The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 18, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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THURSDAY 4 THE 4UCUSTI HEfillO ■MM «** * * «**•• •*#* •**’• "• w VMMR * * «* h#«n* ■ j* - *» f** - *—*—» *# IU,l " l A . CS^j^^E> ' '** r ■*** I ntw*io •****<**> mmmm fMi ~ ~•* *■* 1 ***•*••* | eSTS"-* m, »*m **~ > •«n> ***** _ —. iMMt **•■• •«»«'••*» ten wtu. w™ r - WJMJ ' ■I mmihu w*** 4m,# "* *** *ryv --—*-* *• »*•■•• *** 4 •MVI W*** ,l *"* j #®u4 „ . . .. - ffeettoVM l * ' to Ctoi'** l *** 1 **^ “iwwwwto* *< «• **••** .Trsi l|i m«« f«*% r*«r- *' ♦*• ****** ®* p* v •«* too **•*•• ****** > **4 Tto «•**•»* ** - - •ni ♦# ® * Hf«f k 9 l^* | M *" W Herald Prize Letters From American Summer Resorts. . Tto Maaatd «•*** **•* * m •*“! * *, • • mm U »•* **» *r* IHMK •••••»• »*°M •**"*!!! »« tom«*r HM*' ™ M** *«•* to M* H ' l '* "T • «nn> to to** ••*■ •* , * r ’*• to. *w*h» tto wtoa* to* M «riu to*! «*• • »*■*• Mtmt and impurtiul M.l-r tor tto •« «*!"*« ** rrtlM Tto **•• ••*»* to Mfttto, a- •*•« a« tto to** • rlrr, B ut *•*'* touar arnt to tor pwblicalKn. fto tto to'lM* •< ***"tlto t * , ('<•> 1 rrtrntt ««»»♦ <■"•*>• t>**tr V t (rttrrr to * r***nwabl* length (totorttoU **« writ* •• mu ” r Irttora •• ttor wt*b tnT ,h * . am# c#* - win only act*’ of tto Pri*** * * t. i.*tm. to«t tto |f, fQHtp) I**- trt -. ■« v»rl«+« wiH N* *w«r«Nl rw iw l„ pt mn# t mirrmtiiiir •«<* reads M* letter* of tomrarr **• MTI Httl’i. Contest Closes Oct. 1. ron TIIK RBftT LETTER *» » FOR TUK ID BEST LETTER ... 1* •• FOR THE ID BfflT LETTER... A SPLENDID ATI.AS. The Herald ha* aeeured a few coplea of the magniflceat War Alla# l»*ued by Kaad. McNally A Co, the great map maker* Thla Atla* !• • "»»P »» the world, and If you want to keep posted on Cuba. Porto kko and the Philippine* you ought to have It. The regular price of thla Atlas, which la printed In five colora, con tains map* of Cuba. West Indies. Hawaii, Europe. Aala. Africa, Spain, Philippine*. North America, South America, the World. Oceanka. Chin , Portugal and harbor charta of Havana. Santiago. San Juan, Matanras, Clen fuegos. Manila. Cardenas and SanU Clara Bays, la 50 cents. To Herald readers 30 cents. This Atlas la 14x1a Inches and con tains iS pages. Vou are sure of get. ting your money'* worth when you get the HERALD'S STANDARD ATLAS. ORGANIZED LABOR IN NEW TORE. ' a delicate question has come up In New York eKy In regard to a strike among the laborers engaged on new* school buildings that are being erec ted. If these buildings are not quickly finished, thousands of children In the city will be without school facilities this wintor. The 111 on complain that the contrac tors are not paying the union wages, and have strurk on this account. To avoid the union wages the contractors are said to be employing alien labor. This brings up an interesting ques tion. Union men claim that public work should not be done by pauper labor. In order to accomplish this, It Is ne cessary to provide that no contract shall be granted by city, county or state authorities, unless it is guaran teed by the contractors that union wa ges shall lie |Mild. If organised labor can get this Just demand granted by our city govern ments. there will then be no trouble in maintaining the wage rate among oth er contractors. And there 1s every reason why the public contracts should |?e let put at union wages. ;, , » MM* fto»»i wto to— tto atotoad *to i •Mp** to— to tto hot tMMf *vt 00m0ifm* mMMSI SS t** SSifl* •* Ihm SMS Ml MSIMwB f Mi «t m wm§ i 0 9*4 **4 Klf m m*»4s Yi 0 «i mm m» mmmmvm+m • **m- i §m it Min Hits m tip ups# mm *it mm «•* mi i mmm t# tin im* pmm mm mm*m mm m tip' m*tmk MM |MMt •##. #»-««# Shml is t4i fiil *mmrm | rtf HHS4* ntn THII f*AlJp!f*AH THAU l«M. a#m«h i« •«•••« ••••i 4 imt jfiirili m *• # « t« *•*«•« tsMf.lfeS At «flp%* -• m m •• •••• UNJI rptßtsi# .• •« m ••• it f*i !*• BMMMpp •* *• •* •• •••• tit IMP HBfti •• •• iltfittMl ||«lP* »*M a •••«•••••••••• • tPS Mt###l#p4 •« •« •« i« ttttt* ntpp*«Mipi, I# •• m tt t* *# •* mm f9IPS Haptip# M •• •• #« •••• istttst mrnrnm mb MSP tNi ifcpww ••«.. mm ittms Hpii CMttflMi •• •• t« mm (MM •* •* •• •*»*•• MNmPIi ScMHfll flilPi •••••••• •• I,™* YftHMMMMSMP •• •• •• •• YTPMS •• •• •• •* •* t*lAil •• •* •• •• »♦•••• TftssPtP •• tt •• •• WtohMCl"* toJto Vpaßit .* •• •• ***** Tmal .. .. - It*-tot tot Tto ni«f that has toa made to tl |he iativltol gold is* allvw totatw of thla teubf I* *®PlI aotoa- Tto OMBstorh IM» "f Virginia CHy. Nevada, to* prodaced «ok* a»4 slim is tba taat latatf yvar* Is tto esor- SKtsa* sat of to** Oto to*, stoet of (hi* or* yielded bat t* p— tos to F«ld. Tto Wltwatrr—ad of Roath Africa, pmdsred Is tba find yasr UtoT* toly tMtaoo. out is I(*S it had isereaaad to •te.OM.toe per annum while the oal put for tto tea yaara aaeead* 1100.000.- 000 Tto and Heela has paid tMOOOOOO in itvidend* alone The Aaaroarta of Rutte. dost., which toa recastly bevn aold for *4O 000 900 to the KotharblUta. psld that amount In divi dend* before tolling. The Alaska Treadwell Gold Mins with ore running Imm than 13. baa paid 1.000.000 in tfMidl. The Ontario of Utah to* paid $14.- 000,000 in dividend*. The Mollte Oib «on. $5,000,000. The Granite Moun tains, $13,000,000 tto *U*k selling from 10 cent* per abnrr to $75 inside of two yaara. and paying 50 per cent. In div idends each month. The Homeetnke ■if Dakota, on $3 ore. hna paid $ In dividend* every day it has run for the past ten years. The following table shows the ac tual gold production of the world for 1K»«: United States SSS,OBS.OOO Canada 2.810,206 Mexico 6,075.108 Central America 498,450 Argentina 93.015 Bolivia «3.211 Brazil 2,480,400 Chile 697.830 Colombia .. .. 3,100,500 Ecuador 78,546 Guiana. British 2,558.099 Guiana. Dutch 655,568 Guiana. French 2.107,058 Peru 122.945 Uruguay 144,600 Venezuela 814,067 Australasia.. .. 43,696.673 East Indies 92,715 Auetrla-Iluncary 1,834,463 France 233,261 Germany 1.265.860 Italy .. .. 182,765 Norway 10,335 Russia 31,002.870 Sweden .. .. 627,896 Tut key 8,000 England 127,125 China 4,650.750 India (British 6,821,600 Japan 516,750 Korea 206,700 Malaysia 516,750 Transvaal 41,822,376 All other 92,715 Total 220.181,171 MILITARY YOUNG AMERICA. The appearance of the Brunswick Ri flemen, Junior—a company of young boys—ln the dress parade at St. Simon Sunday best indicates the military spirit of Brunswick.— gfuuawiek Call. XHJH3 j* CJOTJBT.A L*n ’ ' Tto t*—«to —NMpetw torn mm ywaam ~ %#~i it%iii j# t% #1 upM * ti# smmm Onndp# ***** m<Mip» : l%*t !»#♦* fin* *%*MN#* <ft Trttpp 'ft rnmm imm*** I ** mmrnmm 4mmm m f* APfNPMP fiPNNi *»4p tel## *#•!* Ptv# # **»• m | fid* rs ilm? tHtrffti t* IPP 90VTM CARtM.UA PgUTTOk j Tto Greenville New* toa tto follow ing to say in regard to tto Rtate mid N*ws and Courier, who hla po* the form of an aaawer to an anitons en- I qulrer M to tto politics of tboto two papers. "No. w* do not know where tto I Charleston News and Courier and the Columbia State are ta Boutb Carolina I polities. We do not hnow whether they have found out yet. They tove | probably tew too hu*y—the State la ! seeking something hlght dtgntrted and j slick to ride on elncv the free allvatr I Icon toa allpped out from under It, and the New* and Courier 1* trying to determine how It stood on the curren cy question In the year 1896. The News and Courier 1* an authority on ancient history and may be able to dlacover seven or eight year* hence what lia position was two year* ago. Our two revered contemporaries are coming along Just now like wild tur keys following a bait through a plney erode clearing, moving slowly and ready to fly. squat or scatter at any sight or sound. Presumably they will have opinions soon after the election is over, but whether they will then ex press those opinions we rannot say. “Come Into the garden. “Maud." and ask us something easy—lnvite us to discuss some subject within the limita tions of human knowledge or the boun darle of human calculation. Do not ask us conremlpg the opinions of the State newspaper and the News and Courier. Both had opinions once, but the years. "Maud.” bring changes, as you have probably heard.” Isn't 's about time that Corollua pa pers and Carolina people got together once more not only tn politics, but in good work for their state and section? Augusta and Georgia need an object lesson of this kind, as much a» any people we know. WOLF TONE'S MONUMENT. Dublin has properly celebrated the laying of the cornerstone of the mon ument to Wolfe Tone, the Irish sol dier who originated the movement that culminated in the uprising of 1798. Theobald Wolfe Tone Is an interosting figure In history. He founded the United Irishmen. He was a Protest ant. He imbibed socialistic ideas and was bitterly hostile to the priests in those days- In the recent celebration of his me morial. delegates were present from the United States, Australia, South Africa, France, Italy. The whole city was en fete and all municipal offices and busi ness houses were closed. Tone was an author as well as an agitator and has left the world an interesting ac count of his adventures in his memoirs recently published. «f«M 911 tmmsmm mm •*!*##’ ***m§ m «** * «*■** ** p tIAWM. ftTCfh' totof Vs *■ |mm *» tow —«4§ • tto -MR Mfi *«§ f*M m mi#** i m fit rtfjt 1 4N* *# tfcwitl H«tf Mit hi>Mf|»lt» vtttoif #® * h)i • * Thf ••rfifr ! rftciry our ptputitiOß 1# pftrly * buo> , (Srnt million#. Ho# Thom## F: M #lm«* I From tto Brdtou Herald ] We predict that It is only a question of time when Hun Thomas E. Watson ' ! win tie hark In tto Deumcrstlc party, j He Is a man of too u>«* h ability to re | lug to prevrnt bis return to his old | I Mfiy, \\> to d;)uht that if h# | had irnuilnfd In III# Ite rncwratlr rank# . hf would today hi 1 one of Georgia's I repr< k s#ntativ<*# in the t’nit d Htntra 1 H«na(p. He ha# only to romp bark to ! hi* old party to be honored by the peo ! pie and placed In a* high poettlon aa ! any Southern man la likely to stain. We make the foregoing prediction ; - bensrto we be lieve Mr. Watson would I lie willing to serve the public, and he must aee that hts only chance* for do- I ing so la to rome buck to hit old party, i He dld'not leave It because he was not - a Democrat, but because the party was not willing to adopt the new demands of those who styled themselves Popu list*. He now sees there Is no hope of securing those demands, and hotter | there ts no reason why he should not j return to hla old party. In Aiken. [From the Journal and Review.] That a dog without a collar Moans the city's out a dollar. That when the street hands get through, Aikeo will look at neat as a pin. That the campaign meeting Monday will be well attended. That the “new" postofflee will All a long felt want. That one of the Laurens street stores is painted so loud you can hear It around the corner. That an electric railway In Aiken would be a great thing whether It went anywhere else or not. That Capt. Henry Hahn is the big gest builder of brick buildings in Aik en. That the Fairfield street railroad bridge ia not a success as far as the public is conrorncd. That the wise merchant will Increase his advertising this fall If he wants to catch the trade. That, the colored women preachers are making a deep impression on the minds of the brothers in black. That sewerage will prove a boon to the “languishing'' plumber. That while many Aikenltes are away we have many fair visitors in town. That the wise housekeeper will be gin her fall cleaning early and keep out of the rush. fIDVEBTISINfi IS THE— N BUSINESS MOVING MOTOR OF COMMERCE— N ■aA.tA THIS IS IT Mg#* •* fog mgmm -ill fatoa FOR EARLY FALL SB I IIS ALL SHADES $3.00 Just Arrived. DORRS Tailoring. Hats. Fuinohinfv x p , r «. s kf* but on!f am/ hez* "4® iL ,4 mmfj WQI QrTU use ft in our soaa. It s the best you ever tfisfed j You"lt th'nk so when you : try ft Scents Ice cold, j I Our Chocolate Is l 1 he talk of the town Family Tietols 12 for 8# rent*— S Si tor'll UO. 1 Bicycle Parties ( WUI Sad otir pl<M»» dtbahiful # owt t* r—t. l!*4ur sods W»t*r J •art i ream* Ui.B oui* c»n'l b* / mart*. 1 A Delicious J Plate of Cream C Our* m*d« of pur* t ream and I tr*-h Fruits A *i<*oialty with * u» i* “Ice Creum ttoda." t AltiacderDru&SeedCo. < N» BROAD NT. \ AUUUbTA, GEORGIA. V Send u* your C DON’T RUN THE RISK of Using Bad Language, But Go To Simmons’ Bicycle Shop 711 BROAD BTUEIET, And Get Your Work Done Well. For the next 60 d»y» Bicycles Enameled for $2.00 High Grade Work. Lowest prices in town on Repairing. Second hand Bicycle* bought and sold on easy payments. all work guaranteed ? PORTNER’S / C HOFBRAU and C / VIENNA CABINET / / BRANDSOF C J Export \ Beers s j ARE THE BEST C j S ASK FOR THEM, f Uncle Sam’s Navy, Port folio No. 9, just received at Herald Office. 1k </ UNCLE SAMS NAVY Portfolio No. O can be se cured at The Herald office for 10 cents and a Naval Coupon cut out of The Herald. NUMBER NINE CONTAINS Aiiom trntti ooott in tvtifs PICTURES OF ItilwNl Owl##® K®w rttlssa*. i*r ini# of thf Af#y ®#.4 W#®® ot tb* iVttim t f ramp Ufa. jtivy YfNk- Map of Cab® m 4 n*#®y ®tb«r « 9 This coupon, when ac companied with 10 cents, j ! entitles the holder to one copy ol Uncle Sam's Navy Port if olio, at THfc Herald office, Augusta, Ga. .Mail orders must include 2-cent stamp for postage. • 11 Back numtora of thla Handsome #*- rse* can atilt be obtained -4 The Her ald 'office Fall Field M IN LARGE AMOUNTS. AUGUSTA RYE Grown In four mile* of city. Far bet ter than North Georgia or Tennewee Rye. Western and Virginia Rye must not be planted here at alt. This rye ts free from oat* or other seeds. Beau tifully cleaned. This rye averaged about *l* feet tn height. PARLEY —Best Seed, well cleaned. CRIMSON CLOVER— Large *tock. LUCERNE— Cheap thi* year. NATIVE VETCH—Grown here. JOHNSON GRASS—Good stock. Finest Seed Purple Straw Wheat. This wheat ia selected by the grower as being the best, after testing nearly twenty varieties. It is smutted by machinery to pre vent smut. Blue stone is not neces sary nor must it be used. Free of cockier • _ : Garden Seeds* Garden Seeds. All Tall kinds. Collards. Cabbages, Beets, Beans, Peas, Radishes. Mus tard. Turnips, Rape, Spinach, Oyster | Plant, &c„ &c. THE HOWARD S WILLET DBDG CO. Millar Ice Worts Machinery FOR SALE Pomps, Tails, Pipes, fc, Cheap Laiard Iron forks AUGUST IS fern S«u QiD I Fttff Cn For the certain ctms and preventive of a# forms of Chwe and Malaria. I par licwiarfy rwftimnieid Id peopl* Heine in a matafial diatrtet to take a doae night and momtne until frosL ar»d It wW keep off Chills and Fever. Price SO cent* and S t bottles. See that the cut of an al ligator t# on avery bottle and don't take anythin# else dal min# to ba Just as good. Sold by all Druggists. L. 4. Gardelle. Druggist. «V 9 liftfif *l. f ##4 tele* ••*#• ts###. For Sale! $ rtv tifiotoff pawoftt 0# *#l4 %U f#j| n~rw ofivFthl try J. Tr#et# tea iiwer#a ait Irt I* (rft 1 MMIMW* fSA* t s im# r Uattiv l® rr#r «*f #te«ie# }fo. ®®t ft j* **.s f 4 |*rfFi f# frrf $ Hi* t|e# frrtita#e i«Hi tr.earl# Hm#4 * 4(M j |gf feet >f» til# Vltl#®# fUtfl. Nos O #1 l *#f iiotww VtH b# *tr«w #ft I tto atov. draerttod pwqwtt, Apply 4. Georgia Railroad Bant. PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 209 7tk St., August!, Ga. GI W ES FREE EVE TESTS for all defceta m tight, ptodi thm pr*p*r |Umm uml Wa»* RANT* thfia 2 rente* cut into your while pa wait. FREE OF CHARtiE, gJSSSfiSS SPAIN IS DEFEATED. | Again have the boys who wear th. ' blue whipped the Spaniard* and plant ed the Star, and Stripes on foreign ! soil, and again has F. O. Mertlns de feated high prices. Look at this; 2Sc. 10c. 75c. and *1 Shirts &oc. j BOr. Suspenders 25c. $8 90 Trousers *5 00 A full line of celluloid collars and | cufTs Just received. F. O. Mertlns, 024 ; Broadway. j —— Paine, Murphy & Co. CUMMIfcBION MERCHANTS. ! BG3 Reynoliis st=TeleplioDeiNk^.n 3 Trivats Leased tVlsrs Bixect to New York Chicago and New Orleans. Orders executed over our wires for Colton, Stocks, Bonds. Grain and Pro. visions for cash or on margins. Local securities bought and sold. References —National Exchange Bank of Aucuata. or Mercantile Agencies. I MONET TO LOAN. In any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on 10 years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower i except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. Alßißnder&JolmsoQ Agents Scottish Ameritan Mortgage Company, 705 Broad St.