The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 17, 1898, Image 8

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WVONK9PAV Our Buyer li Now In New fori Haling large Purch ases lor our Fall Stock. Cleaning out all SUHHER GOODS at a Sacrifice For Spor Cash. ftPAKIMI V Tltoy ft t>«ry *• The.r I wgSt*k I * MW of Ik# Off!# <o *"** ; Iferi* J 4 •• pro**** *• ,r * M ' iwrxirr #M# •** •*' *•’**”* ’ ** froat nowM» M»*l. ••• •< l w*r *"i •It ik# aftoßrea." |l t» ||M tuiat «*•* ,fci * i ffJaiue M k|4iwtofc ••«••• a* *r*f* *»-j hy tkto •» r»»»r* >*“* j UultoU tow ■** rwwwtr? **44* '*•** i mmrt ft**is ikww 4om Dirk-at ■ij’e that |4w#ff !*• 4*nh wr M*l •** Ik** *»••' chaage ~f •*' wtik Ik* »fi*BUird ' h*y ar» oR«a hi*, •Ms “* **"*”*' UU* 1 * 1 pMrtfk wtoa II whm la *P9>f •* . tooitmiini <k# ■(•••tor 1 •■»** *•** • toßWWMtiiwi I* Ik* pro*, ib, •nil < wt m* i« k* roalljr ■ ■*!•« «# ’# j M* kow BU»L» fc* ru M* IA k ft**A «•»«. The Spanish gentleman hnnd« yon » d|sr adl mjb **Yoy B®okf of n>af* He cko aaaokr- mik« kt» own cheul ••4 aa#d no* W* k«w* Ik# sky to | Ttoco In or4#r lo |rl la ilothrr wt#. (Mirl. b# prop*#.!# lain Ik# open All. Fr»»i> Air nexet ' kart# Bayou# It to the 4r«u|tbt that fcllto. A drought to lib* • ball, you •kuutd MTir c*t la it# way.** Thru perhaps. hr rail* your alien lion lo an 111-4rraard. but cheerful-! looktiut peasant la Ih# alrrrt. remark-1 tag la an off-band manner, a# If b* rould lay aurh (blnga at any time: ! There# many a good drinker hidden. under a ragged cloak." And to ihrnnan a long eon**raation. which would be maddening to aa Amer'ran. but width the Spaniard thoroughly enjoy a. It to Interesting to note the English eqvtvalent* for Spanish proverb*, j When we i*j "He to not worth htoi •alt,' th gy *ay “He to not worth hi*; ear* full of wrnter" —caaetrttolly the proverb of • thirsty nation. We *»y "Toil went th? earth. Their equivalent to "That to to export the •volt to leave meat at your door.” ■•One man'* meat to another'* pot een” to rend red- "What cured Saneho mode Martha alrk.” "Out of the frying pan into the Are to with them "fitoeap log the bull, he fell Into the brook" We have the proverb, "You ran’t make a silk puree out of a now'* ear." Their wey of expressing the same ex alted sentiment to “A hog's tail never made a good arrow." Their way of saying “By hook or by crcok" to: "It must come out of the alcove or the shirt." which to rat'«^- uniqu*.—Chicago Post. SIXTH REGIMENT BAND. A Grand Convert to Be Given at Odd Fellow.* Hall. On next Saturday evening at s o'clock sharp the sixth Oemgla regiment band "'lll give a grand concert at Odd Fct- ! lows' hall, corner of Jackson and Ellis Streets. Everyone should patronise this concert, and help the band out, for they are ever ready and willing to give rt helping hand to any and all who usk their assistance, so let thorn have 'b.» largest crowd that has ever gathered In this hall before. A Pleasant Outing. Several young men complimented two fair visitors, .Miss Minnie Casliin, of Atlanta, and Miss Sadie Oallaher, of Savannah, wtlh a delightful stiawride. Those present were: Misses Annie Cashin. Sadie Oallaher, Mamie Harden, Ella Harden. Annie Kelly, Bridget Kelly, Mary Ellen Des mond, Kate Vaughan. Jernle Kelly, Katie It. Murphy, Marie Kelly, Maggie Mgtgainh«n, Sadie Vaughan. Mamie M. Sullivan. Aggie Sullivan. Kate <’a .Messrs. T. M. Ealon, Jack r. , Toni Kelly, Emmett It. y i bn J. Kelly. Tmn C.nnnon, J aj.’en Jim Doyle. T, ■ -aung ladles will not soon forget th? boys, for through them they had a most enjoyable ride. Refreshments wen served while on the rounds, and At 11 :3d o’clock they drove back to the city well pleased with the compliment. Self-Convinced Of «K« rlphlnaie ©# fHi.* or <p irttoi c opilalad podty of offer in# t tar#« dtwcounla to ordtr lo o#eiff»4lA j•# waalhvr uimhla tor# ©Off*- linua IQ tombuia toll our wiser#lea , artij rotourefft lo IHe Uwk <*f m«l»iiv|f I iHi# toll# • crootor BMOBMNI #***H do#. Wo hgva a f«ne Horror of Ctorrytn# mercHtondike over from MMBOQ In ■ >##ton Th*!** one of iHe retokonn i wHy prtem tore reduced like tHMi t j per rent rfiecounl on one tub!* 1 4 ) Men‘« Hutla. conklktin# of email t/u iota one end two Sulla of • kind. per cent discount on Men » 20 lliai k end Blue Worated Sulk, Serve Coot# and Linen tsuita. percent dtacounton *ll Straw 50 Hale. rtßs. IDA H. I.OOAS. Til A fHHWM #m«il at Hff OtiHl Mftflv fills L| |Q Snsr u( Lit* 4eo«S of Ur* lila H 11wife rs Hr Jobs f). Until I « loer Mr* ftnli $ tirtf A. s* Jtuliti. I l«A { her 4*wife, wliiU a greet oborli lo Mr to *he toavaa to e ura let h». bar 'l•ad -I mat h sympathy Th# funeral | orflara at law o'clock tomorrow from I, Pa horn# I Mr* Of ffla and th# >A- I rmctit will b# Sidt 19 Ills fsflAiiy tmi* i rls) ground IMI Bit# mils* froai lit ~\H. I LV C. DACtf. Th# llcaih Today of a l»roap*n>a» I lurk* Count) farmer. Mr Fly C. Pare, a wall known and |.to*»<*roua youag farmer of Burhe j .Minty, dlrd at an early hour th!a n‘.-rnln*. after four warki Mae** of iy [ letter. Mr. vm 29 sssrs old and un* irsrrlf <! Il«* vat veil known in An* trusts as s ><MinK man of starting char* Liter bad moral worth and bto death 11. regretted by many frionda. Tb# j funeral occur# tomorrow at Orrou * C ««- A UTTLE OlkL DEAD. The Daughter of Mr. and Mra. L. W. Andrew# f»a##e# Away. n#o Andrew#. !b» llllle all-year-old .‘aughler of Mr. and Mra. 1,. W. An i.rewa. died thla morning of typhoid | facer, after an lllne*# of tbre# week*. Mr. Andrews la a well- known engineer on tb# Central railroad nnd to bins and the beroarod mother 1# extended the I (..-mpath? of many friend*. The funeral occurs tomorrow morn ing at ton o'clock from the residence, No iOS Calhoun street. A DOU FALL How the Contempt Case.* Have Been Disposed Of. London. Aug. 17. ln the Queen’s henety division cf the High court of Just!■* -today. Justice Wright acquitted Knrl Dclu Wnrr ami Mr. Broodier of tha charge of contempt of .'mirt for al leged attempt to induce Hooley. the bankrupt promoter, to fnlsifj’ evidence in the bankruptcy eoyrt. It Is learned that the judge said, ho'vevpr. that thoy both were blatnuble and he mulcted them In the eostß. Miss (larJelle Complimented. Mr. Will- Doyle complimented his cousin, Mlsa Muric QardeUe, with a de lightful barbecue yesterday at his plan titflon, "Woods-toek.” near Urovetowu. The party arrived early In the morn ing end nfter h lively race through the vineyards for Bcuppernongs, they ad journed to the long table under the massive oaks near the well and enjoy -lod n watermelon rutting. At 2 o’clock dinner was served in the spacious hall of the fondly residence and the bnrbe | cue was enjoyed by all. ADer dinner jtho party repaired to the peach orchard and there, under the hanging clusters of rosy peaches, for which ‘‘Woodstock" is noted, the party feasted and filled up all available boxes to enjoy on the re turn trip home. Among those present I were: Mrs. L. A. Oardelle. Mrs. J. B. Davenport. Mrs. I.; .1. Barbol, Mrs. A. B. Tutt. Mrs. Dr. V. D. Burbot, Mrs. K. B. Bignon. Mrs. F M Ovlatt. Miss Julia Doyle. Miss Kssie Mae Harris, of Grovetown, Miss Kale Bignon, Miss Daisy Burbot. Miss Mai Doughty, Miss Ruth Davenport, Miss Marie Oardelle, Miss Cleobelle Doughty, Miss Emma Doyle. Miss Annie De l.olgle Gnrdelle, and Miss Gladys Addle Oviatt. Messrs. J. A. Baxley. Will S. Crane, Dr. V. D. Barbol. nnd Mr. H. H. Sietnor and Mr. Charles R. Hill, of Grovetown. It’s about time for some old senile man with a bald topknot and a bend?d nose to rise and remark that he used to tan Shaftor’s hide in the oid log school house. ___ i _ i THW AtJOUBTA HUHALD. TAX FIGURES CITY ANO COUNTY jiafl* (uini l9<i* | b% Tim . H9H tk* HvikHlv «4 Ik# ikl <WNI VWMMt kfiL i 1 miNiAUNQ. ikv v«l«MI k*# lAiAiHi TW MR* PZ’ZZTu'XX. »- *k* «»»r I . .-a,.... WOQ ||* AH D»#H |«M» IvhMM to ikv tkwurk tfc# rmmt? tinni r tit 4iv ffwm. to Hal Mgwraa !tto*w. dpHrfr Ml # Hl# •lAf ii* AMI to 0»»fi h#H* j ,i| f( Tto* fvlur fi In I In* nfiiity l I* §•-* 's€2.ktk; to Ik# rltJr. fl.7V9.Vjai M*'t»ith* , |h# roll fit f fftWl If life** fit* *• w#tl 99 fr**ffH 9t* tk# NtfM# trf tk# count* (H# r#t«ni to th# roultj In |4p##i ))« 9447.929 tk«f) tit# r* tttrt* to tk#' Hty Tkla hi. t**». do9f*tti* llml hoQittoo# men hiv* n*+ ti. »imti«fi January t—4a «wd#r «« av«*d aMg rw , turn and t« h##l> lk#lr taMlloa down TJit* || i i<9«lit< M hjr t>U»tkef* IWO lo rrrfrrtlr »#*rft»m*t# 9n*l vtrlrtly tni. pifirit* Th* return to th* rountjr tv n*»t i mnd# 9t tii* mid# ttm# th# rrturn to. tk# rttjr 19 m««M In furnttur# th# r#lari lo the manly lin I# the city. toll #•*. IB n«b#r i r ~r q . outside III# city, there la hnf ot funitur*. 1 In Jewelry the return In th« eltr 1# nr» in the county, in 7» Thl. ■h«wa that n,i».*de of Augu#ta Yn all of Rlchmoad rcunty there I# but tT«t worth of J#»elry Th. ac pergde who i had twgun lo believe that Ih# Plat# and jewlr* In wm# "f «b# beaullful suburban vlltogea #hd reaorta were i grand, rare and eoatly are andnrelv • 4 Th* City Return. j The return to the city to as follow#: j IF mos and mules .. .. .* •• •• ..t 75 336 Cows I#-* OS Carriages, buggies, wagons and bicycles 70.21# Watches, diamonds, jewelry and ' silver plate 72.979 i Plsnos.organ* and other musical : Instruments .. *2.166 j Libraries 27.437 Household and kitchen fuml i lure, pictures, carpets, book*. | etc 411.M3 Money on lumd and In hank .... 168.143 , Money loaned at Interest 62,475 | Notes, Guano notes, open ac counts and obligations upon person# es thl# or other stales or eountles. at their true mar ket value 1.116.40* Bonds Railroad, municipal and all kinds of bonds whatsoever fClty of Augusta bonds, bonds, honds of the state of Georgia and of Ihe United State* ©x | cepted) 150,725 ‘Share* In national and other I banks, number and market j value *28.150 Merc handlse. owned or held on consignment, or stock In trade, Januaiy 1. I*9B 1,739.638 *5.076,043 The County Return Return of land, I*9* ***5 .City real estate 11.674.330 Banking capital 829,600 Gas Light Co .. .. 160.250 Bonds and stock 593.660 , Mi ney. notes, etc - .. 1.254.605, Merchandise 1,542,510 Bicycles .. * 105 Factories •••• 2.433,135 Furniture, etc -• •• 772.23.1 Jewelry, etc •• •• 73,i20 Live Stock, etc 1.6.990 Vehicles, etc 130.306 Decree 303.335 Amount of returns for 1597 ..22.433.175 *22,129,840 THECHARITY BOARD. The Report That Will Be Made to the Whole Council. Tho Herald is informed that at the meeting of the council committees to which were referred the petition for a larger appropriation by the charity board. In meeting yesterday, decided to make report to council advising that an increase in the appropriation is tn udvlsable, in view of the fact that all ! estimated Income into the city treasury has already been disposed ot by appro priation or otherwise. SOLEMN HIGH MASS. The Celebration In Augusta of the Anniversary. Solemn high mass, in celebration of the 25th anniversary of rive entry into the order <>f, Sisters of Sisfer Rose, su- PM-ioress of St. Mary's cmnlnt. was held j at the ernent this morning, and was ery impressive. t; The sisters of,St. Martf* convent en tered uj>oa there annual retreat today. CAMPAIGNERS ARE FIGHTING [Tttf li Itoii flj Lm, i#4 Hot t «f« mi tk# Am+mwm •'VMMVi J #•*•###» |<9 #•*«' ItM IvfM #4lk#, t »ttMfNo9#t. Ik# \ - * ||y>t jfe4l %#f ttiknl f|» ■ q • ikto, pm t t k* I bate a#k#4 you to ha ptcaaal to hear ; Q.clbT tltofnf# th#* fJTMjrt* Mh(| h(V# ffl#t j I *»mt« I9H. »l»(| th«r •mu llrri" 9n4 l9t# to def#at It. I h*v# dl#>‘«T#r#u on# at th«*v«* rm'ih'to*# hn V haw yet two! wMlBi of tb»* canrav *h**<l of m# A ! | jtmi>h)«*t rtrculft#4 hy him of hi* henchmea has been arm me entitled, j "Campaign Hperch of W .(> UayffeM." I That #perch was newer made and he I knows It. It la false to rail It a cam- Ipalgn speech, and w aa de 'lgned to ere- j <ale the fatne impres.t' n that I h.-ard It from the stump and let It go unchal lenged . Mayfield "What were you doing at TtraabT* McMahan: "I spoke there, hut did not ■ allude to my candidacy or you. As I have passed from county to county he hras followed me with thla concealed , attaok. The serpent winds Its noisome course and strike# from under cover." J Mr. Mayfield's expression changed at ] this remark and he warned the speaker, jnot to go too far. "’Die assassin." continued McMahan. : “plli'S hi* murder us trade In silence, j and the shadow of the itaikness." Lighting. This brought Meyti Id to his feet anti. • facing McMahan at close quarters, he cried: "Stop! Stop!" The scene waa i comical. Maltleld s big frame bestrode j the narrow space like a Colossus. Bend- f Ing forward he shook hi* finger at Me- J Maban, warning him. In slow, meas ured topes, to "Stop!" repeating It six or eight times. "I’ll do as I please!" j declared his lithe young title-reader. "Mind, now! stop! step!" was the re- I Iterated warning. "You have the bulk." j rejoined McMahan, "but God dlstln- j gulshes man from the brute by brain. I You have the carcass, but that which marks the roan is courage." At this) Mayfield turned to the crowd and with : a scornfu! laugh and a wave of his hand, he cried: "Why, gentlemen. I slapped his face onre." "You are a liar,” McMahan. Mayflald gath ered himself together like a giant and aimed a tremendous blow, which landed glanctngly on McMahan’s head. McMa han's right shot out. ’landing under Mayfield's eye. Both men pitched for ward to settle It with th ir fists, but Ihe chief of police. Chairman Prince and others had thrown themselves Into ; the breach and stopped It on the first round. "Let him go on. I can whip him” Shouted McMahan. "Not on this stand,” cried Prince, as the men were led away, and quiet was restored. Deeds Filed. A deed was filed in the clerk's office today from Matilda Wylds to Tena C. Burch, conveying to her acres cf land on Spirit creek in district 1434, for the consideration of $5. love and affection. Also a paper from Henrietta Huss to John F. Huss. giving him the power of attorney over the estate cf the late Ju lius L. Huss. Nexv York Futures. New York. Aug. 17. Futures open ed at a.'steady decline. August 560. September 562. October 567. November 568. December 572. January 576. FeYl ruaro 579. March 582, April 585. May 589. Jure 592. ;u ' Mr. I latt Better. The friends of Mr. JitCob Platt "ill he pleased to learn tha»»he is a Httlo better today. He has been ill for soma time. A tta-i:nn\nt givumlurrenry that he had been taken to thf jfospital is er roneous. lie is at his himet ; , - . CONDITIONS OF THE MARKETS. ; fk# jifti j■ | L CfkP (ft V 99#% f I * *<to»4M 4 JfKW YORK (HiTTOX. Ai rll .. .. «• •• .. .. M 9 % M Ma# .. ~ ~ 0m . $ k 9.99 ITffptriktirr 1.14 9.99 Ntiv#mWr - . 9Cf 9-99 fteemktr ** •* 9.71 i.m XKW TORK 9T»>TK9. |B. R T ***» *• MetropoHian 1»H —"I Tpbaeeo '♦« . \Tu Vu** isto l^^oa..v.llU Munhiltm .. t. .. •• •* '** j ‘iwoulfvlllv anil X«9kvftll9 lia M * » Onskk .. •• .# •• •• *» •• rnii'ii PtHif .. •••••••- 29 i Rock Island l** l * , ir. a **h i»to Ht. Paul M*H ll«H 8, B. Q ■'•'k RN Western Union *6 *“4* LIVERPOOL COTTON. January and Februaty S.YI 12 3.11 February and March .. 3.1 J 3 II March and April 3 13 14 3.1 S | April and May 3.13 3.12 i May and June *l4 ;July »nd Aug. .. .. .. 3.1 k 3,17 I Aug. and Hept 3.17 3.15 Sept, nnd Oct 3.14 *.13 (At. and Nov 3.12 3 12 I Nov. and Dec 3.11 12 3.11 Dec. and Jan. .. ». ■ • 3.11 12 3.11 APOHBTA COTTON. Middling in Augusta today 'Sales In Augusta today 32 | lUwelpta in Augusta today 2« ■ Receipts in Augusta to date .. .. 37*395 j Stock on hand In Augusta today.. 3259: POUT RECEIPTS. 1895 1897 I*9* f Galveston 33 982 _ ! New Orleans 2 66* i Mobile * l ’® !Savannah 17 2 1# - I a C. ! Norfolk 3 4 j Philadelphia .. .. 75 —— ” Boston —— •* received thanks. Announcements Hade in Paris This Horning. Paris, Aug. 17. —At the cabinet council this morning, the minister of foreign affairs, Delcasse. read dis patches from President McKinley and < the Queen Regent of Spain, thanking the president and tho government of the FYench republic for their good offi ces in promoting the peace negotia tions. M. Delcasse added that the govern ments of Washington and Madrid, de siring to give France proof of their high esteem and confidence, had selec ted Paris as the scene of the negotia tions for the final treaty of peace. In the City Court. A vciy slim attendance greeted Judge Eve at City court this morning, the following cases being all that were tried: Walter Welborn. tried for larceny from the house, was found guilty and sentenced to a fine of SSO or ten months. Richard Davis, for cheating and swindling, received the same penalty, being found guilty. L. A. Fields, who was arrested for vagrancy, was not prosecuted. Some enterprising American firm, 'now that peace has shown its head, might do a good stroke cf business in the iron line by siakiofeout a -'claim anywhere tn the neighborhood of a re cent naval battle. _____ DON7S. AtotoJtof OM mini ttMlt? k»Hk *w§ ftt ptoff our empfcn*** |# jwikrfin IN ir dul*4 4## t*f k/ lh>»th 4 Qato Ik i Pm'l wixrtttee»4iil eihlMit| ywNf ffooQl #4 rauf tkPMti HI 4to *Hufl l» ffktM 4 MHU Oua’l uftoff jet< R* to Hjtof SSos tilt muflNHnh, and It# Ihe ahes nkid Don't ht pcwtonl ## immMv tunh# with am cefWr 1U m th# to jtxg uivtled qrl Ooto'l prvwvua# tohtol yam <4inMnl {Mist#(to, and dtoto‘l toffrl lo hUd 4* Y*hm pfotono Dolt'l latl Is |ah# til #IM personal tn- I err* |#) hiftnji \mo tmtonm' oedef* In# all Qkf. Don't ovfftok th# |#l that th# ihl#r»Ui cal v«x»f cuxtnencf tod %ov# titvptovcf 4#ff tiiulual. Don't fnr(*i Oval yow or# «xfMt<t«d to »#* the truth 9 ad time*, under 4 ctotuimtan<«». Don't pemto mv\ or otdrkndltnety to exht Marten \oj and th« o thtt einph>y#c» of tho dMMMny. i'iiitiu.sta '.Kqu.MlTtjg*#* l to mvisiNure. I m4M| Ist. Ihe Causes a* Ihe J«4- tow lava*. Wa»hiß#iaa. Awg IT, ffayfwva (Nml k 99 4# * tn f^sWl gLQINto ■' t*■ C 9J9C9 W 11 1 *. 1 19 ' 9#* f 9 ttbf t a*kp9. MHI tk report 9jw*** • «iff* tfixl to prrtmi nrl or %rr m&m lm «k# kftrf Tk* ommimi&m mmmirnm of Wfthff IK#«nA. |t. a i; n»>»r VicfkT ViafltAf divtftiCMi *f **>!••* ttvrfts 994 Major E 991 d O lli*9kr*- poktM krl4kN*Q 9af#pg*~9 of *he t*ii&tkd of fflMMVfk for f9t OKDLR4 ISSLLD. Pa> masters (is From Santiago to Porto Uko. ffttfcitotca, Aug. 17. Orders tram t**fM*t todij I'irmlff lb# ptyw#i#ri *l kilitiiio. kpllll t» ftor##4 •lo Porto Rl.o lo f»f tk9 u# i» Ota. M itt did nnt tint theme {wrna*l < Ti and |HH)#f *0 he «#Bt to Prfo> H«o fr ti fkrtiiiQ for ftor Ikr** ailfikt brine fevtr. Tb# «urff#oo *■*«• 9V9J‘« rdf # dor* not bellrrr thire li may of iif#ctk>B. IMB FIFTH INFAN IRV. It Wilt in All Likelihood Eto Sent to Santiago. Atlaata, <la.. Au*. 17.—Th* Fifth ia fo of ry, no* Bt Tam pa, recently order - . ed home lo Fort MvPhcracn. will preb- I ably go to Saattago. Gt u. Pconlng jton, commander of the Department of tha Golf today received orders from I tha war department to held the Fiftn ’ jrt Tampa as It will probabiy be sent to Santiago. Elebcrate preparstien* wctc inadp lo receive the Fifth here. TO HOVE THEM. The to'ell and Convalescent Men to Be Taken From Key toesf. Washington. Aug. 17.—The surgeon general's office has decided to take all | ' the well and convalescent men away j | from Key West so that th;y will not: he in danger of an outbreak of yellow: fever at that point. Sharp Criticism. London, Aug. 17. —The Pall Mall Ga zette comments on the "cxMaordin.Cv action of the Germans In assisting the (light of Augustl from Manila.” in P'rots similar to those used by tbe Times. It sharply erltic sra the pro ceeding, drawing attcnllta to it in the similarity to the German action during the British bombardment of Zanzibar when the usurping Sultan sought ref uge at the German consulate. The Ga zette says: "This Manila Incident t» uneomonly nigh a flagrant, breach of neutrality and is certain to be rcitordcd as inter national discourtesy if nothing else." My Lady's Slippers. My lady’s slipper sees a very radical change this summer. It is no more plain and unadorned, no longer does a simple little bow or unobtrusive ro sette ornament it. Instead, tjje slip per is now a very gorgeous affair. It glistens, both by sunlight and the gleam cf gas or electricity, for It is a jeweled slipper, and oftener than oth erwise elaborately jeweled. The style is to have these slipper jewels match the pin or necklace you are wearing, both in the gems themselves and in the setting. When fantastic and curious designs are worn, in oddly finished gold, the effort is exceedingly pictu resque. and attractive. Rhinestones are to be favorite slipper ornaments of the'sumin“r. diamonds being of course' ton valuable to be allowed to twinhie carelessly on one’s foot. The ornament most admired will be a gold or jeweled bit ’yle. either large or gmail. This will rest upon a bow or rosette of satin, and will be of many quaint and odd designs. Philadelphia Timex. The louder a man talks the more sound judgment'he possesses. ' 9UCU9T It I I R.MAN Al are la N V Y*:« kh Mr. took K'-trbroafk ant up to litaa An Brake haa vetaruMl t;cm | J. G. tserkwemt. repiearatlaa Da V:v --i irr 4 <•. chirr pagnr m> r rr*. to iO Mra Cihlto Rnbena.ela and chil dren have ii* arced (nit a aojean la tha aainiaiM of North Carolina. Durirg Mra. V R Plumb’s ai.~- r.ra from the city the will ha •uhniutnl lie the Co- Sb-oherd choir by Mias ymtrrday and today with Mrs. A. C. Vaaoo. loner Mrs, Salinas will Jo n Mrs. Vesoo aad speod soma thra la the a.ountaln* of North Carolina. ITUEBEf T! Nd HEMS. Ge: mans weigh nearly ten t <otia4» more than Fienchmu. A Spaaiah peaeia to now equivalent lo about i-fteeu corns in gold. The first envelope ever mad* to in the possession of the British museum. The battle of the Boyne was not fought ou July 12. as alleged, but on .he Pokei has torn forbidden in Vienna ..n the ground that ;a to a game of chance. During the last century 100 lakes in the Tyre! have subsided and diaap pearert completely. One out of every six hundrfd Inhab itants of FYair-e has an account in 'be State savings bank. "By the sword of my father" to one of the most convincing oaths a Frenchman is said to use. Hamburg's improved apparatus for burning garbage dr.ea the work for about 9 cents per 1,000 pounds. It is tveli known that toothache !» often caused by a disordered stomach, and i| removed by a simple aperient. F Britain's marine steam ton nage is todav 6.720,703 about as much as that of ail other nations add ed together. And now it is the Duchess of Orleans who states that Dreyfus is innocent, and that everybody at the courts of Austria, of Denmark, of St. James and of St. Petersburg are aware of it, and also cf the identity of the real trait or. The Czar of Russia recently sent to Barna, in Bulgaria, a ship containing a piesent for the Bulgarian people quite out of the common. It consisted of complete sets of costumes from the royal tbea.res of St. Petersburg and Moscow for a hundred different plays. There were 8,700 costumes, said to bs worth *45,000. TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION ROY OF 19 DESIRES POSITION AS clerk or something else. Willing to work and work cheap. Good education. Address H. E. S.. 1010 Telfair. A 18 FOR SALE —ONE COUNTER. ONE ice bOx. otte fish box. one hand cart, one show case, several small stands, ene large oil can. also the shelving and stock in store at 1267 Broad street. Will he sold ih bulk or separately. Ap- Y’y at SOS Broad street. Aug 17 X