The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 18, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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THURSDAY 6 COAL-COAL-COAL m*m MfAMI «**«** ih j #We © |THK HRi*t aWAOIH OF lJue o*m Jmtiteo *•* (X3ALB £**?»< *• *## »«* NutJ** WB iowmjT rfe*f* ""city ICR COMPANY. THE MARKETS fUfim *ms ffefe**t o*4 +09041 ii» •• ibfewrf IMI H*M<fe numiii MW * w>i »»» ,„*.»•» Ib •• PMMk .«*»■• »ts WW m »• »«■> #*HP» •• « M ** •* *§§+§§§§o ”.. *«#* *» ffe I ISbII imi-rm A*t» I’-fKTiiY r*N ftw* gw*ai»**k. i#***- 4ia«B»l ** fTirn- ~ wMt* N M m « » •*»*♦ ■»*•* *f* .. n •« •• •-» l»»B#T» n » *B*»» yifcW tIT ißr pffHw* 9*** IwMhhM it M CMMNM*. *** i»WM ** *•»**!* r«MM> »*» •* ~ *• -..E f>*B*B*B. K 9'. P—M .1 MM' ■MNMM. V>»>!<»«« fmrnrnt ♦» l_,nn r - an, <Mn ... „ h•* mm 1 0mm» Iboc* . *. .. .. *« M ** (am i, ~»« t #**•« 1 fIM »!»»■* •«** NM ** *♦ *** |rt4 *htßm » wd .. ». .... .. *•»»* > ,» *• M m***» »* Hi it t# •« *• *• **h »*»».« ■* fy | |lt # ~ „„ „ t , VfeHlU | lUiYit iiAiiit H<*>l draft. IW» <• •••»• •*' M«*. |*«fi Bixrag* 4"o4ra »• .* ** HMMMt •* ****• ■ *«»,•«« B*tM •*« «... p * aM4f>* r*mmm ra .... ™ rtMiii bv»»b#» *BJn* ...... •“ j Mai h trams <-mbbi*b *• — * f m .. .. •• ■■ -.-■ •• *• •* *• *•»«.*> want **•*»*» ■»•*•• .... *•* ■** rtv< .. .. .. •• •• .... » ** M» .« m 14 Ml rang# * I* Band* f«M HtM* .... M" l * VOnDWAIIK <»« fcown. O 0.. W*• . It it, ttt lM*m» w4*t. I H (»« '*'*• • |l n, II II I**' 4i»* , MJ*. »*ll iMHlwtt. B » W W PRY OOODM Knoii »"■* Onnlt.. > M I Uraait*'‘U. 14 # B *lllr«lB| .. * M Ot—ltrrf- 414 K R •WUnf .. I 4MsbM#vPlb 4-4 H H H ..I IT J .hn P Rina 1-4 I I *h rtln* .. S j 4u f. Kail. IS lack 1C S 44 ai<«a>i. silk. (Mrtiruin 1M rd* to n»oi, r»» d»* “ Conkrlli 14 jrdo l»* 0p0.4. dia..4S BLAAPMINU*. Hkn’lkiiHW In undo 44 to If flkktor nth (aottl) 44*44 4 M tkion * *•* WIOOAM. Mniit of Ik* loom. 34 lt»<h*o .. .. 4 l-J Rrult of thr loom. 741 locbM .. .. 4 14 Cabot. Ib* f Cabot. * »** AlpSn* Mas*. 4-4 14 1-S prkt. of tke Wnl 41 l-l Smt. P- Km* ;•* R R shirting .... I 1-3 Jan P King 4-4 A A shotting .. 4 3-4 tonadal. 44 * M Jn« P King. *4 Inch Cicorgh .. .. 4 S-t Joe. P King, n lack K C i« Island .» .. .* .. •* .* *. .. .. 3IT Jao. P. King. 34 htrh Bi *ca Island * 4 I*4 Ino. P* King 44 Inch Haptrlor •• 3 1-4 rni.vTH. American »h4rtlnga. 44*41 3 1-3 Mfrrlmaik shirting*. 44**1 4 Charter Ooak dress styles 10*40 .. 3 1-3 Waahkigton Oils (fancy) .. .“. .. .. 4 Allen s (fancy 4 1-3 Stmpaon's 3-4 percale* .. 5 Coates Spool cotton, per do* 41 American Indigo blues. 44*44 .. .. 3 1-3 Plater Oils (solid) 41*44 4 1-4 American Indigo blues. 64*44 .. .. 4 1-4 International blacks 41x44 4 1-2 Alien’s cardinals 64x41 4 1-2 Alim’s lsat.unas 44xt( .. 4 1-3 India blue .. ... .. India blue 41x41 .. .. .. 4 1-2 Ktlnglant’s 64*41 4 1-2 earner's radiant* *4x64 4 1-2 Martha Washington 56 x6O 3 3-4 Hope 64x60 3 1-2 Chater Oaks. 56x1*1 .. .... •• .. 3 3-4 TICKS. Hampshire 4 5-S Ainoskeog A C A 10 1-3 Amoabes* A 10 Amoskeng C * 3-4 Reciprocity 7 1-2 PI.AID HOMESPUNS. City Mill* 3 1-* Four yard, good 32 Inch ........ 5 1-4 lxidl shirt lugs 64x56 ». .. 3 1-4 Lodi dross styles 56x60 3 1-4 Bt. Clair dress aiyles 4 Ocean solids 3 3-4 Martha Washington fancies .... 3 3-4 Miscellaneous brands, light weight 12 l-!»l. 1-2 Iraetta 6 yards plain • .. 3 1-4 Thorndike B 6 3-4 Hercules •• 11-4 Crescent ~ 7 1-8 Pelham. 32 bsl lto box 15 F. Q. F., 30 balls to box 1* E. G. P-. 20 balls to lb 11 1-2 Muscogee B S 1-3 27 Inch 4 1-2 yd. plttlils. best make -4 Simpson’s silk finish poulards 6tx JS5*. h 4 3-4 Simpson's solid black 64x64 .. .. 5 Pacific mournings 64x64 5 China silks 64x64 4 1-4 Mlddleford 5 Rockport 6 1-2 Slater 64x64 3 3-1 Concord. 66x60 3 1-4 Rome 56x50 3 1-4 Edwards 3 1-2 Keystone 3 1-2 Fifth Avenue 3 1-4 KEARSKY'S. Heavy Columbia, heavy Kearsey 3 1-4 Kincaid and others 9 1-4 LIME. CEMENT AND PLASTER. Lime 65 Rosendale cement $1 45 Portland cement 32.15 to 3.25 Louisville cement in paper sacks . 71.25 Piaster in bbls 41.15 HARDWARE. "Well buckets, per doz $3.00 I riii»iw)j inp» *•*# ffenf #Nfe «• »t VS $ It I ft #**!•)# #•*?** f*# tfewfe 3 ,» «« At H jt it it n #mmt wife f** Ah* ***• mm IfW pfttintflj W «W •« IS 1 1% mwiitiffiiß 00$ »■*•*»* iAfe I >«t>, Wootk. s"* omm $ •« « : 1 SJ g, ~ m it H I ftfefMl. *OO rn •'» ** *■* *•* •* it tfe tHMfefe fWMurli. omm, 0m 0m * *.* StMtl *# t»fni t m 0m ~ t* •* si filNfeWfe. mm** OmOL $m 0m •» +$ % l fn,v« tiife#wi ** «( m*««• • At mm [|f ««*•«. M 000 0m 0m mm ** ♦* ft • ttiiirrii. m 0 im mm wm 0m ** *. IN**** A**! Nt pm 0m 44« iN N - itcvti -0 ****** 90$ m .- ** *» ** t shi Hill 00000 fl oo ttfe mm *« •• »«**m Il i ! 90*000 SOOOO, 0m 900 )4 mm mm «4 ft IS j Met* SOOOO 90$ 900 .» mm mm •* *t N N ’ tifeiVNffeAfen* niitii. 0m tit »* «* • • •• Nfe Tv«m# t ttfef Ait §** * 0m 9so *d AA'AMnN ■“ M*«N» rttfetM P*s ***** ** t* lAfei » » smm* mm., pm Hi •• m •* m «• >4 •• it ***** 010 0m mm ,i .. .. . §• * ■Am o**ol** N« t 0m 0m mm •• <• ** | At* fefenffeJNCfe, i 00* 0m m* mm ** ' Afe* AfelHKNfe. 99* 9m 00* 0m •« •* 90 iig«( Attn ftitMf . pm 4m .««•• imN jw*tt (TiMltßMk. 00* A «M V* 900$$, M » I Si t • 90m l I Si 9n*A TM 1 >4 »% i >tt OWtMfe At ~||» mmo IWt fvr»t«A. i*4 At jf, tm W« UMMAVe I fm * ;m«h r«k van H iii tu ri | i f ; a ANA »- IV* ••• jHittffA I IT*, till IN I I ••• i o*4o ttt | t*Tfe* INI . • lit sea jcifiitttl 1 i r«, INS HH ... iA&tfflt CSlfisliiui ffe ~ .. IN ... ::: j A««Wfe AIAN ... HA #.a Aufytia I t*3*fe. IAN. lii •#. Aufti*t* i*a ia:i .... m ... j Afltnlfe ft. Ittt .... IIS I AtlfeAtfe r* ISAS .... Its ... |Att*r»tft r* tAN .... IIS 1.1 I AtlfeOtt 4 l*Tfe. IASS IN ... Attfttttfe r*. IAS? .... |fet iP«tfenii|li Vi, IfeAA .... IIS ••• Nvatmili Vi. ISIS .... life ••• Horn* i*A, ISIS ...... life ... ColumtMm S'fe, I9AA ... IAS ... ( nlutnlut# 4 I*Tfe. IAS7 Ifel m Arn j Macoa t i r# ms .. IN 9*7 jMatNi o*4 Ifets ..... US ... ••' limhii J*i*Vi ...... M ... ChnrKvl n I*#, ISN .... W 90 | * €Sr«(t*4. HAfT.ROAV> IV>NDA. R. H. 0 film Co. j liss .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ns hk«»rtta 11. 11. 0 Rtf Co. | 4s. 1*23 * 11* tCharlotte. CV»lutr»M* 0 As gu»tl, Ist I's, IAN .... .. Ifel ••• < ‘hmli'tte. Columhlii 0 At>* I fuitA *d 7*•». itife •• .. •• .. ns ••• Aiißunta Ho It. R,. 6*ii, 1931- A ... C. R R. lt«»iikli>A Co. Collat ! era I Trust 6’s. 1*77 90 *7 Southern Hallway s’s. I*f4 .. 14 *3 .Central of Georgia Railway, I Ist consol mort. 6’s, l*4i .. .. M 93 C. of U. Ist pref In 34 40 {Central of Georgia Railway, ! 2d pref. Incomes, 1645 .. .. .. 12 14 jc. of tl. Ist pref. In., 1946 .... 7 9 U. B. * F . Ist m. s'r 1"46 .. 100 102 Mouth Georgia and Florida. _2d 7'a, 1*99 104 yiouih Georgia and Florida, Id 7’s. 1*99 104 Ocean Steamship Co., Ist 6's 1920 104 FACTORY. BONDS. Enterprise Mfg. Co., Ist 4’*. 1903 103 Sibley Mfg. Co.. Ist * s, 1902 .100 Hlbley Mfg. Co., Ist 6'*. 1903 100 GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Oats, white, sacked .. .. 43 Oats, mixed, sacked 42 Corn, white, sacked 61 Com. mixed, packed 53 Meal, bolted, per buahel 51 Flour, common .. .. 4.25 Flour, fancy extm 5.50 Flour, second pateht 615 Flour, standard patent 4.26 Flour, fancy patent 6.75 Wheat bran, 100-lb sacks 95 Fine feed, 100-lb saeks 1.00 Hay—native, per ton 12a14 Hay—Timothy, per ton 14.50 Hay—choice, per ton 18.00 llama choice sugar cured .. lOall 1-2 Smoked rib sides 7 1-4 Dry salt ribs .. 6 5-8 Lard, pure leaf, Ist tierce* 7 Lord, kettle, rendered In tierce* . 7 3-4 Sugar, granulated .. 6 5-S HIGH LIGHTS. A foot and his faiher-lu-luw’s money is soon parted. To youth home Is a port of departure —to middle age it Is a haven of re turn. Don’t undervalue the sense of hu mor: 1t keeps you from making your self ridiculous. Nervo ts that faculty which enables us to put on airs in the presence of our own family. When a woman gets home from down town she always goes to the mirror to see how she looks. A chaperon is one who accents the implication that she is old enough not to need watching. Tho W'.y Is father to the man, hut the girl always acts as If she were both father and mother, too. For two or three days people will sympathize with your low spirits; af ter that they give you a wide berth. There ts latent good in all men. but It is generally cheaper to give them credit for it than to irv to find it. —Chicago News. * ... ,’Mf: E. S. McCreary of the .T. B. White clothing company, returned this morning from New York. 'THE -ATTQT7BT.A HBHALD A «.%•»*:«#* «4ltf «sbg»i»i »n%4*—* fmmm 1a > ag*i »., *441 4s«MhgMt s»Bs*4»yfc» IM9* Mas. g*w*» *m fe-w 1 *» -wgptsh' 4» 4 sg 4 48* ** v w* * *► 1 "•* I » g»t»< MgMNtW"# -* 9p Wb ptj&P A 0 m**eos ,!*•*■* ,em 4mb 'IN* *k Jr e-ms <4*4l I*4 I wts *gt*«aM* %**>< ms >*«*•** IMM mm ’-**-* h## iw* #*» _ ll# <* g»# * 900 "“'•Wi fe ! *' SOOOOO m*o w* *mf Aif t Hfefe* **fs mm* ■9p 9/00 •• 9000 wmiAi 9** o*o •• "A j m t ng. uj. fil ll'l II t •I 'I *-» sfe# t 9sh A f*ss *A# so*o fNNNfe”* trrfe'tmffeirtirA At Nt Afet • iW liißTlk* itMUB #»' ■#4 ; V r ** • • • •j "99m s*m rn****** 9 F#*t# )< |, . . mmi4 fjritirl |a tut* fllfeiNt At 9] f* r A 9001 fefewfAltAA • tfeNN tA# tfNA." 90#*$*+0 om*rp* ‘ v»ft* • tmtmi *1 Ifet 9m s** * «m« 9+oo* om 4 090*99049$ #f | NNi ***' I >a*'t »*»#»*'t*»a* • PC r ;| Afefet r f fell I • fUt BNfe IT* Ij . gi |,a ■r - 1 a, # f #^4f # IlN* : I*n«n4* a p*ot T v wm »Vl V* i Imin | Riff AM nl****’* ihisim *os ar. oidincty. by mean* of a typewrit ten ffruti fe AffHV*M Vffel *'■ M*> fs** in ftmm Y<»rll Aim that Mu hrolhrr Rr,H* ft*• *-•», 4U4 A f 1,114 mm* fettl Mllvr. «M «Nt him Halm | (n |M h* ant milt h* 009* ”*• J »<>fit to IMttjr'fe iMfriip* l fe»4 jrlrW«-A lif» Ms fortfelir K#»* Ml 9to Mi. 1 «oA* • mtiftlotfe yon, old rtiao. Ak« It tM, I««prtNM fend mold IB tho wholt of Arotland "Oiw motnrnt, flwrff," rrMd . **| nm* 0 dfebt of fritHtwl* I rfeß jfirvrr ftffey Hot feMI mad<» f°i t*kr jail that tmnwßo troobl** for u**** • Khaki* MBdi». old mfefi.** mod <U**ro* huskily Wi will fetwojrfe be friend*. wi*n’t we V* Thru. •» Uonel wnirnr hie hand, though he looked pufefeled. tleorge udd . "I love Betty, too." Mr A. P. Wolfe, of Dundee, Mo ,who travel* for Mansur A Tthhett*. Imple ment Co., of Bt. Louis, give* traveling men and traveler* IB general oome good advice. "Being a knight of the grip,” he any*. "1 have for the past three year* made It • rule to keep myself supplied with Chamberlain’* CBllc.Chol eta and Diarrhoea Remedy, and have found numerous occasion* to trst It* merlta. not only on myaelf. but on oth- j ers a* well. I can truly say that I nev er In a stole Instance have known It | to fall. I consider It one of the best remedies traveler* can carry and could relate many Instance* where l hav# used the remedy on seeptles, much to their surprise and relief. I hope every traveling mao In the U. 8. will carry a bottle of this remedy In hi* grip." For sale by Atexand Drug A Seed Co,, c. R. Pari, of Beil Tower Drug Store. Don’t Give Them Back. [From the Spartanburg Hirald ] President McKinley la In doubt aa to the policy we should pursue towards the Philippines. It was that doubt that caused the temporary peace agreement signed by representativea of the two governments, <o provide that the com missioners to negotiate the treaty of peace, which shall detrrmlne the final disposition of the Philippines should meet at Paris, jiot later than Oetoher 1, when It would have been easy to have saved a month by having tho rommisalon meet September 1. Tb" Spanish government has been quick to recognize this doubt on the part of Mr. McKinley and to art upon It; It has Issued a statement to the Spanish peo ple saying that they had reason to be lieve the peace commission would al low Spain to retain the Philippines. It ts dally becoming plainer that a great mistake was made In allowing Spain to hove any say as to the dis position of the Phtllpipnes. While there are differences of opinion among our people as to keeping the Islands, the opinion Is practically unanimous that Spain should not be allowed to re tain them, It will he farcical to talk about driving Spain out of Cuba and Porto Rfco for the sake of humanity, and allow Spain to keep the Philip pines after they were practically In our possession. \VVe should not confine our humanity to the Cubans, else foreign ers will refuse to believe that It is al together humanity. Dr. .7. I. Terry, of Trimble, Tenn., In speaking of Chamberlain's Coltc, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy, says: “It has almost become a necessity in this vicinity.’’ This is the best remedy In the world for colic, cholera morbus, dysentery and diarrhoea, and is rec ognized as a necessity wherever Its great worth and merit become known. No other remedy is so prompt or effec tual, or so pleasant to take. Sold by Alexander Drug and Seed Co., C. R. Parr of Bell Tower Drug Store. 1 (JgoD JUCK BAKING POWDER* 85 THE BEST. HlghM' of All In Lmv*b* Ini Power. irr At, i At a til FNIENT I AN (M*feHl 90*$*$, A i«►-"#»• #« #» 3P '909 o*\rsoh Atfßfef •* ** ** ** ** *l3 SSS MfM H*# I! I! Z 1 N 4%4 Hr»feiA Arwt <4 «• •. .. .. •* !• N *IJ 94T$*4 •* ** b# •• •• •« N 093 mmd s9rs*l .# •* •• ** ** 9E.N m% W9sm4 99tm9 « « 99T. oPsm>l mtr* .. N WOOO4 rtltrl *• *• •• *• *» *'* 9* N fell Bpiibml •lr*rt *• »• •• •* *■* \mrnom 10 vxivmimt WtNRMA. TM thot* IMt «rf|l M rMafra John. W. Dickey Rea) F*4a4# Agcat, FOR S 459 Crrene street, a mo dern brick residence with mansard roof. All conve niences and in good repair. Will sell at an extremely i low figure. Also house and lot 456 Telfair street. Will sell at price of lot. Apply to CLARENCE E. CLARK, Real Kstata 532 Hroad Btt«# FOR SALE bars for sals very desirable build ing lot located in the centre of one of the ; handsomest blocks In tbs city. Wilt sell rams very cheap. Just the place for a handsome residence for your family. Good titles. CALL ON MRS. JERRY O’HARA, NO. 1337 OREENE STREET. TO RENT! From Oct. Ist, handsome H*ouse of eight rooms, all modern conveniences. No. 1251 Ellis Street. Also Cottage House of 6 rooms No. 1329 Ellis St. APPLY E. J. HICKEY 212 Bth Street. FOR RENT. The Store House, 312 Jackson street, now occupied by W. Edward Platt, embalmer and undertak er, will be for rent from October Ist, as he intends removing to the north east corner of Jackson and Telfair Sts. A nice dwelling of four rooms and all conveniences over store. Apply on premises. SALE OF SUBURBAN LAND BY THE ACRE The Augusta and Summerville Land Company will sell, at public sale, 70 acres of lend on the Harrlsonville Road, in blocks of two to seven acres, on Tuesday, August 23d, at 5 o’clock; >. m. W. C. JONES, Secretary. •hr At, fcfttAtt? | TO IRBJNT. m m if iifßik t% THE REED HOUSE - At tIAWUsAt itsdj Far it* A«MAMM*4atsot ms immmm **•*•(& ■ m M t 9mms imm ‘*A »*■ 9**s* $0 I oT B I so* Mfefefe' $$ ** Wm #4NmV Mp* ”09 w»«!»■* m I r«f tlirn wiir SO9 9mm *tp* M 1 H fern M A 94 99 | > 9t • f Wfefe, €4« 40 49 p HI >1 V. 9yf flHif« i twK I ci \ JSRfi ) v ; ' ' fR |Evr£rV; j If|lßlt* (tltft to fettll fofef m*o%. \ ; Tte Gas Li;li Ca. ts itiasta, 422 BROAD ST. The j Whltely Exerciser. ( A practical, ulmjvexnd tfilaivnl Hi,ini* l- xen ia r, one Rpfcially adapted fur ladic and children, but at the same time can b# prt.fitably utci by tiie ttrunaest athlete. FRIGES: 7.5 c., *l.l*l, 11.5 ft BIfYCI-K - CI.EVP- I LANDS. 740 up. VIK-1 INtiS 835 up; GEN -I I IRONS, »is up: THOM-1 AS, 550 mi. < ail ami see 1 them. Every one guar anteed. Richards & shaver IKZEIEIIP COOL by using one of our odorless Refriger ators—the Dewey just annihilates hot weather. Klondike, Gurney and Eclipse are oil good; everyone guaranteed; wa ter coolers, cedar chests; ice cream freezers. See our line of bedroom suits, $25. Baby Carriages for s(i. Wo will make terms and prices to suit you. Fleming & Bowles 904 Broad Street. Uncle Sam’s Navy, Port folio No. 9. just received at Herald Office. h«UA«ah RAIIdT BA Charleston t W Carolina #9# 9*9 41 0 0 m 9Mt * 44 90 $409*04 00040 § o*4*ooooo 90 00$*$. * ”0 4909 i w isi4n§n, I* I mm. ? - - mm* ■byr | fyNj * p9«ri9NiMN' • •» 3 * * -9NN- **■ **sso | I * Wso*fsb . mrn*m em* > $ **ssss '<■*> • *»— j I * tosso999o99P4o9o4s*mpm m*mm | $ . -.#••• j I M jUAiMN* ■■ ■ m #»**- = ; 09900$ **r * 0t omos9oo ; 9»NpM tf-rPMNI lA# HMHNm i«t) iu i*« * h 19090090 e*mm *s* j I * tfefeMNMMfei # ” IL9HHH ;■»■#*■# 4rt) I 1 0$ ompSm . ian)iwt«tiftt‘tt»-[ MNn I *MMfeiNN m*i *«•« UN® f 00$90 t I * (4 • mmmm - * 940000 I I • gggC ****** j taka I * rS,*S#-, BhIMIMB j j As «Sg«4a .!*.....»* F". ... » h*B : | *»* ta •>»» lw4s !*«•*•# b-bM •*•* ■ I NMMfVk 844*««498 »*#» #>• B# !•# , BILL _ _ _ tv,. i.kIBSHI B> 4>)B»BB»aA * * j (wNHk «B 9. A. C 4 . M 4*. »<!••** i »m e*B.4*rh«*i bus **m»m*m #■*'*"»■ Fife 9Hf ft I* ”* * * s ' MM**99 m I*9o*s* j ••«** ssoimom*m *som. *4ossm *.J t *AH> ism* Pm AH. * r><fetutM i 4N* 1 H iMI I ffeNv 99$mm* 0 1 mm* 9m iUIE ’BfDQE RAILROAD. I * ~ . ey aM l. ,« ■ T .... terver „„fi 3 41 w #j* Autaa t I I*ll 74 It tr S.’lmta A t rri.’i ft 4:3* II *9 I 9 * | 75 :42 - 4KNACA .■* 4 T* t » I t il, i | it a, I 4.45’ s; Weßtl Ur.t.-B * Ml’ 4 35. j*4;... W alkali* ...#' 6 1" 'aM I’ll ( (Uete Arrive RM I’M. K< 13 No 4 S 4« 31 Se.i j •, HagutMT 9uil«*. F- D*f Statlnß. | Ail mralar train* trem Anteroom 4* j*4 alkali* have rl«tu la track awr j trains of the same riaaa movttt* It, rp. puatt. 41 r* t«ra. ur.lvae Blketwi** •**«- j tiled by train order*. Will slit atop at follow in* •tatlon* to take -At or let -»tf pakaenger*. Rbln rey's. Jam®* and Sandy Sprtn** No. 13 <'«>?ifits* * $ witH Aoutlwh b Ffetl* way No. 13 •* AfederwuL N,w A ai*l € eoMMCt wt(9 Southern j rtilwiF Km 13 ibA 97 at f*^* ra * J. 11. ANDERSON, Superlaiendent. ATLANTIC COAST LINE. tBOKTUr AKD Rl’R KI>T KOl’Tk TO I HE If AFT AND NOBTH. SHORTEST AND Qt’ICKBST ROUTE TO THE EAST AND NORTH. 2.sopmf Lv..Augusta, Oa..Ar 17.65 am 5 09l»n 11 Lv...... Aiken Ar I 7:l9nm 4:l7pm’ Lv Denmark....Ar I 4 17pm 4:Wpm L* Orangb’g....Ar I s:4oam t:66pm Lv..Sumter. S. C...Ar ! 4.29 am 4:!spm; I.T-...Florence....Ar | 3:25am 15:33. m,' Lv...Fayetteville... Ar ! 1 14pm 3:2lam: Ar.Petersburg.Vb.Lv | 4 12ptn 4:6oami Ar....Richmond....Lv | »:12pm 7:4lam: Ar..Washington..Lv I 2:46pm 9:olamj Ar... Baltimore....Lv ! 2 25pm 11:26am’ Ar. Philadelphia Lv |l2:o*pm 2:113pm, Ar.... New York....Lv | 3:JCam Pullman ralaee buffet sleeping ear* from Macon and Augusta to New York j without change. R. A. BRAND. Gen. Agt.. 723 Broad St.. Augusta, Ga. T. M EMERSON. Traffic Manager, H. M. EMERSON, Gen. I’aan. Agt. CAROLINA AM) NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY. Schedule In Effect. March 6. 1898. Eastern Time Standard. | Leave Augusta. Southern Ry.. 9:30 p.m. | Arrive Chester, Southern Ry.. 7:ls a m. | Leave Chester, C. & N. W. Ry 7:45 a m. j Arrive Lenoir, C. & N. W. Ky 1:16 p.m. : Leave Lenoir. Stage 2:00 p.m. Arrive Green Park. Stage .. .. 7:00 p.m. Arrive Blowing Rock, Stage .. 7:30 p.m, G. W. HARPER, C. F. HARPER, Pra-td-mt. 17- P. A. , 1 ••If You Want to Make Money, Move In the Company of Those Who Are flaking Money.” f@r* !. SOUND ADVICE FPOM A SUC* CESSFUL FATHER TO HIS SON STARTING OUT : v . IN LIFE. / \ ADVKRTISBRS WHO USE THE HER- 1 ALD GET KESULTa j ■ WHY NOT GET IN THEIR COMPANY.) ——OKUKK YOITR COAL and WOOD FROM THE North Augusta Coal & Supply Co Quantity and Quality Guaranteed. F- W. SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Bell ’Phone 2164 fctroweer otfi AS o, ffm AUGUST ia>> I ••stssjsaaat - S. C 1 C. RAIL WAT CO 4B>4t *»#**#a***B 4 *»B mmmm «B f :>t'UA Bmm*o 9300 m I*4*o *soo MfeflMfeMHl 9Mfefek I j^n—- i*y»is<)'"Mi- '■■*.•—■■ ■ I* I 0 *ss * 9** §90*09 -. ‘ It# k**sMsoo & +o9* f * : 90*900 191 *§** * mm ' H feMfeß* 99 o*o9*o* 4* 3* SO9 t *<n» $ ■•*:* « 40 o*9 InmRMI * 04 f I # f s**o*9oo ,-9090090 0$ 000*$m- *f ostsoomm* s*kot*99o 11.« *9 «4k W*ss* * upMwfc**- * mm* ( At $ *99*o*o 94+40* *• Wo+s^:9omomm lA* 1 9,.Jfejjgyir 0$ 9 * m*- ir# fe^Mfe 010,00 OIM A}99904ft*0% 94*0 A* AtMfe*.. ’ l+*m k ** A*osm* h9of** [ % ullf'll 009* ss4 111 tl4 9*44 u*hh ! Pmpm 9* 9*4 Pm* **• t *O% i * A9O mm ‘ ■ lif A ltfeh. **. U*|<; 40*$0 I s*o 0 Ptpm *$ life# i» flu>lMt 49 IMi jMt pm**'4 J mmm I• 4.f it*m BMM SlMft (§999+00 90*0990, +9OO flkßfeMfe t9<Mi \ I 1 fjllNnt* in tlt I JMfefe 1*97 pfei tJMf fefe A fs9*m T—itflft .1 1 .90$ m 407 f-m I lift [ At* vm VMMMft...- 999 pm 4M*m | iffftt mooo9o’'mrne , | t»<jfe9lTMMI». MMfefe BfefeML - ii»B>t** - * 3 (PM*fe UL’ l ljn ;;|IM i_ii ili « * CMMNMNA A IQf 1 | l4**fe* fM»<lvf>feflkfe»«<Jfefe t t'pm i 499*0* 9s*o9**o mt.. l’*M I 400*9$$$*** fel % **m ss*o P*s* ! 4**o •*s*s**s*. 00* ss**9o*s9 09 ,»*• fclKet fl'ife I9k *s■ *o^9os49o*oi 0*90990 * -0* *4s * *• ttH fr*4 00004 (ffefe feU MfeMMi J, M fJIUIM, |,i. X9IXMNI MfefeifM M nnw. tf*** Mfeiifeffefe. f jf. li *rtr 401- ,4msmm4*o RAILWAY. * J»b. i • m W ■ fsaim 11B> tß.tw.aa r«taaaßt. aa4 Jadk- Mitla kasSava tfos *»'»— *» lo—Ma 0 Fi*l»l*i TMmmvm 4po 0, I*o ii*af Knur* jL« /-rtiiartiAPKy—"r» ja *»» Ar CteiMob*. - ! * **‘ * *** Li 4 >.«'l SB AtIAMBB ... !•» *•* As GSSSrZ - ; jJN*6 *J* Njf Ar : lar’wlo'f. A»Rg iSf •{ 5* Ar. Askwtua 1 * **> 1 *» : J3SS» At C.. 1« Mat*. Isb’4 L« • -4 (4S fc«*l * •* . » * 44» l mrmmtrnmm • ..... j*l - - Sl3nfcA'.'.;"*’;-"";;..| * f in* Ar « H*r4»l** ' J “J* J?? Ar t>iwn<l»4». ... N•> 13 W» iJT*^s*wro Ar X«*foiX .... - | • M> * ■ Uaarllla . - '."'jn*4n; 1 *»B I AUTib-hmeaXl ' «4ua! «»9 Ar Wa#*M49 J ««• •** '• Ra.iiia.MW Pa K. K * i%lnipi|*lil» «*.#•»..>! " !”* 4a V<9Tll I-43 I •JP fe Oeutl.lin.inU K*. »*'!**. M tkoulhboanO. I»»il*. IMy. L> M-t T»rk r> 8 8 .... 4 »t> 12 lint ** rMlifefelpliM .. ■ - i 4 96 P 8 3*> » * hautiniorKi f • SU |> 931 * h$ Wtab tua. 00. Rjr. . , U)«pi 11 Lft* L$ Hirhm'Mid .. 1310«» i IliM I.Y IMbyOM j »lfefe[ 9Mp Ijs Norfolk i ti(&in ...... Ar UrtYwhore j 94i a . ..... Lv <f "4**-u-boro j 7Oi a 7 38p *• Ch»r!ott» , Ifei 10 3»v» - 9UmO Hill j Hi 10* II iff p « j Di 66 » 11 87 p * Wtnnsbaro. It 41 » I'i M $ Ar Cori U BUad'f *t iU 4.’>n?., 187 » Lv. IVTlumbMUtt dep't. .. I Ifep 4 UD» MmMM. ... B&Jpj H(Wa M *• (inuDiterilM j Biißpi T4t fe Ar Aufusta . ... I 4 16pi loo> I Lv. AnKvmiM* FTsjU»! i Oftp ; Lv. Hpartantarg ,11 4Ua 8 iftp |Lr OaFbU. Kr.AW ~Hy~~.. I 9a) pi 700 a j Ar. (Ih*rl«4t4>a j 6 40 p[ 11 uOm ; Lv. Corbin" Frip Ry ' ITS » 12 47 • ** 447 p B0R» Ar- Jacksonville. t> 2ftpi tl9 fe xLEeHnO aiKRViCK Rxo«‘U*nt dfeUy ■erri*’® b«»weea florid® ®nd New York. N#m*. 87 and n*hi»fton and Southwrstira Limited r*oiid Vntibond tram with dining car* Mid flr*t ola** eonrhes north of Charlotte. Pul In* a a drawing room steeping c»r»4 bfetwMl Tainua. JackaoDnm, bavnunan. Wanhington •nd N»w York- . Pullman SltwpMf Car* Hwwn Charlotte i and HicUmond. i Pullman driwiiproon feMfepMf ‘ , »m : two*-a Gr«eapbor*> »nd Norfolk ( kwe oonnro* tine a: Norfolk fir OLD POINT COMFORT, arriving thare in tini»* for breakfast. Solid train, with Parlor cara, betworn Char Ira ton and AihtvUk. No*. SB and afe-U. 8. Fast Mail. Through Pullman drawing room buffet alMpteg cars bo twwtn Jackaonvilla and NVw York and Pail* man ali-aping < ar» between Attfturta and Char lotto. Pullman aleeplng cara between .Tack- Konrille and Columbia, en route daily between JackaonviUe and Cincinnati, via A*herille. frank s. cannon, j m. CULP. | Third V P A Oen. Mgr T. M . Washington. W. A. TURK, 8. H. HARDWICK, U. P. A.. Waahinfton. Q. P. A., Atlanta* GEORGIA • • RAILROAD. (90th Meridian Time.) ~ , Schedule Effective April 24. 189 S. i Fullman Sleeper* between Macon *nl New York. • 5 1 f.r.T’.nH j-TTF-ii- Through Pullman Sleeper* between Au gusta and St. Louis. Lv Augusta ..| 7:obarn| S:2opmJlo:3opifl Ar Atlanta ...|l2:36pm| S:2opm| 6:ooam Ar Macao ~..|11:15am|.... ....| 6:45am AT Athens ...,|l2:lspm| 7:30pml Ar Galne«ville|*3.4spm| I - Ar White PI a M OOpml I Ar Mill’seTe .|10:10am| I 4:3oam Ar Wash’ton ~ilo:l9am| 7:lopm| Picayune train leaves Auirust* daily except Sunday at 5:15 p. m., and ar rives at Mllledgevllle at 8:10 p. m. Trains arrive at Augusta s:ls a. nx. 7:45 a. m.. 1:20 p. m.. and 8:25 p. n*. A. G. JACKSON, G. P. A. JOE W. WHITE, T. P. A, - J j