The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 17, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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WtDNKBDAV 4 THE AUGUST! HERALD »%• f*»* ,M*»«M*>**W • * - -** —«* - « ... fpUM (AWftfii,«,«♦***»** ■" " Mttf#9Nr. ** dAft**** * n w *** t * l l *" "* * _<sp • ntHMM -mm***. <*»»»*kM* »*• • pu***** l two »ft* *** t*>* WtHfc _* M •Mwt BHW"*®’*"*•" * VtU fMLL ITMMHIi MIKAW* AH****-* 1 ****** ** 4 a .«-•«»%a* ss****• l* ftwo** JM **V[*T^ •m •« «•*■*• r*’ „„ _ ~ ' 3§ifto***-;** **• **** US' CMa*w«t<*-Ai «• C ** , * , * TT to OMium At «• j **?',*** t» n** f«m otf ** »’• "•■*• *•*" pn, »M Aaftha* •■*** *»*•*.•» «»t "7* aw** wow ' |M> • f*,<* t> mofri «*• ta* »* *»*• “(HIUAt MtftlA*- Alt fppWWi**®** t* TW ||4H !•#•**■ b k4**»«*_ ifrri** - : IM MM* •t’ l •f Ilk* ««**'•'»'* ** I<my Hikl Mm *•** *• *•* r ~ I Herald Prize Letters From American Summer Resorts. . . , t*» M*asU «fc** r— f * w « MTW <4 *«•»• f®» ******* **tt#r* «****»•*** •• A "’rj, (*| MMUtt TP*** U'» m«*» •» »"*« A (Km) 4# •§»**• i "J* * f< mUtr* Km MMMI ***• ** ( " 9 **' flan «itl fe*» kM»HN * r * m " ■am.* C r lb* «* ►*»**■• ™ «' ***** -*l* *niai. •• «*•' •• ptuin*. **«*•« **** tlllgr **nt In jauullrn! ana. »„r lb* purpo** ot td*ntifl»- ; ..a,-. turn. 4 Cwlnnlnntn ronfln* !ia*ir |r |*t:*n to * ra*wn»»•!*• (MlaMMltl <** »rll« »a ronnS' Miters ». Ib-r *»•»• * ur ,h * pro*, but o»e conleatsn' '»» fr.B nfkty wt |H** pftK* ... The Herald *»»•* *»• •pridt’*- »y. gpclpy »*<«***. •*><• ‘Hr pi Iff* «111 br iwiflft for t fi* |nl. mn*t l■lrtr*lln« »n«l m, * #t rvad*<>lr l.llrrt u( Hummci It* • tori K««» Contest Closes Oct. 1. ron thk ntanr i,ettkh ~ w* •» F<iU THK "V HIWT I.ICTTKB .>* »' fOIi THK JD HBST UCTTKK.... •■*• ..- WORK fF THI ASMY ARD RATI UIAOCS Thr Army »i>J N»*t nnrtpr 1 the Isiptriilnn of Mr*. W. Y. Atkin •08. Mr*. Loulir M Gordon and olhn j patriot It women, ha* In Ita brief ral*t- . •nee done well and nobly the work it art out to do. Prom reports of officera In AttßUCltt them la not an object of their tare in I the city that ha* not been relieved, j lleiides looking after local needs, the District Vice President, Mra. C. Henry Cutieu. ha* through the local order rendoted prompl antt *ub*tanliaJ m* etetance. upon the call of the president, to the eoidter* In camp. 1 leal dm the Ahgusta chapter, there ore also Army and Navy league chapter* in Sparta and Thomson, which have alao done grant work. Despite the conclusion of peace, there 1* a prospect that the league will remain Intact, and look after the in terests of the Georgia goldier* both at the front and as local relief iocleties. Why not call a meeting of all the »tate chapters and the noble women throughout Georgia who have been In terested In this work, and put the league on a closer basis for the con tinuance of this relief work? Such a meeting would result in the exchange of ideas and possible helpful plans of work, ATXAKTA’S CITY FRIHABY. Whether you are Interested In poli tics or not, for entertainment acquaint yourself with the regulations for the city primary In Atlanta. The plan is hdereGiing. Commercially, Atlanta has progress ed wonderfully of late years and Is still l pi ogt easing. Atlanta has fixed It so that what is known in politics as the ward heeler will, In that city, have to look for ether vacation. ... L t|f •M*t» f%• |mr «*tM* Ml MK ! AMltitf -> |*-j ikMMfc.ff * 'M dfi IK* *** . * m | m. 0 . IKtif ||«*iikKl« * tIMKI if* Ml | rjiifii |kf* in ftk* if jtamrfi MaiVk. MfOUtH. ofotAum i pi# of |o«t| (KortH (a set iKiil’H ! fine# »«»4#f ok* Hu to l ill Mill toi*th*r for (Korid «k 4 IK* floiil. Ik • «trt»Kt k44(«hul. TK* HtrtM "IH»PK!i«« farmer* of W mrr ttmmf, Mr* (b* rtifin of o*r mmmon ’ rOOKtry it btiil wkoo iaftfifii or* | iMtidl With (mr own, jr*»u who iff I ons mllhhon n 4 KKOclilfi. lal VI ; |»| tcvKihff. Hit* r* vol m*t fw I fttllf Mlf OKjr «• tht OMttrr of kIM* i form. li4w4 Mr* rt vo* idojHwl IM J M*l p*r\ of your cm'. •«><* Irfl jroa I ititiK or bcmKlm tn on* j Whit if H you would tow? Reform 1 .a our awtHodw of h< Idtri k j purifying **t U»* Milo* btrs. a Ruio I milof ud i fair count? Then rocn* t«nrk urn! help us bring about them re* f ot m*. “You ran do no good by standing aloof, but Inside the line* you ron be of great assistance. In God'* natno The Herald appeal* tor unity among the white citixcnahlp of the *outh, and espe< tally Wore county. We want to j Have the honor of having helped to bring It about, and we have great faith that the next election will show that the good cltlnna of W'are county are a united people. Let u* set the exam ple and tbia will follow." The louder the clot hen you put on a colored youth the noisier he be come*. ATLANTA'S MUNICIPAL CONTEST. In many respect* Atlanta * municipal race that Is Jurt starting will resemble that of Augusta's last city election. And yet there will be one great dif ference. There will be probably three entries, three representative cltisene conies, tig for the high honor to fill the mayor's chair. There will be the slo gan of economy, reform and retrench ment '.n public affairs. Hut the colored vote will not have the picnic that it did In Augusta's elec tlon. It will not be fed with barbecue*, dosed with whiskey and openly bought and sold at every election precinct. Atlantn will have a white primary. It Is a white man's town and the candi date receiving the largest numher of white votes In the primary, will be elected mayor of the city without op position. Atlanta can do Ibis,and she makes or, rather, saves money by It. The result is that there are more men who are willing to offer for public service and the public stand a better opportunity of selecting proper public officials. The negro vote as It Is used in Au gusta and Richmond county works a two-fcld hardship on every cltisen and taxpayer. Hasn’t the time come when Augusta can put aside appeal ing to the negro vote to fill our city and county offices of public trust? » - All men who have long hair are not poet. Some of them have not the price of a hair cut. , >. L .... . THED ADOTTSTA HBBALD A TIIBH Vk | A Its. <a*»«*4M* mw mm #* •* ►«** .. i## * tit mm Kg» K»g* ■ ak lb* M*t*AM ‘ ' * IMlMtgW*. *lMw rtwtta Hsk***. CkstV*!**. wna j I wH fc g, a ftt’.r > Pasiar. I M»a* Nißsh M*fa»ab»m. Mawbarry. His* M. Rlawart. C«lu**b»a. with Mr. ! J mVTm, Odumbta »«h M* 1 w f Ml** Ulan' b* M~>r». Rpbmp *urw ■ l«tth Mr fTusrtea P Ulh>*! Mia* Rial Glbtw. Cd«mUta, Mr. OM I ('*4l*l4, Jr ! ij,.. nj.ft t»rai**v A«Unta. Oa .with Ml** Mr K. M .Wbartan, j Mia* Ida K Weed. Atlanta. Oa.. with 1 Mr. Iredell M _ Mta* Barren* Miller, rolumbia. N. C.. with M'. A- H Rteadman: j | Mta* Melt Hardin. CT»«r*w, with Mr H. M. ICdinond*: .. ... | Ml** Haiti* ««•■■•••. Oolnmbla. wirn j Mr. (km. W Pvlni^r: Mia. Annie T OlbhaW Cdumbta. with , Mr R r Helntlab. MiM Addle Hughe*. NpartAnhurg. I vrUh Mr While; j I Ml** Nan Crigh’r. Nt*rt»nhurg. ». I r.. With Mr. Hydav B. Faarrow. The Stag*. A Dial Oray. A O Stmnaou. Henry ] Huck. Jim* Rom»r W M Connor Jr W. R DeLoach. K. »■ Hadger, tapl Jullu* Cogawall. Muckerfuaa. Cba* ] O'Neal*, K W Johnaon. H T. Crlglcr. o Edwin Fleming. Wilt V Thooipaon. The Chaperones Mr*. Wm. K Holme*. Charteaton. j * Oco. A Ilarltadale. Otwanwood. j Mra* Charles Wilaon. ChnHeslon. 8. j (*' • Mrs People*. Newberry. SC.; _ | Mrs W H. Hunt. Newberry. S. C.; Mr*. F. C. Roberta,>n. Charleston. mV*'. J. T. Simmons. Greenwood, 8. 1 Mrs Nat Gist. Newberry, 8. C.t Mr*. Ja* H. Hunter. Savannah. Oa.: Mas. Wm. P- Hunter. Savannah. Ga. Better Day*. (From the Sumter Item.) If our people had bee® early taught t„ ,he school of thrift and frugality, bow Independent wo would be today. Pot we are learning, and in that far there i* great future hope Tic credit evi.tem and agricultural • laws encouraged extravagance and de prived us of that vigorous, manly se.f reiianre which are necessary to a prosperous country. Wa got Into debt, and debt is h mother of humiliation and servitude, the mighty slayer of confidence, re spect r.nd manliness. The financial depression of the past several years hit ns when we were less able to bear it; but somehow tve have pulled along and struggled, and through i; nit learned lessons of value. The longest lane has a turning, the long , st reasons of difficulty must have an ending end pass away ike a cloud to give way to the cheery light of the sun of brighter days. Kven now a e prophecies of better times near ot hand. Let ns faint not, but patiently wait and watch and labor industrious ly on risking the best of every op i portuniry Let economy and honesty be tobUolling principle®, and cheerful hopefulness a constant condition. , Tho booth is ready for the wave of prosperity, and a large share w.'ll '■omo our way, for God has blessed us vi.h a great country which will yet blossom a? the rose. Avoid debt, save a little of what you yet—that of Its-, f will bring the belter days—the kind of days which abound with peace, plenty, happiness and virtue. It is often a man's strong right arm that favorably impresses a woman. fUt: H% ft! Willi****' A *«»«»***»• I ##* IS van ka #4 Wto I #» t*## IK % «*A m bK !«• 1» *II AvNf «“* *4%- * ; *. toiwMM ItofKK (Mb** Malt*** A Rrwlffrt litu | Hff AtAK Rlotitil Sift, Into A R« 44 to fiIUISC ffto* ||t«« Hattif ll«ffirftoK l kk4 I ifi* (((At* of ||rA. HraK ni ftolf Mr OoAr«r r. C©« toi Mr WUltiK ! e«llnvr,r art »n|orlßg (to p!«*»- Mfff of Iod!«i Hprififi. Mr. Oforgf O WKraortc to ft Non A Mr Harry flwia. vto liaa toa# tliH* (nil ralillvta toss, left Mcmdiisr for Ala home Ik RaitiKoit Mr. and Mra W T W»lArr. of fto | vtnnah. art among Wajrßfaboro'a, I |i|i>Kainf rlattora. The I,Meet of l(K«. i N Y. Commeielal. The war has M abort and very de cisive. Without cm aetback or defeat ml th* ha«d« of our en*my. th# Uhbed Siam h*»? brrQ *ibic to 4ktxti its own t (if mo of {M acro. Immediately upon tha evacuation of the Spaniards, w* ahall control ihe ad m:ni*tration of Cuba until auch a tine na th* Cubans themnelve# are in a po sition to satisfy our administration of their ability to properly govern Ihoir I stand. Porto Rico and other small {aland* of th* West Indies become absolute possesion of the I'nlted Btate. In the Hast Indies we set-tire th* poaseninn of th* hay. harbor and city of Manila. We alo tak* Guam and the Hawaiian island* in rntd-Pacifie. In all we hav* added more than one hundred thousand square miles to ihe territory of th* United State*. W* have shown tbe world that we can be a fighting na tion when we choose. Rut at all times we prefer to be at peace with all men. It is only when we witness wanton cruelty and starvation practiced upon humanity at our very doors, when wo feel that wraker peoples are being op- ! pressed, and when such a dastardly outrage as that perpetrated upon the Maine has to be avenged, that the American nation is aroused to arms. Hostilities have ceased, wo are now prepared to return with renewed vigor to the peaceful pursuits of trade and j commerce. To a certain extent these have been Interrupted by the war. though, ex cept for the loss ot life among our brave sailors and soldiers, it Is proba ble that sabcti a balance of the nation al ledger is struck, we shall be found the gainers. For tho future there Is nothing to hinder progression and prosperity. There ts universal confidence In the outloolf. Our domestic trade should at once resume Its healthy and normal condition, while our foreign com merce phould undoubtedly expand. Crops will be large, and we believe that the present is undoubtedly the most favorable moment, in t.he history of the United States for the expansion of in dustry and commercial enterprises. One step won’t take you very far, You’ve got to keep on walk ing, One word won’t tell the folks what you are, You’ve got to keep on talking, One inch won’t make you very tall, You’ve got to keep on grow ing. One little ad won’t do it all, You’ve got to keep them going LEGAL NOTICE > ktlmkii > T’Nk* ti*» »#■*'» T'*t * . #4 gpHiMi X «4 Aftiv to jt at' «K» , t#*fl thkO— ■* f to - ( ‘ 'KK* 11 iv ' * 'IA ('l' * o*>Mt t iftHlßi ito* ffutta) , a % fcfhfw*iKl wKK'h rtottoi a *krrKKKor for (to bbh* I i,)rol (»na toad to rtortad; rrorwa, tfl(»t tto KKCOKKKKfK (Of Ktl } i ~..vni rxotrv nQ ftf -r# i tad by Awmbljr «f ' * Kf* | MMI far !•*». for the full »*rn. t ."Mr j year*. ** i ftre |. ft* H furtW *nact*d Ky »»- ] i thiiflty iforwaw, Tnait wakakk®* *"* I *ma b* agreed t» hy t*w thirds of the members c4*cted to each i of Ih* two house, of the Oeßeral A#- i mr fi’biy. Ito Ouv*riw>r shall, tß<l hr to hereby autto*ri**il and (KatrurtAHiS in j t tnp«’ paid imeriim'Kta to to* pul'lkh'd j r< .( |««*t two Ik caarh mi»* imta(«*nal dtotrld la thto Xtate for tb# period Of two months next pr*ee,lln« the time for holding the next general ( election. Bee. 8. Be tt further eracted by tbe authority as- reaald.Thnt the above pr.r posed amendmer.t* ahall be *cl*tttuted for ratification or rejection of the elec tor* of ihl* Btate at the next *»ri*r*l ele, tlon to be held nfter puhltcaHon. a* provided for in the fourth section of this Act. In the several district* of th* State, at which election every perwtt shall be qualified to vote who i* enti tled to vote for member* of ttw Gene ral A.-aemtily. All perrons voting at said election in favor of adopting th* proposed amendments, or either of them, to the Constitution of this State, shall have written or printed on thetr ballots the word*: "Fey ratification of > the amendment of paragraph 2 of sec- | tlon 3, article 6 of the Constitution" ! (for election of Judges of Superior | Courts by the people), ' For ratification . of armrulment of paragraph 3 of section j 3 of article « of the Constitution” (for j election of Judge* of Superior Courts j by the 'people), “For ratification of amendment of paragraph 1 of section 11 ; of article 8 of tha Constitution" (for election of Solicitor* Uenernl by the people). Ar.d all persons opposed to adoption of said amendments, or either of them, shall have written or printed on their ballots the words: "Against (the ratification of paragraph 2 of sec tion 3 of article 6 of the Constitution' (asnirist election of Judges of Superior Courts by the people). "Against ratifi cation of the amendment of paragraph 3 of section 3 of article 6 of the Consti tution" (against election of Judges of . Superior Cour'a by the people) "Ag ainst ratification of amendment of par agraph 1 of section 11 of article 8 of the Constitution" (against the election of Solicitors General by tho people). Sec. 6 Be IT further enacted by the authority aforesaid. That the Governor be. and he is, hereby author ed and directed to provide for the submission of the foregoing proposed amendments to the Constitution of this State to a vote of the people as requir ed by the Constitution of this State in paragraph 1 of section 1 of article 13, and by this Act: and if either be rat ified. the Governor shall, when he as certains such ratification from the Sec retary or State, to whom the returns shall be refereed In the same manner as in case of elections for members of the General Assembly, to count and ascertain the result, issue his proclama tion, for one Insertion, in one of the dally papers of this State, announcing such result and declaring the amed inent or amendments ratified. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with the Act be, and the same are, hereby repealed. Approved December 21, 1397. Now, therefore, X, William Y. Atkin son. Governor of said State, do issue this my proclamation declaring that the foregoing proposed amendment to the Constitution is hereby submitted for THIS IS IT Http tot |~ig§'V MM ligto IsjtNif pst. TOR EARLY FALL SIS» MS ALL SHADES $3.00 Just A r riv*d. DORRS Tailoring, HaU, Funrnhmfv THERE MUM! tfiony kinds of chocolate on the mar ket, but only We’ve sot that and use it in our soda. It’s the best you ever tasted. You’ll think so when you try it. Scents. Ice cold. Our Chocolate is The talk of the town Family T rkat. 12 k r SO w»ts- K fc* 81 uo. Bicycle Parties will find oor p'acs a dahabtfnl oi, ( to rwt. Battaf N*ta w»«*r and i reams u.»a ouis can't M Btto. A Delicious Plate of Cream Ours mad* of purs I'rvam • n *j ir» h Fiuils A »|.»<a»lly with us to “Iw Cmnmb Sod*. Aleiander Drti & Seed Co. ltd BROAD ST. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. B«nd u» roar Prescriptions to nil. DON'T RUN THE RISK of Using Bad Language, But Go To Simmons’ Bicycle Shop 711 BROAD STREET, And Get Your Work Done Well. For the next 60 days Bicycles Ensmeled for $2.00— High Grade Work. Lowe-U prices in town on Repairing. Second naml Bicycles bought and sold on easy payment*. ALL WORK GUARANTEED ratification or rejection to the legal vo ters of the State »t the general elee [ tlon to be held Wednesday, October 5. I igsg. i w. Y. ATKINSON, Governor. By the Governor: F. E. Callaway. Private Secretary. Don’t be Sorry. Don't be sorroy. mo'ners, when fie sun don’t shine; Wort' is ful let- trouble an' complain in'; But still dey is a blossom what's a groivin’ on de vine, De storm is Mowin’ over en de weath er’s mighty fine. En de del s is smellin' sweeter for de rainin’! Don’t be sorry, mo’ners, when de night come down; Worl' is might full er sin en sorrer; But a little star's a-peepin’—des a peepin’ all aroun’; Someivhar de day's breakin’, en de bells er glory wan', En de birds all be singin' on ter morrer! -FRANK L. STANTON. The deadly car stove is enjoying its annual vacation, and railway passen gers are enjoying warm ice water. AUCUST 17 *_ **• =**-•» lita in* QUI t ftter Cm for in* e**tJkH* tun *rMi pf«v*f)!iv« of *0 forms o# CAMS ftmt MftUfift. I par* utuiftfty rtrofttmaM to hmch U* Uyiftf Wl ft mftiftrtftl district to tftkft ft doftS (Ufht ftnd nrornlns until frod, nod It will hoop off dkidf arid Fsvsr. Prfos SO fonti Aid li OotttoL $•« thftt tho cut of ftn •*- tiffttor ts on ftvory bottlo rtm j don't tftkft ftnythUHl •Its clftimln* to bft just ft* rood -Bokl by ftll Druygiftts. L. A. Gardelle. Druggist. kit yiiMi' mr* Tbe Aopsia Heralfl Mftnl Briiitul ui At But iriipaj’f Piiiuk’i a Tta SettitL yrtCKTJ&T TEI fGRAFIt THE XKWB OF THE WOULD (I IIILK IT IS NEWS. is to to nnritft ahead or OTHER GEORt.U AND I SOITH CAB"U>'A papers. -r{ TRIIL lilt CONVINCE TOT &■*.“ '* “** *“t|> PROF. P. M. WHITMAN 200 7th St., AbrosU. Gb. FREE EYI TESTS Or *n defer* <* tight, grinds tils profksr |l»mm %»d WaIU RAXTh Unm cat into your ftctr* while jam wwl. FREE OF CKARtiE, SPAIN IS DEFEATED. Again have the boya who weor th« blue whipped the Spaniard! and plant* ed the Star* and Stripes on foreign poll, and again ha* F. O. Mertln* de* seated high price*. Look at thla: Jse. Necktie* Me. 75c. and It Shirt* We, 50c. Suspender* 25c. IS.OO Trouser* $5.00 A full line of celluloid collar* nnd cuff* lust received. F. O. Mertln*, 821 Broadway. Paine, Murphy & Co. UlMMlfcfllON MKKCHAKTd. 803 Reynolds st^Teleiilioiielft&.r/ 1 rival* Leased V. ire* Diiect to hew York Chicago and New Orleans. Orders executed over our wires for Cotton, Stocks, Bouds, drain and Pro. visions for cash or on margins. Local securities bought and aold. Reference* —National Exchange Bank of Augusta, or Mercantile Agenda*. MEMfIIM. In any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight ; 3 and 5 years time, or on lO years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. Alexanfler&JolDSOii Agenfs Scottish Ameritan Mortgage Company, 705 Broad Sb /