The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 17, 1898, Image 5

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Wt^NfgfJAV **•*•#%. * imtm* j NaHm lut H 'w« now ■* Georgia Railroad Bank AUGUSTA, OiOKOtA ItißsMt-SOO hiWIM A* Pfot UUK >•. AM CAXHf UHtAU •••••• **••*"; (HWt'4 tOC» ■— ■ ■ T Itri |hw*w « B««w* ><■> *• »«•*«* ggll, „ R , tMl ■ mmm» P t»—<M *»■••• AdgßjNNt ft SMMHMk <N44# mSSmhcmlmmk Aim iwirti i\mm» As ■!#* **4 ((ft# Uwwi * flhfli 99s f «f*Htos4« §&*«■* *%! I# T *** t*«#**4 KMk «t N»sr> A bm*(l I ire A mm I Iff vm AfawcoTtysd Hi tM | Cop* Hot#* Fr*«!*v •rm'il Vfctafc (•in# Mtr fftalHiS la (A# rampi***. «f ***** btiltfiwt To# « of*#i |}(g| l)Klld'6lf Ilk lovß lln it# MM votsld hivr aff* c*r4 Ibe of the (ova badly. Five Recruit# 'Five vfffalli were atat op to Col* umh* Saturday ilt«rr.coß for Ifr H S j Dowitng m roiapany. Mr DpwHm 1 ffmli oaiy atpvpo too re o> it la mi bii 1 fvti. which lie oxprfUi to get by am j T DCada y. Little Mention Mr. J. Plnekoey Mathcny has been nlifd upon (o deliver on address as a i big barbeeo# and ramp meetlag at ] BUi kville ©o toowjrrov, Tluiraday. Mr. and Mr*. C. J. 8. lira* a ar# j fidiTi*r a few week* at Olrng Spriii|». , Mr Ed Mixon went over to Alien dale >rtn, rda) Maj Havelock Ervj# was In town Sunday. Misses and Rat SlfltM, n r spending the week pleasantly with. Mi«* Atll* Jenniuga, bav* relumed to Orangeburg. Mr. C. J. Marten, one of our most popular young men. .pent teat we k lu Oraugcburg. Crums* W D. Illume. A. Slradlcy. William Wilson and John Hunter, of' the Second regiment. South Csrcltnaj volt nteers, are at home <yt • furlough . Mr. C. It. Brabham, one of Ilam-1 berg'* meet popular merrhatita. la on i an extended sojourn at Olenn Spring*. I Mr. W. G. Smith spent Sunday lan tn Witltston. Prof. H. J. Shoemaker, who has been j spend"ng the etimm-r months in Spar tanburg. returned home Friday. Prof. W. W. Stewart, of the St. George* Graded School, la spending some time here with relatives. Rev. W. B. Johnson and family are j spending the warm months In Aiken. I Mr. G. Frank Bamberg has returned ! from Anderson. Mr. R. C. Jones leaves on Wednesday for an extended visit to Appomattox, Va. Some time ago a little bottle of Cham berlain* Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Pell into my hands, Just at a time when my two-year-old boy was terribly afflicted. His bowels were be yond control. We had tried many rem edies, to no purpose, but the little bot tle of Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoe Rem edy speedily cured him.—William F. Jones. Oglesby. Ga. For sale by Alpx ander Drug & Seed Co., C. R. Parr, of Bell Tower Drug Store. When you see a girl swing a ham mock In the darkest corner of the piaz- , za and hang a whist broom within roach, that girl has had experience. It may he an insult to offer a man money as a bribe, hut lots of men are w illing to pocket an insult. Wm. Schweigert & Co.* Jewelers. At MIN I*. Mb Nfc. :Up(A Ml IM* **>*# lb# v»vf#vf • Ag##M gt **##••« v#4- [Hf lippi* fVPMRi# Ml (MHAM* Mi #•%**** [*«# #»4 Ma#w m 4 AifW* Mt iWI ftti*#** I# #l*ll Nig M# Jikbg f or lb# Hl# b Acbovl Mr K K I**nt4cll r*t««f*#4 Mal #**• tr *m bi* f »rirr hog# Ml 0>l««n --,., l/ott|fr «h#ir hr feft# l»#rt> f»B blit* Kn, c w iNckitoß »n«l Mr, I*. C. Pall n#*r Wait #r #hn h*v# boon q*ur L ir | «r#r# though ID b# .roprovlo* this R#v J. H (Him It roftAurttog ft v rioting a House. Home tiro# •# . Mr J B. Fry#c I ikought a Bor# hot)*# from Mr. H- V. i Msirph* y Tb# hmldioK vir od lend MobiJiji to Mr*. Miry Art on. Yo# t#fd*y Mr. Fryer moved tb# building I own lend Tb# Job km •urmiafii’ly I and qulrkl” don* The bout# will *oon ie eonveriod Into • dwelling. ••PROTOCOL." A Word W e Have Been Hearing Much of Lately. 81dc9 l.'n le Sam has said lo Spain. ‘ I'll let you kit* and make up again,” thn p* pie of this great and glorious iund buve hud a new word sprung on them. That la, speaking generally, and the folk* have hern asking on every hand chat Is that Protocol we are bearing to iiiti.*li about ? W#ll. what i# » protorol? Ijh u* sea what the dlrtionary has to say on the subject. Protocol, a la Wabater: “(1) The original copy of any '/cit ing. as a deed, treaty, dispatch or other Instrument. (2) The minutes, or rough draught, of an Instrument or transac tion. (3) A preliminary document upon the basis of whi h negotiations! are car ried cn. A convention not formally rat ified. An agreement of diplomatists indicating the results reached by them at a particular stage of a negotia tion.” The Standard Dictionary says of the word: “(1) The preliminary sketch or draft of a treaty, dispatch or other official document. (2) A diplomatic document, m’rnite or agreement containing thn official record, or embodying Ihe re sults of a negotiation; a declaration or memorandum of agreement less sol emn or formal than a treaty; also a supplementary clause or declaration explaining a treaty or extending its scope or duration." 20-vear filled gold watches in ladles’ and gents' sizes with Elgin or Wal tham movement from L 7.00 to 112.50. Guarantees with each watch at Lewis J. Sehaul's, Reliable Pawnbroker on Jackson street. Some men are so dignified that they never unbend till they are broke. THE!MARCHED TO BEUIR. I )’egf CgbNpbbbb T#h*fc | ftgl M hfU<t lUhl I t %m H#*#*t e##ft Vfto» ft* iMeMMft## t «ts fiiitf MM## I * gke#Ait m gNft M **«.§-■ # * r •* '■ * | ptwr* WW< MM walking I*** *•* >« #. 4 < 9 *■- f qMMi #« • w a a ga. *w» yg\i A# nV' 1 | liit >i*i«it i m # t%*9 mmbtM im*| glfMgy MM** l “ j MP-M Ha. * \m • *twi. lkw*W». itu.iwM a* L*w tw ike Army «r Ma* ‘iteht or *»* ##uty* rwt ni t ’it Ihii r m t #*W9 of i ilbig# tbft- Ailin’* j : .. |^j|,, | # ny it lAM %»ul tWfljtib - I t*#m|t(# *#nt FVifCF A44m» Alin 8 I fitm*t#d Id# Hog. ft T« si*i.i:mhi> 111. K TAN'. The %*w* That H towlsf I* F«* j Hatrsbwrg. 1 M*pd»y V. ruing b* Gw HairaMrg *e I rt*l (Tub WM • r«»m|4#t# •uwr##B. Tm* I hof#| town «PBB lilurolBBl#*! by J#P#n . *r«# Imlf-rni. «hU b #lfor4r4 tb# ft»l |M»f*»m# lb# It*t#rrol##t#«* b» lowing wer* pkwsi 1 hose Presewt. I Mr. St J. Callum. with Miss J«* I Sharkey; i Mr. S. *. Perry, with M!*« Any* ITK ■«*• j Mr. I*. R. Bagly. With Ml*. Bray . ton; I j Mr C Dowling, with Mis# Page: Mr James F.-x with Mis* O'Krefs: Mr. Stack Carwile, with Mis* Mary i Mr" Waller WatSOB, wllh Miss Rlet lis Boa i right* i Mr. Htan. Carwile. With Mia* EGwl Mr. I- W. Youngblood. Jr., wllb Mr. S Dowling, with Mias Ma*.rk:| Mr. 11. Wataoß, with Miss Tlnsdale; Mr. L. F. Perry. With Mias Fannie (Strother; Mr Thomas, with Miss Alice Perry; I Mr. Purvis Boatright, with Mia# Ella* . Carwile. The Stags. I Stags were: Measta. Whitten. Ilul .kind, Cuilum, Boatright. Bugl>* The Chaperones. I The chaperones were: Mr. apd Mrs. ■M K. Watson, Dr. and Mrs. Hvat ilght.JMr. and Mrs Alchardt. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson. I he German Begun After light refreshments st 1! o'clock the german ««» begun and laated un til 3 o'clock a. m. It wan beautifully and artistically led by Mr. Purvta Boatright, with Miss Kllse Carwile. Pinckney's orchestra of Columbia furnished the music. This was the so cial event of th eseaaon. and will go down In Bateaburg'a annals ns th» most delightful of Its many nodal tri umphs. _ FROM COLUMBIA. What l» doing on In the Carolina Capital. Columbia, 3. C., Auk. 17.—The Inde n«rulent Battalion is In splendid trim. It is Just finishing the last movements of the battalion drill, and is in perfect order. The regular drill yesterday was indeed o fine one. every man knew or ders perfectly and executed them w th precision. There la not u better drilled battalion in the volunteers army. The band, too, is getting on exceed ingly well under Chief Musician Trow bridge’s management, and he deserves great credit for what he has done. One week ago last Monday the band Instru ments were in the express office, but judging from the excellent music fur nished, it would seem as If the men had been practicing for months. Last night Lieut.. Col. Thompson said Its success was something beyond concep tion. Tbe members of the band take great Interest In It. About 10 o clock last night, when I was at the camp they were diligently practicing. Off for Washington. This morning Col. Jones and Lieut. Col. Thompson leave for Washington in the interest of the regiment.. They will be joined by Senator MoLaurin at Greensboro, N. C., and will go at once to tbe war department. The object of this mission is to ask the government officials to grant per mission to the Independent battalion to proceed to Cemp Alger at once and join Butler. The Second battalion, vliicb is almost completed, will be re tained here until it Is completed. When this is done the Third battalion will be TH» AUOUHTA H ItJ*AXUTX To KK l*t\klUH Fumg Hvw b fhn44 Mt Nil t MNagfv*% # *Mm I hvi tbibbg mpp rmmmm I ftM iMMMNMM# fhb#b #• i«g*« Mm* Five**•■*-1 Iblbli M Mi 9T|K™Ej jtre i Jyii’isa Ol . 1 LJ -' a - ta... - 1 #4 fg# iefftior* ■ ****** ftw" •*** r w j | lb# fa»*» Hftdpo *>«M h#lf* bw #| j whll#.,. iMlt •* MW *# l#h#M in lb# p(MI 1 wmH b# JgM Mft bed •* #### |h*#hw#* 1 |#M">rr»brM —jMlrfli# . but It gM*# hi# I ffUrv «n<m I brl m m*tl gg*l iimr heMft bMMb b#gd#cb#Ms mM mo| pain (g #44#. ggd H hi gti wwigg •*» I ywf C*n*|###g4. I nin'4 (p#vl*# H j MWUfb II I* B M'lMßhprfMl ro#Mw4g# I ! | |1 Oigaiiftil 1% V* #*<Bf|f WUBggg 11 If *? mrifl amt vb#B II be* B] Uml to hvlß o#b tlntlff Tb# Third. \ m%it h will b# left hrf# for rmilHM Tbt* I* lh# Din b* emt bv j roißtiNtf in hi# tplftr ** tißfl tbr roiitt#e «»f A Wortht Nona* H»». I a*: night Dr. J. William Hlok«» | IfoAKMWfIiM form ihr **iib di*lrirt, and Ms Thoma* T. rsnlHdi'f fur th# >im> pawwd (hrflwfh Co* j lumhla on ihetr way front HI Oaorgs*. where • county (tnptlifn mrruti ni»j held. About 300 people wore preaeu* and if i« aatd lb r writ drrldMlf In! farrr of Honllrj , judging by the way tha mfrHitf ape rhr« worn rorltrol Sir. Hmilrj ia a young »m of tterl-, tag worth, and a man »» rannof but admire Ha la a naif ma b* man. and one who. In lb# aarly day*, bad lo baht i lir battle of I Iff by himself, hi* fath *t m i bring ablf to rdtiratf b m In *O3 hr mi graduated from the South Car olina fotlfgr— aradfailc— at tb* age of 25 y,. a r*. The ft Bowing year he grad uated In law at the same tnutltatlon. j About tbi* llm" he an appointed to : r.n Important position In Washington, being put in charge of the pension dl- 1 virion of the treaaury department. This pin re he filled until Just after MrKln- j ley'a election, when he au discharged on ec mini cf 'he gallani fight he made for the Democratic parly. While In Washington Mr. Brantley continued his law studies at the Georgetown university, from which place he was graduated with the d -gre<* I of Master of, AU this additional j Work he had to do at night os his other work took up the entire day. This was Indeed hard work, but for that matter, Mr. Brantley courts, rather than shirks, such. 1 Government employes are all given month's vacation during the summer. How dbl Mr. Brantley spend his holi days In *96? Did he go to sows summer resort and rest up from his hard work? Not much. He “took the stump" In West Virginia, nod made a bard fight for William Jennings Bryan and the Democratic party. If you would know of hla success In that state rend the papers cf that state. Mr. Brantley now cornea before the people for the first time as a candidate, He hau never asked for an office be fore. We hope this, his first request, will be granted* Reward of $l5O. Orv. Ellerbe offered a reward of $l5O yesterday morning for the capture of Ned Edwards alias William* Smith. Edwards is n negro living In the vicin ity of sash’s depot, where he has been tiling many unlawful acts. He has the reputation cf being a very mpsin man, ei d has defied the law on several oc casions, committing acts of robbery and breaking away from on officer when captured. Charter Granted. A charter was granted yesterday morning to the Citizens’ Telephone company, of Spartanburg. The officers are \V. H. Clark, president; C. E. Flem ing. manager and treasurer. The capi ta.' stock Is SB,OOO, divided Into 320 shares of $25 each. Dr. Wannamaker, surgeon of the Second regiment, returned to the city laid, night from Kingstrce, where he se cured thirteen recruits. Mr. J. Scott McCarley, who has beer, quile sick Is, we are glad to say, im proving. We hope K will not be long before he will be out again. Mr. T. W. MoCullom, one of Sumter's popular ypung men, has accepted a place nt "The Hub.” We are glad to have him Vvith us. S. B. F. Trying to figure out a way to live without working is the hardest work some men ever engage in. OLD GIORT FOR lOTH REG. I till r#MKIM Til** rV* §ll i (Trtafk T *#*#•* MwwwsVwtwaf IhM INwgsga* j W* > WW'WV- A* •** v* I ■*»***•* 1 Ibß t#«Hfc ‘N MM (Bib h# I «khn#a bwMMnnnb #d lb* t#(p#np#gt g«4 (biil j g*e#g hi IMMg (Mftb j Al Ib* In nap • flM*hNM**ft Ih# !#*• I Witfh gtlh* A *sft#t Ig (Bid hgt# I til he iiiwWl •%t«ftb’*« pMBHMb mM lh# f#M*#gf(M#*# I Intg# hull#tv (Blit bi #w h#gJ hB n* I Tb# #ig th#l b#* been tr?uifM| lit f*imi*— aml Mm>•! tv#..#! Fi—j Mi-Dihro <4 t 4a t.i i|v« s I I M#pmi«# by R#v R CBftwdt thmpUl* I ! Tb# iturroiit## m yneng *b4 inti* I I let tog* hi roMifvw'f of A R. J«*hA#oß I 11,I 1 , f| CYb g. W I* Wgfb#r K A M»i*| Io« and J W Oilb#fi. A oumber «*f Igtilßtlog* bet# br#B| |##B« out t« ib# n>l«r#4 BBd whit#] lf*4cg«H of tb# rvgt<g#Bi bb4 uirt-j I *Bli b larcr nmb#r will b# on b*nd to ### tb# T#Bih r»«laN«l g#t th#ir. Tb * will b# tb# Hr*t fkag fir#*#Btg |t r»g (bet houkn pier# la AufftMa ift I qi|il# Bwhll#. PICK IMI AHEAD. |*rof. laser Melursed f rom Ml* Trip to Waahingtoa. Ikpeetal to The ll<-> a Id. I Johnston I. C.. Aug. 11. The heavy | ■ ronilauous scroll of dreary rl.rnTs has' «>.** r» rolled bark and lh< - blessed tun- I shine la ousting In. ! Many hands are anxiously wailing ■ r nr (he rollon boll lo open, and met- j ( hants are equally eager to catch the i 1 1« nates that will float when the sea-1 l» r „; Mnner Martin has returned 1 from Washington. D. f., where he has i heen perfecting hints. If In the higher. i branches of mathematic*, and rumors] ■were afloat on yesterday that he would: I leave us to areepl a position In h.gher] | field*. Prof. Martin has endeared j I himself In the heart* of all the John | ston people, sod If thla rumtw l>" true | it will ocraaion much regret, for his place will he hard to fill. Just ax we expected, though; Johnston always furnishes the gold for other field*. Personal. Mr. Willie Fulcher leaves for his home today In Waynesboro, aftur a sh> rt stay with his mother ami ststw. Mrs. Fulcher and Mrs. P. B. Drwia. The condition of Mr. Jeff Dewls re mains unrharged. Miss I/ucile Mobley entertained her friends last evening with a novelty j party In honor of Miss Ella Brown oft N’i wherry, who loaves today, nfler a visit of some weeks in our town. Miss Aildie l.yneh has returned from a charming trip to Monteagle, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hendrix, who have been living among us for a few mf-nlhs. have returned to their old home In Trenton. Mrs. Mark Paul Is on a visit to her mother, Mrs. Hubbard. * fleeting Closed. The meeting In the Presbyterian church has rlosed. Many excellent sermons were delivered by Mr. Mays, the pastor in charge. Mrs. Ed Atkinson, nee Miss Belle Iloyd of Beech Island, is visiting Mrs. J. H. White. She Is accompanied by her infant son. Julius. Miss Belie Bailey, an attractive lady of Elleuton, is visiting Miss Beulah Roames. A sweet little girl has just arrived at the home of Mr. and Mr. George Pearce. Mr. Shaw Asbell is convalescing from a protracted spell of fever. Mrs. Whit Mobley is visiting in New berry. Mr. E. Dngrore Is gradually recov ering from lhe unfortunate Hccldent at a recent game of bail in which an ug ly gash was made in his lip and two teeth were knocked out. Mr. Walter Scott, one of the first honor graduates of the Johnston insti tute, left yesterday for Augusta, where he will remain as an employee of the j B White establishment. RELIEF IN SIX HOURS. Distressing Kidney and Bladder Dis ease relieved in six hours by “New Great South American Kidney Cure.” It is a great surprise on account of Its exceeding promptness in relieving .pgin in bladder, kidneys and back. In male c- female. Relieves retention of water almost immediately. If you want cub c relief and cure, this is the remedy. Sold by L. A. Gardelle, druggist, Augusta, Ga.. 012 Broad street. Rapid Shoe Selling— s I Bargain huttlara aro having a snap this wo«k. Oxford Ti«S wars novor to cheap. We will tell 300 pain For 99 Cents Every pair le positively worth $2, and many are worth $3.50. Don't de lay. See our window. Wm. Mulherin’s Sons & Co., 846 Broad St THE SEHSITION OH IH ROME tilaiii J*arMl‘« Sftfrtil Tell* *f Mrpag-Iteiac. me taahigv's Boats Ar* V*ry B*4l> j Mllti* Raroc. Oft.. Ant. It—W. P. O Hrlll. J I *hi Lae b#tfft Ib# I rue* #4 |*>i*kli##f*#T I ifclft *r*" - : Ham • Is a defaulter and a fugitlt* I While It la not known how mu* b j lu Nelll In short, h.n books being In n| 1 nndly mixed condition. Mr. Hrlant I* of the opinion that II will amount to qnlte a large sum O'Neill has hold hit position of trust with Mr. Brlnnt for two and a half tears. He wn# considered a good book- I keeper, and before entering Mr. I Brlant'a employ he kept books for arv ■ ral large firms In Rome having al ’one lime been wllb the First National I tank. Several week* ago Mr Brian! su»- perted that things were not right, and 1 discharged o Neill and employed W. A. j Mr4ihre to lake charge of the hooks. McGhee quickly discovered ihe bocks! to tie In a had < audition. Mr Brian! ; -„«• O'Neil' and lold him thnt be was irhort In his sceotints. and the ex-book keeper promised lo make it gcml with in ten days. The Km dnys expired Mat. ur.'ay end. though before thgt time j O'Neill made no aeerer of bta where jnbonts. when Saturday eame he failed to appear. It has heen learned that O'Neill 'hoarded the northbound Southern train Sunday morning al «S 0 o'rloek, but w':at dlrfetlon he took after reaching Chattnnooga has not yet been ascer tained. Before this trouble O’Neill had the cntiflrietice of all <vlth whom he bad been employed. He I* a married man |nnd hi* family stood well In racial cir cle*. His d< falcatlon has caused con sldirshte surprise In Rome. Only steel lined and burglar proof ] |*afc* used. Money loaned on anything lof value at a low rate of Interest. Wn- I terbury alarm rloek*. 7S rpnta. Lewia J. Schaul, Reliable Pawnbroker. Men believe with their eyes and wo men with their ears. CABTOniA. Besn ths Kind You Have Always Bought H DEAD - HARRIS LITHIA WATER Frogs, Snakes, Fish, Hogs, Dogs, Cows, filth from any thing that can be backed off into the river—and this is what you get when you drink River and Branch Waters. Now is the time you want Five gallons for SI.OO Lithia Gingerale 7?c dozen Lithia Brew 7?c dozen Lithia Carbonated Water 7 dozen Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays ?c per bottle on ice at SHEWMAKES. AUoimTl7 UNCLE SAM’S NAVY Portfolio No. 9 c*n b« bo curod al The Herald office for IO cents and a Naval Coupon cut out of The Herald. NUMBER NINE CONTAINS A MONO OTHER GOOD 1111X04 PICTURES OF Ensign Basic*. Protected Cruiser New Orleans. Monitor Puritan. Torpedo Boat Dupont. geeretary of Htate. Map of Naval Distances, sh-iwing progress of the Army and Navy of the United states. Pictures of Camp Use. Navy Yards. Large Map of Cult* and many other good things. 9 9 This coupon, when ac companied with 10 cents, entitles the holder to one copy ot Uncle Sam s Navy Portfolio, at Thh Herald oflice, Augusta, Ga. Mail orders must include 2-cent stamp for postage. 9 9 Back numbers of this Handsome se ries can still be obtained The Her ald office. . Uncle Sam’s Navy, Port folio No. 9, just received at Herald Office. HARRIS LITHIA WATER