The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 18, 1898, Image 3

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THURSDAY THE BAND IS MAKING MUSIC s**« Fmi il* o**4 ft#* Y»s>** #*•*•* Mfe* ••• **• #*• oKtlj| * #• *r ft* I* #**♦** **»« lift fWfUMrt ft** ***• ftp* *#- ftfe 4 ■ ■#l*4l ftPft* ' wft www ft# UN.*#ftftftftft •f#*ftpft ftl "ft# w*» F'ftflftft tftft#tft#* 1 *•**__ —ft##**# l * ftnftft# tft *ft# w* ”w» Ift###!# ft ftlftftl# Aft MM #h**# ft# In n|» puft Uh#ft fngM*n#4 ta» Acfttw •• it* •tiftf iMiitiftMMk **•*•■ ft*ftmft* !•%** Tft# ft«V ta«4 IV ftWH ft*4 IV t **ft# **>»r t| ft# ft* I ftMftNNftMW *'"* V f#ls«»'<* Vtv *mf** *> pifftin.* flf *V *n*g «f W »«***•■ "*•»••" •***• I** a* by *hwr* «•»*« *** Aft **fAN tfsiakt* M 4 UMM w*»e nM f» wn r |o(4 Ml ffcNMl i* i * wWh. IT t *** *ft h**V ■ On !• UN TV rliftfi* mmm to V ftoni lot ftft ••ft? mv*. noil pniftftftlT to H«sft**- Cut tV HH* lira ftfWfftft IlkMHKSfft tft n|lf , tt nar nVftft tVft |r> A r ft#* #*l from ftwiTTiti to ctftf Iht »ml tftt Itftfft* Thfftft rumor* »r# nyfiy ft*ti who. m aftftft Mtl 7 hfl## p*ft*4 ovir <m tft r?»4r for ift# nrvt. Bnt frftftn rtsmor* wltft tft# ftMft* frarril tftftor »i«t rt)«»iMi from tV Miwr §#•#** •I ftfft jjmkl around for ft vrfttft <*c non*, tVn it ia lima to to wprrl MKM d#v#|op«#t»ii. And *o It ta mltli ita# (urtaaic rnmtr that at will go to tft# mountain* of Aiainini, ft rftanftr (hat oil! ft# norr than arl* com# to all tft# acid ter*. Evm If iftrr# la nothing of rap##**! Ift«#r#at at Hub tar iHr tft# work of Viklfti cnaap and moving aril? break tft# atmaat el#r- Dftl monotmjF of ©ur pr#a#tit Ilf#. Scrgt Wr’gtit Back, gargt Wright baa return~d at last, and la arlronrd by all »n tft# regiment who knoar him. H# entered Into hi# dutir« aa *ooo at lie arrived and Ilia men feel more at home and aatiafled tilth thr.r uneven*ful life. All exprem pleasure (bat bla wound bat eoakpMaiy healed. Corporal Lyons 111. Corp. l.yont waa aent to Ihr hospital yesterday hr waa tent (runt tbr brigade hospital to fort Thontt, Ky. All the nun feel that they hare lost a friend and earnestly hope It trill be for only a short while; he Is one of the host had best liked non-coms, In the bat talion. Private Mobley and Rudder have re turned from the brigade hospital, where they were operated on success fully. Recruits Arrive. Recruits Eve, Spctb and White ar rived safely Thursday morning and take to army life like old men. The company has an acquisition in these tb(cc nv'a. CHARLES GREENWOOD BENSON SELLINO OCT AT LOWER BALK'S— We have many fine trimmed Summer Hats. Come and give u* an offer on yi-ur rholce. Summer straw shapes— good and new—7sc and 11*1 values for 25c. Lots of common white Sailors at Sc. Sick Men Destitute. Cincinnati. Aug. 18. Mrs. J. J. Geat cf this city, who has made a tour of Inspection of the army camps of the sou.h under the auspices of the Army and Navy League of Cincinnati, for the purpose of ascertaining the wants of the troops in the wav of hospital supplies, has just returned. She re ports that the en>.ire Sixtr-Ninth regi ment of New York, now at Fernandl na. Fla., is entirely destitute of hospit al tents, and has not one-half enough medical supplies. The sick arc oc cupying their own tents, which are without fioors, and fever patients have the earth for thair bed. Mrs. Gest says there is an absolute lack cf the most ordinary appliances for the sick. The only fund for the purchase of milk, ice and other things for the sick is, she adds, derived from the profits of the regimental canteen. Augusta Trunk Factory Trunks repaired by expert Trunk makers. 843 Broad. B. 'Phone 2181. Bequest of Mrs. Linton. London, Eng., Aug. 18.—The will of Mrs. Elizbeth Lynn Linton, the nov elist and essayist, widow of William ,T. Linton, th- celebrated wood engraver, who died last month, orders lhat tl:"? marlles which do not belong to, her shall he sent to America .for presenta tion to the American National Gallery in accordance with the desire of her late husband. CASTOTIIA. Boar? tho J 9 Tl» Kinlf Y(W HaW AT«aVS»BOU£ht %, .r POSTMASTERS TO ORGANIZE i Xftfttfft itfti Om Ftf Twt ti Heft I (ft tkttfftit * PVgftftftftV# VftMft*# • fin ft#* Ift* ftftMft (Mftl tft ftl AH#fti ftftftl* KM| to tft# g» 7*t**t tft' *»! , ; ftpttViit tv ft* nijjvr •* l ft# ft?#r# M (ft# f nt rrvtiv#ftt*'4i ftftd ofttgioiMi tftaftft f |t tHrftftflMMk- Pn^lftMAtf, I IkST BALI: SOI l» The Price* That M Brought In the Chkago v Arkrt Chlcacn. Am IV. Business waa tha List hat* of cottem from the south, lifg imp* ft left #it pe#*#Bt#S to Preo idftftt M«Kinle> ft# H B. Brer of N>« Or!#• &#. to ft* rl*l for tft# bcflrfit of tft# (iovettnert HosipUl ftervkio. Tft-' Ito John flop## for $* •*• H# itOMtftl *lt to the First regiment. IHino • nf vn j tff. and it ««* bought by Mr. Zma [Oftrter. tirwtidrnt of the boord. for S4OO Mr Carter gave It to tU# Firs* ,Ift# property of F Q l*og#n. for 1250. ll# gftv# It to the organ zation wftieh jlinoi* volunteer*, and it via »>!<S on j thoir account, Mr. P B Armour ray ing 52.V4 for It. Mr Armour will send l lt to St 1/ u.i ft h#r# it will mUo be FRO.*l NEWB KRY. Excursion to Arrive From There Over C. ft W. C. Road ] An exenrakm fmm Newberry. 8. C.. 'will arrive here over the Charleston and , W.-stern Carolina railway, at 4 o'clock I tills afternoon. A larg- number of Newberry’s color fed citizens and others along the line of road will come here to witness the 'tenth leglment flag presentation that tale r place at 4 o'clock. I The flag has been today ng •xhlhl < linn In a window of the Georgia B4p i 11st oßlcc. It is a lieauty. | It Is of silk with Tenth Regiment. IT. 8. V.." Inscribed on one of the red I stripes of the flag. Blue and whit-; 'cords hang from the top of the staff. j . - THEY ARE AFTER HIM. Police Want to See Janies Bird son;. The police are after Jim Blrdscng. a character who they have had severe 'dealings with before. They are af:er i him because he is like procrastination j—a thief of litre.w In other words. James has allowed a silver watch to take up with him. A STILL A LARI. Few Shingles Burned on Augusta Ice Company’s Plant. Fire company No. 2 responded to a still alarm sent In last afternoon from ! a box near the Augusta Ice company. A few shingles on the roof of the Ice factory - ere found to he In a blaze, hut were soon extinguished. The darn ings amounts to about $!. Loving Cup For Dewey. Cincinnati. 0., Aug. 18.—The Plea dilly club of this city has had a very valuable loving cup made at the Rock wood works here for Admiral Dewev. Col. Marhreit and other members of the club have communicated with the admiral regarding the presentation or the same. The loving cup Is the finest article of the kind that was ever man ufactured In this city. To Repair the Cable. Hong Kong, Aug. 18.—The officials of the Manila cable ore anxiously await ing pei mission to repair, and a cable ! steamer Is now at Singapore a wiling in structions. Decorates M. Cambon Madrid, Aug. IS.— M. Cambon. the French ambassador to the I'nited States, who repiesented Spain in the peace negotiations at Washington, has been decorated with the Grand Cross of the Order of Charles 111. MINNEWm IT SARATOGA (Oft *4) htVtt Ajiiti* Hti fSMB'QB fftftft ftft Aft##* fftftft ftft ft# ftftftd ftftMlf ■ i ftjijiiiftft*- *«§ ** ** tftyft * • <<4 ft### 1 tft.ft* •*►## *Mft *#* “** A || ft! •ft.ifWklMMft! 1 tft 9||# t* ft if#4 plftlMft. %m mm* rim Tin: WEATHER. tkostn T eight mM IVksMi NM*4t* Tsuirnw. o**t 24 ftour* over tft# totttb Atlmlir M oneeota and South Dftkot*. Th# fftll In temperature ft** tieen marked over th * upper portion of tfte ! upper noutft Attaint!# atni#* ftnd I, _ . , .l. .. _tr >| ltfw k% anfiun. Clear to partly rlocdv weather pre vail* over the h uith tftla m iming PUBLIC PARK. , He Wants Hie Old Basins Converted Into One. August a. Go.. Aug. 18, 1898. I To the Editor of The H-raltt-Sir: I noticed some days ago that you suggested to our city council to make the present settling basins into a park when the new waterworks are comple ted. I would like to aee (his done for the laboring peop e (white only) for j v*h, ii (hey work all day in the mills 'these bet days, It would be quite a re j lief to sit out for tin hour or so atul i enjoy the fresh air, for most of th* m ! live in email hour's and so close to gether that you cannot drive a vehicle [between them, for, as l heard a gentle man remark, "some of the houses re- I minded him of box cars." I um not writing this to say what I I rant done, bus aa a laborer I would like very much to see this piece of property turned over for this purpose, ' for very few cities the size of ours have . so few parka—one of th" city’s and | cne belonging to a private company. I Moay go out to them these hot even linge after their day’s work is over and tills is evidence that they would take advantag? of a new park. Would it not he well for you to print « blank ticket in your valuable paper end ask each reader to fill out the lirk ct and send it to you, giving his choice on selling or making a park of the land. I cm a very poor tvrlter, but I j fed that I could work It up if some | one will put th' hall in motion. §ome reader cf The Herald may be able to t'v! us Borne method to work this out. Thanking you for the space In ycur pa per, Yours very truly. J. M. Head. Preached to No. 4 Engine Hen. Sister Proctor,the lady who is preach ing on the streets of Augusta, preached jto the firemen at No. 4 company last night. She says she has taken an es pecial interest In the firemen since she 'came to Augusta. Henry Starnes. Henry Starnes, of No. 4 Engine com pany, Vho has been ill for several weeks, Is Improving gradually, and It Is hoped that he will he able to resume his duties at No. 4 ill the near future. ■ "~T *“■“ * Geo. B. Richmond, who died at Lan sing, Mich., last Thursday, was the 01 iginal "inventor of the electric tele phone which was in use before the Bell patent eras filed. He never realized anything from his invention. Coast Line Late The Atlantic Coast Line was 45 min utes late in arriving this morning. TBS JftTJOTJ»TjA BSBAtD SOLD BURGLAR VISITS DR. POSE! t*tl4 l*t tMrtftft |i««M fft# C*i is * MM* 4* Ha# ■Hftl Hi f>M |W IWH Mlv I r 114 Agwfnt*4 *4*4 ft* ftft 4'l»ft4 #4*. A Smmml YUM. ' iv-i rdav morning. Dr. r«*cy found he n' et 'fr .m the rent L?™!Tln!U iSTiSTS/JE/ | The (-.lire will no doubt rnlrh him KfuintT or later. •• thry tlwtya THE SOCTH'S VOLUNTEER®. It Is Interesting ta note that (he I western Journal* aie seeing lhat the south is gelling Justice ftoin the sneers of a few rabid northern papers, who !«,ii »]ur new and then at this sec tion. Commenting on the statement that the south has been slow in furnishing her quota of volunteers, The Chicago ; Chronicle says: "Thero has been from time to tKr.e i intimations —usually from republican sources that the southern states I were not enthusiastic over the war ! with Spain. There !« nothing lo | show that these insinuations are well I founded. The southern slates have ; responded to the call for volunteers, 1 and whllo some of them have be?n ! short of their complements, some of (he northern states are In the same fix. Moreover, the immune regiments, all Inf which conic from the south, aro !credited to ro particular slate, so lhat, 'as a matter of fact, the south has pro | Paid-' exceeded ila quota, Insteod of j falling short cf It. A! any rate, we know that the man who enlists from 'the south means business, or If ho ! doesn't mean It he Is In for an un ! pleasant time. The ease of Rev. R. D. Wear, chaplain of the Fifth Alaha -1 ma, who refused to go to Santiago with his regiment, shows what the southern , people think of a ‘quitter.’ He Is prac tically ostracised, clergyman lhat he Is, land veil have to leave (he community. Until we hear of similar action In the ease of members of the Seventh New York, who ’flunked’ In a body, we are v-arrarted In believing that patriotism in Alabama Is fully as fervid as It is in the north or In New York, at any rate.” Misses Camilla and Mamie Rhodes, two of Augusta’s charming and be witching young ladles, left for their home last Thursday after spending a few weeks very pleasantly in Sanders vllle. They were accompanied by Mias Claude Wynne. —Sandersvllle Herald. In going from the Maine to the Tex as it will be noted by the student of geography that Cant. Slgsoee cleared the whole eastern coast line at a single hound. Probably the' two men who will hear of the Close of ffhe war wilh the great est enthusiasm are named McCoy and Corbett. U . u ,.. t , j INASOCIALWAY 1 zZSifer / « 0 flit flftf Jftft ft*## I gfi «ym»S IIINUIIAM tft dwroWt 4 ! Tarft fla% float## BcNca ~f Mayflower <?#s-* «*f wlilrft ar# nil ifimr yi»M It la a iradftU»ft In of Pur Man Ur on* lit ov#i , m \|#yflo*r#r anrrrtor In whtrh to of a ftown worn (,t,rln * ,h< * laMmprd In liny rlualera of dHlmtrty . . • Tti** -iigpg have U##n 1,.,,, fu 11, fringed, and the “sample" Mrs. K. T. Miller and Mrs. Turn Miller left yesterday f»r Hsvsnnah. from w here they will sail to New York [They will Spend several weeks with Mrs. Mason at her summer home in Massachusetts. A Chinese American Flag. A little lady whose father Is a naval officer has. to celebrate the war, on«* of [the most Interesting flags of any that have not seen actual service. It was [brought to her by her father upon his return from a three years’ cruise In Kin RI ALL !“!MI C L * J $ ORB(:EHS0 RB(:EHS “Bring it in, Porter. That Brand Flour is ex actly what we want. We are tired using corn flour and corn starch mixtures. Berry’s Grand Duke is Pure Wheat Flour, Guaranteed.” l # fir > « t A (MM) tftft y Ji ,#| ft* (pftMHMftf ft* # mrnm #*Mi ftft« 1# gtHt# A 0»« ftWfr rftfl CnlVlt Tl smn mm 4 Mwtheritswd. Hang t p Anns* Moles Mbs* Pauline and Master Maurice I.a a r - n .» I. -.1- hmv* r*lurn#4 If Will Tak# On 'hr think* It will -ffth# on.** That E\f,,rHnSHrr»^: . mfp,| not to ••ffi’Dd (h# moat faatUl- Utua #h**n um<! t»y »\«»m#n. M»a. A. O. WMlffteid and Ml** ,|jyn in i ity th!* WH'k. Indian Oiri of Royal Birth. I Miss led* Minnie Cornelius, an One!- I (la Indian iflti, of fftJTftl pftfftfttftl** waa Kraduatcd laat w**#k with hl*h kolon from Grafton Half, an Kp4aoof»all*n girl#' irhonl at Food du I<a<’, nin. Mia* Corneltai* la a direct dcacen* dant of a long line of chief*. Mrs. J. L. Robertson and Miss Hen rietta ItotH'rtson w'lll leave Saturday for nat Rock. N. C. A House Party. Miss Mattie Wright. Miss Isabelle Ctaik and Miss Margie Wright will leave today for Millen. where they will attend a house party at the home of Mr. John David Wright. august tft MM* ta***** g**s#k**<MM*.. ft. »«• mftsft t* u*an*#i< *ft* *<► »«*« «a-*4 k« m !*•* *1 fiftW n* w Sow )■*« tn*> Na MM •* t-m «fts gsinsi 0t kt-s <9 M (DM** **4 •4* t» »I* ftl* ftMft*** wftii ft a#* ## ft r-*%g f ##*# mm ftl .-aft t. *a»r.f i *ft «.■ t-i ftftt ft## #'*'* «•-•* ftri 1 fts ### fji #"## ftMMfft m (ytftftftftft pfHNHft I tst* f»» t fifttiwiifta h #iftakpft* f ftftin | #**)#•• ii# BaeftfttNki ft#* fI a I toi ■#' I fftrMNk fhf#f ft T t a -rMhrf kftft* fti tiwuif *- • - I* Mt ft#*li« •# t s#*MN| f% M ft %!#* ftft* ***ft#iftk« a imA i# Pftitm ti* iiiftftft. H|MOf» ftfflftfttflftft H«|m 4 |ty ftMlft nftitft ftfUftflMf H ft ftyr(|#4tf fit |nt attftat ftftfft ftlit*llift# -Wfthf ft ftMlft ftti! ftftrftfttfti fjft#.t#n# ilNftieiliiftft ft- ft*aft *s** ftft t * hit rip ft* #«ftftA-#t )ft ft# ### ftvftlft Tft* •<** rmUrt ffftfti tft* *ft%ny du# hie# ft ntftft ffllfft #f fti# ft lifts MfiWmwt!. ft i#r#ij «ift# (ftinmiT #fiii 74% fiifft## o*her# ftft F*«i‘«*Y ftrrdHN -r nrm flilftll ft*#•;v*#r iriifrtrttM#* ft 1 * t I ## ffftfl, . • A, 9|««at V* » nt*» <*ft lirlftlft mint 1 n fiiA4iifH In m*trf«»« ?»!ftl mirat#fti#«tft ■«* Mf# I* jthort. but It ftftly Uiket ««o <m*i* to Aglil ft duet It** h#fter to marry sad h# bon Ilia A Utt*in#ft* m*ft refttl* tk# r*»*«*erlftl ' * letter first The-e’* t''ng cmked ahotl tl,r business of a corkscrew mantifm- Tbe Apanlarda try to avoid - ngaee menti. but th* summer girl isn't built (bat way, A girl never acquire* a reputation •• I a vocalist until she begins to render Whenever a woman reads of a man going wrong she always wonder* what [the woman In the rase was like. A man’s meaning Is the same during ■ mirtshlp and after marriage, but la la [expressed in different language. BIG BARGAINS IN RIBBONS — gelling out 25c. Ribbon* at 15*. Ike Ribbon sc. Se Ribbon 2 I-2r. Needle* lc, gold eye*. Darning Cotton *c. Fin ishing Braid 3r. Patent Hook* and Eye* 3c. 19c Bed Flannel coat JSc. “Lower Balk's.” Prcf. Alphonse Rlvlar. the Belgian eiithori y on Imernallr nal low. one of ;he nrbitiars in the Behring Sea di«- puie. died recently in BruaseU.