorlltm. His •eavsitne m> i found and tboronah. ond hto power a« a pnlplt orator pronounced and mac , neile He la a man of big. broad view* and |!* areally beloved by His people and jedjoya a wide papuMuily In Georgia. • where many years of bla great and noble life have been epent. In answer to qwottona tbl* morning the bishop gave out Ihe following facts: "Yea." he Mil. "Ihla la the thirtieth anniversary of my rptsropno l was consecrated first liishop of Wilming ton. Del., by Archbishop Mar In J.| Spalding of Haltlmore. I bad li « j niue years In ihe priesthood, hv .>g j bet n ordained in Rome, h ' Card oal Uatrixl. the virar of Plus IX. ! was |student of the Urban college of pro paganda. Of the thirty year* of my [episcopacy, eighteen were passed In Wilmington, Del., and twelve have been spent in Savannah." The friends [of this eminent man everywhere will wish him tnanv happy return* of this [anniversary, and ihst each recurring year of his long, noble and useful life' will be hill of the blessings of health and bapplne a. I GUESS NOT. Detroit Free Pres*. He—ls 1 should embrace you. would you rail for help? She lf you really th -light you needed It. The venerable Richard W. Thompson of Indiana felt himself unable, cn ac count or advan’tng age. to attend the recent republican state convection. He Is 89. AUeiftT 17 Win CI.RIIORARI CASE. Me»*r» Pani and Jntas Hryktok (Mad Uy Vt.eeday. Hr Panl ll*-auab n 4 !*«• Madber. Mr tain I lev war to l nMr to utvM with a kan<» Imf. vnwed >**h Adaaa*. •art vtntnoto Hr Ita.l mt hnj * ad. .way I'em k. ytaro to »«o lurta vtd il*# bty Mh*.« akuaivk K . lleymsa *— 6 .duerad Ito toy ekhy. | but b dl«l not bedpa *• 'Hto. H« ! ll*} w*n o*ed a**..* torctoa «ir*i.» to pat tnmt Vilor re l-elw*** re eta»a and tto »'w ling ptar* to Adaem The ialter llirew v nwk and Hr. Jn»o* Merman ru-ln *i -ml !;• take (i't lr. Iha I trouble Tto netro toy tbea neat bkrtt a» If lo draar forth a kmft and tba ll irasa* grabbed him. All part Ira appeared « rtmrt tbta morning. The recorder decided that all patales bad vl ilate£ -he eighteenth section, an fined all II Ml. The Ifryman* aay they will eeriolrl the cave. PRI/I ORIICRFII SOLD. Judge Speer Plafa Ihe Mata foe Sk’o to Adula. Savannah Aug IT. la ihe Untied Blair* court Judge BflKkf Speer la»u*d an older for the sale at public outcry iof the Hellish steamer Aduln. recently brought into Bavannah port as a war I prlx*. The steamer ta lo be wild uo the !9th of ihl* month ai public outcry fur no* than fijh.OOO. Teg per cent of the • pnciuue price must be paid at onco and ihe balance In ten days. The , Aduln ha* been apprised at 4*0,990. Pistols, Double Harrel Guns— Plstola, Harrington A Klrharitaun Hrand new pistols, S2.MI. Harrington A dtlchardaon si and hand pistol*. Amrriran double action pistol. It.on. Guitar, Man dolin and Uanj-I String*, t for ( rent*, at L J. S< haul, Iteliabln Pawnl-iukt-r. General Garcia’s return to Ihe fold la arrepted as a proof of the old adage that It I* an unwise thing to cherish a grudge on an empty stomach. Chica go Record. "For a good. calm, tranquil. ?eden tmy life,” says Filthugh Lee, "recom trond me to that of a major general In war times.”