The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 18, 1898, Image 5

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THURSDAY Rapid Shoe Selling—v Bargain hustler* are having a snap this week. Oxford Ties were never so cheap. We will seii 300 pairs For 99 Cents Every pair Is positively worth $2. and many are worth $3.50. Don t de lay. See our window. Wm. Mulherin's Sons & Co.. 846 Broad St. THE BUNKING COMMISSIONERS 11m. H. V. Ciltii Aural' Ik SmiM Is Aitaela. Tin tKlawai * I ahlag '.**«•• Ho* Martin V Oalxts »• la Attosu tm legialaG** t».i •!»**» ftSt# taSiiSl COtSlSlM*®" **' :, b report of tbe atat* bank ■■■■larr. **•» la Iho nfltf i.f Ihr r|orh of th* H«m* , at ta o'clock veaterdar laorcuat and rt* ■ Main, d la aettkxi aa.II l a *Wk. Th<~ ; prrfcat were Chaiiaaaa Calrla and Miwa T. D Stewart and ». *. Wrlth-j aa* Italy Mr. T. B Neal »»• abarai Of tho mtr.ialMlcß Mr. Caleta la th< author of tho rooolottoa providing f >r Ha aHolaiaru. Mr Salft la rhalraian of tho (fauna haaklaa riaaittM, and 1 Mr. Stewart chairman of the .amo rno■, mlttae la the S. aat* Mr Wltham la proa;dont of twenty eouotry hanka and Mr. Neal la president of ooe of tho Aral banka Ht Atlanta. Duty of the Cowiaalaaloa. The duty of tb* rotnaalaaion aa do ; Aaed by the art la to report by MB or ; tthnrwlfn euggnet Ing rarh to th** hen king Usi of the ststr *s will' protect th * depositors stid shsrehold- 1 ere snd he generally helpful to the burking Interest. The immediate eaose of the paessfre of the net was State Treasurer and Bank Examiner Speer's report show* log urgent need for amendments to th* hanking law touching socoitty ami j loaaa to cilror. Thr <ommi»i»jn ppent thr o hour. In a preliminary dlmtaaion of the points! to be considered. and at the end of that time adjourned ta tarot again on Sop- 1 tewher T., In the meantime, a type- 1 written Hat of the que*. ion. brought up I for ronalderatlon will be sent to each . member, and when they return It la i expected that the dreusslon and mb- j sequent consideration will have ervs-, ie’fr.ed In clear views of the amaod-1 rirnU to be recommended. In tho interval the American Bank-j era’ convention will meet, and Mr Withatn. who la a delegate, la trying to I got the other merabe. - * of the commis sion to attend the meeting and hear the discussions there. Need.* Revision. The commission was unanimous in ! the opinion that the law needs revision. I Whether they will be as unanimous In ) tfceir views of the specific ebangea to j be made remains to be seen. The following are some of the points which the members of the commis sion will consider between new and I the next meeting: 1 The repeal of the charter lien which . state banks have on their stock. 2. Loans by banks on tbeir own] stock. 8. Authority of directors. 4. Classification of securities. 6. Liability of banka for collections. 6. The New York law for call loans. 7. The custom of making a secured demand note answer in place of a cer tain per cent of deposits. 8. Cash reserve for the protection of depositors. 9. Loans to officers. CASTOniA. Bears the The Kind Vm Hava Always Bought V” Wm. Schweigert & Co., Jewelers. “BIG BILL” LEADS 'EM ALL j Hill Et trill. F«nwr \b*imb Hall rttitr'i U«s4 i>qgnl Ik Law da fbw Chicago CM iw »Mtwg and tuning. \k hat AaMtWtw hall fa a daw wot hold pl-aMna raawuactwwa at ia.ll, iwr hmb who .amid find th# ball won iiaaaa ta Bill renewrd bta M«alilaar* here [ last April, whea the Ckraga ball team played the lata Augwetn agg.egat.oa of I ball toaaera ' Along with Btll Mvereft waa another who aaaa a fa a. I liar figure oa the Au gusta diamond- "Mat** Kllroy. Both are still arkb the Chicago bal toaaera, 1 and Everett la leading the pmawkw n batting aa4 fielding Kllroy la not >d<'iag no bad.y. either, hat la aot beep-' ’ mg up the Itch that Big Btll Is doing. The Chicago Rnord says of Evere*! land Kiiroy: I "The Chicago tram sank a few prdnia n batting during the past week, and teams to be lot Ids prestige aa a band of slugger* With Lange out of the game and Connor and MeOormlck bat - > tins like two recruits from Hltn'tvllle. it ha club la really weak with teh stick, i and the rrnnk. ns he looks over the If gurea. cannot but wonder what would ’have happened had good old t*nr!r An-1 non nod hia mighty willow been In tbs game this year. "Kvereit lends in balling and in sto len baaea. Seven of tbe Orphana are I |at or over tbe .800 mark In hitting, j Everett, as first has-man. naturally leads the whole crowd la the field. Callahaa baa a few points the lead as the club's best winning pbrher. Grif fith clone behind. Griffith's present percentage curious to say, la almost I exactly that which he held (luring the | -meson* of 1892. 1894. 1895. lad Ui»t> .showing the steadiness and reliability |of the little man In the most eloquent ! ! fashion. Wood and Isbell are the j luckless Ditchers of the tc3ra. and Kil rew Is Just over the mark that divides [winners from losers." Everett’s percentage shows up ax] follows: Hatting—G. 102: AB. 436; R. 84; BH. 152; SH. 4; SB, 27; 28, 15; 38. 2; 48. 0; PC, 350. Fielding—G, 102; PO, 1043; A, 53; E, 30; PC, 973. Kllioy’s record in the box Is: Won, 6; Lost, 5; Percent Won, .545. I adies Can Wear Shoes. One size smaller after using Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken Into the shoes. It makes tight or new shoes feel easy; gives Instant relief to corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort \ discovery Of the age. Cures and pre vents swollen feet, blisters, callous and sore spots. Allen's Foot-Ease Is a cer tain cure for sweating, hot. aching, ner vous feet. At all druggists and shoe stores, 25e. Trial package FREE. Ad dress Allen H. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. The command to increase and multi ply is a back number. Notv the in crease is brought about by division in the divorce court, which makes two of one. Only steel lined and burglar proof safes used. Money loaned on anything of value at a low rate of Interest. Wa terbury alarm clocks, 75 cents. Lewis J. Schaul, Reliable Pawnbroker. MACON 75 YEARS OLD Rtf JtMfc* to lx t*Wnt* to ttototof 0 ' in*** It to S* A n»stf fthkMM gs Mm t«—l th* aW totot* •# ***** Ba •*•« j I**" ******** "**. ™ TJJ* * 5 * •** 1«* 'kc Irai ®#*• $ MStotoiMlMP pMMMto# to®** . I to %,$> $ p#MpttPtoll ’•*■* to## VWH] H«C CtoMmUM* TIMA i tot# toitoflf llrtsttnf toHfc t» f •* ml•»«**• ft*. Usti p i4t4 niccrm Is tfieysfus i tootottoNNl ***** to** * tow #» fto|»ir» m l jjy\■ tR % ff J| tSiSJfj «H# * * IfP . n| f*Wl IlMFllMiik bs« ptflNs » ■ j fll'F'S'to <(ws#i , ts*sp sf to tototottoff t’f i * 4 to f •’»». ' r« * ItoMSt 111 toCN ?»»***. ’ «'-*< r*V I fSl»SSflllShS| tottll f fftlftll* I lias Mato Pnsgrtwt, Mtocoto I)ia H>rffSfto<l 111 finfMittotfc'O \ iffSSlly Ito lllto lto*l Iff hto* Cl* J brf trade nft lirsHr and toss tsdfk* to torctot toMKifr puhllr In prove m<tU. Ttoe streets tor# bHtog fated Ito I | rtorh tovte style (bat Mayor Price pro- j p«fs in sire • trend ball on ttoe. »month pa%rmef)|M of one of I tor tbor | |rugh,'Rr*w during th# Jubilee Tl* hut line r#' ently «wtabll*hr4 nn tthe tVmulg## and now in lunrwful ifmillea to the ee* ka* given Macon tauter freight rate* tad opened new j : territory to ber mefehtotots Tbe efly i I la la ete**llent conditio® Slid octree Imi<} I brighter pmspertn than thoM which j • now lie before her. HKI.IEr IN BIX Horns. Di»tr#*»lng Kidney and Bladder TMa. ease relieved la *t* hour* by "New I Oreat B*tuth American Kidney Cure.” I It I* a great aurprlae <«■ account of Ita exceeding promptn#»* In relieving pain lln bladder, kidney* and bark. In mal* j or ffmate Helieve* retention <.f water almost Immediately. If you want qttl. i relief and cure, this I* tbe remedy. Bold by L A. Oardelle. druggist. Augusta, .Ua., (12 Broad (tree!. —# 11051*1 lAI. TRAIN. 1 A Large Number of Second Georgia Boys Are Aboard. | Macon, Cla.. Aug. I», A hospital jtraln with 1(0 soldier* from the hospl- I ' ta!* at Tampa. Fla . passed through- Macon yesterday aficrnoott In charge of I Major Richards and a large detail of mm from the hospital corps. | In one of the sleeper* of the long train | were eleven men of the second Georgia j ! volunteer regiment now at Tampa. To gether with the Georgians came 18 oth-1 jer olunteer*, all of them from tbe sth 1 {Maryland Infantry. I Of the 160 men «n the train. 140 of i them are down with tyr-hold and mala rial fever, and a few of the remaining I are attacked with dyaenlery. None of the patient* were In tin- Cuban cam paign and none of them are down with gunshot wounds. The general character of the alcknesa on the train 1* slated by Major Rich ards.wh.o gave the men moat careful at tention throughout the trip, to be ex ceedingly light, although some of the fever patients arc very low and nut expected to live. It was learned through reference to the steward's register that j none of the Georgia boys are danger- , ously 111, and while some of them have ( fever the majority of the cases are very light. in the last sleeping coach or the train that came through yesterday were [ | the following Georgia boys from the j second regiment: J. Clifton Elder, sergeant, C. F, ty phoid: Cole Austin, private, C. A. t y- , phoid; Malcolm Bardwell, private, Co. ■ A, typhoid: Charles Mathews, private, Co. E, fever; Benjamin Perry, private, jco. A, fever: John Welch, private, Co. !h, fever: Joseph L. Lyon, corporal, Co. C, fever; Jacob Robot, private, Co. L, fever; F. E. rask, Co. E, measles: Ev ans Harmon, private, Co. K, malaria; s. Garllok, private, Co. E, mala ria. 20-year filled gold watches In ladles' and gents’ sizes with Elgin or Wal ilham movement from $7.00 to $12.50. iGuarantees with each watch at Lewis .7. Schaul'*. Reliable Pawnbroker on Jackson street. ANNIE RD SKIPS. Woman Under Bond in Gainesville Leaves the Place. Gainesville, Ga.,Aug. 18.—Annie Bird, better known as “Birdshol," who fig ured as the star witness in the trial oT [the case vs. Henry Roark, who was 'sentenced to a life term in the jienitcn tlary for the murder of E. K. Findley, as Skipped out, and ber w hereabouts Is unknow n. She was indicted for a riot nad was under a S2OO bond for her appearance at the August term of ihe city court, whfch converted on Monday last, but she left during Sunday night, and has left her bondsmen to settle the matter. ‘TT73D AUOUBTA HKI’ AX.D. I i6wi ffjl D a jfiG POWDER AHUitfM 11l II (H Vi llt H Nil (M, Itw ItoMM Tlm* ta *«• «*> Ml Matotovg fyilUr ft, • #t*| tht* (Maev u j TB* Kaflflag MML Mir#*' ability aa a husitt#** tttaa Ba* I and ftm based. u. i t Klnat l t,'t * bnrthir 4 live 'a*-** of load from MaJ K K Hays on I Midway *tf**#t and will erect tlirrro* a! I handsome and mmmodiuua rmOrtcr In tbe near tolar*. Mr. R C Jour* left on Wednesday I morning for a lan day*' pleasure trip Ito Apfmmaltox. Va. Mr J. tk COprland ha* f#lurn#d from a nißDirr trip to tb* mountain* of | North Carolina. Mr A. Hie* ba* r*turn#d from l wrek'a bualnaaa and pleasur* trip to New York Hty. Maj E. A. Hay* was rall*4 to th* b*d*id* of Mrs Hay* at Greenwood a few day* ilßcr. Bh* la now ronval- j I **cvil. Mr. I.utb*r Georg*, on* of All*n (tple'» promising young merchant*, waa a vlaltor In town Sunday. Personal. Mra. J. S Oswald end family, of 1 A-1 tendal*. arc expected to visit r*lativra here thia week. Rev. If. R. Ruak will prrarh In (H*l Presbyterian church here on th* third Sahbatb of *v«ry month during (h# year. Chap'aln Richard Carroll, of th*. Tenth regimen, colored volunteer*, at! Augusta, has purchased the handsome buy hoes* of Mr. E. C. Maya. The All“tidale Glee Club will give a S rai.rert here on August 25th. The county campaign meeting will In- held at Denmark on August 26th. A full attendance of both people Can dida lea la expected. Miss Dnisv Jones anil Mrs. C. F. Riser, who have been sojourning at Glen Spring*, returned home last Mon day night. Mr. .1. A. Spann has returned from a business trip to Ne«v York city. RBATHTHE KLONDIKE. Mr. A. C. Thomas, of Marysville, Tex., has found a more valuable dis covery than has yet been made In the Klondike. For years he suffered untold agony from consumption, accompanied by hemoiTtihges: and was absolutely cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. He declares lhat gold Is of little value in comparison with this marvelous cure —would have It, even If It coat a hun dred dollars a bottle. Asthma, Bronehl tis and all throat and Inng affections j are positively cured by Dr. King’s j New Discovery for Consumption. Trial j bottles 10 cents at Howard * Wlllet's drug store. Regular size 50 rents nnd sl. Guaranteed to cure or price lifun drd. arous changes hands. The Rome Weekly Bought By fir. W. A. Knowles. Rome, Ga., Aug. 18.—When lh.' Sou thern Argus, Rome's leading weekly newspaper arrears tomorrow, it will announce a change of ownership, Mr. John W. Bale having sold the entire plant to Mr. W. A. Knowles, editor of The Tribune. Tt Is understood that a strong com pany will lie organized to hack Tho Argus, and that it will later on be an afternoon paper, though at present It will remain weekly. Mr. Gordon Hlh-s, a talented young newspaper man with < onsiderabl • news ; paper expel ience, will succeed Mr. 'Bale as editor of The Argus. Some time ago a little bottle of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Remedy fell Into my hands. Just at a j time when my two-year-old boy was terribly afflicted. His bowels ware be yond control. We had trlqd many rem edies, to no purpose, but the little bot tle of Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoe Rem edy speedily cured him. —William F. Jones, Oglesby} Oa. For sate by Alex ander Drug & Seed Cc., C. It. Parr, of Bell Tower Drug Store. -I • • ji§iuw pum. . m -- m iff WAGES UP ON THE SOUTHERN JV “ttofWMtoi** til lt»» Im Otto to! dC TB* P»toi Tftotta t»*M aato 4«H l *•$*•!•• * t| |to far-Bf jfr t'4 ito#* * to* ■ •to# «toHKl|NMif to** 99Mm9*4 9to* ***** j toMktot *-(4 M* tb* fto'to*' fl fiVtf to | itoto rtoitotiMt'f# tot *to# *'«^to*t*tollto ttM* j uHisr* tottl to* toto*** Hr *& toto to 1 hill, t «*t tto I«ef rftot m/ffTf «*# toMtrttok ll# tot Ktoto«% itov % Ktottoii flto* «i4i«to itotol ji tot*«b® til# #totor'« «it mtotoftto® tototoP# to |ll» imitoUHiiNtoi Itotol to lifrtotif to#* 11**® ttc<i%«4 nttortot to ntonnuo® of 1 totonar. totol (to riMwlat toto* tool pH luff tCMklrto tl l# (Bift In kg In lk 0 (J, I tor# of W A. V* *tton«i »»firri«tt(i4rii| ft toto litototo*® I tot I (to •»*« 1 lidtfltitf tip melt* tt (tolll to liailiVl «lid t*i Hmhi lif (to tinvitifti *xt #m* V m|«(ntr« Ito WtoftliliiffM. | itolttCv*# tor# to«n i® Ws h fstin refb *!*##'!)*Hi4 (to** ♦ nijiii "■?j'## in Iti# trtolto I (into cf ngm iifto Vtk# topvi of III# I®* •reave a 111 he gtadly r*r*l«*4 by Ik* ■ vnpb r«» It la said that lh* order of I'ardmn and other* engaged In hand I ling trains. Th* Knoxxlll* Special. Knoxville. Tron, Aug IT.— Order* have Iscn rrrvlved her* increasing in* i wages of train employ** and yardam lof th* Southern railway from • to 10 trr cent, having thr effect of restoring them to thr figures received before th* |<ut r alr three years ago. Tb* order doe* act apply lo the higher •■fficlal*. clerks of shopmen, wli.*** wage* were cot at the sam, time, ho* It Is expected that tbeir wages : mill a!«r be Increased soon, j The oraer Is effective the Ifitb. i FREE PILIJt. I Bend your addree* to H. E. Rurklew A Co., Chicago, and get a free sample j tw.x «f l>r. King's New Life Pills A I trial w ill <vmvine# you of their merit*. These idlls are easy In action and are particularly effective in the cur 4 of Constipation and Hick Headache. For Malaria and Liver troubles they have I been proved Invaluable. They are [guaranteed to tie perfectly fri-» from •-very deleterloua substance and to tie purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, hut hy giving ton* to the stomach and bowels greatly invtgn. Irate the system. Regular size 25 cent* ! tier box. Sold by Howard & Willet, druggists. A FARMER KILLED. A Prosperous Citizen Meets a Most Tragic Death. Giantvllle, Ga.. Aug. 18.—Mr. C. IT. Burnett, a prospi iou» farmer of this place, was killed by the east bound At lanta and Weal Point passenger train yesterday morning. Mr. Barnett was crossing the track In a wagon drawn tiy two mules, when It was struck by ihe train. The wagon was completely demolished, and both mules were killed. Mr. Barnett was thrown fifty feet Into th. air, falling head first on a cross tie. His skull was crushed and the Injured man died in a few moments. The accident occurred within view of the station, and after striking the wn gon the engine ran up to the stopping liolnt with pieces of tho woodwork and | harness hanging to the pilot. As rus ! tomary, tho nnglne blew at approaching Ihe crossing, but It Is evident that he did not heed It or thought he had time to make the crossing A large pile of corded wood on the side of the track obscured the view of the epproaohins train, Mr. Barnett wns a prosperous citizen of tlic community and about 45 years of age. He leaves a wife and three children. T Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. THE BERT SALVE in the world for Puts, Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains, Corns, and ail Skin Eruptions and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re funded. Price 25 cents per box. FOR SALE BY HOWARD & WILLET. A FARHER NOMINATED. S. T. Hurst Nominated For the Ordi nary Vacancy. Perry, Ga., Aug. 18. Mr. S. T. Hurst, a farmer, was nominated to fill jthe unexpired term of Joseph Palmer, •late ordinary of Houston county. Pistols, Double Barrel Guns —Pistols, Harrington & Richardson Brand new pistols, $2.50; Harrington & Richardson second hand pistols, $2.00. American double action lilstol, SI,OO. Guitar, Man dolin and Banjo Strings, 2 for 5 cents, at L. J. Schaul, Reliable Pawnbroker. ' ONE HUE PRICE LIMITED #1.(0 top' With! , . 7(f #|,UoUoyt‘ Wiki . • (0k 7fC Hop WfiHt , , IH< (0k IfcnV W*t%f , , 3ft 2(v Hoys Wisl . • IJc I<l fl l\ 11 i*i -i -i ,i WHITES IMIH teHAHti - — l - —— THI. MB BTORfe ———aa. CMAI UNCI' A lURQAfI w cm, hut imm ™ _________Hull I ROAD ATM I T. L_L_ The last, but one of our »emi-annual Challenge Sales will be crowned with an array of haraaina, such as any store may be proud of. Some of the Special values are the results of our own efforts carefully planed for the occasion many weeks aco. Others, we are frank to confess, are rather accidental, merely attributable to our ability to take quick advantage of (the unexpected turns the markets take at times. All in all it is a wonderful collection of choice Shoes that will be sold at our new store this week for V .SI.OO Fifteen different styles In Ladles' Low and High Shoes and eiifht different styles of Men's. These are genuine bargains purchased by our Mr. Couley while in the East. 'Agents for Hanan 6t Son, Stacy Adams & Co., Edwin C. Burt and Ziegler Bros. OUR BEAUTY SHOW AT BLIQH'S CRYSTAL PAI.ACE O /j: ** LyJ vs ffirairrj ijf lyr* BLIGH’S CRYSTAL PALACE BC9BroadStreet If y ou wan, two ES? ZJFRSt that. The recent 25 par cent reduction w,; a quarter hit. hut here'* a proceed or home run*: Columbia*. ntottol 4». SSO oo and your last chance to get thl* popular model at anyprdc We have three shop worn .only) model 46. ladle*', we will lot go at IW.OU. One ladles Hartford at $15.00 and ladle*' Vedette at $36.00, ladle* Jill at *3O and for boy- and nun Ihere la nothing on the market to compare with the Ketdel special at $-5.00 and the Jaek at $53.00; *econd hand Cleveland*, Cn -cent- StearnH. Victors, Kldredge and Uaeycle*. from *1- 00 up, all At condition,' and we let them go at any old prlce-they dldnot thing, were K lven to us by people who wanted to ride the 3TANDAKD WHREL OF THE WOULD, and only Bold In Augusta at DEVENEY, HOOD & CO. Bicycle Department. GUARD AGAINST SMALL POX * Destroys Bed Bugs, Roaches, Fleas and Other annoying Insects. PURIFY YOUR DRAINS AND PREMISES. CHLORO NAPTHOLEUM. W F. PI.ATT. Agent., 312 Jackson St., Augusta, G a READ HERALD - WANT IS. AU *• la mw running. Some of our rrtee tnulln •» fib game and dinner rate On# might aa wall attempt ta pa—a Hi# rainbow, aa ta daarrlbo all thaw good qualltlta. Tha way they are aa»- Ina la a caaUon to thoee who !r‘«rd purchare when they ran be had for “gat log aim aom*llmo.“ Cottar par* rhaar when tbty can ba had (or each low price# re wo are offering t(*ae. Aa for glaaswarn, crockery, lamp* *c.. time and language fall ue la tail of Ibe wor.ifara that wa aatl. Don't (or al that our acre price# will keep yoa cool. Remember Ibe plaoe ' Bicycles Beta* %% JjbriDfJlES//%