The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 18, 1898, Image 8

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THURSDAY Our Buyer li Now In New Tori Moling Large Purch ases for our Fall Stod. Cleaning out all SUMMER GOODS at a Sacrifice For Spot Cash. A VERY SICK WAN. Cwytul l yeav eflK IK. M WNk !*%#». IV fir*: ikti th* frueli "I Owp*' f*t I. IMfA Uwe. kataalwr* ha*** es I* *** •M't*« kit MW Ml • l*V«l*,'k 4M pit h §l*U»ff • knw **•* «f Ik# »fcrk. At sue« * »** ikewnw 'hai *• k»4 kn# MM <• PKrt TfcoWk* ta K*atart»r ■•4 Ik* WW •* kit Hi* *** *•* w*« kwwrw hr*a *y •»#«* r*wii-*« Ik# wi tbh kNwala*. Cwi. Dyer *»fc« V Lfgw’i Mrlr, WdaffTapked to A4|«- (Wit O*o#r»1 CnrtilO In WWIIIMt mi 4 ilm to Cupr Hut In Alltilt. Woril took raia# hack I til rm|#ir»! I ro* wm ttry *i#h vita lyefeoit r#iff nr M< fhomon Barr»efc* » AHtala, and IV tint tw mlt kept hot bp Cot. Dp*# it vr#rtek tV r *n4fc# to V por •w>4 to **< IV atet wnWrr iv»r 4»i-t IWto Ui# han't# of private doctor# and * t%T friend# nf Ike pnontt *oktl« Witt ka fntned to know of ht* #*rkm» ilia**# and att pi* la tbe h*r* that rb* new* of hi* roodttloa ta minim tad PERSONAL. Mr. Hone# Watflrp la la tbr dtp. Mir* Ktmua Ciardiarr la at Hillmau, Oa Mr. Cbarlea Mayor haa rvturned to •c dtp. Ml#* Marci# t'Mk baa returned (rotn Knoxville Mr. W. P. Effberl left yesterday for New York. Mr# B A. Hemphill ba# returned from Martin. Oa. Mim Uxaie Icmey returned from I kiaron peaterday. Mr* N. 0. Barkidale returned from Aihrn* yesterday Mr, and lira. W have re lumed from Macon. Mr. I*. H. Newberry baa returned from Wnrrenton. Oa. *lr. W. W. lAimpkin of Columbia, 8. C , wat In the city todfp Mr*. T. 8. Rawortb and Mis# Ha worth returned from S.wance, Tenn.. ycaterday. Mr*. Tracey Mathewson and Ml*a Lilhe Rountree have returned from Johniton. 8. C. Alexander Brlant. the little aon of Mr. F. P Atiileraon, ta 111 at hi# home on Walton Way. Mm# Clarice Barksdale returned thia afternoon from a . toll to friends at Macon aud Gridin. Mias Annie Cashln. who has been visiting friends in the city, returned to Atlanta this morning. Mr. T. W. Miller of Washington passed through the city yesterday on hi* way to New York. Mrs. John J. Conlon and Masters Hughle and Johnnie Conton, are spend ing two weeks at Tyhee. Mr, Arthur Benson of the C.oorgla railroad hank will leave Sunday for a two weeks’ \iolt to New York. Dr. Horny will leave in a few day* for Elberton, Ga. where he will be one of the delightful house party entertained at 80l Haven, the beautiful country home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Brewer. ATTEnPT TO WRECK TRAIN. Boys Put Spikes on C. & W. C Railroad Track. There have recently been two at tempts to wreck the train on the Char leston and Western Carolina, near Maudin station, near Greenville. A ne gro boy about 12 years old placed a spike on the rail Sunday and the train ran over It, smashing It slightly. The negro then stock the spike between the rails where they joined, and the next train broke It off. He was ar- 1 rested and stood a preliminary exam ination before Magistrate Hodges, of Greenville. As he confessed to the deed, the ease was sent up. and the lit tle ungro remains in Jail. Yesterday three white boys named Brooks, who live near Mauldin, were. arrested, and they waived the prelim inary and gave bond. They placed a shovel p.ow cn the track Monday, sticking it between the joints rs ihe rails. Strange to say, the train did not jump the track, but broke off the plow. Self-Convinced Of III# HffitnfiA of ouf » • # *■ a < dkkp'y * OtfHAtßKt IMAM y of 0*»r« .I*l . targe BIH uunU Ml order i« d#nm#i* kN worm-wMiihor food* w*» coo* j IWHMB MV «omfcHfW *H ouf «m) pprour v* If* IN tllh of rrt4bln#| * ihM mu# a *;r»«t*r succom wrh day. Wa have a fine horror of CArrytfNf ov*r ftwo —.won to I ‘••MO**. T »>•»*• on# of Iho rudbon* | why gjrico* oro rodwc.wyd UK# this* nor root discount on on# tub*# II Mon'* Suit*. *.on*i*tltwof small k»IK*SM *od two Suits of •; kind. _ _ nor cont discount on Mon's! 20 lilac k and Clluo Wor*tOd Bu*t*. Soryo Coots and Unon Suit*. _ _ n4»r cont discount on ill Straw 50 Hats. ;one .um,ii> advice. ! A >»lna* Talk «• (V M«n*k#« lickaal Sy Mr A. W I’* aat#. A le« alcfeu Mat* Mr. S W If*#** ! *m4p '*# MiG.b— arkaei la Wan iCx>4 \l£l .12 JTlvsa i ha* #1 Urn ffimd-tor #omrlblag on~t 'Rf Sf'f il f*Ul* Sfif) 111# f«kK|-f(»f -BOt htflß * ,1 1 !f*|. #u4 4 misleadmg <*# The far! ' 1 bat #- #.* «#rfw4 without and others 'fall with 44 etwwMn# i* no argument 4t all 4«#lnM 44 edurwlma If lb* ! #>o4-for-#oaM*biiia raan alluded to ,oal4 #are*#d wilboMt #4 nluraiion I how murk more hr rould bar# mnrom pliaM wtih it* If 44P man nerd#. 4*- ■rrPN 4Bd 4*oald have 4n rduratior •hr *4 the twreuful man By all mean* let 1 horr hr rdur 4! rd if (kuml bit," I Then lb* (pewker showed how wur . ha# nod uarwasonnblr H w*■ for 4 pu• ; pll <0 impart to lewrn everything In one I night no I If the* did not they were rendy to quit. He • rounded them thnt. j Home *4l int built 14 4 dty; that the I beet (hinga of Ilf* ar* tbr hardest to •gel. i "If gn!4 could be picked up lUe rock* It would be wntih no more iban rocks. If corn roll Id be plrked up like sticks It ' would be worth bo more than Mirk*. I It take* pain. p«ll«nre and persever ance and labor to get au education j IdlUe by l.ltle, drop by drop, alep by I alep. line upon line and precept upon [precept. "Let all come with a will to work, a I patience to wall, und a de'ecminatlon 1 10 learn, and the progxe** they make | wilt lie surprising even lo them *elve*." The speaker In closing his remark*' eermhaelted the Idea that an education was n prixe when once won could nut lie parted with «o long as reason re mained enthroned. Could not lie #to-j len. #ohl. thrown away, or given away.' All 1n all. he irttde a very beautiful nnd aenalble address which wat well i received by both teacher# and pu pil*. M. DR. W. R. RLDDY, Who ia Surgeon in Fifth U. S Infan try, is In the City. Dr. W. K. Ruddy, who is stationed on Bt. Helena Island. 8. C. with the Fifth IT. S. regulars, is in the city today. Dr. j Rudy ha* the rank of lieutenant. He was for some time connected with the 1 Augusta hospital as ambulance sur geon. About two months ago he enlisted in the army. He says his regiment will shortly move to liarpvllle. 8. C. L;. Ruddy is le-king well and Is today be ing greeted on all sides by numerous friends-, who ure delighted to see him. He will remain in the city a day or so. STEPPED ON A NAIL. Accident to Capt. E. D. Smlthe Last Afternoon. Capt. E. D. Smythe sustained a painful accident yesterday afternoon. The captain was returning to the store from dinner and was coming through the back alley. Not looking where he . was walking he stepped on a piece of board in which there was an upturned nail. The nail penetrated his shoe into the foot. Inflicting a painful wound. He is today laid up, but it is hoped no serious effects will result from the ac ; cldent. A Little One’s Death. Prof, and Mrs. F. Perayra are doeply ! sympathized with on the death of their two year old child. The little one i passed away at four o'clock yesterday ! afternoon after a brief illness, Thoi funeral occurs this afternoon from the residence. 819 Marbtiry streot. Dr. Coleman 111. The friends <:f Dr. Thomas D. Cole n an will regret to hear that hs Is quite ; rick at his home, corner of Greene and Washington streets. The doctor's 111- nr&s was sudden and sever, but it is , hoped that he will soon recover. ..j , I i vrTtJD ar*. MR. J. R. BURROWS HIS ENLISTED ' fit* V|K Lmii I Hif Mlt Jo**, - - * #» v mm v«f4 f*»«M •#*#*%#• Hfl*# Rf iltf* #1 k **•» f" IMR Im MMMJ lij j RMRAR ffKRR • RHRfYR fß#f j f •#»■*. iMRit RftMl IR fwt* *« • # * 4 #Ri flHi RMRHIMMI • tHIIR | If|RRH Lm k* #*at *• Maaitvtb# «m*#b4 «4 nSlm Win R*V* p*wh I Lot mrnmt, #• * r ’ i braasssssMl I Rkf #» l<> IR #RIIRI#4L TIMM »«*RM«*"f 9111 tot# to#« »o#Rf«4 to to# Aatowg I** *•« «*• •*• *•** 4”l**f ,4 wMdire* bKM* M-K-* I t#f ttorfritr#, «nR r! fit Hm , r, ## «sf till# f Ilf jßft* M mm*9 m#R4« toil Imm to# fRf # htf Hr# totlfM ir tot U#f* •### ol»|##tlt«flW Clf • fRRMif #.4 MOM 'bat b. —V Md |«o **a«**l »*• *b>»» °f *'• parent* >• | HiKttfif. Ml t##t. Mi to# to#R t #f *T It if ikßYoßt* |s.#«r' #’ti|Hlf #WI9 Lm Mood lb- phyMcal •«a»ia*twa | ##4 fHNRRR W iRMITIf H* R## I tfcf mfiißl (loorflA The-* l# no* a kappler young man ’li g rv Bg’aißlailoß# ui«b b m la ga.o lag bt# ultttary d»Mr*a Mr Burrow* will I*o** Moaday atgti* with Ike other laaßated aw« Tkai b* will atabe rae’* gam a good toidler goaa without «ay- Tk* Bemad Georgia tm baa I JOd niea aad a red# M taore. It la learned., The limit la the number of tarn la I.TTt, coapetei of twelve eompanteai , Tbr »ltr for lb* camp at Huaiavlll* ,I# a haaa'lfal epos. It ta learned Tbr e#! rr* will oernpy a large old colonial mention gear tbr e#mp, COLORED LEADER HERE. Hon. C. M. J. Taylor in the CMy. .showr MtKb Attention. C. H. J Taylor, colored.ex-recenter rs deed#, ex-mlai#trr lo Liberia, ex-envoy leitraordlaary and mlalxter pirn I pot en tiaiy to Baliva I# In the city. He la 'printing the Herald la Atlanta. Hl* 1 paper I# aa excellent weekly and thould receive liberal patron*,%*, eapertally among the colored peußr If It preache# the wladora of 8 editor —-! and of comae it doca—lt will prove an able journal. Taylor I* an able mao. He I* prob*- j blv the only negro who ba* ever been shown the high honor to be accredited bv the United State*, with plenary power* to a foreign white government.' Tbl* po#l In Bolivia was * marked compliment. It meant that the man'* dr*ft was rash- that his word was bond—that no bond wne neceasary for bis conduct Taylor Is a Democrat. No Republi can administration has yet shown au'li con si deration for the brother In Mar.:, The appointment was by Pr-sidottt; Cleveland aud that executive has .itV ! erwise attested to the ability, loyalty! and Integrity of the colored diplomat. SAY HE STOLE A OUITAR. Sam Dempsey Behind Bars at Police Station. Sent Dempsey was today arrested for stealing a guitar from Dr. Carmichael, the druggist. Sam took up with the; musical Instrument ard took It to "Bn - i cle" Paul Davis’, where he pawned It.! Todcy Detectlvca Shpron and Wise ar- 1 rested him. "Daughter" Barr was brought Into! police station at noon on an eighteenth j sertlon charge. Officer Norris made hc ; arrest. | Wise and Sheron brought In Will Morris for a similar offense. AIIOUSTA JUDGESHIP. The Race Will be Most Interesting, ’Tis Said. Macon, On.. Aug. Is.—Hon. R. U Brinson, of Waynesboro, is In the city in the interest of his candidacy for judge of the Augusta circuit court. Hon. W. T. Gary, of Augusta, who Is also in the race for the same position, was here a few days ago shaking hands with the legislative nominees and with other friends. The contest for the Augusta judgeship will be one of the most ihteresting before the next Legislature. Deeds Filed. The following deeds were filed in the clerk's office today: From the Planters Loan and Savings Bank to Root. L. Hunter, a deed for three lots, From R. L. Hunter to C. T. Bund & Co., several lots for the considera tion of *3OO. Equitable Building and Loan Asso ciation to Planters Loan and Savings Bank, lot of land lying West of Cha fee avenue, consideration SI,OOO. | Mr. and Mrs. Oecfl (loehrane have re turned from New York. ‘ ~£. AUGUSTA DOTS WANT TO GO &Mfc* ■ |to ry I# • tNoOMMi I IhH ftot -*Wf Hr 111 INHi | lißß* k tor*** *• *•»** • t*R#! rr4 * rw# to« 4 tf«r>s| lto vh >Of ton Rre-Rto to liftltf# t»# ttoritl fit tor (lift rHNMMM* voftll ilto •*» to* o» Ms mi Rf# to to |. Only •## RHMft to torli wapwjf to ftllOVfd pUJNtI trfß Uw RfOßldft 4&Y. This g*.RR nttor ton n tto m#R. #bo to## ton it tto to bit of fto* i itlßf oor dty «i|M ao4 mtifb r j«pl#‘ntiif it trnrd. But ttoi It tto ortor nod tt nod to otoyed. H#Ymty*tßf> gttarU of# now ititioo* jf4 itfftftod tto id dotil*l# thi* Dtuntor dwrluf III# fitßbt. Tbl ft »ito It ftftit to »« impDß •lhllity for oa* to nia the llaee. Tb* men. kowMrer, are maklag tk* beet of tbl#. aad always spend their Idle mo ment# la learning tactic* la their com- I p*ay street. Tuesday aft-rauoa the entire regl ; men! went on a long march. They were beaded by Col. Candler aad staff and mnrrbed to Rxpgrlatenl and back. The men atood Ihe trip well and t« snxlou# for another. Capt. Kotsbora ba# been la camp several day# from Savannah, aad with his full company will be mustered la tomorrow roornlag. Capt Gilbert ha# a company of well selected men. all of line specimen and well drilled. The regiments! hand Is nl»w furnish ing the music for the reg’ment. and I* doing remarkably well for a new or gan Ixat lon. 16,015 SCHOLARS. In Schools of Richmond County Ac cording to Census 1015. Thai I# the number of children re ceiving a school education In Rich mond county; the census returns show the above figures. Superintendent Evans, of the Hoard of Education, has received reports of all the district# and wards of the county and city, and ha# the complete returns compiled, which he kindly showed to The Herald today. A review of the fig ure# will lie Interesting. In the elty the census gives 12,745 children in the public schools. This comprises the white schorls and four colored ones. The schools arc divided by watds as follows; First Ward—One white, one colored. Second Ward—Three white, one col ored . Third Ward—No white, no colored. Fourth Ward—Fout white, one color ed. Fifth Ward—Two white, one colored. The Increase in scholars In the last four years has been large, the figures being 15,337. The number of schools outside of the city are as follows: District 119 —Two white, two colored. District—l2l—Ten white, five colored. District 123—Three white, live colored. District 124—Seven white, five colored. District 1269—Three white, one color ed. Summerville—One white, one colored. Hephsibah—One white, four colored. The total schools in the city is 19 and county, 48. The number of scholars In the schools are: City 12.745 Country 4.170 In Summerville, there are 741 chil dren attending schools and in Heph zibah ISO. The comparison of the 1594 and the IS9B census is shown by the following figures: 1894 census: City 12.371 Country 4,320 It will be seen that there is on in crease in the city school population anil n decrease in the country. The general increase! i>. therefore, due to the city schools. , The Fifth Illinois may at least claim to have won extraordinary distinction in the war because ojfijbeing the regi ment that had tho haii»st luck of them aU- • s»-r CONDITIONS OF THE MARKETS. Kfcrtl tKrtMff* t# jMMffi ti Lfeg la#4sß4l Rftftftt fftiafttffeji I## 1 m Rfc ftkftfto Rftooffc • . HRRMi Rliy A#* Rife * f IRflpftßl IRIIHR #«m£ ntrt lift* ItoßtoMl to* j JUH«* ~ M ## •# •* •• •• —— Aucuß •• •• •• •• •• •• 8* ui 1 "" NEW TOKK STOCK*. 'n U. T **** M* trup*»litan j , .. ** * MM4 I !Aa M H. •* C. B. Q> •• •• •• •••*•* Alft% : (fftf «• a# •••• A® 3 j. c * 1 Louisville A Ntfthvlli# .. 17% ] ! Manhattan **•** "«>V4 ' Rubber •••• jRi ck laland .. .. T. .■ W l";.‘v 1 tlnton Baelßc 2»% *<K j B. <l. .. .. 2® I**4 Bt. Haul IK* l * »«»*l S It Q 24% 34% I Western t’nl'iQ *s'. o*4l LIVERPOOL COTTON. January and February 3.1# H 3.19 11 February an!l March .. 3.1# II 3.1# March and April . i ll 12 3-H 12 1 April and May 1-H *-'2 13 May and June 3.13 3.1 S July and Aug 3.16 3.1# Aug. and Sept 3.14 15 3 14 15 Sept, and Oct 3.12 13 3.1 Sl3 Oct. and Nov 3.10 11 S.U Nov. anil Per, *. .. 3.10 11 .I.l# 11 Dec. and Jan 3.10 It 3.10 11 Augusta CottOM #■•# >, •• ADOCSTA COTTON. Middling in Augusta today ~ .. .. *c. Sales In Augusta today 2 Receipt# in Augusta today • Rerlpts in Augusta to date .... 376382 Stock on hand In Augusta .... 3264 FORT RECEIPTS. 1895 1897 189 A Galveston I#* B*s.' ~j ‘ New Orleans .. .. 35 1-32 87 j Mobtle • 1 5 Savannah 273 ■ Charleston ® T® ~ Norfclk 37 1 276 I Philadelphia .. .. 4* '—- Boston 137 8 ‘ MARSHALL HOPES TO SETTLE He Will Hake No Statement in Reply to Charges Against Him. A. A. Marshall will be tried In the city court In Savannah tomorrow on charges of cheating and swindling a number of Savannahians by giving •them worthless checks. When seen at itho jail yesterday in Savannah Mar ! shall made no statement, either as to his guilt or Innocence, j He stated, however, that he thought the matter would be settled up. He j evidently thinks he has been done an injusttce by those who are prosecuting him, but feels sure he will soon be out from the trouble. His family is now residing in he vt ctnity of Isle of Hope, and probably know nothing of the trouble into which he has fallen. Marriage. Friends in the city have been appris ed of the marriage of Mrs. I.illtc Levy Barnett to Mr. D. G. May. of A.lanta. The marriage was very quietly celebra ted at Austell Lithia Springs, where Mrs. Barnett was summering, cn Sat urday. Mrs. May has for some time made Atlanta her home, hut Is a former Au gustan. Mr. May is a prominent and wealthy Atlpntlan. When a man has learned about one third of the facts in a case he guesses at the rest. RAIN STOPPERS. UuA||r> **• R*M** A ytG wMlwf quar.l > of Nar*«j rradr t % ami U>ii>jrt»i no*# ok *St tH 4 hr i *r4 Pw * *5 pff RUL P.kfffV HmnmH lo b# ■m*j| (9 ftft fVv ff worth rt dixd ffinff ladi rt tftfm. : S "toHijri. are the roulk i’" I *4 lm tfca UM *4 Ik* Fali>« Haa *• 9mf «f ik* a all** ? if iiTiur'l **t l*r«rh' I m a* cowl *• *• pf'ihiNiiMi? I "Tto vktWi# of <to d#|>o>. toftftift h« 4df|4*4ir'#T » f*»F III# Tcft'O * ’pi ■w.mi pr\**UM in town. »u*l tto roß | ißrcfr tun of tirarwoft traiM. r# , !uiiidi murh a t#nt!oo from tto potk#- j .# h#‘Ol h JYfVff !«HH to Rlto lo met oo IsfonMtM (tor ] anm> »‘<l p#ftiil3®tß BRftt wiftii to ii'" **Orifttilr tto trrw(ft eonvJc- > IvrftLitollMl niskinn hf llntA-tor *bow I it# police arc duiftft (h#Hr dui*. and "Wh?rf Ar# tto Mi»r mm? •««* ! _ , itaf*f n unriilcd for cfitiflftflß- I Mr Cart#r will heir oc# out lo wytMl that tto police ar# rigiliot. If# Hy#s| inn tto block. H# aald to m# th t i moioloff that th# |K»lir# are v aliant land icUft" CAMP THOMA 3. VI hat la (I ilng on Among th« Soldier# There rtsMcemaaga, Aug. I*.— The First I Varment is expected to break ramp and ! : r »vc tor Fort Ethan Allen. VL. to morrow. The mm have about caiu-j |let*d arrangement# #nd all baggage is ..’ taid the car*. The alck of the r»g --| Intent, forty-one In all. are en ronio home. Col. Mitnm#. who has been #tck for »cme lime, ha* to far recovered a# to he able to reassume command. The sick soldiers of the Pennsylva nia regiments are to be sent heme *o oowt* Maj. Frederick R. Bostwlek, of the {staff of the paymaster genera’, arrives 'todne from Atlanta, where he has been I str,Honed #om? time. He come# to ae- Uist in the work of paying off the dU- I charged enlisted men and officers on the detached service. A. J. Welch, chief clerk of the rail ! W ay mall service, of this division, has ; been ordered to l-exington. Ky., lo ar ! range to furnish mall facilities to the i soldiers encamped there. THE OUTRAUE. Inquiry Into the Act of the Soldiers There. San Ftanciaco, Aug. 18.-The investi- 1 gation by Gen. Miller in the case of of Thomas, the negro who was assault ed ar.d whose home was partly demol ished by the Tennessee volunteers Monday morning is progressing. The freedom of passing in and out of the lines is etll. greatly curtailed to the legimar.t involved in the affair, and an extra guard of patrols are on ili grounds and the streets adjacent. The regiment will at Its own expense re pair the damage done to ThomaV liOtl&C. HAVANA HARBOR. The New York W ill Carry the Com missioners There. New York, Aug. 18.--- A special to the Herald fropa Washington, says Sampson’s flagship, the New York, vv.ii be the first American warship to enter I the harbor of Havana since war was ! declared. She will carry the members [cf the military commission appointed by the President to proceed to Havana with a similar commission appoint ed by Spain, to arrange the details of the evacuation by the Spanish forces. AUGUST 19 » *CLTKH 5 EDITOQ. A 860* Mil M M*Bk«wk M tk* ***» imJ W**Ht*f. 1 'T'b# yPftk.j|>Rf# p*<4 > toft nt j ha*. * Ti# *#*- H#r»l4 I rtolH to RjhMfttljf R J»FB** r I RR4 UKtoM ' lifto" to 9 to ft jHWftl nt fr»*ft? raml lit# ,#Rr#«k Alt (pKNftr (to fwNMMff IM to* tot tfti|ft4ft>#l IM Mi m ** ftrrt to' Ml (toft (If II toft (MM Iftkit fool Ktff» m bf Nr**, ll to*|iA * m***l n» d «ii*- U*i4 to mf# tfftP* ok-* m bttlfr (tom tto rovi ni Util# ftowi I 4ftffc4 (ftltb m - *fi)#r(MMft ]««l •&<« aftlbirA formerly I** 4 4«t; fiMt fmrdtL WHb «od4 I ftfftt’ Hi fraftt. chi fttoto {bjf ftr#)! C'Tiyftftft Atld Wfl 1 k#»t bTftMHL i in aoc too nirro* i ursp of turf, JUtt# m rijMIUN* b UhfUPNI, •ttt mu <S#ff«S( jitodu* #4, tb 411# M r#ftUr m mmVm itoit ; lit ft' 100. met Hr. ###u m<i:#rt«* Tto rumorut of tto f< im |r. *iu(» m i ft#ftbofl? f## njp aud j crtylitortjr lst#r#ftt, und tvltft m droit !!♦ r#f»drr#d mit profKT">* toeomus [n mskumM* und pr **#• so up. A itmt . without f#necu und u *tr##t with fnnruu . i. r# roßtriTftl bf irirf {Nihir-bf an I j tb# rerdki (a ulvijfi lo furrr of (ft# I fortrer. Tolnmhiu und Augtdt# rn *ht Ktioftt this plan of improrraftent #r **ut* Ij to thrir #(*• An for Auvuo» nuh It s :!l r.##du f#n #t. »-f rounu, to j Kr<r Itu rou t uni pig* from wundrrloc •in th# »!r#ct* in tto daytfm# und fmou Hrt' lftg off to tto nrifhborinf mou- COTTON OROWERS. latrrest In the M;etlag Held at Nashville. The Natlcaal Cotfca Grower*' As#o l iatica. which had It* animal meeting 1a Memphis co Tuesday, ha* format)/ adopted, aa reported, a new policy for the rc*trlct!oo of cotton product.on, and one that premier* more *ati*fac tcry result* in every way than any heretofore tried. The epeoker* at the meeting. It is noted, "favored above a:, other thing*, | tbe v versification of crops.’’ Rcdac ! tion of acreage by genera! agreement, * which ha# been the direct object of the j rssoeiation tn past year#, was discard ed a* Impracticable, and the desired result will be sought to be effected by I indirect means. •‘Reduction of acre* |:ige," It w#s argued, “will naturally fol low dlv 'relfleatlon. end every effort la | to be directed, therefore, to promoting j diversification. Fnder the new order cf thing*, It I# presumed, the EtAoela- I Ucn will become "an active working j bofly." All agreed that “meetings 'where resolutions ar? passed meant lit tle of practical soed,” and It wan de rided to "reach ar.d educate the small farmers by the distribution of litera ture. and the formation of a society similar to the Grange and the Alliance, i hut to ke'>p it absolutely free frrm pol iltie#. which was the rock on which th* other organizations foundered.” Meeting Postponed. A meeting of the Y. M. C. A. mana gers was ret for this afternoon to ar range matters pertaining to the bus- I inces college auxiliary of th- 1 Associa tion, but os one of tbe parties is out of the city, the meeting has been post poned until tomorrow afternoon. Lost a Watch ? Tbe police have an open face silver | watch awaiting identification. Herbert Spehccr is busy in his i Brighton home in revising those of his 1 books which need to be squared with the knowledge of today. He is now a feeble old man and has been obliged to decline all correspondence save that of immediate personal concern. Ha can work only a short time each day.. There is said to be a steady demand for his books. I - - - j TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION SITFATION WANTED BY A WHITBJ man. Willing to work. Address W, 11948 Hicks street. Aug 19 ! WANTED—A FIRST CLASS LOCO MOTIVE and stationary engineer, itemporarrily out or employment, show \ ing tbe very best c,f references, is in need of work. A letter addressed - En gineer." Herald office, will reach him. Aug 20