The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 17, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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THE WORK THE WEST (DUST DO IN THE FAR ERST pNkkk #♦*. 9§o s*** 9m W*m: k* { •ft fpßftif# f JpM* VMMT w*mww ■■■—■ - Tk*f9 kf* !** B 9kM •IN* ww**mm tb*«c ft* ftifwpi ftHi *m*rnm*m *•** (ftftf ft* ftlllftltpft ftp. ♦•ft *** * WWW tft«p«k tfc* !•#* «MSt •• ftftftftl I 141* ||«ft t** ftttvf ft t»W W A* * my ftfwtftpf'* Ik/ppff *" n ?o*m4 Iftftl ftftrli • t» k*** ft# *ftsf« ftMft mp4i • ot*§9oo9 Ift Ift *• fift^i —1 WtMl ftfft »k* ftftltftftft tftftl k*VM f9*» ft#l «4 jiipf'f'ftftP •ftCtUft Hi Wftw'M |( 4 y # 4#f» ftct |Wftr«MMK *IMW ftftfft ftft rtftilrit Ift tk<* lift Vlft fft §ket #JSif*'k ••>*# *•' A •ft*** “ft •*** •' ftftl luftgiftwftf * OVftftftft ftftftNl tlft* ftW’.ft fa it : i* t *“>’'■ ftftftpfft MBhM oi "ft** IC»*f |*4 r * **» • t ftft fttfftP Ift ll* •ft ftr# ft? fr>pill tft »' ght U > *r• ftftfftPl"ftfll r r**m »i 4 lifftft tft ftfcift; rT*» rf ' «»••• terk ik* 114 ft <>P llobavnin* 4*b cMktt*Mt MMI mu .<| M from lb* Twki Kna *nd I ft. ik* fiftllMtUl tilth till b)t«h' of lm*ft«f»*b»* inn* Acuta. • world-shaking rf* >* «!“•" im ft«i4 ftlMl) ftft turn erftTfft thriftfc from (hr trtftl * KorhW It hnt* •ft If ftft would not rally our Pom** for* cvtr* grppof Atkrai bad nhrunk ta'k from the PrraliJW. or the Roman bad trembled before llacnthal. or tbe Krutlwk hammer bad failed before (b* Barartm aclmeter. or Pitt had been laaa firm of heart ohm Napoleon e"al»ed nalreraal empire* Imre aot the paat rail on a» to be faithful note and return the aerrte* that made onr •tletenre pc alblef For ace in a time of trouble approarh aa. If Rita La ran arm the boundleaa resource* of China and her million*, she tide of draperiera that the Greek rolled unaided hark from Marathon nil) acatn threaten the freedom and enltchtrnmrnt of mankind. On which aide are we? THE MARKETS Cwnttbl Dally nod Quotation* Based on Actual Hals*. BUTTKfI. Fancy 24e to 2Sc Fresh naintry butter J* Freeh Jersey butler W * nd Cheese w l-2all Fruits and country produce. New potatoes, Irish, bushel ..Sunil.oo Stock peas ‘® Common white *°*i? Black eye Sugar crowder* ...... .. .. •• •■ Onions, yellow, per barrel .. ** ®®**f's? Cabbage, per barrel ll.Waft.ia Cabbage, per I'. a nuts, N C„ pound 3 3-4ar P-anuts. Virginia, pound «av Limons. 380, choice *4 " Lemons, fancy - Oranges, box, California .. .. *J.ooa|3. -0 Tried apple*, p r pound pr'ed peaches, pound 4™“ Bananas ls ‘* l^ -f Eggs, wholesale ' Chlckexta, fries • ™ Duck."..",::::: v.»** LIVE STOCK MARKET. _ Heavy draft, common to extra |7[*-’33 Heavy draft average sales .. .. P? - Drivers, common to extra !r~iftn Drivers average sales Saddlers, common to extra .... 79- iju Chunks average sales Mati-h teams, common to ex ” )S0^2 .. Match team average sabat .... Plug horses « Mules, 14 1-2 hands, full range .. 80-&5 Mules, 15 hands, full range .... 90-115 WOODWARE. Buckets, two hoop, O. G., per do*., 11.15; two hoop cedar, B. 8., per doz., |1 70; three hoop, cedar, B. 8., per doz., 11 90- well buckets, *2.75 to *3. DRY GOODS. Brown Shirtings and Sheetings: Grlntteville 3-4 shirting .... - •• * Graniteville 7-3- B R shirting .. 3 W Qranltevllle. 414 E E sheeting .. 4 3-8 Drills 1 ' „ Granitevllle 4-4 H H H 8 John P. King 3-4 S S shirting - * Johr P. King. 32 inch E C ...... 3 3-4 SPOOL SILK. Cortleelli, 100 yds. to spool, per d0z..85 Cortlcelli, GO yds. to spool, per d0z..40 BLEACHINGS. Miscellaneous brands 40 VV’ Slater Oils (solid) 64 x 64 “ j ; WIGGAN. Fruit of the loom, 36 inches .. .. 6 1-2 Fruit of the loom, 7-8 inches .. .. 6 1-4 Cabot, 7-8 inches “ Cabot, “ , Alpine Rone, 4-4 1® Pride of the West . Jno. F. King 7-8 R R shirting .... 3 1-2 Jno. P. King 4-4 A A sheeting .. 4 .-8 Lonsdale 4-4.. J *Hf Me aft .a mu* hr*- * ' ' Us®*.*# ft ftfthi nit its f |pc 9 Mftft fttNl *h> p - ♦»* : ! tke ft**»t §w*%*. ItMtftM wwftM «ftpft j I tffcft ffft'tMft *0 hNMI wftiM !• tftft ftftft r . 1 ««| isl t ||-.H.--»1|» ft«ftlfft of «hft tPMfldk j I f4ftft rs fttft-ft thft hftft j j i»i»n**i*** w 11 (it# u* |||* fifthil | . , ___, • - -a r_#ihi fTi f i pfoifftkit Im to Invite Ike boldwrt mk* iftir tk# flrvt Mm# foe inking si bet vr pueilUmmouftiy iMnvn. I To iMunf ofilf n proirctomte It to rnhtrniMi cwrsrlTN trltk nnnMrrtsMfjr i < ns to nr*(i *h« emmot ippr** I rial# i|Kr own m4 m«y bt I led kilkor isi tkltker by the nrtful ftgtQtft tfl)( (s diftflw tkem To keep only n eonllng fttlloii It to throe a teak tad iwtupporlMo outpoel I n the ft* o ponrerful ronfllrltfig j forre*. wh'rb may be onr enrmle* M Ike esflf fotnro. Now. m rtf’ n before, tile boldest pot- I try la the safest. We should bold the Philippines, and we should Join Great ; Britain In the demand that the trade of China be opet.ed to tba world. When Napoleon would have ahut Europe she | held the porta open. She must do the same for China, but It Is not right to make her face the enemy alone when me have Hit wjual share In the Issue. And that w» may speak with authority and act with effect—keep the Ptslllp- Jno. P. King, ft# Inch Georgia .. .. 4 *-« Jno. P. King, 22 Inch E C aea Island * *' 4 Jno. P. King. 24 Inch Ex aea Island * Jnu. P. King 28 Inch Superior .. 2 1-4 PRINTS. American starting*. 64x44 2 1-2 Merrimack shirtings. 64 xB4 4 . Charter Ouak dress styles 50x80 .. 2 1-2 Washington Oils (fwncy) * Allen's (fancy 4 1-2 Simpson's 2-4 percale* “ Coates Spool cotton, per do* 41 American Indigo blues. 84x84 .. .. 2 1-2 Slater Otis (solid) 64 x 64 .. .. .. 4 1-4 American Indigo blues. 64x64 .. .. 4 1-4 Internalional blacks 64 xB4 * 1-2 Allen's rsrdlnsls 64x64 4 1-2 Albm 1 * Lotonas 64x64 .. 4 1-2 India blue ~ India blue 64x64 4 1-2 Ktinglant's 64x64 4 1-3 Garner's radiants 64x64 4 1-2 Martha Washington 56x60 3 3-4 Hope 56x60 * \’ 2 Cluster Ooks, s«*t*» .. 3 3-4 TICKS. Hampshire .. ' 4 Amoskeag A C A j® *’* Amoskeag A " Amoskeag ! ” PLAID HOMESPUNS. City Mills 8 48 Four yard, good 32 inch .. .. .. » 1"« ; Lodi shirtings 56x56 3 1-4 Lodi dress styles 66x60 .. .. .. .. 3 1-4 St. Clair dress styles 4 Ocean solids 8 8-4 Mart * Washington fancies .. .. 3 3-4 Miscellaneous brands, light weight ‘ 12 1-!«1- 1-- Isoetta 6 yards plain - 3 1-4 Thorndike ® Hercules * 1-4 Crescent 1 I ' a Pelham, 32 bal lio box 1 J F. G. F., 30 bails to box 16 E. G. P-, 20 ball 3 to lb 17 1-2 Muscogee 8 1-2 27 inch 4 1-2 yd. plaids, best make it f , 4 3-4 Simpson's silk ilnlsh poulards 64x 64 4 ** 4 Simpson’s solid black 64x64 .. .. 5 Pacific mournings 64x64 6 China silks 64x64 4 1-4 Middleford “ Rockport “ Slater 64x64 8 Concord, 66x60 •' Rome 8 4-4 Edwards 8 " Keystone 8 J' 8 ; Fifth Avenue 8 KEARSEY'S. Heavy Columbia, heavy Kearsey 8 1-4 Kincaid and others 9 l' 4 LIME, CEMENT AND PLASTER. T . 85 Lime ..«••••*»•• sl4^ Rosendale cement •* •• •; Portland cement to " 2 Louisville cement In paper sacks .11-25 Plaster i«n bbls » 1,7 “ THB -A.TTOTJSTA HMBAU3 4 HR. MRN4I *oooo**. ftftf **o ■ i* W' *•»■- IJ 1 j tnnlii #•# 4Mt m mW* 0 i ||| 0 0 l* ftftd' t*<ft*P |ftP# dMft $* tdf ft 4 •* j iH HR «w|ft# |w #»« *4 »« »« II 4fl m _ 4-# . h !•* ftplft* « h »i I* «Ni» Pftft*. Iwt *• *• it* - #«* fWiftpift ftftftft •*P*MP* ft* : ? * j BSyfetS MMM. 2 IhtlHPMfc twj| (Mh ftftP ft* •* w " “ (••♦•ftp iMtft 000 90* •**• ftft PM ™ ft*d ifftMh §•» Ik w •* *• ***•*♦ I H*+m o*ook. 90* k«# r« •« m •« I s kl I tluhp ftkwftft fwf kft# »* *« wi *• »* to* ft mmm 900090 990 99*00 »• *® t *••* ** 11 mi j Muir-# it* 1 •hm* §OO „ , «ft ! A*# tkftlpAlP'P St > J, ftp# 4 *ft ft* ft* t • *ft p"tr • ti^ qm*4m9om* I ft»d hMftdft f*»»w**k I #4 k# dftdm w, Ikftkwy. |ftt|*V Htt # dpHtfft MS est ftft ft* ill in *1 | •tftMerg!# ♦ I fw, .dbnpfWlt 9 l*rib M®9 •« ti>t *•# AtMRNriNk T% ttki •«*4 M #*• I A«l«t(« Cl. M 9 .... M ••• A»|«Mt I lit im. M A «fnt< * I**. MC? , |M !•! »,• AtlflflitA II P* Httl .. Wft ••• I ! Alkmli Cft, Mt »*«< fkl ••• ffe*%w»■*r.*h am. IS* 9 * *»*-. 1*• •«• IktMMtAkCA IIU Ilk ••• CokttnNM I'A M» ... iw | ••• fthiwhuA I Ml. If*r IK 1 sh it* • 1 t-r*. im .. ml U 0 •t lumbU rib Cm M ... rharKttt tt Cm. IM « 9k • Uradptf. RiIIeROAD BOKDi. n *r<U H. K § Ilk* Ct. Cm, its .. .• .. #a •« .. •« 111 ... I Geoffl. »» R- * »bC CO. r. im a in ... Cbartotie, C-iumhU ft Au iru.ta, Ist S'*. I*«t .... .. 1.7 ... .Charlotte. C>dnmhta A An coma. M r». tata lu Aucuata ftn R. R . t'a. I«t« M C. R. R- Hankin* Co. Collat eral Truat I'a tan M M Heothem Halloa. S'*. HU .. ft 18 .Ceatral of tteorcL Railway. | Ist roneol m»rt. t'a. 1»« .. .. *9 M 'C. of 0. I*l prrf la »» « Central of Ueorcta Hallway, id pref. lneom»a. tilt li M jC. of O. tat pref. In., IW* .... 7 » Cl. H ft P . tat m. S’r 1M& .. 104 101 South Georgia and Ftuilda. Id T'«. HIM IP ... South Georgia and Florida, Id T'a. IM* 104 ... Ocean Bteamahlp Co., let t'a | 1910 IP FACTORY BONDS. Knterprlue Ml|. Co., l*t fa. I*ol 101 ... Sibley Mfft. Co., let f*. IM2 . 100 Sibley Mfc Co.. l»t ft*. 1903 W 0 GRAIN AND PROVISIONS, loata, white, earked .. .. .. .. .. .. 43 lUH*. mixed, lacked .. .. .. .. .. .. 42 [Corn, white, narked .. .. .. .. .... .. 04 ;Com, mixed. *a<-krd .. M Meal, bolted, per bushel S 4 j Flour, common .. .. 4.1 S j Flour, fancy extra .. •• •• •• •• S SO , Flour, eecond patent .. .. .. .. 6 <t i Flour, itandard patent 0.2& Flour, fancy patent .. .. t. 7& Wheat bran. 100-lb aackx M Fine feed, 100-lb lack* 1.00 Hay—native, per ton 12a14 Hay—Timothy, per ton 14. M) j Hay—choice, per ton IS.OO Ham* —choice lugar cured .. Wall 1-2 Smoked rib aide* 7 1-4 Dry salt riba ~ .. .. .. 0 0-8 j Lard, pure leaf. In tierce* 7 Lard, kettle, rendered In tlprce* . 7 3-4; Sugar, granulated t 0-8 HOBSON'S APPOINTMENT. The Father of the Hero (liven the Postoffice. Montgomery, Ala., Aug. 18.—A spe cial fiom Green*boro Ala., Buys that when old Judge Hobson on yesterday ! morning opened the letter from Wash ington announcing his appointment as postmaster at that place, he was th« | most astonished man In ttie state. His | 'rlends had, without consulting him, urged the President to appoint the he ro's father to the place, and Mr. Mc- Kinley appeared to tlnd pleasure in ac cepting the suggestions. Judge Hobson will accept the place. The term of the present postmaster expired several months ago, and'a real hot fight has been made by the repub licans for the office. Ad Wtmbs, a ne gio, had received the endorsement of the Vaughan machine, but the appoint ment would have been objectionable to the wklte people of the city, and ns the white republican candidate had recent ly died the matter remained quiet. Judge Hobson was probate Judge of this county for eighteen years, but when defeated for the democratic nom ination six years ago, he bolted and ran on the populist ticket. After the Chicago convention he returned to the democratic party and receives the ap pointment as a strong advocate of the principles of the Chicago platform. He. lltce Senator John T. Morgan, is, above all things, an American. The act of President McKinley in this anointment Is very generally applauded. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of [JERRY'S [XCELSIOR |y|HLS • JtXJOXJSTJk. OA. w w* ... - *. .. [ . % ft*l * l# * *- i ' ik **k js. w r -■ BOBWHTm- Second Patent. QOLD MEDAL Fancy Patent. RBSOLUTELY PURE WINTER WHEIT FLOUR. I fully r**lli* tho ftuprftmti d t«ru»i of con»um*r» for Flour, *dull*r*lod with Corn Flour, Corn Starch, and oth*r For*l#n m»tt*r. On and *ft*r thl* Dat*. August 1 Oth, 1808, I offer th* Whol**a ! * trad* th* above Brand* Flour Guaranteed Absolutely Pur* Winter Wheat, Good* of the Highest type. Ask for prices Flour. Meal. Grit*. Bran and ship j stuff delivered your station. J. M. BERRY, the merchant miller 10-U.o't* and ( sroHna Psper. ttaporl EsGmaw ow Ah..™ hgaw per month. Going Without a Shirt I. C. Levy’s Son & Co.. TAILOR-FIT CLOTHIERS. AUGUSTA. .... GEORGIA W. H. Lynch & Co., i p Yellow Pine Lumberi AND I “ - -- Builders’ Hardware. L’eors, sash. Blinds, - L Mouldings, Laths, Shingles, Wood & Coal, letl ETPIET. P’FAR TLICTKIC BAIL WAY POWEB HOUSE JTftT UIEFIIuKK 74. I I ACOU9TA. OA. $ PORTNBR’S / ( HOFBRAUand < i VIENNA CABINET l / BRANDS OF f i Export \ \ Beers $ $ are the best < S ASK FOR THEM. C IF YOU VALUE YOUR STOMACH-, You will not use a 10 cents a pound Baking Powder. Alumn and am monia were not made by nature to eat. IF YOU VALUE YOUR POCKET You will not use a 50 eents pound Baking Powder named and priced 40 years ago when materials were high. V'AGLE BAKING POWbtli, 25c lb. The correct Powder in quality and price. If ydVif grocer does not keep it, go to atitA'her grocer until you get It. THE HOWftRO & WILLET DRUG CO MAKE IT. of the proper style in Ne gligees would be folly, when we are selling the most exquisite Madras, Pique for 75c., in checks, stripes and the prettiest patterns at such a low figure. Our stock of Men’s Furnishings is complete and high grade. An en tire new assortment re ceived this week. PURE PAINTS IN GREAT QUANTITY One Cr.rload (19,000 pounds) ATLANIC WHITE LEAD. One carload Dry Mineral Paint. Best Eastern Linseed Oil. All the best Varnishes. Best Ready Mixed Paints. We can give you best goods In big gest quantity and at lowest prices. What more do you want? THE HOWARD 5 WiLLET DRUG CO. Wholesale Paints. BUSINESS FOR SALE Owing to Mr. Henry W. Balk's deci sion to enter the floral business, we of fer for sale in bulk all the stock of merchandise contained In the store now occupied by us - together with counters, shelving and Showcases. Un til the stock is sold In bulk we offer (treat Inducements to the general buy ing public to come and get bargains. Spot cash buys cheap. BALK’S DRY GOODS CO. • Lower Balk's.” 601 Broad St. Her Ct $500.( 00 7 Per Cl FOREIGN CAPITALISTS WILL LOAN HALE’ A MILLION DOLLARS on realty jtv Augusta, Ga. Terms 1 ner cent. For further Information see their attorney at law, P. J. Sullivan, Es„ or Mr. P. G. Burum. . . JHE HERALD'S JTARpARD yjfAR JJTLAS WITH MARGINAL INDEX CONTAINING MAPS OF Cuba. Phllllpin* Island*, West Indies, North America, Hawaii. South Amorica, Europe, World, Asia, Oceania, Africa. China, Spain. Portugal, AND HARBOR CHARTB OF Havana. Clan'uego*. Santiago do Cuba, Mainila, San Juan. Cardenas and Matanzas. * _J Santa Clara Bays 0 These surperb Map* *re beautifully printed In five colors on heavy paper, and bound In an attractive cover. RAND. McNALLY A CO., those peerless Mapmakers, prepared this Atlas especially for THE HERALD and our readers may secure it at a trifling cost. WHAT YOU WANT TO KNOW WHEN YOU WANT TO KNOW IT. Explanation marginal Index zssssl y sr-a .. ..... i, m ,n'« border. Thu Informal lon !1m I* • o«l*k*.l. Thcw wonderful pla'e*. compl «» by expert*, and almoluteJy u» ,0 d *'*' arc « miniature c.u.uterpart of the world', physic.! *‘ ,^* o £.7 h . at ibis moment The ma|m are not merely pUtorWl rhartr, t*>o. ® r S,' «t.p”Tand gazeteer* combined The ruled border on tb. fo»T .1,1. S Of every map I* divided Into equl-diMant roace*. wale by leUer*. bt the top and bottom by numerm*. If ltn»«*«re|»ro wted from tbw marginal point*. »ma!l -qmxres would ,or “* d their i.lemeetU* On the margin of emh l-a«e appe*n. • £”£££ of all the principal dlvlaion*. cMi*a and to*m» inwribed upon Hwl *pe c «I map. where they are classified alphabetically a»4W Ibolr com mere I*l importance and promlmmco aa twiut. of pigiuLtlon. You ought to Have this Atlas You Can have it You will Have it If you wish to see the Atlas before buy ing, call at The Herald. But you Must Hurry. The edition is a short one and will not last many days. Mail orders filled, promptly* Price, 30cts Price, 30cts The Herald has exclusive control of the sale in Augusta. CALL FOR AUGUSTA BREWING COMPANY’S EXPORT BEER The Best on Tin- Market READ HERALD’S TOT ADS 7 CALL FOR AUGUSTA BREWING COMPANY’S draught BEER The Beat on The Market.