The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 19, 1898, Image 3

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FRIDAY IN A SOCIAL WAY JL / *iy'4P6V **- A Hr>M*>« m$ l•<•. Ho irl*» ft r*» k* W N> - *»• Ik# HgW rs th* «*M># » • MtH* ||4 • •#v of |V4I 111 ft# §t m% Ilf 1 ipo tit *1 - otmu t%#i Oft rllopNl A»4 10# t«plll «l tfc* twM lot A ifvMirt rs On for »» toOf Mi rrl iff iMit tOIP #||it III# I#n4^f Ollofl IM n>fl C*iilpltw>wltl r s Mtaa Almn I’ L*d3, of ho#**** »n*l lilt rtrnloi her effort* at Ml** IVl.eo*, who la • young vontai rieual t graceful tti&Btrt- »B* young . people voted the evening the moat da- 1 lightful they hava «p« nt ibl* *ummer Among Mr* t’ohens guest* »eta: Mi** Anna DttsMß. Miaa Sadie Cranston. Ml** Mrttte d'Antignar. Mu* Ethel Davidson. Ml** Marjorie Rest,. Mias Sarah Tj*m»r, MU* Annie R»ah, MUa liana Ferrla*. Mlea Maude BiteU. I MU* K'“*nor Doughty. M** Myra Reah. MU* Anna Bella Sibley, Ml** Annie Kerri**. Mr. R Ktdgelay. Mr. J. Doughty. Mr W. lurry. Mr. B. L. Dun bar. Mr. W. Miller. Mr. R Karri**. Mr. B. Phial*?. Mr. M. Stovall, Mr. W. WalVer. Mr. K. Wall are. Mr. B. Trane. 1 Mr 0. R*ld. Mr. C White. Mr. R. Co- j hen. Mr. C. Clark. Mr. E. Miller, Mr. j E Sledge. Mr. and Mr*. Cecil Cochran here re- 1 turned from New York, where Mr Cochran Joined Mr*. Cot bran after tala j return from Liverpool. Rather Hard on It - Bishop. Mr*. Proud.e, the wife of the bishop of Copemlnater. In England, doe* ad | mirahle work by going among poor j pecpl? and talking to them out of her I own experience* and giving them j wholesome advice. Sbc did *0 the oth er day ai Mudbury, near Copeminmer. N*xt day the rector’* daughter at | Mt-dbur? said to one of the audience of ti*e previous evening; "Well, Mrs Toddle, what d:d you think of Mrs. Prctidie’s address?” “Oh. it was very good—vrry good; but you wt she only went half way." "Whatever do you mean. Mrs. Tod <'*?’’ tald the young lady. "Well. Miss, she didn’t tell us what she does when Mr. Proudle comes home Intoxicated. We should like a little •dvc in that Ve point.” Mr. Harris Lynch, a prominent so ciety man of Charleston, U the guest of hfs uncle, Capl. John Jones. The Summer Widow. The summer widow doee not mourn In unbecoming or uncomfortable gar ments of woe. Perhaps her most co goetish article of diess is her veil, fur nished us usual v/ith a demure white ruff, according to tradition, but defying eld time customs In its texture. Crepe and min’s veiling have b*en the only fabrics considered suitable for a wid ow’s veil r-p to'the present time, but grenadine and silk fish net like that j used for “lace” dresses are seen this | Do You Want to Save Money v_ if SO—— x Buy Your GROCERIES of Wicker & Pilcher. Arbuckle’s Coffee 1 O cents. 1 5 Cakes “Harris” Soap for 25 cents. 8 Cakes Circus Soap for 25 cents. Choice Country Butter 20 cents. Fox River Butter 25 cents. Best Java and Mocha Coffee 25 cents. Good Second Patent Fiour 35c sack, $2.75 barrel. Best Second Patent Flour 45c sack, $3.50 barrel. Good First Patent Flour 65c sack, $5.00 barrel. Our stock is complete and Prices Much Lower than others. Wicker & Pilclier, ffreclcers ofHigli Prices 954 BROAD STREET. Strowger ’Phone 199 - - - - Bell ’Phone 171 I I i yn ni"t *4 0999 m §*♦* m 1 MNif m «*# *•#•* **• **+ j I #f o*o99#** If *'•* •** I #l' ** ## w**4 #'»"** T ‘9 “ *#* f - ffwfc# w - I 999400 Ml • H*# #** IP®*r H-««* !*»»*• W*** 9$ HMML I I• 1 Imp* pv HtP' i*4 w | V »>—# . ! t liM»#*'ff||#PP 990 ni# PiMPP, QgwfwgKal tamp* A Woman'* Influence To Mr*. Them** Hardy. If all re ! porta be true, the world ewes ber bua — - . at-., novel In her own hand. pjkt\ pf nt it to tbs publisher!, *nd fk9 . «. - 0 ( ti#r pork to ki*#p potml on the lit#r»tur# of th* day. In 'knowledge at ber borbind'i j Mita Rr.rah Harper will leave In Sep lumber for College Park, near Atlanta. A Demand for a Waistcoat. At Slrathfleldnaye there are (or k llamna A on sfttrV Iff fnlfi if th# I bike of Wellington that yeara ago the drat llama- brought there were ahe to and a waiatroat made for the | duke, hot a late front MM In. and they hnd to make flannel waistcoat* for the llama* Instead of tuelr own wool. Ml** Mattie d'Antlgnar ha* returned from a visit to friend* In Grovetown. The Hobson Kiss. ! “Now,” said the satirical man. “I suppose some crank is going to inter view Miss Arnrld to ask how It feels to, he kissed by Hobson. By the way, I ivondcr if she kissed Hobson or if Hobson kissed her?" Mr. Ernest North has gone to Hot Springs. Children’s Party. Master Eddie Danforth will celebrate hie fourth birthday with a children's party, tomorrow, Saturday, afternoon. Mr. Gould is at Tyhee. Luncheon. Miss Emmie Jenkins entertained a few friends Informally at luncheon yes terday. Say, you with an appetite ? Raise the blockade- Eat at the Ellis Restaurant. Before purchasing a pistol or gun, call on me, I can save you money. Bow ls J. gchaul, Pawnbroker on Jackson 6treet, established 1890. VERDICT WON FOR $5,200 lilt. Mffaaiif t iligmkt t **** I AtftKrt ill t*«*t*tt A »*•«* ImaffßM tags* *«Mww •*?*«#• turn MaaMti ±to%W9om%oooS99> mt !w# fcwWwg The malntid'i * • itkn. - . *i» n? if held th# (he dec***#*! "kirkMl" a&d that ’.he COHing rlf rlflli’ had d<» chan?** to avoid th# Injury* tl at the killing was due to negligence <*f iftte servants and agent* of the com* Mn( , in fniif#voriiif to rottple cars by ‘’kicking." by “kicking" car* at a high cut no'‘re to the deceased, that proper K;(aavrald at she time of his.death was „ . _ . rarcivt'ur ff4o a month 'n wares For the charged , ,_ K .l, death th* plaint 'IT allege* she tv a* damaged In *15.000. Come* so Trial. The case came to trial at Monroe Wednesday and closed yesterday af j ternoon. the plaintiff being awarded damages in *5.300. Ilm tinrrv D. Mc- Daniel waa aasorlatec! with Hon. Bry an Gumming, for the road, and W. 8. t'pshaw. a* local counsel, was aaeor’.a- 1 ted with Judge Roney. it wax al* gal battle rur'al. every point being stubbornly ecmexted. Tbe plaintiff s' attorney* won a signal victory. Judge Honey auitalnrd h e porltlnn splendiil ' ly in fact of the arguments of two of the leading lawyer* of Georgia. Thmej was much Interest In the hearing throughout and while the proven ahlll- 1 : ty of all the counael was altered. the ( success of Judge Roney was highly | complimented. Dr. J f- Terry, of Trimble. Tcnn., In speaking of Chamberlain’s Colic, Choi- j ,era and Diarrhoea Remedy, says: “It ihas almost become a necessity in this ' vicinity.” This is the best remedy In I the world for colic, cholera mot bus. i dysentery and diarrhoea, and Is rer ognlsed as a necessity wherever Its 'great worth and merit become known 1 No other rennrdy Is so prompt or I'tTcc | tual. or so pleasant to take. Sold by Alexander Drug and Seed Co., C. R. Parr of Bell Tower Drug Store. AURICULTURAi. CLUB Of Richmond County Holds Meeting Tomorrow. The Richmond County Agricultural Club will bold their monthly meeting at their club house tomorrow neon. Ma jor Harry of Beech Island I will deliver an address on Agricultural Education In Rural Schools. At each Inf Iheec meetings some speaker makes an adt’.ress on some agricultural sub ject. This is the best time of the season to spend a day on Tybee. Round trip, via Central of Georgia, $ 1.50. IHPORTANT MEETING of Pacpoose Tribe of Red Men To night An important meeting of Pappooae j Tribe c-f Red Men will he held In their hall at Wes- End tonight. The meet-) ing is called for 8:30. Only Klci-1 bred and burglar proof cases used. Muncy loaned on anything of value at a low rat-* of Interest. Wa- ; terbury alarm clocks. 75 cents. Lewis J. Sc haul. Reliable Pawnbroker. The King Grabber. That Philippine grabbing programme is causing politicians to weaken on the peace commission. The President should put Mark Hanna on It. What he would not take nobody else would have. —Louisville Dispatch. Eat at the ELLIS RESTAURANT *r» JU AT3OT3STA MURCHISON CRINGES HRNOS Tit Hu #t M»tiMt ain if off *ll*4 j H AftffMM iffflffft). fttia H##* I mnmnl tojr Ik* *■*«#• . ' ImnNO (V •*## M 4 Pa***-’ | ' tiki Ik# w kffilalrp » f fk# (\«*k **4 j Miv#f fr*Plr pklia t*p a# fall appmarpa* aiwrk roMaa k#ia* | will a# a air it* pf%# apf'Vaw cv* YOUR CHANCE To buy a cotlaga of 4 rooms, with stor* room, stoclf of goods. Rood trad * fsUbllihsd, Lot 50x200 feot. Good barn A stablas. In North Augusta. Terms easy. Apply quick to LEONARD F. FERDERY. Real Estate Agent. LECTURE AI THE HILAIRE. A >plcn id IHr vary Treat In More For Augustan* j Al the reqtiea: of many, those In i j charge «f the anangementa of the ler jiure which was to have l». n given „n IHunday night ai the Sacred Heart j church by llev. Father <le la Monlere. have de, tdr.l to iMwtpone ll until Thurs •tay night, when ll will he given at the , theatre Inelend. Tht* change ewlll Is* I very grallfylng to the public, for a igr>-ai many woubt have d-suldles* Isen ih-harred from attending, owing to th* madrrjuat* seating rapacity of the church. That a large audience will greet the I Reverend Father goes without saying, for all who rem-mlier his former lec ture here will be delighted lo again ißnet him. j Father de la Mcnl -re will lecture on I Southern Chivalry. This lecture has ) practically the same foundalhtn as Christian Chivalry, which h- delivered her# with aurh flne effect six year* ago. . jit ha*, however. I ecn revlar-d and Im proved unlll very little of the original matter la left, and haa been delivered iin nearly every Southern city with great eclat ft cannot fail to awatu-n the enthusiasm and patriotism in the .heart* cf all Southerner*, for It deala | extensively With the South’* late strug gle, and glowing tribute* are paid to Jackson and Other leader* of the • laiya In grey,” which are calculated to tnaplre In the heart* of hi* h"ur-'r* a deathless love for the Lost Cause., |*nd a strong desire to emulate the no- . ble example* of these heroe*. Father de la Monlere I* by birth a i j Want Indian.hut ha* lived In the South-j |,rn state* since childhood. At present |he ha* charge of Soring Hill college In Mobile. He I* a strikingly handsome man and a man of great personal mag ! net Ism. Hl* voice is full, round and vl j brant, and ho Is In every way nuallffed lo add lustre to the lecture platform. The lecture will be delivered for the benefit of the Sacred Heart church fund and will begin promptly at 8:30 o’clock. Price of ticket*. 50 cents. $1.50 to Tybee and re turn every Sunday via Central of Georgia. Bath intr now is best of the sea son. CARD FROn DR. WHITE. It Has Bearing on the Flag Presented Yesterday. Augusta. Ga.. Aug. 10. ISOS. To the Editor of the Augusta Herald— Sir: It affords me great pleasure to acknowledge, In behalf of the enmrnll jt c of colored citizens, of which I am ihalrmsn. the hearty, cordial and libe ral response made by the people of Au gusta to our request for contrlbullons to purchase a flag for the tenth regi ment of United State* volunteers nmv at Camp Dyer In our city. While the money contributed was mostly given by our colored citizens, yet I am glad to testify that as far os we requested contribution* from white citizen* they gladly and liberally re spond"'! . We feel greatly lndebt“d to the dallies of Augusta for valuable assistance ten dered us. T take this occasion. In behalf of my vdf and also in behalf of our committee to extend heartfelt thanks to all who contributed toward tlm purchase of the handsome flag “■■htoh has been present ed to this regiment. T arn, yours rc snectfully. WM. J. WHITE. Chairman 1 Citizens Humrotttee. Perils of the Filipinos. In our care fpr the interests of the trusting Filipino's we should guard j them both from" returning under the ; yoke of Spanish oppression and coming under the sway of the American boss. | —Pittsburg Dispatch. | Excellent Opportunities To Beautify Your homes With Useful and Handsome Articles! _ READ THE FOLLOWING . • ... Tit Rits & O’Ciir’s Crtll Cticilt... t f a.* i*s |n»|> |m#i*|iff r <»#>? -Hf- Isl Itl# T »i >4® f V4NI Mill# III! *<**f II ‘* y * t H *9 fMM«t *4 >M«i# T*ll# •''% m (ifkl truieifci #f I###! I—Ufft If ••#! tA Ik* I*»w*f*v| -"tw* **•»»♦,! M »*••• Wk*W II •• *WWVWIMI OwV •*• **•»* WMI »IW»nri ! *WWl«l» lew *•* i . , enaM* | n t,*w< wwv »« >no Mniwffy Til* g*,"4**' va»«r»iw*»i *1 '»<'*» , p»w»« .*> ■*•** ® rkliffinAH . . , , f. * *•«■*# wf frmm H '# ks **•* *ai -*a*V *#!»**• >srfwA**aA kwi. 1. 01 IS \s\6 2d 20T20i L, CREDIT CERTIFICATE]» U 3 ssls WfcfH ftw pvrtbut H®, f It. #lO. #• Hf ##J*k cl ~ -'ll nurcbtff#u« tot c%tK oo »u»rt.Hl«r of ihii *-*'»»* u) r| * i ticite, you will itctlvt f»e% cboke #1 i#y of tht **! j titidei namt# htxfctk it _° itii RICE & O'CONNOR SHOE CO. !”0 mm -tj J L«4to| Hh Ml Nm lana '.Blwri-vf* ®* O K\- »• “g . U»—4 «•■... ■■ ■■ —•« « - . O dvmwn»w »y..— «-—»»-»» g 1 (MB tn iva. r.l -Its -n« rsrrk... w»an B^kta* la 7 .mm, riU ** *««»«• M O 0 5 % *r- t’\m t«4 Cl##ll «Ilk •1# I *•» •*!»•# W 9990 UJ I I Utomf CW! tntk. II 9*** *9**w • 999*9009 rZT. ZZ -its . H n "ZZ S ~ l.»rg* UM K» •* #» » " JtmS ' 50 soTFOTTBOTTooTi oOnoorioo i sojrEb 200 2UO 1 * "* " """• * * - """"* ■ - i fr ■■ miirifo ihit tff iiflng gtvffi iitiy by ill# 9tf€?B Kv#tYi**#ly Ha# Ii# j#t<l «f U#»## t*#«uilfwl. , nvnSNPlt KIIDE n'MI'ANY. Maßr «‘l «“f B* r , rnww ~ „ n .. r |._,k ,| th* article*, look ■ round n ':^t r ,?«‘d'i** 1 ZirSftoZ, her* W. wa.-nnt vuw l. have a .stifle,a. too. brfovu r«i THE RICE & O’CONNOR SHOE CO. LEADING SHOE AND HAT DEALERS. 8c 4 BROAD STREET _JWO STORLS 722 BROAD STREET STORWI THE WEATHER. It WM Ho Fair Tonight and To morrow. Augusta. Ga.. Aug. I*. 189* —Office located iu the t'nlu-d State* ment building, telephone N. 1572. Forecast for 34 bout*, ending 8 p. tn.. Aug. 20. 1898: Washington forecast for South Car olina -Threatening weather and ratn tonight and Saturday. Washington forecast for Georgia Fair tonight and Saturday, preceded by showers In southeast portion. Loral forecast for Augusta and vi cinity Fair tonight and Saturday. Maximum temperature 87. The river al 8 a. m. was 11.8 feet, a rise of 2.2 feet In the past 24 hours. Rain fell In eery district of the cotton belt during the past twenty-four, ex cept Charleston with heavy locaKfalls 'ln Atlanta and Memphis districts; Vain Kepi B? ALL pm C fi RoEtlls “Bring it in, Porter. That Brand Flour is ex actly what we want. We are tired using corn flour and corn starch mixtures. Berry’s Grand Duke is Pure Wheat Flour, Guaranteed.” also occurred In all atatea north and] t a#t of th# Ohio river. In Mlnneioia j 'and eastern Missouri. ] Temperatures have changed slightly • verywhere, except In North Dakota.' where a rise of 11 degree* occurred with ; ; coolest weather. 54 degrees, reported from the upper Mississippi valley. Cloudy weather extends this morning along the roaat from Havannah to Key West, with rtear to partly cloudy wea ther prevailing over the rest of th" iSouth. The barometer I* highest over the up iper south Atlantic stat. * and lowest in ithe northwest country. The pressure Is 'also high over the upper Mississippi valley and low In the middle /.ep-.Tit'c atatea. Big Pargaln. Mr. Is>onard F. Verdery offers nn ex-j ©optional bargain In North Augusta re al estate. Read his card elsewhere In j | The Herald. I AUGUST I! FELL FROM A TRAIN. Accent to Hr*. A. B. Boutet Laat Afternoon. While alighting from an August* Southern train at th- corner of Wash ington and Telfair afreet laat afternoon about 6 o’clork, Mr*. A. B. Boutet fell and Injured her hip. Mrs. Rattey, wife of Dr. Battey. who Uvea near, came out to her aaalatance. hut found ahe too badly hurt to lie convoyed into the house. I)r. T. It. Wright happened to he passing by, fortunntely, and sent to the hospital for a stretcher, on which Mr#. Itoutef was conveyed to her home. Dr. Hatley was absent from home at the time. Mrs. Boutet, II seema, .iirtevopted to alight while the train was In motion. The Miaaes Conway have returned J from Hillman.