The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 18, 1898, Image 1

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TBK * * tt-rftw. AIUUSTA ft* Vigo* iMbM i fctVK *#•'*•» #****•*• ' | «*##■#! * *•*•»•.«* ShM «• tm"t** , MHMPV! — - AGUINALDO S MEN MUST KEEP OUT OF THE TOWN OF MANILA The President Sends Positive Or ders to Oen. Merritt to That Effect. Oft. Vrrritt Makes Hffnrt u W»*k tftftieft " \a*tkrr Men Esrap «( Aac*iti-‘tß|*rfaaf |Maffttrkr%ai Wasll»ft#a--Tlkrr Is Ike ffts'iWUtj t( •• Aliftfk *i Off Ptftft Bj lit PMUll^iftr Iftsarxeals. •if iqptitmat Ui t#ct# v «4 tit to** k»» sis risy. nnr 4itt a t+p f • f* cfltv fM ,rffts,ii| «h«nk» for ifc# to#* fi 1B( j *»■! ft* itit ibf ill*. A*'int vvtf if It hoot plit'W of ftioff for «iou*<' O' i<iiaaili a< <• wiitm it# tova. On it# 9h wt t#ci ,a lOiOl HOI# f#riax in ttor# for It# lict and non* rr#batißU in ft## H bfcanf our duiy 10 f#dsH# tt# diffsa##. alio sett inn forth the hopelesa condition* of the Hpanish farrea. *wr»unded on all aid**, ori’b a fleet la front, and no pro*p«rt» for relnforreueo’*, and wr demanded the surrender a* do* to every consideration of humanity. The t sitne date we received a reply admit ting the situation. tut stnting the coun cil oT defense declared that the eequeat for surrender coutd not be itranted. but offered to commit tho government if time was granted Decennary for com tr.tinicai ion via Hong Kong. A Joint note was sent in reply, declining. On the 13th we joined w:th the navy in an a.tack with the following teault: Af ter about an hour of accurate shelling of the Spanish lines, MacArthur's brigade on the right and Green’s on the left, under Anderson, made a vig orous attack anil carried the Spanish works. The loss Is not accurately known, but is about fifty in all. The behavior of the troops was excellent. The co-operation of the navy was most valuable. The troops advanced rap idly on the walled city upon which a v/hiio flag was shown and the town capitulated. The troops occupy Ma ine, Binondo, and the walled city of San Miguel. All important centres are protected. The insurgents kept out. No d soi pillage. (Signed) „ Merritt. Another Tale Sure. Berlin, Aug. 18. A dispatch from Hong Kcng. Aug.*lß.. and evidently of ficial, says: The Kaiserin Augusta, which left Manila with dispatches Bom Von Diedricbs, after the fall of the city, will return there today. Gen. Auguxtl and family arrived on hoard the crui THE HERALD'S ADVERTISING COLUMNS ARE THE SHORTEST ROUTE INTO THE LARGEST NUMBER OP HOMES. UA tfM* A »ru Vdltil %li < a##. Admiral Van h.Ht k* at iw (nqwft at flea. Augpsmt. git* Ihrm [ pacmg- aa a9"raag#ta*ai aitfe th# I Aagnart he. tab Hoag Koag aa rvn* lagnfUlH ntaggnhf*. W##A A#lr*«k Aa# IS [ iftsf lit# iftliti of o#s | A ltS#f #l tfe# «ar t##Bi Iw* t**4 # | fiwwHiU* l # «i«|| OfUffti Coflls, | TT*r» W*T* ( *»r,* . *lc j ’ fig IY- I c#tt#4 from M* mu and from Sam #• L q || {| ynArmtood tliat M#rrlff‘i I tor#. Tie roiuSiUona it Santiago if# ciMfoi a |r««i deal of uarumrif and am! t I# Mkv«4 insr# troop* till b# order#.l th#f# v#ry too®. Already or 'lori have ;isut4 dirwunf (he Fifth * nfantry, now at Tampa, to proceed cm to flan. logo. Inquiries are made aa to I tho condition* of tbe immune regl ! meats which have not yet sated, with (be view of sending them to Santiago. Tbe government intends to take vig rrous measures to preserve peace and keep order at Santiago. Th* emphatic ordera to tawton a few days ago will be followed by orders sending suffi cient disciplined troops to enable him to earn,; out the Ins,ructions of the secretary. As a further step in this direction the president today ordered ihe Twenty-Third Kansas regiment, colored, to be dispatched to Santiago, to form a part of the army of occupa tion In Cuba. The Kansans had ten dered their services for this purpose, and bud urged acceptance of the ten der, which McKinley and Alger finally agreed to today, after a conference with Represen ative Curiia of Kansas. It was decided also to send the Twen tieth Kansas to Manila should addi tional troops be asked for. The transports Knickerbocker and Srretoga arc now at Tampa and can carry the entire regiment without diffi culty. it is believed at the department that well trained and disciplined regu lars will have a good influence on the troops at present at Santiago and with them once there all troubles will cease. I The department will be kept advised at ail times as to the conditions at San tiago and If more troops ape deemed necessary they will be sent at once. The Order Public. Washington, Aug. 18. The war de partment made public the order sent to Merritt last evening regarding the occupation of the City of Manila by the American forces, as follows; THE AUGUSTA HERALD. I Merrill Ntonun, •*» Tfte f###»d**M 4i i Man i* fcn? #nd k a 'Wt *<•# w*a g#m j«ert* pmt» and pwtwt Ik* patama hwrea tMvifWs. Mel Bit o4k#f» I e«rl revusßßiee ike rerewpeiion and an - I I fcaf tty of Ik. I'sllnJ fIMN The rew I .el left of koai if i lee If petlilfled by I lb# pn.l4. >1 IV wk*irv*» eun Ik j »«.*r j.lgitee In ner#m*ry to ike I h»4 All taw winding people vkww k* f * reefed kSike. tty m drv at fbe eeiti Ikif jof Wir Corbie ** Tfce preel4e*t eenkot be kti.ekker i «mo 4 end ike tn.unteet* wilt be kept I out of Makilk. end the rt.y bey and | harbor will be hrtd aa an Ameticnk rnr.nal-rn Tbe pcaiblll'y of mi al- I tack by Ibe A meriean force* baa been i ■ unaid. fed but aa tbe ioaurgenta. With ! the bay In possession of Howey for three mootbn and 10MO Amman troopa near tbe city for a monih peat. were unable to cause the surrender of the city, it la not believed they will be very formidable aga.nst Merritt. INTfrRI STINfi ANNOUNCEMENT Albert S. Hardy and niaa Mabel l ambkin Will Wed. Gainesville. Ga., Aug. Ift-- Announce ment la made of the coming marriage of Mias .Mabel Larobdin and Mr. Albert Sidney Hardy. The ceremony will be performed at the residence of the hr!de ckel's mother. Mrs. C. K. hambdln. In Burnesvllle. on Wednesday evening. (V'tober 5. Misa Ijirobdln was rerani *y a visiter in this city, the guest of friends, and Mr. Hardy is the well known editor cf the Georgia Cracker. Both have friends here who will be In terested in their wedding. ATCAHP WIKOFF. The Yellow Fever There Not on the Increase. New Yorf'. Aug. 18.—Physicians In charge n' the detention hospital at Camp Wlkoff reported today that there I has been no Increase In thp yellow fe ' ver since yesterday. There are seven cases In the hospital. Altogether there are 800 In the different hospitals. Additions are being received every day to take the places of men discharg ed. The average number of patients, the doctors say, Is about 300. Two eases of scarlet fever have appeared In the hospital. General Young, In accord ance with orders from the seer-.ary of war, gave thirty days’ furlough today to every man asking for leave. BURNED TO DEATH. Horrible Result of a Lightning Stroke In lowa. Independence. la., Aug. 18. The hrrn cf Peter Foy, ten milo» north of h«rc, was struck by lightning last night. His five sons, the oldest ' 16, were sleeping there end were burned to death. NO MORE TROOPS. Transports to Be Dismissed as Fast as They Return. Special to The Herald. Washington, D. C., Aug. 18.—The war department will send no more troops to Manila. Col. Hecker, in charge of the transports, says as fast as the Manila transports return to San Francisco, they will go out of commis sion. ENTERS SUIT. W. W. Brown Sues the Casualty Company. Macon, Ga., Aug. is.—ln the cltv court suit has been filed by W. W. Brown, of Macon, against the United States Casualty company for J1,82n, which the plaintiff alleges is due him by the defendant company for injuries received in an accident which happened to him in Macon in 1806. The plaintiff was insured in the defendant company agaist accident, and the ftaintiff says the defendant -refuses to pay him- AIUI f»VA* UA ■ffi BY I MSB SlDffi mmmrnmm Tit Nf*t if #r HiMftct* il Ollt* |t fill—i F iftllt Ififlrrt f’Hft at 111 Ttt# it* Ait .Mftrlnrt. tk* C*k4Wi»k at thv kMHtuw To*** UroiHy iNiff# liiVkK. A## I# mm #f# »*#*ik|ab# Ml fnM|# #|| WllMNl »NMft th* ****** IHNA Pwuk* ro*.,rt,bo* *0..- ###• rttH. Hit tli# rwmmr* th* •MMtttrt* •« 0»)w «tt t H »#11 - !tMi nfifi hi «!**> Mfry of tW «9tN4rftl, «B 4 IM «| 111# I fK|tinl*h IftMW. h#| tltrr iffi ovrltiOiftnl nn«f h« t« T to w WWW ■ "**— ww **w \h< n*mtm «f n«ht y. Tbs h««l«t* nf 111# I# mr#ullr impr»*\h9 Th* \fih t 4 frv#r from Camf> At#«*f •n 4 from <im| CNi Hamauca *• ©f i m«l<l Iff* and t# fail dia» ifftf**nn*. Ptrfrt aa nit# if on la bclns Hlfnrfrd T«4i r'n r**t*'*H ifitiii IN pt* k in tli# h out of a command of I&.M# IN NO HURRY. Ccrvrra Witt N*t Ru*h Away From Antic*. Washington. Aug. I*.—Cervcr* will not return so Hpaln for the present and reports from Annapolis slating that h would leave for Washington today arc said ks ihe navy department to lie due to misapprehension. Tbe admiral made no application to leave end It la the belief that he will be the last Spanish prisoner to go home, as he has shows n fatherly regard for all the officers and men and apneara to be desirous of seeing them on their way homeward before he leave*. The navy department has not taken up the question of the Anal disposition of the ffpanlah prisoners, although tt has passed upon one or two special cares in which e rcumstanees matin speedy action advisable. One of tht're was tho ease of Dr. Ju reda, the venerahk Spanish naval sur gfon. held with the ether Spanish pris oners ai Annapolis. Jurada Is very feeble end the department directed his release and a Spanish chaplain will be allowed to accompany him, FROM SANTIAOO. No More Doctors or Nurses Needed 1 here Now. Washington, Ang. 18.—Surgeon Gen eral Sternberg rcc3ived the following today: K-u tlago, Aug. 18. Surgeon General, Washington.—The CatanJa has left for Mmteuk; all bedding should be burn ed; cots might be saved; ship should he sent back for more patients of the same class. The Yale arrived yester day and supplies landed. Will cable what else I may need. No morp doc tors or nurses wanted. Harvard, Chief Surgeon. HAKES A BID. San Francisco Wants HcCoy Very Badly. San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 18.—Wil liam Kennedy, superintendent of the Olympic Club, has wired Kid McCoy and Tommy Ryan, offering to match them before the Olympic Club In this city any time in September for the middlew-eight championship of the world. Kennedy will also offer 60 per cent of the gross receipts. A CHANOE. Russia Now Swapping Her Am bassadors. London, Aug. 18.—M. De Staale, ttus :i,.e ambassador Ito Great Britain, ac cording to a special dispatch from St. Petersburg, will shortly retire from London and will he succeeded by Count Cassini, the Rusisan ambassador to the United States. Mr.: St. Julian Carwite, cf Ldgefield. is in the city todsur- WILL BE NO OTHER BOND ISSUE; THE WAR TAXES ARE TO REMAIN »MMMM *o* I* tv r+mwm * IV iV Hl* Hi IV im— *tt *pft» (Ml » IM IV I* «MI V M •Ilf V MW* v*d mm arm*M wrt V iV •*» and (Ink IV vmi r»w •V to* Wl VMV •»«*' —•dlte*- IMN 4mm V N*tV4 IV VM ImmV IV tadeVHo pW4 TV T t,mm r » Ww*. TV WW ■>! V (all** m IV *«e«* «f IV IKPMHWT VVVH «VM> nVII It M|> V ro*tde*lt» Wd im w NnVr nww *f W • ill v niwmt I* WIV •Mil tMiuiM IV HimViuri *at •*!>»*• oJ<m<*<»>« j dllare IK a rVw. , KHI lafflM No*. WKk IV lr*— mrj a ell eupplled Vr iV rally future and ■Mb power* coa- U rrd Upon iV eerrrtnry to Mki (rmpoitrj loan* to IV ailent of fit*.- OMMO. If required. an) furtVr reoon to bond la**** aeema a moal naoi* NEWER NEWS Of (DANllifl Tie f«adi i of ibf Spiniards Very I’fdy. There Hu Heea • Slight Brush With the Insurgent*. fly Associated Prca# Manila. Aug. 10. Thr Manila new*- !pa tier* on Auguat sth published the new* that Captain General Augustin had been »uptrtrdeil by Segundo Cabo Don Kermin Jandenee Alvarex, and re ferred In term* of ronlempt to the Yan kee*. On August 6th Admi at Dewey and General Merritt, acting Jointly, notified General Jandt nea that they might at tack the city forty-eight hours after the receipt* of their note to him, and gave him an opportunity to remove all non-combatants. General Jandene* oeknowledged re ceipt of the letter. He slated that Uncl ing himself Burrounded by Insurrec tionary forres he was without place of refuge for the Increased number of wounded, sick women and children who were within the cvalls. The Fleet Moves. No action occurred until the 13th. Our fleet began to move in at 9 o’elock on Saturday morning. Dewey's Olym pia led the fighting line, aa of old. The flag ship dlrertrd her fire at Ma latcfort. The Raleigh, Petrel and Cal lao also opened Arc on the fort, the Boston, Baltimore, Charleston and Monterey standing In as supports. Most of the firing was done at a range of from three thousand to four thous and yards. Infantry at Work. Our infantry was seen a few minutes later, moving forward upon the Span ish intrenchroents. Their advance was made under cover of a heavy fire from the Utah battery. With colors flying and bands playing , the troops moved swiftly along the beach. There was a creek to be ford ed. They plunged into It and were soon nernss. Once over they deployed in skirmishing order along toward Ma late, keeping up a heavy rifle fire and finally halting on Runeta. Found in a Church. Flag Lieutenant Brumby went ashore to discuss terms of capitulation with Jandenes, whom he found in a church. Subsequent proceedings regarding terms were conducted in the municipal buildings, the governor general con senting to leave the church after a brief cctiferenee. , The Surrender Terms. The terms are briefly these: Capitulation of the Philippines. Of ficers allowed to retain their swords and persona! effects, but not their horses during their stay in Manila. Prisoners of war surrendering their arms will have necessary supplies pro vided from the treasury, end when that Is exhausted the Americans are to make provision. All public property is surrendered, the future disposition of the Spanish troops who surrendered to be determined by negotiation between the respective governments. Arms may HV* t <H I AftA A VtAt IHI IfXJAV. A|t| »a, «r*a Extraordinary War Bills and the Views of Treasury Depart ment in Regard Thereto. Mkhhm and W»V»W TV* *to* ** BWhfV V IV Vs tvt «Hib IV lyratm* V iV **• at ria* **d xa»* urn iV iwv* V IV *»remm**l *lll lar**to *w**d iV par* * .nd'lloaa Ibia Inreeaa* VIV eeee*** r»«k» V and alii peoetd* for IV VW* I* IV •*» **d Ml) *l - «Mc* VM *ll V »M --arated eer* *fi*r aril** m.Mary op rrattoaa trr terminated Oo Hal lo dads. Tint bat* V** nmfrreoree be tween Palm* and din repreaeaiatlv## of IV Cabana with IV otknato of IV Palled dlirtea internment relative to * the Caban* and *Vt I* lo be done for lie returned *1 General Merrill'* dla- I rtellon Bank* will continue to oper- I ate under f tilling regulnltoa*. which I are auhject lo change by the United liitatet government. Lowering the Flag IJcuirnant Brumby. Immediately af jter the term* of capitulation had been jvigacd. hurried off lo lower the Spanish flag. At Fort Santiago n large ttpanlsh I flag win flying. Grouped about It were I many Spanish officers. Brumliy's pres ence there In the victor's uniform st irs red a crowd from the alreeta. They biased a* he approached lb haul down the Aug. Then the Star* and Stripe* rose In the place of the oth er. Many of those present wept bit terly a* the flag of the victorious stranger cllmlied into place above the fort. Disgraceful. The conduct of the Spaniards was disgraceful after the capitulation. The gunboat Cebu wan brought down the river, with the Spanish flag flying, and was set on fire at the mouth of the Pasig. A party of Atnerieatfs boarded her and hoisted (he Stars and Stripe*. They tried fruitlessly to save three lnunch«» and several boats, which were also destroyed. The insurgents, on August 14th, the day f.fter the surrender, entered some Spanith trenches on the outskirts, but were repulsed. Genets* Merritt notified them that they will not be permitted to come in side the city. It Is probable that the Americans will now deal with the In stil pent? unless an amicable arrange ment is arrived at soon. SUIYTER IS DRY. For Sixty Years the Liquor Interest Has Been Strong There. Arotiicus, Ga., Aug. 18. Sumter county went into the prohibition col umn yesterday, after the hottest elec tion ever witnessed here, and for the first time In sixty year* red liquor is turned down, and the county goes dry by 88 votes. The campaign has been red hot for five weeks, and the registration was the largest in years, more than 3,400 voters qualifying for the election. Though rain poured all day, ladies staid near the polls and encouraged the voters for the prohibition side. Many whiskey houses had agents here, and nothing was left undone to carry the day Tor whiskey. Eight county precincts gave a plurality for prohibi tion, and at the city precincts Ihe race was very close in a vote of 1,200 There is no likelihood of a contest, as the whiskey men concede defeat. The white vote of the county was over vihelmlngly for prohibition, while many negroes likewi @ voted the dry ticket. The victory was announced by the ringing of church bells last night, though the city is very quiet lo day. and there is no excitement what ever. No Pay For Insurgents. Washington, Aug. 18. Secretary Alger and olher members of the cabi j net took occasion to deny the reports j current in Cuba of an agreement to disband the Cuban Insurgents, and for i the United States to pay them off. in the interest of promoting peaceful con ditions in the island. it mm ,’rir IWK AllD I yn»#i «*» ♦*» t a mo* «—»»**»»• MU*. *~ v ‘«s9| ITV Tfw**fj Well SvjlH Nt* ni Win Ur Oyrinlv ts Ut Nf« E*rht «M vi«f Aft*. TVlt Will Or Xt Stm l«tf a s B*a4»---TWr* Will Bt Xt hj Ftf Cikaa SdMWa—TWf Alt T*M It I‘iMnt aa4 Gt It Wtrtu IVB So Pay roe TVa* Mr. Nina •*» ad*ta*d IVI t V Pal* led Vale* «««td M roaaltet iV —**- (lo* V rompe—Mio* foe IV CaVa troop* b*ra*ae iVf* to ao powe* »• 'V tote lament lo V ao area If tVr* **a tV Inclination He <*»• told tV bent ikm IV Cuban* nwM do ••• lo ad via* the men In arm* lo di»h**d. and retire to IV bone* and cn*a*« I* prireful ptiraolta. CRAVE FEAR FOR CUBANS The President is Very Apprehensive Tod*?. He Is Holding Very Important Cm* ft-rentes. Kpet-lal to The Herald. Wasti.ngton. Aug. 18. Riot tnur >der and the destruction of property are the Ir.o of public horror* which President McKinley fear* for Havana and oiher Cuban cities. Tbs m*-->sacra ' by the Spanish soldiery of upwards of . 100 Porto Ricans has aroused hit anx ' iety. He a; once set the wires work ing into General Miles' headquarters to ascertain the tiuth. Nothing from General Allies bearing on the subject came during the day. In Conference. The president sent for General Alger to eonfer with him on the advisability of sending a heavy force of aoldicra to Havana at onee. General Alger advised agalnat it on yellow fever and other grounds. He also questioned the authenticity of the i Porto Rico story. To this the pres ident replied that whether the story were true or not, It suggest* an em.- nent probability. He recalled Wey ler's assertion and later on the boast of Blanco, (hat If the American* ever frepd Cuba, they would find it "a waste of ashes sown in salt." What He Argued. The president argued that the Span ish soldier;’, naturally mutinous and rebellious, arc humiliated and sore in defeat. He fears they will break over the nominal discipline that is main tained and leave Cuba as their anceo tors entered It on "a tide of blood and In a cloud of smoke.” They have no further responsibility In tho mat ter. The soldiers themselves are the constabulary and therein the president reads the danger of the situation. What He Thinks Geo. Fltzhugh Lee takes the presi dent's view of the case. He wcu!<b gladly take orders to move the Seventh army corps across the straits. ASSIQNED. The Central Stamping Company of New York Has Failed. New York, Aug. 18.— The Central Stamping company, manufacturers of tinware, this city, assigned today. Lia bi'ities, $270,000; assets, $500,000. HANGED. General Stephenson Executed Today in Kentucky. Stanford, Ky., Aug. IS. General Stephenson, colored, was hanged here today for the murder of Joe Tllford, a white boy, 14 years oid, at Crab Or chard, July 4th. New York Futures New York, Aug. 18.—Futures opened steady at the advance. August 5.55. September 5.57, October 5.64, Novem ber f,.6F, December 5.70. January 5.74, February 5.76, March 5.79, April 5.82, May 5.86, _ ...